
PMID(sorted ascending)
prevalence of shigellosis and other enteric pathogens in a zoologic collection of epidemiologic study of shigellosis was the preliminary step in the formulation of a plan for the control of devastating infectious diseases in nonhuman primates at the national zoological park. data were collected from primate groups with enzootic shigellosis and included the following species: white-cheeked and siamong gibbons (hylobates concolor and h syndactylies); lion-tailed, celebes, and barbary macaques (macaca silenus, m nigera, and m sylvanus); black and white colobus monkeys (colobu ...19938407446
clearance of shigella flexneri carriers in a zoologic collection of 1990, a high prevalence of shigella flexneri was documented in the gibbon population at the national zoological park. the enzootic strain had been determined to be resistant to most antibiotics and had been responsible for animal deaths. prevalence of shigella spp was high in the entire primate population. to address the clinical problem, eradication was attempted by use of enrofloxacin. facilities disinfection comprised a large part of shigella clearance efforts. after the clearance protocol ...19938407447
cytokines in stools of children with inflammatory bowel disease or infective determine the concentrations of interleukin-6 (il-6) and tumour necrosis factor alpha (tnf alpha) in stools from children.19938408704
production of mucinase and neuraminidase and binding of shigella to intestinal mucin.production of mucinase and neuraminidase by shigella spp. and their ability to bind to mucin was investigated. all four species of shigella produced these enzymes. virulent and avirulent pairs of shigella did not differ in their ability to produce the enzymes after 18 h of growth. however, a significant difference in neuraminidase production was noted in shigella dysenteriae type 1 and s. boydii (12-15) at 10 h growth. avirulent strains of s. dysenteriae type 1, s. flexneri 2a, and s. boydii bou ...19938409287
role of shigella dysenteriae type 1 slime polysaccharide in resistance to serum killing and phagocytosis.shigella dysenteriae type 1 produce a slime polysaccharide when cultivated in vivo in adult rabbit ileal loops or in vitro in casamino acid yeast extract broth medium which promotes hemagglutination of these bacteria. seven strains of s. dysenteriae 1 grown in vitro and in vivo and possessing slime polysaccharides resisted killing by normal human serum as compared to bacteria grown under conditions which do not stimulate the production of capsular polysaccharide and did not resist serum killing ...19938412617
site of transcriptional activation of virb on the large plasmid of shigella flexneri 2a by virf, a member of the arac family of transcriptional activators.virb plays a central role in the regulation of virulence of shigella flexneri. it acts as a transcriptional activator and is itself transcriptionally activated by another virulence protein, virf. experiments were performed in order to identify the site upstream of virb at which virf binds in order to activate transcription. progressive 5' deletions of the dna upstream of the transcription start point of virb were constructed by subcloning and bal31 deletion. these deletion derivatives were clone ...19938412620
a pleiotropic reduced virulence (rvi-) mutant of erwinia carotovora subspecies atroseptica is defective in flagella assembly proteins that are conserved in plant and animal bacterial pathogens.erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica was mutagenized and assayed for virulence in planta. those mutants which exhibited reduced virulence (rvi-) were assayed for growth rate, auxotrophy and extracellular enzyme secretion and seven mutants were found to be wild type for all of these phenotypes. when screened for other phenotypes, two were found to be non-motile. one mutant was complemented for motility by a heterologous gene library. a 2.7kb xmaiii-clai complementing fragment was sequenced and t ...19938412685
the absence of a surface protease, ompt, determines the intercellular spreading ability of shigella: the relationship between the ompt and kcpa loci.a large plasmid-encoded protein, virg, on the bacterial surface is essential for the spreading of shigella by eliciting polar deposition of filamentous actin in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells. virg expression from the large plasmid is diminished greatly when it is introduced into escherichia coli k-12 from shigella. in an attempt to identify factors affecting virg expression, we found that the absence of the ompt gene, encoding outer membrane protease ompt, restored full production of virg pr ...19938412695
acid resistance in enteric bacteria.shigella species require a uniquely small inoculum for causing dysentery. one explanation for the low infective dose is that shigella species are better able to survive the acidic conditions encountered in the stomach than are other enteric pathogens. we have tested shigella species, escherichia coli, and salmonella species for the ability to survive at ph 2.5 for at least 2 h. most isolates of shigella and e. coli survived this treatment, whereas none of the salmonella isolates were able to do ...19938418063
yopb and yopd constitute a novel class of yersinia yop proteins.virulent yersinia species harbor a common plasmid that encodes essential virulence determinants (yersinia outer proteins [yops]), which are regulated by the extracellular stimuli ca2+ and temperature. the v-antigen-encoding operon has been shown to be involved in the ca(2+)-regulated negative pathway. the genetic organization of the v-antigen operon and the sequence of the lcrgvh genes were recently presented. the v-antigen operon was shown to be a polycistronic operon having the gene order lcrg ...19938418066
enteric protein loss during determine whether protein-losing enteropathy occurs during shigellosis, we measured concentrations of alpha 1-antitrypsin in sequential stool samples from 110 adults hospitalized with acute dysentery due to shigella infection. mean stool concentrations of alpha 1-antitrypsin on admission were 10.9 micrograms/mg dry weight of stool. stool alpha 1-antitrypsin concentrations were significantly (p < 0.001) lower on the 3rd and 5th study days (4.1 and 2.2 micrograms/mg, respectively) than on admis ...19938420274
detection of shigellae and enteroinvasive escherichia coli by amplification of the invasion plasmid antigen h dna sequence in patients with dysentery.detection of shigella organisms and enteroinvasive escherichia coli (eiec) by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was evaluated in 20 patients with dysentery before and in 17 of the 20 after treatment with ciprofloxacin. dna sequences coding for ipah antigen, a multiple copy sequence found on the chromosome, and the invasion plasmid locus (ial) was detected after dna amplification in 13 stools from patients from whom shigellae or eiec were isolated but not in 21 nondysenteric stools containing other ...19938421181
microbiological quality of recreational waters in araraquara, sp, brazil.the microbiological flora of 108 water samples was explored to evaluate the role of recreational waters as a possible source of human diseases in araraquara, s.p., brazil. these waters included six swimming pools and three lakes with beaches. the number of total and fecal coliforms, escherichia coli, fecal streptococci, pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus aureus, candida albicans, and heterotrophic organisms was determined. as was the occurrence of salmonella, shigella, yersinia, enteropathog ...19938424153
concentrations of interleukin 6 and tumour necrosis factor in serum and stools of children with shigella dysenteriae 1 infection.serum interleukin 6 (il-6) and tumour necrosis factor (tnf) were measured in children with dysentery during an epidemic caused by shigella dysenteriae 1. il-6 and tnf were also measured in fresh stool filtrates from children with acute gastroenteritis. the median serum il-6 concentration was raised significantly in the children with complications (haemolytic uraemic syndrome, leukemoid reaction, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytosis, and severe colitis lasting more than one week) during the first wee ...19938432472
evaluation of the vitek eps enteric pathogen screen card for detecting salmonella, shigella, and yersinia spp.we evaluated the vitek eps card as a screen for the enteric pathogens salmonella spp., shigella spp., and yersinia enterocolitica. salmonella spp., shigella spp., and y. enterocolitica (125, 54, and 5 isolates, respectively) and 81 nonenteric pathogens that might be selected for screening from primary plates (non-lactose fermenters) were tested. the eps card correctly identified 183 of 184 pathogens tested (sensitivity, 99.5%). of 81 nonenteric pathogens screened with the eps card, 8 were identi ...19938432832
immune response against lipopolysaccharide and invasion plasmid-coded antigens of shigellae in vietnamese and swedish dysenteric patients.the peripheral immune responses of adult vietnamese patients infected with shigella dysenteriae 1 and shigella flexneri 1b and 2a and those of s. flexneri-infected swedish patients were studied against various lipopolysaccharide and invasion plasmid-coded antigens (ipa-s) and compared with the titers for the corresponding local healthy populations. both vietnamese and swedish patients reacted with significant (p, < 0.05) titer increases in the immunoglobulin a and g classes against the homologou ...19938432838
rectal histopathology in endemic shigella and salmonella diarrhea.rectal histopathology was evaluated in 34 cases (2 months-12 yrs old) of endemic "invasive diarrhea" [> 20 wbcs per high-power field on stool microscopy with (rbc positive) or without (rbc negative) associated rbcs] where s. dysenteriae (n = 9), s. flexneri (n = 11), and nontyphoidal salmonella were isolated as the sole identifiable enteropathogens. persistent diarrhea (> 14 days duration) was more common with salmonella infection whereas rbc-positive "invasive diarrhea" was more frequent with s ...19938433237
detection of escherichia coli in sewage and sludge by polymerase chain reaction.a method in which the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was used was developed to amplify either a uida gene fragment or a 16s rrna gene fragment from escherichia coli in sewage and sludge. because of interference caused by humic acidlike substances, crude dna extracts were purified with a sephadex g-200 spun column before the pcr was begun. a southern analysis in which a nonradioactive chemiluminescent method was used was performed to confirm the presence of pcr products. the sensitivity of detec ...19938434906
use of the polymerase chain reaction and fluorescent-antibody methods for detecting viable but nonculturable shigella dysenteriae type 1 in laboratory microcosms.epidemiological studies of shigellosis in bangladesh have demonstrated that surface-water sources can act as foci of infection. studies of laboratory microcosms have shown that shigellae become nonculturable but remain viable when exposed to environmental samples of water. the present study was carried out to detect viable but nonculturable shigella dysenteriae 1 from laboratory microcosms by the polymerase chain reaction and the fluorescent-antibody techniques. s. dysenteriae 1 was inoculated i ...19938434918
growth and survival of shigella flexneri in common bangladeshi foods under various conditions of time and temperature.survival and growth of shigella flexneri were assessed in various foods, including boiled rice, lentil soup, milk, cooked beef, cooked fish, mashed potato, mashed brinjal, and raw cucumber. growth at 25 and 37 degrees c and survival at 5 degrees c were observed by viable counts on macconkey agar. the organism grew well in all tested foods and growth increased from 10(5) to 10(8) to 10(10) cells per ml or g within 6 to 18 h after inoculation at 25 and 37 degrees c.19938434933
mxid, an outer membrane protein necessary for the secretion of the shigella flexneri lpa invasins.the invasive phenotype of shigella flexneri is conferred by a 220 kb virulence plasmid, pwr100, that encodes both the lpa proteins, which are involved in the entry process, and factors which are required for the export and correct localization of the lpa proteins. we have characterized the mxid gene, whose expression, like that of the ipa operon, is regulated by temperature. after inactivation of mxid, the mutant strain was unable to invade hela cells and to provoke keratoconjunctivitis in guine ...19938437520
strategies for development of potential candidate shigella vaccines.bacillary dysentery, caused by shigella bacteria, is a major enteric disease responsible for over 200 million infections annually with 650,000 fatal cases. due to its high communicability, improvement of hygienic standards alone should reduce the spread of dysentery. however, such measures are expensive, and in the communities (e.g. penitentiaries and asylums) or in the areas of the world where bacillary dysentery is most frequently encountered (e.g. in the developing countries) they are not lik ...19938438615
safety and immunogenicity of the live oral auxotrophic shigella flexneri sfl124 in adult vietnamese volunteers.the live, auxotrophic dependent shigella flexneri y vaccine strain sfl124 with a deleted arod gene was tested in 30 healthy adult male vietnamese volunteers. a single dose of 2 x 10(9) live bacteria was given orally to 15 volunteers, whereas 15 received three doses every other day. none of the volunteers reacted with fever or diarrhoea and sfl124 was excreted by all for a mean of 2.8 (single dose) and 2.6 (three doses) days. a total of 27 of 30 (90%) and 26 of 30 (87%) responded with significant ...19938438616
evaluation of shigella vaccine safety and efficacy in an intranasally challenged mouse model.five shigella vaccine candidates (ecsf2a-1, ecsf2a-2, sfl124, t32-istrati and smd) were tested for safety and efficacy in balb/cj mice using an intranasal challenge model. experiments in this model suggest that (i) the relative attenuation of vaccines can be determined in mice by intranasal inoculation, (ii) all vaccines tested elicited antibacterial mucosal immunity protecting against pulmonary infection with shigella flexneri 2a, (iii) protection was associated with serum iga and/or igg antibo ...19938438617
shigella flexneri 2a and sonnei i vaccine with two attenuating markers: construction, tolerability and immunogenicity in 143 children aged 3-17 years.the vaccine candidates were constructed through stepwise incorporation of weakly attenuated purine auxotrophy with subsequent rifampicin resistance (rna polymerase) mutation to yield optimal attenuation. these strains showed a maintained invasiveness for conjunctival epithelia. therefore, while not causing keratoconjunctivitis, they were excreted for a short but marked period and provided partial protection in the sereny test. children tolerated the maximum dose of 1-3 x 10(9) colony-forming uni ...19938438618
an outbreak of acute nonbacterial gastroenteritis in a nursing determine risk factors for and modes of transmission of an outbreak of acute nonbacterial gastroenteritis among residents and staff in a nursing home.19938440885
an arginine residue at the active site of beta-lactamase from shigella flexneri ucsf-129.the role of a residue of arginine at the active site of beta-lactamase from shigella flexneri ucsf-129 was studied. it is a local pathogenic strain which produces intestinal problems, especially in children. purified enzymes were obtained by affinity chromatography on phenylboronic acid-agarose gels. the enzyme was serine dependent with a molecular weight of 23.6 kd. it was specifically modified with phenylglyoxal (1/830 molar ratio) and incubated for 20 min in the presence of 50 mm sodium phosp ...19938441355
shigellosis in a newborn.we report a case of neonatal shigellosis presenting with abdominal distention and shock. the literature on neonatal shigellosis is reviewed. neonatal shigellosis should be included in the differential diagnosis of newborns presenting with shock and abdominal symptoms along with necrotizing enterocolitis, midgut volvulus, and intussusception.19938442803
[prevalence of enteropathogenic bacteria in children with acute bloody diarrhea].between january to october 1991, were studied 148 samples of feces corresponding to the same number of children with acute diarrhea. in 41 (27.7%) samples, were found macroscopic or microscopic blood. at least one associated bacterial pathogen capable to produce bloody diarrhea was isolated from 22 (53.7%) of these samples. were isolated five (12.2%) salmonella strains, all of them were s. enteritidis; nine (22.0%) shigella: seven s. flexneri, one s. boydii, and other one s. sonnei; two (4.9%) e ...19938442878
characterization of the replicon from plasmid pac1 from acetobacter pasteurianus.a panel of recombinant plasmids pack5 and pact7 was prepared by introducing kanamycin and tetracycline resistance into the partially split plasmid pac1 which contained replicon isolated from acetobacter pasteurianus. the replicon in plasmid pac1 is compatible with the cole1 replicon. compared to pbr322, the plasmid had more than 30 copies per chromosome in escherichia coli cells. plasmids were transformed into e. coli dh1, acetobacter pasteurianus 3614, acetobacter aceti 3620, shigella, citrobac ...19938447828
ciprofloxacin and loperamide in the treatment of bacillary compare the safety and efficacy of loperamide plus ciprofloxacin with those of ciprofloxacin alone in the treatment of bacillary dysentery.19938452323
superoxide dismutase and the resistance of escherichia coli to phagocytic killing by human neutrophils.transformation of escherichia coli k-12-derived strains with a plasmid carrying the genetic determinants for synthesis of lipopolysaccharide o antigen by shigella dysenteriae allows the construction of phenotypically smooth derivatives. we show that such e. coli k-12 derivatives are highly resistant to killing by human serum. isogenic wild-type and sodb mutant (fe superoxide dismutase-deficient) strains were constructed. the results of experiments on phagocytic killing of these strains by human ...19938454348
characterization of a virg mutation that confers constitutive virulence gene expression in agrobacterium.transformation of plants by agrobacterium tumefaciens is mediated by a set of virulence (vir) genes that are specifically induced by plant signal molecules through the vira/virg two-component regulatory system. the plant signal is transmitted from vira to virg by a cascade of phosphorylation reactions followed by the sequence-specific dna binding of the virg protein to the vir gene promoters which then activates their transcription. in this report, we describe a virg mutant which is able to acti ...19938459774
rapid detection of shigella dysenteriae and shigella flexneri in faeces by an immunomagnetic assay with monoclonal antibodies.a rapid and sensitive method for the detection of shigella dysenteriae type 1 and shigella flexneri serotypes in faeces based on capture of the bacteria with immunomagnetic particles is described. the particles were coated with either of two different monoclonal antibodies specific for the o-antigens of shigella dysenteriae type 1 and shigella flexneri serotypes. captured bacteria were detected by an enzyme immunoassay with o-antigen specific rabbit antiserum. the whole assay required 2 to 3 hou ...19938462557
entry of protein toxins in polarized epithelial cells.the action of a number of toxins used in the formation of immunotoxins was studied in polarized cells. diphtheria toxin inhibited protein synthesis most efficiently when added to the basolateral side of the kidney cells, mdck-i, mdbk and pt k2, and the colon carcinoma cell caco-2. similar findings were made with pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin a in mdck-i, pt k2, and caco-2 cells, and with modeccin and volkensin in mdck-i cells. in accordance with the toxicity data, diphtheria toxin bound specif ...19938467493
unipolar localization and atpase activity of icsa, a shigella flexneri protein involved in intracellular movement.shigella flexneri uses elements of the host cell cytoskeleton to move within cells and from cell to cell. icsa, an s. flexneri protein involved in this movement, was purified and studied in vitro. icsa bound the radiolabelled atp analog 3'(2')-o-(4-benzoyl)benzoyl-atp and hydrolyzed atp. in addition, the surface localization of icsa on both extracellular and intracellular shigellae was unipolar. further, in hela cells infected with shigellae, icsa antiserum labelled the actin tail throughout its ...19938468279
shigellosis due to occupational contact with non-human primates.a small cluster of dysenteric illness, due to shigella flexneri, was identified among technical assistants of a primate research unit. all of the affected individuals had been in regular contact with a colony of cynomolgus macaque monkeys, one of which was known to have suffered from acute haemorrhagic colitis in the preceding few weeks. four monkeys were found to be excreting s. flexneri bacilli of identical antigen type (1b) to that isolated from the human cases. investigation of working pract ...19938472767
a monoclonal antibody to shigella dysenteriae serotype 13 cross-reacting with shiga toxin.a monoclonal antibody (mab ict6) was produced against the newly described shigella dysenteriae serotype type 13. the mab was of igm isotype and recognized purified shiga toxin in elisa and immunoblot. it also recognized periplasmic extract s. dysenteriae type 13 in immunoblot as did an affinity-purified polyclonal rabbit antiserum and a previously described monoclonal antibody to the b subunit of shiga toxin. the mab ict6 did not neutralize the cytotoxic effects or s. dysenteriae type 13, shiga ...19938472916
sequence of a newly identified mycobacterium tuberculosis gene encoding a protein with sequence homology to virulence-regulating proteins.analysis of the nucleotide sequence of a gene cloned from a mycobacterium tuberculosis h37rv genomic library predicted a 339-amino-acid protein with an m(r) of 37,656. the protein exhibited significant homology with the cfad, fapr and rns proteins from different enterotoxigenic strains of escherichia coli, virf protein of shigella and virfy protein of yersinia, all of which regulate virulence-associated genes.19938472958
role of bacterial cytotoxins in hemolytic uremic syndrome and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.bacterial cytotoxins, which are produced by shigella dysenteriae 1 and certain e. coli serotypes, kill mammalian cells by inhibiting protein synthesis. they have been related to hemolytic uremic syndrome and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, probably by initial insult to vascular endothelial cells. this insight opened new avenues of research and possible interventions.19938476235
characterization of the shigella flexneri ipgd and ipgf genes, which are located in the proximal part of the mxi locus.the shigella flexneri invasion process requires the synthesis of the ipa proteins and their secretion by specific factors encoded by the mxi and spa genes, which are clustered upstream from the ipa operon. we report here the characterization of the ipgd, ipge, and ipgf genes, which are located in the 5' end of the mxi locus. analysis of ipgf-phoa fusions endowed with high levels of alkaline phosphatase activity confirmed the functionality of a classical signal sequence detected in the sequence o ...19938478058
directional actin polymerization associated with spotted fever group rickettsia infection of vero cells.members of the spotted fever group (sfg) of rickettsiae spread rapidly from cell to cell by an unknown mechanism(s). staining of rickettsia rickettsii-infected vero cells with rhodamine phalloidin demonstrated unique actin filaments associated with one pole of intracellular rickettsiae. f-actin tails greater than 70 microns in length were seen extending from rickettsiae. treatment of infected cells with chloramphenicol eliminated rickettsia-associated f-actin tails, suggesting that de novo prote ...19938478082
plants used in guatemala for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. 3. confirmation of activity against enterobacteria of 16 plants.ethnobotanical surveys and literature review identified 408 plants used in guatemala for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. the screening of 84 showed that 34 inhibit one or more enterobacteria; 16 of these were selected for further investigation. extracts were obtained with three solvents of different polarity (n-hexane, acetone and alcohol) and the in vitro activity was demonstrated against enteropathogenic escherichia coli, salmonella enteritidis and shigella flexneri. the activity ...19938479202
shigellosis complicated by perforated appendix. 19938483634
an immunocytochemical search for infectious agents in crohn's disease.microorganisms have long been suspected of causing crohn's disease (cd); however, an etiologic agent has yet to be identified. few studies have employed immunocytochemistry (icc) to examine tissue from patients with cd for microbial antigens. we investigated 36 formalin-fixed tissues from 16 patients with cd with icc. no evidence of adenovirus, borrelia, brucella, bvdv, campylobacter, campylobacter-like organisms, chlamydia, coronavirus, cmv, ebv, legionella, mycobacteria, pseudomonas, rotavirus ...19938483893
three-year prevalence of enteropathogenic bacteria in an urban patient population in germany.the prevalence of enteropathogenic bacteria over a three-year period was 3.1% in an urban population in germany. nontyphoidal salmonella spp. (1.8% prevalence) represented 59.3% of all positive isolates, followed by campylobacter spp., which constituted 22.1% of such isolates. clostridium difficile toxin was detected in 5.6% of samples submitted specifically for detection of cytotoxigenic c. difficile. the seasonal distribution showed an increase of salmonella, shigella and aeromonas/plesiomonas ...19938491518
shigellemia in aids patients: case report and review of the literature.shigella bacteremia in adult patients is rare and is usually associated with immunosuppressive diseases. to date, 12 hiv-positive patients with shigella bacteremia have been reported in the medical literature. we report a case of shigella dysenteriae bacteremia in a 39-year-old hiv-positive patient. although the patient presented with bloody and watery diarrhea, stool cultures failed to grow enteric pathogens. the patient responded well to appropriate antibiotic therapy.19938491521
genetic and biochemical analysis of salmonella typhimurium flii, a flagellar protein related to the catalytic subunit of the f0f1 atpase and to virulence proteins of mammalian and plant pathogens.flii is a salmonella typhimurium protein that is needed for flagellar assembly and may be involved in a specialized protein export pathway that proceeds without signal peptide cleavage. flii shows extensive sequence similarity to the catalytic beta subunit of the f0f1 atpase (a. p. volger, m. homma, v. m. irikura, and r. m. macnab, j. bacteriol. 173:3564-3572, 1991). it is even more similar to the spa47 protein of shigella flexneri (m. m. venkatesan, j. m. buysse, and e. v. oaks, j. bacteriol. 1 ...19938491729
preliminary crystallographic analysis of a fab specific for the o-antigen of shigella flexneri cell surface lipopolysaccharide with and without bound saccharides.the fab of a monoclonal anti-carbohydrate antibody, sya/j6 (igg3, kappa, murine), raised against the o-polysaccharide antigen of the cell surface lipopolysaccharide of variant y shigella flexneri, a gram negative bacterium, has been crystallized in the unliganded form and in complex with tri- and pentasaccharide antigens. the three crystal forms belong to the tetragonal space group p4(3)2(1)2, or p4(1)2(1)2, with very similar unit cell dimensions and an asymmetric unit that contains one molecule ...19938496958
marked decrease in susceptibility of shigella to ampicillin and cotrimoxazole in israel. 19938500482
immunogenicity and efficacy of oral or intranasal shigella flexneri 2a and shigella sonnei proteosome-lipopolysaccharide vaccines in animal models.immunity against shigellosis has been shown to correlate with the presence of antibodies specific for shigella lipopolysaccharide (lps). we here propose a new candidate vaccine for shigellosis composed of purified shigella flexneri 2a or shigella sonnei lps hydrophobically complexed with group c type 2b neisseria meningitidis outer membrane protein proteosomes. immunization of mice either orally or intranasally with this complex induced specific homologous anti-lps antibodies in both intestinal ...19938500877
isolation of shigella dysenteriae serotypes 11, 12, and 13 from patients with diarrhea in bangladesh.nine isolates of bacteria biochemically resembling shigella dysenteriae but not belonging to the 10 recognized serotypes were isolated from patients with diarrhea in bangladesh. further studies suggested that two, one, and six isolates belonged to the recently recognized s. dysenteriae serotypes 11, 12, and 13, respectively.19938501251
relationship between humoral immune responses and oral temperature during human shigellosis.the relationship between oral temperature and serum iga and igg antibody responses to shigella sonnei infection was examined in 65 experimentally infected adult volunteers. although the iga antibody response appeared to correlate directly with the rise in oral temperature following infection, stepwise regression analysis revealed other associated signs and symptoms as the critical elements underlying this apparent correlation. there was no evidence of a positive correlation between the igg antib ...19938501337
[investigation on distribution and changes of shigella group in fengtai district, beijing from 1979 to 1991].a total of 386 strains of shigella were collected and identified by biochemistry and serotyping from 1978 to 1991. results showed that the strains were distributed in 4 groups which included 20 serotypes.s.flexner was predominant, mainly 2a and 3a serotypes, and s.sonnei the next. the ratio of b group to d group was 4.3.19938504452
antibacterial activity of the bryozoan electra bellula (hincks).the antibacterial activity of the extracts of bryozoan e. bellula (hincks) was tested against ten bacterial strains by antibiotic disc diffusion method. the maximum activity was observed against proteus vulgaris, while klebsiella pneumoniae and shigella flexneri were insensitive to the bryozoan.19938505081
epidemiologic and clinical aspects of shigellosis in american forces deployed to saudi arabia.i describe nine cases of shigellosis seen at a large navy field hospital in troops deployed to saudi arabia during the gulf war. eight cases were associated with consumption of food at civilian restaurants or civilian-contracted food services. two adults had "pseudomeningitis" syndromes, illustrating that shigellosis in adults may initially be misdiagnosed. all patients responded rapidly to rehydration and oral fluoroquinolone (ciprofloxacin) therapy. five patients received an antimotility agent ...19938506485
comparative antibacterial activity of the aminothiazolyl cephalosporin ru 29,246.a total of 1,007 clinical isolates from a tertiary care center were tested against ru 29,246, ampicillin, cephalothin, cefoxitin, ceftazidime, augmentin, oxacillin, piperacillin, gentamicin, amikacin and vancomycin. bacteria tested consisted of 479 strains of enterobacteriaceae, 64 pseudomonads, 18 xanthomonas, 42 other gram-negative bacilli, 56 enterococci and 348 isolates of staphylococci. ru 29,246 showed excellent in vitro activity inhibiting > 90% of escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumoniae, ...19938508687
[study of genomic polymorphism of shigella flexneri strains, isolated in various geographic regions].strains of shigella flexneri isolated from patients in 4 geographic regions of the former ussr have been studied by plasmid analysis and fingerprinting techniques. it has been shown that these methods make possible to differentiate phenotypically identical strains for 9 genotypic patterns (7 different plasmid profiles and 3 specific hybridization patterns). strains of shigella flexneri isolated from each region possess the similar hybridization patterns independent of serovar and plasmid profile ...19938510684
shigella osteomyelitis in a fit young man.a case of shigella osteomyelitis in an apparently healthy young man is presented. pre-operative and intra-operative swabs taken from the septic focus grew shigella flexneri. patient was successfully treated with surgery and a course of ampicillin.19938511820
cloning and sequencing of the gene encoding a 31-kilodalton antigen of haemophilus somnus.immunoblots using bovine antibody against haemophilus somnus as the primary antibody consistently identified 31-, 40- and 78-kda proteins in sarkosyl-insoluble extracts of h. somnus. a genomic library of h. somnus 8025 dna was constructed in plasmid puc19, and 45 recombinants expressed proteins which were recognized by bovine antiserum in western blots (immunoblots). ten of the recombinants expressing a 31-kda protein caused the lysis of bovine erythrocytes. restriction endonuclease mapping indi ...19938514383
ultrastructure of the surface film of bacterial colonies.the structure of the surface of colonies of various gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria was examined by transmission electron microscopy. the results indicate that bacterial colonies in the course of their development produce a film which becomes thicker with increased duration of growth. the basic part of the film is an elementary membrane, which is a stable structure with a large surface area. the inner and outer surfaces of the film membrane are covered by amorphous layers. these layers ...19938515240
immunological relatedness of the lamb proteins among members of enterobacteriaceae.we have studied the immunological relatedness of lamb proteins from a wide range of enterobacterial species, using antibodies directed against denatured escherichia coli k12 and klebsiella pneumoniae lamb proteins (lambe.c. and lambk.p., respectively), and anti-peptide antibodies directed against 10 distinct loops of lamb from e. coli k12 predicted to protrude either side of the outer membrane. we have shown that a protein immunologically related to lambe.c. and lambk.p. was present in all membe ...19938515243
specific detection of salmonella spp. by multiplex polymerase chain reaction.three sets of oligonucleotide primers were used in the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay to detect salmonella species. phop primers specific to the phop/phoq loci of coliform pathogenic bacteria such as salmonella, shigella, escherichia coli, and citrobacter species served as presumptive indicators of enteric bacteria. in addition to the phop primers, the hin and the h-1i primers, which targeted a 236-bp region of hin/h2 and a 173-bp region of the h-1i flagellin gene, respectively, were used ...19938517741
molecular studies of plasmids of multiply-resistant shigella spp. in hong hundred and two shigella spp. isolated in two hospitals in hong kong were analysed for antibiotic resistances, resistance plasmids and plasmid profiles. three quarters of the isolates were s. flexneri. all isolates harboured plasmids, up to a maximum of ten within one strain. plasmids of 220 kb encoding resistances to tetracycline, chloramphenicol and sulphonamide and probably also associated with invasiveness in the sereny test were found in 80 strains and were transferable in 18% of cases. ...19938519309
identification of two targets of the type iii protein secretion system encoded by the inv and spa loci of salmonella typhimurium that have homology to the shigella ipad and ipaa important virulence factor of salmonella spp. is their ability to gain access to host cells. a type iii secretion system encoded in the inv and spa loci of these organisms is essential for this phenotype. we have identified two proteins, sipa and sipd, whose secretion from the bacterial cells is dependent on this system. the genes encoding these proteins are located at centisome 63 on the s. typhimurium chromosome, immediately downstream of the previously identified sipb and sipc genes (k. ka ...19958522512
actin-based motility of vaccinia virus.the role of the cytoskeleton during viral infection is poorly understood. here we show, using a combination of mutant and drug studies, that the intracellular enveloped form of vaccinia virus is capable of inducing the formation of actin tails that are strikingly similar to those seen in listeria, shigella and rickettsia infections. analysis using video microscopy reveals that single viral particles are propelled in vivo on the tip of actin tails, at a speed of 2.8 mumol min-1. on contact with t ...19958524400
use of plasma desorption mass spectrometry in structural analysis of endotoxins: effects on lipid a of different acid treatments. 19958524917
biological properties of yolk immunoglobulins. 19958526019
identification and sequences of the treponema pallidum flim', fliy, flip, fliq, flir and flhb' genes.information regarding the biology and virulence attributes of treponema pallidum (tp) is limited due to the lack of genetic exchange mechanisms and the inability to continuously cultivate this spirochete. we have utilized tnphoa mutagenesis of a tp genomic dna library in escherichia coli (ec) to identify genes encoding exported proteins, a subset of which are likely to be important in treponemal pathogenesis. we report here the identification and nucleotide (nt) sequence of a 5-kb treponemal dna ...19958529894
epidemic shigella dysenteriae type 1 in natal.since its first isolation in south africa in 1994, shigella dysenteriae type 1 has now spread to cause an epidemic outbreak in natal kwazulu, resulting in a steep rise in admissions for dysentery and the haemolytic uraemic syndrome in children. we report on the epidemic as it has evolved so far. a large outbreak is to be expected in south africa in view of large scale poverty, lack of housing, and adequate water and sanitation, unless urgent public health measures are taken.19958531259
viral diarrhoea in a rural coastal region of karnataka india.a total of 106 children below 5 years of age admitted to the kasturba medical college hospital manipal karnataka (south india) were investigated over a period of 6 months to determine the aetiological role of viruses in acute diarrhoea. viral aetiological agents isolated were rotaviruses in 12 (11 per cent) cases, adenoviruses in 3 (3 per cent) cases, coronavirus and astroviruses in two (2 per cent) cases each. non-viral isolates were cryptosporidium and salmonella typhimurium in two cases each, ...19958531264
shigellosis in children from north india: a clinicopathological study.stool samples of 1488 children suffering from acute diarrhoea were studied for bacterial culture and sensitivity. shigella culture was positive in 143 (10 per cent) children and 53 hospitalized children could be studied in detail. thirty-six (68 per cent) children were under 2 years of age and peak prevalence was observed in summer months. fever and diarrhoea were universal features; 96 per cent had blood and mucus in the stools, but 32 per cent started with watery diarrhoea lasting 1-3 days fol ...19958531265
extracellular transport of virg protein in shigella.the ability of shigella to spread within and between epithelial cells is a prerequisite for causing bacillary dysentery and requires the function encoded by the virg gene on the large plasmid. the outer membrane virg (icsa) protein is essential for bacterial spreading by eliciting polar deposition of filamentous actin (f-actin) in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells. recent studies have indicated that an n-terminal 80-kda virg portion is exposed on the bacterial cell surface and released into the ...19958537341
partial dna sequence of a beta-lactamase produced by a shigella flexneri strain.a probe was constructed by radioactive labelling, and enzymatically a dna fragment of plasmid pmam-1, which codes for a beta-lactamase in shigella flexneri ucsm 129, was obtained by amplification of a small part of the gene using the polymerase chain reaction technique (pcr). since previous published work indicated that this beta-lactamase was of the tem type, the primers used to amplify the gene were two highly conserved dna regions in all tem beta-lactamases. a 500 bp dna probe was obtained wh ...19958538491
population dynamics in the co-culture of shigella flexneri 1b original strain and its antigenic 3b mutant carrying a prophage.the antigenic mutant shigella flexneri 3b showed selective prevalence when subcultured with the original strain 1b. mathematical analysis of such co-cultures showed that the dynamics of bacterial growth may be described by equations of the lotka-volterra type. the analysis of serial cultivations suggests that parameters of the equations may be realizations of random variables characterizing strains and media. the mutant carries a prophage lethal for the original strain. distinctive features of t ...19958538494
[azithromycin: critical points].the determination of the french breakpoints (< or = c, > c) were selected by the use of different criteria including bacteriological, pharmacokinetic and obviously clinical criteria. concerning the bacteriological results, azithromycin, being an acid stable orally administered antimicrobial drug, is in vitro marginally less active than erythromycin against gram-positive organisms including beta-haemolytic streptococci and staphylococcus aureus. but in contrast, this azalide is more active than e ...19958539070
wine as a digestive aid: comparative antimicrobial effects of bismuth salicylate and red and white test whether red and white wines are as potent as bismuth salicylate against the bacteria responsible for traveller's diarrhoea to try to explain wine's legendary reputation as a digestive aid.19958541747
slya, a regulatory protein from salmonella typhimurium, induces a haemolytic and pore-forming protein in escherichia coli.a chromosomal fragment from salmonella typhimurium, when cloned in escherichia coli, generates a haemolytic phenotype. this fragment carries two genes, termed slya and slyb. the expression of slya is sufficient for the haemolytic phenotype. the haemolytic activity of e. coli carrying multiple copies of slya is found mainly in the cytoplasm, with some in the periplasm of cells grown to stationary phase, but overexpression of slyb, a 15 kda lipoprotein probably located in the outer membrane, may l ...19958544813
bacterial enteric infections in persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus.we review the epidemiology and prevention of and future research priorities for bacterial enteric infections in persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). hiv-infected persons are more frequently infected with salmonella, campylobacter, listeria, and (possibly) shigella species than are individuals not infected with hiv. in addition, salmonella and (possibly) campylobacter infections are more likely to be severe, recurrent, or persistent and associated with extraintestinal dis ...19958547518
peripheral blood neutrophil responses in children with shigellosis.alterations in peripheral blood neutrophil function are known to occur in patients with colitis and may have a role in precipitating nonspecific tissue injury. it is not known whether neutrophil function is altered in patients with shigella dysenteriae type 1 infection, during which there is extensive colitis and which may be associated with life-threatening complications in young children. three aspects of peripheral blood neutrophil function, polarization, attachment to yeast particles, and lo ...19958548543
epidemiology of quinolone resistance. eastern hemisphere.both nalidixic acid and fluoroquinolones are used widely in the eastern hemisphere for a variety of infectious diseases. a surveillance programme for antibiotic resistance in common pathogens has been conducted in the western pacific region of the world health organization since 1989. data on resistance to fluoroquinolones for the years 1992 and 1993 from the 16 participating countries in the western pacific, plus published data from thailand, were collated for common and important pathogens in ...19958549389
yersinia ssp. in surface water in san luis, argentina.yersinia spp. was examined in three rivers and two lakes located in the province of san luis, argentina, over a 1-year period. water samples were concentrated either by moore's gauze technique or by filtering through diatomaceous earth. five enrichment media: yeast extract--bengal rose broth (yer) with bile-oxalate-sorbose broth (bos); 67 mmol/l phosphate-buffered saline (ph 7.6; pbs); pbs enriched with a 1% mannitol and 1% peptone (pbsmp); pbs with lyzed 0.5% sheep blood (pbsb); wauters broth ( ...19948549992
lack of cleavage of icsa in shigella flexneri causes aberrant movement and allows demonstration of a cross-reactive eukaryotic protein.once in the cytoplasm of mammalian cells, shigella flexneri expresses a motile phenotype caused by polar directional assembly of actin. this process depends on accumulation of icsa (virg), a 120-kda protein with atpase activity, at the pole of the bacterium opposite to that at which ongoing septation occurs. icsa is also secreted into the bacterial supernatant as a 95-kda species, after cleavage at an ssrrass sequence which, when mutagenized, blocks processing. mabf15, an anti-icsa monoclonal an ...19968550200
development of shigella sonnei live oral vaccines based on defined rfbinaba deletion mutants of vibrio cholerae expressing the shigella serotype d o polysaccharide.previous experimentation has highlighted a number of difficulties in the development of carrier-based bivalent vaccines (j.-f. viret and d. favre, biologicals 22:361-372, 1994) in an attempt to obviate these carrier strains. toward this aim, a series of defined rfbinaba deletion (delta rfbinaba) mutants of the cholera vaccine strain v. cholerae cvd103-hgr (o1 inaba serotype) and derivative bearing the chromosomally integrated locus encoding the s. sonnei o-ps were constructed and characterized. ...19968550210
expression of reca in deinococcus radiodurans.deinococcus (formerly micrococcus) radiodurans is remarkable for its extraordinary resistance to ionizing and uv irradiation and many other agents that damage dna. this organism can repair > 100 double-strand breaks per chromosome induced by ionizing radiation without lethality or mutagenesis. we have previously observed that expression of d. radiodurans reca in escherichia coli appears lethal. we now find that the reca protein of d. radiodurans is ot detectable in d. radiodurans except in the s ...19968550406
[evaluation of selective culture media for the isolation of salmonella from poultry].rambach agar, xylose-lysine-deoxycholate agar (xld) with different concentrations of tergitol 4 or 7 ethyl-2 methyl-4 undecanol hydrogen sulphate, sodium salt (xldt4), salmonella-shigella agar (ss) and bismuth sulfite agar according to wilson-blair (bs) were evaluated using salmonella spp. serovars and other bacterial species from the intestinal flora of poultry. growth of the most common salmonella serovars isolated from chickens in our country were evaluated using a viable counting technique o ...19958552759
[an epidemic outbreak of sonne dysentery in a children's center (a commentary on readers' responses)]. 19958553721
[the selection of a virulent subpopulation of escherichia coli during shigella and salmonella infections in children]. 19958553728
[the chemical and immunochemical characteristics of the antigens of shigella dysenteriae 1 isolated by using hydroxylamine hydrochloride]. 19958553750
[the antigenic and immunogenic properties of the bivalent strain shigella flexneri-shigella sonnei 1 no. 200]. 19958553752
[the immunomodulating activity of shigella dysenteriae 1 strains differing by their capacity for invasion and shiga toxin production]. 19958553759
[the accumulation in immune lymphocytes of the rna sequences complementary to the gene controlling the synthesis of the corresponding heterologous antigen]. 19958553765
further characterization of delta aroa delta virg shigella flexneri 2a strain cvd 1203 as a mucosal shigella vaccine and as a live-vector vaccine for delivering antigens of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli.the use of attenuated delta aroa delta virg shigella flexneri 2a strain cvd 1203 as a live vector for enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) antigens is reported. cvd 1203 alone or expressing colonization factor antigen fimbriae and cs3 fibrillae of etec was given to guinea pigs and mice, orogastrically (o.g.) or intranasally (i.n.). cvd 1203 given i.n. elicited high titers of antilipopolysaccharide (anti-lps) immunoglobulin a (iga) and was protective in guinea pigs against a homologous conjunc ...19968557344
detection and characterization by differential pcr of host eukaryotic cell genes differentially transcribed following uptake of intracellular eukaryotic cell genes that are differentially transcribed after phagocytosis of various pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacterial cells were identified by a differential pcr (dpcr) system. this dpcr procedure favors detection and isolation of host genes affected at the transcriptional level by selecting for poly(a) tails but differs substantially from reverse transcription-pcr. several unidentified macrophage gene fragments from genes that were either transcriptionally activated or downregulat ...19968557379
food safety: review and implications for dietitians and dietetic technicians.section 103 (d) of the americans with disabilities act directs the secretary of health and human services to identify, publish, and annually review a list of pathogens transmitted via food contaminated by infected food handlers. the secretary is also directed to publish means by which diseases on the list are transmitted. the intent of the list is to protect disabled food handlers when they become ill and to provide managers with information for determining when to remove or reassign disabled fo ...19968557943
binding specificity for four monoclonal antibodies recognizing terminal gal alpha 1-->4gal residues in haemophilus influenzae lipopolysaccharide.four murine monoclonal antibodies (mabs) reactive with the outer-core region of the lipopolysaccharide (lps) from haemophilus influenzae were generated after immunization with azide-killed h. influenzae rm.7004 ah1-2 and their epitope specificities studied. the monoclonal antibodies: mahi 6 (igm), mahi 5 (igg2a), mahi 8 (igg3), and mahi 11 (igg2b) bound to synthetic glycoconjugates or glycolipids with terminal galabiosyl (gal alpha 1-->4gal beta 1-) or globotriaosyl (gal alpha 1-->4gal beta 1 1- ...19958559043
mxig, a membrane protein required for secretion of shigella spp. ipa invasins: involvement in entry into epithelial cells and in intercellular dissemination.entry of shigella flexneri into epithelial cells involves secretory proteins, the ipa proteins, and their dedicated secretion apparatus, the mxi-spa translocon, which is encoded by the mxi and spa operons. we have characterized the mxig gene that is located at the proximal part of the mxi operon. inactivation of mxig abolished lpa secretion, which indicates that mxig is an essential component of the mxi-spa translocon. immunoblotting analysis of membrane fractions suggests that the 42 kda mxig p ...19958559065
microbiological investigation of diarrhoea epidemics among rwandan refugees in zaire. 19958560524
a case of childhood shigellosis with mutism.bacillary dysentery, an acute infection caused by various strains of shigella, is characterized by abdominal pain, tenesmus, and diarrhea with mucus, pus and blood. neurologic manifestations including meningismus, delirium and convulsions may accompany the infection. we describe a thirteen-year-old girl who presented with headache, convulsion and loss of consciousness at the onset and developed diarrhea with blood and pus after hospitalization. the diagnosis of shigellosis was based on clinical ...19958560615
comparative in vitro activity of furopenem against aerobic bacteria isolated from pediatric patients.the in vitro activity of the oral penem furopenem (wy-49605, 545555, sun5555, and alp201) was tested against clinical bacteria isolated from pediatric patients. furopenem was compared with clarithromycin, cefpodoxime, amoxicillin, amoxicillin-clavulanate, cefaclor, cefixime, and cefuroxime. furopenem demonstrated consistent activity against escherichia coli [minimum inhibitory concentration (mic90) = 1.0 microgram/ml)] klebsiella pneumoniae (mic90 = 2.0 micrograms/ml), salmonella enteriditis and ...19958565421
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