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an elisa using an sds extract of brucella abortus strain 99 as antigen to detect b. abortus antibodies in cattle elisa was developed using an sds extract of brucella abortus as antigen to detect antibodies in cattle sera. the antigen was stable at 4 degrees c for at least 4 years and although it gave optimal results at a 1/4,000 dilution it could detect reactors at a 1/32,000 dilution. based on comparative cf tests on 430 sera from negative herds and 187 sera from positive herds a reading of 0,07 or less using a 492 nm filter could be considered a negative reaction. the elisa could be a useful test to s ...19883127768
experimental infection of dogs with brucella abortus.thirteen female dogs, which included eight principals that were fed approximately 4.4 x 10(10) colony forming units (cfu) of brucella abortus strain 2308 and five sentinels that were housed with the principals, were examined for serologic responses, blood culture, tissue distribution of the organisms and pathologic lesions. serum samples from each dog were tested on the day of exposure and on post exposure days 5, 7, 10, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 and 49 for antibodies to b. abortus, using the brucellos ...19873128430
differential responses of b cells from the spleen and lymph node to tnp-ficoll.subcutaneous immunization with the thymus independent ag, tnp-ficoll, does not elicit plaque-forming cell response from the regional lymph node b cells even though a good response is obtained with the splenic b cells. lymph node cells respond well to the thymus independent 1 ag, tnp-brucella abortus. because tnp-ficoll is a soluble ag and may not be retained well in the lymph nodes, we emulsified it with freund's adjuvant and injected it into foot pads. this did not result in any antibody respon ...19883129503
[standardization of the complement fixation test (cft) in brucellosis. ii. the antigen].the activity of cellular antigens and those as aqueous extracts prepared from 4 laboratory strains of brucella abortus: 99, s-19, 119-3 and "krotz" has been compared in this paper. the purpose of the studies was to select an antigen of the highest activity and to test it by the polish standard of anti-brucella abortus serum. it was shown that cellular antigens are more active in cft than aqueous extract antigens of the same brucella strain. cellular suspension of br. abortus strain s-19 was chos ...19863129702
serum- and cell-mediated immune protection of mouse placenta and fetus against a brucella abortus challenge: expression of barrier effect of placenta.when mice are intravenously inoculated with a virulent brucella abortus strain at day 12 to 14 of pregnancy and killed three to five days later, colonization of placentae, fetuses and spleens can be estimated by the frequency and level (bacterial count) of infection and by linkage between individual placental and paired fetal infections. this linkage indicates the placental barrier effect, defined as the number of non-infected fetuses linked to 100 colonized placentae. immune mice serum raised a ...19883129708
pathogenesis of brucella abortus in chicken embryos.chicken embryos inoculated with brucella abortus at 6, 10, and 12 days of incubation were examined by light and electron microscopy. b. abortus was identified by avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase and immunogold techniques. death occurred from 2 to 5 days post-inoculation, depending on age of the embryo and route of inoculation. b. abortus was recovered from all infected eggs. brucellae had spread throughout all tissues and localized preferentially within cells of mesodermal derivation. organ distri ...19883129862
longitudinal study of brucellosis in mice by immunoassay of lipopolysaccharide-related antigens in blood and urine.immunoassays based on latex agglutination or enzyme labelling (elisa) were devised for the detection of lipopolysaccharide (lps) of brucella abortus, or its degradation products, in biological fluids of infected mice. the agglutination of latex was measured by counting of the remaining non-agglutinated particles in an automated immunoassay analyser. lps was assayed by agglutination with antibody-coated latex and by competitive inhibition of agglutination of lps-coated latex by anti-lps antiserum ...19883131529
some aspects of experimental bovine the course of eight successive brucella abortus experiments, 394 cows were followed by clinical, serological and bacteriological examinations. cultures were made from vaginal swabs and colostrum at delivery and from 10 pools of lymph nodes or organs sampled at slaughter, about 6 weeks after calving. from these cows, 346 had been experimentally challenged with 1.5 x 10(7) b abortus strain 544 via the conjunctiva, 3 congenitally infected and 45 bought from known naturally infected herds. males ...19873132076
changes in the profiles of circulating white blood cells, corticosterone, t3 and t4 during the initiation of humoral immunity in immature male chickens.eight-week-old male white leghorn chickens were injected intravenously with either 0.1 ml of brucella abortus (ba) or saline. blood samples were collected before injection, 1 hr, 3 hr, 6 hr, 12 hr, 24 hr, and then daily for the following 6 days after the injection. total white blood cells (wbc), differential counts and corticosterone (cs), t3 and t4 levels were measured in all blood samples. these data represented the results obtained from the primary response. to obtain data for the secondary r ...19883133254
the cloning, expression, and nucleotide sequence of a gene coding for an immunogenic brucella abortus protein.brucella abortus is the causative agent for brucellosis in cattle and man. development of a single diagnostic test for the differentiation of vaccinated from infected animals and the development of a nonviable 'subunit' vaccine are top priorities of the brucellosis research program in the united states. preliminary evidence previously showed that a purified 31-kda protein (thought to be localized at or near the bacterial cell surface) protects against experimental brucellosis in rodents. the gen ...19883133283
brucella abortus 1119-3 o-chain polysaccharide to differentiate sera from b. abortus s-19-vaccinated and field-strain-infected cattle by agar gel immunodiffusion.purified brucella abortus 1119-3 and brucella melitensis 16m lipopolysaccharide o-chain polysaccharides were not precipitated in agar gel immunodiffusion by any of 24 sera from vaccinated cattle but were precipitated by 18 of 24 sera from infected cattle. this difference can be used to differentiate sera of cattle vaccinated with b. abortus s-19 from sera of some field-strain-infected cattle.19883133389
comparative immune responses to native cell envelope antigens and the hot sodium dodecyl sulfate insoluble fraction (pg) of brucella abortus in cattle and mice.brucella abortus vaccines composed of native cell envelopes or outer membrane proteins of smooth strain 2308 were compared with a vaccine (pg) composed of the insoluble residue of strain 2308 cell envelopes which had been extracted with hot sodium dodecyl sulfate. vaccines were given by injection in an oil base adjuvant containing trehalose dimycolate and muramyl dipeptide or without adjuvant. mice vaccinated with 30 micrograms native cell envelopes or pg and challenged 4 weeks later with virule ...19883133872
physiological and supraphysiological supplements of triiodothyronine do not influence the primary in vitro antibody response to trinitrophenylated brucella abortus by spleen cells in serum-containing media.t3 supplements enhance splenic primary thymus-independent antibody responses in the mouse in vivo. the purpose of the present investigation was to determine whether this effect may be mediated, in part, by direct influences on the lymphocytes and/or accessory cells involved in the response. a range of t3 levels (3 x 10(-10) to 10(-5) mol/l) was tested in microcultures of separated spleen cells from cba/j mice 33 days of age. the immune reaction examined in vitro was the primary antibody response ...19883134776
a 36-kilodalton brucella abortus cell envelope protein is encoded by repeated sequences closely linked in the genomic dna.recombinant bacteriophage expressing brucella abortus antigens have been isolated from a lambda gt11 expression library by using antibody raised against a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis-purified cell envelope protein of 36 kilodaltons. fusion products expressed by these recombinants vary in apparent molecular mass by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis but only slightly exceed the size of beta-galactosidase. western blot (immunoblot) analysis of c ...19883135269
brucella abortus-specific immunoglobulin in isotypes in serum and vaginal mucus from cattle vaccinated with strain 19 and challenge exposed with virulent strain 2308.the immunoglobulins (igg1, igg2, igm, and iga) of the brucella-specific antibody response of 69 crossbred beef heifers were studied after brucella abortus strain 19 vaccination and strain 2308 challenge exposure. the immunoglobulin isotype responses in serum and vaginal mucus were measured by use of fluorescent immunoassay. serum antibody responses were detected also by 3 standard serologic tests (complement fixation [cf], rivanol precipitation, and the card test] and 2 primary bindings assays t ...19883135769
virulence of brucella: bacterial growth and decline in mice.virulence may be expressed by a bacterial count in selected tissue of an animal host inoculated and autopsied in specified conditions. time courses of splenic infection in dba/2 mice intravenously challenged with (1) the virulent reference brucella abortus strain 544 or with (2) the low virulent vaccinal b abortus strain 19 evidenced a one hundred times higher initial growth of the vaccine strain, followed by a steadily decrease that contrasts with the plateau phase of the virulent strain. thus, ...19883135775
interspecific transmission of brucella abortus from experimentally infected coyotes (canis latrans) to parturient four separate trials, 10 coyotes (canis latrans) which had been individually fed mascerated bovine placental tissue experimentally inoculated with brucella abortus strain 2308 were placed in a 1 ha isolation area with six parturient, non-b. abortus vaccinated, brucella spp. seronegative hereford heifers. during the second trial, three of the heifers became brucella spp. seroreactive (as determined by the card, standard agglutination tube, rivanol, complement fixation, and enzyme labeled immun ...19883137371
[activity of porcine anti-brucella abortus immunoglobulins in the acid plate agglutination test (apat)].serological activity of swine igm and igg against brucella abortus in rbpt was determined in relation to four other reactions used in poland for diagnosing brucellosis standard agglutination test, complement fixation test, antiglobulin test, 2-mercaptoethanol test). isolation of igg was performed by the method of filtration on sephadex gel g-200 of swine sera raised against brucella abortus s19 by double immunization with suspension of killed bacteria. the presence of a certain ig class in the f ...19873137534
a review of enzyme immunoassay for detection of antibody to brucella abortus in cattle.enzyme immunoassay has gained wide acceptance for serological diagnosis of bovine brucellosis because of its ability to detect antibody of all isotypes unlike the conventional tests. the indirect enzyme immunoassay, however, presents several parameters that require careful analysis. these parameters include the choice of antigen and antiglobulin-enzyme conjugate reagents for use in the assay, dealing with the large amount of data the semi-automatic or automatic assay can generate and the inter- ...19883137720
humoral and cell-mediated immune responses in non-pregnant heifers following infection and vaccination with brucella abortus.humoral and cell-mediated-immune responses to brucella abortus were observed in non-pregnant heifers following infection alone; infection followed by vaccination; vaccination followed by infection; and vaccination alone. the humoral responses, as measured by the rose bengal test (rbt), complement fixation test (cft), indirect haemolysis test (ihlt) and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) tended to be immediate and transient following infection alone, infection following vaccination and ...19883137722
determination of bovine lymphocyte responses to extracted proteins of brucella abortus by using protein immunoblotting.isolation and identification of brucella antigenic determinants important to cellular responses have been difficult. in this study, bovine peripheral blood mononuclear (pbm) cells from cattle vaccinated with brucella abortus 19 proliferated to extracted bacterial proteins blotted onto nitrocellulose. proteins were extracted from gamma-irradiated b. abortus 19 with a sodium dodecyl sulfate extraction buffer. the extracted proteins were separated electrophoretically by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polya ...19883138178
relationship of days in gestation at exposure and development of brucellosis in strain 19-vaccinated heifers.heifers injected with 10(8) (n = 40), 10(9) (n = 39), or 10(10) (n = 39) colony-forming units of brucella abortus strain 19 were conjunctivally exposed to 10(7) colony-forming units of strain 2308 during gestation. at parturition, milk from each quarter of the udder, a piece of placenta, and 2 swab specimens of the uterus from the dam plus a swab specimen of the rectum from each calf were cultured for brucella. if the calf was dead or died, additional specimens of lung, stomach contents, and a m ...19883138930
survival of rough and smooth strains of brucella abortus in bovine mammary gland macrophages.chronic bovine brucellosis is characterized by persistent infection of the mammary gland. the interaction of live brucella abortus with bovine mammary gland macrophages was studied in vitro. opsonization of smooth b abortus strain 2308 and rough strain 45/20 was required for phagocytosis by mammary gland macrophages. when opsonized with specific antiserum, strains 2308 and 45/20 stimulated a considerable oxidative burst when phagocytized by mammary gland macrophages. intracellular survival rates ...19883138931
the effect of selenium supplementation on immunity, and the establishment of an experimental haemonchus contortus infection, in weaner merino sheep fed a low selenium diet.immunity in 12 weaner merino sheep fed a low selenium (se) diet (low se sheep) was compared with that in 10 matching sheep fed the same diet but each given an intraruminal se pellet (high se sheep), while the sheep were housed in individual, sheltered pens. all sheep were challenged with killed brucella abortus cells (days 0 and 28), rabbit red blood cells (days 0, 7 and 28) and corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis toxoid (days 0 and 28), and serum antibody titres were measured weekly for 8 weeks ...19883138968
characterization of an atypical biotype of brucella abortus.brucella abortus strains were isolated from bovine tissue and milk samples from seven ontario herds. the isolates were characterized by colonial morphology, requirement of co2 for growth, lysis by tbilisi phage, biochemical tests and agglutination in monospecific sera. they resembled b. abortus biotype 2 (on the basis of sensitivity to thionin and basic fuchsin) and biotype 4 (on the basis of agglutination with anti-brucella "m" but not anti-brucella "a" absorbed sera). sodium dodecyl sulphate-p ...19883139274
ontogeny of antibody response to brucella abortus in differences were detected between large white nicholas and small white hybrid turkeys in antibody (ab) titers in birds vaccinated with brucella abortus. maximal ab titers occurred by 6 weeks of age and remained high throughout life. b. abortus elicits an ab response when injected at day of hatch while bursectomy at day of hatch and 2 days of age significantly depressed this response. there was an apparent immunological maturation process occurring to b. abortus in the bursa of fabricius which ...19883139474
further serological investigations in humans and domestic animals on the cape verde islands (q-fever, brucellosis, listeriosis, shigellosis, campylobacteriosis, yersiniosis, toxoplasmosis and chlamydia of plt-group).439 sera of domestic animals and various number (150-500) of human sera of the cape verde islands were examined for antibodies against coxiella burnetti, brucella abortus, b.melitensis, listeria monocytogenes, shigella dysenteriae, s.flexneri, s. boydii, s.sonnei, campylobacter jejuni, c.fetus ssp. intestinalis, yersinia enterocolitica, toxoplasma gondii and chlamydia of the plt-group. it could be shown, that on the cape verde islands there is to be counted with numerous zoonoses due to various ...19883139491
counter-immunoelectrophoresis for the detection of brucella antigen and antibodies in the diagnosis of brucellosis in buffaloes.counter-immunoelectrophoresis was employed for the detection of brucella antigen in stomach contents of aborted buffalo fetuses and antibody in aborted as well as apparently healthy in contact buffaloes. five of 16 aborted cases were serologically positive for brucellosis but isolation of brucella abortus was successful in only two cases. by counter-immunoelectrophoresis, brucella antigen was detected in the fetal stomach contents of four serologically positive cases. of the 68 serum samples fro ...19883139611
structural and immunochemical aspects of brucella abortus endotoxins.smooth lipopolysaccharide (slps) of brucella abortus, which is the most immunodominant component among the antigens of b. abortus isolated, has been used for diagnosis for decades. high yields of slps can be prepared by a modification of the procedures of moreno et al. (j. bacteriol. 138:361-369, 1979). washed b. abortus cells can be disrupted by 21 freeze-quick thaw cycles and ultrasonication to separate non-membrane-bound material; then phenol extraction is performed 3 times and the phenol fra ...19883140612
killing of brucella abortus by bovine serum.studies of the serum bactericidal system in bovine brucellosis were undertaken to investigate the role of the humoral immune response in protection of cattle against the facultative intracellular parasite brucella abortus. fresh sera from normal control cattle, infected cattle, and cattle immunized with b. abortus cell envelopes were collected before treatment and during the course of immunization or infection. normal fresh bovine serum or fresh agammaglobulinemic serum from colostrum-deprived c ...19883141287
restriction endonuclease analysis of brucella abortus.the restriction endonuclease profiles of bacterial dna from brucella abortus isolates were evaluated. it was not possible to distinguish between vaccine strain 19 and virulent (biotype 1 and biotype 2) strains of b abortus. restriction endonuclease analysis is therefore not a suitable epidemiological tool in bovine brucellosis investigations. the genetic homogeneity of the brucella genus was reinforced by these findings.19883143134
identification of non-specific agglutination to brucella abortus using an edta-modified sat. 19883146155
[brucella endocarditis caused by reinfection of an aortic starr valve. apropos of a case with a favorable development after valvular replacement].we report the case of a 36-year old male patient who was admitted for subacute endocarditis on an aortic prosthetic valve implanted 14 years previously for endocarditic valve regurgitation; no pathogen had been isolated at that time. nine blood cultures were positive for brucella abortus. the conventional antibiotic therapy did not prevent the formation of an abscess below the aortic annulus. a third antibiotic combination (quinolone and rifampicin) resulted in pyrexia prior to surgery. an atrio ...19883147633
conservation of antigenicity in a 31-kda brucella protein.a 31-kilodalton (kda) protein extracted from brucella abortus was previously cloned into escherichia coli and expressed at high levels. the e. coli-derived protein can be purified by a simple 2-step procedure entailing detergent extraction followed by ion-exchange chromatography. subsequent analyses show that the e. coli-derived protein is identical to the brucella-derived protein in molecular weight and isoelectric point. a partial amino acid sequence of the n-terminus of the protein of e. coli ...19883148240
characterization of brucella ovis surface antigens.a rough antigen (sra) extracted from brucella ovis in hot saline by myers procedure, showed three precipitation lines when tested in immunodiffusion against sera from experimentally infected rams. the components responsible for the lines could be isolated by ultracentrifugation or gel filtration which gave 3 fractions, named pi, pii and piii. the lipopolysaccharide (lps) appeared in the pellet (sra-pp) after ultracentrifugation as judged by the presence of lipids, sugar composition, 2 keto-2deox ...19883148241
reactivation of a residual brucella abortus 19 vaccine infection in mice by a virulent challenge or by injection of brucellin or of brucella lipopolysaccharide.facultative intracellular bacteria localize preferentially in reticulo endothelial system organs where they can either multiply or be destroyed, concomitantly or successively. immunity may thus be estimated by counts of viable (surviving) bacteria at convenient time(s) after a standard challenge. when mice vaccinated with the living attenuated brucella abortus strain 19 were intravenously challenged with the virulent b abortus strain 544, some mice exhibited unexpected high spleen counts. the va ...19883148291
interference with the humoral immune response in diverse genetic lines of chickens. i. the effect of carrageenan.two experiments were conducted in which the effect of carrageenan (cgn) on humoral immune response of chicks selected on either high (h) or low (l) antibody production to sheep red blood cells (srbc) was determined. h and l line chicks were injected i.p. with different doses of cgn prior to immunization with srbc or brucella abortus (ba). four weeks later chicks were reimmunized with the same antigens. in general, control h and l chicks had significantly higher total anti-srbc titers than cgn-tr ...19883149069
distribution of brucella abortus organisms in calves after conjunctival exposure.thirty calves (3 to 4 months old) were exposed conjunctivally to a pathogenic strain of brucella abortus. calves were euthanatized and necropsied at postexposure hours 2 and 4, and at postexposure days (ped) 1, 4, 7, 14, 21, 42, and 49. selected ocular, pharyngeal, and lymphoid tissues were cultured bacteriologically for brucellae to determine organism distribution. brucella abortus organisms initially localized in the third eyelids, bulbar conjunctivae, and parotid lymph nodes and were detected ...19883149162
changes in heterophils following antigen injection in immature male chickens.eight-week-old single comb white leghorn male chickens were injected intravenously with either .1 ml brucella abortus (ba) or saline. blood samples were drawn at 0 and 12 h postinjection and were examined for heterophil numbers and morphology. differences between numbers of circulating heterophils/mm3 blood were not significant for saline and ba-treated birds at time zero. however, 12 h following injection, heterophil numbers in ba-treated birds were significantly (p less than .05) greater than ...19883149405
further evidence that bovine igm does not fix guinea pig a study of sera from cattle vaccinated with 3 x 10(10) cfu of brucella abortus strain 19, it was found that igg1 antibody measured by an indirect elisa was the only isotype to correlate with standard complement fixing antibody titers using heated serum samples and guinea pig serum as a source of complement. a supplement of normal unheated bovine serum resulted in igm fixing guinea pig complement, giving data similar to those obtained with unheated serum in the complement fixation test.19883150884
antibody isotype response in adult cattle vaccinated with brucella abortus a chronological study of sera collected from eight adult cattle vaccinated with 3 x 10(-10) cfu of brucella abortus s19, antibody of each of the four major isotypes was measured by indirect enzyme immunoassay (elisa) and by direct and modified complement fixation tests (cft). six of the cattle gave antibody responses to the vaccine strain that commenced between days 5 and 8 for all the isotypes in the elisa, peaked by 1 to 4 months and then declined to low levels by 10 months. direct cft and ...19883150885
contact dermatitis caused by brucella.we report a case of a distinctive dermatitis in a dairy worker exposed to brucella abortus while manually delivering an infected calf. the rapid onset of pruritus, the strict limitation of lesions to the upper extremities, and the negative results on growth of culture for microorganisms make direct bacterial infection an untenable cause in this case. allergic hypersensitivity is the probable mechanism, manifesting itself initially as contact urticaria. coincidentally our patient also had systemi ...19853158485
pathological findings in the bulbourethral glands of bulls.the bulbourethral glands of 323 bos indicus or b. indicus crossbred bulls more than 1 1/2 years old were examined in an abattoir study. bulbourethral adenitis was diagnosed grossly and confirmed by histological examination in 4 (1.2%). unilateral chronic interstitial inflammation was seen in 2 cases; one of these was associated with a degenerative-type seminal vesiculitis. in the others adenitis was bilateral; in one case it was associated with a concretion and foreign (plant) material in the pr ...19883190590
effects of dietary leucine, alpha-ketoisocaproate and isovalerate on antibody production and lymphocyte blastogenesis in growing lambs.the chronic effects of oral leucine and leucine metabolites on sheep immune function were determined in two experiments. in replicate experiments, 30 mixed-breed ram lambs were individually fed diets supplemented with approximately 0.05% ruminally protected limestone (control), alpha-ketoisocaproate (kic), isovalerate (iva) or leucine (leu). serum titers of antibodies produced in response to brucella abortus antigen and porcine red blood cells were determined. mitogen-stimulated lymphocyte blast ...19883210084
monoclonal antibodies to vibrio cholerae o1 serotype inaba.eighteen monoclonal antibodies were generated from mice immunized with vibrio cholerae o1 serotype inaba. reactivities of these antibodies were investigated by slide agglutination, microdilution agglutination, and passive hemagglutination tests. although all antibodies reacted to the inaba-type cells, reactivity to ogawa cells showed some variation. these antibodies were roughly subdivided into three groups by slide agglutination tests and microdilution agglutination tests by using type-specific ...19883235665
brucellosis in the upper nile region--melut district, sudan (report).in the melut district, south sudan human and animal blood samples were investigated for brucella abortus and brucella melitensis. 9.2% of the investigated cattle and 16.2% of the green long-tailed monkies were brucella abortus-positive. school children revealed a 3.7% positivity rate, melut's hospital patients 5.2% and village children and adults 2.2%. however, only a small number of hospital patients was investigated. a small percentage of sheep and goats was investigated for brucella melitensi ...19883275090
autoimmune cd4+ t cells interfere with immune tolerance to a thymic-independent antigen.the ability of autoimmune t cell subsets to interfere with tolerization of b cells can be studied by using thymic-independent ag. we have defined an abnormality within the cd4+ t cell compartment in young nzb and mrl-lpr/lpr mice by studying tolerance of spleen and b cells to the thymic independent ag, fluorescein-brucella abortus. tolerization of spleen cells is defective in mrl-lpr/lpr mice, but not mrl-+/+ or c3h.lpr mice, suggesting that the defect requires both the autosomal mrl background ...19883286767
xid mouse lymphocytes respond to ti-2 antigens when co-stimulated by ti-1 antigens or lymphokines.spleen cells from male (cba/n x dba/2) f1 hybrid mice do not significantly respond to in vitro stimulation by trinitrophenyl-conjugated polyacrylamide beads (tnp-paa), whereas the same antigen elicits high pfc responses in female f1 hybrid cells. therefore, this antigen could be classified as a t-independent type 2 (ti-2) antigen. when male spleen cells were co-stimulated by tnp-paa and ti type 1 antigen, either lps or brucella abortus, they produced vigorous anti-tnp responses. a similar increa ...19873294578
evidence that dna involved in the expression of nodulation (nod) genes in rhizobium binds to the product of the regulatory gene rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae, the regulatory nodulation nodd gene has at least two functions. it constitutively represses its own transcription and in the presence of inducer flavonoid molecules, it activates the expression of two other nod gene transcriptional units, nodabcij and nodfe. upstream of noda and nodf is a conserved sequence, the nod box, which has been implicated in nodd-mediated transcriptional activation of these genes. dna fragments spanning the nod boxes that precede ...19873320955
quantitative relationship of treponema denticola to severity of periodontal disease.the treponema denticola content of plaque was quantitatively estimated for samples taken from periodontitis patients as well as periodontally healthy subjects among two separate human populations. the populations studied included military volunteers and civilians at a university dental clinic. the plaque samples from each population were grouped according to pocket depth measurements at the collection site. a biotin-avidin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay procedure was developed with a monoclon ...19883346072
effects of propylthiouracil (ptu) on the immunological status of the chicken.effects of propylthiouracil (ptu) using different treatment schedules on immune functions in young male chicken were studied. antibody productions to sheep red blood cells (srbc) and brucella abortus (ba) were found to rise in the chicks treated with 0.1% and 1% ptu. furthermore, the chicks treated with 1% ptu exhibited a significantly greater reaction to phytohemagglutinin (pha) in skin test using the wing web than the control did. treatment of 5% ptu, however, inhibited the antibody production ...19883350187
characterization of brucella polysaccharide b.polysaccharide b was extracted from brucella melitensis 16m and from a rough strain of brucella abortus 45/20 by autoclaving or trichloroacetic acid extraction of whole cells and by a new method involving mild leaching of cells. the material obtained by either of the established procedures was contaminated by o polysaccharide. the new leaching protocol eliminated this impurity and provided a pure glucan, which was regarded as polysaccharide b. this polysaccharide was found by high-performance li ...19883356461
case report 469. spondylitis (lumbar spine) due to brucella abortus. 19883363385
phagocytic and nitroblue tetrazolium reductive properties of bovine neutrophils for mammary pathogens.a comparative evaluation of in vitro phagocytic and metabolic activities of freshly isolated bovine blood neutrophils from 26 cows was performed. degrees of phagocytosis and nitroblue tetrazolium reduction by neutrophils were measured using zymosan, escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus agalactiae, mycoplasma bovis, salmonella sp., and brucella abortus opsonized with fresh bovine serum. percent phagocytosis and nitroblue tetrazolium reduction by the neutrophils were determined b ...19883403757
correlation of field strain exposure with new cases of brucellosis in six beef herds vaccinated with strain 19.three hundred sixty cattle at risk in 6 beef herds known to include cows infected with brucella abortus field strains were vaccinated with 3 x 10(9) colony-forming units of strain 19. field strain exposure after vaccination was estimated by the number of cows with brucellosis that calved or aborted in the herd. as the number of exposures increased, the number of cows developing brucellosis increased, and 19 exposures in the 6 herds resulted in 9 new cases. the ratio of exposures to new cases var ...19883410770
serological screenings of various infectious diseases on the cape verde islands (west africa).general screening investigations with various antigens were carried out with a view to further specific investigations being carried out on the cape verde islands concerning infectious diseases. serological positive reactions were found in mumps, adeno, plt, cytomegaly, herpes, para-influenza 1, 2, 3, influenza a and b, mycoplasmosis, rs-virus, gonorrhoea, hepatitis a and b, r. conori, malaria, syphilis, brucella abortus, brucella melitensis, varicella, legionella, picornavirus, measles, german ...19873443744
serological investigations in nigeria for anthropozoonoses in human sera: brucellosis, echinococcosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydial diseases, listeriosis, rickettsiosis (coxiella burneti and rickettsia conori).176 blood sera taken from patients in the hospital of minna and abeokuta (nigeria) were examined for anthropozoonoses. the following positive reactions could be found: brucella abortus 9%, brucella melitensis 11.7%, echinococcosis 0.53%, toxoplasmosis 79.2% (cf-test 6.9%), chlamydial diseases 45%, listeriosis 28.7% (typ 1h) and 19.7% (typ 4bh), rickettsiosis--rickettsia conori 18.6% and coxiella burneti 63.3%.19873443751
a method for the isolation of autoreactive b cells.a technique was developed to isolate a population of autoreactive b cells from both normal and autoimmune-prone mice. modifications of the procedure of haas and layton (1975) permitted coupling the nucleoside guanosine (gu) to gelatin and subsequently coating this matrix onto tissue culture dishes. after incubation on gu-gelatin, b lymphocytes specific for gu could be isolated. specificity was demonstrated by rosetting techniques as well as by inhibition of binding to gu-gelatin by gu-containing ...19863485691
suppressive effect of mizoribine on humoral antibody production in dba/2 mice.the mode of action of mizoribine (mzr) as a b cell inhibitor was studied using dba/2 mice. its in vitro administration significantly delayed the primary response in hemagglutinin production against sheep erythrocytes by suppressing the igm antibody formation. in vitro plaque-forming cell (pfc) response against both t-dependent and t-independent antigens, such as tnp-srbc and tnp-brucella abortus, was dose-dependently suppressed by mzr. since pfc formation by the t-depleted fraction of splenocyte ...19863485844
haptenated streptococcal antigens elicit either t cell-dependent type 1 or t cell-independent type 2 immune responses.antigens of streptococcus mutans 6715 (alternatively designated serotype g streptococcus sobrinus), including whole cells (wc g), cell walls (cw g), peptidoglycan (pg g) and serotype carbohydrate (ml g) were coupled with trinitrophenyl (tnp), and the nature of the immune response to each immunogen was determined in normal and x-linked immunodeficient (xid) murine spleen cell cultures. responses to tnp-wc g, -cw g and -pg g and to the classical type 1 antigen tnp-brucella abortus occurred in both ...19873496265
serum colony stimulating activity and colony forming cells in murine brucellosis: relationship to immunopathology.intravenous injection of mice with brucella abortus vaccine strain 19, results in a chronic infection, immunity to which is dependent on t cell activation of the macrophages. a major feature of the infection is splenomegaly characterized by massive numbers of macrophages. we report here investigations of the haemopoietic precursors of macrophages, the colony forming cells (cfc), and the growth factors, colony stimulating factors (csf), controlling their production. comparison was made amongst th ...19873509765
differential recovery of antibody production potential after sublethal, whole-body irradiation of mice.mice were given single injections of sheep erythrocytes (se) or polyvinylpyrrolidone (pvp) at various times after sublethal, whole-body irradiation (550 rad 60co) and direct, antigen-specific, plaque-forming cell (pfc) responses were quantified. irradiated mice did not respond to se or pvp when immunized 15 d postirradiation (pi); by day 30 pi, the responses by irradiated mice were 40-126% of normal to se and 3-38% of normal to pvp. the impaired recovery after irradiation of immune responses to ...19863528364
a comparison of five serological tests for bovine brucellosis.five serological assays: the buffered plate antigen test, the standard tube agglutination test, the complement fixation test, the hemolysis-in-gel test and the indirect enzyme immunoassay were diagnostically evaluated. test data consisted of results from 1208 cattle in brucellosis-free herds, 1578 cattle in reactor herds of unknown infection status and 174 cattle from which brucella abortus had been cultured. the complement fixation test had the highest specificity in both nonvaccinated and vacc ...19863539295
[comparative study of the diagnostic value of brucella allergens in a controlled epidemiological trial].the diagnostic value of 4 brucellar allergens used in burnet's test has been studied in a controlled epidemiological trial. all these preparations have proved to be specific. according to the data of complex evaluation (taking into account reactogenicity, sensitivity, and specificity), the intradermal allergen consisting of the polysaccharide/protein complex extracted from acetone-dried cells of brucella abortus vaccine strain 19 ba has shown the highest diagnostic effectiveness both in brucello ...19873554851
monoclonal antibodies reacting selectively with core and o-polysaccharide of yersinia enterocolitica o:3 order to obtain specific tools for studying the alterations of the immunochemical structure of yersinia enterocolitica lipopolysaccharide in various conditions, we have produced monoclonal antibodies reacting with core and o-polysaccharide chains of yersinia enterocolitica o:3 lps. immunizations were made with whole bacterial cells and outer membrane preparation, respectively. monoclonal antibody 2b5 reacted in enzyme immunoassay with purified core-lipid a complex, and its binding was not inh ...19873554894
brucellosis.brucellosis is common worldwide in a variety of animals and is markedly underreported in man. brucella abortus seems to be decreasing in cattle herds, but new animal reservoirs are being discovered. human infection presents a difficult diagnostic challenge because of its protean manifestations and multiplicity of organ involvement. symptoms vary, but fever, chills, weakness and weight loss are common. several antibiotics are effective.19873577987
immunization of chickens via the bursa of fabricius isolated from the rest of the gut-associated lymphoid tissue using four surgical study the role of the chicken bursa of fabricius separately from the rest of the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (galt), four operating methods were developed; these techniques are described in detail. bursal function and immunological state of the operated chickens were assessed by applying colloidal carbon, brucella abortus organism, and sheep red blood cells (srbc) into the isolated bursa and then measuring the humoral immune responses. closing the bursal duct, after administering antigens ...19873601863
protein-bound polyamines in the plasma of mice grafted with the lewis lung carcinoma.protein-bound polyamines were isolated from the plasma of mice using antipolyamine antibodies covalently linked to magnetic latex spheres. their subsequent separation by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (page) showed that in plasma from normal mice, 3 proteins (27, 55 and 82 kda) carrying polyamines could be visualized, whereas in mice bearing the lewis lung carcinoma at least 8 other proteins of higher molecular mass (5 of 94, 110, 130, 145 and 160 kda, and 3 of greater than 170 kda) had boun ...19873609317
monitoring of dairy herds for brucella abortus infection when prevalence is low.a total of 2,698 dairy herds were surveyed in 1981-1982 in new south wales and north eastern victoria in a review of the methods used to monitor them for the presence of brucella abortus. the methods used to monitor dairy herds were testing of all breeding cows over 1 year of age using the rose bengal test (rbt) and complement fixation test (cft), the bulk milk ring test (bmrt), and testing of blood samples collected at abattoirs using the rbt and cft. the surveyed herds had at least one whole h ...19873619804
evaluation of gamma radiation levels for reducing pathogenic bacteria and fungi in animal sewage and laboratory effluents.sewage samples collected from animal wastes and from effluents at an animal disease laboratory were inoculated with known numbers of pathogenic organisms and subjected to various doses of gamma radiation from a 60co source. surviving test organisms were quantitatively determined by selective and enrichment techniques. the experiment was modeled as a quantal assay in which probit analysis was applied to obtain d10 values. the d10 value represents the irradiating dose required to reduce the popula ...19873651881
suppression of humoral immunity in chickens with carrageenans.carrageenans (cgn), sulphated polygalactans, have been reported to be cytotoxic for macrophages in vitro. on this basis, the effect of the 3 major cgn types on humoral immune responses in chickens was investigated. carrageenan had no effect on body and lymphoid organ weights. histologically, cgn produced a significant proliferation of reticuloendothelial cells in liver and spleen, but no changes were observed in lymphocyte populations of the bursa of fabricius, thymus, or spleen. intracoelomic p ...19873672894
rapid identification of smooth brucella species with a monoclonal antibody.a colony blot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was developed for the rapid identification of smooth brucella species, i.e., brucella abortus, b. melitensis, and b. suis. bacterial colonies from plates were blotted onto nitrocellulose disks, lysed by immersion in chloroform, and reacted with bru 38, a rat monoclonal antibody with specificity for the o side chain of b. abortus. reaction with anti-rat immunoglobulin g conjugated to horseradish peroxidase and development in 4-chloro-1-naphthol resu ...19873693540
transmission of bovine brucellosis from dam to offspring.transmission of bovine brucellosis from dam to offspring under natural circumstances was demonstrated in a 2 1/2-year study of an infected cow and her calf. the cow delivered a full-term heifer calf after her first gestation. the calf remained with its dam until 7 months of age, then was placed in isolation until bred. during her first gestation, the second-generation heifer became seropositive for brucella abortus. she later gave birth to a calf with b abortus infection, as determined by isolat ...19863710878
comparison of the brucellin skin test with the lymphocyte transformation test in bovine brucellosis.the brucellin skin test and the lymphocyte transformation test were compared in heifers infected with virulent brucella abortus strain 544, heifers vaccinated against brucellosis and unexposed cattle. results of the in vitro lymphocyte transformation test were consistently positive for all 9 brucella-infected heifers while the skin test was consistently positive for 6 of the 9 heifers. in 7 heifers repeatedly vaccinated with b. abortus strain-19 vaccine the in vitro test classified 3 animals as ...19863734426
the effect of different routes of antigen administration on the humoral immune response of the chick.the effects of three routes of antigen administration, intravenous, intraperitoneal, and intramuscular, were compared in new hampshire chicks. chicks were injected with sheep red blood cells (srbc) or brucella abortus (ba) at 29 or 34 days of age. agglutinin response was determined on days 3, 5, 7, and 12 postimmunization. route of injection affected total antibody titers to srbc significantly at all stages of the response. sex and age effects were not significant. brucella abortus antibody tite ...19863737512
yersinia enterocolitica associated with third trimester abortion in buffaloes.a group of buffaloes aborted at the third trimester of their gestational period. yersinia enterocolitica was isolated from all cases. all aborted animal sera had high antibody titres against y. enterocolitica antigen which crossreacted significantly with brucella abortus antigen. all animals were culturally negative after intrauterine infusion of gentamycin sulphate (160 mg/day) for three consecutive days.19863738994
demonstration of a peptidoglycan-linked lipoprotein and characterization of its trypsin fragment in the outer membrane of brucella spp.the sodium dodecyl sulfate (sds) extraction-trypsin digestion protocol used by braun and sieglin (v. braun and u. sieglin, eur. j. biochem. 13:336-346, 1970) to show the peptidoglycan-linked lipoprotein of escherichia coli was applied to both brucella abortus and e. coli. whereas a single polypeptide of 8,000 molecular weight was obtained from e. coli, several proteins of apparent molecular weight lower than 35,000 were demonstrated by sds-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in b. abortus. these ...19863744559
interactions with host macrophages and ability of human melanoma cell lines to grow in nude mice.the interactions of nude mouse macrophages with five human melanoma cell lines, characterized by their resistance to mouse nk activity and varying in their ability to grow s.c. in nude mice, were investigated. these lines were equally susceptible in vitro to both cytostatic and tumoricidal activities of activated peritoneal macrophages collected from nude mice inoculated 3 days previously with brucella abortus b19r strains. i.p. injection of a poorly tumorigenic melanoma cell line (ptcl) in nude ...19863744593
brucellosis in heifers weaned from seropositive dams.fifty-six heifers were weaned from dams that were card-test positive for brucellosis. forty-four dams were positive by rivanol and complement-fixation tests and brucella abortus field strain was isolated from 14. numbers of expected pregnancies following natural breeding and numbers of viable calves produced were not reduced in the heifers. persistent b abortus infection was documented in 2 of 37 parturient heifers from reactor dams. the frequency of infection was 1 of 10 in strain 19-vaccinated ...19863759625
resistance of preimplantation bovine embryos to infection with brucella abortus.preimplantation bovine embryos were exposed in vitro to brucella abortus to determine if the bacteria would adhere to zona pellucida (zp)-intact embryos or adhere to or infect zp-free embryos. brucella abortus was not isolated from zp-intact or zp-free groups of embryos after 10 sequential antibiotic-free washings. brucella abortus was isolated from all groups containing zp-defective embryos after the exposure period and washing. detrimental effects on healthy in vitro development of embryos wer ...19863767099
relationship between circulating thyroid hormones and humoral immunity in immature male chickens.the objective of this experiment was to examine the relationship between levels of circulating t3, t4, and humoral immunity in immature male chickens. three week old single comb white leghorn male chicks were used as the experimental animals. in order to produce a wide range of circulating thyroid hormone concentrations, birds were divided into groups and received one of nine treatments including surgical thyroidectomy; 0.1% propylthiouracil (ptu) in the feed; 1 ppm t3 and 10 ppm t4 in the feed. ...19863770270
absence of influence on immune competence by the sex-linked gene (k) determining slow feathering in white leghorn chickens.males of white leghorn strain crosses heterozygous (kk) for the sex-linked feathering locus genes were mated to rapid-feathering (k-) females to produce rapid- and slow-feathering chicks of both sexes. k did not influence humoral-mediated immunity against challenge with sheep erythrocytes, killed brucella abortus, or killed infectious bursal disease virus. chicks challenged at 3 weeks of age had higher primary responses and higher titers of 2-mercaptoethanol-resistant antibody (igg) than those c ...19863814012
the structure of the antigenic lipopolysaccharide o-chains produced by salmonella urbana and salmonella godesberg.the lipopolysaccharides of salmonella urbana and salmonella godesberg, which belong in group n (o:30) of the kauffmann-white system, were shown by sds-page electrophoresis, glycose analysis, periodate oxidation, methylation, and 1h- and 13c-n.m.r. analyses to have identical o-chains composed of repeating, branched pentasaccharide units having the structure: [----4)-beta-d-glcp-(1----3)-alpha-d-galnacp-(1----2)-alpha-d-p ernacp-(1----3)-alpha-l-fucp-(1----]n 4 increases 1 beta-d-glcp. the serolog ...19863815404
effect of pregnancy on the immune response of cattle to a brucella experiment was performed to determine whether humoral- or cell-mediated immune responses of cattle to a brucella abortus vaccine were influenced by the stage of gestation. heifers were vaccinated 2 mth before and 2 mth after breeding with cell envelopes of b. abortus in an oil adjuvant containing trehalose dimycolate and muramyl dipeptide. control groups received adjuvant alone or no vaccine. following breeding, vaccinated animals were divided into pregnant and nonpregnant subgroups. immune r ...19863820191
assessment of bovine mammary gland macrophage oxidative burst activity in a chemiluminescence assay.a major bactericidal mechanism of neutrophils and macrophages is the generation of toxic oxygen-free radicals upon phagocytosis of microbes. studies were conducted to assess the oxidative metabolism of bovine mammary gland macrophages. bovine mammary gland macrophages were challenge exposed with a variety of phagocytic stimuli in an in vitro, luminol-assisted chemiluminescence assay. a measurable oxidative burst was observed when macrophages were challenge exposed with heat-aggregated bovine imm ...19873826830
ovine brucellosis: repeated vaccination with rev 1 vaccine and the prevalence of the disease in the winburg district.the effect of repeated vaccination of ram lambs with brucella melitensis rev 1 vaccine was studied in relation to complement fixation titres. the presence of brucella organisms in semen and changes in neutrophil densities of the semen were also studied. a survey of the incidence of ovine brucellosis in the winburg district on the basis of a clinical examination of rams and the complement fixation test is also reported on. repeated vaccination of ram lambs with rev 1 vaccine resulted in high comp ...19853836306
ability of chicken b cells from different compartments to respond to tnp-ficoll.the responsiveness of chicken b cells from various compartments to t-independent antigens was studied by immune transfers of spleen and bursa cells into immunosuppressed recipients. bursa cells from 8- to 10-wk-old donors failed to respond to trinitrophenylated ficoll (tnp-f) even when thymus cells or splenic t cells were added. spleen cells from the same donors transferred responses, as judged both by anti-tnp plaque-forming cells (pfc) per spleen and serum anti-tnp titers. in contrast, respons ...19853872326
two different pathways of interferon mediated suppression of antibody secretion.interferon suppresses a variety of in vitro immune responses by a mechanism which has not been well defined. both direct suppression and activation of suppressor t cells have been suggested as possible mechanisms of interferon action. in an attempt to examine this question interferon-alpha (ifn alpha)-mediated suppression of a plaque forming cell response to a t cell independent antigen by spleen cells or by b cells was examined. somewhat greater quantities of ifn alpha were required to suppress ...19853873419
idiotypic properties of the murine anti-arsonate antibody response: b- and t-cell a previous report characterizing the arsonate (aba)-specific plaque-forming cell (pfc) responses of a/j mice induced by aba-klh, two interesting characteristics of the idiotypic (id) profile were noted: (1) an apparent id selectivity in the isotype switch since the earliest appearing igg pfc in the primary response were significantly more "cross-reactive id" (cri)-dominant than the igm pfc population, and, (2) a temporal waning of cri dominance with time among igg pfc, from 75-100% cri+ pfc t ...19853875425
selective effect of irradiation on responses to thymus-independent antigen.low doses of ionizing radiation have a selective immunosuppressive effect on in vivo b cell responses to thymus-independent (ti) antigens. the b cell response, assayed as direct anti-trinitrophenyl (tnp)-specific plaque-forming cells (pfc), induced by type 2, ti antigens (tnp-ficoll or tnp-dextran), was reduced, on the average, by 10-fold in animals exposed to 200 rad of ionizing radiation 24 hr before antigen challenge. in contrast, pfc responses to type 1, ti antigens (tnp-lipopolysaccharide o ...19853880790
production of auto-anti-idiotype antibody during the normal immune response. x. response to tnp-ficoll in the chicken.the spontaneous production of auto-anti-idiotype (id) was demonstrated after injection of chickens with trinitrophenylated ficoll (tnp-f) by: (a) the presence of hapten-augmentable plaque-forming cells (pfc), (b) the ability of serum and of hapten eluates from immune spleen cells to cause hapten-reversible inhibition of anti-tnp plaque formation, and (c) an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). tests for anti-id using the elisa and hapten-reversible inhibition of pfc correlated very well. a ...19853882241
physiology of igd. v. enhancement of antibody responses in vivo by allo anti-igd is due primarily to an indirect effect on b cells.although responses of balb/c mice to tnp-ficoll or tnp-brucella abortus are usually decreased by injection of allo anti-igd (anti-igh-5a) given 1 day before antigen, increased responses are obtained if a lymphokine mixture (sn) containing il 2 is also injected. simultaneous injection of anti-igd and sn 4 days after priming with tnp-klh induces an increase in antibody production similar to that induced by a second antigen injection. injected together with a second injection of tnp-klh at that tim ...19853897373
the role of wild north american ungulates in the epidemiology of bovine brucellosis: a review.published reports of brucella abortus infections in wild north american ungulates and domestic cattle herds were reviewed to determine if infection in these species was related. bison (bison bison) were frequently found infected, but are probably a minor threat to livestock due to their current limited distribution. most elk (cervus elaphus) were free of infection except where their range was shared with infected bison or livestock. deer (odocoileus spp.), pronghorns (antilocapra americana), moo ...19853908724
blastogenic response of bovine lymphocytes to brucella abortus lipopolysaccharide.brucella abortus lipopolysaccharide was tested in a blastogenesis assay with unfractionated and nylon wool-separated peripheral blood lymphocytes of brucella-naive cattle and cattle immunized with b. abortus. our results indicated that in cattle the lipopolysaccharide of b. abortus is not a b-cell mitogen. in immunized animals it stimulated predominantly nylon wool-adherent cells. the lipopolysaccharide of escherichia coli o128:b12, in contrast, induced a substantially greater proliferative resp ...19853917981
the antibody-containing cell response of the lamina propria of the sheep and the uptake of soluble antigen into afferent ileal lymph following intra-intestinal infusion of soluble or particulate antigen.experiments were carried out in sheep to determine the isotype distribution of antibody-containing cells (acc) produced by the lamina propria of the intestine. soluble or particulate antigen was infused intra-intestinally and the isotype specificity of the subsequent acc response was monitored in afferent lymph collected from ileal lymphadenectomised sheep. infusion with brucella abortus cells+5% deae-dextran for 3 days elicited a peak lymph-borne acc response of 5 x 10(5) acc/hr on day 7, and a ...19853918934
phagocytosis and killing of brucella by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes.although cellular immunity involving activated macrophages is important in resistance to brucella, serum factors and polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmnls) play some role in the initial response to infection. the interaction between human pmnls and virulent and attenuated strains of brucella abortus and brucella melitensis was studied by in vitro techniques. virulent and attenuated strains of both species were rapidly phagocytosed after opsonization with normal human serum (nhs); nonopsonized bact ...19853919118
humoral and cellular factors affecting the neutrophil response of the locally immunised mammary gland to staphylococcal infection.locally immunising the non-lactating ovine mammary gland by infusing killed staphylococcus aureus enhances neutrophil accumulation in mammary secretion during subsequent staphylococcal infection. immunological factors influencing this increased neutrophil response were studied in the present experiments. glands locally immunised with killed brucella abortus supported a greater neutrophil response to staphylococcal infection than did glands immunised with killed s. aureus. an enhanced neutrophil ...19853919495
enhanced intraphagocytic killing of brucella abortus in bovine mononuclear cells by liposomes-containing vitro intraphagocytic killing of brucella abortus in bovine mononuclear leukocytes was enhanced by cationic, anionic, and neutral multilamellar liposomes-containing gentamicin. free gentamicin not entrapped in liposomes. and liposomes without antibiotic did not enhance intraphagocytic killing of b. abortus in bovine phagocytes. in vivo killing of b. abortus in guinea pigs was also enhanced by liposomes-containing gentamicin when compared to free gentamicin. liposomes-containing alpha tocopher ...19853919496
comparative evaluation of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in the laboratory diagnosis of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was adapted to measure total and brucella abortus-specific immunoglobulin m antibodies. the results were compared with those of conventional serological tests for b. abortus antibody on the sera of a number of normal controls, apparently healthy occupationally exposed workers, and patients with suspected acute brucellosis. relative to other tests, the b. abortus enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was found to be both highly sensitive and highly specific. the s ...19853920241
[differential affinity of pathogenic species of microorganisms for a set of lectins detectable by the sandwich method using fluorescein isothiocyanate (fitc)].the qualitative differences in the affinity of concanavalin a (con a), wheat-germ agglutinin (wga) and phaseolus vulgaris lectin to the surface of 10 microbial strains inducing various diseases in humans and agricultural animals have been demonstrated by means of the indirect immunofluorescence tests. enterobacteria, coxiella burnetii and bacillus anthracis have been found to possess pronounced affinity to con a and wga, while rickettsia prowazekii, francisella tularensis and brucella abortus, a ...19853920844
Displaying items 601 - 700 of 5357