
PMID(sorted ascending)
a comparison of blood lead levels in bald eagles from two regions on the great plains of north america.the connection between bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) and the consumption of waterfowl, lead shotshell pellet ingestion, and subsequent lead exposure is well documented in the united states and is presumed also to be widespread in canada. we compared blood lead concentrations in samples from bald eagles ranging in age from 0.5- to 1.5-yr-old at galloway bay, saskatchewan, canada (n = 97) during october-november, 1992-95 and hauser lake, montana, usa (n = 81) during october-december, 1990 ...19989813839
long-term effects of a trophic cascade in a large lake ecosystem.introductions or invasions of nonnative organisms can mediate major changes in the trophic structure of aquatic ecosystems. here we document multitrophic level impacts in a spatially extensive system that played out over more than a century. positive interactions among exotic vertebrate and invertebrate predators caused a substantial and abrupt shift in community composition resulting in a trophic cascade that extended to primary producers and to a nonaquatic species, the bald eagle. the opossum ...201121199944
lead poisoning of bald (haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden (aquila chrysaetos) eagles in the u.s. inland pacific northwest region--an 18-year retrospective study: determine risk factors and seasonal trends of lead poisoning in bald (haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden (aquila chrysaetos) eagles, blood lead levels were evaluated in eagles admitted from the inland pacific northwest region of the united states to the raptor rehabilitation program, college of veterinary medicine at washington state university from 1991 to 2008. admissions were from washington (32 bald eagles, 27 golden eagles), northern idaho (21 bald eagles, 25 golden eagles), northeaste ...201021302758
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