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gonadotropin-releasing hormone and nmda receptor gene expression and colocalization change during puberty in female rats.during development, an increase in gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) release occurs that is critical for the initiation of puberty. this increase is attributable, at least in part, to activation of the gnrh neurosecretory system by inputs from neurotransmitters, such as glutamate, acting via nmda receptors. we examined changes in gnrh and nmda-r1 gene expression by rnase protection assay of preoptic area-anterior hypothalamic (poa-ah) dissections of female rats undergoing normal puberty or i ...19968757241
[physical training and low-dose heparin-calcium in patients suffering from chronic obliterating arteriopathy of the lower limbs with intermittent claudication].in the treatment of peripheral obliterating arteriopathy (poa) physical training provides clear results in terms of increased walking autonomy; it is still not fully clear whether the positive effects of physical training can be further improved by concomitant back-up drug therapy. for this purpose 374 patients of both sexes, with a mean age of 64 years, suffering from chronic peripheral obliterating arteriopathy of the lower limbs were enrolled in a controlled open clinical trial, instructed to ...19968767599
alpha adrenergic neurons inhibit luteinizing hormone pulse amplitude in breeding season is now clear that estradiol acts in the brain to inhibit lh pulse amplitude in breeding season ewes, but the neural mechanisms underlying this action of estradiol have yet to be determined. in this study, we performed four experiments to examine the role of alpha-adrenergic neurons in the control of lh pulse amplitude in the ewe. in the first experiment, implantation of the alpha-adrenergic antagonist phenoxybenzamine into the preoptic area (poa) during the follicular phase of the ovine estro ...19968788189
the sexually dimorphic medial preoptic nucleus of quail: a key brain area mediating steroid action on male sexual behavior.about 10 years ago, a sexually differentiated nucleus was identified in the preoptic area (poa) of the japanese quail in the course of studies analyzing the dimorphic mechanisms involved in the activation of sexual behavior. in this species, males exposed to testosterone copulate while females never show this masculine behavior. the present paper reviews anatomical, neurochemical, and functional data that have been collected since that time about the quail dimorphic nucleus. the medial preoptic ...19968788569
endocrine correlates of partner preference behavior in rams.we studied a unique group of rams that would not mate with estrous ewes during extensive testing for sexual behavior. the same rams courted males in preference to females in 30-min sexual preference tests and were classified as male-oriented (n = 6). we compared the following endocrine profiles: systemic steroid concentrations, the capacity of the testes to biosynthesize 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone and testosterone from 3h-progesterone in vitro, and the levels of brain aromatase activity (aa) i ...19968793066
neurogenesis and cell migration into the sexually dimorphic preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus of the fetal ferret.a sexually dimorphic male nucleus (mn) of the preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus (poa/ah), comprising large, estradiol-receptor containing neurons, is formed in male ferrets due to the action of estradiol, derived from the neural aromatization of circulating testosterone, during the last quarter of a 41-day gestation. two experiments were conducted to compare the birthdates and the migration pattern of cells into the sexually dimorphic portion of the dorsomedial poa/ah as well as the nondimorph ...19968807525
role of interleukin-1 beta, interleukin-6 and macrophage inflammatory protein-1 beta in prostaglandin-e2-induced hyperthermia in rats.the purpose of this study was to investigate the role of pyrogenic cytokines, such as il-1 beta, il-6 and mip-1 beta, in the mechanisms underlying the hyperthermic response of rats to central injection of pge2. thus, specific murine neutralizing antibodies against these cytokines were micro-injected directly into the anterior hypothalamic, preoptic area (ah/poa) of unrestrained rats just before intracerebroventricular injection of pge2. the significant hyperthermia induced by pge2 was markedly s ...19968809217
photoperiodic modulation of monoamines and amino-acids involved in the control of prolactin and lh secretion in the ewe: evidence for a regulation of tyrosine hydroxylase activity.several neurotransmitters are implicated in the photoperiodic regulation of prolactin and luteinising hormone (lh) secretion in the ewe. this work investigated whether catecholamines, gamma-amino butyric acid (gaba), excitatory amino acids and serotonin diencephalic contents are affected by photoperiod and how such changes relate to the seasonal effects of photoperiod on lh and prolactin secretions. moreover, to determine whether photoperiod can influence catecholamine biosynthesis, the activity ...19968809677
ventromedial preoptic prostaglandin e2 activates fever-producing autonomic pathways.fever is thought to be initiated by pyrogenic cytokines inducing the production of prostaglandin e2 (pge2) in the preoptic area (poa); pge2 may act as a paracrine mediator that stimulates the neural pathways that raise body temperature. this essential role for prostaglandins in fever first was proposed 25 years ago, but the specific preoptic cell groups at which pge2 acts and the pathways through which fever is produced remain poorly understood. to better define the role of preoptic pge2 in feve ...19968815905
neuropeptide y perfused in the preoptic area of rats shifts extracellular efflux of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin during hypothermia and feeding.this study examined the localized action of neuropeptide y (npy) on monoamine transmitter activity in the hypothalamus of the unrestrained rat as this peptide induced hypothermia, spontaneous feeding or both responses simultaneously. a guide tube was implanted in the anterior hypothalamic pre-optic area (ah/poa) of sprague-dawley rats. then either control csf vehicle or npy in a dose of either 100 ng/microliter or 250 ng/microliter was perfused by push-pull cannulae in this structure in the full ...19968829134
blockade of lipopolysaccharide-induced fever by subdiaphragmatic vagotomy in guinea is generally believed that fever is mediated by certain cytokines produced by immune cells activated by exogenous pyrogens, e.g., lipopolysaccharides (lps), released into the circulation and transported to the brain there, the cytokines are thought to stimulate prostaglandin (pg) e2 production within the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis region. pge2 then may act as a febrigenic mediator locally or in the surrounding preoptic area (poa). however, whereas the increases in preoptic pge2 and ...19968836556
effects of prenatal morphine and adult estrogen administration on mu-opioid inhibition of norepinephrine release from hypothalamic slices.the present study tested the hypotheses that exposure to morphine in utero (10 mg/kg twice a day on gestation days 11-18) and acute estrogen treatment in adulthood alter mu-opioid regulation of hypothalamic norepinephrine (ne) release in sexually mature rats. both basal and kcl-stimulated ne releases were measured in superfused hypothalamic and preoptic area (poa) slices preloaded with 3h-ne. the mu-opioid receptor agonist d-ala2, mephe4-gly-ol5-enkephalin (damgo; 10 or 100 nm) or the opioid ant ...19968839356
projections from visual areas of the cerebral cortex to pretectal nuclear complex, terminal accessory optic nuclei, and superior colliculus in macaque monkey.the purpose of this study was to analyze the projections from visually related areas of the cerebral cortex of rhesus monkey to subcortical nuclei involved in eye-movement control; i.e., the pretectal nuclear complex, the terminal nuclei of the accessory optic system (aos), and the superior colliculus (sc). the anterograde tracer 3h-leucine was pressure injected bilaterally into the cortex of six monkeys (for a total of 12 cases) involving the primary visual cortex (area 17); the medial prestria ...19958847410
oligodendrocyte development in plp "pt" mutant rabbits: glycolipid antigens and plp gene expression.paralytic tremor (pt), a hereditary neurological disorder of rabbits is a recessive, x-linked point mutation of the gene for proteolipid protein (plp) biosynthesis. this mutation results in substitution of histidine by glutamine in the plp molecule and produces severe hypomyelination. in the present study, we investigated the developmental expression of myelin-oligodendrocyte-specific glycolipid markers by means of elisa assay. while immunoreactivity with antibodies recognising proligodendroblas ...19958847995
interaction between norepinephrine and prostaglandin e2 in the preoptic area of guinea pigs.the release of norepinephrine (ne) and prostaglandin e2 (pge2) in the preoptic-anterior hypothalamus (poa) by systemically administered pyrogens suggests that both substances may mediate the febrile response. to investigate their possible interaction, we measured directly the levels of pge2 in the extracellular fluid of the poa of conscious guinea pigs microdialyzed intrapreoptically with exogenous ne over the entire course of their febrile response to endotoxin. acidified and buffered ne (nea, ...19968853372
exogenous estrogen acts differently on production of estrogen receptor in the preoptic area and the mediobasal hypothalamic nuclei in the newborn rat.expression of the estrogen receptor (er) in the preoptic area (poa) and the mediobasal hypothalamus (mbh) in newborn female rats was studied by immunohistochemistry (ihc) and in situ hybridization histochemistry (ishh). the number of er immunoreactive (er-ir) cells decreased and expression of er mrna was suppressed in the arcuate (arh) and the ventromedial (vmh) hypothalamic nuclei by daily injections of estradiol benzoate (eb) for ten consecutive days. in contrast, in the poa, expression of er ...19968856721
evidence that brain nitric oxide synthase is the major nitric oxide synthase isoform in the hypothalamus of the adult female rat and that nitric oxide potently regulates hypothalamic cgmp levels.recent studies suggest that nitric oxide (no) may function as a neurotransmitter in the hypothalamus. in order to provide further evidence supporting this contention, we examined: (1) whether the hypothalamus displays significant no synthase (nos) activity and whether the activity is inhibited by an nos inhibitor, (2) whether the different nos isoforms [brain (b)-nos, endothelial (e)-nos and macrophage (m)-nos] are expressed in the various nuclei of the hypothalamus of the random cycling adult f ...19968857603
host genetic and adjuvant factors influence epitope specificity to a major recombinant grass allergen.the role of host genetic and adjuvant factors in the induction of immune responses to a major recombinant kentucky bluegrass allergen was examined utilizing five strains of mice and two different adjuvants. analysis of the recombinant allergen-specific antibodies induced in these strains indicated that the antibodies of various isotypes were differentially regulated. in terms of ige antibody response, bdf1 and dba/2 were characterized as high responder, whereas balb/c, cba/j and c57bl/6 were int ...19968859227
effects of ovariectomy on gnrh neuronal morphology in rhesus monkey (macaca mulatta).gonadotropin releasing hormone (gnrh) neurons are typically simple, fusiform cells; however, over the course of prepubertal development increasing numbers take on a 'spiny' appearance. following gonadectomy there is a decrease in the frequency of these spiny gnrh neurons. these observations which were made in the rat suggest that gnrh neurons are directly affected by the gonadal steroid milieu, though they do not themselves contain receptors for these steroidal hormones. in that there are import ...19968866247
estrogen and apoptosis in the developing sexually dimorphic preoptic area in female rats.effect of estrogen on apoptotic cell death was studied in the two sexually dimorphic neuronal groups in the developing rat preoptic area (poa): the anteroventral periventricular nucleus of the poa (avpvn-poa); and the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the poa (sdn-poa). a specific labelling of nuclear fragmentation was performed by terminal deoxynucleotydyl transferase(tdt)-mediated dutp-biotin nick end-labeling method (tunel method) to demonstrate apoptosis. in the avpvn-poa whose size is larger in ...19968866522
analgesic effects of the neurosteroid 3 alpha-androstanediol.the efficacy of 5 alpha-androstane-3 alpha,17 beta-diol (3 alpha-androstanediol; 3 alpha-diol) and 4-pregnen-3,20-dione (progesterone; p) in promoting analgesia was investigated. ovariectomized rats received daily injections of 3 alpha-diol (0.6, 3.0, 6.0 and 7.5 mg/kg) or vehicle and twice daily injections of estradiol-17 beta (e2: 1 microgram) for 2 days. progesterone (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 mg/kg) or its vehicle was given on the third day and nociceptive testing using the radiant heat tailflic ...19968869550
increased galanin and neuropeptide-y immunoreactivity within the hypothalamus of ovariectomised ewes following a prolonged period of reduced body weight is associated with changes in plasma growth hormone but not gonadotropin levels.manipulation of diet is known to affect the secretion of the gonadotropins and growth hormone (gh). the former are under the direct regulation of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) and the latter is under the dual control of gh-releasing hormone (ghrh) and somatostatin (srih). at the level of the hypothalamus, both galanin (gal) and neuropeptide y (npy) are thought to regulate the secretion of the above releasing and inhibiting factors. both peptides are also potent orexigenic ag ...19968875437
behavioral effects of 3 alpha-androstanediol. ii: hypothalamic and preoptic area actions via a gabaergic mechanism.we investigated whether 5 alpha-androstane-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol (3 alpha-androstanediol; 3 alpha-diol), a neurosteroid whose effects are primarily inhibitory to sexual behavior, may act through interactions with gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) receptor complexes (gbrs) in the medial basal hypothalamus (mbh) and the preoptic area (poa). in experiment (exp.) 1, ovariectomized (ovx) rats were implanted with bilateral guide cannulae aimed above the mbh and were later treated with 17 beta-estradiol ( ...19968883823
levels of serum steroids, aromatase activity, and estrogen receptors in preoptic area, hypothalamus, and amygdala of b6d2f1 male house mice that differ in the display of copulatory behavior after castration.most male b6d2f1 hybrid house mice continue to copulate after castration (continuers), whereas others do not (noncontinuers). copulation in continuers appears estrogen dependent. serum testosterone (t), 17 beta-estradiol (e2), and dihydrotestosterone (dht), as well as aromatase activity (aa) and estrogen receptor (er) levels in preoptic area (poa), hypothalamus (hyp), and amygdala (am) were measured to determine if continuers and noncontinuers differ in estrogen physiology. in general, continuer ...19968889004
progesterone and 3 alpha-androstanediol conjugated to bovine serum albumin affects estrous behavior when applied to the mbh and poa.ovariectomized rats with cannula over the medial basal hypothalamus (mbh) received implants of 3 alpha-diol conjugated to bovine serum albumin (bsa; 3 alpha-diol:bsa), free 3 alpha-diol diluted with bsa (3 alpha-diol&bsa), progesterone (p) conjugated to bsa (p:bsa), free p diluted with bsa (p&bsa), or bsa alone. 3 alpha-diol:bsa or 3 alpha-diol&bsa facilitated receptivity within 90 min. other estradiol-treated rats received steroid implants in the preoptic area (poa); those receiving p:bsa or p& ...19968889005
pharmacokinetics of extracellular melatonin in siberian hamster vivo brain microdialysis was used to characterize the pharmacokinetics of subcutaneously injected melatonin in the anterior hypothalamic-preoptic area (ah-poa) of the male siberian hamster. animals with a microdialysis probe implanted in the ah-poa were treated with a subcutaneous melatonin injection at 0900 h (3 h after lights-on) or 2000 h (2 h prior to lights-off). treatment with 2.5 or 0.25 mg/kg dosages of melatonin in saline vehicle induced peak concentrations of melatonin in ah-poa mic ...19968891318
the role of apoptosis in sexual differentiation of the rat sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area.the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (sdn-poa) in the rat hypothalamus is larger in volume in males than in females due to a larger number of cells in the nucleus. although the sdn-poa, and its development, have been extensively studied, the actual mechanism of its sexual differentiation has not been established. the results of previous studies have not supported a role for gonadal steroids in the regulation of neurogenesis or the determination of the migratory pathway perinatally ...19968896803
nitric oxide and drinking behaviour.the role of brain l-arginine/nitric oxide biochemical pathway in the regulation of drinking behaviour was investigated. drinking was induced by water deprivation or by intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) injected angiotensin ii. l-arginine, the amino-acid precursor of nitric oxide, i.c.v. injected, caused a dose-dependent reduction of the intake of water induced both by water deprivation and i.c.v. angiotensin ii (p < 0.001). l-name, inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, reverted l-arginine antidip ...19968899905
downregulation of mu-opioid receptor mrna in the mediobasal hypothalamus of the female guinea pig following morphine treatment.ribonuclease protection assays were performed on the basal hypothalamus (bh), the preoptic area (poa) and the thalamus (thal) from female guinea pigs that were ovariectomized and implanted with morphine (n = 8) or placebo (n = 8) pellets for 1 week. an antisense [32p]rutp labeled riboprobe, representing a 280 bp fragment of the guinea pig mu-opioid receptor gene (spanning putative tm ii through eight residues of tm iv), protected a single rna band of 280 bp. in contrast to the rat, the guinea pi ...19968904800
effect of melatonin on the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and cyclic amp from the rat hypothalamus: an in vitro study.using an in vitro static incubation system of adult male rat hypothalami, we have studied the effect of melatonin on the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (camp). mediobasal hypothalamus (mbh) and preoptic area (poa) were incubated separately in minimum essential medium (mem) for 6 h. the release of gnrh was measured by radioimmuno-assay in the incubation medium sampled every 7.5 min. in the mbh and poa incubation medium, the mean amount of gnrh ...19968910811
neural systems mediating the negative feedback actions of estradiol and progesterone in the ewe.the ewe shows a marked seasonal variation in the effects of ovarian steroids on pulsatile gnrh secretion. in the breeding season, progesterone inhibits gnrh pulse frequency, while estradiol suppresses pulse amplitude. in anestrus, both steroids inhibit pulse frequency. the effects of progesterone in both seasons are mediated by endogenous opioid peptides (eop) that act in the preoptic area (poa) and medial basal hypothalamus (mbh). however, knife cut studies indicate that actions in the mbh are ...19968917901
pre- and post-translational regulation of aromatase by steroidal and non-steroidal aromatase inhibitors.treatment of castrated quail with testosterone (t) reliably activates male copulatory behavior and, at the same time, increases the aromatase activity (aa), the number of aromatase-immunoreactive (aro-ir) cells and the concentration of aromatase mrna as measured by rt-pcr in the brain. all these effects can be mimicked by estrogens. the behavioral effects of t can be blocked by a variety of aromatase inhibitors and, in parallel, the aa is strongly inhibited in the preoptic area (poa). we showed ...19958925290
laryngeal biomechanics of the singing transnasal fiberoptic laryngoscopy, patients with functional voice often demonstrate abnormal laryngeal biomechanics, commonly supraglottic contraction. appropriately, such conditions are sometimes termed muscle tension dysphonias. singers working at the limits of their voice may also transiently demonstrate comparable tension patterns. however, the biomechanics of normal singing, particularly for different singing styles, have not been previously well characterized. we used transnasal fibero ...19968969758
dislodgeability of chlorpyrifos and fluorescent tracer residues on turf: comparison of wipe and foliar wash sampling techniques.residential use of pesticides has increased substantially in the united states over the past twenty years. contact with pesticide-treated turf may result in dermal exposures, particularly among children. this study evaluated wipe sampling and foliar wash techniques to measure chlorpyrifos on turf following insecticidal treatments with dursban 4e. residues of the fluorescent tracer uvitex ob were also measured as part of a larger study adapting video imaging analysis to children's exposure to pes ...19968975830
characterization of dac g 4, a major basic allergen from dactylis glomerata pollen.monoclonal antibodies were produced against dac g 4, a purified major basic allergen from dactylis glomerata pollen. their ability to be used for immunopurification of dac g 4 was studied on a biacore apparatus (pharmacia). the allergen was purified by affinity chromatography with one monoclonal antibody. its precise molecular mass, 59,185 +/- 30 d, was determined by mass spectrometry. its isoelectric point is 10.4. sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting show ...19968977507
susceptibilities of different test systems from maize (zea mays), poa annua, and festuca rubra to herbicides that inhibit the enzyme acetyl-coenzyme a carboxylasethe susceptibilities of maize (zea mays cv. champ) and two graminicide-resistant grass species, poa annua (annual meadow grass) and festuca rubra (red fescue), to two aryloxyphenoxypropionates (quizalofop and fluazifop) and a cyclohexanedione (sethoxydim) graminicide were evaluated in leaf blades and isolated chloroplasts, and by assaying acetyl-coenzyme a carboxylase (accase) in desalted leaf homogenates. the graminicide resistance of p. annua and f. rubra appeared to be at the level of accase. ...19968980037
impact on salivary gland degeneration by putative ecdysteroid antagonists and agonists in the ixodid tick amblyomma hebraeumecdysteroids cause salivary gland degeneration in female ixodid ticks. we tested the effects of the following compounds on salivary gland degeneration in the ixodid tick amblyomma hebraeum koch: hhcs (22s,23s-homocastasterone), ssbr (22s,23s-homobrassinolide), stgm (2alpha,3alpha(oh)2-delta22-stigmasten-6-one), rh 5849, and rh 5992. the first three are brassinosteroids (putative ecdysone antagonists) and the last two are nonsteroidal mimics of ecdysone in a variety of insects. in vitro, hhcs (up ...19968980038
cloning and expression pattern of hor v 9, the group 9 pollen isoallergen from this study we report the cloning, sequence, and characterization of hor v 9 allergen cdnas from barley (hordeum vulgare) pollen. structural homologues of kentucky bluegrass (poa pratensis) group 9 pollen allergens were identified in a cdna library of barley pollen expressed mrnas. the hor v 9 cdna clone (hvp9742) contained an open reading frame encoding 313 amino acids which included a putative 27-residue signal peptide and one asparagine sequon for glycosylation. the mrna corresponding to cl ...19968982067
effects of nitric oxide on stimulated release of norepinephrine from female rat hypothalamic slices.norepinephrine (ne) is an important neurotransmitter involved in ovarian steroid hormone regulation of female reproductive function in rats. nitric oxide (no) has also been suggested to be an essential mediator of gonadotropin-releasing hormone release and of lordosis behavior of female rats. these studies used a superfusion system to investigate the hypothesis that no regulates [3h]ne release in the preoptic area (poa) and hypothalamus (hyp), brain regions that mediate ovarian steroid effects o ...19969001705
inhibition of sexual behaviour and the luteinizing hormone surge by intracerebral progesterone implants in the female female sheep, progesterone blocks the induction by oestradiol of both sexual behaviour and the pre-ovulatory surges of gonadotrophin releasing hormone (gnrh) and luteinising hormone (lh). however, the central sites of action of progesterone remain poorly defined, so we attempted to locate them by implanting progesterone intracerebrally in ovariectomised ewes treated with exogenous steroids to induce oestrous behaviour and the lh surge. single bilateral implants or a double bilateral implants ...19969001713
effects of androgen on brain and pituitary androgen receptors and lh secretion of male guinea study the tissue-specific control of androgen receptors by circulating androgens, guinea pigs were castrated or castrated and treated with crystalline testosterone propionate. levels of serum androgens and lh were measured and brain and peripheral tissues were collected for determination of androgen receptor levels under differing androgen states. we found that circulating androgen levels changed rapidly following castration or treatment with exogenous androgen. lh secretion was coupled to ci ...19969010323
characterization of gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene transcripts in a mouse hypothalamic neuronal gt1 cell line.we have characterized the nuclear and cytoplasmic rna transcripts derived from the gonadotropin releasing hormone (gnrh) gene in a mouse hypothalamic neuronal gt1 cell line. analyses of nuclear gnrh rna precursors present in the gt1 cells by rnase protection assay show that there is no particular order of intron excision, suggesting the existence of multiple processing pathways. a similar pattern is observed in mouse preoptic area-anterior hypothalamus (poa-ah). in gt1 cells, approximately 5% of ...19969013781
interleukin-1 inhibits drinking behaviour through prostaglandins, but not by nitric oxide formation.interleukin-1 beta (il-1 beta) causes inhibition of drinking behaviour. moreover it induces formation of prostaglandins (pgs) and nitric oxide (no). both pgs and no are able to inhibit drinking stimulated by water deprivation or by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of angiotensin ii. in this study, we studied in the preoptic area (poa) the possible role of pgs and no in the antidipsogenic action induced by il-1 beta. il-1 beta was injected in the lateral cerebral ventricle (i.c.v.) ...19979042373
medial preoptic/anterior hypothalamic lesions induce a female-typical profile of sexual partner preference in male t-maze tests given to gonadectomized ferrets treated daily with estradiol benzoate (eb), females consistently prefer to approach and interact sexually with a stud male whereas male subjects, on average, prefer an estrous female. in the present experiment this sexually allomorphic pattern of partner preference was changed in males given lesions of the medial preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus (mpoa/ah). electrolytic lesions, which caused extensive bilateral damage to the mpoa/ah, including th ...19969047276
tamoxifen as initial endocrine therapy for metastatic breast cancer: long term follow-up of two piedmont oncology association (poa) examine the outcomes of endocrine naive patients treated with tamoxifen as initial endocrine therapy for metastatic breast cancer. data were obtained from the long-term follow-up of two previously published randomized trials.19979065610
antibodies to macrophage inflammatory protein-1beta in preoptic area of rats fail to suppress pge2 hyperthermia.this study determined whether macrophage inflammatory protein-1beta (mip-1beta) plays a role in the hyperthermia caused by prostaglandin e2 (pge2) given intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) in the rat. in these experiments, anti-murine mip-1beta antibody (anti-mip-1beta) was micro-injected in the anterior hypothalamic, preoptic area (ah/poa) just before i.c.v. pge2. the results showed that anti-mip-1beta failed to alter the pge2 hyperthermia. however, immunocytochemical studies revealed mip-1beta ...19979067470
activation of salmon gnrh mrna expression prior to differentiation of precocious males in masu salmon.changes in salmon gonadotropin-releasing hormone (sgnrh) mrna levels in the brain of underyearling male masu salmon, oncorhynchus masou, were investigated to clarify sgnrh participation in differentiation of precocious males. fish were immature with low gonadosomatic index (gsi < 0.100%) on april 16 and may 7. on june 11, fish were differentiated into two groups: future precocious males and immature males. fish in the former group had high gsi (0.203%) with proliferation of primary spermatocytes ...19979073498
molecular characterization of hor v 9. conservation of a t-cell epitope among group ix pollen allergens and human vcam and cd2.we have cloned, sequenced and expressed a recombinant group ix pollen allergen from barley (hordeum vulgare). hor v 9 is a polypeptide of 313 amino acids. the hor v 9 cdna clone was engineered into the e. coli protein expression vector pmal and expressed as a fusion of maltose binding protein and truncated hor v 9. polyclonal antibodies to the fusion protein were raised in mice. cross-reactive proteins, rna and dna homologues were found in many agricultural species including wheat, rye, tritical ...19969095254
the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the hypothalamus contains gaba neurons in rat and man.the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (sdn-poa) is the most striking structure displaying a morphological sex difference in the rat brain. a potentially homologous nucleus has been identified in the human hypothalamus. the objective of the present study was to pursue the putative homology of the rat and human sdn-poa by determining whether they express the same transmitter phenotype. we employed in situ hybridization histochemistry for gad mrna to show whether the neurons of the sd ...19969117390
[predisposition of subclones of pancreatic carcinoma cells, aspc-1, to changes in functional and histopathological features of xenograft tumors with response to extracellular matrix].we cloned two characteristics subclones from a human pancreatic carcinoma cell line, aspc-1, according to their distinctive cell shapes; one an epithelial morphology and designated as "beto-1" and the other a fibroblastic morphology and designated as "fib-1". fib-1 grew faster than beto-1, but the growth rate of the cells on plastics was as high as that of the cells on the extracellular matrix extracts, matrigel. the pancreatic tumor-marker proteins, alpha-amylase, insulin, cea, poa, pp, and afp ...19979128054
hypothalamic prostaglandin e2 during lipopolysaccharide-induced fever in guinea pigs.prostaglandin e2 (pge2) is postulated to be a central mediator of fever. it is generally believed that it is produced in the preoptic area of the anterior hypothalamus (poa) because, among other evidence, its level increases both in the third ventricle and in the poa in response to pyrogens. however, lately, the question has arisen whether pge2 might, in fact, be formed outside of the brain substance and then penetrate it, in particular through the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis. if produ ...19969138749
estrogen-excitable forebrain projections to the ventral premammillary nucleus of the female rat.retrograde labels by nuclear yellow from the female rat ventral premammillary nucleus (pmv) were most numerous in the lateral septum (ls) and the preoptic area (poa) and spread laterally into the substantia innominata. other labels were in the diagonal band nucleus, the substantia innominata and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. constant-current, single-pulse electrical stimulation of the pmv in urethane-anesthetized ovariectomized rats elicited antidromic action potentials in the cingula ...19979143007
changes in the hypothalamic serotonergic function may mediate the endocrine effects of melatonin.the effects of a single injection of melatonin on serum thyroxine, corticosterone and prolactin levels, and the associated changes in the metabolism of serotonin (5-ht) in several hypothalamic regions of male rats kept under a 14-h light 10-h dark cycle (lights on at 08:00 h), are investigated. melatonin (500 micrograms/kg, s.c.) or replacing saline was injected at 18:00 h, and 8 animals from treated and control groups were killed 1 h (19:00 h), 12 h (06:00 h) and 18 h (12:00 h) later. melatonin ...19969144845
postoperative analgesia in italy. national survey on the anaesthetist's beliefs, opinions, behaviour and techniques in postoperative pain control in italy.using a personal, anonymous questionnaire developed ad hoc, we tried to document the role, the problems and the activities of italian anaesthetists in postoperative pain control.19979181157
evidence for sexual differences in the preoptic area regulation of blood glucose in rats.the effect of noradrenaline (na) injection (20 or 40 nmol) into the preoptic area (poa) on plasma glucose and insulin was studied in male and female rats. the rats were implanted with chronic jugular catheters for blood sampling and unilateral intracerebral cannulas placed just above the poa. blood samples were taken before and at 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 min after na injection. as early as 5 min after na injection, plasma glucose levels rose rapidly in both male and female rats, reaching a peak at ...19979188081
the estradiol-induced luteinizing hormone surge in the ewe is not associated with increased gonadotropin-releasing hormone messenger ribonucleic acid levels.this experiment was undertaken to determine whether the estrogen-induced lh and gnrh surge in the ewe is associated with activation of a specific subpopulation of neurons in the mid-brain of the ewe as indicated by a change in gnrh mrna levels. fifteen ovariectomized ewes were assigned to treatment groups 3-4 wk after ovariectomy. one group of ewes served as controls (n = 2); 50 microg estradiol-17beta (e2) was administered to the remaining ewes. blood samples were collected from all ewes before ...19979209087
what nature's knockout teaches us about gnrh activity: hypogonadal mice and neuronal grafts.the hypogonadal mouse is one of "nature's knockouts," bearing a specific deletion in the gene for gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh), with the result that no gnrh peptide is detectable in the brain. the lack of reproductive development after birth provides an animal model that has proved fruitful in clarifying the role of gnrh in reproductive behavior and physiology. behavioral studies with hypogonadal mice convincingly demonstrate that although gnrh may facilitate the appearance of sexual be ...19979213135
the neonatal neurotoxicity of monosodium l-glutamate on the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area in rats.the neurotoxic effect of monosodium l-glutamate (msg) on the morphologies in the darkly stained sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (sdn-poa) and the lighter-staining surrounding area (non-sdn-poa) within the medial preoptic nucleus (mpn) was evaluated. male and female long-evans rats were used. msg (4 mg/g of body weight) was administered subcutaneously to pups on days 1 and 3 postnatally. normal saline was used as the vehicle. at the age of 6 months, the rats were sacrificed and th ...19979215880
modulation of preoptic regulatory factor-2 (porf-2) mrnas by castration and hypophysectomy.neuropeptides are central to the regulation of mammalian gender-dependent development and reproduction. preoptic regulatory factor-2 is a neuropeptide gene that is known to be expressed in rat brain and testis. in the brain, expression is gender-dependent and age-dependent. tissue-specific transcripts are found in the preoptic area (poa) of the hypothalamus and in the testis. in order to investigate the effects of reproductive hormone status on expression of porf-2 in the male rat, porf-2 transc ...19979225117
bacterial endotoxin inhibits lhrh secretion following the increased release of hypothalamic gaba levels. different effects on amino acid neurotransmitter release.immune system disorders are often accompanied by alterations in the reproductive axis. the bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, lps) has inflammatory effects and activates cytokine release in the pituitary and hypothalamus. lps inhibition of luteinizing-hormone-releasing hormone (lhrh) release at the hypothalamic level appears to be associated with modifications in the inhibitory gabaergic neurotransmitter system. then, knowing that gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) mediates other neurotransmit ...19969266545
hypothalamic sites of action for testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and estrogen in the regulation of luteinizing hormone secretion in male sheep.testosterone (t) inhibits lh secretion partly by acting at unknown sites within the brain to inhibit gnrh secretion. we tested the hypothesis that the preoptic area (poa) and arcuate-ventromedial region (arc/vmr), areas rich in androgen and estrogen (e) receptors, are neural sites at which t and the t metabolites, dihydrotestosterone (dht) and estrogen (e), act to suppress lh secretion. bilateral guide cannulae were surgically implanted into either the poa or arc/vmr of castrated male sheep. exp ...19979275053
asymmetrical effects of the unilateral implant of pilocarpine on the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic area on spontaneous ovulation of the adult rat.the effects on ovulation at the next estrus after unilaterally implanting pilocarpine in the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic area (poa-aha) of rats on each day of the estrous cycle were analyzed. implantation on the left side of poa-aha on the day of estrus blocked ovulation in all animals, whereas implantation on the right side did not (0/5 vs. 4/4, p < 0.05). implantation on diestrus 1 or 2 on either side of the poa-aha blocked ovulation. implantation on the right side of the poa-aha at the day ...19979291628
lifespan changes in the human hypothalamus.the various cell groups in the human hypothalamus show different patterns of aging, which are the basis for changes in biological rhythms, hormone production, autonomic functions, and behavior. the suprachiasmatic nucleus (scn), the clock of the brain, exhibits circadian and seasonal rhythms in vasopressin synthesis that are disrupted later in life. furthermore, the age-related sexual differences in the number of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide neurons in this nucleus reinforces the idea that ...19979315457
restoration of sexual behavior in aged male rats by intracerebral grafts of fetal preoptic area neurons.a decline in sexual arousal and copulatory activity has been observed in male rats with advancing age. grafting of fetal hypothalamic tissue into the third ventricle of aged male rats restores sexual behavior. this study investigated the effects of grafting fetal preoptic area (poa) neurons into the poa of aged male rats exhibiting decreased sexual behavior. we grafted suspensions of fetal poa neurons into the poa of 20 aged (19 to 24 months old) male rats that displayed no ejaculation. from 2 w ...19979343981
screening immigrants for tuberculosis in newcastle upon tyne.successive national guidelines on the control of tuberculosis in the united kingdom have included recommendations for screening immigrants coming from countries with a high prevalence of tuberculosis. as there has been only one other study on the process and outcome of screening immigrants at a district level the aim of this study was to assess the contribution of screening immigrants to the control of tuberculosis in newcastle.19979347457
the pnca gene from naturally pyrazinamide-resistant mycobacterium avium encodes pyrazinamidase and confers pyrazinamide susceptibility to resistant m. tuberculosis complex organisms.the antituberculosis drug pyrazinamide (pza) needs to be converted into pyrazinoic acid (poa) by the bacterial pyrazinamidase (pzase) in order to show bactericidal activity against mycobacterium tuberculosis. m. avium is naturally resistant to pza. to investigate whether this natural resistance to pza is due to inability of the m. avium pzase to convert pza to bactericidal poa, the m. avium pzase gene (pnca) was cloned by using the m. tuberculosis pnca gene as a probe. sequence analysis showed t ...19979353938
castration decreases single cell levels of mrna encoding glutamic acid decarboxylase in the diagonal band of broca and the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area.using quantitative in situ hybridization histochemistry (ishh), we determined the effect of castration on single cell levels of glutamic acid decarboxylase (gad) mrna in discrete hypothalamic regions of the male rat brain associated with the control of gonadotropin secretion. a 48-base oligodeoxynucleotide probe was used to detect with equal affinity the two isoforms of gad message, gad65 and gad67. gad message also was quantitated in a number of selected areas of the brain to contrast gad gene ...19979355037
neonatal treatment with tamoxifen causes immediate alterations of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area and medial preoptic area in male rats.tamoxifen is an antiestrogen widely used for the treatment of breast cancer. current evolutions in preventive strategies to include healthy premenopausal women warrant the study of its developmental toxicity. perinatal treatment of male rodents with tamoxifen caused reproductive tract lesions and sexual behavior deficits similar to those induced by diethylstilbestrol (des). those abnormalities could originate, at least in part, from lesions of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. the initial alterat ...19979358609
steroid control and sexual differentiation of brain aromatase.brain aromatase (aro) activity in the quail is markedly enhanced by testosterone (t). this effect only becomes detectable after several hours and reaches its maximum within a few days, which suggests enzymatic induction at the genomic level. this idea is reinforced by the fact that t also increases the aro protein, as observed by immunocytochemistry (icc) and the aro mrna, as measured by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr). these changes can be mimicked by the administration ...19979365208
localization of progesterone receptor in brain and pituitary of the ring dove: influence of breeding cycle and immunocytochemical method was used in male and female ring doves (streptopelia risoria) to localize progesterone receptor immunoreactivity (pr-ir) in the brain and anterior pituitary gland in nonbreeding, incubating, brooding, and estrogen (e2)-treated nonbreeding birds. progesterone receptor was found in four regions of the brain in males and females: the preoptic area (poa), nucleus preopticus paraventricularis magnocellularis (ppm), nucleus hypothalami lateralis (plh), and the tuberal regi ...19979367718
changes in gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (gnrh-i) in the pre-optic area and median eminence of starlings (sturnus vulgaris) during the recovery of photosensitivity and during photostimulation.changes in gnrh-i in the pre-optic (poa) and medio-basal (mbh) areas of the hypothalamus and in pituitary and plasma lh were measured in starlings (sturnus vulgaris) during the recovery of photosensitivity under short days, and following photostimulation at various times during the recovery of photosensitivity. during exposure to short days there was a significant increase in gnrh-i in the poa, with the first detectable increase after only 10 days. there was no increase in gnrh-i in the mbh or i ...19979370960
luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone gene expression differs in young and middle-aged females on the day of a steroid-induced lh surge.lhrh mrna levels were examined in young and middle-aged female rats at 4 times (10:00 h, 14:00 h, 18:00 h and 20:00 h) on the day of a steroid-induced lh surge by in situ hybridization with a digoxigenin-labeled riboprobe. young, but not middle-aged females, exhibited dynamic temporal changes in the number of lhrh mrna positive neurons detected in the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis-preoptic area (ovlt-poa) continuum. specifically, fewer lhrh mrna positive neurons were detected at 18 ...19979372229
deformation of erythrocytes under shear: a small-angle light scattering this study, sharp small-angle light scattering (sals) images of erythrocytes under increasing shear stresses in a couette flow were obtained, and accurate measurements of the angular positions of the two first minima and maxima have been carried out. the deformed cells were assumed to be three-axis ellipsoids of constant volume for all shear stresses. application of the physical optics approximation (poa) then permitted the determination of the cell dimensions as a function of the applied she ...19979373393
number of preoptic gnrh-immunoreactive cells correlates with sexual phase in a protandrously hermaphroditic fish, the dusky anemonefish (amphiprion melanopus).the populations of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh)-producing cells within the preoptic area (poa) and terminal nerve (tn) of the brain have been suggested as the neuronal systems mediating social control of sex and gonadogenesis in sequentially hermaphroditic teleosts. in the present study, the number and soma size of gnrh-immunoreactive (gnrh-ir) cells in the poa and tn were studied in male, female and juvenile individuals of the dusky anemonefish (amphiprion melanopus), a species which d ...19979373955
[tryptase determination in nasal washings in patients with allergic rhinitis].triptase is an enzymatic protein found in the mastocytes. although the biological role of this substance is not fully understood, significant amounts of it are found in the nasal secretions of allergic subject both when naturally exposed to the allergen and when subject to specific nasal provocation tests. the present study uses a radioimmunological method (pharmacia, uppsala, sweden) to assay the amount of triptase in two groups: one composed of 10 subjects suffering from allergic rhinitis and ...19979412151
comparison of serotonin receptor numbers and activity in specific hypothalamic areas of sexually active and inactive female a previous study we have shown that a positive correlation exists between 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-ht) activity and female sexual receptivity in the pre-optic area (poa) and median eminence (me) and that there is a negative correlation in the ventromedial nucleus (vmn), zona incerta (zi) and arcuate nucleus (arc). in this report, the possibility that 5-ht receptor density and affinity alter with sexual receptivity has been investigated. micropunches of the poa, vmn, arc, me and the anterior hyp ...19979430444
influence of maternal grooming, sex and age on fos immunoreactivity in the preoptic area of neonatal rats: implications for sexual differentiation.the medial preoptic area (mpoa) of the hypothalamus contains a sexually dimorphic nucleus (sdn-poa) that is 5-7 times larger in males than females and which contributes to the development and expression of male-specific sex behaviors in adulthood. aside from a critical role for estrogen, the mechanisms that establish and maintain this sex difference are largely unknown. differences in the size of the sdn-poa are thought to be related to estrogen-associated effects on programmed cell death (apopt ...19979445086
a direct dopaminergic control of aromatase activity in the quail preoptic the quail preoptic area (poa) anatomical and pharmacological data suggest that catecholamines may be implicated in the control of testosterone (t) aromatization into estrogens. the biochemical mechanism(s) mediating this control of the enzyme activity is (are) however unexplored. the present studies were carried out to investigate whether the catecholamines, dopamine (da) and norepinephrine (ne) are able to directly affect aromatase activity (aa) measured during in vitro incubations of poa ho ...19979449211
progesterone increases levels of mu-opioid receptor mrna in the preoptic area and arcuate nucleus of ovariectomized, estradiol-treated female rats.estradiol (e2) and progesterone (p) play different roles in generating the preovulatory surge release of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (lh-rh) and luteinizing hormone (lh). results of our previous studies suggest that at least some of these steroid-specific effects may be mediated by beta-endorphinergic neurons. however, it is also possible that e2 and p differentially regulate responsiveness to opioids by altering mu-opioid receptor gene expression. to test this hypothesis, we used quan ...19979450674
male sexual behavior is associated with lhrh neuron number in middle-aged rats.lhrh administration is reported to facilitate male sexual behavior. the aim of the present study was to investigate whether male sexual behavior is associated with the number of lhrh neurons in the forebrain in middle-aged rats. male long-evans rats (18-19 months) were assigned to three groups on the basis of sexual performance: (1) group mei consisted of rats showing complete copulatory patterns, including mounts, intromissions and ejaculations, (2) group mi was composed of rats showing mounts ...19979453220
gnrh perikarya in medial basal hypothalamus of pubertal female rhesus macaque are ensheathed with glia.a previous study in our laboratory revealed that the cell bodies of gonadotropin releasing hormone (gnrh) neurons in the preoptic area (poa) of early to midpubertal female rhesus monkeys were extensively invested with thick glial processes. because the medial basal hypothalamus (mbh) plays a critical role in the control of pulsatile and cyclic gonadotropin release in the primate, we have now focused on the ultrastructural milieu of gnrh neurons of this region in the same sample of monkeys. the e ...19979468012
differential regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) receptor expression in the posterior mediobasal hypothalamus by steroid hormones: implication of gnrh neuronal activity.the present study is designed to evaluate the relationship between gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) and gnrh receptor (gnrhr) gene expression during the steroid-induced lh surge. one week after ovariectomy (ovx), a capsule containing 17beta-estradiol (e) or vehicle (v) was implanted into ovx rats, and 2 days later a single injection of progesterone (p) or v was administered s.c. at 10:00 h. poly(a)-rich rna samples were isolated from the micropunches of the preoptic area (poa) and the poste ...19989473680
cell death in the sexually dimorphic dorsal preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus of perinatal male and female ferrets.a sexually dimorphic male nucleus (mn) is present in nissl-stained sections through the dorsal (d) preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus (poa/ah) of male ferrets. the mn-poa/ah is composed of a cluster of large cells which is organized in males by the action of estradiol, formed via the neural aromatization of circulating testosterone (t), during the last quarter of a 41-day gestation. several recent studies using rodent species have raised the possibility that the hormone-induced masculinization ...19989485049
opioid-glutamate-nitric oxide connection in the regulation of luteinizing hormone secretion in the rat.opioid neurons are recognized to be an important component of the inhibitory "brake" in the cns that restrains lhrh secretion. opioid inhibition could be exerted directly on lhrh neurons, or it could be achieved via indirect mechanisms involving restrainment of excitatory "accelerator" neurons that facilitate lhrh release. the purpose of the present study was to explore the second hypothesis by investigating whether removal of opioid inhibition by administering the opioid antagonist, naloxone le ...19989492025
dissection of the grass allergen-specific immune response in patients with allergies and control subjects: t-cell proliferation in patients does not correlate with specific serum ige and skin reactivity.pollinosis, caused by grasses of the poaceae family, is a problem worldwide. the relative importance of grass groups 1 and 5 major allergens is well established. however, not much is known about the recognition of these allergens by t cells and whether this t-cell reactivity correlates with skin reactivity and serum ige levels.19989500758
ige antibodies to recombinant pollen allergens (phl p 1, phl p 2, phl p 5, and bet v 2) account for a high percentage of grass pollen-specific ige.pollen from different grass species are some of the most potent elicitors of type i allergy worldwide. the characterization of antigenic structures and ige epitopes common to different grass species is relevant to define reagents for diagnosis and specific therapy of grass pollen allergy.19989500760
semicircadian rhythms of c-fos expression in several hypothalamic areas during pregnancy in the rat: relationship to prolactin secretion.prolactin (prl) serves an important luteotrophic function in the rat during early pregnancy, expressed as a nocturnal surge in the early morning and a diurnal surge in the late afternoon. several areas of the hypothalamus, including the preoptic area (poa), the suprachiasmatic nucleus (scn) and the ventromedial and dorsomedial nuclei (vm-dm) have been implicated in prl surges. we investigated the temporal relationship between neuronal activity as measured by c-fos immunocytochemistry in these ar ...19989508038
changes in catecholamine levels and turnover rates in hypothalamic, vocal control, and auditory nuclei in male zebra finches during development.the catecholamines norepinephrine (ne) and dopamine (da) have been implicated in the sexual differentiation of brain and behavior and in species-specific learning in several species. to determine if these neurotransmitters might be involved in sexual differentiation of the vocal control system and song learning in male zebra finches, ne and da levels and turnover rates were quantified in 10 behaviorally relevant brain nuclei [6 vocal control (vcn), 2 auditory (an), and 2 hypothalamic (hn)] at fo ...19989514523
separation of septal influences on lordosis, ultrasound production, and body weight.previous results suggest that septal fibers inhibit lordosis, ultrasound production, and bodily growth (rate of weight gain) in female hamsters. to determine if the systems responsible for these effects can be dissociated, septal connections with or through the preoptic area (poa) were disrupted by horizontal cuts across the interface between these areas. some subjects received cuts that were centered medially and extended across most of the interface. others received cuts that were offset later ...19989523887
microinjection of a cyclooxygenase inhibitor into the anteroventral preoptic region attenuates lps fever.considerable evidence supports the role of prostaglandins in fever production, but the neuroanatomic sites of prostaglandin synthesis that produce fever remain unknown. with the use of a novel microinjection technique, we injected the cyclooxygenase inhibitor ketorolac into the preoptic area (poa) to determine which preoptic regions produce the prostaglandins required for fever. initial experiments demonstrated that intravenous ketorolac blocked the fever normally produced by lipopolysaccharide ...19989530246
aging results in attenuated gonadotropin releasing hormone-luteinizing hormone axis responsiveness to glutamate receptor agonist n-methyl-d-aspartate.reproductive aging in the brown norway rat occurs because of testicular as well as hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction. excitatory amino acids (eaa) participate in the regulation of pulsatile secretion of hypothalamic gnrh and pituitary lh. in the present study, we studied the eaa-gnrh-lh axis for possible age-related alterations in prepubertal (35 days), young (3-4 months), middle-aged (12-13 months) and old (21-23 months) rats. in the first experiment, an intra-atrial cannula was implanted in r ...19989535055
gonadotrophin and prolactin secretion in castrated male sheep following subcutaneous or intracranial treatment with testicular hormones.interactions between testosterone, estradiol, and inhibin in the control of gonadotrophin secretion in males are poorly understood. castrated rams were treated with steroid-free bovine follicular fluid (bff), testosterone, or estradiol and for 7 d (2 x 2 x 2 factorial design). given independently, none of the exogenous hormones affected follicle-stimulating hormone (fsh) concentrations, but the combination of one or both steroids with bff reduced fsh secretion. testosterone and estradiol reduced ...19979549050
effects of testosterone and progesterone on brain 5alpha-reductase and aromatase in long-evans males and comparison of aromatase in long-evans vs. sprague-dawley rats.we investigated medial basal hypothalamic-preoptic area (mbh-poa) 5alpha-reductase and aromatase enzyme activities in gonadally intact and castrated adult long-evans (l-e) male rats treated with testosterone (t), progesterone (p), and a combination of t+p. mbh-poa 5alpha-reductase and aromatase activities did not differ significantly among the groups. the lack of a difference in mbh-poa aromatase between control and castrated l-e animals was unexpected. in two further experiments, mbh-poa aromat ...19989573394
effects of tracking by armored vehicles on townsend's ground squirrels in the orchard training area, idaho, usa/ maintaining raptor populations is a primary objective of the legislation that designates the snake river birds of prey national conservation area. army training activities could influence habitat quality for raptors by changing the density, productivity, or behavior of their townsend's ground squirrel (spermophilus townsendii) prey. these changes could occur directly or as a result of changes in the vegetation available as food and cover for the ground squirrels. we assessed the effects of lon ...19989582397
effect of estrogen on hypothalamic transforming growth factor alpha and gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene expression in the female rhesus order to study whether hypothalamic transforming growth factor alpha (tgfalpha) gene expression in the monkey is estrogen-sensitive, long-term ovariectomized rhesus macaques were implanted subcutaneously with either estradiol-containing (n = 3) or blank (n = 3) silastic capsules. blood samples were collected every other day while the animals were lightly sedated with ketamine hydrochloride to monitor circulating lh and estradiol concentrations. animals were killed with a lethal dose of pentob ...19989588692
enlarging effects of estradiol on the nuclear volume of neurons in the hypothalamus during aging.neuronal nuclear volumes (nnvs) were measured in the medial preoptic nucleus (mpn), anterior hypothalamic area (aha) and arcuate nucleus (arn) of young adult, middle-aged, and old rats of both sexes. the nnvs in the darkly stained sexual-dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (sdn-poa) and the lighter staining surrounding area (non-sdn-poa) within the mpn were measured separately. intact young and middle-aged female rats had larger nnvs than those of the males in sdn-poa, non-sdn-poa and aha but ...19989592684
the effect of anabolic-androgenic steroids on aromatase activity and androgen receptor binding in the rat preoptic area.the level of aromatase in the preoptic area of rats is transcriptionally regulated through a specific androgen-receptor mediated mechanism and can be used as a measure of central androgenic effect. therefore, several commonly abused anabolic-androgenic steroids (aas) were tested for their ability to induce aromatase activity in the preoptic area of castrated rats. in addition, we determined the relative binding affinities of these compounds for the androgen receptor, as well as their ability to ...19989593936
complement reduction impairs the febrile response of guinea pigs to endotoxin.although it is generally believed that circulating exogenous pyrogens [e.g., lipopolysaccharides (lps)] induce fever via the mediation of endogenous pyrogens (ep) such as cytokines, the first of these, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, is usually not detectable in blood until at least 30 min after intravenous administration of lps, whereas the febrile rise begins within 15 min after its administration. moreover, although abundant evidence indicates that circulating lps is cleared primarily by liver m ...19989608013
excitatory amino acid receptors and puberty.glutamate is an important excitatory signal in the hypothalamus for the steroid-mediated preovulatory gonadotropin surge. steroids may exert this action by regulating glutamate receptor levels or glutamate release, or both. work in our laboratory found no changes in nmda and kainate receptor binding in the hypothalamus of castrated or castrated plus steroid-replaced male and female rats. likewise, we found that nmda and kainate binding did not change over the onset of puberty in the female rat. ...19989618783
preoptic area grafts implanted in mammillary bodies of hypogonadal mice: patterns of gnrh neuronal projections.gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) axons project to the median eminence, where the peptide is released to stimulate pituitary gonadotrophs. hypogonadal mice (hpg) do not synthesize gnrh due to a deletion in the gene. when neonatal preoptic area (poa) tissue from normal mice containing gnrh neurons is transplanted into the third ventricle of hpg mice, gnrh axons exit the graft and specifically project to the median eminence, where the release of gnrh in the portal circulation induces the stimu ...19989628762
Displaying items 801 - 900 of 1897