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genetic epidemiology of sarcoptes scabiei in the iberian wolf in asturias, spain.during the last decades, attempts have been made to understand the molecular epidemiology of sarcoptes scabiei, and to detect and clarify the differences between isolates from different hosts and geographic regions. two main phenomena have been described: (i) host-taxon derived-sarcoptes mite infection in european wild animals (revealing the presence of three separate clusters, namely herbivore-, carnivore- and omnivore-derived sarcoptes populations in europe) and (ii) prey-to-predator sarcoptes ...201323664709
humans strengthen bottom-up effects and weaken trophic cascades in a terrestrial food web.ongoing debate about whether food webs are primarily regulated by predators or by primary plant productivity, cast as top-down and bottom-up effects, respectively, may becoming superfluous. given that most of the world's ecosystems are human dominated we broadened this dichotomy by considering human effects in a terrestrial food-web. we studied a multiple human-use landscape in southwest alberta, canada, as opposed to protected areas where previous terrestrial food-web studies have been conducte ...201323667705
multi-trophic resource selection function enlightens the behavioural game between wolves and their prey.1. habitat selection strategies translate into movement tactics, which reckon with the predator-prey spatial game. strategic habitat selection analysis can therefore illuminate behavioural games. cover types at potential encounter sites (i.e. intersections between movement paths of predator and prey) can be compared with cover types available (i) within the area of home-range-overlap (hro) between predator and prey; and (ii) along the path (mp) of each species. unlike the hro scale, cover-type a ...201323701257
a range-wide synthesis and timeline for phylogeographic events in the red fox (vulpes vulpes).many boreo-temperate mammals have a pleistocene fossil record throughout eurasia and north america, but only few have a contemporary distribution that spans this large area. examples of holarctic-distributed carnivores are the brown bear, grey wolf, and red fox, all three ecological generalists with large dispersal capacity and a high adaptive flexibility. while the two former have been examined extensively across their ranges, no phylogeographic study of the red fox has been conducted across it ...201323738594
anthropogenic resource subsidies determine space use by australian arid zone dingoes: an improved resource selection modelling approach.dingoes (canis lupus dingo) were introduced to australia and became feral at least 4,000 years ago. we hypothesized that dingoes, being of domestic origin, would be adaptable to anthropogenic resource subsidies and that their space use would be affected by the dispersion of those resources. we tested this by analyzing resource selection functions (rsfs) developed from gps fixes (locations) of dingoes in arid central australia. using generalized linear mixed-effect models (glmms), we investigated ...201323750191
linking anti-predator behaviour to prey demography reveals limited risk effects of an actively hunting large carnivore.ecological theory predicts that the diffuse risk cues generated by wide-ranging, active predators should induce prey behavioural responses but not major, population- or community-level consequences. we evaluated the non-consumptive effects (nces) of an active predator, the grey wolf (canis lupus), by simultaneously tracking wolves and the behaviour, body fat, and pregnancy of elk (cervus elaphus), their primary prey in the greater yellowstone ecosystem. when wolves approached within 1 km, elk in ...201323750905
serosurvey for selected viral infections in free-ranging jaguars (panthera onca) and domestic carnivores in brazilian cerrado, pantanal, and amazon.we investigated the exposure of jaguar (panthera onca) populations and domestic carnivores to selected viral infections in the cerrado, amazon, and pantanal biomes of brazil. between february 2000 and january 2010, we collected serum samples from 31 jaguars, 174 dogs (canis lupus familiaris), and 35 domestic cats (felis catus). serologic analyses for antibodies to rabies virus, canine distemper virus (cdv), feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv), and for feline leukemia virus (felv) antigen were co ...201323778599
influence of dingoes on sheep distribution in describe the influence of the dingo (canis lupus dingo) on the past, present and future distributions of sheep in australia.201323782018
isolation and rflp genotyping of toxoplasma gondii from the gray wolf (canis lupus).little is known of the genetic diversity of toxoplasma gondii circulating in wildlife. in the present study feral gray wolves (canis lupus) from minnesota were examined for t. gondii infection. antibodies to t. gondii were detected in 130 (52.4%) of 248 wolves tested by the modified agglutination test (cut-off titer of 25). tissues (hearts, brains or both) of 109 wolves were bioassayed in mice for protozoal isolation. viable t. gondii was isolated from 25 and the isolates were further propagated ...201323786787
what the inbred scandinavian wolf population tells us about the nature of conservation.the genetic aspects of population health are critical, but frequently difficult to assess. of concern has been the genetic constitution of scandinavian wolves (canis lupus), which represent an important case in conservation. we examined the incidence of different congenital anomalies for 171 scandinavian wolves, including the immigrant founder female, born during a 32-year period between 1978 and 2010. the incidence of anomalies rose from 13% to 40% throughout the 32-year study period. our abili ...201323805301
spatio-temporal dynamics in the response of woodland caribou and moose to the passage of grey wolf.predators impact prey populations not only by consuming individuals, but also by altering their behaviours. these nonlethal effects can influence food web properties as much as lethal effects. the mechanisms of nonlethal effects include chronic and temporary anti-predator behaviours, the nature of which depends on the spatial dynamics of predators and the range over which prey perceive risk. the relation between chronic and ephemeral responses to risk determines predator-prey interactions, with ...201423859231
inter-specific territoriality in a canis hybrid zone: spatial segregation between wolves, coyotes, and hybrids.gray wolves (canis lupus) and coyotes (canis latrans) generally exhibit intraspecific territoriality manifesting in spatial segregation between adjacent packs. however, previous studies have found a high degree of interspecific spatial overlap between sympatric wolves and coyotes. eastern wolves (canis lycaon) are the most common wolf in and around algonquin provincial park (app), ontario, canada and hybridize with sympatric gray wolves and coyotes. we hypothesized that all canis types (wolves, ...201323864253
noninvasive heavy metal pollution assessment by means of iberian wolf (canis lupus signatus) hair from galicia (nw spain): a comparison with invasive samples.the current study represents the first investigation of the suitability of wolf hair as indicator tissue for metal exposure and accumulation within nw spanish ecosystems. dead animals, which were not specifically killed for these purposes, were necropsied, and further toxicological analyses were performed in order to establish the heavy metal content (pb, cd, and zn) in liver, kidney, and hair, by means of inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. two different factors, gender an ...201323877576
mhc variability in an isolated wolf population in italy.small, isolated populations may experience increased extinction risk due to reduced genetic variability at important functional genes, thus decreasing the population's adaptive potential. the major histocompatibility complex (mhc), a key immunological gene cluster, usually shows high variability maintained by positive or balancing selection in response to challenges by pathogens. here we investigated for the first time, the variability of 3 mhc class ii genes (drb1, dqa1, and dqb1) in 94 samples ...201323885092
characterization and allelic variation of the transporters associated with antigen processing (tap) genes in the domestic dog (canis lupus familiaris).the function of the transporters associated with antigen processing (tap) complex is to shuttle antigenic peptides from the cytosol to the endoplasmic reticulum to load mhc class i molecules for cd8(+) t-cell immunosurveillance. here we report the promoter and coding regions of the canine tap1 and tap2 genes, which encode the homologous subunits forming the tap heterodimer. by sampling genetically divergent breeds, polymorphisms in both genes were identified, although there were few amino acid d ...201323892057
animal migration amid shifting patterns of phenology and predation: lessons from a yellowstone elk herd.migration is a striking behavioral strategy by which many animals enhance resource acquisition while reducing predation risk. historically, the demographic benefits of such movements made migration common, but in many taxa the phenomenon is considered globally threatened. here we describe a long-term decline in the productivity of elk (cervus elaphus) that migrate through intact wilderness areas to protected summer ranges inside yellowstone national park, usa. we attribute this decline to a long ...201323923485
first detection of leishmania infantum kinetoplast dna in hair of wild mammals: application of qpcr method to determine potential parasite reservoirs.the data presented in this paper describe the application of a method for a reliable and non-invasive diagnosis of leishmaniosis in wild reservoirs, based on the detection of leishmania infantum kinetoplast dna (kdna) in hair samples by real time pcr (qpcr). the study has been performed on 68 ear/leg hair samples from 5 different wild species (vulpes vulpes, canis lupus, martes foina, rattus norvegicus and erinaceus europaeus) from several geographic areas of west and north spain. the presence o ...201323973736
complete mitochondrial genome of canis lupus this study, blood sample was obtained from a female mongolian wolf (canis lupus campestris) captured from mongolia and its complete mitochondrial genome was sequenced for the first time.201523984823
alterations of c-myc, nkx3.1, and e-cadherin expression in canine prostate carcinogenesis.the dog (canis lupus familiaris) is the only other species besides humans that develop spontaneous prostatic carcinomas (pca) at a high frequency. the canine model is primarily utilized for the study of the pca molecular mechanisms and provides a natural animal model for the study of potential therapies. in humans, the pca frequently exhibits mutations in the c-myc and a reduced expression of the e-cadherin and nkx3.1 proteins. this study's objective was to evaluate the nkx3.1, c-myc, and e-cadh ...201324030851
trophic cascades from wolves to grizzly bears in yellowstone.we explored multiple linkages among grey wolves (canis lupus), elk (cervus elaphus), berry-producing shrubs and grizzly bears (ursus arctos) in yellowstone national park. we hypothesized competition between elk and grizzly bears whereby, in the absence of wolves, increases in elk numbers would increase browsing on berry-producing shrubs and decrease fruit availability to grizzly bears. after wolves were reintroduced and with a reduced elk population, we hypothesized there would be an increase in ...201424033136
spatial heterogeneity in the strength of plant-herbivore interactions under predation risk: the tale of bison foraging in wolf country.spatial heterogeneity in the strength of trophic interactions is a fundamental property of food web spatial dynamics. the feeding effort of herbivores should reflect adaptive decisions that only become rewarding when foraging gains exceed 1) the metabolic costs, 2) the missed opportunity costs of not foraging elsewhere, and 3) the foraging costs of anti-predator behaviour. two aspects of these costs remain largely unexplored: the link between the strength of plant-herbivore interactions and the ...201324039909
sequence variability in three mitochondrial genes among four roundworm species from wild animals in china.sequence variability in three mitochondrial dna (mtdna) regions, namely portions of cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (pcox1), nadh dehydrogenase subunit 1 (pnad1) and nadh dehydrogenase subunit 4 (pnad4), for toxocara canis. baylisacaris transfuga. ascaris suum and parascaris equorum from canis lupus. ursus thibetanus. sus scrofa and equus burchelli in china were examined. the lengths of the sequences of pcox1, pnad1 and pnad4 were 711 bp, 648 bp and 666 bp, respectively. no intra-species differen ...201524041450
the short-term effects of a routine poisoning campaign on the movements and detectability of a social can be important components of resilient ecosystems, but they are still controlled in many places to mitigate a variety of economic, environmental and/or social impacts. lethal control is often achieved through the broad-scale application of poisoned baits. understanding the direct and indirect effects of such lethal control on subsequent movements and behaviour of survivors is an important pre-requisite for interpreting the efficacy and ecological outcomes of top-predator control. ...201424043505
mercury in gray wolves (canis lupus) in alaska: increased exposure through consumption of marine prey.mercury (hg) bioaccumulates in the tissues of organisms and biomagnifies within food-webs. gray wolves (canis lupus) in alaska primarily acquire hg through diet; therefore, comparing the extent of hg exposure in wolves, in conjunction with stable isotopes, from interior and coastal regions of alaska offers important insight into their feeding ecology. liver, kidney, and skeletal muscle samples from 162 gray wolves were analyzed for total mercury (thg) concentrations and stable isotopic signature ...201424056451
spatial genetic analyses reveal cryptic population structure and migration patterns in a continuously harvested grey wolf (canis lupus) population in north-eastern europe.spatial genetics is a relatively new field in wildlife and conservation biology that is becoming an essential tool for unravelling the complexities of animal population processes, and for designing effective strategies for conservation and management. conceptual and methodological developments in this field are therefore critical. here we present two novel methodological approaches that further the analytical possibilities of structure and dresd. using these approaches we analyse structure and m ...201324069446
cadmium and lead in grey wolf liver samples: optimisation of a microwave-assisted digestion method.a microwave-assisted digestion method for the determination of cadmium (cd) and lead (pb) by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (icp-ms) was optimised on certified reference material (crm) (bovine liver, bcr-185r) and wolf liver samples. different factors influencing digestion efficiency (temperature, time, composition of the digestion mixture, sample mass) were tested. validation included linearity (up to 200 μg l(-1) for cd and pb), detection (0.003 μg l(-1) for cd and 0.035 μg l(-1) ...201324084348
developing metapopulation connectivity criteria from genetic and habitat data to recover the endangered mexican wolf.restoring connectivity between fragmented populations is an important tool for alleviating genetic threats to endangered species. yet recovery plans typically lack quantitative criteria for ensuring such population connectivity. we demonstrate how models that integrate habitat, genetic, and demographic data can be used to develop connectivity criteria for the endangered mexican wolf (canis lupus baileyi), which is currently being restored to the wild from a captive population descended from 7 fo ...201424112074
analysis of mitochondrial dna hvr1 haplotype of pure-bred domestic dogs in develop dna markers for forensic analysis, we examined the hypervariable region 1 (hvr1) sequences of 447 pure-bred domestic dogs (canis lupus familiaris) that had been bred and raised in japan. hvr1 is a 660-bp stretch of mitochondrial (mt) dna. among the 447 hvr1 sequences examined, we identified 58 haplotypes from 47 single nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) and two insertion-deletion (indel) polymorphisms. the haplotype diversity inferred from inter-breed analysis (n=154, 88 breeds) was 0.92 ...201324120304
echinococcus multilocularis and echinococcus canadensis in wolves from western canada.echinococcus species are important parasites of wildlife, domestic animals and people worldwide; however, little is known about the prevalence, intensity and genetic diversity of echinococcus tapeworms in canadian wildlife. echinococcus tapeworms were harvested from the intestines of 42% of 93 wolves (canis lupus) from five sampling regions in the northwest territories, manitoba and saskatchewan, and visually identified to genus level by microscopic examination. genetic characterization was succ ...201424135428
north-south differentiation and a region of high diversity in european wolves (canis lupus).european wolves (canis lupus) show population genetic structure in the absence of geographic barriers, and across relatively short distances for this highly mobile species. additional information on the location of and divergence between population clusters is required, particularly because wolves are currently recolonizing parts of europe. we evaluated genetic structure in 177 wolves from 11 countries using over 67k single nucleotide polymorphism (snp) loci. the results supported previous findi ...201324146871
biomass flow and scavengers use of carcasses after re-colonization of an apex predator.reestablishment of apex predators influences the availability and distribution of biomass for scavengers and can therefore be an important agent for structuring species communities. we studied how the re-colonization of the scandinavian peninsula by wolves (canis lupus) affected the amount and temporal variation in use of moose (alces alces) carcasses.201324194881
patterns of livestock predation by carnivores: human-wildlife conflict in northwest yunnan, china.alleviating human-carnivore conflict is central to large carnivore conservation and is often of economic importance, where people coexist with carnivores. in this article, we report on the patterns of predation and economic losses from wild carnivores preying on livestock in three villages of northern baima xueshan nature reserve, northwest yunnan during a 2-year period between january 2010 and december 2011. we analyzed claims from 149 households that 258 head of livestock were predated. wolves ...201324202281
responses of beaver (castor canadensis kuhl) to predator beaver (castor canadensis) in two different beaver populations in new york state were exposed to predator chemicals to test feeding inhibition. solvent extracts of feces were applied to stem sections of aspen, the preferred food tree of beavers, permitting smelling and tasting the samples. predator odors were from wolf (canis lupus), coyote (canis latrans), dog (canis familiaris), black bear (ursus americanus), river otter (lutra canadensis), lynx (lynx canadensis), and african lion ...199524234632
decomposing risk: landscape structure and wolf behavior generate different predation patterns in two sympatric ungulates.recolonizing carnivores can have a large impact on the status of wild ungulates, which have often modified their behavior in the absence of predation. therefore, understanding the dynamics of reestablished predator-prey systems is crucial to predict their potential ecosystem effects. we decomposed the spatial structure of predation by recolonizing wolves (canis lupus) on two sympatric ungulates, moose (alces alces) and roe deer (capreolus capreolus), in scandinavia during a 10-year study. we mon ...201324261051
innate threat-sensitive foraging: black-tailed deer remain more fearful of wolf than of the less dangerous black bear even after 100 years of wolf absence.anti-predator behaviors often entail foraging costs, and thus prey response to predator cues should be adjusted to the level of risk (threat-sensitive foraging). simultaneously dangerous predators (with high hunting success) should engender the evolution of innate predator recognition and appropriate anti-predator behaviors that are effective even upon the first encounter with the predator. the above leads to the prediction that prey might respond more strongly to cues of dangerous predators tha ...201424288079
chemical scent constituents in urine of wolf (canis lupus) and their dependence on reproductive hormones.the volatile components of castrated male and ovariectomized female wolf urine were investigated and correlated with the administration of testosterone or estradiol and progesterone. the results indicate that testosterone induces in the castrated male the formation of some compounds typically associated with the intact male, while reducing the levels of some compounds associated with castrated male and female. the production of some of the "male" compounds was also induced in the ovariectomized ...198624306418
chemical investigations of wolf (canis lupus) anal-sac secretion in relation to breeding season.the volatile constituents of wolf anal-sac secretions were examined via capillary gas chromatography and compared among intact males, females, castrate males, ovariectomized females, and anosmic and pinealectomized males and females. some chemical compounds were deemed significantly different (t test, 95% confidence level) among the groups both during and outside of the mating season, implying that the volatile components of anal-sac secretion can be used to communicate information regarding gen ...198524310125
effect of training and familiarity on responsiveness to human cues in domestic dogs (canis familiaris).domestic dogs (canis familiaris) seem to possess an evolved competency to follow human-given cues, often out-performing their wild progenitor the wolf (canis lupus) on cue-following tasks. however, domestication may not be solely responsible for the socio-cognitive skills of dogs, with ontogenetic experience also playing a role. this research evaluated the effects of intensive training on cue-following behaviour using an unreinforced object-choice paradigm. the responses of dogs that were traine ...201424318516
in vitro hepatic microsomal metabolism of meloxicam in koalas (phascolarctos cinereus), brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula), ringtail possums (pseudocheirus peregrinus), rats (rattus norvegicus) and dogs (canis lupus familiaris).quantitative and qualitative aspects of in vitro metabolism of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug meloxicam, mediated via hepatic microsomes of specialized foliage (eucalyptus) eating marsupials (koalas and ringtail possums), a generalized foliage eating marsupial (brushtail possum), rats, and dogs, are described. using a substrate depletion method, intrinsic hepatic clearance (in vitro clint) was determined. significantly, rates of oxidative transformation of meloxicam, likely mediated vi ...201424345479
genetic recombination is targeted towards gene promoter regions in dogs.the identification of the h3k4 trimethylase, prdm9, as the gene responsible for recombination hotspot localization has provided considerable insight into the mechanisms by which recombination is initiated in mammals. however, uniquely amongst mammals, canids appear to lack a functional version of prdm9 and may therefore provide a model for understanding recombination that occurs in the absence of prdm9, and thus how prdm9 functions to shape the recombination landscape. we have constructed a fine ...201324348265
radiographic analysis of vocal tract length and its relation to overall body size in two canid species.body size is an important determinant of resource and mate competition in many species. competition is often mediated by conspicuous vocal displays, which may help to intimidate rivals and attract mates by providing honest cues to signaler size. fitch proposed that vocal tract resonances (or formants) should provide particularly good, or honest, acoustic cues to signaler size because they are determined by the length of the vocal tract, which in turn, is hypothesized to scale reliably with overa ...201324363497
what cues do ungulates use to assess predation risk in dense temperate forests?anti-predator responses by ungulates can be based on habitat features or on the near-imminent threat of predators. in dense forest, cues that ungulates use to assess predation risk likely differ from half-open landscapes, as scent relative to sight is predicted to be more important. we studied, in the białowieża primeval forest (poland), whether perceived predation risk in red deer (cervus elaphus) and wild boar (sus scrofa) is related to habitat visibility or olfactory cues of a predator. we us ...201424404177
accounting for individual behavioural variation in studies of habitat selection.a caribou wearing an animal-borne video camera (a) and animal-borne video footage taken from systems deployed on mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) in north-central washington state, usa (b-d). when paired with tracking technology, animal-borne video can reveal detailed information about behaviour and environmental features at each location: (b) feeding, (c) vigilant in the open, (d) vigilant in cover, (e) resting in the open. accordingly, animal-borne video systems should allow for analyses of hab ...201424428597
applying clinically proven human techniques for contraception and fertility to endangered species and zoo animals: a review.reversible contraception that does not alter natural behavior is a critical need for managing zoo populations. in addition to reversible contraception, other fertility techniques perfected in humans may be useful, such as in vitro fertilization (ivf) or oocyte and embryo banking for endangered species like amphibians and mexican wolves (canis lupus baileyi). furthermore, the genetics of human fertility can give a better understanding of fertility in more exotic species. collaborations were estab ...201324437091
the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the tibetan wolf (canis lupus laniger).in this study, the complete mitochondrial genome of the tibetan wolf (canis lupus laniger) was sequenced using blood samples obtained from a wild female tibetan wolf captured from lhasa in tibet, china. qinghai-tibet plateau, with an average elevation above 3500 m, is the highest plateau in the world. sequence analysis showed that its structure is in accordance with other canidae species, but gtg is used as the start codon in nd4l gene which is different from many canide animals.201624438245
the complete mitochondrial genome of the chinese indigenous this study, the complete nucleotide sequence of chinese indigenous dog mitochondrial genome was determined for the first time. sequence analysis showed that the genome structure was in accordance with other dogs. it contained 22 trna genes, 2 ribosomal rna genes, 13 protein-coding genes and 1 control region (d-loop region). the base composition was a (31.6%), g (14.2%), c (25.5%) and t (28.7%), so the percentage of a and t (60.3%) was higher than that of g and c. the complete mitochondrial ge ...201624438253
complete mitochondrial genome of a german shepherd (canis lupus familiaris breed german shepherd) provides insights into genome-wide sequence this work, we report the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of a german shepherd. the total length of the mitogenome was 16,727 bp. it contained the typical structure of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal rna genes, 22 transfer rna genes and a non-coding control region (d-loop region). the arrangement of these genes was the same as that found in other dogs. all the protein initial codons were atg, except for nd2, nd3 and nd5 starting with ata. sequence comparison indicates that d-loop r ...201624438283
the complete mitochondrial genome of a purebred tibetan mastiff (canis lupus familiaris breed tibetan mastiff) from lijiang, china, and comparison of genome-wide sequence this study, the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the tibetan mastiff was reported. the total length of the mitogenome is 16,729 bp. it contains the typical structure, including 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer rna genes, 2 ribosomal rna genes and 1 control region is in line with other canine animals. we further identified genome-wide variations among different canine mitochondrial genomes and indicated that the d-loop region harbors the most sequence variation, which will provide ...201624438301
clinical and diagnostic imaging findings in an italian wolf (canis lupus italicus) with adult male italian wolf (canis lupus italicus) was presented with an abnormal gait. neurologic examination showed thoracic kyphosis, paraparesis, decreased proprioception in the pelvic limbs, and normal spinal reflexes. neurologic symptoms suggested a thoracolumbar spinal cord lesion. pathologic findings included leukocytosis. spinal radiographs revealed ventral spondylosis of t4/t5/t6, a poorly defined intervertebral disc space, and mild lysis of the vertebral margins. multiple metallic fore ...201324450075
the complete mitochondrial genome of belgium malinois (canis; canidae).in this study, the complete nucleotide sequence of belgium malinois mitochondrial genome was determined for the first time. sequence analysis showed that the genome structure was in accordance with other dogs. it contained 22 trna genes, 2 ribosomal rna genes, 13 protein-coding genes and 1 control region (d-loop region). the base composition was a (31.7%), g (14.1%), c (25.5%) and t (28.7%), so the percentage of a and t (60.4%) was higher than that of g and c. the complete mitochondrial genome s ...201624450724
arctic lineage-canine distemper virus as a cause of death in apennine wolves (canis lupus) in italy.canine distemper virus (cdv) infection is a primary threat affecting a wide number of carnivore species, including wild animals. in january 2013, two carcasses of apennine wolves (canis lupus) were collected in ortona dei marsi (l'aquila province, italy) by the local veterinary services. cdv was immediately identified either by rt-pcr or immunohistochemistry in lung and central nervous tissue samples. at the same time, severe clinical signs consistent with cdv infection were identified and taped ...201424465373
multilocus detection of wolf x dog hybridization in italy, and guidelines for marker selection.hybridization and introgression can impact the evolution of natural populations. several wild canid species hybridize in nature, sometimes originating new taxa. however, hybridization with free-ranging dogs is threatening the genetic integrity of grey wolf populations (canis lupus), or even the survival of endangered species (e.g., the ethiopian wolf c. simensis). efficient molecular tools to assess hybridization rates are essential in wolf conservation strategies. we evaluated the power of bipa ...201424466077
dances with anthrax: wolves (canis lupus) kill anthrax bacteremic plains bison (bison bison bison) in southwestern montana.bacillus anthracis, the cause of anthrax, was recovered from two plains bison (bison bison bison) cows killed by wolves (canis lupus) in montana, usa, without associated wolf mortality in july 2010. this bison herd experienced an epizootic in summer 2008, killing ∼ 8% of the herd, the first documented in the region in several decades. no wolf deaths were associated with the 2008 event. surveillance has continued since 2008, with research, ranch, and wildlife personnel diligent during summer. as ...201424484485
human-resource subsidies alter the dietary preferences of a mammalian top predator.resource subsidies to opportunistic predators may alter natural predator-prey relationships and, in turn, have implications for how these predators affect co-occurring prey. to explore this idea, we compared the prey available to and eaten by a top canid predator, the australian dingo (canis lupus dingo), in areas with and without human-provided food. overall, small mammals formed the majority of dingo prey, followed by reptiles and then invertebrates. where human-provided food resources were av ...201424488213
fatal acute babesiosis in captive grey wolves (canis lupus) due to babesia canis.two adult male eurasian grey wolves belonging to a group of 12 animals, kept in an open air 15,000-m(2) enclosure at the bear farm facility near veresegyháza, hungary, were found dead in september 2002. another 2 wolves died during the same period, but laboratory examination of their carcasses was not possible. during necropsy both animals were found to be in a good body condition. oral mucosa, conjunctiva, sclera, and subcutaneous tissues revealed severe jaundice. the liver, gall bladder, and s ...201424507435
fundamental characteristics of the expressed immunoglobulin vh and vl repertoire in different canine breeds in comparison with those of humans and mice.complementarity determining regions (cdr) are responsible for binding antigen and provide substantial diversity to the antibody repertoire, with vh cdr3 of the immunoglobulin variable heavy (vh) domain playing a dominant role. in this study, we examined 1200 unique canine vh and 500 unique variable light (vl) sequences of large and small canine breeds derived from peripheral b cells. unlike the human and murine repertoire, the canine repertoire is heavily dominated by the canis lupus familiaris ...201424509215
population variation revealed high-altitude adaptation of tibetan mastiffs.with the assistance of their human companions, dogs have dispersed into new environments during the expansion of human civilization. tibetan mastiff (tm), a native of the tibetan plateau, was derived from the domesticated chinese native dog and, like tibetans, has adapted to the extreme environment of high altitude. here, we genotyped genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) from 32 tms and compared them with snps from 20 chinese native dogs and 14 gray wolves (canis lupus). we identif ...201424520091
isolation of viable neospora caninum from brains of wild gray wolves (canis lupus).neospora caninum is a common cause of abortion in cattle worldwide. canids, including the dog and the dingo (canis familiaris), the coyote (canis latrans), and the gray wolf (canis lupus) are its definitive hosts that can excrete environmentally resistant oocysts in the environment, but also can act as intermediate hosts, harboring tissue stages of the parasite. in an attempt to isolate viable n. caninum from tissues of naturally infected wolves, brain and heart tissue from 109 wolves from minne ...201424522164
taeniid species of the iberian wolf (canis lupus signatus) in portugal with special focus on echinococcus spp.taeniid species represent relevant pathogens in human and animals, circulating between carnivorous definitive hosts and a variety of mammalian intermediate hosts. in portugal, however, little is known about their occurrence and life cycles, especially in wild hosts. an epidemiological survey was conducted to clarify the role of the iberian wolf as a definitive host for taeniid species, including echinococcus spp. wolf fecal samples (n = 68) were collected from two regions in northern portugal. t ...201324533315
piroplasmosis in wildlife: babesia and theileria affecting free-ranging ungulates and carnivores in the italian alps.piroplasmosis are among the most relevant diseases of domestic animals. babesia is emerging as cause of tick-borne zoonosis worldwide and free-living animals are reservoir hosts of several zoonotic babesia species. we investigated the epidemiology of babesia spp. and theileria spp. in wild ungulates and carnivores from northern italy to determine which of these apicomplexan species circulate in wildlife and their prevalence of infection.201424533742
proteomic analysis of the urine of dirofilaria immitis infected dogs.canine cardiopulmonary dirofilariosis caused by dirofilaria immitis habitually develops as a chronic disease affecting pulmonary arteries, lung parenchyma and heart. other organs like kidneys can also be involved. renal pathology is a consequence of glomerulonephritis whose main sign is proteinuria. the aim of the present work is to identify proteins excreted in the urine of d. immitis infected dogs showing proteinuria, and the possible contribution of their loss to heartworm disease. proteinuri ...201424566125
general assessment of copy number variation in normal and tumor tissues of the domestic dog (canis lupus familiaris).in recent years, characterization of a copy number variation (cnv) of the genomic dna has provided evidence for the relationship of this type of genetic variation with the occurrence of a broad spectrum of diseases, including cancer lesions. copy number variants (cnvs) also occur in the genomes of healthy individuals as a result of abnormal recombination processes in germ cells and have a hereditary character contributing to the natural genetic diversity. recent image analysis methods and advanc ...201424573641
production of hybrids between western gray wolves and western coyotes.using artificial insemination we attempted to produce hybrids between captive, male, western, gray wolves (canis lupus) and female, western coyotes (canis latrans) to determine whether their gametes would be compatible and the coyotes could produce and nurture offspring. the results contribute new information to an ongoing controversy over whether the eastern wolf (canis lycaon) is a valid unique species that could be subject to the u. s. endangered species act. attempts with transcervically dep ...201424586418
where wolves kill moose: the influence of prey life history dynamics on the landscape ecology of predation.the landscape ecology of predation is well studied and known to be influenced by habitat heterogeneity. little attention has been given to how the influence of habitat heterogeneity on the landscape ecology of predation might be modulated by life history dynamics of prey in mammalian systems. we demonstrate how life history dynamics of moose (alces alces) contribute to landscape patterns in predation by wolves (canis lupus) in isle royale national park, lake superior, usa. we use pattern analysi ...201424622241
gene flow between wolf and shepherd dog populations in georgia (caucasus).we studied the distribution of the mitochondrial dna haplotypes and microsatellite genotypes at 8 loci in 102 gray wolves, 57 livestock guarding dogs, and 9 mongrel dogs from georgia (caucasus). most of the studied dogs had mitochondrial haplotypes clustered with presumably east asian dog lineages, and most of the studied wolves had the haplotypes clustered with european wolves, but 20% of wolves and 37% of dogs shared the same mitochondrial haplotypes. bayesian inference with structure software ...201424622972
comparative proteomics of an extended spectrum β-lactamase producing escherichia coli strain from the iberian wolf.the iberian wolf (canis lupus signatus) is an endangered species native to the iberian peninsula. due to their predatory and wild nature, these wolves serve as important indicators of environmental contamination by antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. β-lactam antibiotics like cefotaxime are the most commonly used antibacterial agents. bacterial resistance to these antibiotics occurs predominantly through enzymatic inactivation by extended-spectrum beta-lactamases. escherichia coli strain wa57, iso ...201424631823
most domestic dogs (canis lupus familiaris) prefer food to petting: population, context, and schedule effects in concurrent choice.previous research has indicated both petting (mcintire & colley, 1967) and food (feuerbacher & wynne, 2012) have reinforcing effects on dog behavior and support social behavior towards humans (food: elliot & king, 1960; social interaction: brodbeck, 1954). which type of interaction dogs prefer and which might produce the most social behavior from a dog has not been investigated. in the current study, we assessed how dogs allocated their responding in a concurrent choice between food and petting. ...201424643871
the relationship between wolverine and larger predators, lynx and wolf, in a historical ecosystem context.apex predators play an important role in shaping ecosystem structure. they may suppress smaller predators (mesopredators) but also subsidize scavengers via carrion provisioning. however, the importance of these interactions can change with ecosystem context. the wolverine (gulo gulo) is a cold-adapted carnivore and facultative scavenger. it has a circumboreal distribution, where it could be either suppressed or subsidized by larger predators. in scandinavia, the wolverine might interact with two ...201424652527
consequences of a refuge for the predator-prey dynamics of a wolf-elk system in banff national park, alberta, canada.refugia can affect predator-prey dynamics via movements between refuge and non-refuge areas. we examine the influence of a refuge on population dynamics in a large mammal predator-prey system. wolves (canis lupus) have recolonized much of their former range in north america, and as a result, ungulate prey have exploited refugia to reduce predation risk with unknown impacts on wolf-prey dynamics. we examined the influence of a refuge on elk (cervus elaphus) and wolf population dynamics in banff n ...201424670632
genetic variability of the grey wolf canis lupus in the caucasus in comparison with europe and the middle east: distinct or intermediary population?despite continuous historical distribution of the grey wolf (canis lupus) throughout eurasia, the species displays considerable morphological differentiation that resulted in delimitation of a number of subspecies. however, these morphological discontinuities are not always consistent with patterns of genetic differentiation. here we assess genetic distinctiveness of grey wolves from the caucasus (a region at the border between europe and west asia) that have been classified as a distinct subspe ...201424714198
the complete mitochondrial genome of the simao chinese indigenous this study, the whole mtdna genome of simao chinese indigenous dog was amplified and sequenced. our data showed that the whole mtdna genome of simao chinese indigenous dog includes 16,730 base pairs (bps). the simao chinese indigenous dog mitochondrial genome included structural organization and base composition of the rrnas, trnas and protein-coding genes, as well as characteristics of trnas.201624724904
density-dependent intraspecific aggression regulates survival in northern yellowstone wolves (canis lupus).understanding the population dynamics of top-predators is essential to assess their impact on ecosystems and to guide their management. key to this understanding is identifying the mechanisms regulating vital rates. determining the influence of density on survival is necessary to understand the extent to which human-caused mortality is compensatory or additive. in wolves (canis lupus), empirical evidence for density-dependent survival is lacking. dispersal is considered the principal way in whic ...201424749694
a survey of intestinal helminths in wild carnivores from the tatra national park, southern poland.from january 2011 to july 2012, 144 faecal samples of wild carnivores from the tatra national park were examined to evaluate the prevalence of intestinal helminths--72 of wolves (canis lupus), 45 of red foxes (vulpes vulpes), 15 of pine martens (martes martes) and 12 of brown bears (ursus arctos). in wolves, monospecific infection with trichuris vulpis (13.9%), toxocara canis (6.9%), ancylostoma/uncinaria (5.6%) and taeniids (1.4%) was revealed. in red foxes, the most prevalent infection was 7 v ...201324791342
recent host range expansion of canine distemper virus and variation in its receptor, the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule, in carnivores.the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (slam) is a receptor for morbilliviruses. to understand the recent host range expansion of canine distemper virus (cdv) in carnivores, we determined the nucleotide sequences of slams of various carnivores and generated three-dimensional homology slam models. thirty-four amino acid residues were found for the candidates binding to cdv on the interface of the carnivore slams. slam of the domestic dog (canis lupus familiaris) were similar to those of oth ...201424807184
reemergence of rabies in the southern han river region, korea.recently, 11 cases of animal rabies were reported in the southern region (suwon and hwaseong cities) of gyeonggi province, south korea. the cases were temporally separated into two cases in dogs (canis lupus familiaris) in spring 2012 and nine cases in domestic animals and wildlife in winter 2012-13. all carcasses were submitted for histopathologic examination and viral antigen identification. sequences of the glycoprotein, nucleoprotein, and glycoprotein-large polymerase protein intergenic nonc ...201424807360
specialization for aggression in sexually dimorphic skeletal morphology in grey wolves (canis lupus).aggressive behaviour is important in the life history of many animals. in grey wolves (canis lupus), territory defence through direct competition with conspecifics is severe and often lethal. thus, performance in aggressive encounters may be under strong selection. additionally, grey wolves frequently kill large dangerous prey species. because both sexes actively participate in aggressive activities and prey capture, wolves are expected to exhibit a low level of musculoskeletal sexual dimorphism ...201424810384
polonium-210 and caesium-137 in lynx (lynx lynx), wolverine (gulo gulo) and wolves (canis lupus).wolves, lynx and wolverines are on the top of the food-chain in northern scandinavia and finland. (210)po and (137)cs have been analysed in samples of liver, kidney and muscle from 28 wolves from sweden. in addition blood samples were taken from 27 wolves. in 9 of the wolves, samples of muscle, liver and blood were analysed for (210)po. samples of liver and muscle were collected from 16 lynx and 16 wolverines from norway. the liver samples were analysed for (210)po and (137)cs. only (137)cs anal ...201424811891
old diseases for new nightmares: distemper strikes back in italy.this article analyses the distemper outbreak that affected the population of apennine wolves (canis lupus) in italy during 2013. distemper, as rabies, is a well-known viral infectious disease that concerns the canine population worldwide and represents a threat for wild species too. implementation of vaccination and legislation for compulsory vaccination strategies should be achieved in areas with endangered wild species.201424817331
canis lupus familiaris involved in the transmission of pathogenic yersinia spp. in investigate canines carrying pathogens associated with human illness, we studied their roles in transmitting and maintaining pathogenic yersinia spp. we examined different ecological landscapes in china for the distribution of pathogenic yersinia spp. in canis lupus familiaris, the domestic dog. the highest number of pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica was shown from the tonsils (6.30%), followed by rectal swabs (3.63%) and feces (1.23%). strains isolated from plague free areas for c. lupus fa ...201424861841
bartonella clarridgeiae and bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii exposure in captive wild canids in brazil.summary wild canids are potential hosts for numerous species of bartonella, yet little research has been done to quantify their infection rates in south america. we sought to investigate bartonella seroprevalence in captive wild canids from 19 zoos in são paulo and mato grosso states, brazil. blood samples were collected from 97 wild canids belonging to four different native species and three european wolves (canis lupus). indirect immunofluorescent antibody testing was performed to detect the p ...201524892580
developmental changes in associations among timber wolf (canis lupus) postures.i examined developmental changes in associations among components of timber wolf (canis lupus) postural communication in two hand-reared pups between 15 and 85 days of age. the frequency with which select postural components co-occurred was scored from 180 randomly sampled frames of video records of these pups made during social interactions. i used this index of association as the basis for multidimensional scaling and cluster analyses. relations among postural components became more structured ...199624896073
developmental changes in the sequential behavior of interacting timber wolf pups.we used information statistics to quantify first-order sequential dependencies in the social behavior of two sibling wolf pups (canis lupus). sequential dependencies in the behavior of the individual pups increased between the first sample (18-32 days of age) and two later samples taken from 34-53 days and 64-106 days of age. sequential dependencies between pups were greatest during the second age sampled. we relate these findings to changes in the importance and style of interactions. in the fi ...199724896960
the complete mitochondrial genome of the border collie dog.border collie dog is one of the famous breed of dog. in the present work we report the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of border collie dog for the first time. the total length of the mitogenome was 16,730 bp with the base composition of 31.6% for a, 28.7% for t, 25.5% for c, and 14.2% for g and an a-t (60.3%)-rich feature was detected. it harbored 13 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal rna genes, 22 transfer rna genes and one non-coding control region (d-loop region). the arrangement of ...201624905136
population genetic structure of gray wolves (canis lupus) in a marine archipelago suggests island-mainland differentiation consistent with dietary niche.emerging evidence suggests that ecological heterogeneity across space can influence the genetic structure of populations, including that of long-distance dispersers such as large carnivores. on the central coast of british columbia, canada, wolf (canis lupus l., 1758) dietary niche and parasite prevalence data indicate strong ecological divergence between marine-oriented wolves inhabiting islands and individuals on the coastal mainland that interact primarily with terrestrial prey. local holders ...201424915756
how does a carnivore guild utilise a substantial but unpredictable anthropogenic food source? scavenging on hunter-shot ungulate carcasses by wild dogs/dingoes, red foxes and feral cats in south-eastern australia revealed by camera traps.there is much interest in understanding how anthropogenic food resources subsidise carnivore populations. carcasses of hunter-shot ungulates are a potentially substantial food source for mammalian carnivores. the sambar deer (rusa unicolor) is a large (≥ 150 kg) exotic ungulate that can be hunted throughout the year in south-eastern australia, and hunters are not required to remove or bury carcasses. we investigated how wild dogs/dingoes and their hybrids (canis lupus familiaris/dingo), red foxe ...201424918425
a comparison of facial color pattern and gazing behavior in canid species suggests gaze communication in gray wolves (canis lupus).as facial color pattern around the eyes has been suggested to serve various adaptive functions related to the gaze signal, we compared the patterns among 25 canid species, focusing on the gaze signal, to estimate the function of facial color pattern in these species. the facial color patterns of the studied species could be categorized into the following three types based on contrast indices relating to the gaze signal: a-type (both pupil position in the eye outline and eye position in the face ...201424918751
analysis of structural diversity in wolf-like canids reveals post-domestication variants.although a variety of genetic changes have been implicated in causing phenotypic differences among dogs, the role of copy number variants (cnvs) and their impact on phenotypic variation is still poorly understood. further, very limited knowledge exists on structural variation in the gray wolf, the ancestor of the dog, or other closely related wild canids. documenting cnvs variation in wild canids is essential to identify ancestral states and variation that may have appeared after domestication.201424923435
a continental scale trophic cascade from wolves through coyotes to processes, via the direct and indirect effects of interspecific competitive killing (no consumption of the kill) or intraguild predation (consumption of the kill), can potentially influence the spatial distribution of terrestrial predators, but few studies have demonstrated the phenomenon at a continental scale. for example, in north america, grey wolves canis lupus are known to kill coyotes canis latrans, and coyotes, in turn, may kill foxes vulpes spp., but the spatial effects of thes ...201524930631
seasonal trends in intrapack aggression of captive wolves (canis lupus) and wolf-dog crosses: implications for management in mixed-subspecies exhibits.mixed-species exhibits are becoming increasingly common in the captive management of a wide range of species. systematic evaluations of enclosures consisting of multiple subspecies, however, are relatively infrequent. the aim of this study was to measure seasonal trends in aggressive behaviors within a captive pack of wolves and wolf-dog crosses in a sanctuary setting. the frequency of intrapack social behaviors occurring within scan-sampling intervals was recorded for wolves and wolf-dog crosse ...201524940635
first findings and prevalence of adult heartworms (dirofilaria immitis) in wild carnivores from serbia.heartworm (dirofilaria immitis) is a parasitic roundworm that causes a zoonotic disease known as dirofilariosis. little is known about the role of wild carnivores serving as reservoirs in nature. therefore, we examined 738 hearts and lungs of free ranging wild carnivores from serbia to determine the presence of adult heartworms. during the period 2009-2013, the prevalence in golden jackals (canis aureus) was 7.32%, in red foxes (vulpes vulpes) 1.55%, in wolves (canis lupus) 1.43%, and in wild ca ...201424951168
testing the risk of predation hypothesis: the influence of recolonizing wolves on habitat use by moose.considered as absent throughout scandinavia for >100 years, wolves (canis lupus) have recently naturally recolonized south-central sweden. this recolonization has provided an opportunity to study behavioral responses of moose (alces alces) to wolves. we used satellite telemetry locations from collared moose and wolves to determine whether moose habitat use was affected by predation risk based on wolf use distributions. moose habitat use was influenced by reproductive status and time of day and s ...201425015119
single-layer centrifugation separates spermatozoa from diploid cells in epididymal samples from gray wolves, canis lupus (l.).sperm samples may be used for assisted reproductive technologies (e.g., farmed or endangered species) or as a source of haploid dna or sperm-specific rna. when ejaculated spermatozoa are not available or are very difficult to obtain, as is the case for most wild endangered species, the epididymides of dead animals (e.g., animals that have been found dead, shot by hunters or poachers, or that that require euthanasia in zoological collections) can be used as a source of sperm. such epididymal sper ...201425028195
ecosystem scale declines in elk recruitment and population growth with wolf colonization: a before-after-control-impact approach.the reintroduction of wolves (canis lupus) to yellowstone provided the unusual opportunity for a quasi-experimental test of the effects of wolf predation on their primary prey (elk--cervus elaphus) in a system where top-down, bottom-up, and abiotic forces on prey population dynamics were closely and consistently monitored before and after reintroduction. here, we examined data from 33 years for 12 elk population segments spread across southwestern montana and northwestern wyoming in a large scal ...201425028933
the "bear" essentials: actualistic research on ursus arctos arctos in the spanish pyrenees and its implications for paleontology and archaeology.neotaphonomic studies of large carnivores are used to create models in order to explain the formation of terrestrial vertebrate fossil faunas. the research reported here adds to the growing body of knowledge on the taphonomic consequences of large carnivore behavior in temperate habitats and has important implications for paleontology and archaeology. using photo- and videotrap data, we were able to describe the consumption of 17 ungulate carcasses by wild brown bears (ursus arctos arctos) rangi ...201425029167
how many wolves (canis lupus) fit into germany? the role of assumptions in predictive rule-based habitat models for habitat generalists.due to legislative protection, many species, including large carnivores, are currently recolonizing europe. to address the impending human-wildlife conflicts in advance, predictive habitat models can be used to determine potentially suitable habitat and areas likely to be recolonized. as field data are often limited, quantitative rule based models or the extrapolation of results from other studies are often the techniques of choice. using the wolf (canis lupus) in germany as a model for habitat ...201425029506
multiscale factors affecting human attitudes toward snow leopards and wolves.the threat posed by large carnivores to livestock and humans makes peaceful coexistence between them difficult. effective implementation of conservation laws and policies depends on the attitudes of local residents toward the target species. there are many known correlates of human attitudes toward carnivores, but they have only been assessed at the scale of the individual. because human societies are organized hierarchically, attitudes are presumably influenced by different factors at different ...201425039397
impacts of breeder loss on social structure, reproduction and population growth in a social canid.the importance of individuals to the dynamics of populations may depend on reproductive status, especially for species with complex social structure. loss of reproductive individuals in socially complex species could disproportionately affect population dynamics by destabilizing social structure and reducing population growth. alternatively, compensatory mechanisms such as rapid replacement of breeders may result in little disruption. the impact of breeder loss on the population dynamics of soci ...201525041127
a single-nucleotide polymorphism-based approach for rapid and cost-effective genetic wolf monitoring in europe based on noninvasively collected samples.noninvasive genetics based on microsatellite markers has become an indispensable tool for wildlife monitoring and conservation research over the past decades. however, microsatellites have several drawbacks, such as the lack of standardisation between laboratories and high error rates. here, we propose an alternative single-nucleotide polymorphism (snp)-based marker system for noninvasively collected samples, which promises to solve these problems. using nanofluidic snp genotyping technology (fl ...201525042673
hypoxia adaptations in the grey wolf (canis lupus chanco) from qinghai-tibet plateau.the tibetan grey wolf (canis lupus chanco) occupies habitats on the qinghai-tibet plateau, a high altitude (>3000 m) environment where low oxygen tension exerts unique selection pressure on individuals to adapt to hypoxic conditions. to identify genes involved in hypoxia adaptation, we generated complete genome sequences of nine chinese wolves from high and low altitude populations at an average coverage of 25× coverage. we found that, beginning about 55,000 years ago, the highland tibetan grey ...201425078401
parasitology, virology, and serology of free-ranging coyotes (canis latrans) from central georgia, usa.we examined 31 free-ranging coyotes (canis latrans) from central georgia, usa, for select parasites and viral agents. sixteen coyotes had adult heartworms (dirofilaria immitis). serum samples from 27 animals revealed antibodies against canine parvovirus (100%), canine distemper virus (48%), canine adenovirus (37%), and trypanosoma cruzi (7%); none were detected against leishmania spp. twenty-two of 24 (92%) coyotes were positive for toxoplasma gondii. real-time pcr of feces revealed 32% of coyot ...201425098300
Displaying items 501 - 600 of 1367