
PMID(sorted ascending)
vitamin b12 uptake by intestinal microorganisms: mechanism and relevance to syndromes of intestinal bacterial overgrowth.the mechanism of bacterial uptake of vitamin b(12), the spectrum of microorganisms capable of such uptake, and the factors involved were the subject of this study. bacterial uptake of vitamin b(12) was found to be at least a two stage process. a primary uptake phase which was rapid (1 min or less), ph dependent, nontemperature dependent, did not require viable organisms and was insensitive to either the metabolic inhibitor dinitrophenol or to the sulfhydryl inhibitor n-ethyl-maleimide. protein d ...19714994753
[acute diarrhea in premature children. bacteriological study of 14 cases]. 19694994758
febrile agglutinins in narcotic addicts. 19704994774
[the effect of microbial enzymes on the organic dental substance]. 19714994995
[preliminary report on bacterial growth inhibition in lenses]. 19704995196
[effect of tetracycline in combination with other antibiotics on causative agents of purulent infection]. 19714995503
evaluation of first morning urine to detect significant bacteriuria. i. 19714995590
[comparative resistance determinations of urinary microbes in various media with special consideration of bactrim-roche]. 19704995770
[actual resistance status of kidney-affecting organisms against some common urinary tract chemotherapeutics]. 19714996006
[therapy of pyelonephritis gravidarum]. 19714996085
antibacterial activity of diaveridine, trimethoprim, and selected sulfonamides in prostatic fluid. 19714996092
[studies concerning the antibacterial spectrum of cephalexin monohydrate]. 19704996100
gonorrhea in women. 19714996118
relapse of urinary tract infection in the presence of urinary tract calculi: the role of bacteria within the calculi. 19694996484
the microbiologic evaluation and enumeration of postmortem specimens from human remains. 19714996538
colistin-sensitive proteus organisms: including indole-negative proteus vulgaris, non-swarming on first isolation. 19714996576
gram-negative systemic bacteraemia in alimentary tract surgery. 19714996610
enzymoserological relationships between vibrio comma and other gram-negative organisms. 19714996635
[demonstration of a technic of extracting and purifying the peptidoglycan of a gram-negative bacterium]. 19714996651
[dependence of lipolytic activity of various types of bacteria on the sodium chloride content, sugar content and ph value of the nutritive substrate]. 19704996749
[research on the frequency and sensitivity of microbial species isolated from urine to some antibiotics and chemotherapeutics]. 19704996878
[application of carbenicillin in the gram-negative infections]. 19714996911
passive protection of mice against pseudomonas aeruginosa by serum from recently vaccinated mice. 19714996963
[bacteriological problems presented by 3 cardiac transplantations]. 19694996997
[hospitalism in urology]. 19704997048
antimicrobial activity of the carbenicillin-gentamicin combination against gram-negative bacilli. 19704997207
[beta-lactamine associations. in vitro synergism and clinical results]. 19714997292
pericardial windows or pericardiocentesis for pericardial effusions. 19714997486
[use of nevigramon in acute and chronic pyelonephritis before and after kidney transplantation]. 19714997523
[management of dyspepsias using ethacridine]. 19704997703
[results of diagnostic bladder puncture]. 19714997868
[synthesis of pyrolnitrin analogs. 3. preparation and antibacterial effects of substituted 1,2-diarylmaleimides]. 19714997987
[bacteriologic study of acute osteoarthritis and osteomyelitis in african children in dakar]. 19704998009
[the microflora of purulent discharge in fistular forms of tuberculous spondylitis]. 19714998016
3',4'-dideoxy-kanamycin b active against kanamycin-resistant escherichia coli and pseudomonas aeruginosa. 19714998037
resistance of penicillins and cephalosporins to beta-lactamases from gram-negative bacilli: some correlations with antibacterial activity. 19674998177
laboratory control of antibiotic therapy in urinary tract infection. 19674998181
clinical assessment of hetacillin in acute diarrhea of malnourished infants. 19674998182
[experimental pyelonephritis, chemotherapeutic studies (review of the literature)]. 19714998195
the presence of penicillin-g destroying enzymes among different bacteria. 19714998216
[cultural bacterial cell counts in urine]. 19714998271
evaluation of gentamicin with carbenicillin in infections due to gram-negative bacilli. 19714998289
[in vitro activity of gentamicin against 5 bacteria species]. 19694998301
[gentamicin in the treatment of acute infections of the urinary tract in infancy]. 19694998303
[in vitro sensibility of 1480 bacterial strains isolated from premature infants to gentamicin]. 19694998306
["in vitro" activity of gentamicin. research of bacterial strains isolated from various forms of morbidity]. 19694998311
["in vitro" activity of gentamicin on some gram-negative and gram-positive strains and on mycobacterium strains]. 19694998312
gentamicin, theoretical and applied microbiology. 19694998313
[biological properties of staphylococci and the sensitivity to antibiotics of the flora isolated from patients with chronic purulent otitis media]. 19694998534
[study of ampicillin absorption in patients with chronic kidney failure]. 19714998598
[epidemiologic field study on urinary tract infections induced by ovulation inhibitors]. 19714998834
bacteriological examinations of the pus from patients in the surgery wards of dr. soetomo hospital, surabaja, indonesia. 19704998941
[allergenic fractions of bacteria of the intestinal family. 3. characteristics of immunochemical interrelations between cellular components entering into the composition of allergen-active fractions of enterobacteria of various genera]. 19714999023
effects of immunization on the ld50 of two pathogens of galleria mellonella. 19714999156
carbenicillin: activity in vitro and blood levels after intravenous administration. 19714999184
apparent serologic reaction between bacterial cell components and blood components. 19714999475
the role of bacterial antagonism and isoantagonism in the pattern of infection in chronic osteitis. 19714999476
doxycyclinum nfn: a pharmacological and bacteriological investigation. 19714999560
transferable drug resistance. 19714999639
spheroplast infections of the urinary tract. 19704999737
[on the use of multiple oral vaccine against bacterial enteitis in infants. evaluation of the serological response to pathogenic strains of b. coli by means of mixed hemadsorption in kb cells infected with vaccinal virus]. 19694999898
skin flora of infants with napkin rash. 19715000051
the mode of development of urinary infection in intermittently catheterised male paraplegics. 19715000081
[antibiotic hyperforin from hypericum perforatum l]. 19715000144
[effectiveness of therapy of patients with chronic renal insufficiency by the use of polysynthetic penicillins]. 19715000148
study of oral, nasal and skin flora in an investigation on hospital infection. 19715000222
carbenicillin-induced alterations in the surface morphology of bacteria: a scanning-beam electron microscope study. 19705000252
susceptibility of proteus species and pseudomonas aeruginosa to penicillins and cephalosporins. 19705000270
selective inhibition of certain enteric bacteria by selenite media incubated at 35 and 43 c. 19705000289
[vaginal examination during delivery. clinical and bacteriological examination]. 19695000352
causes and prevention of sepsis due to gram-negative bacteria. ecology of the infecting organisms. 19715000380
serum antibody response in renal versus bladder bacteriuria. 19715000471
[bacteriologic study of the internal organs of burn patients]. 19715000480
dodecylamine in the isolation of bacterial dna. 19715000503
antibacterial nitrofuran derivatives. 4. 5-nitro-2-furaldehyde hydrazoniumacethydrazones. 19715000520
drug resistance of urinary tract pathogens cultured from ambulatory patients in the community in 1969. 19715000524
a preservative for urine specimens in transit to the bacteriological laboratory. 19715000563
2-(5-nitro-2-thienyl)cinchoninic acids. 19715000736
immunoglobulin a and m levels in premature infants with gastroenteritis. 19715000758
agglutinins in widal, weil-felix and brucella agglutination test. 19715000768
trimethoprim for the prevention of overgrowth by swarming proteus in the cultivation of gonococci. 19715000798
l-asparaginase from proteus produce an immunologically and enzymologically new type of l-asparaginase, 108 strains of bacteria were screened for enzyme production. as a result, 13 bacteria belonging to the genera alcaligenes, bacterium, and proteus were found to produce l-asparaginases in high levels. among these l-asparaginases, partially purified l-asparaginases from b. cadaveris and p. vulgaris showed antitumor activity. a partially purified l-asparaginase preparation of p. vulgaris did not react with the antibody of ...19715000866
antibacterial activity of ronidazole.ronidazole, a nitroimidazole that has in vivo antiparasitic and antimycoplasmal activity, also has some in vivo antibacterial activity.19715000870
the treatment of burns: a comparative trial of antibiotic dressings. 19715001062
[effective treatment of urinary tract infection with carbenicillin]. 19715001081
purification and biochemical characteristics of urease from proteus rettgeri. 19715001086
[some aspects of pyelonephritis]. 19715001405
pseudomonas bacteremia: pharmacologic and other bases for failure of treatment with gentamicin. 19715001620
gentamicin for urinary-tract infections in infants. 19715001623
clinical and laboratory evaluation of gentamicin in infants and children. 19715001624
ecology of bacteria colonizing the burned patient given topical and systemic gentamicin therapy: a five-year study. 19715001626
purification and characterization of colicin e1. 19715001789
nifurpipone, a new nitrofuran with a large antimicrobial spectrum. 19715001825
microagglutination procedures for febrile agglutination tests.febrile agglutination tests were done by using as antigens brucella abortus, salmonella group d, proteus ox19, and pasteurella tularensis. comparison of results from 23 sera showed that the microtechnique, rapid slide, and test tube methods gave similar titers, although those from the microtechnique were generally higher. the sensitivity of the microtechnique depended upon the concentration of antigen, and, to obtain reproducible results, the optimal concentration of antigens had to be determine ...19715002142
the effect of ph on the multiplication of a pseudomonad in chlorhexidine and cetrimide.pseudomonas cepacia (ps. multivorans) can become adapted to a 1 in 30 dilution of savlon hospital concentrate in distilled water, and can multiply in it. the organism so adapted did not survive in savlon of the same strength made with hard tap water (ph 7.2). this effect was due to the difference of ph between the two solutions. at the ph of the distilled water solution (ph 6.0) savlon also showed reduced activity against proteus vulgaris, but activity against ps. aeruginosa was not affected.19715002160
survival of gram-negative bacilli and candida albicans in hexachlorophene preparations and other disinfectants. 19715002185
[oral cephalosporin therapy in pyelonephritis]. 19705002275
protective isolation in a burns unit: the use of plastic isolators and air curtains.the use of plastic isolators and of an ;air curtain' isolator for protection of patients against infection was studied in a burns unit.preliminary bacteriological tests showed that very few airborne bacteria gained access to a plastic ventilated isolator; even when the filter and pre-filter were removed from the air inflow, settle-plate counts inside the isolator were much lower than those in the open ward, but the difference was smaller in tests made with an anderson air sampler, which showed a ...19715002642
interaction between carbenicillin and beta-lactamases from gram-negative bacteria. 19715002807
substituted diazenes: effect on the growth of enterobacteria and possible use as selective agents for isolation of pseudomonads.incorporation of various diazenes into trypticase soy media appeared selectively to permit the growth of pseudomonads while inhibiting the growth of a variety of enterobacteria. one of these diazenes, diamide (diazenedicarboxylic acid bisdimethylamide), was shown to be bactericidal for pure cultures of escherichia coli, proteus sp., and salmonella enteritidis and to cause a 1- to 2-hr delay in the growth of pseudomonas aeruginosa. when mixtures of these four organisms were inoculated into trypti ...19715002899
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