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observations on baiji (lipotes vexillifer) and finless porpoise (neophocaena asiaeorientalis) in the lower reaches of the chang jiang.lipotes usually occurs in pairs or in small loose groups. the calves are born in march-april. the finless porpoises are usually seen in groups of five or six individuals. the blow of lipotes lasts 0.2-0.6 sec and that of neophocaena 0.2-0.5 sec. in lipotes, a short dive would take 10-20 sec and a long dive up to 1-2 min (average value being 31 sec). in neophocaena a long dive would reach a maximum of 65 sec with an average of 17.5 sec. lipotes has a pair of functional eyes. the selective seconda ...19807414316
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