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fermented beverages of pre- and proto-historic china.chemical analyses of ancient organics absorbed into pottery jars from the early neolithic village of jiahu in henan province in china have revealed that a mixed fermented beverage of rice, honey, and fruit (hawthorn fruit and/or grape) was being produced as early as the seventh millennium before christ (b.c.). this prehistoric drink paved the way for unique cereal beverages of the proto-historic second millennium b.c., remarkably preserved as liquids inside sealed bronze vessels of the shang and ...200415590771
uptake of toxic heavy metals by rice (oryza sativa l.) cultivated in the agricultural soil near zhengzhou city, people's republic of china.higher accumulation of toxic heavy metals in rice grown in agricultural soil may lead to health disorder. a field experiment was carried out to investigate uptake and translocation of cd, cr, pb, as, and hg by different parts of rice plant in various irrigation regions. the results showed the rice grain contained significantly lower amounts of five metals than straw and root in all sampling sites. rice root accumulated cd, as, and hg from the paddy soil. moreover, the rice plant transported as v ...200717639323
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