Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted ascending) Filter |
[calcium transport and atpase activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum in normal and denervated rabbit muscles]. | the properties of sarcomplasmic reticulum ca-pump from normal and denervated rabbit muscles were investigated. ca+2 ion transport in denervated muscle reticulum was subject to michaelis-menten kinetics. the rate of fast ca2+ outflux from the vesicles was enhanced after denervation; this caused a decrease in the transport efficiency and an increase of the "basic" atp-ase. at the same time the rate of ca2+ accumulation and the ca-atp-ase transport activity were enhances by a factor of 1.5. kinetic ... | 1976 | 132975 |
letter: offspring of females with trisomy 21. | 1976 | 133007 | |
the effect of increased brain gaba produced by amino-oxyacetic acid on arousal in rats. | previous work has reported behavioral arousal in the rat to be inversely related to cortical gaba production. therefore the effects of an increase in brain gaba levels, induced by amino-oxyacetic acid, on measures of behavioural arousal such as rearing and ambulation were examined. the increase in gaba was immediately associated with decreased rearing, however the behaviour was later indistinguishable from control values while the levels of brain gaba remained raised. it was suggested that the r ... | 1976 | 134388 |
[effect of frequency on the loudness of short sounds: comparison between 2 near frequencies, 500 and 1000 hz]. | loudness egalizations between short tone (1 to 400 ms) and a long reference tone (800 ms) were made. two frequencies, 500 and 1000 hz, were employed. loudness comparisons were made at 20, 40 and 80 db sl. results show a frequency effect on the loudness of short tones. some partial recuperation of loudness appears, it is greater for the high level. | 2002 | 134799 |
[influence of a lathyric agent and of hypercholesterolemic serum on cell cultures of fetal rabbit aorta]. | cell cultures of foetal rabbit aorta are cultivated with a lathyric agent (beta-amino-propio-nitrile) or with an hypercholesterolemic serum; if morphological features, in these two cases, correspond with modifications observed, in vivo, when adult rabbits are respectively submitted to the same treatment, enzymatic activities of collagen metabolism vary in opposite way. therefore, the influence of different parameters to be studied on vascular cell functions become easier. | 1976 | 134801 |
localization on mitochondrial dna of mutations leading to a loss of rutamycin-sensitive adenosine triphosphatase. | four cytoplasmic mutants of saccharomyces cerevisiae showing loss of mitochondrial rutamycin-sensitive atpase activity but having significant cytochrome oxidase and nadh-cytochrome c reductase have been isolated. genetic studies indicate the mutations to be closely linked to each other and have been assigned to a new locus, pho1. the mutations show a low frequency of recombination with the ol12 locus, suggesting a linkage to this marker. they are not, however, linked to the oli1 locus. linkage o ... | 1976 | 134892 |
the acid mucopolysaccharides (glycosaminoglycans) in secondary cultures of embryonic rat fibroblasts. | in secondary cultures of embryonic rat fibroblasts the protein-free acid mucopolysaccharides were separated by cetylpyridinium chloride fractionation and identified afterwards. the following acid mucopolysaccharides were found: hyaluronic acid, chondroitin, 2 heparan sulphate fractions, chondroitin-4-sulphate, chondroitin-6-sulphate, and dermatan sulphate. | 1975 | 134903 |
biochemical variations in the matrix of human tendons in relation to age and pathological conditions. | with increasing age, the human tendon shows an increase of collagen and a diminution of mucopolysaccharides and glycoproteins. similar findings have recently been reported by other authors in the tendons of mammals. fragments of tendon affected by tendinosis, obtained dlring suture and tenoplasty operations, were also examined. marked diminution of collagen and an increase of acid mucopolysaccharides and structural glycoproteins were found as compared with the control tendon. | 1975 | 134980 |
convergence insufficiency. | 2002 | 134989 | |
from the president. | 2002 | 135005 | |
a review of controlled surveys of dental disease in handicapped persons. | the need is demonstrated for large scale, definitive, standardized epidemiologic investigations of dental disease in those handicapped groups for whom this information is unavailable. treatment needs of all groups should also be assessed, because this is not readily deduced from the indices of dental disease reviewed in this article. while a preventive orientation in dental care for the handicapped is most desirable, it must be emphasized that priorities in prevention and treatment should focus ... | 2002 | 135006 |
correlation of iq in subjects with down syndrome and their parents and sibs. | 2002 | 135090 | |
esophageal cancer, hyperkeratosis, and oral leukoplakia: follow-up family study. | 2002 | 135097 | |
[details of a denounced physician (e.n.t.) suspected of bodily injury, and the following expert judgement (author's transl)]. | an otologist was denounced and the patient's case history was confiscated because after tonsillectomy an absecess and a thrombosis of the vena jugularis interna had developed. the procedure and the medical aspect how at first being judged by the lawyer and the public prosecutor are described. on the base of the given medical opinion the court quashed proceedings. because of the growing number of denouncements this casuistic paper ends with four guiding principles to protect against unjustified m ... | 2002 | 135139 |
[rupture of the round window membrane after slight head injury with flush of perilymph probably caused by large opening of aquaeductus cochleae (author's transl)]. | a ringing deaf ear was noticed after slight head injury without loss of consciousness nor fracture of the skull. after performig tympanotomy a ruptured round window membrane with excessive flush of perilymph was found. we might rightly assume that this was induced by a large opening of aquaeductus cochleae combined with the force of inertia of the cerebral liquor and the direction of the push to the round window (blow behind the left ear). | 2002 | 135187 |
[late diagnosis of a nasal foreign body]. | 2002 | 135308 | |
[current adverse effects. exanthema fixum induced by sulfonamide]. | 2002 | 135373 | |
[general characteristics of the incidence of urolithiasis in chuvash assr]. | 2002 | 135390 | |
[the value of the dynamic dehydroepiandrosterone-test compared to the static measurement of total urinary estrogen excretion in the diagnosis of the condition of the feto-placental-unit (author's transl)]. | in a comparative study in 84 pregnant women the condition of the feto-placental-unit was examined through the utilization of the dhea-test and by the measurement of total urinary estrogen excretion. the test consists of intravenous injection of 50 mg dhea-s to the mother and measurement of the total estrogen increase during the following 24 hour period as compared to the values before injection. when the condition of the feto-placentalunit is good an increase of estrogens is seen as a consequenc ... | 2002 | 135421 |
[development, function and equipment of the new building of the department of dentistry]. | 2002 | 135439 | |
[clinico-epidemiological characteristics of lymphocytic leukemia]. | 2002 | 139027 | |
survey of community employer attitudes toward hiring the handicapped. | 2002 | 139528 | |
renewed voluntary spirit needed, says blue cross;. | 2002 | 139559 | |
[instrumental perforations of the esophagus]. | 2002 | 139654 | |
problems of classification of low-back pain. | 2002 | 139668 | |
sterilization failures in singapore: an examination of ligation techniques and failure rates. | the university department of obstetrics and gynecology, kandang kerbau hospital in singapore, initiated a study in early 1974 of failure rates for various methods of sterilization and the factors responsible for the failures. during the period january 1974 to march 1976, 51 cases of first pregnancy following ligation were discovered. cumulative failure rates at 24 months were 0.34 per 100 women for abdominal sterilization, 1.67 for culdoscopic, 3.12 for vaginal, and 4.49 for laparoscopic procedu ... | 2002 | 139714 |
cardiovascular adaptations to physical training. | 1977 | 139843 | |
jadassohn-type anetoderma in association with keratoconus and cataract. | the unusual association of macular atrophy--jadassohn type of anetoderma, bilateral subcapsular ocular cataracts and keratoconus--is described in an otherwise healthy adult male. this association has not, to the best of our knowledge, been previously described. the possibility that this is not a chance association is discussed. | 2002 | 140354 |
psychosocial considerations in low back pain: the "cause" and "cure" of industry related low back pain. | 2002 | 140357 | |
neonatal islet cell transplantation in the diabetic rat: effect on hepatic enzyme activity and glucose homeostasis. | intraperitoneal transplantation of collagenase-digested, isogeneic, neonatal rat pancreatic tissue successfully reversed streptozotocin-induced diabetes in 77% of recipients. the low serum immunoreactive insulin, hyperglycaemia, glycosuria and weight loss, characteristic of the diabetic animal, were corrected and the reduced activities of hepatic glucokinase and pyruvate kinase, and the low glycogen concentration of the liver of diabetic rats were restored to normal. forty-three per cent of the ... | 1977 | 142794 |
[proteus rettgeri strains, resistant to gentamicin with transmissible resistance to kanamycin and carbenicillin (author's transl)]. | 1977 | 144028 | |
[biological characteristics of proteus strains isolated from water sources in the azerbajiani ssr]. | biological characteristics of 102 proteus strains isolated from the water bodies is given. the strains studied were referred to pr. mirabilis, more rarely to pr. vulgaris; about half of the cultures deviated from these biological types by the signs of indol formation and maltose fermentation. proteus of groups o3, o5, o13, o23, and o30 were revealed in studying the serological characteristics. all the cultures were polyresistant, nonbacteriocinogenic; most of them were sensitive to the wide coli ... | 1977 | 144392 |
cardiac hypertrophy and antihypertensive therapy. | biochemical (myocardial dna, rna, and hydroxyproline) and humoral (plasma [pra] and kidney [kra] renin activity) factors were determined in spontaneously hypertensive rats (shr) and normotensive wistar controls (nr) before and following treatment with minoxidil or propranolol. minoxidil (150 mg.litre-1 drinking water) effectively controlled blood pressure (17.3 kpa vs 24.9 kpa [130 mmhg vs 187 mmhg], p less than 0.001) despite marked and sustained increases in both pra and kra ventricular weight ... | 1977 | 145319 |
[problems of the work hygiene of hop growers in the manual harvesting and drying of the hops]. | 2003 | 145398 | |
[concentration of antibiotics in long term embolized kidneys (author's transl)]. | in 7 dogs renal arterial embolization was performed using seldinger technique and inflatable swan ganz balloon catheter by injection of methyl methacrylate/butyl 2 cyano acrylat. six months later tissue concentration of cefazolin was measured in the embolized and kontralateral kidneys and in serum two hours after a short infusion of 1 g of cefazolin. the concentrations in serum and homogenized kidney tissue were determined by means of the agar well diffusion method. angiography studies showed no ... | 1978 | 147821 |
[effects of tritoqualine on hepatic and blood levels of histamine after partial hepatectomy in rats]. | looked as a specific inhibitor of histidin-decarboxylase, tritoqualine has been injected subcutaneously to wistar rats immediately after partial hepatectomy and, then, once in 24 hours until 72 hours. it has thus provoked : an unexpected, but transient rise (reaching its apex 3 hours after the operation) of the hepatic and blood histamin concentrations ; then, the expected decrease (more durable and greatest at 48 hours) of the same concentrations. therefore, an effect of tritoqualine on the liv ... | 1977 | 148959 |
increased plasma prolactin levels induced in rats by d-fenfluramine: relation to central serotonergic stimulation. | d-fenfluramine (7.5 and 10 mg/kg i.p.) and quipazine (10 and 20 mg/kg i.p.) increased plasma prolactin levels in male rats. metergoline (3 mg/kg p.o.) or p-chlorophenylalanine (100 mg/kg x 3, orally) pretreatment markedly blocked the prolactin-releasing effect of both d-fenfluramine and quipazine. this result suggests that the effect of these drugs on prolactin secretion could be mediated through a serotonergic mechanism. brain serotonin may thus exert a stimulatory role on prolactin secretion i ... | 1978 | 149011 |
simultaneous cytochemical demonstration of muscle fiber types and acetylcholinesterase in muscle fibers of dystrophic chickens. | 1978 | 149012 | |
[characteristics of the toxicological action of carbophos against a background of polychloropinene]. | tests conducted with rabbits brought evidence that carbophos priming per os (1/25dl50 for 45 days) reduces the oxyhemoglobin dissociation rate, increases the ascorbic acid concentration in the blood and brain, of copper in the blood, brain and kidneys. priming with a mixture of carbophos and polychloropinene (in a summary dose of 1/25dl50) was attended by a decline in the oxyhemoglobin, rising a concentration of ascorbic acid in the blood, of manganese in the kidneys and iron in the muscles. cha ... | 1978 | 149023 |
[pollution of the atmosphere of kazan by benz(a)pyrene in a district affected by a petrochemical enterprise]. | 2003 | 149041 | |
the relationship of the pulp and periodontium. | 2003 | 149297 | |
wheelchair insert for severely handicapped children. | 2003 | 149311 | |
[effect of vitamins pp and b1 on pentosephosphate pathway enzymatic activity in the kidneys of adrenalectomized rats]. | the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (ec, transketolase (ec, transketolase (ec, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (ec and also the thiaminediphosphate (tdp) content were investigated on the 8th day after adrenalectomy. with compensated sodium dysbalance the removal of suprarenals is shown not to change the activity of dehydrogenases, but it does lower the transketolase activity and the tdp level. a seven-fold administration to adrenalectomized ... | 1978 | 149433 |
blockage of depolarization-induced mitogenesis in cns neurons by 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine. | experiments designed to provide further evidence, at the basic metabolic level, that true mitogenesis and mitotic activity are being induced in cns neurons in response to sustained ionic depolarization were conducted. the ability of 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (fudr), a well-studied inhibitor of normal mitogenesis in naturally proliferating cells, to block induction of dna synthesis (and subsequent nuclear division) in culture-matured neurons depolarized with ouabain was ascertained, as well as the ... | 2003 | 149581 |
[formation and persistence of antibodies against envelope antigens of influenza virus after vaccination by formolized monovaccine (author's transl)]. | 1978 | 149598 | |
[smallpox vaccine. 3. lyophilized vaccine heat stability (author's transl)]. | 2003 | 149602 | |
enhancement of lymphocyte and macrophage function in vitro by lithium chloride. | 2003 | 149624 | |
quinine dermatitis: investigation of a factory outbreak. | 2003 | 149636 | |
occupational allergic contact dermatitis to virginiamycin, an antibiotic used as a food additive for pigs and poultry. | a warehouseman aged 31 working in a pharmaceutical factory got an occupational contact dermatitis to virginiamycin (factor m), an antibiotic used as a food additive for pigs and poultry. a review is made of contact dermatitis to virginiamycin and to pristinamycin. | 1978 | 149638 |
[gastroschisis and omphalocele. treatment and results]. | 2003 | 150087 | |
[method for simultaneous study of peristaltic and pendular movements of isolated rabbit ileum]. | a method is described for studying simultaneously the peristalsis and the pendular movements in the isolated pieces of rabbit ileum. at the same time, using this method it is possible to analyse the actions of drugs on the mechanisms which ensure the pendular movements and the propulsive activity, as well as their relationship. the method is relatively simple and only classical and commercially available equipments are needed. with this method the records and the volume of fluid expelled are sui ... | 1978 | 150905 |
muscle and non-muscle cell rna polymerase activity during the development of myocardial hypertrophy. | 1978 | 151746 | |
immunological methods employed in an attempt to induce erythema nodosum leprosum (enl) in mice. | in the mouse foot pad model five different parameters were employed to simulate the condition of enl as observed in the human. the experimental groups with five to six months leprosy infection were injected intravenously with various anti-mycobacterial antibodies, m. leprae sonicate and 'b' cells obtained from syngenic donors. the control group of animals, infected similarly, were treated either with m. leprae sonicate or gamma globulins precipitated from normal human serum. all recipients were ... | 1978 | 151764 |
tax-exempt firm to lease $17 million in equipment. | 2003 | 151783 | |
[organization and education of an activist health team and its work in controlling contagious skin diseases in rural district]. | 2003 | 152022 | |
administrators assuming more control over the hospital's fiscal operations. | 2003 | 152383 | |
irs, hew threaten triple-a bonds. | 1978 | 152403 | |
effects of sarcoplasmic reticulum ca2+-atpase on phospholipid bilayer fluidity: boundary lipid. | 1978 | 153147 | |
the effects of brain monoamine depletion on p-chlorophenyl-alanine-induced hypothermia. | i.p. administration of p-chlorophenylalanine produced a fall in rectal temperature in rats. the hypothermia was attenuated after pretreatment of the animals with 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine, but was unaffected after pretreatment of the animals with 6-hydroxydopamine. | 1978 | 153236 |
[percutaneous transrenal extraction of a nephrostomy catheter fragment]. | 2003 | 153302 | |
inversions and other unusual heteromorphisms detected by c-banding. | sixteen patients with unusual heteromorphisms involving alterations of the length and/or position of centromeric heterochromatin are described. family studies showed that the heteromorphisms were present in other relatives and segregated in the expected 1:1 ratio. there was a significantly greater frequency of unusual heteromorphisms among orientals than in other races studied. | 2003 | 153325 |
studies of the chemo-mechanical conversion in artificially produced streamings. ii. an order--disorder phase transition in the chemo-mechanical conversion. | 1978 | 153344 | |
interaction of inflammatory cells and oral microorganisms. vi. exocytosis of pmn lysosomes in response to gram-negative plaque bacteria. | 2002 | 153390 | |
[effect of fibrinolysin and heparin on the formation of fibrosis in experimental anthracosilicosis]. | 1979 | 153880 | |
steroid addiction. | 2003 | 153891 | |
the cornea in connective tissue diseases. | even though lenticular and retinal abnormalities seem to dominate the ophthalmologic picture in marfan's syndrome, the cornea shows significant abnormalities consisting of a striking flattening and corneal astigmatism. the use of conjunctival biopsies followed by histochemical and electron-microscopic evaluation shows low morbidity but an excellent yield of diagnostic information on storage diseases, and an ectopic collagen may be the basis of at least one type of keratoconus. much more work has ... | 1978 | 154085 |
histochemical and ultrastructural findings in a case of centronuclear myopathy. | a case of centronuclear myopathy is presented. the presence of central nuclei in almost all fibres, the existence of type i fibres only, the histochemical pattern of a negative central zone with a perinuclear halo and a hyperactive rim with oxidative enzymes and the ultrastructural data are discussed in the light of the previous literature. the possible relationships with other myopathies are taken into consideration as well as the fact that central nuclei may be a non-specific change in several ... | 2003 | 154406 |
[sources of tuberculosis infection in young children]. | 2003 | 154665 | |
resection of a massive arteriovenous malformation of the head and neck. | we report a patient with a massive arteriovenous malformation of the head and neck treated by surgical extirpation of the lesion. arteriography, hypotensive hypothermic anesthesia, and the intraoperative use of the doppler flowmeter were most helpful in this case. | 2003 | 154679 |
low responsiveness of synovial and peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated by either pha-p or con-a in patients with chronic rheumatoid arthritis. | lymphocytes were highly purified from synovial fluid and peripheral blood of 10 rheumatoid arthritis patients and assessed for responsiveness to pha-p and con-a. in all cases, both synovial and blood lymphocytes showed a marked reduction in response to these mitogens compared with normal blood lymphocytes. the factors responsible for this low t cell responsiveness are discussed. | 2003 | 154829 |
inhibition of spontaneous breast cancer formation in female c3h(avy/a) mice by long-term treatment with dehydroepiandrosterone. | long-term p.o. treatment with dehydroepiandrosterone, an adrenal steroid found in subnormal plasma concentrations in women predisposed to develop breast cancer, inhibits the formation of spontaneous mammary cancer in female c3h(avy/a) mice. | 2003 | 154968 |
gynecologic microsurgery: a déjà vu of laparoscopy. | 2003 | 155743 | |
[electrono-optical analysis of dental enamel with incipient pathological changes]. | 2003 | 155841 | |
[reimplantation of a tooth used as an abutment for a bridge]. | 2003 | 155850 | |
widening their horizons: a model career development program for severely physically disabled youth. | 2003 | 155866 | |
inhibition of t cell-mediated cytolysis by 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2-dg): differential effect of 2-dg on effector cells isolated early or late after alloantigenic stimulation in vitro. | the effect of the hexose analogue 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2-dg) on the functional activity of various populations of cytolytic t lymphocytes (ctl) has been compared. under aerobic conditions, ctl harvested at the peak of the response (day 4) in primary or secondary mixed leukocyte cultures (mlc) were much more readily inhibited by 2-dg that ctl obtained from mlc at later times (day 11 to 18) or from the peritoneal cavity of alloimmune mice. quantitatively, 0.4 mm 2-dg was sufficpient to inhibit cytol ... | 2003 | 156212 |
patterns of neuromuscular disease. as related to stages of normal embryogenesis in voluntary muscle. | skeletal muscle samples from the upper and lower extremities of 38 human fetuses (6 to 18 weeks' gestation) of both sexes were studied by histologic, histochemical, and electron microscopic methods. ultrastructural morphometry was applied. in the different stages of normal development are found regressive changes, ranging from reversible dystrophic to irreversible necrotic alterations, which are characteristic of either primary myogenic myopathies or primary neurogenic muscle atrophies in older ... | 1979 | 156504 |
corneal manifestations of the systemic mucopolysaccharidoses. | newer biochemical understanding of the mucopolysaccharidoses now allows a better classification of these diseases. the dermatan and keratan sulfate-storing diseases have corneal clouding. the heparan sulfate-storing diseases have retinal changes and usually central nervous system manifestations. | 2003 | 156516 |
[a study in combined effect of amnioglycosides and clindamycin in vitro (author's transl)]. | 1979 | 161518 | |
therapeutic effect of beta-[1-phenyl-5-bis(beta-chloroethyl)-amino-benzimidazolyl-(2)-dl-alanin (zimet 3164) on immune complex nephritis of nzb hybrid mice. | beta-[1-phenyl-5-bis(beta-chloroethyl)-amino-benzimidazolyl-(2)]-dl-alanin (zimet 3164), a highly immunosuppressive but moderately cytostatic agent, was found to be able to prevent the progression of spontaneous murine immune complex nephritis in a dose-dependent fashion. for experiments, bcg-stimulated conventional female (nmri x nzb)f1 mice suffering from rapidly progressive nephritis, bcg-stimulated and unilaterally nephrectomized (nmri x nzb)f1 females, and (ab/jena x nzb)f1 females characte ... | 1979 | 161855 |
[pathomorphological changes in the estrogenic syndrome of swine]. | epizootic, clinical and pathomorphological investigations were carried out on spontaneously arising oestrogen syndrome in swine following feeding with fodder mixture containing 35-63% maize in which the oestrogen substance z-2 (zearalenon) was found. clinical symptoms and pathomorphological changes observed in the course of the disease are described. varying in extent edematous processes were present in the regions around the anus, vulva, prepucium and the mammal complex. uteruses were twice or ... | 1979 | 162016 |
biological characters and bacteriophage typing of staphylococcus aureus isolated from chicken staphylococcosis and commercial balanced chicken food in argentine. | during 1976-78, 33 s. aureus strains were isolated from chickens suffering from dermatitis and septicemia, omphalitis, pneumonia, arthritis and tenosynovitis; and from a commercial balanced chicken food. all the strains were classified into the biotype b of hájek and marsálek. twenty-nine (87.8%) strains could be classified into sato et al biological type 4 although they differed from it in its ability to grow at 45 degrees c. the remaining 4 strains differed from the others because they failed ... | 1979 | 162511 |
says cme article contained certain incomplete information. | 1995 | 162694 | |
secondary somatic problems: recognition and treatment. part 1: psychosomatic and primary depression disorders. | 1995 | 162705 | |
the scalpel and the pen. alexis carrel, 1873-1944. writer, surgeon, philosopher, mystic. | 1995 | 162712 | |
computerized axial tomography in syringomyelia. | the acta-scanner, a device for computerized axial tomography, permits cross-sectional radiographic study of the entire human body, including the spine. in the acta-scan, the spinal cord appears as a roundish formation surrounded by the less dense subarachnoidal cerebrospinal fluid. the spines of 18 patients with verified (nine cases) or suspected (nine cases) syringomyelia were studied by acta-scanning. in seven of the verified and in four of the nonverified cases, some evidence of cord cavitati ... | 1975 | 162787 |
roentgenographically atypical pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. | two patients with renal transplants were admitted for evaluation of fever. during the course of hospitalization both had hectic fever and arthralgia. pulmonary symptoms were absent or minimal. in one patient the admitting chest roentgenogram was entirely normal and in the other only a small focal abnormality was apparent. hypoxemia occurred even in the presence of normal or nearly normal chest roentgenograms. the diagnosis of pneumocystis carinii infection was made by bronchoscopic brush biopsy ... | 1975 | 163066 |
metabolism, function and clinical aspects of vitamin d. | briefly reviewed herein are some of the contemporary findings on the metabolism of vitamin d, and the biochemical and physiological effects of this steroid in the animal. certainly the most accepted major action of vitamin d is to enhance the intestinal absorption of calcium. historically, there is also considerable evidence that the vitamin d is required for the resorption of calcium from bone, thereby aiding in maintaining normal serum calcium levels. increasing evidence is becoming available ... | 1975 | 163168 |
evaluation of dye exclusion and colony inhibition techniques for detection of polyoma-specific, cell-mediated immunity. | cellular immunity directed against polyoma virus-induced antigen was observed with c3h/hej splenic lymphoid cells from mice sensitized by a short-term immunization schedule with syngeneic polyoma 4198 and 4198v tumor cells. polyoma specificity of the response was shown by demonstration that splenic cells from dba/2j animals with polyoma virus-induced tumors were cytotoxic for the c3h 4198 and 4198v cells, but not for the l-m cell, another cell line of c3h origin. the polyoma-specific response in ... | 1975 | 163318 |
[brain scintigraphy and neuroradiological examinations in the postoperative care of brain-tumor patients]. | 1996 | 163424 | |
the outer membrane of proteus mirabilis. ii. the extractable lipid fraction and electron-paramagnetic resonance analysis of the outer and cytoplasmic membranes. | 1. the lipid fraction extracted from the outer and cytoplasmic membranes of proteus mirabilis with chloroform/methanol consisted almost entirely of phosphatidylethanolamine, diphosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerol. 2. the phospholipid content of the cytoplasmic membrane was more than twice that of the outer membrane (38% as against 18% of the total dry weight) and the proportions of the three phospholipids differed somewhat in the two membranes. yet, the fatty acid composition of the ext ... | 1975 | 164215 |
prophylactic antibiotics in cesarean section. | using a random selection procedure, 100 patients were evaluated in order to determine the value of prophylactic antibiotics in cesarean section. all patients were evaluated for febrile morbidity, and specific infection sites were recorded. significant differences were found between the treated and control groups and between cesarean sections performed prior to the onset of labor and after the onset of labor. | 1975 | 164642 |
benign hepatocellular tumours. | 2003 | 164687 | |
vestibular nystagmus and teleost oculomotor neurons: functions of electrotonic coupling and dendritic impulse initiation. | 1. nystagmus in the horizontal plane is evoked in fish by mechanical stimulation of the ampulla of the horizontal semicircular canal or by electrical stimulation of the nerve from this canal. the movements are conjugate and the slow phase is away from the side of stimulation. 2. medial rectus motoneurons were recorded from intracellularly, during nystagmus. during the slow phase (induced by ipsilateral stimulation), impulses arise abruptly from the base line and appear to arise at a distance fro ... | 2003 | 165274 |
clinical aspects of infection with the epstein-barr virus. | 1975 | 165289 | |
deamination of histamine by peroxidase of neutrophils and eosinophils. | 1975 | 165295 | |
microvesicles and vesicles of multivesicular bodies versus "virus-like" particles. | pellets obtained by the centrifugation of unfiltered or filtered fetal bovine serum (fbs) contained, among other things, numerous elongate and spherical microvesicles, ranging from 30 to 60 nm. they possessed a trilaminar (unit membrane) envelope and a moderately electron-dense core. vesicles of multivesicular bodies and microvesicles associated with secretory epithelial cells and human lymphoblastoid cells in suspension culture possessed the same structure and were in the same size range as the ... | 1975 | 165305 |
studies on a transplantable murine rhabdomyosarcoma. | well-differentiated rhabdomyosarcomas developed in 8 of 10 balb/c mice inoculated with cell-free extracts of two lesions arising in bats previously inoculated with the moloney strain of murine sarcoma virus. the tumors could be transplanted in balb/c mice and other strains of mice compatible at the h-2 locus. a tumorigenic clonal cell culture line (r2) was established from a transplanted tumor. ultrastructural studies of the primary and transplanted tumors and r2 cells revealed thick and thin my ... | 2003 | 165312 |
ciliary rootlet-fibres as tail fin-rays in larval amphioxus(branchiostoma lanceolatum, pallas). | 2003 | 165319 | |
sterol carrier protein hypothesis: requirement for three substrate-specific soluble proteins in liver cholesterol biosynthesis. | 2003 | 165341 |