
PMID(sorted ascending)
an important outbreak of human q fever in a swiss alpine valley.we describe an important q fever human epidemic involving 415 serologically confirmed cases in the val de bagnes (valais, switzerland) during the autumn of 1983. the ages of the 415 cases with acute q fever ranged from 8 to 82 years with a mean of 35 years, of whom 58% (240) were men and 42% (175) were women. this outbreak started about three weeks after 12 flocks of sheep (between 850 and 900 animals) descended from the alpine pastures to the valley. geographically, the epidemic reached all the ...19873301708
[seroprevalence of human q fever in switzerland].in current practice, only serology, by the titration of anti-coxiella burnetii antibodies, permits the diagnosis of acute or chronic q fever. new serological techniques have also made it possible to more accurately determine the number of people in a community who have been affected by this infectious agent. we have thus been able to compare the results of 1437 specimens from the whole of switzerland with 4009 taken in the valais. the analysis of these sera by indirect microimmunofluorescence no ...19863520805
[clinical aspects observed during an epidemic of 415 cases of q fever].the clinical findings during a major epidemic of q-fever which affected 415 people in the val de bagnes (valais, switzerland) in the autumn of 1983 are reported. q-fever symptoms were evident in 191 cases but inconspicuous or absent in 224 cases. the symptoms most frequently reported were prolonged high fever, headaches, severe exhaustion, loss of appetite, cough and myalgia. amongst disorders which accompany acute q-fever, pneumonia and granulomatous hepatitis are very frequent, while myoperica ...19853892664
[incidence of q fever in valais]. 19854081471
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