
PMID(sorted ascending)
helminth and arthropod parasites of angora goats on irrigated kikuyu grass pastures in the eastern cape province.angora goat kids and yearlings grazing irrigated kikuyu (pennisetum clandestinum) grass pastures in the eastern cape province, became heavily infected with teladorsagia circumcincta and trichostrongylus rugatus, leading to high mortality in both age groups. peak burdens of the former were recorded during march and may, and of the latter during may and june. larger numbers of the cestode moniezia expanza, occurred in the kids than in the yearlings. despite the stress of high helminth burdens, no ...19902286996
helminth parasites of grysbok, common duikers and angora and boer goats in the valley bushveld in the eastern cape province.helminth parasites were collected from 13 grysbok, raphicerus melanotis, 12 common duikers, sylvicapra grimmia, 24 angora goats and 24 boer goats killed on a farm in valley bushveld in the eastern cape province. nematodes belonging to 9 species and a further 2 genera and cestodes belonging to 1 species and a further genus were recovered from the grysbok. of these, worms of the genus skrjabinema, trichostrongylus rugatus, trichostrongylus pietersei and nematodirus spathiger were the most prevalen ...19892812700
parasites of domestic and wild animals in south africa. xlii. helminths of sheep on four farms in the eastern cape monthly intervals for periods ranging from 9 to 25 consecutive months between three and four merino yearling-sheep and two merino lambs on three farms in eastern cape thornveld, and two dorper yearling-sheep on a farm in valley bushveld were slaughtered and examined for helminths. the merino sheep were infected with 15 nematode species, of which haemonchus contortus, nematodirus spathiger and trichostrongylus spp. were the most numerous, and with four cestode species. the dorper sheep were in ...200314621313
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