
PMID(sorted ascending)
salmonella arthritis. 19902190126
competitive exclusion and salmonella enteritidis. 19902190409
[a 38-year-old male with abdominal pain, fever and bloody diarrhea]. 19902192207
[salmonelloses of food origin. interview by pierre-marie granier]. 19902192461
depressed liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy of germ-free, athymic and lipopolysaccharide-resistant mice.a hypothesis has been proposed by this laboratory that endogenous gut-derived lipopolysaccharide is responsible for systemic endotoxemia in animals with acute liver injury particularly after partial (67%) hepatectomy. systemic lipopolysaccharide and possibly fibrin aggregates or tissue debris then elicit release of cytokines from phagocytizing macrophages and/or monocytes that may be essential for normal liver regeneration. to test this hypothesis liver regeneration was assessed in germ-free eut ...19902194922
viability of salmonella in bone meal.the ability of salmonella to survive varying concentrations of sodium metabisulphite incorporated into bone meal (rendered animal by-product) was investigated. no viable salmonella was detected after 4 days of exposure of the micro-organisms to 5,000 ppm of sodium metabisulphite. the minimum killing concentration of metabisulphite was also established at 4,000 ppm. however, the killing effect of the metabisulphite was moisture-dependent, being most potent at a moisture level of 8 to 12%.19902195301
production of salmonella enteritidis-contaminated eggs by experimentally infected hens.laying hens of three different ages were experimentally infected with a strain of salmonella enteritidis by either oral inoculation or contact transmission. total egg production was depressed in exposed hens of all three age groups. persistent intestinal shedding was observed in a small number of hens. eggs with contents contaminated by s. enteritidis were produced by exposed hens at a high frequency, but only during a fairly short period of time that extended through approximately 1 week postin ...19902196046
a nosocomial outbreak of salmonella enteritidis infection due to the consumption of raw eggs. 19902196465
[bavaroise and an epidemic of salmonella enteritidis].in the literature an association is made between the increasing prevalence of salmonella enteritidis in poultry products and in the isolates of patients with gastroenteritis, without sufficient evidence of a causal relationship between the increasing prevalences. a microbiological and epidemiological analysis of a food poisoning incident among 239 visitors of a restaurant by way of food specific attack rates and food specific infection rates revealed an epidemic of 70 cases of s. enteritidis ent ...19902196469
[primary abscess of the psoas].we present in this paper a series of cases from our service of primary abscesses in psoas. we consider the appearance of immunosuppressed patients as a relevant factor of its etiopathogenicity. we believe that a c.a.t. is the best diagnostic method. all three patients that underwent open surgery have had complications. the patients treated with percutaneous puncture has shown a favourable evolution.19902198765
multiple drug resistance in salmonellae in england and wales: a comparison between 1981 and 1988.each year from 1981 through to 1988 the most common serotypes isolated from man in england and wales and identified at the division of enteric pathogens were s typhimurium, s enteritidis, and s virchow. in 1981 these three serotypes accounted for 45%, 12%, and 7% of isolations. the remaining 35% comprised strains belonging to a further 188 different serotypes, none of which accounted for more than 1% of the total. in 1988 s typhimurium accounted for 24% of isolations, s enteritidis 57%, and s vi ...19902199536
international increase in salmonella enteritidis: a new pandemic?over the past 5 years salmonella enteritidis infections in humans have increased on both sides of the atlantic ocean. the who salmonella surveillance data for 1979-87 were reviewed and show that s. enteritidis appears to be increasing on at least the continents of north america, south america, and europe, and may include africa. s. enteritidis isolates increased in 24 (69%) of 35 countries between 1979 and 1987. in 1979, only 2 (10%) of 21 countries with reported data reported s. enteritidis as ...19902200698
[preliminary results of the determination of plasmid profiles of veterinary salmonella isolates].a plasmid of 60 md magnitude was recorded from 40 in 41 salmonella (s.) typhimurium strains, including the copenhagen minus variant. a plasmid of that kind had been described in the international literature as serovar-specific of s. typhimurium. one s. typhimurium strain was without plasmid. five contained the 60-md and other plasmids. no relationship was found to exist between the 60-md plasmid and biovar as well as chemotherapeutic resistance. further studies will be necessary for consistent i ...19902201272
food safety. egg-stuffed sea trout and salmonellae. 19902201392
salmonella control by immunization of animals. 19902202417
[bavaroise and an epidemic of salmonella enteritidis]. 19902202909
[toxic megacolon and intestinal perforation caused by salmonella enteritidis].two cases of colitis due to salmonella enteriditis which later developed a toxic megacolon with intestinal perforation are presented and the probable pathogenesis is discussed. this exceptional clinical course which has not been previously described forces to perform a differential diagnosis with chronic intestinal inflammatory disease which must be based on microbiologic, serologic and/or histologic criteria. moreover, the authors warn about the unsuitability of using anticholigernic drugs in g ...19902203119
intracellular activity of tosufloxacin (t-3262) against salmonella enteritidis and ability to penetrate into tissue culture cells of human origin.the intracellular antimicrobial activity of tosulfoxacin was tested against salmonella enteritidis c-32 by using human lung fibroid wi-38 cells and was compared with those of ofloxacin and norfloxacin. the intracellular antimicrobial activities of these drugs were evaluated by determining the numbers of viable organisms remaining within cells after treatment with various drug concentrations. at 0.2 and 0.78 microgram/ml, tosufloxacin suppressed intracellular multiplication of s. enteritidis c-32 ...19902203308
survival of aeromonas hydrophila and escherichia coli in aquatic environments.survival of aeromonas hydrophila and escherichia coli in distilled water, pond water and effluents of anaerobic digesters were examined. survival capabilities of a. hydrophila in various aquatic systems were similar to e. coli except in the raw effluents of anaerobic digesters, where a. hydrophila survived significantly better than e. coli for 6 days. pathogens such as staphylococcus aureus, salmonella enteritidis and vibrio cholerae were readily killed in the raw effluents of the anaerobic dige ...19902203637
[salmonella abscess of the neck in a 68-year-old patient with myasthenia gravis and thymoma]. 19902203710
plasmid profiles as an epidemiological marker for salmonella enterica serotype enteritidis foodborne outbreaks.the incidence of enteritidis serotype of salmonella enterica in salmonellae infections has steadily increased in spain from 27.1% in 1982 up to 63.4% in 1987. given this high incidence, we have studied the plasmid profiles of enteritidis isolates to subclassify them. different profiles were observed in 50 isolates. in 13 enteritidis serotype outbreaks, up to 5 different plasmid profiles were found. each outbreak correlated with a single plasmid profile except in one case where plasmids of two di ...19902206470
immunological studies on soluble protective antigen (spa) separated from culture supernatant fluids of salmonella enteritidis.studies were carried out to analyze the antigenicity of soluble protective antigen (spa) separated from culture supernatant fluids of salmonella enteritidis strain 2547. mice injected with anti-spa mouse serum were capable of tolerating a challenge dose of 100 ld50 s. enteritidis. after absorption of the anti-spa mouse serum with lipopolysaccharide (lps) prepared from strain 2547, no protective effect was observed. ouchterlony immunodiffusion analysis showed that the p1 fraction obtained from se ...19902212767
food poisoning--a major threat to airline the spring of 1984, british airways was involved in a major food poisoning outbreak which affected nearly 1000 passengers, aircrew and ground personnel. the operational impact was worldwide and could have resulted in the cessation of the airline's day-to-day operations. the investigation paralleled a major aircraft disaster in the number of national and international agencies involved and in the variety of disciplines engaged. although the causative organism was rapidly identified (salmonella ...19902214701
plants used in guatemala for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. 1. screening of 84 plants against enterobacteria.gastrointestinal disorders are important causes of morbidity in developing countries. natural healing is the traditional way of treating these diseases in guatemala. ethnobotanical surveys and literature reviews showed that 385 plants from 95 families are used in guatemala for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. the activity of 84 of the most commonly used plants was screened in vitro against five enterobacteria pathogenic to man (enteropathogenic escherichia coli, salmonella enteritidi ...19902214824
[high incidence of ampicillin resistance in salmonella spp non typhi].salmonella spp non typhi is a common cause of gastroenteritis and, more rarely, extraintestinal infections in humans. the type of syndrome determines the choice and duration of antibiotic therapy. extraintestinal infections by this organism require correct antibiotic therapy. in the present study, the susceptibility to antibiotics of 59 strains of salmonella spp non typhi from clinical sources, isolated during a period of three and a half months, were evaluated. fifty one of them were s. enterit ...19902214906
[bavaroise and an epidemic of salmonella enteritidis]. 19902215735
multiple salmonella enteritidis leg abscesses in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus.we describe a 19 year old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus on corticosteroid therapy, who developed bilateral, multiple, gas-forming salmonella enteritidis leg abscesses and osteomyelitis mimicking deep vein thrombosis. the infection was treated successfully by a combination of surgical drainage and intravenous ceftriaxone, followed by prolonged oral pefloxacin. this rare case of gas-producing s. enteritidis emphasizes the difficulty in diagnosing such complications in active systemic lup ...19902217002
[etiology of diarrheal diseases in immunocompetent and hiv-positive patients].in 1986 and 1987 the stool samples of 206 patients of the medical outpatient clinic basel were examined prospectively for bacteria, protozoa and worms. clinical data of the patients were recorded by questionnaire. the patient group comprised 63 immunocompetent patients as well as 23 hiv-infected patients, all with symptoms of acute enteritis. the control group consisted of 120 healthy persons. pathogenic organisms were found in the stools of 17.5% of the immunocompetent patients with enteritis. ...19902218447
[veterinary chief inspection of public health. salmonella enteritidis in poultry: monitoring and control]. 19902219086
detection of antibody to salmonella enteritidis by a gm flagellin-based elisa. 19902219649
the invasiveness of different strains of salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 for young chickens.five strains of salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 (pt4) isolated in 1978, 1984 and 1988 were examined for their ability to colonise the caecum and invade the liver of day-old chickens. all strains were capable of caecal colonisation and there were no differences in their colonisation ability in this respect. in contrast there was a gradation in the ability of strains to invade the liver, with strains isolated in 1988 proving the most invasive. absence of a 38 megadalton (md) plasmid, which has ...19902227356
presentation of salmonella antigens by peritoneal cells of normal and salmonella-infected mice.a comparison of the ability of normal peritoneal cells (pc) and those harvested from mice 1-3 days after intraperitoneal immunization with live salmonella enteritidis 11rx (11rx) to present antigen to 11rx-primed t cells was made using formalin-killed 11rx and a soluble 11rx antigen extract as antigens. unfractionated pc and the adherent and non-adherent pc populations were analysed separately and the effects of the lysosomal function-impairing drug chloroquine and the fixative paraformaldehyde, ...19902228031
biological and chemical studies on soluble protective antigen (spa) from culture supernatant fluids of salmonella enteritidis.the chemical and biological characteristics of soluble protective antigen (spa) separated from culture fluids of salmonella enteritidis strain 2547 were analysed. it was shown that spa has 3-hydroxy, nonpolar fatty acids by thin-layer chromatography. the fatty acids were identified as lauric, myristic, palmitic and 3-hydroxymyristic acid using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and mass chromatography. these fatty acids are common constituents of the lipid a obtained from s. enteritidis. spa w ...19902230368
recipe for safer sauces. 19902234048
endocarditis due to ampicillin-resistant nontyphoid salmonella: cure with a third-generation cephalosporin.a case of ampicillin-resistant salmonella bacteremia complicated by endocarditis in a 78-year-old man is presented. previous rheumatic valvular heart disease and the lack of response to initial treatment with chloramphenicol prompted us to consider this diagnosis. there was a good clinical response after treatment with ceftriaxone alone and corresponding improvement on the echocardiogram. this case demonstrates the possible endovascular complications of salmonella bacteremia in elderly people an ...19902237123
[veterinary chief inspection of public health. salmonella studies and especially study for s. enteritidis in dutch poultry]. 19902237878
pathogenesis of salmonella enteritidis infection in laying chickens. i. studies on egg transmission, clinical signs, fecal shedding, and serologic responses.laying hens were inoculated orally, intracloacally (ic), or intravenously (iv) with salmonella enteritidis phage type 8 isolates from a human (e700-87) eggs (y-8p2), or the ovary of a hen (27a). oral or iv inoculation of 2 x 10(8) to 4 x 10(8) colony-forming units (cfu) of e700-87 caused depression, anorexia, reduced egg production, diarrhea, and some mortality. lower doses resulted in milder clinical signs. s. enteritidis was cultured from the shells of a few eggs but not from egg contents. fec ...19902241680
veterinary public health. poultry and egg salmonellosis. 19902248878
dexamethasone and indomethacin treatment during endotoxicosis in the suckling rat.gram negative sepsis/septic shock continues to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality in newborns. we studied the effects of anti-inflammatory drugs, indomethacin (ind) and dexamethasone (dx), on glucoregulation, body weight, and mortality in 10-day-old suckling rats administered salmonella enteritidis lipopolysaccharide (lps). ind (1.5 mg/kg) or dx (4 mg/kg) was intraperitoneally (ip) administered immediately after highly lethal lps injection. both ind and dx attenuated the lps-induced hyp ...19902253315
[salmonella gastroenteritis: causes, sequelae, therapeutic perspectives].enteric salmonella are the most frequently isolated pathogens of bacterial diarrhea in switzerland. since 1987, increasing numbers have been reported to the federal health office. the causes of this rise in salmonellosis prevalence, which has been observed in a number of countries, are the high rates of contamination in different foods, mainly in poultry and eggs. it has been shown that the usual kinds of egg preparation are not suitable for the elimination of salmonella, which may also be found ...19902255879
salmonella enteritidis causing joint sepsis.a 22-year-old male taking dexamethasone following resection of a medulloblastoma developed an acutely painful swollen knee from which salmonella enteritidis was cultured. he had no gastrointestinal symptoms; one stool culture was positive. active metalloproteinases without inhibitors were detected in the synovial fluid, a characteristic finding in septic joints. s. enteritidis infecting joints is extremely rare despite being the second most frequent salmonella species after s. typhimurium causin ...19902261744
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis due to salmonella enteritidis in cirrhotic ascites.spontaneous bacterial peritonitis due to salmonella is uncommon. we report three patients with ascites infected by salmonella. all three patients had advanced chronic liver disease, typically cirrhosis with portal hypertension. salmonella enteritidis grew in the ascite fluid culture of the three patients. there was no clinical or microbiological evidence of salmonella infection other than in the ascitic fluid. one patient died before antibiotic treatment was started, but the other two were treat ...19902266243
a tube latex test based on colour separation for the detection of igm antibodies to either one of two different microorganisms.a simple two stage assay was developed for the detection of igm antibodies to either one of two microorganisms chosen arbitrarily for this study. salmonella enteritidis and trichinella spiralis. in the first stage, magnetic polystyrene beads (dynabeads) coated with anti-mu (mouse) antibodies were incubated with the test material for 45 min to capture the igm antibodies. in the second stage, indicator latex particles were incubated with the dynabeads for 30 min and the results read following sett ...19902273269
fulminant soft tissue infection by salmonella enteritidis in sle. 19902273512
[abscess of the thyroid gland caused by salmonella enteritidis in immunosuppressive treatment of generalized myasthenia gravis with thymoma].we report the case of a 69-year old male caucasian patient who developed a lateral neck tumor while under immunosuppression with azathioprine. the tumor was diagnosed finally as an abscess caused by salmonella enteritidis after isolation of the agent from blood, tumor biopsy and feces. this extremely rare manifestation of an infection by salmonella enteritidis is considered as a complication of immunosuppressive therapy.19902274096
[significance of salmonella enteritidis in outbreaks of diseases transmitted by foods in argentina, 1986-1988].this paper reports on the outbreaks of food-borne-diseases due to salmonella enteritidis which occurred in argentina between 1986 and 1988. in 39 registered episodes 210 strains were isolated from human feces (28 outbreaks) and 59 from food (23 outbreaks). more than 2,500 people in different provinces were affected, the chief characteristics of the clinical picture being the gravity of the symptoms (high temperature, vomiting, diarrhea and severe dehydration). the main source of infection was re ...19902274662
[multiple infections in an apparently immunocompetent host]. 19902281541
isolation of salmonella enteritidis from internal organs of experimentally infected hens.tissues from experimentally infected hens were examined for the presence of salmonella enteritidis (se). se was recovered from internal organs of both orally inoculated hens and hens infected by horizontal contact transmission. se was isolated from 58% of the ceca, 51% of the livers, 47% of the spleens, 17% of the ovaries, and 17% of the oviducts of hens sampled during the first 5 weeks after exposure. se was recovered at a low frequency from all internal organs sampled for as long as 22 weeks a ...19902282024
ruptured mycotic aneurysm of the internal iliac artery and septic arthritis complicating salmonella infection. 19902282306
[epidemiology and clinical evaluation of salmonella enteritis].there was a local epidemic of salmonella enteritis in southern part of taiwan during the summer of 1989. from july through september 1989, a total 162 cases of enteritis were analysed in chang gung memorial hospital, kaohsiung. among them, 46 cases were proved to be salmonella enteritis by stool and/or blood culture. the identified flora group mainly group b (salmonella typhimurium, 87%), group c (salmonella choleraesuis, 6.5%) and group d (salmonella enteritidis, 6.5%). the drug resistance of s ...19902282566
prevalence of salmonella in chicken carcasses in portugal.during 1986-87 57% of 300 chicken carcasses yielded salmonellas where tested by a swabbing method. serotypes isolated were salmonella enteritidis (66%), salm. agona (12%), salm. newport (6%), salm. saintpaul (6%), salm. derby (4%), salm. typhimurium (3%), salm. bardo (1%), salm. ohio (1%) and untypable (2%). the results are compared with those of avian and human salmonellosis registered in portugal during the same period.19902292513
heat resistance in salmonella enteritidis phage type 4: the influence of storage temperatures before of cultures of salmonella enteritidis pt4 at either 4 degrees or 8 degrees c before heating significantly increased heat sensitivity. the differences between fresh and stored cultures, which became apparent after 4-7 h, were more pronounced with cultures stored at the lower temperature and in those heated at 60 degrees rather than 55 degrees c. incubation of the stored cultures in either egg or lemco broth for 30 min at 37 degrees c prior to heating enabled the organisms to recover heat ...19902292515
management of institutional outbreaks of salmonella gastroenteritis.the number of reports of outbreaks of salmonella gastroenteritis in hospitals has decreased since 1984 but the number of outbreaks in institutions such as old peoples' homes have increased during 1988. foods, particularly chickens, remain a source of salmonellae and particular attention has to be paid to training and practices in food preparation areas. staff who are convalescent are very unlikely to be sources of salmonella and do not need to be excluded unless they handle food that receives no ...19902292544
production of specific monoclonal antibodies to salmonella typhi flagellin and possible application to immunodiagnosis of typhoid fever.four murine monoclonal antibodies (mabs) to salmonella typhi flagellin were produced. these mabs did not react with eight other enterobacterial strains tested: salmonella enteritidis, salmonella typhimurium, salmonella paratyphi a, escherichia coli, shigella flexneri, shigella sonnei, yersinia enterocolitica, and campylobacter jejuni. all four mabs cross-reacted with salmonella muenchen flagellin indicating specificity for d antigenic flagellar epitope. one mab (c4) was selected to develop a dou ...19902295860
beneficial effect of a platelet-activating factor antagonist, web 2086, on endotoxin-induced lung injury.we tested the hypothesis that platelet-activating factor plays an important role in promoting endotoxin-induced lung injury by studying the effect of web 2086, a specific platelet-activating factor receptor antagonist, on lung vascular leak in endotoxin-treated rats. intraperitoneal injection of salmonella enteritidis endotoxin (2 mg/kg) increased the extravascular leakage of 125i-labeled albumin in perfused lungs at 30 min, 2 h, 6 h, and 48 h. treatment with web 2086 (10 mg/kg ip) either 20 min ...19902301603
[bacteremia caused by zoonotic salmonella types in greater copenhagen in 1984-1988].the five departments of clinical microbiology in greater copenhagen have together carried out a retrospective review of bacteraemia caused by the zoonotic salmonella serotypes in the period 1984-1988 in the municipalities of copenhagen and frederiksberg and in the county of copenhagen. a gradual increase in frequency was observed from 11 cases in 1984 to 58 cases in 1988. the serotype most commonly isolated was salmonella dublin followed by salmonella enteritidis and salmonella typhimurium. s. d ...19902309361
a comparative study of the heat resistance of salmonellas in homogenized whole egg, egg yolk or albumen.salmonella enteritidis pt4 was found to be more resistant to heat in egg than some other common egg-associated salmonellas. this organism was significantly more heat sensitive than s. senftenberg 775w, however, and should not survive in pasteurized liquid egg.19902323357
[reactive hemophagocytic syndrome: analysis of a series of 7 cases].we report a series of seven patients with reactive hemophagocytic syndrome, which was quite characteristic of its etiological spectrum. infections were the leading cause, among them a case associated with hiv and another one with salmonella enteritidis (a hitherto unreported association). the clinical findings consisted of fever, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, rash and pancytopenia. the diagnosis was carried out by bone marrow aspiration-biopsy except in two patients who were diagn ...19902325464
investigation of seemingly pathogen-negative diarrhoea in patients infected with hiv1.thirty three consecutive patients infected by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv1) with persistent diarrhoea which remained undiagnosed after microbiological examination of six stool samples and rectal histology were investigated for malabsorption. all had xylose and schilling tests, distal duodenal biopsy, comprehensive barium studies, microbiological examination of six further stool samples, and repeat rectal histology. a microbiological or histological diagnosis of infection was made in ...19902387512
plasmid profile analysis and restriction enzyme fingerprinting of salmonella do-group sweden salmonella dublin is the most common serotype within the do-group isolated from animals. in recent years also salmonella strains belonging to the do-group but lacking h-antigen have been isolated from cattle in different areas. it was not possible to further differentiate the latter strains by serological methods. however, all salmonella dublin strains and those strains lacking h-antigen carried a 50 mdal plasmid exhibiting the same ecori and hind iii restriction enzyme digestion patte ...19902397116
salmonella neck abscess.salmonella species represent uncommon causative agents in focal infections of the head and neck. the case of a 24-year-old diabetic man with a neck abscess caused by salmonella enteritidis is presented, and the relevant literature is reviewed. salmonella should be included in the differential diagnosis of head and neck abscesses.19902403810
administration of endotoxin, tumor necrosis factor, or interleukin 1 to rats activates skeletal muscle branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase.protein catabolic states (i.e., sepsis and trauma) are thought to be associated with accelerated oxidation of branched-chain amino acids (bcaa). branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase (bckad), the rate-limiting enzyme for bcaa oxidation by muscle, is regulated by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation. skeletal muscle bckad was only 2-4% active in control rats. intravenous injection of salmonella enteritidis endotoxin (0.25-10 mg/kg) did not change total bckad activity, but increased the percen ...19902404025
pleuropulmonary infections due to nontyphoid strains of salmonella.medical records of 11 patients with nontyphoid salmonella pleuropulmonary disease studied from 1960 to 1986 in a general hospital were reviewed. eight patients (73%) were 60 years old or older, and the median age was in the seventh decade. there was no seasonal variation in the prevalence. the infection was hospital acquired in 4 patients (36%). all patients had one or more (median, 1.5) major underlying diseases. seven of them had previous abnormalities of the lung or pleura. severe immunosuppr ...19902404482
incidence of salmonella enteritidis in spain. 19902405060
serological tests for salmonella enteritidis in chickens. 19902405574
salmonella enteritidis infection in pheasant chicks and poults. 19902405576
a unique plasmid profile characterizing salmonella enteritidis isolates from patients and employees in a hospital.plasmid profiling was used as an epidemiological tool during a period of frequent salmonella enteritidis infection in a hospital. s. enteritidis was isolated from 22 patients and employees. isolates from 18 persons harbored one 29 and one 36 megadalton (mda) plasmid. the 29 mda plasmid has not been previously described in this species and was not found in 54 control strains of s. enteritidis from other sources. the respective restriction endonuclease digest fragments of the 36 and the 29 mda pla ...19902405887
end-systolic elastance as an evaluation of myocardial function in shock.the response of the heart during sepsis has been studied in human and animal models with disparate results. because sepsis induces marked peripheral vascular changes, to accurately determine the cardiac response, one must use indices of cardiac performance that are independent of loading conditions and heart rate. the slope of the end-systolic pressure-diameter relationship (espdr) has been proposed to have these properties. pigs were equipped with transducers to measure left ventricular pressur ...19902406035
serological response of chickens to salmonella enteritidis infection.fifty-eight sera, from 29 chickens originating from two layer flocks known to be naturally infected with salmonella enteritidis phage type (pt) 4, were examined for antibodies to s. enteritidis. using the techniques of immunoblotting and elisa, antibodies to the lipopolysaccharide (lps) of s. enteritidis were detected in 43 of 58 sera. antibodies were of the igg class and bound to the s. enteritidis lps antigen o = 12. bacterial agglutination reactions using whole-cell preparations of s. enterit ...19902407544
isolation of an inhibitor of cell-free protein synthesis from salmonella enteritidis.sonic extracts of salmonella enteritidis, serotype enteritidis, contain a factor which inhibits eukaryotic cell-free protein synthesis tested on a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system and on a poly(u)-dependent system from artemia salina embryos. the factor is heat-labile, does not diffuse through dialysis bags and is precipitated by ammonium sulphate. a 78% recovery of the factor was obtained in the 60-80 per cent ammonium sulphate saturation range, with a 3.3-fold purification. the factor binds t ...19902407934
serological tests for salmonella enteritidis in chickens. 19902408224
experimental endotoxemia in the rat: efficacy of prostacyclin or the prostacyclin analog iloprost.the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of pgi2 and iloprost, a prostacyclin analog, on the sequelae of experimental endotoxic shock. endotoxemia was produced in rats by iv injection of 20 mg/kg salmonella enteritidis (lps). mean arterial blood pressure fell from 117 +/- 5 mmhg (n = 22) to 92 +/- 5 mmhg and 71 +/- 10 mmhg at 30 and 180 min post-lps, respectively. in lps vehicle-treated rats, blood glucose levels fell from 100 +/- 10 mg/dl to 36 +/- 8 mg/dl at 180 min. plasma glutama ...19852414027
enhancement of antigonadotropin response to the beta-subunit of ovine luteinizing hormone by carrier conjugation and combination with the beta-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin.previous studies have demonstrated the control of fertility in monkeys on immunization with the beta subunit of ovine luteinizing hormone (beta-olh) along with freund's complete adjuvant (cfa). an eventual birth control vaccine would demand immunization without cfa. beta-olh linked to tetanus toxoid (tt) adsorbed on alum-induced antibody response in bonnet monkeys with detoxified sodium phthalyl derivative of salmonella enteritidis lipopolysaccharide added only in the first injection. the antibo ...19862424791
improvement in organ blood flow by inhibition of thromboxane synthetase during experimental endotoxic shock in the rat.endotoxic shock is associated with increased metabolism of arachidonic acid to thromboxane (tx) and prostaglandins. this investigation examined the effects of two structurally dissimilar inhibitors of (tx) synthetase on salmonella enteritidis endotoxin (lps) (15 mg/kg)-induced alterations in cardiac output and organ blood flow in long-evans rats. an imidazole derivative, 7(1-imidazolyl) heptanoic acid (7-iha), and sodium -(e)-3-[4-(3-pyridyl-methyl)phenyl]-2-methacrylate (oky-1581) were injected ...19862425166
[effect of the cultivation temperature on the production of biomass and lipopolysaccharide as well as the chemical composition and antigenicity of the lipopolysaccharide of s-forms and r-mutants of the genus salmonella].the effect of different temperatures (30 to 43 degrees c) on salmonella s forms and r mutants in fermentor mass cultures was studied. it was found that for the velocity of substrate utilization, for maximum lps biosynthesis as well as for maximum biosynthesis of bacterial cell-mass the respective optimum temperature was different. in the case of s-form strains and of one sr mutant a cultivation temperature of 34 degrees c proved optimum for maximum yield of lps. at this temperature the yield of ...19862426871
regulation of cell-mediated immunity in mice immunised with salmonella enteritidis.the effects of diverse factors, such as route of immunisation, composition of immunogen and administration of interferon inducer, on the expression of cell-mediated immune responses against salmonella enteritidis were investigated in balb/c and swiss white mice. immunisation with live cells of s. enteritidis by the intraperitoneal route (ip) generated both delayed type hypersensitivity (dth) and protective cell-mediated immunity (cmi). however, the two responses showed diametrically opposite tim ...19872438409
thermal stimulation of the hypothalamus does not evoke the acute-phase reaction.interleukin-1 (il1) injected into the preoptic-anterior hypothalamus (poah) induces, besides fever, the hepatic synthesis of acute-phase glycoproteins. since the febrigenic action of il1 may involve thermosensitive neurons in the poah, this study examined whether such neurons also might mediate the acute-phase response (apr). the poah of six adult nzw rabbits was cooled (tpo = 34.4 +/- 0.4 degrees c [mean +/- sd]) or heated (40.6 +/- 0.2 degrees c) continuously for 2.5 hr (so as to mimic the mea ...19872443224
immunoblot analysis of salmonella typhi lipopolysaccharide (lps) using typhoid sera.lipopolysaccharide (lps) of salmonella typhi has been analyzed by immunoblotting with pooled sera from typhoid patients. pooled typhoid sera have recognized all the antigenic determinants of s. typhi lps, giving a strong reaction with the repeating units on the o-side chains as well as with the core region. cross-reacting antigens have been observed with the lps of s. typhimurium and s. enteritidis, while no heterologous reactions were seen with the lps of e. coli strains.19872444235
monoclonal antibodies delineate multiple epitopes on the o antigens of salmonella typhi lipopolysaccharide.fifteen monoclonal antibodies (mabs) directed against salmonella typhi were produced and characterized. the specificities of the antibodies were determined by their binding patterns in an enzyme immunoassay, with a panel of lipopolysaccharides isolated from different bacteria. seven mabs reacted with s. typhi, salmonella enteritidis, and salmonella dublin (all belonging to serogroup d). one mab also reacted with salmonella paratyphi a and s. paratyphi b. five mabs reacted with s. typhi, s. enter ...19882466868
bactericidal activity of human sera with a physiologic or genetic defect of the complement system.the serum of patient suffering genetically conditioned c2 defect showed a weak bactericidal activity against pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. out of 23 tested strains one was susceptible comparing with 16 ones sensitive to normal human serum. the normal cord serum exerted a bactericidal effect on 8 strains. all sera were found to be active against salmonella strains tested.19882470241
route-related variation in the immunogenicity of killed salmonella enteritidis vaccine: role of antigen presenting order to assess the role of the route of immunization on the immunogenicity of killed salmonella vaccine, mice were immunized with killed s. enteritidis by intraperitoneal (i.p.) and intradermal (i.d.) routes. whereas the former was non-immunogenic, the i.d. immunization generated an excellent delayed-type hypersensitivity response; further, i.p. immunization could even suppress the subsequent i.d. immunization. since the peritoneal macrophages (mo) are known to be particularly low in ia or m ...19892475750
effect of detoxification processes on the interferon-inducing activity of bacterial endotoxins.the interferon (ifn)-inducing activity of detoxified lipopolysaccharide (lps) was tested in rabbits treated with lps preparation derived from escherichia coli, salmonella typhi, salmonella enteritidis and shigella dysenteriae serovar 1. of the detoxification procedures used, alkaline hydrolysis, hydroxylaminolysis, formalization, treatment with sodium deoxycholate and the radiodetoxification (fast or slow) methods had no appreciable effects on the ifn-inducing potential of lps. in contrast, acet ...19892484274
[mycotic aneurysm caused by salmonella enteritidis]. 19892490437
[post-traumatic hepatic abscess caused by salmonella in an asymptomatic carrier]. 19892490438
[persistent infections: bacterial meningitis]. 19892490609
[bacteremia associated with mycotic aneurysm of the transversal aortic arch and myocarditis caused by salmonella enteritidis].a 60-year-old male with diabetes mellitus had salmonella enteritidis bacteremia associated with mycotic aneurysm of the transverse aortic arc and myocarditis. antibiotic therapy with ampicillin and chloramphenicol was ineffective despite the fact that the microorganism was sensitive in vitro to those antimicrobials, and the patient had a progressive clinical deterioration which culminated in death.19892490676
[meningitis caused by salmonella in an 84-year-old woman]. 19892490711
[empyema caused by salmonella non-typhi]. 19892490712
[pancreatic abscess caused by salmonella non typhi]. 19892490864
[ciprofloxacin: a solution for recurrent bacteremia caused by salmonella non typhi in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome?]. 19892490867
salmonellosis and eggs. 19892493917
fatal septic thrombophlebitis due to salmonella enteritidis.the case is reported of a patient with gastric adenocarcinoma with metastases who developed a septic focus in a saphenous vein. salmonella enteritidis was cultured from blood, sputum and stool specimens, and from a thrombus removed from a varicosity of the saphenous vein. extraintestinal infections caused by non-typhoid salmonella usually afflict debilitated and immunocompromised patients. metastatic septic foci may appear anywhere in the organism, including the vascular system, but involvement ...19892495956
endotoxin-induced lung injury in rats: role of eicosanoids.we studied lung vascular injury and quantitated lung eicosanoids in rats after intraperitoneal injection of salmonella enteritidis endotoxin. within 40 min after endotoxin injection (20 mg/kg), lung tissue thromboxane b2 doubled, although 6-ketoprostaglandin f1 alpha (6-keto-pgf1 alpha) increased by 8- to 10-fold. lung 5-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid and leukotriene c4 were variably increased by endotoxin. the levels of all eicosanoids returned to base line 6 h after endotoxin challenge. lung vas ...19892501283
[the most frequent infectious causes of abortion in sheep in north bavaria with special reference to chlamydia and salmonella infections].between 1980 and 1987 1153 ovine fetuses and placentas were examined after abortion. in 68.5% of the cases a cause of abortion could be diagnosed as follows: 43.5% chlamydia psittaci var. ovis, 10.7% salmonella abortus ovis, 3.7% coxiella burnetii, 3.3% listeria monocytogenes and 0.4% campylobacter fetus intestinalis. hemolyzing escherichia coli and streptococci, yersinia pseudotuberculosis, salmonella typhimurium, salmonella enteritidis, corynebacterium pyogenes and other facultative pathogens ...19892503908
case-control study of infections with salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 in determine the source of indigenous sporadic infection with salmonella enteritidis phage type 4.19892508916
influence of ddt and pcbs in rabbits and goats as related to nucleic acid, protein and lipid metabolism.rabbits were administered ddt (10 mgq/kg) and rabbits and goats were administered pure pcb compounds or pcb mixtures (25 mg/kg for rabbits and 5, 10 or 20 mg/kg for goats). all rabbits were also injected with ovalbumin and goats with salmonella enteritidis-o antigen. animals were sacrificed on day 21 when maximum antibody titer was obtained. rabbits treated with 20 mg/kg ddt showed significantly reduced weight gain, feed consumption, weights of lung, liver and spleen, antiovalbumin synthesis in ...19892509680
eyelid abscess in an egg nog drinker. 19892514913
survival and growth of food poisoning bacteria following inoculation into cottage cheese varieties.following inoculation into cottage cheese varieties with and without sorbic acid, obtained directly from the manufacturer, strains of enteropathogenic escherichia coli and other e. coli survived but failed to multiply during storage at 7, 10 or 25 degrees c. in the absence of sorbic acid spoilage due to pseudomonas fluorescens occurred after storage for 5-13 days at 7 or 10 degrees c and 1-2 days at 25 degrees c. salmonella enteritidis, s. hadar, s. saint-paul, s. typhimurium and s. virchow surv ...19892518228
glomerular filtration barrier in experimental endotoxin shock: a histopathological and physiopathological the present work a morphopathological study is carried out of the glomerular filtration barrier in 20 large-white pigs weighing 20 kg, subjected to experimental intravenous inoculations of endotoxin from salmonella enteritidis. the study is completed with the determination of protein plasmatic levels, through urine test with the determination of ph, density, proteins, glucose, ketone body levels and urinary sediment. the histopathological and physiopathological results reveal alterations at t ...19892520480
detection of salmonella infection by elisa. 19892532433
Displaying items 601 - 700 of 6195