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helminths found in marmosets (callithrix penicillata and callithrixjacchus) introduced to the region of occurrence of golden lion tamarins (leontopithecusrosalia) in brazil.the introduction of exotic species can increase the risk of extinction of native species through the introduction of new diseases, predation or resource competition. the marmosets callithrix penicillata and callithrix jacchus and hybrids of these two species have been introduced to privately owned forests in the lowland atlantic forest of the rio de janeiro state in brazil, the region of occurrence of the endangered golden lion tamarin, leontopithecus rosalia. because the ecology and biology of ...201020378249
hybridization effects and genetic diversity of the common and black-tufted marmoset (callithrix jacchus and callithrix penicillata) mitochondrial control region.hybridization is continually documented in primates, but effects of natural and anthropogenic hybridization on biodiversity are still unclear and differentiating between these contexts remains challenging in regards to primate evolution and conservation. here, we examine hybridization effects on the mitochondrial dna (mtdna) control region of callithrix marmosets, which provide a unique glimpse into interspecific mating under distinct anthropogenic and natural conditions. dna was sampled from 40 ...201425186076
natural and anthropogenic hybridization in two species of eastern brazilian marmosets (callithrix jacchus and c. penicillata).animal hybridization is well documented, but evolutionary outcomes and conservation priorities often differ for natural and anthropogenic hybrids. among primates, an order with many endangered species, the two contexts can be hard to disentangle from one another, which carries important conservation implications. callithrix marmosets give us a unique glimpse of genetic hybridization effects under distinct natural and human-induced contexts. here, we use a 44 autosomal microsatellite marker panel ...201526061111
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