Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted ascending) Filter |
[cold tap water as a source of fatal nosocomial pneumonia due to legionella pneumophila in a rehabilitation center]. | report of the technical, microbiological and epidemiological investigation following 2 cases of fatal legionella pneumonia. | 1999 | 10368731 |
performance on a multipathogen external quality assessment (eqa) panel by different mono- and multiplex nucleic acid amplification tests. | an external quality assessment (eqa) panel consisting of a total of 48 samples in broncho alveolar lavage (bal) or transport medium was prepared in collaboration with quality control for molecular diagnostics (qcmd) ( the panel was used to assess the proficiency of the 3 laboratories that would be responsible to examine the 6000 samples to be collected in the grace network of excellence ( the main objective was to decide on the best performing testing approach f ... | 2011 | 22170925 |