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intermediate hosts of schistosoma mansoni in brazil.the brazilian planorbidical chart is slowly but progressively been increased by new data. distribution of vector species of schistosoma mansoni, according to paraense, 1986, may be thus resumed: biomphalaria glabrata--delimited by parallels 13 and 21 degrees s and meridians 39 and 45 degrees w, area of greater dominance (southeast bahia, oriental hal of minas gerais and espírito santo). it is observed along the coast line of the states of sergipe, alagoas, pernambuco, paraiba and rio grande do n ...19921343914
[resistance of biomphalaria peregrina of santa rita do sapucaí, minas gerais, brazil to infection with 3 strains of schistosoma mansoni].the descendants of the planorbid snail biomphalaria peregrina, collected in the region of santa rita do sapucaí, minas gerais, brazil, were exposed to miracidia of three strains of schistosoma mansoni: "le" strain from belo horizonte, state of minas gerais; "sj", strain from são josé dos campos, state of são paulo and "al" strain from state of alagoas. of 300 snails exposed to miracidia of the three strains, none was infected. on the other hand, 300 biomphalaria glabrata of the control groups sh ...19883152277
[schistosomiasis mansoni in two mesoregions of the state of alagoas].in brazil, high levels of schistosomiasis mansoni are linked to the presence of the species biomphalaria glabrata, considered to be the main host of schistosoma mansoni in endemic areas. this work conducted a survey of 40 endemic municipalities in the state of alagoas, aiming at identifying this species and its important role in the maintenance of schistosomiasis. among the municipalities surveyed, 28 lie in the mesoregion of the leste alagoano and 12, in the mesoregion of the agreste alagoano. ...200516082475
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