
PMID(sorted ascending)
ectoparasitic species of the genus trichodina (ciliophora: peritrichida) parasitising british freshwater species of the genus trichodina ehrenberg, 1838 were identified during a sampling programme of twenty freshwater fish species from approximately sixty sites in scotland, england and wales. species found include: trichodina acuta lom, 1961 from cyprinus carpio l., carassius auratus l., oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum), salmo trutta l. and phoxinus phoxinus l.; trichodina domerguei wallengren, 1897 from gasterosteus aculeatus l.; trichodina tenuidens faure-fremiet, 1944 from gasterosteus aculea ...19989805782
isolation of a cyprinid herpesvirus 2 from goldfish, carassius auratus (l.), in the uk.haematopoietic necrosis virus [cyprinid herpesvirus 2 (cyhv-2)] was isolated during disease outbreaks in goldfish, carassius auratus, at an ornamental fish retail site in southern england in 2004. signs of disease included lethargy and inappetence and were first seen after water temperatures increased from 14-15 to 19-21 degrees c. external gross pathology included pale patches on the gills and skin and internally the spleen was enlarged, often with distinctive white nodules. the most prominent ...200717958608
towards the conservation of crucian carp carassius carassius: understanding the extent and causes of decline within part of its native english range.the extent and causes of crucian carp carassius carassius decline were assessed during an initial study of c. 25 ponds in north norfolk, eastern england, u.k., which was then replicated (a validation study) on another c. 25 ponds in an adjacent area. of these ponds, c. 40 are known to have contained c. carassius during the 1970s-1980s. in the initial and validation studies, c. carassius were found in only 11 of these ponds, yielding declines of 76% (five of 21 ponds) and 68% (six of 19 ponds), r ...201122136242
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