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first record of raphidascaris (sprentascaris) hypostomi (petter et cassone, 1984) comb. n. and r. (s.) mahnerti (petter et cassone, 1984) comb. n. (nematoda: anisakidae) from brazil with remarks on the taxonomic status of the genus sprentascaris petter et cassone, 1984. | large numbers of anisakid nematodes identified as raphidascaris (sprentascaris) hypostom (petter et cassone, 1984) were collected from the stomach and intestine of armoured catfishes p leco stomus albopunctatus, p. commersoni, p. derbyi, and ancistrus cirrhosus (all representing new host records) from the three water reservoirs, salto osório, salto santiago and passo fundo, in southern brazil. another closely related species, r. (s.) mahnerti (petter et cassone, 1984), was recorded from the inte ... | 1990 | 2370026 |