
PMID(sorted ascending)
[experimental study of the role of scarabaeus sacer beetles in the eliminaton of thysaniezia giardi (cestoda: avitellinidae) eggs].experimental studies have shown that when feeding beetles of s. sacer swallow eggs of th. giardi together with faeces of horned and small cattle. after getting into the insect's intestine the eggs of thysaniezia are eliminated in most beetles (from 91.1 to 100%) within one hour. only in some individuals a very insignificant portion of the parasite's eggs remains viable within two hours. in beetles' faeces excreted by them in two hours and in subsequent periods after the feeding eggs of thysaniez ...1978151846
cestodes of ruminants in afghanistan.five cestode species parasitizing ruminants were found for the first time in afghanistan: moniezia benedeni, m. expansa, avitellina centripunctata, stilesia globipunctata, and thysaniezia giardi.19761278818
the anthelmintic efficacy of resorantel against cestodes in sheep.the anthelmintic efficacy of resorantel against thysaniezia giardi and avitellina spp. was tested in sheep at a dosage rate of 65 mg kg-1 live mass. the reduction obtained was 100% in at least 80% of the treated flock.19883210220
cholinesterase activity in thysaniezia giardi (cestoda, anoplocephalidae).the activity of cholinesterase was determined separately in the mature and gravid proglottids of thysaniezia giardi and its significance is discussed. the mean values of the enzyme in mature and gravid proglottids were respectively 225.60 +/- 28.55 and 75.00 +/- 11.64 units per gram of wet weight.19853976161
the efficacy of anthelmintics against thysaniezia giardi in south africa.two field cases of apparent inefficacy of albendazole against cestodes in lambs were investigated. in both farms thysaniezia giardi was identified and 2 critical controlled trials were conducted to determine the efficacy of 5 anthelmintics against t. giardi. albendazole dosed at 3,8 mg/kg or 7,6 mg/kg live mass, mebendazole at 15 mg/kg were totally ineffective against t. giardi. treatment with resorantel at 65 mg/kg or niclosamide at 50 mg/kg however, caused expulsion of the strobilae within 16- ...19817310792
mixed infection with intestinal tape worms in a survey carried out during the period april 2001 to november 2002, the intestines of 3165 slaughtered sheep in the fars province of iran were examined for mixed infection with intestinal tape worms. four point sixty eight percent of animals were found to be infected with one or more than one species of tape worms. the identified species included: moniezia expansa, moniezia benedeni, thysaniezia giardi, avitellina centripunctata and stilesia globipunctata. of all 148 infected sheep, 104 anima ...200416493395
studies on monieziasis of sheep i. prevalence and antihelminthic effects of some plant extracts, a light and electron microscopic study.out of 2,343 examined sheep throughout the whole year, 271 were found to be infected with tapeworms (11.5%). the highest infection rate (22.1%) was recorded in autumn, while the lowest (6%) occurred in summer. six species of cestodes were identified according to their prevalence: moniezia expansa (74%), moniezia denticulata (8.5%), moniezia benedeni (4.8%), moniezia trigonophora (2.7%), and thysaniezia giardi (2.7%), t. giardi was recorded in egypt for the first time. m. expansa was found throug ...201020865430
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