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"contribution to the question of pneumotyphus": a discussion of the original article by j. ritter in 1880, dr. j. ritter wrote a classic infectious disease article (originally in german) on psittacosis entitled, "contribution to the question of pneumotyphus." in this article, ritter meticulously describes a mini-epidemic--in which three individuals died--of seven cases of psittacosis caused by parrots and finches caged in the study of his brother's house in uster, switzerland. ritter accurately identified the study as the site of the source of infection, considered the birds as vectors, and ...19853885364
[ovine enzootic abortion: seroprevalence in switzerland using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (celisa)].the present study gives an overview over the seroprevalence of ovine enzootic abortion in switzerland. 639 sheep flocks out of eight cantons in switzerland were examined by a competitive enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (celisa) for antibodies against chlamydophila abortus (chlamydia psittaci serotype 1), the agent causing ovine enzootic abortion. the eight cantons included aargau, bern, zürich, appenzell-ausserrhoden, appenzell-innerrhoden and fribourg, the vallais and the graubünden. they wer ...200212677686
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