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[vaccination policy in flanders]. | in the recent past (1997) the flemish authorities have turned the vaccination policy into one of the top priorities of their health policy. following the who-guidelines they have brought forward a health objective anticipating a significant increase of the vaccination rate for a number of infectious diseases by 2002. recent research shows that attention should be paid especially to measles, mumps and rubella (83% vaccination rate at 18-24 months), hepatitis b (74-69%) and type b haemophilus infl ... | 2000 | 11004906 |
vaccination coverage estimates by epi cluster sampling survey of children (18-24 months) in flanders, belgium. | a random cluster sample according to the epi cluster sampling technique was conducted in 1999 in flanders (north belgium) to ascertain the vaccination coverage of 18 to 24-mo-old children. polio is the only mandatory vaccine. diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (dtp), haemophilus influenzae type b (hib), hepatitis b (hb) and measles-mumps-rubella (mmr) are included in the recommended schedule of vaccinations. for hib and hb, a minimal cost was charged. professional interviewers conducted interviews wit ... | 2002 | 12113332 |