
PMID(sorted ascending)
antibodies to cell membrane antigens associated with human t-cell leukemia virus in patients with aids.the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids), which has recently occurred at increasing rates in homosexual men, intravenous drug users, and others, is characterized by the development of kaposi's sarcoma and several opportunistic infections including pneumonia caused by pneumocystis carinii. serum samples from patients with aids and from matched and unmatched control subjects were examined for the presence of antibodies to cell membrane antigens associated with human t-cell leukemia virus. ni ...19836342136
unusual causes of death in haitians residing in miami. high prevalence of opportunistic infections.twenty-one (100%) haitians and 42 (21.5%) of 192 native black americans autopsied in a 33-month period at jackson memorial hospital, miami, were included in this review. all autopsied materials were examined. among the haitians autopsied, infectious diseases accounted for 11 (52%) of 21 deaths. toxoplasma encephalitis was the leading cause of death (five cases). other infectious causes of death included disseminated cryptococcosis (one), disseminated cytomegalovirus diseases (one), pneumocystis ...19836348327
the lymphoid lesions associated with the acquired immunodeficiency the present epidemic of opportunistic infections affecting homosexual men, systemic, persistent, unexplained lymphadenopathies have frequently accompanied and often preceded other manifestations of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). studies of the lymphadenopathies associated with aids have not yet been published, and the lymph node lesions have been generally considered to represent reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. the present study concerns the lymph node biopsies of 36 homosexual ...19836353952
[reactive lymph-node hyperplasia and pseudolymphomas with hypergammaglobulinemia. ii. pseudolymphoma and prelymphoma].in this second part, the dysimmunitary conditions which associate a polyclonal hypergammapathy and adenopathy are studied. the latter simulate a malignant lymphoma both clinically and histologically, hence the term sometimes used: "pseudo-lymphoma". above all, these dysimmunitary states should be considered as real pretumoral states, and a malignant lymphoma or kaposi sarcoma can arise at any time during the evolution of the illness. finally, all these illnesses, even apart from the appearance o ...19846367761
[acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, kaposi's disease and cerebral toxoplasmosis in a young man. review of the literature apropos of a case].we report a new case of acquired immune-deficiency syndrome (aids) in a 43 year-old white homosexual man, characterized by the association of disseminated cutaneo-mucous kaposi's sarcoma and cerebral toxoplasmosis. this man had kaposi's sarcoma for about 10 years but evolution became quickly extensive in july 1981. chlorambucil was prescribed at that time and was the cause of a pancytopenia. death occurred in july 1982 due to a cerebral mass identified as toxoplasmosis on a left temporal biopsy. ...19846375520
is cancer communicable?recent developments in cancer epidemiology have led to the possibility of an exceedingly complex communicable factor(s) in cancer etiology. the transmission of such an agent(s) may require a susceptible genotype and/or other promotional events. likely candidates which support this supposition include: epstein-barr virus (nasopharyngeal carcinoma, burkitt's lymphoma, salivary gland tumor among eskimos, x-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome of purtilo); human t-cell leukemia virus (adult t-cell le ...19846379396
kaposi's sarcoma in renal transplant recipients. ultrastructural and immunoperoxidase study of four cases.tissues from four cases of kaposi's sarcoma developing in renal transplant recipients were studied by light and electron microscopic examination and by immunoperoxidase staining for factor-viii-related antigen. ultrastructurally, the tumors in all four cases contained a variable mixture of cells, including endothelial cells, pericytes, fibroblasts, and myofibroblasts. these findings support the origin of kaposi's sarcoma from primitive vasoformative mesenchyme. immunoperoxidase staining for fact ...19846418373
tumor conference no 51 widespread kaposi's sarcoma in a young man. 19846537812
kaposi's sarcoma: a comparison of classical, endemic, and epidemic forms. 19846538992
biology and therapy of kaposi's sarcoma. 19846538993
oral kaposi's sarcoma associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome among homosexual males.clinical disease states encountered in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) have been reviewed with an emphasis on oral kaposi's sarcoma. the disease is reaching epidemic proportions among homosexual males and is characterized by onset of fever, malaise, diarrhea, and lymphadenopathy. subsequent to these initial nonspecific signs and symptoms, patients develop a variety of opportunistic infections or kaposi's sarcoma (or both). the oral lesions of kaposi's sarcoma are characterized by r ...19836578266
proviral dna of a retrovirus, human t-cell leukemia virus, in two patients with aids.the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) is characterized by t-lymphocyte dysfunction and is frequently accompanied by opportunistic infections and kaposi's sarcoma. human t-cell leukemia virus (htlv) is associated with t-cell malignancies and can transform t lymphocytes in vitro. in an attempt to find evidence of htlv infection in patients with aids, dna from samples of peripheral blood lymphocytes from 33 aids patients was analyzed by southern blot-hybridization with a radiolabeled clone ...19836601822
severe acquired immune deficiency syndrome in male homosexuals: diminished capacity to make interferon-alpha in vitro associated with severe opportunistic infections.natural killer cell function, directed against either k562 tumor targets or herpes simplex virus type 1-infected fibroblasts, was often low in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) but failed to distinguish these patients from either male homosexual controls or patients with lymphadenopathy. mononuclear cells from patients with aids and opportunistic infections generated diminished levels of interferon-alpha in response to herpes simplex virus type 1-infected fibroblasts. this ...19836606691
aids in haitian immigrants and in a caucasian woman closely associated with montreal the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) was seen in eight haitian immigrants and one caucasian woman who had lived with haitian immigrants for 3 years before the onset of her illness. aids was characterized by opportunistic infections alone in seven patients, by opportunistic infection and kaposi's sarcoma in one patient and by chronic generalized lymphadenopathy in one patient. five of the patients had presented with mycobacterium tuberculosis infections 1 to 12 months before ...19836640458
viruses and human cancer.the cause of human cancer is probably multifactorial and the role of viruses is unclear. the study of retroviruses has led to the identification of oncogenes responsible for transformation and tumor induction. human viruses associated with malignancies include the jc virus (associated with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy) and some adenoviruses. no human malignancies have been associated with the latter group. a number of herpes viruses of lower animals have been associated with malign ...19836870184
kaposi's sarcoma and hepatitis b vaccine. 19827137753
[kaposi's sarcoma (author's transl)].pathological epidemiological and clinical aspects of kaposi's sarcoma are demonstrated. the prevalence of this disease in african countries and the appearance similar to the burkitt-lymphoma indicate a probability of viral origin. the histo-pathologic differential diagnosis also includes other vascular tumours. the disease shows a characteristic variable mixture of spindle cells and vascular components. in case of multifocal appearance surgery should be omitted, its aim can be only to ensure the ...19807193949
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in zimbabwe.pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp) is said to be rare in africa, with reported rates of 0-22% in human-immunodeficiency-virus (hiv) infected individuals with respiratory symptoms. over one year in a central hospital in southern africa, 64 hiv-infected patients with acute diffuse pneumonia unresponsive to penicillin and sputum smear-negative for acid-fast bacilli underwent fibreoptic bronchoscopy. bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was assessed for bacteria, fungi, pneumocystis carinii, and mycobacte ...19957475717
[kaposi sarcoma. an epidemiological perspective].prior to the 1980s, kaposi's sarcoma was a rare tumour diagnosed three to four times more frequently among men than women. it was primarily seen among elderly men of mediterranean or jewish descent, in well-defined areas of central africa, or more scattered as individual cases with underlying immunosuppression. geographical restrictions and suggested associations with certain hla-types gave rise to early speculations of a genetic component involved in its etiology. with the aids epidemic, the ep ...19957483037
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infects endothelial and spindle cells.kaposi's sarcoma (ks), a vascular tumour that contains characteristic spindle cells forming slit-like spaces, may have an infectious aetiology. recently, sequences of a new human herpesvirus, kshv/hhv-8, have been identified in both hiv-associated and classical ks. we sought to identify the target cell of this virus in ks tumour tissue. using pcr in situ hybridization (pcr-ish) we show that kshv/hhv-8 is present in the flat endothelial cells lining vascular spaces of ks lesions as well as in typ ...19957489408
human immunodeficiency virus-related microvasculopathy and kaposi's sarcoma: a case-control study.ocular microangiopathic syndrome including retinal and conjunctival abnormalities is frequently found in patients with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) disease. kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is the most frequent neoplasia found in patients with hiv-1 disease. we have recently reported a significant association between conjunctival microvasculopathy and ks in 117 patients with hiv-1 disease. the objective of the present study was to determine whether this association is existent when matched p ...19957492937
is kaposi's-sarcoma-associated herpesvirus detectable in semen of hiv-infected homosexual men?we explored a possible route of transmission of kaposi's-sarcoma-associated herpes virus (kshv) with nested and unnested pcr techniques. we looked for kshv dna sequences in semen of hiv-positive homosexual men and hiv-negative healthy semen donors. with unnested primers we found kshv sequences in 21 of 33 (64%) homosexual men and in none of 30 healthy donors. with a nested pcr assay, 30 of 33 (91%) specimens from the homosexual men and 7 of 30 (23%) specimens from healthy donors had detectable k ...19957500753
anti-angiogenesis agent ds-4152 is a potent and selective inhibitor of hiv-1 replication in determine whether the anti-angiogenesis agent ds-4152 inhibits the replication of hiv-1 in vitro.19947516666
systemic treatment of kaposi's sarcoma: current status and future directions.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a complex neoplasm of cells of endothelial and fibroblast origin, whose proliferation is maintained by the viral product tat, cytokines, and maybe environmental factors. it was among the first noted clinical manifestations of aids and remains the most common malignancy observed in patients infected with hiv, yet an optimal treatment strategy remains to be identified. the authors discuss current options and future directions for the systemic treatment of ks. they do no ...19947519018
langerhans' cells and lymphocytic infiltrate in aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma. an immunohistochemical study.the epidermal langerhans' cells are dendritic cells of the skin capable of triggering cutaneous immune responses. they possess the membrane antigens required to this effect: class ii histocompatibility antigen, cd1a and cd4; the latter acts as receptor for the human immunodeficiency virus. the skin is the organ primarily affected by kaposi's sarcoma (ks). in epidemic ks, the local immunologic conditions of the skin are little known. we therefore studied 12 patients with aids-associated ks, evalu ...19947521102
identification and culture of kaposi's sarcoma-like spindle cells from the peripheral blood of human immunodeficiency virus-1-infected individuals and normal controls.we examined 26 patients with human immunodeficiency virus-1 (hiv-1)-associated kaposi's sarcoma (ks), and 76 hiv-1-infected (hiv-1+) people without ks or uninfected (hiv-1-) controls for the presence of circulating ks-like spindle cells. adherent cells that had spindle morphology and several characteristics of spindle cells of ks lesions (ks cells) were identified in the peripheral blood mononuclear cell fraction only after culture in the presence of conditioned medium (cm) from activated lympho ...19947522639
interferons in the pathogenesis and treatment of human immunodeficiency virus infection.there still remains several unanswered questions concerning the pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. interferons (ifns), as well as other cytokines, are both dysregulated in hiv infection and serve as effector molecules that modulate the replicative capacity of hiv. acid-labile ifn-alpha, an aberrant form of interferon earlier described in certain autoimmune diseases, has been detected in hiv-infected individuals. conversely, a deficient expression of ifn-alpha may occur ...19947526793
angiogenic potential in vivo by kaposi's sarcoma cell-free supernatants and hiv-1 tat product: inhibition of ks-like lesions by tissue inhibitor of determine the neoplastic nature of kaposi's sarcoma (ks). a highly vascularized lesion, ks is frequently associated with aids, indicating hiv products may be involved.19947528513
primary intraosseous kaposi's sarcoma of the maxilla in human immunodeficiency virus infection: review of literature and report of case. 19957532218
cytokines from activated t cells induce normal endothelial cells to acquire the phenotypic and functional features of aids-kaposi's sarcoma spindle cells.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a proliferative disease of vascular origin particularly frequent in hiv-1-infected homosexual men (aids-ks) and characterized by proliferating spindle-shaped cells, angiogenesis, and inflammatory cell infiltration. previous work has suggested that ks spindle cells are of endothelial cell origin and that chronic immune activation via the release of inflammatory cytokines may cooperate with basic fibroblast growth factor (bfgf) and the hiv-1 tat protein in the induction an ...19957535796
development of lymphoid hyperplasia in transgenic mice expressing the hiv tat gene.during hiv infection, individuals experience multiorgan disorders such as adenopathy, splenomegaly, and lung and brain diseases. there is an increasing body of evidence that the hiv trans-activating tat gene product possesses multiple activities. first, it can activate several cellular genes; second, in its extracellular soluble form, it plays the role of growth factor in some cells such as kaposi's sarcoma cells. thus, we introduced the hiv tat gene, under the control of the cellular proteolipo ...19957537511
kaposi's sarcoma: a reevaluation.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a multicentric neoplasia of microvascular origin arising during development of immunodeficiency in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected individuals. more than 130 patients with hiv-associated ks (98% male homosexuals; median age, 35 years) have been diagnosed at the department of dermatology, university medical center steglitz, berlin, during the years 1982-1992. mucocutaneous and visceral involvement was a common finding in patients with hiv-associated ks, increa ...19957541146
the hiv-1 tat protein induces the expression and extracellular appearance of acidic fibroblast growth factor.mounting experimental evidence suggests that the tat protein, released from human immunodeficiency virus-1 (hiv-1)-infected inflammatory cells, may genetically reprogram targeted cells within a localized environment to develop highly vascularized tumors of mesenchymal origin. the fibroblast growth factor (fgf) family of polypeptides has gained general acceptance as initiators of angiogenesis and functions as potent mitogens for mesoderm-derived cells. to evaluate a potential biological relations ...19957542239
is the human immunodeficiency virus-related kaposi's sarcoma epidemic coming to an end? insights from the tricontinental seroconverter study.a decline in the proportion of kaposi's sarcoma among aids cases since the 1980s has been attributed to changes in sexual behavior among homosexual men and a decreasing exposure to a hypothesized kaposi's sarcoma cofactor. recent studies have shown that the incidence rate of kaposi's sarcoma has remained relatively stable, which seems to argue against the hypothesis of a declining exposure to the putative cofactor. to examine this paradox, we evaluated the incidence of kaposi's sarcoma, using co ...19957548345
an autocrine loop of hiv type-1 tat protein responsible for the improved survival/proliferation capacity of permanently tat-transfected cells and required for optimal hiv-1 ltr transactivating activity.human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) transactivating tat protein is pivotal to virus replication. tat's potential effects on hiv-1 pathogenesis, however, go well beyond its role in the virus's life cycle. current data indicate that biologically active tat is released from hiv-1-infected cells and readily endocytosed and targeted to the nucleus of nearby, or perhaps distant, cells, where it may exert a series of pleiotropic effects. this paracrine action has been extensively investigated, ...19957552492
cutaneous manifestations of opportunistic infections in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus.bacillary angiomatosis (ba) presents most commonly as a cutaneous disease and is caused by two organisms. bartonella (rochalimaea) henselae and bartonella (rochalimaea) quintana. biopsy confirmation of cutaneous ba is essential because lesions can mimic nodular kaposi's sarcoma in appearance. although the vast majority of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected patients with ba have cd4 lymphocyte counts of less than 100 cells per mm3, the disease responds well to antimicrobial therapy. stap ...19957553576
detection of several types of human papilloma viruses in aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma.epidemiological studies indicate that acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids)-associated kaposi's sarcoma (ks) may be caused by an infectious, preferentially sexually transmitted agent. infections with human papilloma viruses are common, sexually transmitted diseases occurring frequently in homosexual men, who are also the main risk group for developing ks. in order to evaluate the possible role of hpv in the development of ks, 24 cutaneous aids-associated kaposi's sarcomas were investigated b ...19957561788
immunocytochemistry of kaposi's sarcoma-like tumor cells from pigtailed macaques with simian aids.some macaques infected with srv-2 developed saids and rf, a kaposi's sarcoma (ks)-like tumor. we investigated the immunophenotypic markers of this saids-associated retroperitoneal fibromatosis (rf). rf tumor is characterized by proliferation of spindle cells accompanying inflammatory cell infiltrates, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells. rf spindle cells in tumor tissues revealed several immunobiologic characteristics similar to vascular smooth-muscle cells or myofibroblasts based on positive imm ...19957563010
ability of primary care physicians to recognize physical findings associated with hiv assess the ability of primary care physicians to identify physical findings associated with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection.19957563564
childhood cancers in zambia before and after the hiv epidemic.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) related cancers in children are not as common and as well described as in adults. an hiv epidemic has been prevalent in zambia since 1983-1984. to study the effect of the epidemic on the epidemiology of cancers in children a retrospective study was undertaken at the university teaching hospital (uth), lusaka, zambia. all the histopathological records from 1980 to 1992 were reviewed and all cases of cancers in children less than 14 years of age were analysed. in ...19957574850
prolonged administration of low-dose interleukin-2 in human immunodeficiency virus-associated malignancy results in selective expansion of innate immune effectors without significant clinical toxicity.ten adult patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-associated malignancies (five with lymphoma and five with kaposi's sarcoma) were treated with a daily subcutaneous injection of interleukin-2 (il-2) for 90 consecutive days in a phase i dose-escalation study. seven patients had absolute cd4 counts below 200/mm3 at the time malignancy was diagnosed. each lymphoma patient had obtained a complete or partial remission with standard chemotherapy before initiating il-2. the daily dose of il-2 ...19957579429
kaposi's sarcoma in patients infected with human virus (hiv): an overview.the emergence of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) among patients with hiv infection has raised a number of unsolved questions. the particular epidemiology and the etiology of ks remain unclear while both inflammatory cytokines and hiv-derived proteins appear to be involved in its pathogenesis as shown with the aid of in vitro ks-like cell cultures of animal models. since ks rarely occurs among hiv-positive caucasian females, sexual hormones, especially beta human chorionic gonadotropin, have recently been ...19957580828
aids. viruses, cytokines and kaposi's infection strongly predisposes people to kaposi's sarcoma, a complex proliferative lesion driven by autocrine and paracrine cytokine expression; new evidence implicates a second virus in the etiology of the disease.19957583090
block of hiv-1 infection by a combination of antisense tat rna and tar decoys: a strategy for control of hiv-1.the tat gene product (tat) of hiv-1 is an early regulatory protein necessary for viral gene expression and replication. tat may also play a role as an extracellular protein in both hiv-1 replication and aids-associated disorders such as kaposi's sarcoma. thus, tat represents a good target for gene therapy against aids. here we show that when vectors expressing antisense tat rna are transiently transfected into cd4+ cells, they block about 70% of hiv-1 replication and inhibit the rescue of tat-de ...19947584083
a role for a new herpes virus (kshv) in different forms of kaposi's sarcoma.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a previously rare, tumour-like lesion of controversial biological nature. ks has since the early 1980s become frequent in patients with aids, particularly in homosexuals. ks is also endemic in central africa predominantly in otherwise healthy men but also in women and children. recently, evidence for the presence of novel, herpes virus dna sequences in more than 90% of aids kaposi lesions (aks) was presented. this dna was identified using representational difference anal ...19957585156
herpesvirus-like dna sequences in non-aids kaposi's sarcoma.the pathogenesis of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is suggested to be related to an infectious agent transmitted by sexual contact. recently, dna sequences homologous to gamma herpesviridae have been identified in aids-associated ks, but no information is available concerning non-aids-associated ks. five classic, 12 endemic, and 17 aids-associated ks skin lesion specimens were analyzed and all were positive for these novel dna sequences. twenty-four specimens from normal skin were negative. these novel s ...19957594727
incidence of human immunodeficiency virus-related and nonrelated malignancies in a large cohort of homosexual determine if the rates of malignancies other than kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and non-hodgkin's lymphoma (nhl) are increased in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected homosexual men.19957595705
testicular germ cell tumors and human immunodeficiency virus infection: a report of 26 cases. italian cooperative group on aids and tumors.besides tumors that are diagnostic of aids, such as non-hodgkin's lymphoma, kaposi's sarcoma, and invasive carcinoma of the cervix, other tumors have been described in the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) setting. some case reports on testicular cancer in hiv-infected patients have appeared in the literature. we present a retrospective study on 26 cases of testicular germ cell tumors (tgcts) observed within the italian cooperative group on aids and tumors (gicat) between november 1986 and sept ...19957595728
perspectives of cytokine treatment in malignant skin tumors.cytokines have been tested in the treatment of different skin cancers during the last decade, and treatment schedules have been established or proposed for several malignant skin tumors. preferentially, the interferons and interleukin-2 were found to be effective in treating skin cancers. interferons alpha and beta have been approved for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-associated kaposi's sarcoma, cutaneous t cell lymphoma, and malignant melanoma in several countries. interfe ...19957597303
management of human immunodeficiency virus-associated malignancies.a number of malignancies which have been seen with other immunodeficiency diseases have appeared in patients immunosuppressed by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. these include kaposi's sarcoma, lymphomas, superficially spreading basal cell carcinomas, and squamous cell carcinomas. the fact that kaposi's sarcoma is the most common of these malignancies and is seen almost exclusively among homosexual men remains an enigma. the dermatological treatment of kaposi's sarcoma includes ...19957597310
new research suggests herpes virus may cause kaposi's sarcoma. 19957608509
human immunodeficiency virus and the skin: selected controversies.acquired immunodeficiency syndrome was first recognized as a new disease in 1981 because of the unusual association of kaposi's sarcoma and pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in young men. the skin remains one of the most important clinical markers for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, now recognized as the end stage of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). indeed, an urticarial viral exanthem appearing during seroconversion may allow early identification of newly infected individ ...19957615989
molecular analysis of clonality in castleman's disease.castleman's disease (cd) is a rare atypical lymphoproliferative disorder that is morphologically and clinically heterogenous and is associated with a risk of developing malignant lymphoma. we report the clonality status of cd tissues in 34 patients, including 14 patients infected by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). four patients presented a localized form and 30 presented a multicentric form. two cases were associated with b-cell lymphoma, 3 cases with hodgkin's disease, and 9 cases (8 hi ...19957620166
[role of retroviruses in human cancerogenesis].retroviruses are viral agents which are natural and experimental inductors of leukemias and solid tumors among numerous animal species. in man, they are implicated as ethiological agents of a specific type of leukemia, adult-t cell leukemia. thus is for retrovirus htlv-i. another retrovirus, hiv, implicated in aids is capable of leading to the formation of several types of opportunistic tumors, such as non hodgkin lymphomas and kaposi's sarcoma.19957626863
isolation and characterization of an immortal neoplastic cell line (ks y-1) from aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma.acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) is associated with the occurrence of tumors such as kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and b-cell lymphoma. however, no evidence exists yet that human immunodeficiency virus type 1, the causative agent of aids, is directly responsible for cell transformation. it is also not clear whether ks lesions, which are of complex cellularity, contain tumor cells derived from a true monoclonal malignancy (originating from a single malignant cell) or whether the lesions are just ...19957629884
pleural effusions in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients. correlation with concomitant pulmonary diseases.the objective of our study was to evaluate the prevalence of pleural effusions in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, to correlate these effusions with any concomitant pulmonary diseases and to evaluate the role of cytologic examination in the diagnosis of the effusions. twenty-eight of 389 (7.2%) human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients had pleural effusions and 27 of the 28 were suffering from concomitant pulmonary diseases. those diseases were bacterial pneumonia (9), ...19957631543
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-like dna sequences in multicentric castleman's disease.multicentric castleman's disease (mcd) is an atypical lymphoproliferative disorder defined using clinical and pathologic criteria. a characteristic of the mcd is a close association with kaposi's sarcoma (ks), which occurs during the clinical course of most human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-associated mcd cases and also, but less frequently, in hiv-negative patients. recently, sequences of a putative new herpesvirus (kshv) have been isolated and further detected in almost all the acquired immun ...19957632932
human herpesvirus type 6 and cytomegalovirus in aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma: no evidence for an etiological association.epidemiological studies indicate that acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids)-associated kaposi's sarcoma (ks) may be caused by an infectious, preferentially sexually transmitted agent. herpesviruses infections are common sexually transmitted diseases in homosexual men, who are also the main risk group for developing kaposi's sarcoma. to evaluate a possible role of human herpesvirus-6 (hhv-6) and cytomegalovirus (cmv) in the development of aids-associated ks, we investigated cutaneous aids-as ...19957635454
phase i/ii study of intermittent all-trans-retinoic acid, alone and in combination with interferon alfa-2a, in patients with epidemic kaposi's sarcoma.a phase i/ii study of oral all-trans-retinoic acid (atra; tretinoin), administered every other week alone and then in combination with interferon (ifn) alfa-2a, was undertaken to evaluate the activity, toxicity, and pharmacokinetics of this regimen in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-associated kaposi's sarcoma (ks).19957636537
pattern of adult malignancies in zambia (1980-1989) in light of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 epidemic.this study analysed histopathological and haematology records of 7836 neoplasms seen during the period 1980-1989 at the university teaching hospital, lusaka, zambia. the crude incidence rate of each malignancy per 100,000 adults per year was calculated and the patterns of malignancies were compared for the periods 1980-1983 and 1984-1989, the later coinciding with the advent of the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) epidemic. the six most common tumours were carcinoma of the cervix (19.6%), kapo ...19957636927
lower extremity lymphedema caused by acquired immune deficiency syndrome-related kaposi's sarcoma: case report and review of the literature.a case of severe lymphedema of the lower extremity caused by obstruction by human immunodeficiency virus-associated kaposi's sarcoma is presented. a review of the signs and symptoms of obstructive lymphedema and kaposi's sarcoma is provided. early recognition of this clinical entity may allow use of simple preventative measures and help to avoid this life- and limb-threatening situation.19957637119
rehabilitation management of the lower extremity in hiv disease.the sequelae of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) disease include a host of devastating conditions involving the lower extremity. these include rheumatologic dysfunction, kaposi's sarcoma, peripheral neuropathies, and skin ulcers. pain, weakness, and loss of range of motion caused by these conditions can lead to changes in gait pattern, loss of mobility and function, and limited quality of life. the role of the rehabilitation specialist in the care and treatment of hiv disease as it affects the ...19957643317
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related kaposi's describe kaposi's sarcoma (ks) associated with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids).19957643641
[cd4+ lymphocytes and opportunistic infections and neoplasms in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection].the cd4+ lymphocytes are the principal target cell for the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). their depletion originates a very severe cell immunosuppression, which conditions the appearance of opportunistic infections and neoplasms characteristic of aids. the aim of this study was to evaluate whether there is a relation between the degree of cell immunosuppression and the type of opportunistic infections and neoplasms which these patients develop in spain.19947646597
photodynamic therapy in aids-related cutaneous kaposi's sarcoma.for evaluating the role of photodynamic therapy (pdt) in the local treatment of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids)-related cutaneous kaposi's sarcoma (ks), nine treatments were performed in eight human immunodeficiency virus-positive homosexual men. the patients received 2 mg photofrin/kg and either 120 j/cm2 (n = 5) or 70 j/cm2 (n = 4) laser light (630 nm). a total of 83 lesions were evaluable for response with a follow-up of 3-8 months. the overall response rates by patient for all tre ...19957648286
multiple eruptive dermatofibromas in an hiv-positive man.multiple dermatofibromas (dfs) may occur in association with altered immunity, including systemic lupus erythematosus and iatrogenic immunosuppression. we report a case of multiple eruptive dfs which occurred in a patient positive for human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). the association of eruptive dfs and hiv infection has not been previously reported. the mechanism for the development of dfs in the setting of immune disturbance remains unclear. in the setting of hiv infection, dfs may clinicall ...19957655112
human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection: relationship of risk group and age to rate of progression to aids. transfusion safety study group.age differences among risk groups may account for rate differences in progression of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) infection to aids. institutions in 6 us cities used a common protocol to study infected homosexual blood donors, recipients of blood components, and factor viii-treated hemophiliacs. follow-up was every 6 months. actuarial risk for aids 8 years after infection was 51% among blood recipients, 36% among homosexual donors, and 24% among hemophiliacs. significant risk grou ...19957658055
association of mycoplasma penetrans with human immunodeficiency virus infection.a cross-sectional study was done to determine the seroprevalence of mycoplasma penetrans in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) type 1-seropositive and -seronegative persons recruited in france. the data were analyzed with respect to the sociodemographic, clinical, and biologic status of the patients. m. penetrans seropositivity was associated with hiv infection (18.2% of hiv-seropositive vs. 1.3% of hiv-seronegative persons were m. penetrans-seropositive; p < .001). m. penetrans infection was pr ...19957658058
association of human herpes virus with pulmonary kaposi's sarcoma. 19957658860
in vitro establishment and characterization of two acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related lymphoma cell lines (bc-1 and bc-2) containing kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-like (kshv) dna sequences.two unique dna fragments were recently identified in over 90% of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids)-related kaposi's sarcoma tissues. sequence analysis suggests that these fragments belong to a previously unidentified human herpesvirus, kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv). these fragments have also been identified in a subset of non-hodgkin's lymphomas in human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients; specifically, in body cavity-based lymphomas (aids-bcbls). we have establish ...19957670109
detection of kaposi sarcoma associated herpesvirus in peripheral blood of hiv-infected individuals and progression to kaposi's sarcoma.kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is consistently found in biopsy samples from patients with aids-related and "classical" kaposi's sarcoma (ks). although highly suggestive of a causal role of kshv in the pathogenesis of ks, this observation does not exclude the possibility that kshv, like other herpesviruses, is widely distributed and is a mere "passenger" in these lesions. here we report that kshv was detectable in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of 24/46 (52%) of ks patients, but ...19957674745
interferon-alpha in malignant and viral diseases. a the 35 years since the discovery of interferon, significant biological activity has been described for interferon-alpha (ifn alpha) in various cancers, particularly haematological malignancies such as hairy cell leukaemia and chronic myelogenous leukaemia. except for localised therapy in bladder and ovarian cancer, activity against most solid tumours has been disappointing. other notable exceptions include kaposi's sarcoma, renal cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma, tumours known to be susc ...19937681371
clinical pharmacology of zidovudine and other 2',3'-dideoxynucleoside analogues.since the discovery of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) in 1981, considerable progress has been made in the development of agents with anti-hiv activity. zidovudine was one of the first 2'-3'-dideoxynucleosides to cause inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) replication in vitro, by inhibiting the viral reverse transcriptase. early trials showed that zidovudine results in clinical and immunological improvements and prolonged life in patients with aids or aids-related compl ...19937685214
administration of pentosan polysulfate to patients with human immunodeficiency virus-associated kaposi's sarcoma.neovascularization induced by basic fibroblast growth factor (basic fgf) or fgf-like cytokines is thought to play a substantial role in the pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-associated kaposi's sarcoma. pentosan polysulfate has been shown to inhibit basic fgf and fgf-like dependent tumor growth both in vitro and in vivo. moreover, it has been found to inhibit the growth of kaposi's sarcoma-derived spindle cells in vitro. these observations suggested that pentosan polysulfate mig ...19937692072
zidovudine. an update of its pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties, and therapeutic efficacy.zidovudine remains the mainstay in the treatment of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). the drug delays disease progression to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and to aids-related complex (arc), reduces opportunistic infections, and increases survival in patients with advanced hiv infection. there is evidence to suggest that zidovudine also delays disease progression in patients with mild symptomatic disease. although one study has shown zidovudine to have no sign ...19937693435
chemotherapy for patients with pulmonary kaposi's sarcoma: benefit of filgrastim (g-csf) in supporting dose administration.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is common in individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv-1). although ks is frequently indolent, it can also be aggressive and life-threatening, especially in patients with pulmonary involvement (pks), who have poor survival rates when untreated. in an effort to develop treatment regimens for pks that would prolong life or reduce clinical symptoms, we used combination chemotherapy to treat 18 patients who had aids and pks; 13 (72%) of them had a history ...19937694375
hand-foot syndrome associated with liposome-encapsulated doxorubicin therapy.acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids)-related kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a common complication of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus and can cause significant morbidity. long term therapy with standard chemotherapeutic regimens has been limited by relatively short durations of response and potential toxicity. once therapy is discontinued, the disease typically progresses. liposome-encapsulated doxorubicin (dox-sl) currently is being evaluated for treating patients with aids-r ...19957697608
detection of herpesvirus-like dna sequences in kaposi's sarcoma in patients with and without hiv infection.herpesvirus-like dna sequences have recently been found in lesions from patients with kaposi's sarcoma and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). it is not known whether these sequences are also present in classic kaposi's sarcoma or in the kaposi's sarcoma that occurs in homosexual men who are seronegative for the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv).19957700310
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-like dna sequences in aids-related body-cavity-based lymphomas.dna fragments that appeared to belong to an unidentified human herpesvirus were recently found in more than 90 percent of kaposi's sarcoma lesions associated with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). these fragments were also found in 6 of 39 tissue samples without kaposi's sarcoma, including 3 malignant lymphomas, from patients with aids, but not in samples from patients without aids.19957700311
changing patterns of kaposi's sarcoma in danish acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients with complete follow-up. the danish study group for hiv infection (dashi).the objective was to study changes in the occurrence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1-related kaposi's sarcoma and the association with degree of immunodeficiency over time. danish patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) diagnosed between 1979 and 1990 (n = 687) were followed clinically and with consecutive cd4 cell count measurement from time of aids-defining illness to date of death or censoring date, whichever came first. the proportion of homo-/bisexual men (n = 520) wi ...19957702040
pathology of aids-related liver disease.hepatomegaly and abnormalities of serum liver tests are common problems in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome. opportunist infections (mycobacterium avium-intracellulare and cytomegalovirus) and neoplasms (lymphoma, kaposi's sarcoma) are among the most prevalent hepatic lesions in aids. although kupffer cells and endothelial cells are potential sites of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (hiv-1) infection, current studies do not indicate that the liver is a major reservoir for this vi ...19947712615
kaposi's-sarcoma-associated herpesvirus in hiv-negative kaposi's sarcoma. 19957723505
cutaneous diseases in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients referred to the ucla immunosuppression skin clinic: reasons for referral and management of select diseases.many nondermatologist physicians have become skilled at identifying and treating certain human immunodeficiency virus-related skin diseases. they are reserving referrals primarily for diagnostically or therapeutically challenging skin disorders. our purpose was to study the reasons for referral of human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients, and to review the management of select diseases. one-hundred and fifty human immunodeficiency virus-positive outpatients were evaluated consecutively for ...19957729163
pneumonia due to staphylococcus aureus in a patient with aids: review of incidence and report of an atypical roentgenographic presentation.multiple defects in host defense mechanisms produce an increased incidence of community-acquired bacterial pneumonia in individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. clinical studies suggest that staphylococcus aureus is an uncommon cause of such infections, though its incidence is increased in the setting of intravenous drug use, indwelling vascular catheter, and coexistent pulmonary kaposi's sarcoma or pneumonia due to pneumocystis carinii. the significantly higher incidence of s ...19957732454
x irradiation-induced transcription from the hiv type 1 long terminal has been previously shown in vitro and in vivo that the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 can be dramatically enhanced by certain heterologous viral, chemical, and physical (ultraviolet irradiation) agents. a common denominator shared by these agents is their ability to cause stress responses in cells. to analyze if a similar effect could occur by x irradiations, we tested the in vitro effect of x rays on hiv ltr-directed gene expression. the results demonstrate that the hiv-1 ltr is activa ...19957734195
abdominal surgery in hiv/aids patients: indications, operative management, pathology and outcome.despite the increasing number of patients with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection, surgical experience with these patients remains limited. a retrospective review over a 9 year period (january 1985 to december 1993) was undertaken to determine the indications, operative management, pathologic findings and outcome of major abdominal surgery in these patients. a total of 51 procedures were performed in 45 patients; 30 patients had acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and 15 pati ...19957741674
the epidemiology and transmission of aids: a hypothesis linking behavioural and biological determinants to time, person and place.epidemiologically, the acquired immune deficiency syndrome, aids, is transmitted and distributed in the usa and europe almost entirely in well-defined subsets of populations engaging in, or subjected to, the effects of behaviours which carry high risks of genital and systemic infections. the persons predominantly affected are those engaging in promiscuous homosexual and bisexual activity, regular use of addictive drugs, and their sexual and recreational partners. in such persons and in subsets o ...19957744260
foreign-protein-mediated immunodeficiency in hemophiliacs with and without hiv.hemophilia-aids has been interpreted in terms of two hypotheses: the foreign-protein-aids hypothesis and the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-aids hypothesis. the foreign-protein-aids hypothesis holds that proteins contaminating commercial clotting factor viii cause immunosuppression. the foreign-protein hypothesis, but not the hiv hypothesis, correctly predicts seven characteristics of hemophilia-aids: 1) the increased life span of american hemophiliacs in the two decades before 1987, althoug ...19957744263
weekly oral etoposide in patients with kaposi's sarcoma associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection: a phase i multicenter trial of the aids clinical trials group.we conducted a phase i trial to evaluate the safety, maximally tolerated dose (mtd), antitumor activity, and pharmacology of once-weekly oral etoposide in patients with kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and aids. from september 1990 to october 1991, 27 eligible patients with biopsy-confirmed ks were treated at six etoposide dose levels, ranging from 150 to 400 mg weekly. patients were treated until their tumor progressed or until unacceptable toxicity developed. on the first day of therapy, etoposide plasma ...19957749790
immunohistochemical localization of transforming growth factor-beta 1 in kaposi's sarcoma.immunohistochemical localization of transforming growth factor beta 1 (tgf-beta 1) was studied in kaposi's sarcoma (ks) tissues obtained from autopsy and biopsy materials of patients with and without acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) or human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. there was no difference in the localization and distribution of tgf-beta 1 in ks tissues regardless of the hiv-1 status of the patients. rabbit polyclonal antibodies to synthetic peptides, corresponding to the ...19957750930
[skin changes in hiv infections].the spectrum of dermatologic findings related to human immunodeficiency virus includes a variety of cutaneous and mucocutaneous disorders. the most frequent diagnoses are oral candidiasis, seborrheic dermatitis, pyodermas and kaposi's sarcoma. distinctive skin lesions occur at various stages of hiv infection. especially herpes zoster, seborrheic dermatitis and oral candidiasis may act as indicators, and their recognition is of particular importance for the early diagnosis of hiv infection and fo ...19957754472
an overview of the oral manifestations of aids-related kaposi's sarcoma.acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-associated kaposi's sarcoma (aids-ks) is the most common malignancy in human immunodeficiency virus infection and is seen most often in homosexual men. the oral cavity is frequently involved by aids-ks and may represent the initial site of this malignancy in up to 60% of patients. a number of treatment modalities, including systemic and localized chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are available for aids-ks. the initial diagnosis of aids-ks requires microscopic eval ...19957758045
management of pulmonary kaposi's sarcoma: new perspectives.pulmonary kaposi's sarcoma is a frequent complication of human immunodeficiency virus infection. this article reviews the current approaches to the management of this difficult condition.19957788074
empirically treated pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in los angeles, chicago, and miami: 1987-1990.many patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) with symptoms suggestive of pneumonia are treated empirically for pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp), although other bacterial infections (e.g., tuberculosis) and pulmonary kaposi's sarcoma may cause identical symptoms. empiric treatment for pcp may result in misdiagnosis and mistreatment. when the outcomes of cytologically confirmed versus empirically treated pcp cases were evaluated, the most important predictors of in-hospit ...19957797940
lytic vertebral lesions: an unusual manifestation of aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma.the differential diagnosis of neovascular skin lesions in patients with aids includes kaposi's sarcoma and bacillary angiomatosis. it has been suggested that the radiographic presence of lytic bone lesions in association with these skin lesions supports a diagnosis of bacillary angiomatosis. we present a case of disseminated kaposi's sarcoma in which evidence of lytic vertebral disease was seen on computed tomography; the histopathologic characteristics of the osseous lesions are described. find ...19947803643
ebv-associated kaposi's sarcoma in a pediatric renal transplant recipient.a 7-year-old boy had undergone kidney transplantation for chronic renal failure secondary to bilateral renal hypoplasia. he developed acute and chronic rejection and received immunosuppressive therapy. a year later he died with ebv-associated hemophagocytic syndrome. the main pathologic findings disclosed visceral (lung and stomach) and abdominal lymph node involvement of kaposi's sarcoma and ebv-positive immunoblasts in several organs. in the lungs and lymph nodes these had the features of poly ...19947808984
[laser therapy of eyelid and conjunctival tumors, especially in aids patients].we treated patients with kaposi's sarcoma of the lid or conjunctiva, molluscum contagiosum and papilloma of the lid with dye laser photocoagulation. this therapeutic device is extremely efficient as the chosen wavelength of 577 nm is absorbed selectively by haemoglobin. since kaposi's sarcoma is a haemoglobin-containing tumour composed of endothelial cells and papilloma is a benign tumour composed of connective tissue and branching vessels, dye laser photocoagulation causes selective damage to a ...19947812107
role of hiv-1 tat in the pathogenesis of aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma. 19947826041
regulation of pdgf-b and pdgf receptor expression in the pathogenesis of kaposi's sarcoma in aids. 19947826042
epidemiology of aids-related infection is known to increase the incidence of kaposi's sarcoma and non-hodgkin's lymphoma. kaposi's sarcoma preferentially affects homosexual men and risk varies by geographic area, suggesting there is an environmental cofactor for kaposi's sarcoma in addition to hiv. despite intensive investigation, the responsible cofactor has not been conclusively identified. hiv-associated non-hodgkin's lymphoma affects all hiv transmission groups, and non-hodgkin's lymphoma risk increases with duratio ...19947827152
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