
PMID(sorted ascending)
[e-antibodies in the sera of animals inoculated against plague and pseudotuberculosis]. 1978371269
caprine mastitis associated with yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 1978372164
[atypical and inapparent forms of human pseudotuberculosis infection]. 1979373330
protein and ribonucleic acid syntheses in heat-damaged and heat-killed escherichia coli.protein and ribonucleic acid (rna) syntheses were measured in both lethally injured and thermally damaged viable cells after heating at lethal temperatures. immediately after heating, cells were incubated in growth media containing either [14c]leucine or [3h]uracil. the labeled cells were subsequently treated with penicillin. viable cells were shown to lyse, and the intact nonviable cells were collected by centrifugation. the results showed that after heating, protein and rna synthesis were rein ...1979374390
juvenile chronic granulocytic leukemia and the rationale and indications for bone marrow transplantation in leukemia. 2004375169
[basic results of a survey of natural foci of human diseases in the amur-bureya portion of the baikal-amur mainline]. 1979377865
the histopathology of enteric infection with yersinia pseudotuberculosis.the gross and microscopic pathologic changes in 70 cases of serologically proven enteric infections with yersinia pseudotuberculosis are presented. the highest incidence was in young males, and the commonest infecting organism belonged to serologic o-group i. clinically, the illness resembled acute appendicitis, but the most consistent finding at laparotomy was mesentric lymphadenitis. surgical specimens examined included 69 mesenteric lymph nodes, 18 appendices, five terminal ileums, and two as ...1979377942
yersinia pseudotuberculosis in a cat. 1979378919
[sensitivity to antibacterial preparations of the pseudotuberculosis bacteria isolated on the territory of the ukraine].sensitivity of 92 strains of the causative agent of pseudotuberculosis isolated in the ukraine was studied with respect to 26 antibacterial drugs. it was found that the strains of the pseudotuberculous bacteria were sensitive to 17 drugs, i.e. benzylpenicillin, ampicillin, carbenicillin, cephaloridin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, streptomycin, neomycin, monomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin, polymyxin, colistin, furadontin, nalidixic acid, sulfisoxazol and septrin. no differences in the sensitivity ...1979380451
platelet aggregation: methodology and physiopathology.the physiopathological role of platelet aggregation in some thromboembolic and atherosclerotic complications is strongly suggested on the basis of many indirect findings. the qualitative methodological approach to this problem generally used until recently is rapidly giving way to a quantitative, biochemical approach. platelet aggregation, however, even if expressed in terms of nanomoles of a product obtained in a sophisticated reaction system, will continue to deceive investigators and clinicia ...2004381008
[final remark on enteric yersinia infection]. 1979381879
[yersinia pseudotuberculosis septicemia in adults (author's transl)].the authors discuss the clinical and bacterial characteristics and progressive changes occurring in yersinia pseudotuberculosis septicemia, basing their observations on one personal case and 30 adult cases reported in the published literature. the roles played by a generally poor condition of the patient and martial overloading are emphasized, and the changes brought about by the introduction of antibiotic therapy evaluated.1979386869
mercury in the ottawa river. ottawa river project group. 2004387406
moorcroft: the first modern eye-surgeon in punjab. 2004387585
[pseudotuberculosis and yersiniosis in man]. 1979388709
[case of yersinia pseudotuberculosis with septic course (yersinia pseudotuberculosis type i and iib)]. 1979388876
yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in a lion. 1979391208
[experience in treating far eastern scarlitiniform fever (pseudotuberculosis) with streptomycin]. 1979392186
[cases of pseudotuberculosis in chelyabinsk province]. 1979392187
[female hormonal disorders. diagnostic possibilities]. 1995394501
yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in a cat.a diagnosis of yersinia pseudotuberculosis in a cat was established by microbiological and histological means. clinical signs were general malaise, anorexia and vomition. significant laboratory findings included a serum glutamicpyruvic transaminase elevation and the presence of urine bilirubin and urobilinogen. histological examination of liver biopsies revealed numerous varying-sized foci of caseation necrosis containing large numbers of gram-negative coccobacilli. bacteriological techniques, t ...1979394832
biochemical, pathogenicity and toxicity studies of type iii strains of yersinia pseudotuberculosis isolated from the cecal contents of pigs.recent investigations have shown that the pig is a symptomless intestinal carrier of y. pseudotuberculosis, the great majority of the strains isolated belonging to type iii. although these type iii strains have a world-wide distribution there is little evidence to suggest that they are transferred readily to other animals and man. for that reason we examined the biochemical, pathogenic, immunogenic and exotoxin-producing properties of 24 type iii strains isolated from the cecal contents of appar ...1979394922
the new editor-in-chief of artery, henry f. hoff, ph.d. 2004395931
a finding of yersinia pseudotuberculosis in well water.from a sample of non-treated, non chlorinated well water a yersinia pseudotuberculosis ii strain was isolated. the water had been apparently massively contaminated because the strain was isolated from 1 ml of the sample. the serotype ii of y. pseudotuberculosis occurs very rarely as aetiological agent of human and animal infections.1979396742
[the behavior of serum ammonia and urea under conditions of experimental liver transplantation in swine].the investigation of the ammonia and urea metabolism beside a many of other parameters is used to demonstrate the biochemical relations under conditions of experimental liver transplantation and also during the postoperative course.1979398100
[skin tests with yersinia pseudotuberculosis antigen in turkey (author's transl)].intradermal reactions to yersinia pseudotuberculosis antigen are investigated on 2759 persons in different regions of turkey (samsun, antalya, urfa, diyarbakir, hakkâri, ağri, denizli and ankara provinces). this test was found positive in 56 persons. the highest percentage of positive reactions was observed on the people from samsun, diyarbakir and urfa. no positive tests were observed on the people from hakkâri. the skin test results were also investigated and observed considering the time of t ...1979399991
[morphofunctional requirements of upper and lower denture base in complete dentures. impression technic]. 2004400636
pseudotuberculosis in man: possible epidemiological role of the cats.human infection by malassez and vignal's bacillus (yersinia pseudotuberculosis) can take many clinical aspects, the most frequent of which is mesenteric adenitis with pseudoappendicular syndrome, but occasionally also appearing as a tumor of the right lower abdominal quadrant. in a subsequent stage this mesenteric adenitis is often accompanied by erythema nodosum. there also exist some septicemia-like forms, which have become more and more frequent of late, always appearing on a particular terra ...1979400944
the role of cellular locomotion in leukemic infiltration. an organ culture study on penetration of l 5222 rat leukemia cells into the chick embryo mesonephros.the significance of cellular locomotion for leukemic infiltration was investigated using l 5222 rat leukemia cells. previous cinemicrographic studies have shown that these cells are able to locomote only after formation of a uropod-like posterior extension. this characteristic locomotive configuration of l 5222 cells is easily recognizable in scanning electron micrographs and appropriate sections. leukemia cells were inoculated on slices of chick embryo mesonephros incubated for 24h; at this tim ...1977403674
crystalloids of prostatic carcinoma: relationship to bence-jones crystals.previously undemonstrated protein crystalloid structures were found to occur in the malignant acini of prostatic carcinomas in 23% of cases systematically reviewed. histochemically and immunohistochemically, they appear closely related, if not identical, to bence-jones crystals. thus, the prostatic carcinoma cell is the first neoplastic cell besides those of the lymphocytic-plasmacytic series shown to produce such crystalline structures. like the proteolytic splitting of amyloid from bence-jones ...2004404025
[isolation of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and edwardsiella tarda from a dead monitor lizard (varanus niloticus)]. 1977406717
[demonstration of yersinia pseudotuberculosis in in cultivated soils].the bacteriological analysis of 37 pools of cultivated soils collected in a limited area in the parisian district permits the isolation of 14 strains of y. pseudotuberculosis: 9 strains are of serotype ii, 3 of serotype i, 1 of serotype iii, and of serotype iv. this diversity contrasts with the prevalence of serotype i in infections of man and animals and the scarcity of type iii and iv in these species. the abundance of our isolates is in favour of a large distribution of the germ in this subst ...1977408041
significance of animal play. 2004412172
[electrocardiagraphic changes of prinzmetal's angina type in the acute phase of myocardial infarct].the authors have studied the frequency and severity of anginal attacks of the prinzmetal type coming on during the acute phase of a myocardial infarction in 13 patients. they have occurred in 5.50% of cases (anginal attacks of all types occurring in 18.34% of cases). the severity of these attacks is shown by their clinical features: the multiplicity of the attacks, the high incidence of arrhythmias, the difficulties encountered with medical treatment. this also confirmed by the enzyme studies: w ...2004415685
identifying electrical hazards and implementing safety measures--the theatre nurse's role. 2004415720
allergic reactions to benzalkonium chloride. 1977421467
congenital pulmonary artery branch stenosis: association with renal artery stenosis.a patient had multiple bilateral stenoses of the pulmonary artery and its branches with systemic hypertension associated with mild stenoses of the renal arteries. cardiac catheterization and angiocardiography are important in the evaluation of the degree of stenoses and pulmonary hypertension. this case suggests that in a child or young person with hypertension and a loud precordial murmur, lesions other than coarctation of the aorta may be present. unexplained systemic hypertension requires fur ...2004421591
the relationship between stem cell seeding efficiency and position in cell cycle.the seeding efficiency of colony-forming cells from normal, regenerating and velocity-sedimented cycling and non-cycling narrow preparations was compared. colony-forming cells in cycle were found to exhibit a 50% reduction in splenic seeding when compared to normal marrow or sedimented non-cycling cells. the results of this study indicate that the spleen colony assay underestimates the total number of colony-forming cells by a fraction which is directly related to the number of cells in cycle.2004427876
[should the mentally handicapped be sterilized?]. 2004436057
not your ordinary fair. 2004438562
contribution of adrenal medulla, spleen and lymph, to the plasma levels of dopamine beta-hydroxylase and catecholamines induced by hemorrhagic hypotension in dogs. 1979438992
the reconstruction of schizophrenic speech.a suggestion that schizophrenic speech may be harder to understand than normal speech was tested by a technique of reconstruction. ten schizophrenic and ten normal passages were typed onto cards, one sentence per card. each passage was then presented with the sentences in random order, and students were asked to reconstruct what they believed was the original order. fewer correct strings of three or more sentences were achieved for the schizophrenic material than the normal material. it is concl ...2004444785
riposte! health professions in sports medicine. 2004444815
dissociations between the effects of lsd on behavior and raphe unit activity in freely moving cats.the hypothesis that the action of hallucinogenic drugs is mediated by a depression of the activity of brain serotonergic (raphe) neurons was tested by examining the behavioral effects of d-lysergic acid diethylamide (lsd) while studying the activity of raphe neurons in freely moving cats. although the results provide general support for the hypothesis, there were several important dissociations. (i) low doses of lsd produced only small decreases in raphe unit activity but significant behavoiral ...1979451617
thyroid hormone influence on the susceptibility of mice to audiogenic seizures.serum thyroxine levels peak earlier and are significantly higher in audiogenic seizure-susceptible dba/2j mice than in seizure-resistant c57bl/6j mice during early postnatal life. the seizure susceptibility of dba/2j mice is suppressed by administration of an antithyroid drug or by radiothyroidectomy, while the seizure susceptibility of c57bl/6j mice is enhanced by treatment with excess thyroxine.2004451624
inadvertant inclusion of antibiotics in cattle cake. 1979452329
the efficacy of a potassium-rich diet compared to diuretic treatment on the renal elimination of thallium in the rat. 1979454183
[isolated thrombosis of the deep femoral vein]. 2004470589
studies on conformational changes in f-actin of glycerinated muscle fibers during relaxation by means of polarized ultraviolet fluorescence means of polarized ultraviolet fluorescence microscopy the conformational changes of f-actin occuring in glycerinated muscle fibers of rabbit and barnacle (balanus rostratus hock.) under the influence of adenosine triphosphate in the presence of ethylene glycol bis(beta-amino-ethyl ether)-n,n'-tetraacetic acid were discovered. these changes seem to be located near the surface of the globules thus hampering the penetration of univalent iones and neutral molecules into the f-actin macromolecule ...1979470613
newborn bleeding disorders: a practical approach. 2004471551
'conjunctival icterus,' not 'scleral icterus'. 2004490877
five-year findings of the hypertension detection and follow-up program. ii. mortality by race-sex and age. hypertension detection and follow-up program cooperative are reported for four race-sex and three age subgroups of the hypertension detection and follow-up program (hdfp). throughout the hdfp trial, for black men, black women, white men, and white women and for persons aged 30 to 49, 50 to 59, and 60 to 69 years at entry, control of blood pressure was consistently better for stepped care (sc) than referred care (rc) participants. this difference in degree of control was least for white women; it was less for whites than for blacks of the same sex ...2004490883
[choroid plexus carcinoma with metastasis to bone (author's transl)].a very rare case of the choroid plexus carcinoma of the left lateral ventricle with metastasis to bone was reported. a two-month-old baby was suffering from irritability and vomiting. her vital signs became progressively worse. on admission she showed an increased head circumference and meningeal irritation signs. an emergency tapping of the right lateral ventricle at the anterior fontanel revealed the bloody csf and an opening pressure of over 700 mm of water. all laboratory findings were negat ...2004492463
sustained hypotension after chronic chlorpromazine treatment in normotensive dogs. 1979508006
response from menhaden fish meal in diets of young turkeys.diets involving three or five fish meal treatments and two zinc bacitracin treatments were fed to 5410 poults. the poults were divided into 552 pens and raised to two, three or four weeks of age in five series of 3 x 2 or 5 x 2 factorial experiments. body weights increased 9.0 to 31.3% from the addition of 5% menhaden fish meal and 5.4 to 11.9% from the addition of 44 ppm bacitracin. no interaction existed between fish meal and bacitracin. residues derived from either water or petroleum ether ex ...2004514950
[microbiological preparation and determination of the effect of turimycin (proceedings)]. 2004515147
a study of low-frequency vibrations of human arteries. 1979515171
inhomogeneous distribution of filipin-sterol complexes in the ciliary membrane of rat tracheal epithelium.pieces of rat trachea fixed in a glutaraldehyde solution containing 300 mum filipin, a sterol-specific polyene antibiotic (elias et al., '78), were freeze-fractured in order to study the distribution of cholesterol within the ciliary membrane. filipin-sterol complexes, recognizable as 25-30-nm protrusions on fracture faces, appeared densely and uniformly distributed over most of the ciliary membrane, but were absent from the region of the ciliary necklace. it is possible, therefore, that the cil ...1979517447
mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome. a cross-sectional echocardiographic diagnosis of coronary aneurysms.the cross-sectional echocardiographic technique for detecting coronary artery aneurysms of mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (mlns) was examined. when cutting the aortic root in round slices by the echocardiographic scanner, each of the right and left coronary arteries was imaged as a linear echo-free structure arising from the aortic root. of 22 normal subjects, the left main coronary artery was imaged in all, the anterior descending branch in 18, the circumflex branch in six, and the right cor ...2004517473
effect of hemodialysis on plasma naproxen concentration.a case describing the effect of hemodialysis on naproxen plasma levels in a 48-year-old anuric man with chronic glomerulonephritis is reported. the patient received 500 mg of naproxen daily for rheumatoid arthritis while undergoing hemodialysis thrice weekly. the patient's mean pre-dialysis plasma concentrations were similar to those seen in normal volunteers, suggesting no accumulation of the drug. plasma concentrations were higher after dialysis, probably because of fluid loss during dialysis. ...1979517549
genetics of acheiropodia ("the handless and footless families of brazil"): xi. pathologic aspects.we report another case of acheiropodia, a rare autosomal recessive trait of distal limb deficiency, to date seen only in brazil in persons of portuguese ancestry. the patient's parent were first cousins; she had two younger affected sisters. she presented with signs of vascular insufficiency of the lower stumps, which after amputation were found to lack large vessels below the knee.2004517582
[effects of ionizing radiations on the ultrastructure of bursa of fabricius].the alterations induced in the lymphoid and epitelial cells of the bursa of fabricius in chicks exposed at different doses of gamma rays mainly occur during the interfase. the extent of these alterations appears reduced in comparison with that observed in the chick thymus treated in the same way.1979518763
[on the stiffness of human tibialis anterior muscle during voluntary contraction (author's transl)]. 1979522295
the correlation of colposcopy and densitometry in the management of the abnormal smear. 2004523050
pulmonary lymphomatoid granulomatosis with immunodeficiency terminating as malignant lymphoma.lymphomatoid granulomatosis was diagnosed in a 60-yr-old woman 2 yr after presentation with a multi-system disorder resembling sarcoidosis. five months later autopsy revealed malignant lymphoma. large aggregates of intracytoplasmic tubular structures resembling nucleocapsid material of the paramyxovirus group were found within cells of lymphoma deposits in the liver. sequential immunological studies over more than 2 years demonstrated a relatively stable t-cell deficiency associated with variabl ...2004523188
preoperative condition of neonates who have ultimately a retrospective study the case sheets of 42 neonates are examined. they were infants with oesophageal atresias, small and large intestinal atresias, exomphalos and gastroschisis, diaphragmatic hernia, intestinal obstruction as well as two children with a ruptured spleen secondary to birth trauma. various laboratory investigations such as the ph, pco2, standard bicarbonate and serum electrolytes as well as the child's weight on admission and, if possible, the birth weight were evaluated. there ...1994523638
metabolic studies of ornidazole in the rat, in the dog and in man.1. ornidazole, labelled with 14c in the imidazole ring, administered orally to rats, dogs and men was largely excreted in the urine, predominantly as metabolites, with less than 4% of the drug being excreted unchanged. free and conjugated metabolites were found in the ratio of approx. 1 : 2. 2. the pattern of free ornidazole and metabolites was different in the three species: while ornidazole predominated in man, ornidazole and metabolite m1 in the dog, the most extensive metabolic pattern was f ...1979524917
[about 35 cases of perforated colon diverticulitis (author's transl)].thirty-five cases of perforated colon diverticulitis were treated by us between 1960 and 1977. an overall mortality of 34% reveals the seriousness of this disease. perforation in open peritoneum doubles the mortality and morbidity rate of covered perforations and of secondary fistulisation. the surgical operations used--immediate resection or colostomy and a drainage--were imposed by the status of the patient and the local state of the lesion. the resection of the pathological colon segment, whe ...2004525174
semantic context and word frequency effects in visual word recognition.semantic context and word frequency factors exert a strong influence on the time that it takes subjects to recognize words. some of the explanations that have been offered for the effects of the two factors suggest that context and frequency should interact, and other explanations imply additivity. in a recent study, schuberth and eimas reported that context and frequency effects added to determine their subjects' reaction times in a lexical decision (word vs. nonword) task. the present experime ...2004528937
disaccharide competition with hexose transport in the rat perfused liver [proceedings]. 1979529099
reflex action of amplitude-modulated vibration in man [proceedings]. 1979529124
preferences for horizontal or vertical orientation in cat visual cortical neurones [proceedings]. 1979529134
interhemispheric connections between primary visual areas in adult sheep and new-born lambs [proceedings]. 1979529138
legislating for experimental animals. 2004532043
yersiniosis in a free-living fallow deer.a case of yersiniosis in a free-living fallow deer is described. pathological examination revealed an emaciated carcase with numerous abscesses of various sizes throughout the abdominal and thoracic cavities. staining of material from the abscesses showed a small gram-negative coccobacillus which was identified as yersinia pseudotuberculosis type 1a.1979532074
[clinical problems in the ambulatory care of injured patients under the effect of alcohol].during a 10 months period in 1978 we observed 609 emergency patients suffering from alcoholic intoxication in combination with traumatic lesions of the skull. 10% of these patients had to be sent to the surgical department after 7 hours of observation at the ambulance-station. the mortality rate of these patients came up to 13%.2004532409
causal analysis of family resemblance. 2004534543
active chronic hepatitis and pyoderma gangrenosum: report of a case. 2004535175
intercarpal fusion for treatment of carpal instability: a preliminary instability was once considered to be a rare but important injury recognized among the various carpal trauma. however, recent literature suggests that reports on this entity are increasing in number. methods of treatment for this injury were few in the past and were not well established. following the lesson of 2 cases of failure with open reduction and ligamentous reconstruction, 4 such cases were treated by intercarpal fusion; 3 had no pain or tenderness at a follow-up period of ...2004535218
proximal "tube" realignment of the patella for chondromalacia young people complaining of patellar pain there is often an anatomic basis (an increased quadriceps angle or a high-riding patella). forty-eight knees with one or other of these abnormalities underwent proximal quadriceps realignment. the results were excellent or good in 94%. shaving of chondromalacic cartilage was also done in 11 knees but did not seem to improve the results, and is not now recommended except for "blister" lesions. extensor mechanism dysplasia is an etiologically correct na ...2004535252
sacral agenesis with associated anomalies (caudal regression syndrome): autopsy case report.autopsy findings of an infant with sacral agenesis and multiple anomalies of the lower half of the body which fit the description of the caudal regression syndrome are reported. the lumbosacral plexus of nerves was more abundant on one side despite symmetrical lumbar vertebral dysgenesis with agenesis below s1. the presence of intrathecal kidney tissue has not been previously reported in this syndrome. diethylopropion hydrochloride, an appetite supressant, which was ingested by the patient's mot ...2004535268
isolation of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis from human specimens and their drug-resistance in the niigata district of japan.a total number of 60 yersina strains (yersinia enterocolitica 58; yersinia pseudotuberculosis 2) were isolated from 58 patients who were more or less doubtful to yersinia infection in the niigata district. an etiologic significance with respect to serogroup and biovar was investigated from the following viewpoints, (1) serum agglutinin titer; (2) positive recovery in the follow-up; (3) relation of positive specimen to the inflammatory lesion, (4) comparison with the isolates from a healthy group ...1979535368
cultural characteristics of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis on differential media.a study was made of the cultural characteristics of 43 strains of yersinia enterocolitica and 49 strains of yersinia pseudotuberculosis on media commonly used for the isolation and differentiation of enteric bacteria. best growth of the yersinia occurred on macconkey agar, followed by growth on ss agar; none of the strains of either species developed colonies on brilliant green agar. the y. pseudotuberculosis strains developed only one type of colony on macconkey, ss, emb, hektoen, and xld media ...1979535395
[medical treatment of terminal intestine constipation in the adult (proceedings)]. 2004535704
[biliary hamartomas (apropos of a case)]. 2005538831
[problems of photographic documentation of color patterns in connection with the use of thermography with liquid crystals (author's transl)].cholesteric liquid crystals show different colors dependent on their temperature. the "thermography with liquid crystals" makes use of this property for the determination of temperature distributions of human skin. the correct photographic documentation of the color patterns is difficult, because the colors depend on the angle of incidence of light and the direction of observation. further, the quality of the photos is reduced by the direct reflection of light at the surface. possible geometrica ...1979538969
palpatory estimation of liver size. within- and between-observer variation.a study based upon 23 patients revealed substantial within- and between-observer variation, when 14 senior and junior surgeons under blindfold conditions were requested to measure the distance from the thoracic cage to the lower border of the liver in the midclavicular and midsternal lines. clinical decisions should accordingly not rely heavily upon a palpatory estimate of liver size.2005539331
fibrous papule of the face. a study of five cases by electron microscopy.the stellate-shaped and multinucleated cells in fibrous papule of the face from five patients were studied by electron microscopy and found to be fibrohistiocytic cells.2005543528
esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula. 2005544256
studies on a lipopolysaccharide-protein complex from yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 1 isolation and characterization.a comparative study of various procedures of a lipopolysaccharide-protein complex (lppc) from yersinia pseudotuberculosis was carried out. the materials obtained were fractionated by molecular-sieve chromatography on sepharose 2b resulting in highly aggregated complexes with antigen activity. lppc aggregates dissociated in the presence of sodium dodecylsulphate (sds) and urea. the chemical composition and serologic properties of fractions obtained are under consideration. the protein component o ...1979545100
[the excretory apparatus and diabetes]. 2005545627
liver involvement in essential mixed cryoglobulinemia.twenty-one of 30 patients with essential mixed cryoglobulinemia (emc) had evidence of liver involvement. the liver disease was characterized by the absence of clinical symptoms, hepatosplenomegaly, mild elevation of enzymes, abnormal bsp retention and low albumin levels. histology, available in 12 patients, showed either chronic persistent or chronic active hepatitis or liver cirrhosis; 44% of the patients had hbsag or hbsab in sera and/or cryoglobulins, confirming the high frequency of exposure ...1979545644
inflammatory response linked to oxazolone-indued cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity: effect of different immunomodulator and anti-inflammatory drugs.the potency of cytostatic and anti-inflammatory drugs was tested on the oxazolone-induced cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity (cbh) in mice. the challenge reaction was performed early after sensitization in order to minimize b-cell expression; exudative and cellular infiltration was estimated 6 h, 24 h and 48 h after challenge. the potency of drugs was tested at three different periods of immunization: 2 days before or after sensitization or before challenge. cytostatics act mainly when cells ar ...2005546176
oil spill studies: strategies and techniques. 2005547011
[a pacemaker for experimental use (author's transl)]. 1980550983
[chest infection caused by a subphrenic focus: analysis of 22 misdiagnosed cases (author's transl)]. 1990551907
[reduction of orthophosphates in the secondary effluent from an activated sludge treatment plant by combined chemical and bacteriological actions]. 2005554124
yersinia pseudotuberculosis septicemia.yersinia pseudotuberculosis septicemia and postdiarrheal hemolytic-uremia syndrome (hus) developed in a 15-month-old boy after he ingested unpasteurized goat's milk. the epidemiology of this organism and the disease states caused by it are discussed with the suggestion that an association between it and some cases of the hus might be found if sought.1979571675
studies on the pathogenicity of yersinia enterocolitica. iii. comparative studies between y. enterocolitica and y. pseudotuberculosis.comparative studies on pathogenicity between yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis were performed using experimental infection systems in vivo and in vitro. all of thestra ins of both species successfully produced experimental enterocolitis in rabbits although the severity varied with the strains challenged. the changes were characterized by granulomatous lesions with necrobiotic centers in reticuloendothelial tissues of the intestine, mesenteric lymph nodes, liver and spleen. ...1977593171
[yersiniosis].a survey was undertaken about bacteriologic, epidemiologic and clinical features of infections caused by yersinia. yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis are gram negative rods of the enterobacteriaceae family. the number of cases of these infections has increased considerably in the past few years. erythema nodosum often occurs after an enteritic infection by yersinia. other skin manifestations are erythema exsudativum multiforme, erythema figuratum and "drug-eruption-like exan ...1978640832
Displaying items 601 - 700 of 5215