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the epidemiology of schistosomiasis in the vicinity of lake sibaya, with a note on other areas of tongaland (natal, south africa).the epidemiology of human and bovine schistosomiasis in the lake sibaya area of tongaland, south africa, an undeveloped rural environment, is discussed. the mean prevalence of schistosoma haematobium infection is 72%, but s. mansoni is absent; possible reasons for this are given and the different types of water habitat are shown to play different roles in transmission. fear of crocodiles and hippopotami is important because villagers are compelled to use for domestic purposes, the smaller, shall ...1979539856
schistosoma mansoni in migrants entering south africa from moçambique--a threat to public health in north-eastern kwazulu-natal?to identify possible public health consequences of schistosoma mansoni infections in migrants entering north-eastern kwazulu-natal and mpumalanga and northern province from southern moçambique.19968693370
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