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varicella-zoster virus epidemiology--a changing scene?chickenpox is a relatively mild disease in healthy children but may be life threatening in immuno-suppressed patents, neonates, and normal adults, especially smokers-for whom the risk of varicella pneumonia is high. the epidemiology of chickenpox appears to be changing: there has been an unexplained upward shift in the age distribution of cases over the last 20 years. this is reflected by increased consultations for chickenpox in general practices and more deaths in england and wales. on the bas ...19968896538
phls overview of communicable diseases 1997: results of a priority setting early 1997, the phls overview of communicable diseases (ovcd) committee carried out a consultation exercise to inform the development of phls priorities in communicable diseases for the years 1997 to 1999. the views of phls senior staff and scientific committees and consultants in communicable disease control in district health authorities were sought by postal questionnaire, and several organisations of health professionals were asked for their views on the initial findings. the main finding ...19989830790
epidemiology of varicella-zoster virus in england and wales.many countries are studying currently the possibility of mass vaccination against varicella. the objective of this study was to provide a complete picture of the pre-vaccine epidemiology of the varicella-zoster virus in england and wales to aid in the design of immunisation programs. population-based data including general practitioner sentinel surveillance, hospitalisation data, and death certificates from england and wales were analysed. the average incidence rates for varicella and zoster bet ...200312627480
varicella vaccination: impact of vaccine efficacy on the epidemiology of 1995, varicella vaccination was introduced into the infant immunization schedule of the united states. currently, many other countries are considering mass varicella vaccination. mass vaccination has two dangers: it could increase the number of varicella cases in adults, where severity is greater, and increase cases of zoster. a deterministic, realistic, age-structured model (ras) was built to study these concerns. model parameter estimates were derived from a review of the literature and sur ...200312627484
seroprevalence of antibody to varicella zoster virus in england and wales in children and young adults.this is the first large-scale study to investigate the seroprevalence of varicella zoster (vzv) in the general population of england and wales. the study focused on those aged 1-20 years, that age group in whom most infections occur. prevalence rose rapidly with age, with 53% of children showing evidence of prior infection by the age of 5 years and most young adults having experienced infection. in addition to using a fixed cut-off recommended by the manufacturer, a mixture modelling technique w ...200415635971
estimating the cost-effectiveness of vaccination against herpes zoster in england and wales.a live-attenuated vaccine against herpes zoster (hz) has been approved for use, on the basis of a large-scale clinical trial that suggests that the vaccine is safe and efficacious. this study uses a markov cohort model to estimate whether routine vaccination of the elderly (60+) would be cost-effective, when compared with other uses of health care resources. vaccine efficacy parameters are estimated by fitting a model to clinical trial data. estimates of qaly losses due to acute hz and post-herp ...200919135492
the effects of school holidays on transmission of varicella zoster virus, england and wales, 1967-2008.changes in children's contact patterns between termtime and school holidays affect the transmission of several respiratory-spread infections. transmission of varicella zoster virus (vzv), the causative agent of chickenpox, has also been linked to the school calendar in several settings, but temporal changes in the proportion of young children attending childcare centres may have influenced this relationship.201424932994
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