
PMID(sorted ascending)
vertebral osteomyelitis due to shigella boydii. 19968722953
stool cultures for shigella spp: improved specificity by using macconkey agar with xylose.a total of 678 stool specimens were cultured on four different agars: on xylose-lysine-desoxycholate agar (xld), macconkey agar (mac), macconkey agar supplemented with xylose (mac-x), and hektoen enteric agar (he). isolation rates for shigellae were 77% on he, 86% on mac and mac-x, and 91% on xld. the specificities of the media were 61% for mac, 75% for he, and 78% for xld and mac-x. after overnight incubation, mac-x is much easier to read than xld, which requires incubation for at least 22 hour ...19968724396
antimicrobial effect of acidified nitrite on gut pathogens: importance of dietary nitrate in host defense.dietary intake of nitrate generates salivary nitrite, which is acidified in the stomach, leading to a number of reactive intermediates of nitrogen, among which are the potentially carcinogenic n-nitrosamines. acidified nitrite, however, also has antimicrobial activity which coincides with the formation of nitric oxide. the present study examines the antimicrobial effect in vitro of acidified nitrite on salmonella enteritidis, salmonella typhimurium, yersinia enterocolitica, shigella sonnei, and ...19968726013
demonstration of a lack of synergistic effect of rotavirus with other diarrheal pathogens on severity of diarrhea in children.the severity of group a rotavirus (rv) diarrhea was compared with that of mixed infections of rv with diarrheagenic escherichia coli, vibrio cholerae o1, and shigella species by a scoring system. the severity of mixed infections of rv and e. coli was the same as that of infections with rv alone. rv infections mixed with v. cholerae and shigella species mimicked cholera and shigellosis, respectively.19968727937
[microbiological quality of street sold fruits in san josé, costa rica].the sanitary quality of street sold fruits was analyzed during the period from march 1990 thru march 1993 in san jose, costa rica. it looked for the presence of salmonella spp. shigella spp., escherichia coli as well as fecal coliforms in natural refreshments, fruit salads and the fruits most frecuently expended on streets, either in slices as the pineapple (ananas comosus), papaya (carica papaya), non-ripe mangoe (mangifera indica) and watermelon (citrullus vulgaris) and those that can be eaten ...19958729262
molecular genetic bases of salmonella entry into host cells.salmonella spp. can enter into non-phagocytic cells, a property that is essential for their pathogenicity. recently, considerable progress has been made in the understanding of the molecular genetic bases of this process. it is now evident that salmonella entry functions are largely encoded on a 35-40 kb region of the salmonella chromosome located at centisome 63. the majority of the loci in this region encode components of a type iii or contact-dependent secretion system homologous to those des ...19968733226
antimicrobial activity of paliurus spina-christi mill. (christ's thorn). 19968735457
the occurrence of glycine in bacterial lipopolysaccharides.the aminoacyl analysis of endotoxic lipopolysaccharides (lps) isolated from several bacteria revealed essential amounts of glycine, among the inherent lps components. significant amounts of the glycine was detected in lipopolysaccharides isolated from over 30 strains of escherichia, salmonella, hafnia, citrobacter and shigella species. glycine as a single amino acid was found only in a core part of lps. molar ratio of glycine in core oligosaccharide fraction ranged from 0.2 to 0.6 per 3 heptoses ...19968739188
invasion and the pathogenesis of shigella infections. 19968742244
sequence heterogeneities among 16s ribosomal rna sequences, and their effect on phylogenetic analyses at the species level.we have analyzed what phylogenetic signal can be derived by small subunit rrna comparison for bacteria of different but closely related genera (enterobacteria) and for different species or strains within a single genus (escherichia or salmonella), and finally how similar are the ribosomal operons within a single organism (escherichia coli). these sequences have been analyzed by neighbor-joining, maximum likelihood, and parsimony. the robustness of each topology was assessed by bootstrap. sequenc ...19968742634
mechanism of antigenic variation in shigella flexneri bacilli. iii. complement sensitivity of s. flexneri 1b strains and their 3b variants selected either as lac+ recombinants or phage f2 resistant mutants.several s. flexneri 1b serotype strains of clinical isolation were compared with their 3b serotype variants isolated either as lac+ recombinants from crosses of s. flexneri x e. coli hfr c, or f2-resistant mutants. the studied variants 3b were deprived of type i antigen but acquired type iii antigen. they appeared to be less sensitive to killing action of complement present in normal bovine serum although kinetics of killing and its effectiveness differed between the strains.19958744688
surface display compared to periplasmic expression of a malarial antigen in salmonella typhimurium and its implications for immunogenicity.two different expression systems were investigated for the production of an 80 amino acid polypeptide, m3, from the c-terminus of the plasmodium falciparum blood stage antigen pf155/resa in an attenuated salmonella typhimurium vaccine strain. upon expression, the malarial polypeptide was targeted either to the periplasm as a soluble fusion protein containing two igg-binding domains (zz) from the staphylococcal protein a or, to the bacterial surface as an insert within a chimeric outer membrane p ...19958745001
brain edema: an underdiagnosed complication of shigella infection. 19958745030
gene transfer from bacteria to mammalian cells.transfer of genetic information between phylogenetically remote bacterial genera [1], from bacteria to yeast [2] and from bacteria to plants [3] by plasmid conjugation has been described. however, direct dna transfer from prokaryotes to mammalian cells has not yet been demonstrated. certain bacterial species have evolved the ability to enter mammalian cells by inducing their own internalization [4]. we show that invasive strains of shigella flexneri and escherichia coli, that undergo lysis upon ...19958745635
[infections caused by several shigella species after returning from africa]. 19968745729
the unrelated surface proteins acta of listeria monocytogenes and icsa of shigella flexneri are sufficient to confer actin-based motility on listeria innocua and escherichia coli respectively.listeria monocytogenes and shigella flexneri are two unrelated facultative intracellular pathogens which spread from cell to cell by using a similar mode of intracellular movement based on continuous actin assembly at one pole of the bacterium. this process requires the asymmetrical expression of the acta surface protein in l. monocytogenes and the icsa (virg) surface protein in s. flexneri. acta and icsa share no sequence homology. to assess the role of the two proteins in the generation of act ...19958748026
salmonella typhimurium secreted invasion determinants are homologous to shigella ipa proteins.salmonella typhimurium secreted proteins (ssp) were previously implicated in epithelial cell invasion. here we describe four genes (sspb, sspc, sspd, and sspa), located between spat and prgh, which encode proteins of 63, 42, 36, and 87 kda, respectively. these ssp are homologous to shigella flexneri secreted proteins ipab, ipac, ipad and ipaa. a non-invasive mutant with a transposon insertion in sspc lacks ssp of 87, 42 and 36 kda. complementation and analyses show that sspc and sspd encode the ...19958748032
a survey of bacterial toxins involved in food poisoning: a suggestion for bacterial food poisoning toxin nomenclature.there is at present no accepted nomenclature for bacterial protein toxins, although there have been several attempts at dividing them into groups by their mode of action. in this paper we will not try to describe all known bacterial protein toxins, but concentrate on the toxins involved in food poisoning. although most of these toxins are enterotoxins (protein exotoxins with the site of action on the mucosal cells of the intestinal tract) there are also other toxins involved in food poisoning, l ...19958750662
comparative evaluation of orally active antibiotics against community-acquired pathogens: results of eight european this multicenter study conducted in eight european countries, 13,173 pathogens--all isolated from community-acquired infections in 1992 and 1993--were evaluated for their susceptibility to the following orally active antibiotics: penicillin g, ampicillin, amoxycillin plus clavulanic acid, cefaclor, cefuroxime, cefetamet, doxycycline and erythromycin. ten centers in italy, five in germany, in the netherlands and switzerland, four in greece and spain, three in hungary and one in finland contrib ...19968751263
requirement for exported proteins in secretion through the invasion-associated type iii system of salmonella typhimurium.the inv and spa loci of salmonella typhimurium encode a type iii protein secretion system which is essential for the ability of this microorganism to gain access to cultured epithelial cells. these loci are located at centisome 63 in the salmonella chromosome. we have carried out a functional analysis of several genes of these loci and have found that two exported proteins encoded in this region, invj and spao, are required for secretion through the invasion-associated type iii secretion system. ...19968751894
immune response to shigella sonnei in u.s. marines.pre- and postdeployment serum samples obtained from u.s. marines in operations desert shield and desert storm were tested for antibodies to shigella sonnei. high predeployment levels of immunoglobulin a (iga) and/or igg antibodies to s. sonnei lipopolysaccharide antigen in serum and seroconversions were accompanied by higher iga and/or igg antibody response to shigella invasion plasmids (ipa). the results suggest exposure to s. sonnei in predeployment troops and frequent exposure to this bacteri ...19968751956
insertion and orientation of a synthetic peptide representing the c-terminus of the a1 domain of shiga toxin into phospholipid membranes.shiga toxin is a bacterial protein composed of one a and five b subunits. its a chain possesses a protease sensitive loop (cys-242-cys-261) that is cleaved to produce an enzymatically active a1 domain and an a2 fragment associated with its b subunit pentamer. the proposed mode of action of the toxin is linked to its retrograde transport to the er lumen followed by the translocation of its catalytic a1 chain to the cytoplasmic side of the er membrane. a signal sequence-like domain (residues 220-2 ...19968755710
identification and characterization of phon-sf, a gene on the large plasmid of shigella flexneri 2a encoding a nonspecific phosphatase.a gene encoding a nonspecific phosphatase, named phon-sf, was identified on the large virulence plasmid (pmysh6000) of shigella flexneri 2a ysh6000. the phosphatase activity in ysh6000 was observed under high-phosphate conditions. however, it was found that low-phosphate conditions induced a slightly higher level of activity. the nucleotide sequence of the phon-sf region cloned from pmysh6000 possessing the phon-sf gene encoded 249 amino acids with a typical signal sequence at the n terminus. th ...19968755883
resection and mutagenesis of the acid ph-inducible p2 promoter of the agrobacterium tumefaciens virg gene.transcription of the virg gene initiates from two tandem promoters, designated p1 and p2, that are located 50 nucleotides apart. transcription of the p2 promoter is induced by extracellular acidity. cis-acting sites required for p2 activity were identified by constructing and assaying a series of 5' and 3' resections and site-directed nucleotide substitutions. nucleotides between positions -9 and -37 were sufficient for regulated promoter activity. within this region, nucleotide substitutions at ...19968755905
[sensitivity of xg medium for the isolation of salmonella, shigella, and yersinia]. 19968756226
engineered deltaguab-a deltavirg shigella flexneri 2a strain cvd 1205: construction, safety, immunogenicity, and potential efficacy as a mucosal vaccine.shigella flexneri 2a strain cvd 1204, which was constructed by introducing a specific, in-frame deletion mutation in the guab-a operon, was compared with deltaaroa strain cvd 1201. cvd 1204 was less invasive for hela cells than cvd 1201, whereas following invasion, the abilities of the two mutants to proliferate intracellularly were similarly impaired. the reduction in invasiveness was independent of the guanine auxotrophic phenotype and fully recovered when the chromosomal deletion mutation in ...19968757833
bloody diarrhoea of adults in malawi: clinical features, infectious agents, and antimicrobial a prospective study, 132 hospital out-patients presenting with bloody diarrhoea ('cases') were evaluated in malawi, central africa; 73 out-patient tuberculosis suspects acted as controls. most (100/132, 76%) subjects reported an illness lasting < or = 5 d with > 5 bowel actions in the preceding 12 h; 39/132 (30%) reported use of systemic antimicrobial drugs in the preceding week; 57% (74/130) had a body mass index < 20; 4% (5/131) were febrile; and 18/130 (13%) had one or more sign(s) of dehy ...19968758078
azithromycin prophylaxis prevents epidemic dysentery. 19968758091
antimicrobial susceptibility and plasmid-mediated streptomycin resistance of plesiomonas shigelloides isolated from blue crab.five plesiomonas shigelloides strains isolated from retail or wild-catch louisiana blue crabs (callinectes sapidus) were examined for resistance to selected antibiotics and presence of plasmids. three agar media, macconkey, salmonella-shigella and a modification of inositol brilliant green bile salt (ibb), were evaluated for isolation of p. shigelloides. of these, ibb was most satisfactory for distinguishing between p. shigelloides and the related species aeromonas hydrophila. isolates were susc ...19968760329
microbiology of hiv associated bacteraemia and diarrhoea in adults from nairobi, kenya.we undertook a retrospective descriptive comparison of the spectrum of pathogens responsible for bacteraemia and diarrhoea in hiv antibody positive and negative patients over 4 years (1988-92), in nairobi, kenya. the study population was recruited from primary to tertiary centres of clinical care and consisted of 2858 adults (15 years or older). there were 415 significant blood culture isolates, 192 from 1785 hiv negative patients and 223 from 953 hiv positive patients. there were 233 significan ...19968760961
shigella infections.shigella dysentery is a major public-health problem in many tropical areas. despite improvements in water supplies and sanitation, it continues to be a disease of poor rural and urban communities and in populations affected by migration and crowding following disasters. pathogenesis is due to colonic invasion, endotoxin, and, in shigella dysenteriae 1, shiga toxin. as well as the local manifestations of dysentery, systemic complications include convulsions, haemolytic-uraemic syndrome, hyponatra ...19968762400
species and serovars of enteropathogenic agents associated with acute diarrheal disease in rosario, argentina.we report the most frequent species and serovars of enteropathogenic organisms in rosario from 1985 to 1993. enteropathogenic escherichia coli was the most prevalent agent affecting 144/570 (25.2%) children; 0111 represented 41.8%, 055: 13.6%, 0119: 12.7%. among enterotoxigenic e. coli (etec) the most frequent were etec-st 0128:h21 and 0153:h45. shigella spp were isolated in 8.8%; s. flexneri: 7%, principally type 2 (59.5%); s. sonnei: 1.6%, and s. dysenteriae type 2: 0.2%. campylobacter spp wer ...19968762632
murine splenocyte proliferation by porin of shigella dysenteriae type 1 and inhibition of bacterial invasion of hela cell by anti-porin antibody.the purified porin of shigella dysenteriae type 1 showed strong mitogenic activity for murine splenocytes. preincubation of s. dysenteriae type 1 with anti-porin antibody reduced the bacterial plaque formation in hela cell monolayers by 45%. the two immunobiological activities indicate that porin might be important in the induction of protective immunity against shigellosis.19968764507
[antibiotic sensitivity of 299 strains of shigella isolated in burundi].bacillary dysentery which occurs endemoepidemically in burundi is currently on the rise and requires close epidemiologic and therapeutic monitoring. sensitivity tests using 13 antibiotics were performed on 299 strains of shigella isolated at the biology laboratory of the bujumbura university hospital center. the technique used to test antibiotic sensitivity was the disc diffusion method described by chabert et al. of the 299 strains studied, 250 (83.6%) were species of shigella dysenteriae type ...19968767790
summary of the thirty-first united states-japan joint conference on cholera and related diarrheal diseases.the 31st united states-japan cholera and related diarrheal diseases conference was held in conjunction with the united states-japan malnutrition conference at kiawah island, south carolina, 30 november to 3 december 1995. in addition to the overall conference theme of the role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of enteric infections and malnutrition, researchers described substantial advances in cholera epidemiology, detection, molecular mechanisms, and pathophysiology plus new mechanisms for ente ...19968769599
a comparative study of the bbl crystal enteric/nonfermenter identification system and the biomerieux api20e and api20ne identification systems after overnight incubation.the bbl crystal enteric/nonfermenter (crystal, becton dickinson microbiology systems) is a new multi-test identification system for gram negative rods requiring no oil overlay or addition of reagents. one hundred and three selected gram negative rod isolates from routine clinical specimens were tested in parallel using the appropriate api20e or api20ne (biomerieux) reading after overnight incubation. the isolates included in the study, and the number tested, were as follows: acinetobacter sp, 8; ...19958771156
[the pathogenicity factors of shigella studied as the bases for the design of diagnostic and prophylactic preparations].in this work summarized data is presented on the molecular and biological characteristics of the representatives of the genus shigella, the genetic determination of their pathogenicity factors contributing both to the initiation of the development of the infectious process and to the formation of pathological changes in the host body. the problems of the construction of live shigella vaccines are considered, as well as the development of new diagnostic tests, based on the data on deciphering the ...19968771725
trends in reported campylobacter, salmonella and shigella infections, kansas city, missouri. 19968772326
genetic polymorphism of the ipah multicopy antigen gene in shigella spps. and enteroinvasive escherichia coli.the ipah loci comprise a multicopy antigen gene family unique to shigella species and enteroinvasive escherichia coli (eiec). dna probes derived from the shigella flexneri serotype 5 ipah7.8 gene were used to compare the molecular arrangement of ipah alleles in a variety of shigella and eiec strains. multiple copies of ipah-homologous sequences were detected in all invasion plasmids examined. oligonucleotide probes covering discrete 24 bp segments of the ipah7.8 gene and sequences flanking the i ...19958778567
mechanism of action of cholera toxin & other toxins.vibrio cholerae produce a variety of extracellular products that have deleterious effects on eukaryotic cells. the massive diarrhoea produced by v. cholerae is caused by cholera toxin (ct). ct is composed of 1a and 5b units. ct causes a significant amount of fluid secretion and haemorrhage in the ligated rabbit ileal loops. its action involves the role of various biochemical pathways. ct acts by activation of adenylate cyclase-camp system located at the basolateral membrane of intestinal epithel ...19968783505
antibody response to outer membrane proteins in shigella dysenteriae type 1 infection with special reference to appearance of murine shigellosis, the protective immune mechanism is not well established. the bacterial outer membrane proteins (omps) may have a role in the induction of immunity due to their outwardly location. the serum antibody response of s. dysenteriae type 1 infected patients against omps was assessed by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). a striking elevation of serum igg response was noted during the convalescent phase. murine antiserum directed against s. dysenteriae 1 omps was found to be highl ...19968783518
in vitro antimicrobial activity of potash alum.this study reports the bactericidal activity of potash alum when added to water, against various epidemic causing enteric pathogens like vibrio cholerae 01, v. cholerae 0139 and shigella dysenteriae 1 by lowering the ph of water (from 6.0 to 4.0). growth of the enteric pathogens was monitored in vitro by inoculating broth cultures of the different organisms in distilled water containing increasing concentrations of potash alum and quantitatively determining the concentration of viable organisms ...19968783521
immunomagnetic separation and pcr detection show shigellae to be common faecal agents in children from urban marginal communities of costa rica.culture and immunomagnetic separation-polymerase chain reaction assays (ims-pcr) were used to isolate and identify shigella flexneri, s. dysenteriae type i and s. sonnei in faeces from 250 children up to 5 years and from their mothers (n = 143) selected at random from a large urban marginal community of costa rica. children hospitalized because of severe diarrhoea (n = 110) were also studied. only s. flexneri, mainly serotype 2a, and s. sonnei were found by culture. all specimens in which shigel ...19968793710
bacterial entry into epithelial cells: the paradigm of shigella.shigella flexneri is a model for the entry of bacterial pathogens into nonphagocytic epithelial cells. on contact with the epithelial cell surface, the ipa proteins are secreted from the bacterium. the ipa complex then triggers a reorganization of the host-cell cytoskeleton leading to the formation of membrane ruffles, which engulf the bacterium.19968795157
confirmational identification of escherichia coli, a comparison of genotypic and phenotypic assays for glutamate decarboxylase and beta-d-glucuronidase.genotypic and phenotypic assays for glutamate decarboxylase (gad) and beta-d-glucuronidase (gud) were compared for their abilities to detect various strains of escherichia coli and to discriminate among other bacterial species. test strains included nonpathogenic e. coli, three major groups of diarrheagenic e. coli, three other non-coli escherichia species, and various other gram-negative and -positive bacteria found in water. the genotypic assays were performed with hybridization probes generat ...19968795225
[clinical study of prulifloxacin on infectious enteritis. japan research committee of prulifloxacin, research group on infectious enteritis].prulifloxacin (pufx), a new quinolone antimicrobial agent, was administered to a total of 122 patients and carriers to investigate its clinical efficacy, safety and usefulness in infectious enteritis (bacillary dysentery, enteritis caused by salmonella spp. and enteropathogenic e. coli, cholera and so on). in addition, the minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) of ufx (active compound) was determined against each clinical isolate, and compared with that of ciprofloxacin (cpfx), ofloxacin (oflx), ...19968797308
functional conservation of the salmonella and shigella effectors of entry into epithelial cells.a salmonella typhi chromosomal locus composed of five adjacent genes, designated sipebcda, was identified by transposon mutagenesis as being essential for cell invasion. products of the sip genes exhibit extensive sequence similarities to the effectors of shigella entry into epithelial cells encoded by the virulence plasmid-borne ipa operon. expression of sipe and sipb in a shigella non-invasive ipab mutant restored the ability to invade epithelial cells. the structural and functional conservati ...19958801431
invasion of tissue culture cells by diarrhoeagenic strains of escherichia coli which lack the enteroinvasive inv gene.invasive escherichia coli strains of certain serotypes invade by the same mechanism as the shigella sp. it has been proposed that invasion of epithelial cells by epec strains may also occur; this is a previously overlooked property. in the present study e. coli strains isolated from patients with diarrhoea or ulcerative colitis, lacking the inv plasmid mediating classical invasion, but hybridizing with probes for different adhesins, were analyzed for their ability to invade hela and caco-2 cells ...19968804971
antimicrobial resistance in fecal flora: longitudinal community-based surveillance of children from urban mexico.we assessed the colonization patterns, over time, of three sentinel drug-resistant enteric bacterial genera in samples from a cohort of 20 healthy small children in a periurban community in mexico. the children were monitored during a 13-week period by means of weekly home visits and examinations of stool collections. these specimens were tested for the presence of escherichia coli, klebsiella species, and shigella species resistant to one or more of seven antimicrobial agents. ninety, 77, and 6 ...19968807065
detection of antibodies to shigella lipopolysaccharide in urine after natural shigella infection or vaccination.the purpose of the present study was to explore the possibility of detecting antibodies to shigella sonnei lipopolysaccharide (lps) in urine after infection or vaccination. urinary immunoglobulin a (iga) and igg antibodies and specific iga secretory protein against s. sonnei lps were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), after adjustment for urine concentration. a significant antibody level was defined as one above a cutoff value calculated from the geometric mean + 2 standard d ...19968807212
purification of a cell-associated hemagglutinin from shigella dysenteriae type 1.a cell-associated hemagglutinin (ha) was isolated and purified from a clinical isolate of shigella dysenteriae type 1 by affinity chromatography on a fetuin-agarose column. the purified hemagglutinin produced a single-stained protein band of around 66 kda in sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page). in an immunodiffusion test, ha-antisera produced a single precipitin band against the purified ha without exhibiting any reactivity towards lipopolysaccharide (lps) of s. ...19968809540
effect of saccharomyces boulardii against experimental oral infection with salmonella typhimurium and shigella flexneri in conventional and gnotobiotic mice.saccharomyces boulardii was shown to be capable of inhibiting multiplication of enteropathogenic bacteria in vitro and is currently used for its anti-diarrhoea properties. we studied the capacity of this yeast to antagonize salmonella typhimurium and shigella flexneri in the intestinal tract of conventional or gnotobiotic nmri mice. conventional animals were given daily 10 mg doses of s. boulardii, whereas germ-free animals were given a single 10 mg dose. both groups were challenged orally 5 d l ...19968810053
absorption of macronutrients from a calorie-dense diet in malnourished children during acute shigellosis.a metabolic balance study was performed to determine the absorption of macronutrients and energy from different food items in 23 malnourished children aged 12 to 48 months with clinically severe acute dysentery due to shigellosis. in a 72-h balance period, the absorption of carbohydrate, protein, fat, and total energy was determined. all the children received a standard hospital diet; 12 children in the test group were offered an additional calorie-dense milk (5.0 kj/ml with a protein-energy rat ...19968811519
to culture or not to culture: fecal lactoferrin screening for inflammatory bacterial diarrhea.because of its low yield in unselected specimens, stool culture is often cost ineffective. we tested 55 fecal samples from fairfax hospital (46 patients with diarrhea and 9 from controls without diarrhea) for lactoferrin by latex agglutination (lfla) with the leukotest (techlab, blacksburg, va.) as a marker for inflammatory diarrhea. of the 28 samples with salmonella, shigella, or campylobacter infection, 93% had detectable fecal lactoferrin at > or = 1:50 (61% had lfla titers of > or = 1:400), ...19968815110
[physicians without borders and diarrhea as a cause of illness and death in refugee camps]. 19968815408
the role of the family physician in the day care setting.injuries and infectious respiratory, gastrointestinal and dermatologic diseases are common in day care settings. most day care injuries are contusions, abrasions and cuts involving the head and extremities. impact-absorbing surfaces under playground equipment, safely-proofing of all play areas, increased staff supervision, and staff and parental education might reduce injuries by as much as 75 percent. respiratory illnesses are the most common day care infections. chemoprophylaxis with rifampin ...19968816571
mucosal immune responses to intestinal bacterial pathogens.current advances in the study of gut mucosal immunology and molecular biology have enhanced our ability to understand the pathogenesis of enteric bacterial infections as well as the role of the immune system in mediating both tissue injury and protection. in this article, we review the immunopathogenesis and the protective immune response to three enteric pathogens, vibrio cholerae, shigella, and salmonella. each of these pathogens has a distinctive mechanism by which it causes disease, ie, epit ...19968817767
the effects of health services utilization on the recovery from dysentery.a community-based programme for the treatment of dysentery in children under five years of age was implemented in matlab, bangladesh. dysentery cases, identified at home, were referred to a sub-center for standard treatment with nalidixic acid. to assess the response to this intervention, a one year survey was carried out in 1990. the incidence of dysentery in this age group was 7 per cent. isolation of shigella species was 27 per cent (47/177) and was strongly associated with the frequency of s ...19968820619
[epidemiological determinants of the irregular territorial spread of sonne dysentery].the article deals with the results of the study of causes of the pronounced territorial irregularity in the morbidity levels of shigellosis sonnei. the analysis of the statistical data collected at 15 territories (large and small towns) revealed that differences in morbidity levels were determined mainly by the activity of the alimentary route of the transmission of infection (the degree determination was 78.4%). the levels of consumption of milk and dairy products by the population was the most ...19968820675
[the action of lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin and lactoglobulin on shigella sonnei in an in-vivo experiment].the synergism of the protective action of lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin and lactoglobulin obtained from cow milk, as well as lactoferrin obtained from human milk, was shown in experiments on white mice, infected intranasally with s. sonnei and used as an experimental model. the combined administration of these preparations in doses, each one having no protective action, contributed to the elimination of the bacteria from the lungs and prevented the death of the animals. this phenomenon was found ...19968820683
[bacteriological studies of travellar's diarrhoea. 5) analysis of enteropathogenic bacteria at osaka airport quarantine station from january 1992 through september 3rd, 1994].during the last 2 years and 8 months before the closure of osaka airport quarantine station (from jan. 1992 to sep. 3, 1994), a total of 7,421,909 overseas travellers were quarantined. 15,919 reported themselves of suffering from diarrhoea. bacteriological examination of a total of 6,031 individuals' stools were performed. 1) various enteropathogenic bacteria were isolated from 31.2% of the stools examined. isolated species were as follows: plesiomonas shigelloides, 1,127 cases (59.9%); vibrio p ...19968822051
[in vitro antibacterial activity of pazufloxacin (pzfx) against clinical isolates from infectious enteritis].antibacterial activity of pazufloxacin (pzfx) against 65 strains of shigella spp., 13 strains of salmonella spp., 7 strains of escherichia coli, 4 strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus, 4 strains of v. cholerae o1, 2 strains of aeromonas spp., 4 strains of plesionomas shigelloides and 3 strains of v. cholerae non-o1 isolated from patients of infectious enteritis and carriers was compared with that of ofloxacin (oflx), ciprofloxacin (cpfx), tosufloxacin (tflx) and nalidixic acid (na). the mic90 of p ...19968822053
[basic and clinical studies of pazufloxacin on infectious enteritis research group of t-3761 on infectious enteritis].a clinical study was carried out on pazufloxacin (pzfx) in 137 patients including shigellosis, salmonella enteritis, enteropathogenic esherichia coli enteritis and cholera, and carriers of these pathogens. antibacterial activity of pzfx against clinical isolates, fecal concentration of pzfx and effects of pzfx on fecal microflora were also investigated. the overall clinical efficacy rate was 97.2%. the bacteriological efficacy rates were 98.2% against shigella spp., 81.8% against salmonella spp. ...19968822054
failure of cefotaxime therapy in a child with shigellosis. 19968822296
emergence of nalidixic acid resistant shigella dysenteriae type 1 in thailand: an outbreak associated with consumption of a coconut milk dessert.although shigella dysenteriae type 1 has been responsible for large outbreaks of severe dysentery in many parts of asia, relatively few cases of this disease have been reported from thailand and have generally not involved nalidixic acid resistant strains.19958824867
[antibiotic sensitivity to epidemic strains of vibrio cholerae and shigella dysenteriae 1 isolated in rwandan refugee camps in zaire].multiresistance or epidemic enteric bacteria to antibiotics greatly complicates treatment, and in some cases prophylaxis, of severe invasive gastroenteritis. during the summer of 1994, two epidemics of diarrhea, one due to vibrio cholerae and the other to shigella dysenteriae 1 isolated from the goma and bukavu camps was determined by measurement of the agar minimal inhibitory concentration. multiresistance to tetracyclins, aminopenicillins, trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole, and nifuroxazide was obs ...19958830219
identification and characterization of ispa, a shigella flexneri chromosomal gene essential for normal in vivo cell division and intracellular spreading.the virulent phenotype of shigella requires loci on the chromosome as well as on the large virulence plasmid, and is regulated via a complex web of interactions amongst various chromosomal and large plasmid genes. to further investigate the role of chromosomal loci in virulence, we performed random tn10 mutagenesis in shigella flexneri ysh6000t, and isolated an avirulent mutant (v3404) incapable of spreading throughout an epithelial cell monolayer. although v3404 initially spread intercellularly ...19968830250
expression of shigella sonnei lipopolysaccharide in vibrio cholerae.making use of a newly designed mobilizable suicide vector, the genetic determinants encoding shigella sonnei lipopolysaccharide (lps) were stably integrated into the chromosome of the live attenuated vibrio cholerae vaccine strain cvd103-hgr. expression studies showed that the production of complete s. sonnei o-polysaccharide (o-ps)-bearing lps was limited in bivalent recombinant strains that were also proficient in the synthesis of the host-encoded inaba o-ps. conversely, high amounts of lps ca ...19968830276
use of a conformationally restricted secondary structural element to display peptide libraries: a two-stranded alpha-helical coiled-coil stabilized by lactam bridges.a model for an alpha-helical peptide library based on a lactam bridged stabilized two-stranded alpha-helical coiled-coil is described. sites for library display were incorporated in the middle of the peptide sequence of the most solvent accessible sites of a coiled-coil. a comparison was made between this coiled coil and a native coiled-coil based on the same sequence but lacking the lactam bridges. a lactam bridged peptide where the hydrophobic repeat consisted of all alanine residues, such tha ...19968831793
the contribution of nitric oxide to endotoxin-induced ocular inflammation: interaction with sensory nerve fibres.1. the actions of nitric oxide (no) have been investigated in an endotoxin-evoked ocular inflammatory model in the rabbit, with particular emphasis on the relationship between no, sensory nerves (c-fibres) and the c-fibre neuropeptides, calcitonin gene-related peptide (cgrp) and pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide (pacap). 2. endotoxin, injected intravitreally, evoked inflammatory responses, i.e. conjunctival hyperaemia, miosis and protein extravasation, reflected by the aqueous flare ...19968832083
[evaluation of the usefulness of tests for production of beta-d-glucuronidase and propylene glycol utilization for the differentiation of enterobacteriaceae rods].the aim of the study was to inquire about the diagnostic usefulness of determining the activity of glucuronidase and utilisation of propylene glycol in enterobacteriaceae rods. the study included 1511 strains: 411- e. coli, 278 - klebsiella, 231 - salmonella, 159 - yersinia, 97 - citrobacter, 75 - shigella and 260 strains representing 6 other kinds of enteric rods. determination was performed in a liquid medium containing in 1 ml 25 mcg mug and 100 mcg onpg. propylene glycol (pg) utilisation was ...19958833927
a study of infective aetiology of chronic diarrhoea in children in amritsar.examination of 150 stool samples from children of less than 3 years of age of chronic diarrhoea showed the presence of various enteropathogens in 58.7% cases. cryptosporidium in pure form, entamoeba histolytica and giardia lamblia were detected in 1.3%, 2% and in 4% cases respectively. in 1.3% children candida albicans was isolated. the predominant bacterial isolate was enteropathogenic escherichia coli (21.4%). salmonella typhimurium, shigella and campylobacter were isolated in 8.6%, 4% and 0.7 ...19958834137
iga antibodies against klebsiella and other gram-negative bacteria in ankylosing spondylitis and acute anterior uveitis.mucosal infections, especially of the gastrointestinal tract, are thought to trigger the onset and/or reactivation of ankylosing spondylitis (as). previous investigations into the role of klebsiella and other gram-negative bacteria in as patients show contrasting results. in the present study prevalence of iga antibodies against klebsiella, yersinia, salmonella, shigella, and campylobacter was examined in serum samples from 30 patients having hla-b27 associated ankylosing spondylitis, 32 patient ...19968835503
antibacterial effect of theaflavin, polyphenon 60 (camellia sinensis) and euphorbia hirta on shigella spp.--a cell culture study.antibacterial effect of compounds extracted from camellia sinensis l. and the methanol extract of euphorbia hirta l. were studied against dysentery causing shigella spp. using the vero cell line. cytotoxicity studies of the extracts were performed using the cell line and the non-cytotoxic concentration of the extract was tested for antibacterial activity against the cytopathic dose of the pathogen. these extracts were found to be non-cytotoxic and effective antibacterial agents.19958847884
[utility of pyrrolidonyl-arylamidase detection for typing enterobacteriaceae and non-fermenting gram-negative bacteria].detection of pyrrolidonyl-aryl-amidase activity (pyr) is an important tool to identify gram-positive cocci, such as staphylococci, enterococci, streptococci, and other related genera. however, only few studies evaluating its usefulness with gram-negative rods have been published. thus, a prospective study including 542 and 215 unique clinical isolates of enterobacteriaceae and non-fermentative gram-negative rods, respectively, was undertaken. strains were identified by conventional methods. pyr ...19958850133
oral rehydration therapy.oral rehydration solution (ors), the best treatment of dehydration due to acute diarrhea, is the most important medical advance of this century since it is key to reducing infant and child morbidity and mortality. pathogens responsible for acute diarrhea include those which produce enterotoxin at the intestinal mucosal surface, inducing secretion but are not invasive (e.g., vibrio cholerae); those which invade and disrupt the mucosal lining (e.g., shigella species); and rotavirus. the world he ...19968855579
prevalence of shigellosis in the u.s.: consistency with dose-response information.every year there are estimated 300000 cases of shigella in the united states (bennett et al., 1987, am. j. prev. med. 3, 102-114). a beta-poisson model was fit to human dose-response information on pathogenic shigella using the maximum likelihood estimation technique (haas, 1983, am. j. epidemiol. 118, 573-582). pooled and separate data sets for the shigella species were fit to the beta-poisson model and 95% confidence limits and regions were calculated. shigella dysentariae and shigella flexner ...19968856376
association of self-limited cytomegalovirus colitis and shigellosis in an immunocompetent patient.cytomegalovirus (cmv) infection of the colon has been rarely reported in immunocompetent patients. patients with severe acute illness or disseminated cmv infection have high mortality. in contrast, the patients with local injury of the colon due either to other gastrointestinal infections or to anal intercourse, who are otherwise healthy, usually have self-limited disease. the cmv infection is believed to be the bystander and may be treated conservatively. concomitant cmv colitis and other gastr ...19968864682
adherence patterns and dna probe types of escherichia coli isolated from diarrheal patients in hundred and seventy-two strains of escherichia coli isolated from diarrheal patients in beijing, p.r. china, were analyzed for plasmid dna profile, hep-2 cell adherence ability and reactivity to 10 previously described dna probes. they had not been recognized as pathogenic e. coli in china. of the 110 strains tested, 76 (69%) contained one or multiple large plasmids. of the 71 strains with the large plasmids 64 could adhere to hep-2 cells. of the 172 strains, 102 (59.3%) were hybridized with ...19968867603
evolutionary perspective on a composite shigella flexneri 2a virulence plasmid-borne locus comprising three distinct genetic elements.nucleotide sequence analysis of a shigella flexneri 2a virulence plasmid-borne locus revealed that it comprised three distinct genetic elements: a stretch of colicin 1a/1b-linked sequence, a truncated is911 element, and a third element containing two orfs that shared a high level of similarity to a salmonella-specific chromosomal sequence. examination of other known is911-like sequences showed that these sequences also were frequently associated with other accessory elements and appeared to be p ...19968870246
hospitalized dysentery cases during an outbreak of shigella dysenteriae type i: ndanga district hospital, describe the characteristics of patients admitted with bloody diarrhoea; to assess clinical management; and to identify organisms isolated in laboratories and their antimicrobial susceptibility pattern.19968870316
production, characterization and immunodiagnostic application of a monoclonal antibody to shiga toxin.a mouse monoclonal antibody (mab ict7) that is specific for shiga toxin was produced. the mab neutralises the cytotoxic effects of both purified shiga toxin and culture extracts of shigella dysenteriae type 1 in hela cells. using mab ict7 and polyclonal rabbit antiserum, a sandwich elisa was developed. this test detects shiga toxin in both s. dysenteriae type 1 bacterial extracts and in stools of patients with s. dysenteriae type 1 infection. the elisa also detects toxin in enterohaemorrhagic es ...19968870402
a study of the optimum bacteriostatic action of a synthetic medicine on bacteria using a microcalorimetric method.the growth thermograms of strain 6, 2b, 3b, 5b, 1a, x, and y of shigella flexneri with the inhibitory action of a synthetic medicine were determined by using the 2277 thermal activity monitor. using a microorganism growth model with inhibitory conditions, the specific growth rate (mu) at different concentrations (c) of a synthetic medicine were calculated and the mu approximately c equations were established. from these mu approximately c equations, the concentration of the synthetic medicine wi ...19968877116
specificity of monoclonal antibodies elicited by mucosal infection of balb/c mice with virulent shigella flexneri 2a.protective immunity against shigellosis is thought to be determined by the o-antigen side chains of the lipopolysaccharide (lps) molecule. to study possible common protective epitopes, monoclonal antibodies reacting with shigella flexneri 2a lps were generated from balb/c mice infected ocularly with the virulent serotype 2a strain s. flexneri 2457t and tested against a panel of s. flexneri lpss by enzyme-linked immunosorbent and immunoblot assays. four monoclonal antibodies were identified, all ...19968877140
construction and characterization of virg (icsa)-deleted escherichia coli k12-shigella flexneri hybrid vaccine strains.human challenge studies with ecsf2a-2, an arod deletion-attenuated escherichia coli k12-shigella flexneri hybrid vaccine expressing s. flexneri 2a somatic antigen and the invasive phenotype indicated that, at doses of 2 x 10(9) bacteria, ecsf2a-2 was immunogenic but also reactogenic and therefore not sufficiently attenuated. two factors that may contribute to the residual reactogenicity are the spontaneous appearance of plaque-positive variants in the e. coli k12 recipient and the presence of th ...19968879102
cross-reactivity of shigella flexneri serotype 2a o antigen antibodies following immunization or study the cross-reactivity pattern of shigella flexneri 2a o-antigen antibodies, sera from humans and monkeys challenged with s. flexneri 2a, and from humans and guinea pigs immunized with a recombinant vaccine expressing serotype 2a o-antigen, were tested against a panel of lipopolysaccharide extracted from heterologous s. flexneri. sera from the two groups of humans, who were volunteers in either a clinical challenge or vaccination study, showed similar patterns: cross-reactivity was more o ...19968879103
treatment of hela cells with bacterial water extracts inhibits shigella flexneri invasion.pathogenesis mediated by shigella flexneri requires invasion of the gastrointestinal epithelium. it has been previously shown that hela cells challenged with s. flexneri show alterations in their phosphotyrosine-containing protein profile. in this report, we demonstrated that bacterial water extracts (we) abrogated the invasion of hela cells by s. flexneri in a dose-dependent manner. a proteinaceous component of s. flexneri was shown to be responsible for this inhibitory activity. proteins encod ...19968880141
the major sources of salmonella enteritidis in thailand.the data of salmonella serotypes during 1989-1993 from the world health organisation (who) national salmonella and shigella center, division of clinical pathology, department of medical science, ministry of health, thailand was analysed and found that the prevalence of salmonella enteritidis had been dramatically increased since 1990. the average s. enteritidis isolates from human patient samples was 0.70% +/- 0.41% of the total reported salmonella isolates during 1972-1989 and increased to 1.33 ...19968880306
growth of shigella flexneri in foods: comparison of observed and predicted growth kinetics parameters.shigella causes foodborne gastrointestinal illness; however, little information is available on its ability to grow in foods. commercially available sterile foods (uht milk, beef broth, chicken broth, vegetable broth, meats, vegetables) were inoculated with s. flexneri 5348 and incubated at 12, 15, 19, 28 or 37 degrees c. growth curves were fitted from plate count data by the gompertz equation and exponential growth rates, generation times, lag times and maximum population densities were derived ...19968880330
encephalopathy associated with enteroinvasive escherichia coli 0144:nm infection.central nervous system manifestations typically occur with shigella gastroenteritis and also in enteric salmonella and campylobacter infections. to date no association between enteroinvasive escherichia coli infection and neurologic symptoms has been described. two children with diarrhea caused by e. coli 0144:nm had otherwise unexplained encephalopathy manifested by profound stupor in one child and by obtundation and meningismus in the other one. these cases of infection occurred in northern is ...19968880494
evaluation of an extended blood culture protocol to isolate fastidious organisms from patients with aids.recent reports of fastidious pathogens suggest the need for special blood cultures for immunocompromised patients. blood cultures from 45 human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected patients with unexplained fever (> or = 38.0 degrees c) and cd4 counts of < 125 cells per mm3 were collected into a vacuum tube with sodium polyanetholsulfonate, an isolator tube, and bactec aerobic and anaerobic bottles. blood from the sodium polyanethosulfonate tube was inoculated into bactec 13a bottles, which wer ...19968880497
general outbreaks of infectious intestinal disease in england and wales 1992 to from the surveillance scheme of general outbreaks of infectious intestinal disease in england and wales, reported to the phls communicable disease surveillance centre (cdsc), were used to review 1280 of the 1594 outbreaks identified between 1 january 1992 and 31 december 1994 for which a minimum data set was captured. the number of outbreaks reported in each regional health authority ranged from 31 in mersey to 221 in yorkshire. the commonest pathogens reported were salmonellas in 32% (412) ...19968881602
identification of sigma s-dependent genes associated with the stationary-phase acid-resistance phenotype of shigella flexneri.shigella flexneri grown to stationary phase has the ability to survive for several hours at ph 2.5. this acid resistance, which may contribute to the low infective dose associated with shigellosis, is dependent upon the expression of the stationary-phase-specific sigma factor sigma s. using random tnphoa and tnlacz mutagenesis we isolated five acid-sensitive mutants of s. flexneri, which had lost their ability to survive at ph 2.5 for 2 h in vitro. each transposon insertion with flanking s. flex ...19968885264
salmonella spp. are cytotoxic for cultured macrophages.we have shown by a variety of microscopical and biochemical techniques that salmonella spp. are cytotoxic for cultured j774a.1 and bone marrow-derived murine macrophages. the cytotoxicity is initially manifested by inhibition of membrane ruffling and macropinocytosis in infected macrophages, and is followed by cell death. macrophages killed by salmonella spp. exhibited features of apoptosis such as condensation and fragmentation of chromatin, membrane blebbing, and the presence of cytoplasmic nu ...19968885278
risk factors for deaths in under-age-five children attending a diarrhoea treatment centre.few case-control studies have examined possible risk factors for diarrhoeal deaths in under-age-five children in the developing countries. we analysed data from the surveillance system of our diarrhoea treatment centre/hospital for the period 1990-94 on 928 children less than 5 years of age. in univariate analysis, 11 factors were significantly associated with death: lack of breastfeeding, severe malnutrition, complicated diarrhoea, pneumonia, xerophthalmia, duration of diarrhoea 7-14 days, mode ...19968888920
safety, immunogenicity, and transmissibility in humans of cvd 1203, a live oral shigella flexneri 2a vaccine candidate attenuated by deletions in aroa and virg.we evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of attenuated shigella flexneri 2a vaccine candidate cvd 1203, which harbors precise deletions in the plasmid gene virg and in the chromosomal gene aroa. cvd 1203 invades epithelial cells but undergoes minimal intracellular proliferation and cell-to-cell spread. fasting healthy volunteers, aged 18 to 40 years, were randomly allocated (double-blind design) to receive either cvd 1203 vaccine or placebo, along with sodium bicarbonate buffer, on days 0 and ...19968890204
a simple method to detect bacteriolytic enzymes produced by enterobacteriaceae.the production of bacteriolytic enzymes by enterobacteriaceae in various growth conditions was investigated. peptone-based media containing killed gram-negative cells facilitated detection of bacteriolytic enzyme production in the highest number of species. these belonged to the genera serratia, proteus, morganella and providencia. in contrast, escherichia coli, shigella, salmonella, klebsiella, enterobacter and citrobacter species did not produce bacteriolytic activities in any of the condition ...19968893522
enteropathogens associated with childhood diarrhea in italy. the italian study group on gastrointestinal infections.infectious diarrheal diseases remain an important cause of childhood morbidity in industrialized countries. the knowledge of the etiology and epidemiology of childhood diarrhea in a given area is needed to plan any measure designed to prevent or ameliorate diarrheal illness and to develop practice guidelines for the most appropriate stool examination procedures.19968895919
use of an alkaline phosphatase-conjugated oligonucleotide probe for the gene encoding the bundle-forming pilus of enteropathogenic escherichia alkaline phosphatase-conjugated 29-base oligonucleotide probe was developed to detect the gene encoding the bundle-forming pilus of enteropathogenic escherichia coli. the sensitivity and specificity of the probe versus the results of localized adherence in the hep-2 cell assay and fluorescent actin staining assay positivity were 95.7 and 100%, respectively.19968897189
processing of the aida-i precursor: removal of aidac and evidence for the outer membrane anchoring as a beta-barrel structure.the aida-i adhesin known to be responsible for the diffuse adherence (da) phenotype of the diarrhoeagenic escherichia coli (daec) strain 2787 has been shown previously to be synthesized as a precursor protein and to undergo additional c-terminal processing. here, the c-terminal processing of the aida-i precursor and the outer membrane topology of the cleaved c-terminal fragment, aidac, were investigated. by isolation of the cleaved aidac fragment and n-terminal sequencing, the c-terminal cleavag ...19968899706
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