Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted ascending) Filter |
role of mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum membrane in inflammation-mediated metabolic diseases. | inflammation is considered to be one of the most critical factors involved in the development of complex metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. a few decades ago, the discovery of mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum (er) membrane (mam) was followed by the identification of its roles in regulating cellular homeostatic processes, ranging from cellular bioenergetics to apoptosis. mam provides an excellent platform for numerous signaling pathways; a ... | 2016 | 28074080 |
seroepidemiology of human brucellosis among blood donors in southern ethiopia: calling attention to a neglected zoonotic disease. | human brucellosis is neglected in southern ethiopia. although traditional food processing practices and animal husbandry which increase the risk of brucellosis are common, it has not been properly studied yet. this study was conducted to determine the seroepidemiology of brucellosis among apparently healthy individuals in southern ethiopia. in the study, blood samples were collected to screen for serum agglutinins reactive to stained antigen of brucella abortus standard tube titration was perfor ... | 2017 | 28077743 |
three-dimensional structure of full-length ntrx, an unusual member of the ntrc family of response regulators. | bacteria sense and adapt to environmental changes using two-component systems. these signaling pathways are formed by a histidine kinase that phosphorylates a response regulator (rr), which finally modulates the transcription of target genes. the bacterium brucella abortus codes for a two-component system formed by the histidine kinase ntry and the rr ntrx that participates in sensing low oxygen tension and generating an adaptive response. ntrx is a modular protein with rec, aaa+, and dna-bindin ... | 2017 | 28088479 |
immunotoxic effect of thiamethoxam in immunized mice with brucella abortus cultural filtrate antigen. | this study was planned for determination the toxic effect of thiamethoxam (tmx) in immunized mice with brucella abortus culture filtrate antigen (cfbags) (as a vaccine) and its role of tmx on decrease activity of b. abortus antigen on eliciting of humoral and cellular immunity. | 2016 | 28096613 |
genome-wide standing variation facilitates long-term response to bidirectional selection for antibody response in chickens. | long-term selection experiments provide a powerful approach to gain empirical insights into adaptation, allowing researchers to uncover the targets of selection and infer their contributions to the mode and tempo of adaptation. here we implement a pooled genome re-sequencing approach to investigate the consequences of 39 generations of bidirectional selection in white leghorn chickens on a humoral immune trait: antibody response to sheep red blood cells. | 2017 | 28100171 |
brucellosis transmission between wildlife and livestock in the greater yellowstone ecosystem: inferences from dna genotyping. | the wildlife of the greater yellowstone ecosystem carries brucellosis, which was first introduced to the area by cattle in the 19th century. brucellosis transmission between wildlife and livestock has been difficult to study due to challenges in culturing the causative agent, brucella abortus . we examined b. abortus transmission between american bison ( bison bison ), rocky mountain elk ( cervus elaphus nelsoni), and cattle ( bos taurus ) using variable number tandem repeat (vntr) markers on dn ... | 2017 | 28118557 |
heme oxygenase/carbon monoxide in the female reproductive system: an overlooked signalling pathway. | for a long time, carbon monoxide (co) was known for its toxic effect on organisms. but there are still many things left to discover on that molecule. co is formed directly in the body by the enzymatic activity of heme oxygenase (ho). co plays an important role in many physiological processes, such as cell protections (against various stress factors), and the regulation of metabolic processes. recent research proves that co also operates in the female reproductive system. at the centre of interes ... | 2017 | 28123837 |
structure-based mutational studies of o-acetylserine sulfhydrylase reveal the reason for the loss of cysteine synthase complex formation in brucella abortus. | cysteine biosynthesis takes place via a two-step pathway in bacteria, fungi, plants and protozoan parasites, but not in humans, and hence, the machinery of cysteine biosynthesis is an opportune target for therapeutics. the decameric cysteine synthase complex (csc) is formed when the c-terminal tail of serine acetyltransferase (sat) binds in the active site of o-acetylserine sulfydrylase (oass), playing a role in the regulation of this pathway. here, we show that oass from brucella abortus (baoas ... | 2017 | 28126739 |
brucella abortus 2308δnodvδnodw double-mutant is highly attenuated and confers protection against wild-type challenge in balb/c mice. | brucellosis is an important zoonotic disease of worldwide distribution, which causes animal and human disease. however, the current brucella abortus (b. abortus) vaccines (s19 and rb51) have several drawbacks, including residual virulence for animals and humans. moreover, s19 cannot allow serological differentiation between infected and vaccinated animals. we constructed double deletion (δnodvδnodw) mutant from virulent b. abortus 2308 (s2308) by deleting the genes encoding two-component regulat ... | 2017 | 28131952 |
reproductive trade-offs in a long-lived bird species: condition-dependent reproductive allocation maintains female survival and offspring quality. | life history theory is an essential framework to understand the evolution of reproductive allocation. it predicts that individuals of long-lived species favour their own survival over current reproduction, leading individuals to refrain from reproducing under harsh conditions. here we test this prediction in a long-lived bird species, the siberian jay perisoreus infaustus. long-term data revealed that females rarely refrain from breeding, but lay smaller clutches in unfavourable years. neither o ... | 2017 | 28135017 |
origins and global context of brucella abortus in italy. | brucellosis is a common and chronic disease of cattle and other bovids that often causes reproductive disorders. natural infection in cattle is caused by brucella abortus and transmission typically occurs during abortions, calving, or nursing. brucellosis is also a major zoonotic disease due to contamination of dairy products or contact with the tissues of infected animals. brucellosis has been eradicated from most of the developed world in the last 40 years but persists in many regions-the dise ... | 2017 | 28152976 |
the unexpected discovery of brucella abortus buck 19 vaccine in goats from ecuador underlines the importance of biosecurity measures. | very few, mostly old, and only preliminary serological studies of brucellosis in goats exist in ecuador. in order to assess the current epidemiological situation, we performed a cross-sectional serological study in the goat populations of carchi (n = 160 animals), pichincha (n = 224 animals), and loja provinces (n = 2024 animals). only two positive serological results (rb negative and sat-edta ≥400 iu/ml) were obtained in lactating goats from the same farm in quito (pichincha province). addition ... | 2017 | 28160160 |
tlr7 and tlr3 sense brucella abortus rna to induce proinflammatory cytokine production but they are dispensable for host control of infection. | brucella abortus is a gram-negative, facultative intracellular bacterium that causes brucellosis, a worldwide zoonotic disease leading to undulant fever in humans and abortion in cattle. the immune response against this bacterium relies on the recognition of microbial pathogen-associated molecular patterns, such as lipoproteins, lipopolysaccharides, and dna; however, the immunostimulatory potential of b. abortus rna remains to be elucidated. here, we show that dendritic cells (dcs) produce signi ... | 2017 | 28167945 |
genome sequences of human and livestock isolates of brucella melitensis and brucella abortus from the country of georgia. | brucellosis, which is among the most widespread global zoonotic diseases, is endemic in the nation of georgia and causes substantial human morbidity and economic loss. here, we report whole-genome sequences of three brucella melitensis and seven brucella abortus isolates from cattle, sheep, and humans that represent genetic groups discovered in georgia. | 2017 | 28183751 |
immunogenicity of a multi-epitope dna vaccine encoding epitopes from cu-zn superoxide dismutase and open reading frames of brucella abortus in mice. | brucellosis is a bacterial zoonotic disease affecting several mammalian species that is transmitted to humans by direct or indirect contact with infected animals or their products. in cattle, brucellosis is almost invariably caused by brucella abortus. live, attenuated brucella vaccines are commonly used to prevent illness in cattle, but can cause abortions in pregnant animals. it is, therefore, desirable to design an effective and safer vaccine against brucella. we have used specific brucella a ... | 2017 | 28232837 |
serological survey of <i>brucella canis</i> in dogs in urban harare and selected rural communities in zimbabwe. | a cross-sectional study was conducted in order to detect antibodies for brucella canis (b. canis) in dogs from urban harare and five selected rural communities in zimbabwe. sera from randomly selected dogs were tested for antibodies to b. canis using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. overall, 17.6% of sera samples tested (57/324, 95% ci: 13.5-21.7) were positive for b. canis antibodies. for rural dogs, seroprevalence varied from 11.7% - 37.9%. rural dogs recorded a higher seroprevalence (20. ... | 2014 | 28235300 |
transcriptional regulator gntr of brucella abortus regulates cytotoxicity, induces the secretion of inflammatory cytokines and affects expression of the type iv secretion system and quorum sensing system in macrophages. | the pathogenic mechanisms of brucella are still poorly understood. gntr is a transcriptional regulator and plays an important role in the intracellular survival of brucella. to investigate whether gntr is involved in the cytotoxicity of brucella abortus (b. abortus), we created a 2308δgntr mutant of b. abortus 2308 (s2308). lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) cytotoxicity assays using a murine macrophage cell line (raw 264.7) show that high-dose infection with the parental strain produces a high level o ... | 2017 | 28243986 |
neonatal brucellosis: a case report. | although brucellosis is not uncommon in saudi arabia, neonatal brucellosis has been infrequently reported. in this case of neonatal brucellosis, brucella abortus was isolated by blood culture from both the mother and the neonate. serology was positive only in the mother. | 2017 | 28248684 |
u-omp19 from brucella abortus is a useful adjuvant for vaccine formulations against salmonella infection in mice. | most pathogens infect through mucosal surfaces, and parenteral immunization typically fails to induce effective immune responses at these sites. development of oral-administered vaccines capable of inducing mucosal as well as systemic immunity while bypassing the issues of antigen degradation and immune tolerance could be crucial for the control of enteropathogens. this study demonstrates that u-omp19, a bacterial protease inhibitor with immunostimulatory features, coadministered with salmonella ... | 2017 | 28261222 |
serologic evidence of brucella infection in pinnipeds along the coast of hokkaido, the northernmost main island of japan. | brucella infection in hokkaido was serologically surveyed in four species of pinnipeds inhabiting cape erimo during 2008-2013 and the shiretoko peninsula in 1999, by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using brucella abortus and b. canis as antigens. anti-brucella positive sera showed higher absorbance to b. abortus than b. canis in almost all samples. anti-b. abortus antibodies were detected in serum samples from 24% (n=55) of western pacific harbor seals (phoca vitulina stejnegeri) in cape erimo ... | 2017 | 28262966 |
brucella and osteoarticular cell activation: partners in crime. | osteoarticular brucellosis is the most common presentation of human active disease although its prevalence varies widely. the three most common forms of osteoarticular involvement are sacroiliitis, spondylitis, and peripheral arthritis. the molecular mechanisms implicated in bone damage have been recently elucidated. b. abortus induces bone damage through diverse mechanisms in which tnf-α and the receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-b ligand (rankl)-the natural modulator of bone homeostasi ... | 2017 | 28265268 |
an evaluation of serological tests in the diagnosis of bovine brucellosis in naturally infected cattle in kwazulu-natal province in south africa. | the diagnostic sensitivity (dse) of the rose bengal test (rbt), the complement fixation test (cft), the serum agglutination test (sat), the competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (celisa) and the indirect elisa (ielisa) were determined in naturally infected cattle in kwazulu-natal province of south africa with known infectious status from culture (gold standard). natural brucellosis infection status of animals was determined by culturing and identification of brucella abortus biovar 1 fro ... | 2017 | 28281771 |
molecular prevalence of putative virulence-associated genes in brucella melitensis and brucella abortus isolates from human and livestock specimens in iran. | molecular prevalence of nine putative virulence factors in two more prevalent brucella species in iranian patients and livestock was investigated. during five years (2010-2015), 120 human and animal specimens were collected from three geographical areas of iran. all samples were cultured in blood culture media and subcultured into brucella agar medium. nine primer pairs were designed for detection of virb2, virb5, vcec, btpa, btpb, prpa, betb, bpe275 and bspb virulence factors using pcr and sequ ... | 2017 | 28284850 |
on the link between cell cycle and infection of the alphaproteobacterium brucella abortus. | bacteria of the brucella genus are responsible for brucellosis, a worldwide zoonosis. these bacteria are known to have a peculiar intracellular trafficking, with a first long and non-proliferative endosomal stage and a second proliferation stage, often associated with its localization of the bacteria in the endoplasmic reticulum (er). however, the status of the bacterial cell cycle during the non-proliferative phase was still unknown. in a recent study [nat. communic. 5:4366], we followed the ce ... | 2014 | 28357212 |
characterization of brucella abortus mutant strain δ22915, a potential vaccine candidate. | brucellosis, caused by brucella spp., is an important zoonosis worldwide. vaccination is an effective strategy for protection against brucella infection in livestock in developing countries and in wildlife in developed countries. however, current vaccine strains including s19 and rb51 are pathogenic to humans and pregnant animals, limiting their use. in this study, we constructed the brucella abortus (b. abortus) s2308 mutant strain δ22915, in which the putative lytic transglycosylase gene bab_r ... | 2017 | 28376905 |
protein/protein, dna/dna and dna/protein based vaccination strategies using truncated omp2b against brucella infection in balb/c mice. | the purpose of the present study was to evaluate the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of the truncated form of outer membrane protein 2b (tomp2b) from brucella abortus in balb/c mice. three immunization regimens protein/protein, dna/dna and dna/protein were used. immunization of mice with all vaccine strategies elicited a strong specific igg responses (igg2a titers over igg1) and provided t helper1 (th1) oriented immune responses. furthermore, protein/protein (pro/pro-) and dna/pro- vaccin ... | 2017 | 28391992 |
brucella abortus-activated microglia induce neuronal death through primary phagocytosis. | inflammation has long been implicated as a contributor to pathogenesis in neurobrucellosis. many of the associated neurocognitive symptoms of neurobrucellosis may be the result of neuronal dysfunction resulting from the inflammatory response induced by brucella abortus infection in the central nervous system. in this manuscript, we describe an immune mechanism for inflammatory activation of microglia that leads to neuronal death upon b. abortus infection. b. abortus was unable to infect or harm ... | 2017 | 28398652 |
a novel pcr assay for detecting brucella abortus and brucella melitensis. | brucellosis is a major zoonotic disease that poses a significant public health threat worldwide. the classical bacteriological detection process used to identify brucella spp. is difficult and time-consuming. this study aimed to develop a novel molecular assay for detecting brucellosis. | 2017 | 28443226 |
in a mouse model of sepsis, hepcidin ablation ameliorates anemia more effectively than iron and erythropoietin treatment. | intensive care unit (icu) anemia is an extreme version of anemia of inflammation (ai) that occurs commonly in critically ill patients and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. currently available therapies for icu anemia have shown inconsistent efficacies in clinical trials. we conducted a systematic study of the effects of early versus delayed iron (fe) and/or erythropoietin (epo) therapy in our previously characterized mouse model of icu anemia based on an injection of heat-kil ... | 2017 | 28452907 |
incidence and knowledge of bovine brucellosis in kahuro district, murang'a county, kenya. | brucellosis in cattle is a zoonosis mainly caused by brucella abortus. in kenya, the disease is widespread, but its prevalence is largely unknown. the objective of this study was to investigate incidence rates of brucellosis and farmers' knowledge on the disease in kahuro district, murang'a county. in this study, 150 pooled milk samples were collected from 75 milk collection centers and tested. subsequently, 230 milk samples were collected from farmers in 16 collection centers in wangu and mugoi ... | 2017 | 28466240 |
molecular investigation of virulence factors of brucella melitensis and brucella abortus strains isolated from clinical and non-clinical samples. | brucella is zoonotic pathogen that induces abortion and sterility in domestic mammals and chronic infections in humans called malta fever. it is a facultative intracellular potential pathogen with high infectivity. the virulence of brucella is dependent upon its potential virulence factors such as enzymes and cell envelope associated virulence genes. the aim of this study was to investigate the brucella virulence factors among strains isolated from humans and animals in different parts of iran. ... | 2017 | 28506887 |
estimating loss of brucella abortus antibodies from age-specific serological data in elk. | serological data are one of the primary sources of information for disease monitoring in wildlife. however, the duration of the seropositive status of exposed individuals is almost always unknown for many free-ranging host species. directly estimating rates of antibody loss typically requires difficult longitudinal sampling of individuals following seroconversion. instead, we propose a bayesian statistical approach linking age and serological data to a mechanistic epidemiological model to infer ... | 2017 | 28508154 |
getting "inside" type i ifns: type i ifns in intracellular bacterial infections. | type i interferons represent a unique and complex group of cytokines, serving many purposes during innate and adaptive immunity. discovered in the context of viral infections, type i ifns are now known to have myriad effects in infectious and autoimmune disease settings. type i ifn signaling during bacterial infections is dependent on many factors including whether the infecting bacterium is intracellular or extracellular, as different signaling pathways are activated. as such, the repercussions ... | 2017 | 28529959 |
evaluation of plasma sphingosine 1-phosphate, hepcidin and cardiovascular damage biomarkers (cardiac troponin i and homocysteine) in rats infected with brucellosis and vaccinated (rev-1, rb-51). | brucellosis is known as one of important zoonosis. studying the histological and biochemical effects of the disease could help to increase our knowledge about it. the aim of the present study was to evaluate changes of plasma parameters after intraperitoneal injection of two species of brucella (brucella melitensis and brucella abortus) and two vaccines (rev-1, rb-51) in the rat. forty male rats were divided into five groups (n = 8 in each group). two groups received suspensions of brucella abor ... | 2017 | 28533142 |
a comprehensive proteogenomic study of the human brucella vaccine strain 104 m. | brucella spp. are gram-negative, facultative intracellular pathogens that cause brucellosis in both humans and animals. the b. abortus vaccine strain 104 m is the only vaccine available in china for the prevention of brucellosis in humans. although the b. abortus 104 m genome has been fully sequenced, the current genome annotations are not yet complete. in addition, the main mechanisms underpinning its residual toxicity and vaccine-induced immune protection have yet to be elucidated. mapping the ... | 2017 | 28535754 |
brucella abortus induces a warburg shift in host metabolism that is linked to enhanced intracellular survival of the pathogen. | intracellular bacterial pathogens exploit host cell resources to replicate and survive inside the host. targeting these host systems is one promising approach to developing novel antimicrobials to treat intracellular infections. we show that human macrophage-like cells infected with brucella abortus undergo a metabolic shift characterized by attenuated tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolism, reduced amino acid consumption, altered mitochondrial localization, and increased lactate production. this s ... | 2017 | 28559292 |
a 6-nucleotide regulatory motif within the abcr small rnas of brucella abortus mediates host-pathogen interactions. | in brucella abortus, two small rnas (srnas), abcr1 and abcr2, are responsible for regulating transcripts encoding abc-type transport systems. abcr1 and abcr2 are required for brucella virulence, as a double chromosomal deletion of both srnas results in attenuation in mice. although these srnas are responsible for targeting transcripts for degradation, the mechanism utilized by the abcr srnas to regulate mrna in brucella has not been described. here, two motifs (m1 and m2) were identified in abcr ... | 2017 | 28588127 |
highly sensitive bacteriophage-based detection of brucella abortus in mixed culture and spiked blood. | for decades, bacteriophages (phages) have been used for brucella species identification in the diagnosis and epidemiology of brucellosis. traditional brucella phage typing is a multi-day procedure including the isolation of a pure culture, a step that can take up to three weeks. in this study, we focused on the use of brucellaphages for sensitive detection of the pathogen in clinical and other complex samples, and developed an indirect method of brucella detection using real-time quantitative pc ... | 2017 | 28604602 |
shifting brucellosis risk in livestock coincides with spreading seroprevalence in elk. | tracking and preventing the spillover of disease from wildlife to livestock can be difficult when rare outbreaks occur across large landscapes. in these cases, broad scale ecological studies could help identify risk factors and patterns of risk to inform management and reduce incidence of disease. between 2002 and 2014, 21 livestock herds in the greater yellowstone area (gya) were affected by brucellosis, a bacterial disease caused by brucella abortus, while no affected herds were detected betwe ... | 2017 | 28609437 |
brucella lipopolysaccharide reinforced salmonella delivering brucella immunogens protects mice against virulent challenge. | intracellular pathogen salmonella exhibits natural infection broadly analogous to brucella, this phenomenon makes salmonella a pragmatic choice for an anti-brucella vaccine delivery platform. in this study we developed and formulated a combination of four attenuated salmonella typhimurium live vector strains delivering heterologous brucella antigens (rbs), namely lumazine synthase, proline racemase subunit a, lipoprotein outer membrane protein-19, and cu-zn superoxide dismutase. with an aim to d ... | 2017 | 28622869 |
th2-related immune responses by the brucella abortus cellular antigens, malate dehydrogenase, elongation factor, and arginase. | brucellosis is an important zoonotic disease caused by brucella species. the disease is difficult to control due to the intracellular survival of the bacterium and the lack of precise understanding of pathogenesis. despite of continuous researches on the pathogenesis of brucella spp. infection, there is still question on the pathogenesis, especially earlier immune response in the bacterial infection. malate dehydrogenase (mdh), elongation factor (tsf), and arginase (rocf), which showed serologic ... | 2017 | 28629726 |
serology and protein electrophoresis for evidence of exposure to 12 mink pathogens in free-ranging american mink (neovison vison) in argentina. | basic pathologic characteristics for farmed minks were previously reported worldwide. however, its status in the wild has not been studied in detail. | 2017 | 28635524 |
development of a forecasting model for brucellosis spreading in the italian cattle trade network aimed to prioritise the field interventions. | brucellosis caused by brucella abortus is an important zoonosis that constitutes a serious hazard to public health. prevention of human brucellosis depends on the control of the disease in animals. livestock movement data represent a valuable source of information to understand the pattern of contacts between holdings, which may determine the inter-herds and intra-herd spread of the disease. the manuscript addresses the use of computational epidemic models rooted in the knowledge of cattle trade ... | 2017 | 28654703 |
performance of microbiological, serological, molecular, and modified seminal plasma methods in the diagnosis of brucella abortus in semen and serum of bovine bulls. | brucellosis remains as a major infectious disease of domestic animals and is considered a re-emerging zoonosis in several countries. b. abortus infections in bulls are related to reproductive tract infections, although infected animals show transient serological titers or nonreactor status. thus, diagnosis of bovine brucellosis based exclusively on serological tests probably underestimates b. abortus infections in bulls. in this scenario, three hundred thirty-five serum samples from reproductive ... | 2017 | 28666718 |
occurrence of oxidative stress in dairy cows seropositives for brucella abortus. | bovine brucellosis is an important zoonotic disease caused by the bacterium brucella abortus that leads to economic losses due to animal discard and commercial restrictions. since positive animals for brucellosis are culled, little is known about the pathogenesis of this disease. therefore, the aims of this study were to evaluate possible changes in the activity of deaminase adenosine (ada) and the oxidative stress in cows seropositives for brucellosis (experiment i), and to evaluate the seropre ... | 2017 | 28669636 |
serological survey of toxoplasmosis, neosporosis and brucellosis among cattle herds in oyo state, south-western nigeria. | several zoonotic diseases are known to constitute great impediment to livestock management and production worldwide, especially in developing countries where control measures are largely non-existent. this study sets out to investigate the occurrence of toxoplasmosis, neosporosis and brucellosis among cattle herds in oyo state, southwest nigeria. | 2017 | 28670646 |
proline utilization system is required for infection by the pathogenic α-proteobacterium brucella abortus. | proline utilization (put) systems have been described in a number of bacteria; however, the importance and functionality of the put system in the intracellular pathogen brucellaabortus has not been explored. generally, bacterial put systems are composed of the bifunctional enzyme proline dehydrogenase puta and its transcriptional activator putr. here, we demonstrate that the genes puta (bab2_0518) and putr (bab2_0517) are critical for the chronic infection of mice by b. abortus, but puta and put ... | 2017 | 28691659 |
tannic acid-mediated immune activation attenuates brucella abortus infection in mice. | brucellosis is an emerging infectious disease affecting humans and animals. in this study, we investigated the in vitro and in vivo effects of tannic acid (ta) against brucella (b.) abortus infection. reduced f-actin polymerization and mapks (erk 1/2 and p38α) phosphorylation were observed in ta-treated cells as compared with control cells after infection. the mice were infected via intraperitoneal route and were orally given with ta or pbs for 14 days. the weights of the spleens from ta-treated ... | 2017 | 28693306 |
exploring the diversity of field strains of brucella abortus biovar 3 isolated in west africa. | brucellosis is one of the most widespread bacterial zoonotic diseases in the world, affecting both humans and domestic and wild animals. identification and biotyping of field strains of brucella are of key importance for a better knowledge of the epidemiology of brucellosis, for identifying appropriate antigens, for managing disease outbreaks and for setting up efficient preventive and control programmes. such data are required both at national and regional level to assess potential threats for ... | 2017 | 28713359 |
brucella infection in asian sea otters (enhydra lutris lutris) on bering island, russia. | infection with brucella spp., long known as a cause of abortion, infertility, and reproductive loss in domestic livestock, has increasingly been documented in marine mammals over the past two decades. we report molecular evidence of brucella infection in asian sea otters (enhydra lutris lutris). brucella dna was detected in 3 of 78 (4%) rectal swab samples collected between 2004 and 2006 on bering island, russia. these 78 animals had previously been documented to have a brucella seroprevalence o ... | 2017 | 28715292 |
using real-time polymerase chain reaction as an alternative rapid method for enumeration of colony count in live brucella vaccines. | brucellosis is a major bacterial zoonosis of global importance affecting a range of animal species and man worldwide. it has economic, public health, and bio-risk importance. control and prevention of animal brucellosis mainly depend on accurate diagnostic tools and implementation of effective and safe animal vaccination program. there are three types of animal brucella live vaccines - brucella melitensis rev-1 vaccine, brucella abortus s19, and b. abortus rb51. evaluation of these vaccines depe ... | 2017 | 28717311 |
b. abortus rna is the component involved in the down-modulation of mhc-i expression on human monocytes via tlr8 and the egfr pathway. | despite eliciting a potent cd8+ t cell response, brucella abortus is able to persist and establish a chronic infection inside its host. we have previously reported that the infection of human monocytes/macrophages with b. abortus inhibits the ifn-γ-induced mhc-i cell surface expression down-modulating cytotoxic cd8+ t cell responses. mhc-i down-modulation depends on bacterial viability and results from the capacity of b. abortus to retain the mhc-i molecules within the golgi apparatus. furthermo ... | 2017 | 28767704 |
epidemiology of bovine brucellosis in costa rica: lessons learned from failures in the control of the disease. | brucellosis, caused by brucella abortus is a major disease of cattle and a zoonosis. in order to estimate the bovine brucellosis prevalence in costa rica (cr), a total 765 herds (13078 bovines) from six regions of cr were randomly sampled during 2012-2013. a non-random sample of 7907 herds (532199 bovines) of the six regions, arriving for diagnoses during 2014-2016 to the costa rican animal health service was also studied. the prevalence estimated by rose bengal test (rbt) ranged from 10.5%-11.4 ... | 2017 | 28797045 |
safety of vaccination against brucellosis with the rough strain in pregnant cattle. | brucellosis is an infectious and contagious disease that profoundly impacts public health. however, in many countries, disease prevention is restricted to the vaccination of calves, and there is no prophylactic strategy for pregnant heifers and cows. the aim of this study was to evaluate the safety of the rough strain vaccine against brucellosis in pregnant cattle. crossbred cows (n = 96) at three gestational periods (early, mid, or late pregnancy) were randomly allocated into the vaccine treatm ... | 2017 | 28812192 |
the bactericidal effect of high temperature is an essential resistance mechanism of chicken macrophage against brucella abortus infection. | knowledge of avian host responses to brucellosis is critical to understanding how avian resists this infection however this mechanism is not well established. on the other hand, temperature has a major involvement in the physiology of living organisms and cell death induced by heat is attributed to protein denaturation. this study demonstrates the direct bactericidal effect of a higher temperature (41ºc) to brucella (b.) abortus that resulted in the gradual reduction of intracellular bacteria th ... | 2017 | 28813778 |
trypanosoma infection favors brucella elimination via il-12/ifnγ-dependent pathways. | this study develops an original co-infection model in mice using brucella melitensis, the most frequent cause of human brucellosis, and trypanosoma brucei, the agent of african trypanosomiasis. although the immunosuppressive effects of t. brucei in natural hosts and mice models are well established, we observed that the injection of t. brucei in mice chronically infected with b. melitensis induces a drastic reduction in the number of b. melitensis in the spleen, the main reservoir of the infecti ... | 2017 | 28824630 |
a brucella type iv effector targets the cog tethering complex to remodel host secretory traffic and promote intracellular replication. | many intracellular pathogens exploit host secretory trafficking to support their intracellular cycle, but knowledge of these pathogenic processes is limited. the bacterium brucella abortus uses a type iv secretion system (virb t4ss) to generate a replication-permissive brucella-containing vacuole (rbcv) derived from the host er, a process that requires host early secretory trafficking. here we show that the virb t4ss effector bspb contributes to rbcv biogenesis and brucella replication by intera ... | 2017 | 28844886 |