
PMID(sorted ascending)
serological cross-reaction between legionella pneumophila and campylobacter in the indirect fluorescent antibody test.sera from 50 patients with culture-proven campylobacter gastroenteritis were examined for the presence of antibodies to legionella pneumophila. ten patients (20%) had a positive titre (> or = 16) as measured by indirect immunofluorescence. antibodies were detected in only 1 of 36 acute sera but in 10 of 14 (71%) sera obtained more than 10 days after the onset of symptoms. all positive sera contained specific igm antibodies but specific igg or iga could not be detected in any sample. no legionell ...19921397117
an outbreak of legionnaires' disease in gloucester.fourteen people living in or near the city of gloucester fell ill with legionnaires' disease caused by legionella pneumophila serogroup (sg) 1 between 27 august and 27 october 1986. another patient had fallen ill on 30 may. nine of the 15 were diagnosed retrospectively during a case finding exercise. there were three deaths. three cases of pontiac fever were also diagnosed. the source was probably one or more wet cooling towers. nineteen premises in the city with such towers were identified, and ...19911879480
phenotypic variation amongst genotypically homogeneous legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 isolates: implications for the investigation of outbreaks of legionnaires' hundred and seventy-nine isolates of legionella pneumophila serogroup 1, obtained from a site associated with an outbreak of legionnaires' disease, were examined by monoclonal antibody subgrouping, restriction fragment length polymorphism typing, restriction endonuclease analysis and plasmid content. nine distinct phenotypes were detected but at the genotypic level all strains were closely related. the data presented indicate that phenotypic variation of a single parent strain can occur with ...19901969803
silver nitrate and thymol; two disinfectants effective against legionella pneumophila. 19901972958
two outbreaks of legionnaires' disease in bolton health 1988, there were two outbreaks of legionellosis in bolton health district. altogether 37 cases of legionnaires' disease and 23 cases of non-pneumonic legionellosis were identified. twenty-five patients with legionnaires' disease were associated with an engineering plant, 4 with bolton town centre, and 8 with both the plant and town centre. twenty-two people with non-pneumonic legionellosis were linked with the engineering plant and one with the plant and the town centre. a case-control study ...19902323354
the stafford outbreak of legionnaires' disease.a large outbreak of legionnaires' disease was associated with stafford district general hospital. a total of 68 confirmed cases was treated in hospital and 22 of these patients died. a further 35 patients, 14 of whom were treated at home, were suspected cases of legionnaires' disease. all these patients had visited the hospital during april 1985. epidemiological investigations demonstrated that there had been a high risk of acquiring the disease in the out patient department (opd), but no risk i ...19902347381
prospective study of the aetiology and outcome of pneumonia in the community.a prospective one-year study of community pneumonia was conducted in nottingham. 236 of 251 episodes of pneumonia (defined as an acute lower respiratory tract infection, for which antibiotics were prescribed, associated with new focal signs on examination of the chest) were investigated. acute radiographic changes were present in 93 (39%). a pathogen was identified in 129 (55%) episodes, with streptococcus pneumoniae, haemophilus influenzae, and influenza viruses those most frequently identified ...19872882091
outbreak of legionnaires' disease from a cooling water system in a power september and october 1981 six cases of pneumonia occurred among men working in a power station under construction. three were identified as cases of legionella pneumonia and two others had serology suggestive of legionella infection. in a sample of 92 men from the site 10 had low levels of antibodies to legionella; a similar sample of men working on an adjacent site showed none with positive serology. in a case control study it was found that cases of pneumonia were more likely than controls ...19863756116
epidemiological studies using monoclonal antibodies to legionella pneumophila serogroup 1.legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 can be subgrouped by panels of monoclonal antibodies. the oxford panel divides serogroup 1 strains into three major subgroups, provisionally named pontiac, olda and bellingham. strains causing outbreaks tend to be in the pontiac subgroup, with strains from the other subgroups appearing also in sporadic cases. isolates from sources in the uk unassociated with outbreaks are mainly the olda and bellingham strains; only 10% are pontiac, yet this strain has caused 8 ...19863793432
water fittings as sources of legionella pneumophila in a hospital plumbing extensive study of the plumbing systems in kingston hospital was made over the three years following the 1980 outbreak of legionnaires' disease. the introduction of chlorination and raising the water temperature controlled the outbreak but failed to decontaminate water outlets in the wards. legionella pneumophila was isolated from rubber washers in shower fittings, and laboratory experiments demonstrated the ability of l pneumophila to grow in water in contact with these rubber components. al ...19846141347
nosocomial infections with legionella pneumophila. 19806182230
symposium on infectious complications of neoplastic disease (part ii). legionnaires' disease. aspects of nosocomial infection.tremendous progress has been made recently in characterization of legionella pneumophila and infections caused by it. certain areas that are particularly germane to immunosuppressed patients, who are affected more frequently than other patients, and areas that are controversial and merit particular consideration are considered herein. these include pathogenesis and correlation of experimental and clinical evidence, nosocomial outbreaks and almost ubiquitous distribution of l. pneumophila in wate ...19846369980
adult community-acquired pneumonia in central london.strep. pneumoniae was diagnosed as the cause of pneumonia in 40 (50%) of 80 consecutive adults admitted to st stephen's hospital with community-acquired pneumonia. none of the patients had evidence of mycoplasma pneumoniae infection, and legionella pneumophila serology was positive on only one occasion. in 29 patients (36%) no causative organism was demonstrated. the diagnosis of pneumococcal infection was obtained in 15 cases by isolating strep. pneumoniae from the sputum, in 13 further cases b ...19846747977
legionella pneumophila in cooling water systems. report of a survey of cooling towers in london and a pilot trial of selected biocides.fourteen recirculating cooling water systems were surveyed during the summer, 1981, to see what factors might influence the prevalence of legionella pneumophila. the effect on the organism of three anti-microbials was studied, each in two systems, by intermittent treatment at two week intervals. l. pneumophila was isolated from six of the 14 cooling systems at the beginning of the trial but by the end was present in ten. an association was found between the presence of the organism and the conce ...19827086112
legionella pneumophila serogroup 5 infections in the cambridge area--a serological survey. 19817185940
causes of pneumonia presenting to a district general hospital.the incidence of bacterial, viral, mycoplasma, and rickettsial infections has been assessed prospectively in 210 adult patients with pneumonia who presented to a district hospital over a six-year period. one hundred and thirteen infective agents were detected in 103 patients. the agent most frequently detected was mycoplasma pneumoniae which accounted for 30 infections. a bacterial pathogen was found in 43 patients. streptococcus pneumoniae was the most common of these (24 patients); staphylococ ...19817314031
legionella pneumonia in transplant recipients: a cluster of cases of eight years' duration.infection with legionella is often encountered in immunosuppressed patients, especially in recipients of renal allografts. from january 1985 until april 1993 14 cases of nosocomial legionella pneumonia were diagnosed (four by culture, 10 by serological methods) on the surgical transplantation unit of innsbruck university hospital. all isolates from patients and from the building's hot water were found to be legionella pneumophila serogroup 1. they were indistinguishable from each other by monocl ...19947911485
piccadilly circus legionnaires' disease outbreak of legionnaires' disease occurred in central london in january and february 1989. an infection control committee was established to investigate the outbreak and institute control measures. the objective of this paper is to describe the investigation and control of the outbreak.19947999388
monitoring of hospital water supplies for order to determine the value of regular surveillance for legionella in the prevention of hospital-acquired (nosocomial) legionellosis, water samples were obtained over a three-year period from 17 hospitals located in england and scotland. prior to the study, all of the hospitals had in operation defined protocols and maintenance schedules which followed national guidelines for the prevention of legionellosis in health care premises. six samples, from key locations in the water system of each ...19938101197
nosocomial legionnaires' disease in england and wales, 1980-92.two hundred and eighteen nosocomial cases of legionnaires' disease with 68 deaths were reported to the national surveillance scheme for legionnaires disease between 1980 and 1992, representing 15% of the reported infections acquired in england and wales. twenty-two nosocomial outbreaks accounted for 135 (62%) of these cases, the remainder occurring as single cases either in hospitals where other single cases or outbreaks had been reported in different years or as 'sporadic' cases in hospitals fr ...19948150007
false positive legionella serology in campylobacter infection: campylobacter serotypes, duration of antibody response and elimination of cross-reactions in the indirect fluorescent antibody test.sera from 83 patients with campylobacter gastroenteritis were examined for the presence of legionella antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence. twenty-one patients (25%) had positive titres (> or = 16) including 11 patients with titres of > or = 128. legionella seropositivity persisted in 5 of 9 patients (55%) studied for 6-9 months. campylobacter isolates were serotyped by the penner scheme. isolates associated with legionella seropositivity included penner types 1, 2 and 4, the common endemic ...19948150008
outbreak of legionnaires' disease at university hospital, nottingham. epidemiology, microbiology and control.twelve patients in a large teaching hospital contracted legionnaires' disease over a period of 11 months. the source was a domestic hot water system in one of the hospital blocks, which was run at a temperature of 43 degrees c. five different subtypes of legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 have been isolated from water in different parts of the hospital, over a period of time. only one subtype, benidorm rflp 14, was implicated in disease. circumstantial evidence suggested that the outbreak may ha ...19938432314
five new legionella species isolated from water.fourteen legionella-like strains isolated from aquatic sources have been characterized serologically, biochemically, and in terms of dna relatedness. the strains grew on buffered charcoal-yeast extract agar but not on blood agar and displayed phenotypic characteristics typical of the family legionellaceae, including a requirement for cysteine, cellular fatty acid compositions in which branched-chain acids predominate, and the possession of isoprenoid quinones of the ubiquinone series with more t ...19938494743
legionnaires' disease as a hospital-acquired infection. 19968731639
legionnaires' disease in long distance lorry drivers. 19989599916
legionnaires' disease in residents of england and wales: 1997.two hundred and twenty-six residents of england and wales who developed legionnaires' disease with onset of infection in 1997 were reported to the phls communicable disease surveillance centre. twenty-eight cases (12%) were reported to have died. half of the reported cases (114) were associated with travel, either abroad or in the united kingdom. six cases acquired infection in hospital and the remaining 106 were presumed to have acquired infection in the community. nineteen cases were linked to ...19989854883
the continuing risk of domestic hot water scalds to the elderly.elderly people are particularly at risk of accidents in the home and with an ageing population, they constitute a large proportion of scald victims. we have seen several elderly patients every year in our own unit who had sustained domestic hot water burns. we decided to ascertain the temperature of water in the private homes of elderly people and in residential care homes in our community. twenty-five private homes and 14 residential care homes were visited and peak water temperatures were meas ...200010751702
a pseudo community outbreak of legionnaires' disease on merseyside; implications for investigation of suspected clusters. 200010990481
innocent victim of a localised outbreak: legionella endocarditis.legionella pneumophila endocarditis is extremely rare. the case of a fit 26 year old man who had previously undergone homograft aortic root replacement is reported. he was admitted with legionella pneumonia during the recent localised outbreak but went on to develop endocarditis. his aortic valve was replaced with a mechanical valve and he made an uneventful recovery. public health issues and diagnosis in susceptible patients during localised outbreaks are discussed.200312695481
prevalence of legionella waterline contamination and legionella pneumophila antibodies in general dental practitioners in london and rural northern determine the prevalence of legionellae in dental unit waterlines (duwl) in general dental practices in london and rural northern ireland and whether the organism occurs at a high enough frequency and magnitude in duwl to represent a threat to dentists' health.200314631437
outbreak of legionellosis associated with a spa pool, united kingdom. 200617075152
comparison of clinical and environmental isolates of legionella pneumophila obtained in the uk over 19 years.between january 1980 and december 1998, 3458 cases of legionnaires' disease were reported to the national surveillance scheme in england and wales. of these, 463 (13.4%) were reported as proven by culture and isolation of legionella spp., with 96.3% being legionella pneumophila. serogroup (sgp), monoclonal antibody (mab) subgrouping and restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) analysis data were obtained for 321 (69.3%) of these, of which 284 were classified as being unrelated to any othe ...200717184291
legionnaires' disease: when an 'outbreak' is not an outbreak.during august 2006, there was a large increase in non-travel related legionella cases throughout england and in the netherlands.200617213561
investigation of an outbreak of legionnaires' disease: hereford, uk 2003.this report describes the investigation and control of a community outbreak of legionnaires' disease in hereford, uk, in november 2003. outbreak investigation consisted of epidemiological survey, identification and environmental investigation of potential sources, microbiological analysis of clinical and environmental samples and mapping the location of potential sources and the movement and residence of cases. each identified source was allocated a 'composite score' based on different zones of ...200717513103
legionella infection prevention a recent presentation at the pct headquarters in oldham, dr tom makin, of the department of medical microbiology, royal liverpool university hospitals, described the problems associated with legionella pneumophila. health estate journal reports.200718065115
distribution of legionella pneumophila serogroups, monoclonal antibody subgroups and dna sequence types in recent clinical and environmental isolates from england and wales (2000-2008).clinical isolates of legionella pneumophila, obtained from 167 patients, who acquired their illness in the community in england and wales between january 2000 and march 2008, were compared with 276 environmental isolates of l. pneumophila obtained over the same period as part of the routine sampling of 'managed' water systems. the 443 isolates were typed by monoclonal antibody (mab) subgrouping and the internationally standardised, seven-gene loci, sequence-based typing (sbt) scheme of the europ ...200919156453
investigating a cluster of legionnaires' cases: public health describe the multidisciplinary investigation and management of a rapidly increasing number of cases of legionnaires' disease in the north shropshire area, uk during august 2006.201020483439
an outbreak of legionnaires' disease associated with a display spa pool in retail premises, stoke-on-trent, united kingdom, july 2012.twenty-one confirmed cases of legionnaires’ disease (legionella pneumophila serogroup 1) were identified in the stoke-on-trent area of england with onsets since 2 july 2012. sequence-based typing results are available for nine cases; all are a unique type (st1268). initial interviews highlighted a number of possible environmental sources. inspection of premises of interest revealed an operating spa pool on display, from which the outbreak strain was identified. all cases had visited the retail p ...201222995431
molecular diagnostics and the public health management of 2009-2010, we investigated four legionella cases notified over an 8-month period in two adjacent villages in south east england. molecular techniques enabled us to conclude that three of the cases had distinct infections. the absence of an adequate respiratory sample in one case necessitated epidemiological investigations to exclude a potential common environmental source of further infections. one of the cases had spent a part of their incubation period in a country in south east asia. dna-s ...201323606383
heated birthing pools as a source of legionnaires' june 2014 public health england confirmed a case of legionnaires' disease (ld) in a neonate following birth at home in a hired birthing pool incorporating a heater and a recirculation pump which had been filled in advance of labour. the case triggered a public health investigation and a microbiological survey of an additional ten heated birthing pools hired or recently hired to the general public across england. the birthing pool used by the parent of the confirmed case was identified as the ...201626289365
rapid investigation of cases and clusters of legionnaires' disease in england and wales using direct molecular typing.legionella pneumophila is the leading cause of legionnaires' disease, a severe pneumonia that can occur as sporadic cases or point-source outbreaks affecting multiple patients. the infection is acquired by inhalation of aerosols from contaminated water systems. in order to identify the probable source and prevent further cases, clinical and environmental isolates are compared using phenotypic and genotypic methods. typically up to 10 days are required to isolate l. pneumophila prior to the appli ...201627046155
occurrence of legionella in uk household showers.household water systems have been proposed as a source of sporadic, community acquired legionnaires' disease. showers represent a frequently used aerosol generating device in the domestic setting yet little is known about the occurrence of legionella spp. in these systems. this study has investigated the prevalence of legionella spp. by culture and qpcr in uk household showers. ninety nine showers from 82 separate properties in the south of england were sampled. clinically relevant legionella sp ...201727964907
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