
PMID(sorted ascending)
loss of filarial larvae in a natural mosquito population.analysis of log normal parasite densities of wuchereria bancrofti in the mosquito culex pipiens fatigans collected in the suburbs of colombo, sri lanka, has shown a decreasing parasite load with age of infection. the median density of microfilarial intake in the natural population was 10.3, but this had decreased to 2.6 by the infective stage. of the total microfilariae ingested, 51.9% were found in the thorax 12--17 hours after infection of the mosquitoes in the laboratory. further decrease in ...1978367299
a study of the age-composition of natural populations of culex pipiens fatigans wiedemann in relation to the transmission of filariasis due to wuchereria bancrofti (cobbold) in ceylon.filariasis due to wuchereria bancrofti is becoming an increasingly important problem in many countries of southern and south-eastern asia. from 1962 to 1964, a study was made of the vector of this disease, culex pipiens fatigans, in two districts of colombo, ceylon, one with vector control by larviciding and one without. catches were made of the house-resting, biting and ovipositing populations, and the stages of ovarian development, parity and infection were determined by examination of the ext ...19675300045
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