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non-polar distribution of green fluorescent protein on the surface of autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus using a heterologous membrane anchor.heterogeneous proteins can be displayed on the surface of the budded form of autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) after fusion of the display protein to the acmnpv major envelope glycoprotein, gp64. however, display is restricted to the poles of the virion and is relatively low level. to investigate the use of alternative membrane anchor sequences that would be compatible with virus surface display, we have constructed a display vector containing the gp64 signal peptide and a mem ...200212007867
insect cells and their potential as stabilization barriers for dna of multiple and single nucleopolyhedroviruses against ultraviolet-b-simulated sunlight inactivation.a cell line from trichoplusia ni (tn-cl1) infected with the autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv-hpp) and a cell line from helicoverpa zea (bcirl-hz-am1) infected with the helicoverpa zea single nucleopolyhedrovirus (hzsnpv/brcl2) were subjected to ultraviolet-b (uv-b) irradiation at a predetermined level of exposure that would inactivate greater than 95% of the virus suspended in the liquid. the working hypothesis was that the homologous insect cells would utilize their ...200212026166
vertical transmission of tnsnpv, tncpv, acmnpv, and possibly recombinant npv in trichoplusia ni.four viruses were tested for vertical transmission in trichoplusia ni: t. ni nucleopolyhedrovirus (tnsnpv), t. ni cypovirus (tncpv), autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv), and acmnpv engineered to express a scorpion toxin (acmnpv.aait). fifth instars were exposed to each virus, the survivors were reared and mated, and second-generation (f(1)) insects were examined for infection. tnsnpv was transmitted to offspring at a prevalence rate of 15.4%, tncpv at 10.2%, and acmnpv at 10.1%. ...200212054786
cloning and sequence analysis of the chitinase gene of spodoptera litura nuclear polyhedrosis virus.using acmnpv chia-containing fragment as a probe, the chitinase gene of spodoptera litura nuclear polyhedrosis virus (spltnpv) was localized in two contiguous fragments, xbai 5.1 kb and 2.1 kb, and the intact spltnpv chia gene was obtained by cloning and sequencing those two fragments. the complete open reading frame of the gene was 1 695 nucleotide long, encoding a putative protein of 564 amino acids with molecular weight of 62.9 kd. sequence analysis further revealed that the 5' noncoding regi ...200012058207
development of a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of turkey coronavirus antibodies.a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (celisa) was developed for detection of turkey coronavirus (tcv) antibodies. the celisa utilized a recombinant baculovirus (autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus)-expressed tcv nucleocapsid (n) protein and biotin-labeled tcv n protein-specific monoclonal antibody. sensitivity and specificity of the celisa for detection of tcv antibodies were determined by comparison with the indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat) with 1269 reference, ...200212061642
lack of involvement of haemocytes in the establishment and spread of infection in spodoptera frugiperda larvae infected with the baculovirus autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus by intrahaemocoelic is thought that insect haemocytes, or blood cells, play an important role in baculovirus pathogenesis by amplifying and helping to spread the infection within the insect. here, infection is described of the lepidopteran noctuid species spodoptera frugiperda with the baculovirus autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv). late instar s. frugiperda larvae were infected by intrahaemocoelic injection using a recombinant of acmnpv expressing the enhanced green fluorescent protein gene ...200212075074
baculovirus as mammalian cell expression vector for gene therapy: an emerging strategy.the monopoly of insect cells to host baculovirus autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) as a eukaryotic gene expression system has been shattered with the growing evidence that it also infects mammalian cells in culture. although acmnpv fails to replicate in vertebrate cells, it does express alien genes with levels of expression that are dependent on the strength of the promoter used to drive transcription of the foreign gene. it also has been reported that the recom ...200212095297
expression of the cydia pomonella granulovirus iap3 gene.the iap3 protein of cydia pomonella granulovirus (cpgv) was the first identified member of the baculovirus iap family of proteins, which have been shown to block apoptosis in diverse systems. however, little is known of the expression and subcellular localisation of cpgv iap3 during a viral infection. this study examined iap3 in cells infected by cpgv and in cells infected by an autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) recombinant that carried the cpgv iap3 gene. the levels of iap3 s ...200212111431
efficient secretion of proteins expressed from insect cells directed by pam signal peptide.signal and leading peptide sequences of rat pam was inserted into the baculovirus transfer vector, and secretion expression plasmids pbacpag2 and pbacpai for the fusion gene pabc-hgrf and pabc-igf-i were constructed, respectively. by cotransfection with linear genomic dna of modified autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (bacpak6) and homologous recombination, the recombinant acnpv, bacpag and bacpai, were obtained and identified. fusion proteins pabc-hgrf and pabc-igf-i were secrete ...199912142920
expression of human lactoferrin cdna in insect cells.a transfer plasmid p8hlfc harboring human lactoferrin cdna was constructed and co-transfected with autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus ( acnpv bacpak6 ) dna into spodoptera frugiperda (sf) cells. the recombinant virus acnpv-hlfc was identified and purified three times by dot hybridization and plaques screening. the expression of human lactoferrin cdna in insect cells was detected by western blotting. the expression level of lactoferrin is about 2% of insect cellular total soluble p ...199812167991
cloning of etp28 gene of eimeria tenella (guangdong strain) sporozoites and its expression in baculovirus expression system.a refractile body antigen etp28 gene of eimeria tenella (guangdong strain) sporozoites was cloned by pcr from the synthesized first strand cdna. it has a high homology with the previously reported etp28 gene of merck strain ls18. the gene was expressed through standard procedures in the modified autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv-occ(-)) expression system and large amount of heterologous fusion protein (gst-6xhis-etp28) was obtained. the expression product was about 21.3% ...199812174264
nucleotide sequence analysis of the hcnpv cysteine protease gene.the cysteine protease (cp) gene of hyphantria cunea nuclear polyhedrosis virus (hcnpv) has been located at the hind iii--3.5 kb fragment. the nucleotide sequence has been determined. the results indicated that its open reading frame of 975 nt encoded the protein of 324 amino acids. the baculovirus late gene promoter taag motif was identified at -24 nt upstream from the start codon atg; the typical poly (a) signal sequence aataaa was detected at 33 nt downstream from the stop codon taa. the hcnpv ...199812174267
genetic requirements for homologous recombination in autographa californica is known that baculovirus infection promotes high-frequency recombination between its genomes and plasmid dna during the construction of recombinant viruses for foreign gene expression. however, little is known about the viral genes necessary to promote homologous recombination (hr). we developed an assay to identify viral genes that are necessary to stimulate hr. in this assay, we used two plasmids containing extensive sequence homology that yielded a visible and quantifiable phenotype if hr ...200212186915
transcriptional analysis and preliminary characterization of orf bm42 from bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus.clusters of closely spaced genes are frequently present in baculovirus genomes. we report here the detailed transcriptional mapping of one such gene cluster from bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (bmnpv) comprising five orfs, viz., bm42, lef-10, vp1054, bm44, and bm45, which are closely spaced and transcribed in the same orientation. this region is homologous to orfs 53, 53a, 54, 55, and 56, respectively, on the acmnpv genome. multiple, overlapping sets of polycistronic transcripts from this regi ...200212202224
nucleotide sequence analysis of hasnpv protein kinase.the protein kinase gene of helicoverpa armigera single nucleocapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus (hasnpv) has been cloned and sequenced. it is located approximately 1.25 kb downstream of the polyhedrin gene. the predicted molecular mass of this 267 amino acid protein (havpk) is 31 kd. havpk shows a 43.0% amino acid homology to vpk from lymantria dispar multinucleocapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus (ldmnpv) and a 39.0% homology to pk-1 from autographa californica multinucleocapsid nuclear polyhedros ...199712219213
altering the surface properties of baculovirus autographa californica npv by insertional mutagenesis of the envelope protein gp64.the envelope protein gp64 of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus is essential for viral entry into insect cells, as the glycoprotein both mediates ph-dependent membrane fusion and binds to host cell receptors. surface modification of baculovirus particles by genetic engineering of gp64 has been demonstrated by various strategies and thus has become an important and powerful tool in molecular biology. to improve further the presentation of peptides on the surface of ...200212230557
comparative activity of baculoviruses against the codling moth cydia pomonella and three other tortricid pests of tree fruit.the granulovirus of cydia pomonella (l.) (cpgv) offers potential for selective control of codling moth. two major limitations of cpgv are its narrow host range and lack of persistence in the orchard agroecosystem. the nucleopolyhedroviruses of the alfalfa looper autographa californica (speyer) (acmnpv) and those of the celery looper anagrapha falcifera (kirby) (afmnpv) have broad host ranges. comparative assays of cpgv, acmnpv, and afmnpv against codling moth neonate larvae revealed a 54-93-fold ...200212234544
baculovirus infection raises the level of tata-binding protein that colocalizes with viral dna replication sites.during the infection cycle of autographa californica multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus, the tata-binding protein (tbp) of the insect host cell likely participates in early viral transcription, which is mediated by the host rna polymerase ii. however, the role of tbp in late and very late viral transcription, which is accomplished by an alpha-amanitin-resistant rna polymerase, is unclear. we observed a dramatic increase of tbp protein during the late phases of infection. tbp mrna levels, how ...200212368354
insect cells as a factory to produce adeno-associated virus type 2 vectors.recombinant adeno-associated viruses (raav) are produced transiently in mammalian cells usually by cotransfecting two or three plasmids containing aav genes, adenovirus helper genes, and a vector genome. expansion and transfection of adherent cells limit the scale of raav production. efficient transfection is performed with cells on solid support media such as tissue culture plates. a large animal study or a human clinical trial may require 10(15) particles of vector, depending on dose. to gener ...200212427305
functional properties of a rainbow trout cyp3a27 expressed by recombinant baculovirus in insect cells.cytochrome p450 3a27 (cyp3a27) is highly expressed in liver and intestine of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). in many animal species, the intestine and liver are responsible for the first-pass metabolism of a wide range of xenobiotics. to help determine its physiological role, the catalytic capabilities of cyp3a27 protein were examined. an open reading frame of cyp3a27 in pfastbac donor plasmid was transferred to the baculovirus genome (bacmid dna) through tn7 site-specific transposition in ...200212433811
expression of biologically active recombinant equine interferon-gamma by two different baculovirus gene expression systems using insect cells and silkworm larvae.the full-length equine interferon-gamma (eifn-gamma) cdna, including the secretion signal peptide coding region, was recloned into baculovirus transfer vector pacym1. this vector was co-transfected with autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus dna or hybrid nuclear polyhedrosis virus dna into spodoptera frugiperda cells. the recombinant viruses, named aceifn-gamma and hyeifn-gamma, were then recovered. recombinant eifn-gamma (reifn-gamma) was accumulated in the culture fluid of the acei ...200212445800
use of an n-terminal half truncated ie1 as an antagonist of ie1, an essential regulatory protein in immediate-early gene product of baculovirus, ie1, is essential for viral gene expression and for viral dna replication. it has been demonstrated for autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) that the c-terminal region of ie1 is required for dimerization. and the acidic n-terminal region of ie1 has been identified as the activation domain. we constructed an n-terminal 267 amino acid (a.a.) truncated mutant of bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus (bmnpv) ie1, which was defecti ...200212457979
cell-specific expression of enhanced green fluorescence protein under the control of neuropeptide gene promoters in the brain of the silkworm, bombyx mori, using bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus-derived vectors.using the larvae of the silkworm, bombyx mori, we examined the baculovirus expression vector system for the expression of the enhanced green fluorescence protein (egfp) gene under the control of several gene promoters in vivo. to investigate the gene-delivery efficiency of the baculovirus into various larval tissues, we constructed two recombinant baculoviruses carrying the egfp gene downstream of the drosophila melanogaster hsp70 gene promoter from b. mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (bmnpv) and autog ...200312459195
infection of wild-type autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus induces in vivo apoptosis of spodoptera litura evidence of in vivo apoptosis of spodoptera litura larvae was demonstrated by haemocoel inoculation with wild-type autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) budded virus (bv). in sharp contrast to natural infection, cadavers did not melt, liquefy and melanize. typical morphological changes of apoptosis in insect haemocytes post-infection, including blebbing of the cell surface, chromatin margination and condensation, vacuolization of the cytoplasm and formation of a ...200212466477
characterization of pif, a gene required for the per os infectivity of spodoptera littoralis nucleopolyhedrovirus.during plaque purification of spodoptera littoralis nucleopolyhedrovirus in s. littoralis sl52 cell culture, a deletion mutant virus was isolated. analysis of the biological properties of this mutant virus revealed an absence of per os infectivity of the occluded virus. infectivity by injection of the non-occluded (budded) virus is not different between the wild-type and the deleted virus. restriction analysis of the mutant virus genome revealed a 4.5 kb deletion within the noti d fragment. the ...200212466478
early synthesis of budded virus envelope fusion protein gp64 enhances autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus virulence in orally infected heliothis virescens.autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv), the type species of the nucleopolyhedrovirus genus (baculoviridae family), has two highly unusual traits shared by several baculovirus species. first, the occlusion-derived virus (odv) that establishes primary infection in the midgut following its ingestion by host larvae contains multiple nucleocapsids, all of which enter the same midgut cell. second, gp64, the envelope fusion protein of the budded virus (bv) that spreads infecti ...200312477833
ac23, an envelope fusion protein homolog in the baculovirus autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus, is a viral pathogenicity factor.viral envelope fusion proteins are important structural proteins that mediate viral entry and may affect or determine the host range of a virus. the acquisition, exchange, and evolution of such envelope proteins may dramatically affect the success and evolutionary divergence of viruses. in the family baculoviridae, two very different envelope fusion proteins have been identified. budded virions of group i nucleopolyhedroviruses (npvs) such as the autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedr ...200312477838
reduced expression of the immediate-early protein ie0 enables efficient replication of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus in poorly permissive spodoptera littoralis cells.infection of spodoptera littoralis sl2 cells with the baculovirus autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) results in apoptosis and low yields of viral progeny, in contrast to infection with s. littoralis nucleopolyhedrovirus (slnpv). by cotransfecting sl2 cells with acmnpv genomic dna and a cosmid library representing the complete slnpv genome, we were able to rescue acmnpv replication and to isolate recombinant virus vacsl2, which replicated efficiently in sl2 cells. moreo ...200312477858
effects of temperature on the susceptibility of insect cells to infection by baculoviruses.three insect cell lines were tested for susceptibility to baculovirus infection by use of a typical endpoint assay procedure. cell lines from spodoptera frugiperda (iplb-sf21ae), lymantria dispar (iplb-ldeita), and heliothis virescens (iplb-hve6s) in 96-well tissue culture plates were each infected with dilutions of extra cellular virus suspensions of the autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv). in addition, the l. dispar and h. virescens cells were also infected with l. dispar nucl ...200112486333
promoter activities in the baculovirus envelope glycoprotein gp64 gene.baculovirus gp64 envelope glycoprotein is a specific major component of the envelope of the budded virus and is involved in virus entry into the host cells by endocytosis. for promoter activity analysis in the baculovirus gp64 gene, two dna fragments containing 437 and 439 bp upstream of 5' ends of the bmnpv and acmnpv gp64 orf were amplified by polymerase chain reaction and cloned, respectively. the sequence analysis indicated that two gp64 genes have both early (cagt) and late (a/gtaag) transc ...200312518223
characterization of mamestra configurata nucleopolyhedrovirus enhancin and its functional analysis via expression in an autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus recombinant.enhancin genes have been identified in a number of baculoviruses and enhancin proteins are characterized by their ability to enhance the oral infectivity of heterologous baculoviruses in various lepidopteran insects. here, we describe the putative enhancin gene from mamestra configurata nucleopolyhedrovirus (maconpv), only the second npv in which an enhancin-like orf has been identified. the putative enhancin gene from maconpv has a typical baculovirus late promoter (ataag) 15 bp upstream from t ...200312533708
[analysis and expression of hyphantria cunea nuclear polyhedrosis virus sod gene].the sequencing results indicated that hyphantria cunea nuclear polyhedrosis virus (hcnpv) sod gene open reading frame of 456 nt encoding protein of 151 amino acid, was identified to that of bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus (bmnpv), and exhibited 97.2% homology at nucletde level to that of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv), three amino acid residues difference in amino acid level with acnpv sod. the essential amino acid residues for the construction and active could ...200112549022
[cloning and expression of the envelope glycoprotein gd gene of pseudorabies virus ea strain].the envelope glycoprotein gd gene of pseudorabies virus ea strain was cloned via pcr technique. sequence analysis displayed 98% nucleotide sequence homology and 97% deduced amino acid sequence homology between our cloned gd gene and prv rice strain gd gene. the recombinant transfer plasmid psx35a-gd was obtained by inserting d gene into the baculovirus transfer vector psx35a with whole-phase promoter cassette, then transfected insect cell hi5 with linearized acmnpv-occ- virus dna, and formed rec ...200112549087
[the envelope formation of acmnpv and the location of envelope protein gp64 in host cell].electron microscopic study on the recombinant acmnpv infected sf9 cell showed that the virus has at least two forms of envelope formation: one is budding from plasma membrane and the other is enveloping in the nucleus by membrane structure. an additional possible pathway is budding from nuclear membrane. the envelope formation of acmnpv in sf9 cell line and its relationship with the envelope protein gp64 were investigated by using immunofluorescence techniques. the results showed gp64 was mainly ...199812549395
properties of baculovirus particles displaying gfp analyzed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.recombinant baculovirus particles displaying green fluorescent protein (gfp) fused to the major envelope glycoprotein gp64 of the autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) were characterized by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (fcs). fcs detected brownian motion of single, intact recombinant baculovirus display particles with a diffusion coefficient (d) of (2.89 +/- 0.74) x 10(-8) cm2s(-1) and an apparent hydrodynamic radius of 83.35 +/- 21.22 nm. in the presence of s ...200212553731
[package of bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus with heterogoneous polyhedring protein].cloning the segment of polyhedrin gene which was separated from acmnpv genome dna by pcr method into transfer vector pbacpak8, we got recombinant transfer vector poac, then contransfecting bmn cells with the vector and linear virus bm-bacpak6, harvested recombinant virus hp-bmnpv which can produce polyhedrin but no blue plaques. analysing of recombinant virus from polyhedrin, recombinant viral dna and polyhedra, we confirmed that polyhedring of acmnpv can be not only high-level expressed in bmn ...200212557348
[preliminary studies on the apoptosis of spodoptera litura cells induced by two baculoviruses].microscopic examination of spodoptera litura(sl-1) cell infected with acmnpv or sfamnpv revealed progressive cell blebbing starting at 8 h-12 h postinfection and culminating in total cell destruction at 24 h postinfection. the fragmentation of the infected cell nuclei was observed by stained with the specific fluorescent dye dapi. agarose gel electrophoresis analysis of the dna extracted from infected cells show typical dna ladder. all these supported that both viruses infected sl-1 cells underg ...200212557384
early pathogenesis of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus and helicoverpa zea single nucleopolyhedrovirus in heliothis virescens: a comparison of the 'm' and 's' strategies for establishing fatal infection.nucleopolyhedroviruses (npvs) (baculoviridae) produce fatal infections in larval lepidopteran insects. npvs are designated snpvs or mnpvs based on whether the occlusion-derived virus (odv) that initiates primary midgut infections contains single (s) or multiple (m) nucleocapsids. the principal consequence of this odv packaging is that primary target cells infected with the m phenotype receive multiple nucleocapsids, whereas those infected by the s phenotype receive only one. to determine the bio ...200312560566
new helicoverpa armigera hbn cell line from larval hemocyte for baculovirus studies.a new cell line from the larval hemocytes of h. armigera was established in grace's medium modified by adding lactalbumin hydrolysate and yeastolate (3.3g/l), and supplemented with fetal bovine serum (20%). the cell line was designated as niv-ha-1195. the cell population at p-78 consisted mainly of epithelial-like cells (89.36%), fibroblast-like cells (8.31%) and giant cells (2.13%). the population doubling time was 96hr at p-8, 60hr at p-43. the chromosome number ranged from 45 to 200. the cell ...200212561972
improving baculovirus resistance to uv inactivation: increased virulence resulting from expression of a dna repair enzyme.the use of baculoviruses as biological control agents is hampered by their susceptibility to inactivation by ultraviolet (uv) light. in an attempt to reduce uv inactivation, an algal virus pyrimidine dimer-specific glycosylase, cv-pdg, was expressed in the baculovirus autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv), and the infectivity of recombinant viruses expressing cv-pdg was measured after exposure to uv light. expression of cv-pdg resulted in a 3-fold decrease in inactivation of bud ...200312581719
further enhancement of baculovirus insecticidal efficacy with scorpion toxins that interact cooperatively.we have studied whether the cooperative insecticidal effect of certain scorpion toxin pairs, namely either a combination of excitatory and depressant, or alpha and depressant scorpion toxins, would improve the efficacy of autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) over a virus expressing only a single toxin, towards heliothis virescens, helicoverpa armigera, and spodoptera littoralis larvae. the best result was achieved by combined expression of the excitatory toxin, lqhit1, and the de ...200312606040
functional interaction between cydia pomonella granulovirus iap proteins.cydia pomonella granulovirus (cpgv) encodes for three inhibitor of apoptosis (iap) proteins. one of them, cpiap3, was previously identified based on its capacity to substitute for the p35 gene in blocking autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv)-induced apoptosis in sf21 cells. in this paper, the function of the other two cpgv iap proteins, cp94 and cpiap5, was studied. neither cp94 nor cpiap5, independently or together, can block actinomycin d-induced apoptosis in transient expressi ...200312606082
in vitro expression and biochemical characterization of juvenile hormone esterase from manduca sexta.juvenile hormone esterase (jhe) is a selective enzyme that hydrolyzes the methyl ester of juvenile hormone. this enzyme plays an important role in the regulation of metamorphosis in caterpillars, and is implicated in additional roles in development and reproduction in this and other orders of insect. the full length coding region of the jhe cdna from manduca sexta was subcloned into the baculovirus acmnpv genome under the control of the p10 promoter. the recombinant virus demonstrated the expres ...200312609517
autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus orf69 encodes an rna cap (nucleoside-2'-o)-methyltransferase.the acnpv orf69 gene encodes a protein that contains an s-adenosylmethionine (adomet)-dependent methyltransferase signature motif. more significantly, orf69 shows high conservation at residues diagnostic for (nucleoside 2'-o)-methyltransferase activity. to analyze the function of this protein, which was renamed mtase1, it was overexpressed in escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. photo cross-linking experiments showed that mtase1 bound adomet, and functional assays demonstrated cap 0-dep ...200312610118
expression of dopamine d1 receptor in sf9 insect cells and agonism of l-12-chloroscoulerine on recombinant d1 express dopamine d1 receptor in baculovirus-sf9 cell system, and to investigate the effects of l-12-chloroscoulerine (l-csl) on the recombinant d1 receptor (d1r).200312617770
cloning, tissue distribution, and functional studies of a new cytochrome p450 3a subfamily member, cyp3a45, from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) intestinal trout and mammals, the major extrahepatic expression site for cyp3a forms is in the intestine. a cdna encoding a new cyp3a subfamily member was isolated from rainbow trout intestinal ceca by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr), followed by rapid amplification of cdna ends (race)-pcr. in a set of two primers for pcr, a consensus sequence in the highly conserved regions in 17 cyp3a sequences was used for one primer, and the second primer was designed based on adapter sequen ...200312646270
large-scale production of porcine mature interleukin-18 (il-18) in silkworms using a hybrid baculovirus expression this report, a hybrid baculovirus expression system, which means a hybrid virus of the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus and the bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus, was used for the large-scale production of porcine mature interleukin-18 (il-18) in silkworms. two recombinant hybrid baculoviruses containing cdna of the porcine precursor il-18 and the porcine caspase-1 were constructed and were used to infect silkworm larvae. after the co-infection of the two viruses, porcin ...200312655117
silencing of the baculovirus op-iap3 gene by rna interference reveals that it is required for prevention of apoptosis during orgyia pseudotsugata m nucleopolyhedrovirus infection of ld652y cells.the op-iap3 gene from the baculovirus orgyia pseudotsugata m nucleopolyhedrovirus (opmnpv) inhibits apoptosis induced by a mutant of autographa californica mnpv (acmnpv) that lacks the antiapoptotic gene p35, as well as apoptosis induced by a wide range of other stimuli in both mammalian and insect cells. however, the role of op-iap3 during opmnpv infection has not been previously examined. to determine the function of the op-iap3 protein during opmnpv infection, we used rna interference (rnai) ...200312663755
a few-polyhedra mutant and wild-type nucleopolyhedrovirus remain as a stable polymorphism during serial coinfection in trichoplusia ni.few-polyhedra (fp) mutants of nucleopolyhedroviruses (npvs) are a well-known phenomenon during serial passage of virus in cell culture. under these circumstances such mutants produce low yields of occlusion bodies (obs) and poorly occlude virions, but they are selected for through advantageous rates of budded virus replication. spontaneous insertion of transposable elements originating from host cell dna into the viral fp25 gene has been shown to be a common cause of the phenotype. a model of np ...200312676682
the highly conserved basic domain i of baculovirus ie1 is required for hr enhancer dna binding and hr-dependent transactivation.the immediate-early protein ie1 is the principal transcriptional regulator of the baculovirus autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv). transactivation by ie1 is dramatically stimulated by cis linkage of the affected promoter to acmnpv homologous region (hr) elements that contain palindromic 28-bp repeats (28-mers) with enhancer activity. this hr-dependent transcriptional enhancement requires binding of the 28-mer by dimeric ie1. here, we have defined ie1 domains required for this dn ...200312719559
palmitoylation of the autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus envelope glycoprotein gp64: mapping, functional studies, and lipid rafts.budded virions (bv) of the baculovirus autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) contain a major envelope glycoprotein known as gp64, which was previously shown to be palmitoylated. in the present study, we used truncation and amino acid substitution mutations to map the palmitoylation site to cysteine residue 503. palmitoylation of gp64 was not detected when cys503 was replaced with alanine or serine. palmitoylation-minus forms of gp64 were used to replace wild-type gp64 ...200312743283
co-infection of manduca sexta larvae with polydnavirus from cotesia congregata increases susceptibility to fatal infection by autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus.we investigated pathogenesis of autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus in the semipermissive host, manduca sexta, using a lacz recombinant virus (acmnpv-hsp70/lacz) to track the temporal progression of infection. results from time course studies monitoring infections initiated orally in fourth instars demonstrated that primary infection of midgut columnar cells began at 3 h post inoculation (hpi). we observed secondary infections in midgut-associated tracheae as early as 9 hpi, showing th ...200012770250
a baculovirus enhancin alters the permeability of a mucosal midgut peritrophic matrix from lepidopteran larvae.the peritrophic matrix (pm) in lepidopterous larvae may function as a defensive barrier against ingested viral pathogens. pms isolated from trichoplusia ni and pseudaletia unipuncta larvae, were treated with a baculovirus-encoded metalloprotease (enhancin) from trichoplusia ni granulosis virus (tngv) and their in vitro permeability to blue dextran and fluorescent-labelled autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) was determined using a dual chamber permeability apparatus. incuba ...199912770384
deletion of pe38 attenuates acmnpv genome replication, budded virus production, and virulence in heliothis virescens.the pe38 gene product of autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) has been shown to be involved in transcriptionally transactivating viral genes and augmenting viral dna replication in transient assays. to assess the role of pe38 during infection, we generated a knockout virus, delta pe38-e9/e9, in which the pe38 open reading frame was replaced with that of the green fluorescent protein. we compared mutant and wild-type (wt) viral replication in insect cell culture and virulence in ...200312781710
orf98 of autographa californica nucleopolyhedrosisvirus is an auxiliary factor in late gene expression.autographa californica nucleopolyhedrosisvirus (acmnpv) is the type member of the family baculoviridae. gene expression of acmnpv during virus infection is temporally regulated. a series of late expression factors (lefs) are required for late gene expression to take place. a number of additional factors have also been shown to more modestly influence late gene expression. using the lef transient assay, we scanned the acmnpv genome for such factors by replacing plasmids using the lef genes with l ...200312795401
pathogenesis of autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus in fifth instar spodoptera frugiperda.we have characterized infection and pathogenesis of an autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus recombinant, acmnpv-hsp70/lacz, carrying the lacz reporter gene, in penultimate (fifth) instar spodoptera frugiperda. bioassays revealed that while <0.1 p.f.u. of budded virus was required to generate an ld(50) by intrahaemocoelic injection, approximately 6000 occlusions were required orally to achieve the same mortality in newly moulted fifth instar (5(0)) larvae. in pathogenesis experiments, 78 ...200312867633
a bombyx mori gene, bmchi-h, encodes a protein homologous to bacterial and baculovirus chitinases.we have cloned and characterized a novel chitinase gene (bmchi-h) from the silkworm, bombyx mori. bmchi-h cdna has an open reading frame of 1,665 nucleotides, encoding a protein of 555 amino acid residues. the predicted protein shared extensive similarities with bacterial and baculovirus chitinases in both amino acid sequences (73% identity with serratia marcescens chia and 63% with autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus chia) and domain architectures. bmchi-h was a single-copy gene and loc ...200312878222
determination of the protein composition of the occlusion-derived virus of autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus.the occlusion derived form of baculovirus is specially adapted for primary infection of the host midgut epithelium. as such, the virion must contain the proteins essential for host range determination and initiation of infection. because knowledge of virion composition is a prerequisite for functional investigation, this study used a combination of techniques to identify the proteins present within or associated with the occlusion-derived virus (odv) virion. thirty-one proteins, including protei ...200312904572
expression of vp2 gene protein of infectious bursal disease virus detected in korea.the vp2 gene dna (1.4 kb in approximate) of a very virulent infectious bursal disease virus (vvibdv) chinju strain detected in chinju, korea was cloned into the bacmid, a baculovirus shuttle vector, through transposition of the gene from initially cloned pfastbachta plasmid, a baculovirus expression vector, and was subsequently expressed in spodoptera frugiperda (sf) cells. biological properties of the expressed vp2 subunit protein were characterized to aid in the development of genetically engi ...200312913360
rna interference as a metabolic engineering tool: potential for in vivo control of protein expression in an insect larval model.many ex vivo factors influence the yield of recombinant protein produced via acmnpv (autographa californica multiple nucleocapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus) in trichoplusia ni (t. ni) larvae. among these are: the method of infection, the time of infection, the virus load, and the time of harvest. in vivo strategies, however, that attempt to manipulate host function in this and other expression systems have largely been ignored. in this work, rna interference (rnai) is shown as an effective meta ...200312948752
[baculovirus p74 gene is a species-specific gene].the p74 gene of autographa californica multicasid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) bacmid was knockouted and substituted by the p74 gene of spodoptera litura multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (spltmnpv), using reca-mediated homologous recombination in the e. coli. no selection marker, which might influence the expression and function of p74 gene, was left in the modified p74 locus. the promoter of acmnpv p74 gene directly controlled the expression of spltmnpv p74 gene in the recombinant acmnpv bacmi ...200312958657
an improved baculovirus insecticide producing occlusion bodies that contain bacillus thuringiensis insect toxin.baculovirus occlusion bodies, large proteinaceous structures which contain virions, have recently been engineered to incorporate foreign proteins. the major constituent protein of occlusion bodies from the baculovirus autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus is polyhedrin, and assembly of recombinant occlusion bodies which incorporate a foreign protein depends on an interaction between native polyhedrin and a polyhedrin-foreign protein fusion. this technology has now been applied to the gener ...200313678710
spontaneous excision of bac vector sequences from bacmid-derived baculovirus expression vectors upon passage in insect cells.repeated baculovirus infections in cultured insect cells lead to the generation of defective interfering viruses (dis), which accumulate at the expense of the intact helper virus and compromise heterologous protein expression. in particular, autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedovirus (acmnpv) dis are enriched in an origin of viral dna replication (ori) not associated with the homologous regions (hrs). this non-hr ori is located within the coding sequence of the non-essential p94 gene ...200313679600
baculovirus p35 interacts with a subunit of human rna polymerase ii and can enhance promoter activity in human cells.the early protein p35 from the baculovirus autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus is a direct inhibitor of caspases and can block apoptosis in a wide variety of systems. in addition, it has been linked to the regulation of viral gene expression, shut-down of protein synthesis in infected insect cells and malignant transformation of mouse fibroblasts. by yeast-two-hybrid screening we identified the rpb11a subunit of human rna polymerase ii as an interaction partner of p35. specificity of the ...200314573806
autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus infection of spodoptera frugiperda cells: a global analysis of host gene regulation during infection, using a differential display approach.autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv), the type member of the virus family baculoviridae, infects pest insects and has been the subject of many studies for its development as a biopesticide. it is also the virus upon which most of the commercial baculovirus protein expression systems are based. acmnpv infection of cultured host spodoptera frugiperda (sf9) cells can induce a number of alterations of host cell properties including altering the cellular cytoskeleton, an arrest of the ...200314573808
baculoviral polyhedrin as a novel fusion partner for formation of inclusion body in escherichia coli.baculoviral polyhedrin, which originated from autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv), was employed for the first time as a novel fusion partner for expression of foreign proteins in an escherichia coli system. we characterized the expression of recombinant polyhedrin protein fused to green fluorescent protein (gfp). the polyhedrin fusion protein ( approximately 58 kda) was successfully expressed as an insoluble inclusion body comprising approximately 30% of the total cellular ...200314574705
high-frequency homologous recombination between baculoviruses involves dna replication.we determined the frequency of dna recombination between bombyx mori nucleopolyhedroviruses (bmnpvs) and between bmnpv and the closely related autographa californica npv (acmnpv) in bmn cells, sf-21 cells, and larvae of heliothis virescens. the bmn cells were coinfected with two bmnpvs, one with a mutation at the polyhedrin gene (polh) locus and a second carrying a lacz gene marker cassette. eleven different bmnpv mutants carrying the lacz gene marker at various distances (1.4 to 61.7 kb) from p ...200314645562
synergism between the nucleopolyhedroviruses of autographa californica and trichoplusia ni.previous observations on high virulence of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) and trichoplusia ni single nucleopolyhedrovirus (tnsnpv) acting together led us to test possible synergism between these two nucleopolyhedroviruses (npvs) on cabbage looper larvae. because synergism between acmnpv and the trichoplusia ni granulovirus (tngv) has been well established before, these two viruses were included in this study as a positive control. each virus was assayed separately ...200314658849
the baculovirus gp64 protein mediates highly stable infectivity of a human respiratory syncytial virus lacking its homologous transmembrane glycoproteins.baculovirus gp64 is a low-ph-dependent membrane fusion protein required for virus entry and cell-to-cell transmission. recently, gp64 has generated interest for practical applications in mammalian systems. here we examined the membrane fusion function of gp64 from autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) expressed in mammalian cells, as well as its capacity to functionally complement a mammalian virus, human respiratory syncytial virus (hrsv). both authentic gp64 and gp(64/f ...200414671094
characterization of the interaction between p143 and lef-3 from two different baculovirus species: choristoneura fumiferana nucleopolyhedrovirus lef-3 can complement autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus lef-3 in supporting dna replication.the baculovirus protein p143 is essential for viral dna replication in vivo, likely as a dna helicase. we have demonstrated that another viral protein, lef-3, first described as a single-stranded dna binding protein, is required for transporting p143 into the nuclei of insect cells. both of these proteins, along with several other early viral proteins, are also essential for dna replication in transient assays. we now describe the identification, nucleotide sequences, and transcription patterns ...200414671115
high efficiency gene transfer into mammalian kidney cells using baculovirus vectors.gene delivery into kidney cells is essential to the development of gene therapy for nephropathy. this paper describes the use of baculovirus autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) as a vector for gene delivery into several mammalian kidney cells. high-level expression of a reporter gene encoding for the green fluorescent protein (gfp) under a heterogonous promoter was observed in kidney cells from mouse, hamster, monkey, pig, and human. the level of transgene expression exhibited v ...200414689275
formation of p10 tubular structures during acmnpv infection depends on the integrity of host-cell microtubules.during infection of insect cells with autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv), the very late protein p10 forms large fibrillar structures in the cytoplasm and nuclei of infected cells. in this study we have used confocal microscopy in association with a novel p10 antiserum to localise and study p10 in virus-infected cells. p10 was shown to be a component of tubular-like structures that spiralled throughout the cytoplasm and nucleus of acmnpv-infected cells. these structures were obs ...200314698669
specificity of the endonuclease activity of the baculovirus alkaline nuclease for single-stranded dna.the autographa californica multiple nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) alkaline nuclease (an) likely participates in the maturation of virus genomes and in dna recombination. acmnpv an was expressed in a recombinant baculovirus as a his -tagged fusion and obtained in pure form (*an) or as a (6)complex with the baculoviral single-stranded dna-binding protein lef-3 (*an/l3). both an preparations possessed potent 5' --> 3'-exonuclease and weak endonuclease activities. mutant *an(s146a)/l3 w ...200414736888
baculovirus expression system for magnetic sorting of infected cells and enhanced titer determination.recombinant baculoviruses derived from the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) are widely used to express heterologous genes in insect cells, but the use of the baculovirus expression vector system (bevs) is hampered by slow and tedious procedures for the selection and separation of baculovirus-infected insect cells and for titer determination. here we developed a new technology based on the bicistronic vector with a fusion protein of the human integral plasma membrane glyc ...200414740489
improved display of synthetic igg-binding domains on the baculovirus surface.improved display of foreign protein moieties in combination with beneficial alteration of the viral surface properties should be of value for targeted and enhanced gene delivery. here, we describe a vector based on autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) displaying synthetic igg-binding domains (zz) of protein a fused to the transmembrane anchor of vesicular stomatitis virus (vsv) g protein. this display vector was equipped with a gfp/egfp expression cassette enabling fluor ...200414750896
biological activity of recombinant bovine interferon tau using an autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus expression system.bovine interferon (bifn) tau, which plays a key role in maternal-fetal recognition of pregnancy, was expressed by an autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus expression system. cdna coding bifntau was derived from cultured trophoblast cells. the recombinant (r) bifntau had high antiviral activity (1 x 10 (8) iu/mg) and the molecular weight of rbifntau was estimated to be 23 kda by western blotting analysis. we investigated the biological effect of rbifntau on prostaglandin (pg) f(2alpha ...200314967893
the role of baculovirus apoptotic suppressors in acmnpv-mediated translation arrest in ld652y cells.infecting the insect cell line iplb-ld652y with the baculovirus autographa californica multinucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) results in global translation arrest, which correlates with the presence of the acmnpv apoptotic suppressor, p35. in this study, we investigated the role of apoptotic suppression on acmnpv-induced translation arrest. infecting cells with acmnpv bearing nonfunctional mutant p35 did not result in global translation arrest. in contrast, global translation arrest was ...200414980489
deletion of the autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus chitinase kdel motif and in vitro and in vivo analysis of the modified virus.infection of insect larvae with autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) results in the liquefaction of the host, a process involving the action of virus-encoded chitinase and cathepsin gene products. chitinase is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (er) during infection because of the presence of a c-terminal er retrieval motif (kdel). in this study, the kdel coding region was removed from the chitinase gene so that expression of the modified chitinase remained under the control ...200415039525
autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus early gp64 synthesis mitigates developmental resistance in orally infected noctuid hosts.the unusual early synthesis of the autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) budded virus (bv) structural protein gp64 is an important virulence factor during oral infection of heliothis virescens larvae. considering the breadth of the acmnpv host range, the importance of early gp64 synthesis in orally infected permissive hosts (trichoplusia ni and spodoptera exigua) from subfamilies other than that of h. virescens was assessed. an acmnpv recombinant, having wild-type early and late ...200415039526
trafficking of odv-e66 is mediated via a sorting motif and other viral proteins: facilitated trafficking to the inner nuclear membrane.the n-terminal 33 aa of the envelope protein odv-e66 are sufficient to traffic fusion proteins to intranuclear membranes and the odv envelope during infection with autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus. this sequence has two distinct features: (i) an extremely hydrophobic sequence of 18 aa and (ii) positively charged amino acids close to the c-terminal end of the hydrophobic sequence. in the absence of infection, this sequence is sufficient to promote protein accumulation at the inner nucl ...200415150405
characterization of two autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus proteins, ac145 and ac150, which affect oral infectivity in a host-dependent manner.the genome of the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv) contains two homologues, orf145 and orf150, of the heliothis armigera entomopoxvirus (haepv) 11,000-kda gene. polyclonal antibodies raised against the ac145 or ac150 protein were utilized to demonstrate that they are expressed from late to very late times of infection and are within the nuclei of infected sf-21 cells. transmission electron microscopy coupled with immunogold labeling of ac145 found this prote ...200415163737
p74 mediates specific binding of autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus occlusion-derived virus to primary cellular targets in the midgut epithelia of heliothis virescens larvae.p74, an envelope protein of the occlusion-derived virus (odv) of autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv), is critical for oral infection of trichoplusia ni larvae. the role of p74 during primary infection, however, is unknown. here we provide evidence that p74 facilitates binding of acmnpv odv to a specific receptor within the larval midgut epithelia of another host species, heliothis virescens. we adapted a fluorescence dequenching assay to compare binding, fusion, and competitio ...200415194753
the mosaic structure of the polyhedrin gene of the autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv).the polyhedrin (polh) gene of nucleopolyhedroviruses (npvs) encodes for the matrix protein of the virus occlusion body and is one of the most conserved baculovirus genes. previous analyses of different npv genes and polh genes provided conflicting results indicating that the autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) is generally a member of the so-called group i npvs and is most closely related to rachiplusia ou (ro) npv, whereas the acmnpv polh is more similar to the polh of the grou ...200415215679
identification and characterization of a major early-transcribed gene of trichoplusia ni single nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus using the baculovirus expression early transcribed gene (me-53) of a south africa strain of trichoplusia ni single nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (tnsnpv) was sequenced and identified. it has an open reading frame of 1146 nucleotides that encodes a protein of 382 amino acids with a molecular mass of 45.2 kda. the deduced protein sequence alignment of 13 baculovirus me-53s indicated that the tnsnpv me-53 shares the highest homologies with npv subgroup ii-a spodoptera exigua multiple and mamestra configurata (maco) nucleopo ...200415215681
characterization of a baculovirus with a deletion of vlf-1.very late expression factor (vlf-1) of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) is essential for high levels of expression of the very late genes p10 and polh, and evidence suggests vlf-1 may also be involved in viral dna replication. in this study, investigations determined whether vlf-1 is essential for viral dna replication by generating a vlf-1 knockout bacmid containing the acmnpv genome through homologous recombination in escherichia coli. additionally, a vlf-1 repair ...200415262507
baculovirus late expression factors.autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus, or acmnpv, is the type member of the baculoviruses, a family of double-stranded dna viruses with large circular genomes. the successive and concomitant expression of an assortment of early, late and very late genes is instrumental for successful baculovirus infection, and requires a switch from early dependence on a host cell-derived polymerase ii to a novel virus-encoded rna polymerase that is required for transcription later on in infection. a ...200415263813
rapid parallel expression in e. coli and insect cells: analysis of five lef gene products of the autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acmnpv).a number of strategies are emerging for the high throughput (htp) expression of recombinant proteins to enable structural and functional study. here we describe a workable htp strategy based on parallel protein expression in e. coli and insect cells. using this system we provide comparative expression data for five proteins derived from the autographa californica polyhedrosis virus genome that vary in amino acid composition and in molecular weight. although the proteins are part of a set of fact ...200415284479
molecular structure of a proteolytic fragment of tlp20.myosin light-chain kinase is responsible for the phosphorylation of myosin in smooth muscle cells. in some tissue types, the c-terminal portion of this large enzyme is expressed as an independent protein and has been given the name telokin. recently, an antibody directed against telokin was found to interact with a protein derived from the baculovirus autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus. this protein was biochemically characterized and given the name tlp20 for telokin-like protein ...199615299576
characterization of lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus orf6 protein expressed by recombinant baculoviruses.lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus (ldv) has a strict species-specificity and can replicate only in a subset of mouse primary macrophages in vitro. because it is difficult to grow and purify sufficient quantities of ldv virions from the primary macrophages, it has been difficult to further characterize ldv envelope proteins. a few expression systems have been reported for structural analysis of the nonglycosylated envelope protein m/vp-2, however, very few studies of the antigenicity of m/vp- ...200415325515
autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus exon0 (orf141), which encodes a ring finger protein, is required for efficient production of budded virus.exon0 (orf141) of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) is a highly conserved baculovirus gene that codes for a predicted 261-amino-acid protein. located in the c-terminal region of exon0 are a predicted leucine-rich coiled-coil domain and a ring finger motif. the 5' 114 nucleotides of exon0 form part of ie0, which is a spliced gene expressed at very early times postinfection, but transcriptional analysis revealed that exon0 is transcribed as a late gene. to determine the ...200415331696
anticarsia gemmatalis multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus v-trex gene encodes a functional 3' to 5' exonuclease.the viral three-prime repair exonuclease (v-trex) gene of the anticarsia gemmatalis multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (agmnpv) is the first baculovirus gene to be described with significant homology to a 3' exonuclease. v-trex is an early gene that is expressed by agmnpv from 3 h post-infection. in the present study, the agmnpv v-trex orf was cloned into the baculovirus autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) under the control of a polyhedrin promoter. the resulting virus ...200415448348
transient in vivo gene delivery to the silkworm bombyx mori by egt-null recombinant acnpv using egfp as a reporter.several strains of silkworm bombyx mori were tested for the gene delivery feasibility of autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acnpv) in vivo. in contrast to the general belief that silkworms were non-permissive to acnpv, we found that 3 of 7 tested strains were acnpv permissive. to dispel the physiological influence of the ecdysteroid udp-glucosyltransferase (egt) on the silkworm, we modified the acnpv bacmid by disruption of that gene. expression pattern of egfp in tissues of silkworm l ...200515449138
the murine thymic stromal lymphopoietin receptor is partially expressed with an extracellular c-terminus.the gene encoding the murine thymic stromal lymphopoietin receptor was expressed in lepidopteran insect cells using the baculovirus expression vector system. the corresponding gene was inserted under the polyhedrin promoter of the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus and expressed with an n-terminal poly-histidine tag and a c-terminal flag-tag in the spodoptera frugiperda insect cell line sf9 during viral infection. flow cytometer analysis of cells infected with the produced recombi ...200515488943
baculovirus proteins ie-1, lef-3, and p143 interact with dna in vivo: a formaldehyde cross-linking, lef-3, and p143 are three of six proteins encoded by autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) essential for baculovirus dna replication in transient replication assays. ie-1 is the major baculovirus immediate early transcription regulator. lef-3 is a single-stranded dna binding protein (ssb) and p143 is a dna helicase protein. to investigate their interactions in vivo, we treated acmnpv-infected spodoptera frugiperda cells with formaldehyde and separated soluble proteins from c ...200415518813
new and highly efficient method for silkworm transgenesis using autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus and piggybac transposable elements.we have developed a new method for the transgenesis of the silkworm, bombyx mori. this method couples the use of recombinant baculoviruses with the use of the piggybac transposable element. one recombinant acnpv, designated the helper virus, is designed to express the piggybac transposase under the control of the drosophila hsp70 promoter. another recombinant acnpv encoded the gene to be incorporated into the silkworm genome, in this case a green fluorescent protein (gfp) gene, under the control ...200415538741
orf390 of white spot syndrome virus genome is identified as a novel anti-apoptosis gene.apoptosis serves as an important defense strategy employed by host cells against viral invasion. many viruses contain the anti-apoptotic genes to block the defense-by-death response of host cells. in this study, we tried to identify the putative anti-apoptotic genes in white spot syndrome virus (wssv) genome. we confirmed that actinomycin d could induce apoptosis of shrimp primary cells. however, the apoptosis triggered by actinomycin d was inhibited by wssv infection. as mutants of autographa c ...200415541375
characterization of the replication of a baculovirus mutant lacking the dna polymerase a previous study, the dna polymerase gene (dnapol) of autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (acmnpv) was identified as one of six genes required for plasmid replication in a transient replication assay (m. kool, c. ahrens, r.w. goldbach, g.f. rohrmann, j.m. vlak, identification of genes involved in dna replication of the autographa californica, proc. natl. acad. sci. u.s.a. 91, (1994) 11212-11216); however, another study based on a similar approach reported that the virally enc ...200515582664
efficient large-scale protein production of larvae and pupae of silkworm by bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus bacmid system.silkworm is one of the most attractive hosts for large-scale production of eukaryotic proteins as well as recombinant baculoviruses for gene transfer to mammalian cells. the bacmid system of autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (acnpv) has already been established and widely used. however, the acnpv does not have a potential to infect silkworm. we developed the first practical bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus bacmid system directly applicable for the protein expression of silk ...200515596136
expression and one-step purification of bovine interleukin-21 (il-21) in silkworms using a hybrid baculovirus expression system.a hybrid baculovirus, a hybrid of the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus and the bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus, was used for the large-scale production of bovine interleukin-21 (il-21) in silkworms. a recombinant hybrid baculovirus containing the full length of the cdna of bovine interleukin-21 was constructed and used to infect silkworm larvae or silkmoth pupae. after the infection of the virus, bovine mature il-21 was produced in the haemolymph or pupal cell lysates. a ...200415604780
construction of a host range-expanded hybrid baculovirus of bmnpv and acnpv, and knockout of cysteinase gene for more efficient expression.acnpv (autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus) and bmnpv(bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus) are two principal insect-baculovirus expression systems, each having different characteristics. acnpv has a wider host range and can infect a series of cell lines thus making it suitable for cell suspension culture expression, but the small size of the host insect, a. californica, makes acnpv less suitable for large scale protein synthesis. in contrast, bmnpv can only infect the silkworm, ...200415623152
Displaying items 801 - 900 of 1224