
PMID(sorted ascending)
[helminth fauna of the red fox (vulpes vulpes linne 1758) in south sachsen-anhalt--1: cestodes].between january 1993 and november 1994 a total of 1300 red foxes from the administrative districts halle and dessau were examined for the presence of echinococcus multilocularis and other cestodes. echinococcus multilocularis-infections were detected in only 4 of 1300 (0.3%) foxes. furthermore the following cestodes were found: mesocestoides spp. (54.1%), taenia crassiceps (17.7%), taenia polyacantha (11.9%), hydatigera taeniaeformis (0.2%), taenia serialis (0.15%), taenia pisiformis (0.15%), no ...19979445786
[echinococcus multilocularis in red foxes in saxony-anhalt: identification of areas of increased risk of infestation and association of the infestation probability with the average annual maximum temperature].between 1998 and 2004 1341 red foxes from 611 locations were examined parasitologically for echinococcus multilocularis at the state office of consumer protection saxony-anhalt. examination was carried out in parallel to rabies monitoring. a period-prevalence of 9.2% of infestation was found. employing a scan statistic a large area in the southwest of the federal state and two smaller areas of increased risk with respect to infestation with echinococcus multilocularis were identified. the hypoth ...200516206929
[spatiotemporal analysis of the infection of the red fox (vulpes vulpes l.) with echinococcus multilocularis in saxony-anhalt].a total of 2757 red foxes from 952 locations were examined parasitologically for echinococcus multilocularis between the years 1998 and 2007 at the state office of consumer protection saxony-anhalt. this examination was carried out in parallel to rabies monitoring. a period-prevalence of 17.4% of infection was found. employing different cluster tests spatial as well as spatiotemporal clusters were detected. spatial clusters remained largely stable throughout the complete time interval and were s ...200919350806
on the move? echinococcus multilocularis in red foxes of saxony-anhalt (germany).echinococcus multilocularis is a cestode parasites that frequently occurs in the red fox (vulpes vulpes), which is the main definitive host in central europe. the parasite may infect humans as accidental intermediate hosts and cause alveolar echinococcosis. in the german federal state of saxony-anhalt, the occurrence of e. multilocularis in red foxes as a possible source of infection for humans was studied from 1998 to 2010. a significant shift in the geographical centroid of the occurrence of e ...201423134586
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