
PMID(sorted ascending)
endemic malaria in four villages in attapeu province, lao pdr.a study was conducted in four villages in attapeu province, lao pdr in 2002 to determine malaria endemicity. the study villages were mixay, beng phoukham, phou vong and pier geo. mass blood surveys were conducted in may, august, and october. finger prick blood was collected for thick and thin blood film as well as for dipstick. the slide positivity rate was highest in phou hom in october (41.7%). plasmodium falciparum was the dominant species comprising more than 80% of the cases. as a whole, th ...200415689064
malaria transmission by anopheles dirus in attapeu province, lao pdr.a study was carried out in four malaria-endemic villages in attapeu province, in the southern region of lao pdr. all-night human landing collections were carried out in may, august, and october 2002, to determine malaria vectors. at the same time, mass blood surveys were also carried out in the same villages. anopheles dirus was the predominant species in three of the study villages. sporozoites were found only in an. drius from phou hom. however, in beng phoukham, an. dirus was positive for ooc ...200415691129
epidemiology of malaria in attapeu province, lao pdr in relation to entomological parameters.surveys were conducted in malaria-endemic villages in the southern province of attapeu, lao pdr during various seasons over a 3-year period. all-night mosquito landing collections, blood surveys and a case-control study were conducted. plasmodium falciparum was the predominant species, and slide positivity rates were higher during the transition/dry season compared with the wet season. anopheles dirus a was found to be the primary vector, and sporozoite rates were highest during the transition/d ...200516112154
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