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is burkitt's lymphoma related to perinatal infection by epstein-barr virus?burkitt's lymphoma (b.l.) is very restricted geographically, whereas the epstein-barr virus (e.b.v.), a very likely causal factor, exists all over the world. it is proposed that perinatal infection (either transplacental, or, more probably, neonatal) is an important risk factor for the development of b.l. this hypothesis arose when the epidemiological characteristics of e.b.v. infection were compared in different parts of the world and is supported by the preliminary results of a seroepidemiolog ...197764861
the importance of geographical pathology.three different forms of cancer--the burkitt lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma and skin cancer--are discussed in their relation to geographical distribution, the possible role of viruses, and genetic predisposition. certain general conclusions in regard to cancer follow from these discussions. it is stated firmly that cancer is not a disease but a tissue manifestation which has not only many different presentations but also many different complex causes which consequently will need many differe ...1975168477
nasopharyngeal carcinoma. x. presence of epstein-barr genomes in separated epithelial cells of tumours in patients from singapore, tunisia and kenya. 1975170215
[prospective epidemiologic studies and the nature of the association between epstein-barr virus (ebv) and burkitt's lymphoma (bl)].the prospective study carried out by the international agency for research on cancer on the relationships between e.b.v. infection and burkitt's lymphoma development as well as their partial malaria chemoprophylaxy proposals, are discussed as an example of studying the role of a virus and of co-factors in one human cancer.1976181158
epidemiology of the epstein-barr virus infection and associated tumors in man. 1975183674
homology of epstein-barr virus dna in nasopharyngeal carcinomas from kenya, taiwan, singapore and tunisia. 1975191360
further studies on the detection of the epstein-barr virus dna in nasopharyngeal carcinoma biopsies from different parts of the world. 1975191361
sero-epidemiology of the epstein-barr virus: preliminary analysis of an international study - a review.samples of chinese, indian, african and caucasian populations, randomly selected in hong kong, singapore, the west nile district of uganda, and nancy, france, were titrated for antibodies to ebv, viral capsid (vca) and complement-fixing soluble (cf/s) antigens. the age-specific prevalence of infection (as reflected by the proportion of vca-positive individuals) varied greatly up to the age of 10 years in the four populations studied, the west nile district of uganda being outstanding in having a ...1975191375
descriptive and analytical epidemiology of nasopharyngeal cancer.information concerning the descriptive and analytical epidemiology of npc that has been reported mainly since the first international symposium on the subject in singapore in 1964 are reviewed. npc is rare in most countries in the world, with an age-adjusted incidence rate of less than 1 per 100,000, and the incidence rate is twice as high in males as in females. chinese of southern origin have a uniquely high risk, the incidence rates per 100,000 being 10--20 in males and 5--10 in females. the ...1978215514
differences in ebv antibody titres of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma originating from high, intermediate and low incidence order to assess the differences in serological reactivities of npc patients from high, intermediate and low incidence areas, 288 npc sera from hong kong, singapore, tunis, east africa, paris and los angeles, together with sera from patients with ear, nose and throat tumours other than npc and with those from normal individuals from the same areas, were tested 'blind' with the same batches of antigen. important differences (up to 3-fold) in the gmts of antibodies directed against vca, ea and e ...1978215529
general immunological status of nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients in singapore.newly diagnosed npc patients were found to have impaired general t-cell functions, as determined in vivo by the mantoux test and in vitro by the pha response assay. treated remission patients were as hyporesponsiveness as newly diagnosed patients. pha hyporesponsiveness was associated with the hla profile of a2-b sin 2 and with high antibody titres to ebv-related antigens, in particular to the early antigen. impaired responses in the mantoux or pha tests were associated with poor survival. the i ...1978215531
histopathology of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: correlations with epidemiology, survival rates and other biological characteristics.a total of 363 cases of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) in singapore were classified into squamous cell carcinoma (scc; 73 cases), non-keratinizing carcinoma (nkc; 178 cases) and undifferentiated carcinoma (uc; 172 cases). possible biological differences between these histologic types and between tumors with and without lymphocytic infiltration were investigated by correlations with survival rates and with selected epidemiologic, immunovirologic, and immunogenetic data on the disease. the 5-year ...1979225002
seroepidemiology of epstein--barr virus-associated diseases--i. a pilot evaluation using a radiometric quantitative complement fixation test. 1979228895
the epidemiology of burkitt's lymphoma: evidence for a causal association with epstein-barr virus. 1979232877
epstein-barr virus behavior in different populations and implications for control of epstein-barr virus-associated tumors.the epidemiology of epstein-barr virus (ebv) infection in populations at different risk for ebv-associated diseases indicates significant differences between the populations. ebv infection takes place much earlier in uganda, where all children are infected before the age of 2 to 3 years, than in southeast asia, where nasopharyngeal carcinoma is prevalent. it is proposed that such early infection in equatorial africa is related to the risk for burkitt's lymphoma. four possible interventions to co ...19761253156
screening for npc.this paper discusses the criteria of cancer screening in general and of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in particular. it also discusses the screening results in china and the strategy for screening of this cancer in singapore.19892712525
epidemiology of viral infections in singapore is a densely populated island, and also a major air and sea port, the importation and dissemination of viral infections is facilitated. respiratory viral infections have the highest prevalence rates, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) being the most important ones. seasonal variation occurs with influenza, rsv and parainfluenza virus type 1 infections. the age distribution and clinical picture associated with infections due to the various respiratory viruses are similar ...19872825585
antibodies to cytomegalovirus and other members of the herpes group in women and children in singapore. 19714331675
nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc). 19724333791
nasopharyngeal carcinoma: recent studies and outlook for a viral etiology. 19744366989
infectious mononucleosis in singapore. 19826291444
etiology of childhood infectious mononucleosis syndrome in singapore. 19826293096
infectious mononucleosis in singapore. 19826306339
an in situ hybridization study of herpes simplex and epstein barr viruses in iga nephropathy and non-immune glomerulonephritis.renal tissues from forty cases of iga nephropathy, 20 singapore and 20 british patients, and 38 patients with non-immune glomerulonephritis were studied by in situ hybridization using dna probes for the herpes simplex virus (hsv) and epstein barr virus (ebv). two singapore patients with iga nephropathy showed hsv antigens in the glomerular mesangium, with one of them having ebv coinfection. in the control non-immune glomerulonephritis cases, 4 patients had viral antigens; 2 with ebv, one with eb ...19938403567
elevated blood levels of soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors in nasopharyngeal carcinoma: correlation with humoral immune response to lytic replication of epstein-barr virus.nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) is tightly associated with epstein-barr virus (ebv) infection and a heavy infiltration of lymphoid cells in the tumor tissue. although various lines of evidence have shown that the immune systems of npc patients have the potential to attack the tumor cells, it is not yet understood how this potential is blocked. in this study we determined the circulatory soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors (stnfri and stnfrii), which are proven to be inhibitory to the anti-tum ...199910375611
nasal-type extranodal natural killer/t-cell lymphomas: a clinicopathologic and genotypic study of 42 cases in singapore.we studied the clinicopathologic features of 42 cases of nasal-type extranodal natural killer (nk)/t-cell lymphoma in singapore and compared our findings with other series reported in the asian and western populations. a panel of immunohistochemical stains, which included cd2, cd3, cd4, cd8, cd56, t-cell intracellular antigen-1 and granzyme b, and in situ hybridization for epstein-barr virus encoded rna (eber) were performed. polymerase chain reaction for t-cell receptor-gamma gene rearrangement ...200415195107
second primary cancers in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a pooled analysis of 13 cancer study the risk of second primary cancers in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) patients and the risk of npc as second primary cancer.200717237987
nasopharyngeal carcinoma in brunei darussalam: low incidence among the chinese and an evaluation of antibodies to epstein-barr virus antigens as biomarkers.little or no information is available on the prevalence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) among different ethnic groups in brunei, or how useful plasma iga antibodies are against viral capsid antigen (vca) and early antigen (ea) in the diagnosis of npc, even though they are routinely measured in patients suspected to have npc.200919421680
heart transplantation in singapore.the status of heart transplantation in singapore is reviewed in this article.200919434333
type ii enteropathy-associated t-cell lymphoma: a multicenter analysis from the asia lymphoma study group.enteropathy-associated t-cell lymphoma (eatl) is a rare primary gastrointestinal t-cell lymphoma. a multicenter study from the asia lymphoma study group identified 38 eatl patients within a 19-year period. all cases were type ii eatl. men were affected twice as common as women, at a median age of 59 (23-89) years. none had a history of celiac disease. the sites of involvement were small bowel and stomach (5%), small bowel (63%), small and large bowel (16%), and large bowel (18%). common presenti ...201222641357
felis catus gammaherpesvirus 1; a widely endemic potential pathogen of domestic cats.felis catus gammaherpesvirus 1 (fcaghv1), recently discovered in the usa, was detected in domestic cats in australia (11.4%, 95% confidence interval 5.9-19.1, n=110) and singapore (9.6%, 95% confidence interval 5.9-14.6, n=176) using qpcr. fcaghv1 qpcr positive cats were 2.8 times more likely to be sick than healthy. risk factors for fcaghv1 detection included being male, increasing age and coinfection with pathogenic retroviruses, feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv) or feline leukaemia virus. f ...201425010275
risk stratification on the basis of deauville score on pet-ct and the presence of epstein-barr virus dna after completion of primary treatment for extranodal natural killer/t-cell lymphoma, nasal type: a multicentre, retrospective analysis.assessment of tumour viability after treatment is essential for prediction of treatment failure in patients with extranodal natural killer/t-cell lymphoma (enktl). we aimed to assess the use of the post-treatment deauville score on pet-ct and epstein-barr virus dna as a predictor of residual tumour, to establish the risk of treatment failure in patients with newly diagnosed enktl.201526687611
neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio as a prognostic marker in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a pooled analysis of two randomised controlled assess the prognostic value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (nlr) in patients with international union against cancer (uicc)-staged iii/iva,b nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc), who were enrolled into two randomised controlled trials of concurrent/adjuvant chemotherapy when added to radiotherapy (sqnp01), and induction chemotherapy when added to chemoradiotherapy (ncc0901).201627640138
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