Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted ascending) Filter |
inferring infection hazard in wildlife populations by linking data across individual and population scales. | our ability to infer unobservable disease-dynamic processes such as force of infection (infection hazard for susceptible hosts) has transformed our understanding of disease transmission mechanisms and capacity to predict disease dynamics. conventional methods for inferring foi estimate a time-averaged value and are based on population-level processes. because many pathogens exhibit epidemic cycling and foi is the result of processes acting across the scales of individuals and populations, a flex ... | 2017 | 28090753 |
use of remote cameras to monitor the potential prevalence of sarcoptic mange in southern texas, usa. | sarcoptic mange, caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei , is a common, highly contagious skin disease that has been reported from more than 100 species of mammals, including humans. our objectives were to 1) determine the prevalence of sarcoptic mange within mammals from southern texas, and 2) determine the efficacy of using remote cameras to estimate mange prevalence. we collected remote camera photographs from a 64-km(2) area and blood and skin scrapings from 166 mammals representing 12 species ... | 2017 | 28135133 |
ancestry-specific methylation patterns in admixed offspring from an experimental coyote and gray wolf cross. | reduced fitness of admixed individuals is typically attributed to genetic incompatibilities. although mismatched genomes can lead to fitness changes, in some cases the reduction in hybrid fitness is subtle. the potential role of transcriptional regulation in admixed genomes could provide a mechanistic explanation for these discrepancies, but evidence is lacking for nonmodel organisms. here, we explored the intersection of genetics and gene regulation in admixed genomes derived from an experiment ... | 2017 | 28182234 |
investigation of techniques to measure cortisol and testosterone concentrations in coyote hair. | long-term noninvasive sampling for endangered or elusive species is particularly difficult due to the challenge of collecting fecal samples before hormone metabolite desiccation, as well as the difficulty in collecting a large enough sample size from all individuals. hair samples may provide an environmentally stable alternative that provides a long-term assessment of stress and reproductive hormone profiles for captive, zoo, and wild mammals. here, we extracted and analyzed both cortisol and te ... | 2017 | 28295537 |
management and modeling approaches for controlling raccoon rabies: the road to elimination. | rabies is an ancient viral disease that significantly impacts human and animal health throughout the world. in the developing parts of the world, dog bites represent the highest risk of rabies infection to people, livestock, and other animals. however, in north america, where several rabies virus variants currently circulate in wildlife, human contact with the raccoon rabies variant leads to the highest per capita population administration of post-exposure prophylaxis (pep) annually. previous ra ... | 2017 | 28301480 |
growth of coyote willow and the attack and survival of a mid-rib galling sawfly, euura sp. | we studied the relationship between variation in age and shoot characteristics of the host plant salix exigua nuttall (coyote or sandbar willow) and the attack and survival of euura sp. (an unnamed leaf-midrib galling sawfly). variation in shoot characteristics resulted from reduced growth as willow ramets aged. mean shoot length per ramet and mean longest leaf length per shoot decreased by 95% and 50% respectively between 1- and 9-year-old willow ramets. all measured shoot characteristics-shoot ... | 1996 | 28307806 |
song sparrows, top carnivores and nest predation: a test of the mesopredator release hypothesis. | ground-nesting north american landbirds have declined in the longterm, including species with a variety of migratory strategies. the mesopredator release hypothesis explains declines by suggesting that the virtual elimination of top carnivores (large-bodied canids and felids) from much of north america has "released" populations of nest-destroying mesopredators (i.e., medium-sized terrestrial omnivores such as the raccoon procyon lotor). the hypothesis predicts (1) higher nest success in the pre ... | 1998 | 28308530 |
the influence of snow on lynx and coyote movements: does morphology affect behavior? | we studied sympatric lynx (lynx canadensis) and coyotes (canis latrans) to assess how morphological disadvantages to locomotion over snow affected movement patterns. both species are of similar size and mass, but the feet of lynx are much larger, and coyotes were found to have 4.1-8.8 times the foot-load (ratio of body mass to foot area) of lynx. this resulted in greater mean sinking depths of coyote limbs, although the magnitude of the difference was less than that in foot-load. coyotes exhibit ... | 1991 | 28312614 |
home range scaling: intraspecific and comparative trends. | intraspecific and intrasexual variation in home range size, body mass and ecological productivity is examined in three selected species of carnivora (felis rufus: canis latrans; ursus americanus), reflecting different diets. we then compare the intraspecific results with prior cross-species studies. home range size and body mass infelis rufus are positively and significantly correlated, similar to other comparative studies. for both intraspecific and intrasexual analyses of all three species, ho ... | 1991 | 28313260 |
prevalence of alaria infection in companion animals in north central oklahoma from 2006 through 2015 and detection in wildlife. | objective to determine the prevalence of alaria infection in cats and dogs in north central oklahoma over various periods and investigate whether wild animal species in this region were also infected. design combined cross-sectional study and case series. sample results of parasitological testing of fecal samples from 5,417 client-owned dogs and 1,246 client-owned cats (2006 through 2014); fecal samples from 837 shelter or rescue dogs and 331 shelter or rescue cats (2013 and 2014) and 268 feral ... | 2017 | 28358635 |
the history of rabies in the western hemisphere. | before the introduction of control programs in the 20th century, rabies in domestic dogs occurred throughout the western hemisphere. however, historical records and phylogenetic analysis of multiple virus isolates indicate that, before the arrival of the first european colonizers, rabies virus was likely present only in bats and skunks. canine rabies was either rare or absent among domestic dogs of native americans, and first arrived when many new dog breeds were imported during the period of eu ... | 2017 | 28365457 |
isotopic ecology of coyotes from scat and road kill carcasses: a complementary approach to feeding experiments. | scat is frequently used to study animal diets because it is easy to find and collect, but one concern is that gross fecal analysis (gfa) techniques exaggerate the importance of small-bodied prey to mammalian mesopredator diets. to capitalize on the benefits of scat, we suggest the analysis of scat carbon and nitrogen isotope values (δ13c and δ15n). this technique offers researchers a non-invasive method to gather short-term dietary information. we conducted three interrelated studies to validate ... | 2017 | 28369133 |
improving the assessment of predator functional responses by considering alternate prey and predator interactions. | to improve understanding of the complex and variable patterns of predator foraging behavior in natural systems, it is critical to determine how density-dependent predation and predator hunting success are mediated by alternate prey or predator interference. despite considerable theory and debate seeking to place predator-prey interactions in a more realistic context, few empirical studies have quantified the role of alternate prey or intraspecific interactions on predator-prey dynamics. we asses ... | 2017 | 28369822 |
eurasian golden jackal as host of canine vector-borne protists. | jackals are medium-sized canids from the wolf-like clade, exhibiting a unique combination of ancestral morphotypes, broad trophic niches, and close phylogenetic relationships with the wolf and dog. thus, they represent a potential host of several pathogens with diverse transmission routes. recently, populations of the eurasian golden jackal canis aureus have expanded into the western palaearctic, including most of europe. the aim of our study was to examine eurasian golden jackals from romania, ... | 2017 | 28410591 |
retrospective evaluation of coyote attacks in dogs: 154 cases (1997-2012). | to describe the clinical presentation and outcome of known attacks in client-owned dogs caused by the common coyote, canis latrans. | 2017 | 28420038 |
contributions of forage competition, harvest, and climate fluctuation to changes in population growth of northern white-tailed deer. | recently there has been considerable interest in determining the relative roles of endogenous (density-dependent) and exogenous (density-independent) factors in driving the population dynamics of free-ranging ungulates. we used time-series analysis to estimate the relative contributions of density-dependent forage competition, climatic fluctuation, and harvesting on the population dynamics of white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) in nova scotia, canada, from 1983 to 2000. a model incorporat ... | 2002 | 28547026 |
fight or flight? antipredator behavior and the escalation of coyote encounters with deer. | it is well known that prey of different size and morphology often use different antipredator strategies. the prevailing notion is that this occurs because size, morphology and weaponry determine the relative effectiveness of alternative strategies, and nowhere is this assumption more entrenched than in our view of the basic decision to stay, fight or flee. here, we use observations of coyote (canis latrans) packs hunting deer in winter to show that two ungulates of similar size and morphology, w ... | 2002 | 28547505 |
introgression of coyote mitochondrial dna into sympatric north american gray wolf populations. | mitochondrial dna (mtdna) genotypes of gray wolves and coyotes from localities throughout north america were determined using restriction fragment length polymorphisms. of the 13 genotypes found among the wolves, 7 are clearly of coyote origin, indicating that genetic transfer of coyote mtdna into wolf populations has occurred through hybridization. the transfer of mtdna appears unidirectional from coyotes into wolves because no coyotes sampled have a wolf-derived mtdna genotype. wolves possessi ... | 1991 | 28564062 |
seed dispersal of diospyros virginiana in the past and the present: evidence for a generalist evolutionary strategy. | several north american trees are hypothesized to have lost their co-evolved seed disperser during the late-pleistocene extinction and are therefore considered anachronistic. we tested this hypothesis for the american persimmon (diospyros virginiana) by studying the effects of gut passage of proposed seed dispersers on seedling survival and growth, natural fruiting characteristics, and modern animal consumption patterns. we tested gut passage effects on persimmon seeds using three native living s ... | 2017 | 28616198 |
contaminated stream water as source for escherichia coli o157 illness in children. | in may 2016, an outbreak of shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli o157 infections occurred among children who had played in a stream flowing through a park. analysis of e. coli isolates from the patients, stream water, and deer and coyote scat showed that feces from deer were the most likely source of contamination. | 2017 | 28628436 |
comment on "whole-genome sequence analysis shows two endemic species of north american wolf are admixtures of the coyote and gray wolf". | whole-genome data do not support a recent hybrid origin for red and eastern wolves. | 2017 | 28630899 |
genetic characterization of sarcoptes scabiei from black bears (ursus americanus) and other hosts in eastern united states. | since the early 1990s there has been an increase in the number of cases and geographic expansion of severe mange in the black bear (ursus americanus) population in pennsylvania. although there are 3 species of mites associated with mange in bears, sarcoptes scabiei has been identified as the etiologic agent in these pennsylvania cases. historically s. scabiei-associated mange in bears has been uncommon and sporadic although it is widespread and relatively common in canid populations. to better u ... | 2017 | 28639466 |
using an emergency department syndromic surveillance system to evaluate reporting of potential rabies exposures, illinois, 2013-2015. | mandatory reporting of potential rabies exposures and initiation of postexposure prophylaxis (pep) allow local health authorities to monitor pep administration for errors. our objectives were to use an emergency department (ed) syndromic surveillance system to (1) estimate reporting compliance for exposure to rabies in suburban cook county, illinois, and (2) initiate interventions to improve reporting and reassess compliance. | 2017 | 28692394 |
genotyping and comparative pathology of spirocerca in black-backed jackals (canis mesomelas) in south africa. | the pathology of spirocercosis, a disease caused by the infestation of carnivores with the nematode spirocerca lupi, has been extensively described in domestic dogs and coyotes. however, it has not been described in wild carnivores in south africa. the aim of this study was to evaluate whether black-backed jackals are a host for spirocerca species and to provide a detailed description of the associated pathology. jackals were also stratified according to age and the spirocerca species recovered ... | 2017 | 28814297 |
panmixia and limited interspecific introgression in coyotes (canis latrans) from west virginia and virginia, usa. | the expansion of coyotes (canis latrans) into the eastern united states has had major consequences for ecological communities and wildlife managers. despite this, there has been little investigation of the genetics of coyotes across much of this region, especially outside of the northeast. understanding patterns of genetic structure and interspecific introgression would provide insights into the colonization history of the species, its response to the modern environment, and interactions with ot ... | 2017 | 28821188 |
green tree frog (hyla cinerea) and ground squirrel (xerospermophilus spilosoma) mortality attributed to inland brevetoxin transportation at padre island national seashore, texas, 2015. | on 16 september 2015, a red tide (karenia brevis) bloom impacted coastal areas of padre island national seashore park. two days later and about 0.9 km inland, 30-40 adult green tree frogs (hyla cinerea) were found dead after displaying tremors, weakness, labored breathing, and other signs of neurologic impairment. a rainstorm, accompanied by high winds, rough surf, and high tides, which could have aerosolized brevetoxin, occurred on the morning of the mortality event. frog carcasses were healthy ... | 2017 | 28829928 |
mammal diversity and metacommunity dynamics in urban green spaces: implications for urban wildlife conservation. | as urban growth expands and natural environments fragment, it is essential to understand the ecological roles fulfilled by urban green spaces. to evaluate how urban green spaces function as wildlife habitat, we estimated mammal diversity and metacommunity dynamics in city parks, cemeteries, golf courses, and natural areas throughout the greater chicago, il, usa region. we found similar α-diversity (with the exception of city parks), but remarkably dissimilar communities in different urban green ... | 2017 | 28833978 |
studies of wolf x coyote hybridization via artificial insemination. | following the production of western gray wolf (canis lupus) x western coyote (canis latrans) hybrids via artificial insemination (ai), the present article documents that the hybrids survived in captivity for at least 4 years and successfully bred with each other. it further reports that backcrossing one of the hybrids to a male gray wolf by ai also resulted in the birth of live pups that have survived for at least 10 months. all male hybrids (f1 and f2) produced sperm by about 10 months of age, ... | 2017 | 28863171 |
all about neosporosis in brazil. | neospora caninum is protozoan parasite with domestic and wild dogs, coyotes and grey wolves as the definitive hosts and many warm-blooded animals as intermediate hosts. it was cultivated and named in 1988. neosporosis is a major disease of cattle and has no public health significance. since 1990's n. caninum has emerged as a major cause of abortion in cattle worldwide, including in brazil. n. caninum also causes clinical infections in several other animal species. considerable progress has been ... | 2017 | 28876360 |
quantity discrimination in canids: dogs (canis familiaris) and wolves (canis lupus) compared. | accumulating evidence indicates that animals are able to discriminate between quantities. recent studies have shown that dogs' and coyotes' ability to discriminate between quantities of food items decreases with increasing numerical ratio. conversely, wolves' performance is not affected by numerical ratio. cross-species comparisons are difficult because of differences in the methodologies employed, and hence it is still unclear whether domestication altered quantitative abilities in canids. here ... | 2017 | 28899810 |
winter bait stations as a multispecies survey tool. | winter bait stations are becoming a commonly used technique for multispecies inventory and monitoring but a technical evaluation of their effectiveness is lacking. bait stations have three components: carcass attractant, remote camera, and hair snare. our 22,975 km(2) mountainous study area was stratified with a 5 × 5 km sampling grid centered on northern idaho and including portions of washington, montana, and british columbia. from 2010-14, we conducted 563 sampling sessions at 497 bait statio ... | 2017 | 28904763 |
introduction of canine parvovirus 2 into wildlife on the island of newfoundland, canada. | canine parvovirus-2 (cpv-2) and feline panleukopenia virus (fpv) (species carnivore protoparvovirus 1, family parvoviridae) cause a severe gastrointestinal disease associated with immune depression in a broad range of terrestrial carnivores. we report here the first molecular epidemiological investigation of protoparvoviruses on the island of newfoundland, canada. in particular, we investigated red foxes (vulpes vulpes deletrix) and lynx (lynx canadensis subsolanus), two autochthonous species, a ... | 2017 | 28935611 |
oral vaccination of wildlife using a vaccinia-rabies-glycoprotein recombinant virus vaccine (raboral v-rg®): a global review. | raboral v-rg® is an oral rabies vaccine bait that contains an attenuated ("modified-live") recombinant vaccinia virus vector vaccine expressing the rabies virus glycoprotein gene (v-rg). approximately 250 million doses have been distributed globally since 1987 without any reports of adverse reactions in wildlife or domestic animals since the first licensed recombinant oral rabies vaccine (orv) was released into the environment to immunize wildlife populations against rabies. v-rg is genetically ... | 2017 | 28938920 |
the influence of sniffing on airflow and odorant deposition in the canine nasal cavity. | nasal airflow plays a critical role in olfaction by transporting odorant from the environment to the olfactory epithelium, where chemical detection occurs. most studies of olfaction neglect the unsteadiness of sniffing and assume that nasal airflow and odorant transport are "quasi-steady," wherein reality most mammals "sniff." here, we perform computational fluid dynamics simulations of airflow and odorant deposition in an anatomically accurate model of the coyote (canis latrans) nasal cavity du ... | 2017 | 28981825 |
levels of plasma and fecal glucocorticoid metabolites following an acth challenge in male and female coyotes (canis latrans). | knowledge of endocrine stress responses can be advantageous for understanding how animals respond to their environment. one tool in wildlife endocrinology is to measure the adrenocortical activity as a parameter of disturbance of animals. fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (gcms) provide a noninvasive assessment of adrenocortical activity. using an adrenocorticotropic hormone (acth) challenge administered to 28 captive coyotes (canis latrans), we measured the levels of plasma cortisol, and fecal c ... | 2018 | 28988304 |
natural history of ixodes affinis in virginia. | the ixodid tick species ixodes affinis is expanding its range northward, changing the tick community population dynamics in the mid-atlantic united states. we present five years of surveillance on newly established populations of i. affinis throughout southeastern virginia and discuss the habitat and host associations of i. affinis in this northernmost extent of its range. we found that i. affinis populations tend to persist once they are established, and populations tend to increase as ecologic ... | 2018 | 29030315 |
examining spatial patterns of selection and use for an altered predator guild. | anthropogenic disturbances have altered species' distributions potentially impacting interspecific interactions. interference competition is when one species denies a competing species access to a resource. one mechanism of interference competition is aggression, which can result in altered space-use of a subordinate species due to the threat of harm, otherwise known as a 'landscape of fear'. alternatively, subordinates might outcompete dominant species in resource-poor environments via a superi ... | 2017 | 29038862 |
single nucleotide polymorphisms and microsatellites in the canine glutathione s-transferase pi 1 (gstp1) gene promoter. | genetic polymorphisms within the glutathione s-transferase p1 (gstp1) gene affect the elimination of toxic xenobiotics by the gstp1 enzyme. in dogs, exposure to environmental chemicals that may be gstp1 substrates is associated with cancer. the objectives of this study were to investigate the genetic variability in the gstp1 promoter in a diverse population of 278 purebred dogs, compare the incidence of any variants found between breeds, and predict their effects on gene expression. to provide i ... | 2017 | 29046813 |
fatal attraction? intraguild facilitation and suppression among predators. | competition and suppression are recognized as dominant forces that structure predator communities. facilitation via carrion provisioning, however, is a ubiquitous interaction among predators that could offset the strength of suppression. understanding the relative importance of these positive and negative interactions is necessary to anticipate community-wide responses to apex predator declines and recoveries worldwide. using state-sponsored wolf (canis lupus) control in alaska as a quasi experi ... | 2017 | 29053355 |
toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence and genotype diversity in select wildlife species from the southeastern united states. | toxoplasma gondii is a widespread protozoan parasite that infects humans and other animals. previous studies indicate some genotypes of t. gondii are more frequently isolated in wildlife than agricultural animals, suggesting a wild/feral animal diversity model. to determine seroprevalence and genetic diversity of t. gondii in southeastern us wildlife, we collected sera from 471 wild animals, including 453 mammals and 18 birds, between 2011 and 2014. these serum samples were assayed for t. gondii ... | 2017 | 29061166 |
rancher-reported efficacy of lethal and non-lethal livestock predation mitigation strategies for a suite of carnivores. | pastoralists have dealt with livestock losses from predators for millennia, yet effective mitigation strategies that balance wildlife conservation and sustainable agriculture are still needed today. in wyoming, usa, 274 ranchers responded to a retrospective survey, and rated the efficacy of predation mitigation strategies for foxes, dogs, coyotes, wolves, bobcats, mountain lions, bears, and birds (buzzards, eagles, hawks, ravens). rancher reported efficacy of mitigation varied by predator specie ... | 2017 | 29074881 |
distribution and host associations of ixodid ticks collected from wildlife in florida, usa. | a tick survey was conducted to document tick-host associations with florida (usa) wildlife, and to determine the relative abundance and distribution of ixodid ticks throughout the state. the survey was conducted using collection kits distributed to licensed florida hunters as well as the examination of archived specimens from ongoing state wildlife research programs. collected tick samples were obtained from 66% of florida counties and were collected from nine wildlife hosts, including black bea ... | 2017 | 29110170 |
climate change can alter predator-prey dynamics and population viability of prey. | for many organisms, climate change can directly drive population declines, but it is less clear how such variation may influence populations indirectly through modified biotic interactions. for instance, how will climate change alter complex, multi-species relationships that are modulated by climatic variation and that underlie ecosystem-level processes? caribou (rangifer tarandus), a keystone species in newfoundland, canada, provides a useful model for unravelling potential and complex long-ter ... | 2018 | 29167983 |
genome-wide analysis of the diversity and ancestry of korean dogs. | there are various hypotheses on dog domestication based on archeological and genetic studies. although many studies have been conducted on the origin of dogs, the existing literature about the ancestry, diversity, and population structure of korean dogs is sparse. therefore, this study is focused on the origin, diversity and population structure of korean dogs. the study sample comprised four major categories, including non-dogs (coyotes and wolves), ancient, modern and korean dogs. selected sam ... | 2017 | 29182674 |
setting an evolutionary trap: could the hider strategy be maladaptive for white-tailed deer? | an evolutionary trap occurs when an organism makes a formerly adaptive decision that now results in a maladaptive outcome. such traps can be induced by anthropogenic environmental changes, with nonnative species introductions being a leading cause. the recent establishment of coyotes (canis latrans) into the southeastern usa has the potential to change white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) population dynamics through direct predation and behavioral adaptation. we used movement rate and beds ... | 2017 | 29225404 |
dental caries in the fossil record: a window to the evolution of dietary plasticity in an extinct bear. | during the late pleistocene of north america (≈36,000 to 10,000 years ago), saber-toothed cats, american lions, dire wolves, and coyotes competed for prey resources at rancho la brea (rlb). despite the fact that the giant short-faced bear (arctodus simus) was the largest land carnivoran present in the fauna, there is no evidence that it competed with these other carnivores for prey at the site. here, for the first time, we report carious lesions preserved in specimens of a. simus, recovered from ... | 2017 | 29259277 |
demographic history influences spatial patterns of genetic diversityin recently expanded coyote (canis latrans) populations. | human-mediated range expansions have increased in recent decades and represent unique opportunities to evaluate genetic outcomes of establishing peripheral populations across broad expansion fronts. over the past century, coyotes (canis latrans) have undergone a pervasive range expansion and now inhabit every state in the continental united states. coyote expansion into eastern north america was facilitated by anthropogenic landscape changes and followed two broad expansion fronts. the northern ... | 2018 | 29269931 |
taxonomic differences of gut microbiomes drive cellulolytic enzymatic potential within hind-gut fermenting mammals. | host diet influences the diversity and metabolic activities of the gut microbiome. previous studies have shown that the gut microbiome provides a wide array of enzymes that enable processing of diverse dietary components. because the primary diet of the porcupine, erethizon dorsatum, is lignified plant material, we reasoned that the porcupine microbiome would be replete with enzymes required to degrade lignocellulose. here, we report on the bacterial composition in the porcupine microbiome using ... | 2017 | 29281673 |
echinococcus spp. tapeworms in north america. | alveolar and cystic echinococcosis are emerging and reemerging in europe, africa, and asia. the expansion of echinococcus spp. tapeworms in wildlife host reservoirs appears to be driving this emergence in some areas. recent studies suggest a similar phenomenon may be occurring in north america. we describe the context of echinococcus spp. research in north america, with a specific focus on the contiguous united states. although studies were conducted in the united states throughout the 1900s on ... | 2018 | 29350139 |
coexistence of coyotes (canis latrans) and red foxes (vulpes vulpes) in an urban landscape. | urban environments are increasing worldwide and are inherently different than their rural counterparts, with a variety of effects on wildlife due to human presence, increased habitat fragmentation, movement barriers, and access to anthropogenic food sources. effective management of urban wildlife requires an understanding of how urbanization affects their behavior and ecology. the spatial activity and interactions of urban wildlife, however, have not been as rigorously researched as in rural are ... | 2018 | 29364916 |
are pumas subordinate carnivores, and does it matter? | interspecific competition affects species fitness, community assemblages and structure, and the geographic distributions of species. established dominance hierarchies among species mitigate the need for fighting and contribute to the realized niche for subordinate species. this is especially important for apex predators, many of which simultaneous contend with the costs of competition with more dominant species and the costs associated with human hunting and lethal management. | 2018 | 29379688 |
seed ingestion and germination in rattlesnakes: overlooked agents of rescue and secondary dispersal. | seed dispersal is a key evolutionary process and a central theme in the population ecology of terrestrial plants. the primary producers of most land-based ecosystems are propagated by and maintained through various mechanisms of seed dispersal that involve both abiotic and biotic modes of transportation. by far the most common biotic seed transport mechanism is zoochory, whereby seeds, or fruits containing them, are dispersed through the activities of animals. rodents are one group of mammals th ... | 2018 | 29436500 |
revisiting rabies virus neutralizing antibodies through infecting balb/c mice with live rabies virus. | this study investigates the production of rabies virus (rabv) neutralizing antibody after virus infection through a mouse model. the balb/c mice from different age groups (three, five, seven week old) were intramuscularly inoculated with live rabies virus (tx coyote 323r). without pre-exposure or post-exposure prophylaxis (pep), we found there is a decreased fatality with increased age of animals, the mortalities are 60%, 50%, and 30%, respectively. interestingly, through assay of rapid fluoresc ... | 2018 | 29471052 |
do coyotes canis latrans influence occupancy of prey in suburban forest fragments? | with the extirpation of apex predators from many north american systems, coyotes canis latrans have become the de facto top predator and are ubiquitous members of most ecosystems. keystone predators aid in maintaining ecosystem function by regulating the mammal community through direct predation and instilling the landscape of fear, yet the value of coyotes regulating systems to this capacity is understudied and likely variable across environments. since coyotes are common in the midwestern unit ... | 2016 | 29491884 |
influence of free water availability on a desert carnivore and herbivore. | anthropogenic manipulation of finite resources on the landscape to benefit individual species or communities is commonly employed by conservation and management agencies. one such action in arid regions is the construction and maintenance of water developments (i.e., wildlife guzzlers) adding free water on the landscape to buttress local populations, influence animal movements, or affect distributions of certain species of interest. despite their prevalence, the utility of wildlife guzzlers rema ... | 2017 | 29491969 |
evidence of two cocirculating canine distemper virus strains in mesocarnivores from northern colorado. | canine distemper virus (cdv) is a highly contagious pathogen that principally infects wildlife and domestic carnivores. peridomestic species such as raccoons ( procyon lotor) experience outbreaks with high mortality. clinical signs of infection include anorexia, fever, respiratory infection, and neurologic complications. although not zoonotic, cdv poses a high risk to unvaccinated domestic animals and the conservation of endangered species. during 2013-2016, we opportunistically collected wild a ... | 2018 | 29498900 |
suspected hypertrophic osteopathy in an ancient canid: differential diagnosis of possible etiologies. | hypertrophic osteopathy (ho) has been reported in numerous mammalian species, but no reports address the range of conditions that can lead to ho, or the implications of those conditions, for archaeological diagnosis. we describe suspected ho from skeletal remains of an ancient large domestic dog recovered in iowa, usa, at the cherokee sewer site. canid remains from this site date 7430-7020calbp. the site is believed to have been a temporary, low-intensity campsite where bison were procured. over ... | 2015 | 29539440 |
impacts of human recreation on carnivores in protected areas. | mammalian carnivores can be particularly sensitive to human disturbance, even within protected areas (pas). our objective was to understand how human disturbance affects carnivore communities in southern arizona, usa by studying habitat occupancy based on data collected using non-invasive methods in three pas with different levels of human disturbance. carnivore occupancy varied based on human disturbance variables (i.e., roads, trails, etc.). common carnivore species (coyotes, gray foxes, and b ... | 2018 | 29621335 |
challenges to controlling rabies in skunk populations using oral rabies vaccination: a review. | controlling rabies in skunk populations is an important public health concern in many parts of the united states due to the potential for skunk rabies outbreaks in urban centres and the possible role for skunks in raccoon rabies variant circulation. oral rabies vaccination (orv) programmes have supported wildlife rabies control efforts globally but using orv to control rabies in skunk populations has proven more challenging than with other target species, like foxes, coyotes and raccoons. a revi ... | 2018 | 29633545 |
endocranial development in the coyote (canis latrans) and gray wolf (canis lupus): a computed tomographic study. | the purpose of this study was to examine the pattern of postnatal brain growth in two wild canid species: the coyote (canis latrans) and gray wolf (canis lupus). adult regional and total brain volume differences were also compared between the two species as well as within each species by sex. three-dimensional virtual endocasts of endocranial airspace were created from computed tomography scans of 52 coyote skulls (28 female, 24 male; 1 day to 13.4 years) and 46 gray wolf skulls (25 female, 21 m ... | 2018 | 29635246 |
mammal responses to the human footprint vary across species and stressors. | a rapidly expanding human footprint - comprised of anthropogenic land-use change and infrastructure - is profoundly affecting wildlife distributions worldwide. cumulative effects management (cem) is a regional approach that seeks to manage combined effects of the human footprint on biodiversity across large spatial scales. challenges to implementing this approach include a lack of ecological data at large spatial scales, the high cost of monitoring multiple indicators, and the need to manage mul ... | 2018 | 29654972 |
coyot1 clinic: home telemedicine increases young adult engagement in diabetes care. | young adults with type 1 diabetes (t1d) experience poor glycemic control, disengagement in care, and are often lost to the medical system well into their adult years. diabetes providers need a new approach to working with the population. the goal of this study was to determine whether an innovative shared telemedicine appointment care model (coyot1 clinic [pronounced as "coyote"; colorado young adults with t1d]) for young adults with t1d improves care engagement, satisfaction, and adherence to a ... | 2018 | 29672162 |
spatial processes decouple management from objectives in a heterogeneous landscape: predator control as a case study. | predator control is often implemented with the intent of disrupting top-down regulation in sensitive prey populations. however, ambiguity surrounding the efficacy of predator management, as well as the strength of top-down effects of predators in general, is often exacerbated by the spatially implicit analytical approaches used in assessing data with explicit spatial structure. here, we highlight the importance of considering spatial context in the case of a predator control study in south-centr ... | 2018 | 29676861 |
a bead-based flow cytometric assay for monitoring yersinia pestis exposure in wildlife. | yersinia pestis is the causative agent of plague and is considered a category a priority pathogen due to its potential for high transmissibility and the significant morbidity and mortality it causes in humans. y. pestis is endemic to the western united states and much of the world, necessitating programs to monitor for this pathogen on the landscape. elevated human risk of plague infection has been spatially correlated with spikes in seropositive wildlife numbers, particularly rodent-eating carn ... | 2018 | 29695520 |
whole-genome sequence analysis shows that two endemic species of north american wolf are admixtures of the coyote and gray wolf. | protection of populations comprising admixed genomes is a challenge under the endangered species act (esa), which is regarded as the most powerful species protection legislation ever passed in the united states but lacks specific provisions for hybrids. the eastern wolf is a newly recognized wolf-like species that is highly admixed and inhabits the great lakes and eastern united states, a region previously thought to be included in the geographic range of only the gray wolf. the u.s. fish and wi ... | 2016 | 29713682 |
leptospira antibodies detected in wildlife in the usa and the us virgin islands. | from 2011 to 2017, 4,534 serum samples from 13 wildlife species collected across the us and in one territory (us virgin islands) were tested for exposure to leptospira serovars bratislava, canicola, grippotyphosa, hardjo, icterohaemorrhagiae, and pomona. of 1,759 canids, 1,043 cervids, 23 small indian mongooses ( herpestes auropunctatus), 1,704 raccoons ( procyon lotor), and five striped skunks ( mephitis mephitis), 27.0, 44.4, 30.4, 40.8, and 60%, respectively, were antibody positive for any of ... | 2018 | 29715063 |
size-assortative choice and mate availability influences hybridization between red wolves (canis rufus) and coyotes (canis latrans). | anthropogenic hybridization of historically isolated taxa has become a primary conservation challenge for many imperiled species. indeed, hybridization between red wolves (canis rufus) and coyotes (canis latrans) poses a significant challenge to red wolf recovery. we considered seven hypotheses to assess factors influencing hybridization between red wolves and coyotes via pair-bonding between the two species. because long-term monogamy and defense of all-purpose territories are core characterist ... | 2018 | 29721269 |
tick-borne disease risk in a forest food web. | changes to the community ecology of hosts for zoonotic pathogens, particularly rodents, are likely to influence the emergence and prevalence of zoonotic diseases worldwide. however, the complex interactions between abiotic factors, pathogens, vectors, hosts, and both food resources and predators of hosts are difficult to disentangle. here we (1) use 19 yr of data from six large field plots in southeastern new york to compare the effects of hypothesized drivers of interannual variation in lyme di ... | 2018 | 29738078 |
mapping the expansion of coyotes (canis latrans) across north and central america. | the geographic distribution of coyotes (canis latrans) has dramatically expanded since 1900, spreading across much of north america in a period when most other mammal species have been declining. although this considerable expansion has been well documented at the state/provincial scale, continent-wide descriptions of coyote spread have portrayed conflicting distributions for coyotes prior to the 1900s, with popularly referenced anecdotal accounts showing them restricted to the great plains, and ... | 2018 | 29861647 |
is the red wolf a listable unit under the us endangered species act? | defining units that can be afforded legal protection is a crucial, albeit challenging, step in conservation planning. as we illustrate with a case study of the red wolf (canis rufus) from the southeastern united states, this step is especially complex when the evolutionary history of the focal taxon is uncertain. the us endangered species act (esa) allows listing of species, subspecies, or distinct population segments (dpss) of vertebrates. red wolves were listed as an endangered species in 1973 ... | 2018 | 29889268 |
treatment of suspected exertional myopathy using dantrolene in a coyote ( canis latrans). | a 3-yr-old spayed female coyote ( canis latrans) developed clinical signs of exertional myopathy after fighting with a conspecific. a diagnosis of exertional myopathy was made based on physical examination findings, probable myoglobinuria, and elevations in serum creatinine kinase activity, alanine aminotransferase activity, and potassium concentration. dantrolene, a hydantoin analog, as well as supportive and symptomatic therapies, was used to successfully treat exertional myopathy. this is the ... | 2018 | 29900791 |
detecting co-infections of echinococcus multilocularis and echinococcus canadensis in coyotes and red foxes in alberta, canada using real-time pcr. | the continued monitoring of echinococcus species in intermediate and definitive hosts is essential to understand the eco-epidemiology of these parasites, as well to assess their potential impact on public health. in canada, co-infections of echinococcus canadensis and echinococcus multilocularis based on genetic characterization have been recently reported in wolves, but not yet in other possible hosts such as coyotes and foxes. in this study, we aimed to develop a quantitative real-time pcr ass ... | 2018 | 29988802 |
serosurvey for influenza virus subtypes h3n8 and h3n2 antibodies in free-ranging canids in pennsylvania, usa. | canine influenza virus (civ) subtypes h3n8 and h3n2 are endemic among domestic dog ( canis lupus familiaris ) populations in the northeastern us. infection of free-ranging carnivores with influenza virus has been sporadically reported. generalist mesocarnivores that exploit anthropogenic, peri-urban habitats share a wide interface with domestic dogs that allows for the transmission of infectious disease. to investigate the potential exposure of free-ranging canids to civ in pennsylvania, us, ser ... | 2019 | 30096030 |
neospora caninum dna in coyote fecal samples collected in an urban environment. | definitive hosts of neospora caninum are species of canids, such as domestic dogs ( canis lupus familiaris), coyotes ( canis latrans) and foxes ( vulpes vulpes), whereas ruminants, such as cattle ( bos taurus), sheep ( ovis aries), and deer (cervidae) serve as intermediate hosts. we investigated the presence of n. caninum in feces of coyotes in calgary, alberta, canada. one hundred coyote fecal samples were collected from five city parks. following dna extraction, the presence of n. caninum dna ... | 2019 | 30096031 |
echinococcus in wild canids in québec (canada) and maine (usa). | zoonotic echinococcus spp. cestodes (e. canadensis and e. multilocularis) infect domestic animals, wildlife, and people in regions of canada and the usa. we recovered and quantified echinococcus spp. cestodes from 22 of 307 intestinal tracts of wild canids (23 wolves, 100 coyotes, 184 red and arctic foxes) in the state of maine and the province of québec. we identified the species and genotypes of three echinococcus spp. cestodes per infected animal by sequencing mitochondrial dna at two loci. w ... | 2018 | 30125277 |
home range size, vegetation density, and season influences prey use by coyotes (canis latrans). | to ensure reproductive success, canis species establish contiguous mosaics of territories in suitable habitats to partition space and defend limiting resources. consequently, canis species can exert strong effects on prey populations locally because of their year-round maintenance of territories. we assessed prey use by coyotes (canis latrans) by sampling scats from within known territories in southeastern alabama and the savannah river area of georgia and south carolina. we accounted for the si ... | 2018 | 30303970 |
congenital human toxoplasmosis caused by non-clonal toxoplasma gondii genotypes in argentina. | toxoplasmosis, a worldwide distributed zoonosis, can be transmitted congenitally affecting fetuses and developing variable clinical signs. different toxoplasma gondii genotypes and infective dose are related factors with different clinical manifestations. several studies indicate that atypical strains could produce more severe clinical manifestations compared to typical strains. umbilical cord blood (n = 37) and placenta (n = 19) were collected at birth from women with acute t. gondii infection ... | 2019 | 30304711 |
the importance of considering multiple interacting species for conservation of species at risk. | conservation of species at risk of extinction is complex and multifaceted. however, mitigation strategies are typically narrow in scope, an artifact of conservation research that is often limited to a single species or stressor. knowledge of an entire community of strongly interacting species would greatly enhance the comprehensiveness and effectiveness of conservation decisions. we investigated how camera trapping and spatial count models, an extension of spatial-recapture models for unmarked p ... | 2019 | 30306635 |
babesia conradae infection in coyote hunting dogs infected with multiple blood-borne pathogens. | babesia conradae is an intraerythrocytic piroplasm infecting dogs in the southern united states. ticks have been suspected, but unproven, as vectors. we identified b. conradae and other blood-borne pathogens in 2 kennels of sighthounds with a history of coyote fighting. | 2018 | 30307638 |
interspecific gene flow shaped the evolution of the genus canis. | the evolutionary history of the wolf-like canids of the genus canis has been heavily debated, especially regarding the number of distinct species and their relationships at the population and species level [1-6]. we assembled a dataset of 48 resequenced genomes spanning all members of the genus canis except the black-backed and side-striped jackals, encompassing the global diversity of seven extant canid lineages. this includes eight new genomes, including the first resequenced ethiopian wolf (c ... | 2018 | 30344120 |
risk of environmental exposure to small coccidia from wild canid feces in rural ohio. | objective to determine the extent of environmental exposure to heteroxenous coccidia from wild canid feces in southeastern ohio. sample 285 presumed wild canid fecal samples collected across an ecological system in southeastern ohio. procedures morphological classification and molecular analysis were used to determine the canid genus for collected fecal samples. microscopic and molecular analysis were used to detect coccidian oocysts and dna. several variables were analyzed for associations with ... | 2018 | 30372156 |
seroprevalence for the tick-borne relapsing fever spirochete borrelia turicatae among small and medium sized mammals of texas. | in low elevation arid regions throughout the southern united states, borrelia turicatae is the principal agent of tick-borne relapsing fever. however, endemic foci and the vertebrate hosts involved in the ecology of b. turicatae remain undefined. experimental infection studies suggest that small and medium sized mammals likely maintain b. turicatae in nature, while the tick vector is a long-lived reservoir. | 2018 | 30372445 |
roads do not increase carrion use by a vertebrate scavenging community. | wildlife-vehicle collisions introduce a considerable amount of carrion into the environment, but scavenger use of this resource has not been extensively investigated. scavengers may use roads for reliable foraging opportunities, but might also use roads for other purposes and encounter carrion opportunistically. we examined scavenging of carrion along linear features by placing 52 rabbit carcasses in each of three treatments in forested habitat during winter (dec 2016-mar 2017) in south carolina ... | 2018 | 30397216 |
prey abundance and urbanization influence the establishment of avian predators in a metropolitan landscape. | urbanization causes the simplification of natural habitats, resulting in animal communities dominated by exotic species with few top predators. in recent years, however, many predators such as hawks, and in the us coyotes and cougars, have become increasingly common in urban environments. hawks in the accipiter genus, especially, are recovering from widespread population declines and are increasingly common in urbanizing landscapes. our goal was to identify factors that determine the occupancy, ... | 2018 | 30404886 |
evaluation of an automated magnetic bead-based dna extraction and real-time pcr in fecal samples as a pre-screening test for detection of echinococcus multilocularis and echinococcus canadensis in coyotes. | efficient and sensitive diagnostic tools are essential for the study of the eco-epidemiology of echinococcus species. we evaluated an automated magnetic bead-based dna extraction commercial kit followed by qpcr (mb-qpcr), for the detection of echinococcus multilocularis and echinococcus canadensis in coyote (canis latrans) fecal samples. the diagnostic sensitivity was determined by validating the method against the scraping, filtration, and counting technique (sfct) for samples collected in cana ... | 2019 | 30415395 |
population genomics of grey wolves and wolf-like canids in north america. | north america is currently home to a number of grey wolf (canis lupus) and wolf-like canid populations, including the coyote (canis latrans) and the taxonomically controversial red, eastern timber and great lakes wolves. we explored their population structure and regional gene flow using a dataset of 40 full genome sequences that represent the extant diversity of north american wolves and wolf-like canid populations. this included 15 new genomes (13 north american grey wolves, 1 red wolf and 1 e ... | 2018 | 30419012 |
first report of angiostrongylus vasorum in coyotes in mainland north america. | 2018 | 30514743 | |
population genomic analysis of north american eastern wolves (canis lycaon) supports their conservation priority status. | the threatened eastern wolf is found predominantly in protected areas of central ontario and has an evolutionary history obscured by interbreeding with coyotes and gray wolves, which challenges its conservation status and subsequent management. here, we used a population genomics approach to uncover spatial patterns of variation in 281 canids in central ontario and the great lakes region. this represents the first genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (snp) dataset with substantial sample s ... | 2018 | 30518163 |
patterns of wild carnivore attacks on humans in urban areas. | attacks by wild carnivores on humans represent an increasing problem in urban areas across north america and their frequency is expected to rise following urban expansion towards carnivore habitats. here, we analyzed records of carnivore attacks on humans in urban areas of the u.s. and canada between 1980 and 2016 to analyze the general patterns of the attacks, as well as describe the landscape structure and, for those attacks occurring at night, the light conditions at the site of the attacks. ... | 2018 | 30531972 |
rediscovery of red wolf ghost alleles in a canid population along the american gulf coast. | rediscovering species once thought to be extinct or on the edge of extinction is rare. red wolves have been extinct along the american gulf coast since 1980, with their last populations found in coastal louisiana and texas. we report the rediscovery of red wolf ghost alleles in a canid population on galveston island, texas. we analyzed over 7000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) in 60 canid representatives from all legally recognized north american canis species and two phenotypically ambig ... | 2018 | 30544757 |
public acceptability of development in the northern forest of vermont, usa-the influence of wildlife information, recreation involvement, and demographic characteristics. | increasing development such as roads and houses will alter future landscapes and result in biological, social, and economic trade-offs. managing development requires information on the public's acceptability of development and understanding which factors shape acceptability. in this study, we examined three questions: 1) what is the public's acceptability of development? 2) is acceptability of development influenced by wildlife information? and 3) is the maximum amount of acceptable development ... | 2018 | 30557372 |
corrigendum to 'detecting co-infections of echinococcus multilocularis and echinococcus canadensis in coyotes and red foxes in alberta, canada using real-time pcr' [ijp: parasites and wildlife 7 (2018) 111-115]. | [this corrects the article doi: 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2018.03.001.]. | 2018 | 30568877 |
helminth parasites and zoonotic risk associated with urban coyotes (canis latrans) in alberta, canada. | coyotes (canis latrans) are resilient, adaptable, cosmopolitan omnivores that are increasingly prevalent in urban environments, where they interact with both humans and domestic dogs. coyotes potentially transmit zoonotic parasites, including the tapeworm echinococcus multilocularis, which appears to be increasing in prevalence in western north america. in this study, we analysed the carcasses of 23 urban coyotes in edmonton, alberta, canada. focusing primarily on the helminth community, we reco ... | 2018 | 30588908 |
direct aqueous injection of the fluoroacetate anion in potable water for analysis by liquid chromatography tandem mass-spectrometry. | sodium fluoroacetate or compound 1080 is a rodenticide registered in the united states for use in livestock protection collars. the collars are employed to control predation on herd animals (i.e., killing of cattle by wolves or coyotes). sodium fluoroacetate is acutely toxic to humans and has potential to cause mass casualties if used to intentionally contaminate water systems. the u.s. environmental protection agency (epa) is responsible for characterization and remediation if such an incident ... | 2018 | 30598702 |
high genomic diversity and candidate genes under selection associated with range expansion in eastern coyote (canis latrans) populations. | range expansion is a widespread biological process, with well-described theoretical expectations associated with the colonization of novel ranges. however, comparatively few empirical studies address the genomic outcomes accompanying the genome-wide consequences associated with the range expansion process, particularly in recent or ongoing expansions. here, we assess two recent and distinct eastward expansion fronts of a highly mobile carnivore, the coyote (canis latrans), to investigate pattern ... | 2018 | 30619570 |
parental habituation to human disturbance over time reduces fear of humans in coyote offspring. | a fundamental tenet of maternal effects assumes that maternal variance over time should have discordant consequences for offspring traits across litters. yet, seldom are parents observed across multiple reproductive bouts, with few studies considering anthropogenic disturbances as an ecological driver of maternal effects. we observed captive coyote (canis latrans) pairs over two successive litters to determine whether among-litter differences in behavior (i.e., risk-taking) and hormones (i.e., c ... | 2018 | 30619597 |
comparative ecology of bartonella and brucella infections in wild carnivores. | phylogenetic sister clades bartonella and brucella within the order rhizobiales present some common biological characteristics as well as evident differences in adaptations to their mammalian reservoirs. we reviewed published data on bartonella and brucella infections in wild carnivores to compare the ecology of these bacteria in relatively similar host environments. arthropod vectors are the main mechanism for bartonella species transmission between mammalian hosts. the role of arthropods in tr ... | 2018 | 30662899 |
echinococcus multilocularis infection, southern ontario, canada. | alveolar echinococcosis, the disease caused by infection with the intermediate stage of the echinococcus multilocularis tapeworm, is typically fatal in humans and dogs when left untreated. since 2012, alveolar echinococcosis has been diagnosed in 5 dogs, 3 lemurs, and 1 chipmunk in southern ontario, canada, a region previously considered free of these tapeworms. because of human and animal health concerns, we estimated prevalence of infection in wild canids across southern ontario. during 2015-2 ... | 2019 | 30666935 |
addressing research needs in the field of plant virus ecology by defining knowledge gaps and developing wild dicot study systems. | viruses are ubiquitous within all habitats that support cellular life and represent the most important emerging infectious diseases of plants. despite this, it is only recently that we have begun to describe the ecological roles of plant viruses in unmanaged systems and the influence of ecosystem properties on virus evolution. we now know that wild plants frequently harbor infections by diverse virus species, but much remains to be learned about how viruses influence host traits and how hosts in ... | 2018 | 30687284 |
a forensic pathology investigation of dismembered domestic cats: coyotes or cults? | dismembered cats ( felis catus) have been found in north american schoolyards, parks, walkways, or lawns and sometimes result in local media attention. when a member of the public encounters these cats, they commonly report finding either the cranial or caudal half of a cat in a prominent location. such findings cause public consternation and pose difficulties to investigators in identifying whether animal abuse has occurred and whether to concentrate resources on the investigation. this report ... | 2019 | 30722758 |