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in vitro susceptibilities of bloodstream isolates of candida species to six antifungal agents: results from a population-based active surveillance programme, barcelona, spain, 2002-2003.the antifungal drug susceptibilities of 351 isolates of candida species, obtained through active laboratory-based surveillance in the period january 2002-december 2003, were determined (candida albicans 51%, candida parapsilosis 23%, candida tropicalis 10%, candida glabrata 9%, candida krusei 4%).200415618284
epidemiology and predictors of mortality in cases of candida bloodstream infection: results from population-based surveillance, barcelona, spain, from 2002 to 2003.we conducted population-based surveillance for candida bloodstream infections in spain to determine its incidence, the extent of antifungal resistance, and risk factors for mortality. a case was defined as the first positive blood culture for any candida spp. in a resident of barcelona, from 1 january 2002 to 31 december 2003. we defined early mortality as occurring between days 3 to 7 after candidemia and late mortality as occurring between days 8 to 30. we detected 345 cases of candidemia, for ...200515815004
predictors of candidaemia caused by non-albicans candida species: results of a population-based surveillance in barcelona, spain.although candida albicans (ca) is the most common cause of candida bloodstream infections (bsis), recent studies have observed an increasing percentage of candidaemias caused by non-albicans candida species (nac). in the present study, we attempted to identify the predictors of candidaemia due to nac compared to ca. we analyzed data from an active population-based surveillance in barcelona (spain) from january 2002 to december 2003. factors associated with nac fungaemia were determined by multiv ...201020219079
[changes in the epidemiology of fungaemia and fluconazole susceptibility of blood isolates during the last 10 years in spain: results from the fungemyca study].recent epidemiological surveillance studies have reported an increase in fungaemia caused by non-candida albicans species, as well as a decrease in fluconazole susceptibility.201121376831
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