
PMID(sorted ascending)
demonstration and partial characterization of a bacterial growth enhancer in sera.during our research into the pathogenesis of vibrio parahaemolyticus, we noticed that the concentration of serum added to the tissue culture medium (dulbecco's modified eagle's medium: dmem) greatly affected its growth. using gel filtration column chromatography, we clearly demonstrated that serum contains not only a bacterial growth inhibitor (bgi) but also a bacterial growth enhancer (bge) for vibrio parahaemolyticus. our data indicate that the bgi is transferrin, whereas the bge seems to be a ...201120514485
first evidence of okadaic acid acyl-derivative and dinophysistoxin-3 in mussel samples collected in chiloe island, southern chile.this paper shows the detection of diarrhetic shellfish poison (dsp) phycotoxins, using hplc-fld with pre-column derivatization procedure and hplc-ms methods, in the analysis of shellfish extracts tested positive with the official dsp mouse bioassay. the shellfish samples were collected in chiloe island, southern of chile. the amount of dinophysistoxin-3 (dtx-3) measured in the shellfish extracts were in average above the international safe limits for dsp content in the shellfish extracts analyze ...201020519842
occurrence of toxigenic vibrio parahaemolyticus strains in shrimp in iran.vibrio parahaemolyticus, a common cause of foodborne gastroenteritis in people, is frequently isolated from a variety of seafood, including shrimp. the virulence of clinical v. parahaemolyticus strains is commonly associated with expression of thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin (trh), which are encoded by the tdh and trh genes. this study was conducted to determine the prevalence rate of total and toxigenic v. parahaemolyticus in shrimp caught off the south coast of ir ...201020528175
refrigerated seawater depuration for reducing vibrio parahaemolyticus contamination in pacific oyster (crassostrea gigas).the efficacy of refrigerated-seawater depuration for reducing vibrio parahaemolyticus levels in pacific oyster (crassostrea gigas) was investigated. raw pacific oysters were inoculated with a mixed culture of five clinical strains of v. parahaemolyticus (10(5) to 10(6) most probable number [mpn] per g) and depurated with refrigerated seawater (5 degrees c) in a laboratory-scale recirculation system equipped with a 15-w gamma uv sterilizer. depuration with refrigerated seawater for 96 h reduced v ...201020537269
vibrio illness in florida, 1998-2007.this study characterized the current epidemiology of vibrio infections in florida and examined cases reported from 1998 to 2007. logistic regression was used to determine risk of death. there were 834 vibrio infections in 825 individuals (average annual incidence rate 4·8/1,000,000). common vibrio species reported were vibrio vulnificus (33%), v. parahaemolyticus (29%), and v. alginolyticus (16%). most exposures were attributed to wounds (42%), and the most common clinical syndromes were wound i ...201120546636
detection of vibrio cholerae and vibrio parahaemolyticus by molecular and culture based methods from source water to household container-stored water at the point-of-use in south african rural communities.detection methods for vibrio cholerae and vibrio parahaemolyticus which included the culture based approach with polymerase chain reaction (pcr) confirmation, pcr detection without enrichment and pcr with a pre-enrichment were developed and their performance evaluated. pcr assays targeted the sodb (v. cholerae species), flae (v. parahaemolyticus species), 16s rrna (vibrio and enterobacteriacea species) genes (multiplex 1) and v. cholerae o1 and v. cholerae o139 rfb genes, ctxa (cholera toxin) ge ...201020555205
[development and evaluation of whole-genome dna microarray of vibrio parahaemolyticus].we developed and evaluated a whole-genome dna microarray of vibrio parahaemolyticus.201020560361
[homology analysis of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated by mpn method using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and automated ribotyping].to study the molecular typing of 78 strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from guangdong by mpn method with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) and automated ribotyping (rp).201020568474
tumor suppressor qm-like gene from disk abalone (haliotis discus discus): molecular characterization and transcriptional analysis upon immune challenge.we describe molecular characterization and transcriptional analysis of the gene encoding tumor suppressor qm-like protein, abqm, in the disk abalone haliotis discus discus. the full-length cdna (765-bp) of abqm was found to consist of a 654-bp orf coding for a 218 amino acid protein of a 25 kda molecular mass with a 10.2 isoelectric point. analysis of abqm sequence revealed the presence of characteristic motifs, including the ribosomal protein l10 signature, sh3-binding motif and two antibiotic ...201020580829
functional properties of proteins from the coelomic fluid of the wounded sea star asterias rubens (l).impact on viability and adhesion of three protein fractions, separated by size, from the coelomic fluid of wounded asterias rubens', was tested on autologous coelomocytes. in addition antimicrobial property of the protein fractions was tested on the gram-negative bacterium vibrio parahaemolyticus. all fractions promoted viability and the larger proteins facilitated adhesion of the coelomocytes. the strongest antimicrobial effect was caused by the fraction with the smallest proteins.201020600086
immunomagnetic separation of vibrio vulnificus with antiflagellar monoclonal antibody.raw oysters are primary vectors for vibrio vulnificus infections, and a rapid detection method for v. vulnificus in raw oysters before distribution would be an indispensable tool for the seafood industry. one approach to improving the recovery and detection of v. vulnificus without sacrificing assay time is through the use of immunomagnetic separation (ims). the aim of this study was to develop and optimize an ims protocol using anti-h (antiflagellar) antibody for determining the level of v. vul ...201020615341
quantitative risk assessment of vibrio parahaemolyticus in finfish: a model of raw horse mackerel consumption in japan.the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of implemented control measures to reduce illness induced by vibrio parahaemolyticus (v. parahaemolyticus) in horse mackerel (trachurus japonicus), seafood that is commonly consumed raw in japan. on the basis of currently available experimental and survey data, we constructed a quantitative risk model of v. parahaemolyticus in horse mackerel from harvest to consumption. in particular, the following factors were evaluated: bacterial growth at all ...201020626688
stability and antimicrobial activity of allyl isothiocyanate during long-term storage in an oil-in-water emulsion.this study investigated the stability and antimicrobial activity of allyl isothiocyanate (aitc) in medium chain triglyceride (mct) or soybean oil (sbo) dispersed in an oil-in-water (o/w) system during long-term storage. oil type, content, and oxidative stability affect the stability and antimicrobial activity of aitc during storage. high oil content is favorable for aitc stability in the emulsion. notably, aitc with mct is more stable than aitc with sbo with the same oil content. consequently, a ...201020629866
clinical isolates of aeromonas veronii biovar veronii harbor a nonfunctional gene similar to the thermostable direct hemolysin-related hemolysin (trh) gene of vibrio parahaemolyticus.thermostable direct hemolysin-related hemolysin encoded by the trh gene is considered a major virulence factor in the pathogenesis of vibrio parahaemolyticus infections. in this study, we report the presence of a trh homolog in three clinical isolates of aeromonas veronii biovar veronii. the presence of a trh homolog in these strains of a. veronii was confirmed by pcr, followed by cloning, sequencing and colony hybridization using a digoxigenin-labelled probe. dna sequence analysis revealed that ...201020636974
antibacterial properties of essential oils and methanol extracts of sweet basil ocimum basilicum occurring in bangladesh.the antibacterial potential of essential oils and methanol extracts of sweet basil ocimum basilicum l. (lamiaceae) was evaluated for controlling the growth range of food-borne pathogenic bacteria. essential oils extracted by hydrodistillation from the leaves and stems were analyzed by gc-ms. fifty-seven compounds representing 94.9 and 96.1% of the total leaf and stem oils, respectively, were identified, of which methyl chavicol (36.7 and 29.9%), gitoxigenin (9.3 and 10.2%), trimethoquinol (10.3 ...201020645791
hfq regulates anti-oxidative ability in vibrio parahaemolyticus.hfq plays a fundamental role in bacterial cell physiology. it can stimulate or repress the expression of certain target genes, and there is a possibility that hfq regulates the oxidative stress response. however, how hfq functions that in vibrio parahaemolyticus remains speculative. in this paper, we explain the functions hfq plays in v. parahaemolyticus in the gene expression of superoxide dismutase gene and catalase gene, comparing the hfq deletion mutant strain to the parental strain. the res ...201020647674
involvement of cell shape and flagella in the bacterial retention during percolation of contaminated water through soil columns in tropical region.microorganisms' retention in soil contributes to the natural purification of groundwater. bacteria found in groundwater are generally of various shapes. the aim of this study was to assess the importance of cell shape and flagella in bacterial retention during polluted water percolation through two soil columns ca and cb, in the equatorial region in central africa. percolation tests were carried out using different water loads samples which were contaminated by escherichia coli (straight rods, p ...201020658409
a highly sensitive and specific multiplex pcr assay for simultaneous detection of vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio develop an effective multiplex pcr for simultaneous and rapid detection of vibrio cholerae, vibrio vulnificus and vibrio parahaemolyticus, the three most important vibrio species that can cause devastating health hazards among human.201020666989
[cdna cloning, characterization and mrna expression of a profilin from the swimming crab portunus trituberculatus].we isolated and characterized the profilin full-length cdna from hemocytes of swimming crab portunus trituberculatus. the profilin cdna consists of 742 bp and the 375 bp open reading frame encodes a polypeptide of 125 amino acids, having a predicted isoelectric point of 5.87. the deduced amino acid sequence shows 42.9% amino acid sequence identity to the profilin of mosquito anopheles gambiae. the profilin mrna was highly expressed in hemocytes and moderately in hepatopancreas of normal crab. th ...201020672413
comparative genomic analyses identify the vibrio harveyi genome sequenced strains baa-1116 and hy01 as vibrio campbellii.three notable members of the harveyi clade, vibrio harveyi, vibrio alginolyticus and vibrio parahaemolyticus, are best known as marine pathogens of commercial and medical import. in spite of this fact, the discrimination of harveyi clade members remains difficult due to genetic and phenotypic similarities, and this has led to misidentifications and inaccurate estimations of a species' involvement in certain environments. to begin to understand the underlying genetics that complicate species leve ...201020686623
brichos domain-containing leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin 1-like cdna from disk abalone haliotis discus discus.a brichos domain-containing leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin 1-like cdna was cloned from the disk abalone (haliotis discus discus) and designated as ablect-1. a full-length (705 bp) of ablect-1 cdna was composed of a 576 bp open reading frame that translates into a putative peptide of 192 amino acids. deduced amino acid sequence of ablect-1 had 15.5- and 27.8% identity and similarity to human lect-1, respectively. quantitative real-time pcr analysis results showed that the mrna of ablect-1 was ...201020688173
detection and differentiation of vibrio spp. in seafood and fish samples with cultural and molecular methods.vibrio spp. as natural inhabitants of sea- and brackwater of both tropical and temperate regions of the world are commonly found in different kinds of seafood. even among the three main human pathogenic species vibrio parahaemolyticus, vibrio cholerae and vibrio vulnificus most of the isolates from seafood do not carry the different virulence factors responsible for foodborne infections. therefore, the risk assessment of vibrio spp. in seafood is currently based mainly on the knowledge of the ge ...201020688407
characterization of myosin light chain in shrimp hemocytic phagocytosis.myosin light chain, a well-known cytoskeleton gene, regulates multiple processes that are involved in material transport, muscle shrink and cell division. however, its function in phagocytosis against invading pathogens in crustacean remains unknown. in this investigation, a myosin light chain gene was obtained from marsupenaeus japonicus shrimp. the full-length cdna of this gene was of 766 bp and an open reading frame (orf) of 462 bp encoding a polypeptide of 153 amino acids. the myosin light c ...201020691789
isolation, identification and molecular characterization of vibrio parahaemolyticus from fish samples in kolkata.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a marine bacterium which is also responsible for acute diarrhoeal illness in human beings. eating raw seafish or contaminated seafood is responsible for acute gastroenteritis. the aim of this study was to investigate the isolation, identification and molecular characterization of vibrio parahaemolyticus from the fish samples in kolkata, india.201020712262
transcription of vibrio parahaemolyticus t3ss1 genes is regulated by a dual regulation system consisting of the exsacde regulatory cascade and h-ns.vibrio parahaemolyticus, one of the human pathogenic vibrios, causes gastroenteritis, wound infections and septicemia. genomic sequencing of this organism revealed that it has two distinct type iii secretion systems (t3ss1 and t3ss2). t3ss1 plays a significant role in lethal activity in a murine infection model. it was reported that expression of the t3ss1 gene is controlled by a positive regulator, exsa, and a negative regulator, exsd, which share a degree of sequence similarity with pseudomona ...201020722736
a vibrio effector protein is an inositol phosphatase and disrupts host cell membrane integrity.the marine bacterium vibrio parahaemolyticus causes gastroenteritis in humans and encodes the type iii effector protein vpa0450, which contributes to host cell death caused by autophagy, cell rounding, and cell lysis. we found that vpa0450 is an inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase that hydrolyzed the d5 phosphate from the plasma membrane phospholipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. vpa0450 disrupted cytoskeletal binding sites on the inner surface of membranes of human cells and caused pl ...201020724587
first molluscan transcription factor activator protein-1 (ap-1) member from disk abalone and its expression profiling against immune challenge and tissue injury.the regulation of transcriptional activation is an essential and critical point in gene expression. in this study, we describe a novel transcription factor activator protein-1 (ap-1) gene from disk abalone haliotis discus discus (abap-1) for the first time in mollusk. it was identified by homology screening of an abalone normalized cdna library. the cloned abap-1 consists of a 945 bp coding region that encodes a putative protein containing 315 amino acids. the abap-1 gene is composed of a charac ...201020732431
origins and colonization history of pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus in south america.the dynamics of dissemination of the environmental human pathogen vibrio parahaemolyticus are uncertain. the o3:k6 clone was restricted to asia until its detection along the peruvian coasts and in northern chile in 1997 in phase with the arrival of el niño waters. a subsequent emergence of o3:k6 strains was detected in austral chile in 2004. the origin of these 1997 and 2004 population radiations has not yet been conclusively determined. multiple loci vntr analysis using seven polymorphic loci w ...201020735744
structure of a longitudinal actin dimer assembled by tandem w domains: implications for actin filament nucleation.actin filament nucleators initiate polymerization in cells in a regulated manner. a common architecture among these molecules consists of tandem wasp homology 2 domains (w domains) that recruit three to four actin subunits to form a polymerization nucleus. we describe a low-resolution crystal structure of an actin dimer assembled by tandem w domains, where the first w domain is cross-linked to cys374 of the actin subunit bound to it, whereas the last w domain is followed by the c-terminal pointe ...201020804767
relationships between environmental factors and pathogenic vibrios in the northern gulf of mexico.although autochthonous vibrio densities are known to be influenced by water temperature and salinity, little is understood about other environmental factors associated with their abundance and distribution. densities of culturable vibrio vulnificus containing vvh (v. vulnificus hemolysin gene) and v. parahaemolyticus containing tlh (thermolabile hemolysin gene, ubiquitous in v. parahaemolyticus), tdh (thermostable direct hemolysin gene, v. parahaemolyticus pathogenicity factor), and trh (tdh-rel ...201020817802
an elisa-on-a-chip biosensor system coupled with immunomagnetic separation for the detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus within a single working this study, we constructed a rapid detection system for a foodborne pathogen, vibrio parahaemolyticus, by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa)-on-a-chip (eoc) biosensor technology to minimize the risk of infection by the microorganism. the eoc results showed a detection capability of approximately 6.2x10(5) cells per ml, which was significantly higher than that of the conventional rapid test kit. however, this high level of sensitivity required cultivation of the pathogen prior to ...201020819356
development of two animal models to study the function of vibrio parahaemolyticus type iii secretion systems.vibrio parahaemolyticus is an emerging food- and waterborne pathogen that encodes two type iii secretion systems (t3sss). previous studies have linked type iii secretion system 1 (t3ss1) to cytotoxicity and t3ss2 to intestinal fluid accumulation, but animal challenge models needed to study these phenomena are limited. in this study we evaluated the roles of the t3sss during infection using two novel animal models: a model in which piglets were inoculated orogastrically and a model in which mice ...201020823199
a d-galactose-binding lectin purified from coronate moon turban, turbo (lunella) coreensis, with a unique amino acid sequence and the ability to recognize lacto-series glycosphingolipids.a divalent, cation-independent d-galactose-binding lectin was purified from coronate moon turban turbo (lunella) coreensis. this lectin recognizes d-galactose and is a 38-kda dimeric protein consisting disulphide-bonded 22-kda polypeptides under non-reducing and reducing conditions of sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. haemagglutination activity was inhibited by d-galactose, n-acetyl d-galactosamine, melibiose, lactose, porcine stomach mucin, asialofetuin a ...201120837158
total and pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus in shrimp: fast and reliable quantification by real-time pcr.vibrio parahaemolyticus is found in aquatic environments and is the leading cause of gastroenteritis due to seafood consumption worldwide. we evaluated a quantitative real-time pcr (q-pcr) assay with hydrolysis probes, to determine whether this method could be used for the efficient counting of total, tdh and trh-positive v. parahaemolyticus in shrimps. we assessed the specificity of this assay, using 62 strains from 12 non target bacterial species of the vibrio, photobacterium, shewanella and a ...201020843573
diarrhea induced by infection of vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a human pathogen that naturally inhabits marine and estuarine environments. infection with v. parahaemolyticus is often associated with the consumption of raw or undercooked seafood, causing gastroenteritis with watery diarrhea. the presence of two type iii secretion system (t3ss) proteins, thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin (trh), has been closely associated with the severity of diarrheal illness. tdh and trh have various biological activiti ...201020847516
calcium and iron regulate swarming and type iii secretion in vibrio, we probe the response to calcium during growth on a surface and show that calcium influences the transcriptome and stimulates motility and virulence of vibrio parahaemolyticus. swarming (but not swimming) gene expression and motility were enhanced by calcium. calcium also elevated transcription of one of the organism's two type iii secretion systems (t3ss1 but not t3ss2) and heightened cytotoxicity toward host cells in coculture. calcium stimulation of t3ss gene expression has not been rep ...201020851895
gastroenteritis in a taipei emergency department: aetiology and risk factors.clin microbiol infect abstract: a matched case-control study was used to determine pathogens and risk factors associated with gastroenteritis in a taipei emergency department. viruses (40.0%) were the leading cause of gastroenteritis, with noroviruses the most prevalent (33.2%). bacteria were found in 26.0% of all cases, mostly suspected diarrheagenic e. coli (22.2%), followed by salmonella spp. (5.4%) and vibrio parahaemolyticus (4.2%). giardia lamblia was identified in 16.4% of all cases. stat ...201020854428
silver/poly (lactic acid) nanocomposites: preparation, characterization, and antibacterial this study, antibacterial characteristic of silver/poly (lactic acid) nanocomposite (ag/pla-nc) films was investigated, while silver nanoparticles (ag-nps) were synthesized into biodegradable pla via chemical reduction method in diphase solvent. silver nitrate and sodium borohydride were respectively used as a silver precursor and reducing agent in the pla, which acted as a polymeric matrix and stabilizer. meanwhile, the properties of ag/pla-ncs were studied as a function of the ag-np weight ...201020856832
antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of traditional thai herbal remedies for aphthous ulcers.four medicinal plants (quercus infectoria, kaempferia galanga, coptis chinensis and glycyrrhiza uralensis) as well as one traditional thai treatment for aphthous ulcers based on these four plants were tested for antimicrobial activity. mic values for a range of bacteria and candida albicans were determined, with both type strains and clinical isolates being used. antioxidant activity was determined using the abts radical scavenging assay. among the four plants, q. infectoria showed antimicrobial ...201020878703
proteomic analysis reveals responsive proteins of vibrio parahaemolyticus on exposure to cationic antimicrobial investigate whether vibrio parahaemolyticus can sense and directly respond to the presence of cationic antimicrobial peptides (amps).201020880213
rapid separation and immunoassay for low levels of salmonella in foods using magnetosome-antibody complex and real-time fluorescence quantitative pcr.a rapid and economical method for detecting salmonella was developed, based on a novel complex for immunomagnetic separation, which was composed of anti-salmonella polyclonal antibody (ab) and magnetosome (bacterial magnetic particle, bmp) produced by the bacterium magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense msr-1. bmp-ab complex was used to capture salmonella from pure suspensions of s. dublin, s. enteritidis, s. aesch, s. agona, s. abony and s. bareily, from mixed suspensions of s. dublin and vibrio para ...201020886524
comparison of the pathogenic potentials of environmental and clinical vibrio parahaemolyticus strains indicates a role for temperature regulation in virulence.although the presence of pathogenic vibrio spp. in estuarine environments of northern new england has been known for some time (c. h. bartley and l. w. slanetz, appl. microbiol. 21: 965-966, 1971, and k. r. o'neil, s. h. jones, and d. j. grimes, fems microbiol. lett. 60:163-167, 1990), their virulence and the relative threat they may pose to human health has yet to be evaluated. in this study, the virulence potential of 33 vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates collected from the great bay estuary of ...201020889774
water permeation through the sodium-dependent galactose cotransporter is well accepted that cotransporters facilitate water movement by two independent mechanisms: osmotic flow through a water channel in the protein and flow driven by ion/substrate cotransport. however, the molecular mechanism of transport-linked water flow is controversial. some researchers believe that it occurs via cotransport, in which water is pumped along with the transported cargo, while others believe that flow is osmotic in response to an increase in intracellular osmolarity. in this l ...201020923633
photoinactivation of staphylococcus aureus and vibrio parahaemolyticus in the model aquatic microcosm: effect of light intensity and dissolved biodegradable organic compound.the impact of light (1,000 × 100,000 lx) on the inactivation of s. aureus and v. parahaemolyticus has been assessed under different concentrations of dissolved biodegradable organic compound (boc) at ph 7.0. first, a gradual decrease in the number of cultivable cells was observed. secondly, a cell reactivation was observed and it was marked in the absence of boc. in the absence of boc, the lowest value of cell inhibition rate (cir) during the first 3 h was 0.138 h(-1) for s. aureus and 0.218 h(- ...201020962392
an acute gastroenteritis outbreak of vibrio parahaemolyticus o4:k55 in nursing college, thailand.a cluster of acute gastroenteritis among nursing students was noticed on 13th september 2005. between 13th and 17th september 2005, a retrospective cohort study was then conducted to identify the most likely cause of gastroenteritis at a nursing college in bangkok, thailand. self-administered questionnaires, interviews, environmental investigations, and rectal swabs from all participants were carried out. in the investigation, 98.9% female nursing students were investigated and had completed the ...201020962724
bile acid-induced virulence gene expression of vibrio parahaemolyticus reveals a novel therapeutic potential for bile acid sequestrants.vibrio parahaemolyticus, a bacterial pathogen, causes human gastroenteritis. a type iii secretion system (t3ss2) encoded in pathogenicity island (vp-pai) is the main contributor to enterotoxicity and expression of vp-pai encoded genes is regulated by two transcriptional regulators, vtra and vtrb. however, a host-derived inducer for the vp-pai genes has not been identified. here, we demonstrate that bile induces production of t3ss2-related proteins under osmotic conditions equivalent to those in ...201020967223
interactive effects of cadmium and hypoxia on metabolic responses and bacterial loads of eastern oysters crassostrea virginica gmelin.pollution by toxic metals including cadmium (cd) and hypoxia are important stressors in estuaries and coastal waters which may interactively affect sessile benthic organisms, such as oysters. we studied metabolic responses to prolonged hypoxic acclimation (2 weeks at 5% o2) in control and cd-exposed (30 d at 50 μg l(-1) cd) oysters crassostrea virginica, and analyzed the effects of these stressors on abundance of vibrio spp. in oysters. hypoxia-acclimated oysters retained normal standard metabol ...201020971492
the impact of international travel on the epidemiology of enteric infections, british columbia, enteric infections likely represent a large proportion of all enteric infections in british columbia (bc). the objective of this study was to assess the proportion of enteric infections in bc reported in 2008 associated with international travel in order to understand trends in infections so that targeted interventions can be implemented.201021033549
lactic acid as a potential decontaminant of selected foodborne pathogenic bacteria in shrimp (penaeus merguiensis de man).fresh raw shrimps were dipped for 10, 20, and 30 min at room temperature (25°c ± 1°c) in lactic acid (la; 1.5%, 3.0%, v/v) to evaluate their antipathogenic effects against vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, salmonella entreitidis, and escherichia coli o157:h7 inoculated at a level of 10(5) cfu/g. significant reductions in the population of all these pathogenic bacteria were recorded after dipping treatments, which were correlated to the corresponding la concentrations and treatment time. ...201021034165
identification of outer membrane proteins of vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio alginolyticus altered in response to γ-irradiation or long-term starvation.vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio alginolyticus were subjected to γ-irradiation (0.5 kgy) or starvation by incubation for 8 months in seawater to study modifications in their outer membrane protein patterns. after treatment, outer membrane protein profiles of starved or γ-irradiated bacteria were found to be altered when analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page). altered proteins were identified by mass spectrometry (ms and ms/ms) and analyses revealed tha ...201021035543
genetic analysis of the capsule polysaccharide (k antigen) and exopolysaccharide genes in pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6.pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus has undergone rapid changes in both k- and o-antigens, making detection of outbreaks more difficult. in order to understand these rapid changes, the genetic regions encoding these antigens must be examined. in vibrio cholerae and vibrio vulnificus, both o-antigen and capsular polysaccharides are encoded in a single region on the large chromosome; a similar arrangement in pandemic v. parahaemolyticus would help explain the rapid serotype changes. however, previous ...201021044320
the effect of preparation of cebiche on the survival of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, aeromonas hydrophila, and vibrio parahaemolyticus.cebiche is a common dish in latin america, prepared using raw fish mixed with vegetables and marinated with lime juice. the acidity of the lime juice is commonly believed to destroy bacteria and render cebiche as safe to eat. little data exist concerning rates of cebiche-associated gastroenteritis outbreaks, although these may be high given the popularity of the dish.201021050320
occurrence and distribution of vibrio parahaemolyticus in retail oysters in sao paulo state, brazil.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a potentially pathogenic bacterium that occurs naturally in estuarine environments worldwide, and is often associated with gastroenteritis in humans following consumption of raw bivalve mollusks, especially raw oysters. the occurrence of total and pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus in 74 samples of raw oysters collected in restaurants, supermarkets, groceries and beach huts in sao paulo state, was monitored between february 2006 and january 2007. enumeration of v. parahaem ...201021056785
conventional and molecular methods to detect bacterial pathogens in detect aeromonas spp., salmonella spp., vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus in mussels and water samples from a farming area, conventional and molecular methods were applied to enrichment cultures.201021070267
validation of high pressure processing for inactivating vibrio parahaemolyticus in pacific oysters (crassostrea gigas).this study identified and validated high hydrostatic pressure processing (hpp) for achieving greater than 3.52-log reductions of vibrio parahaemolyticus in the pacific oysters (crassostrea gigas) and determined shelf life of processed oysters stored at 5°c or in ice. raw pacific oysters were inoculated with a clinical strain of v. parahaemolyticus 10293 (o1:k56) to levels of 10(4-5) cells per gram and processed at 293 mpa (43 k psi) for 90, 120, 150, 180 and 210 s. populations of v. parahaemolyt ...201021106267
computational study of the na(+)/h (+) antiporter from vibrio parahaemolyticus.sodium proton antiporters are ubiquitous membrane proteins that catalyze the exchange of na(+) for protons throughout the biological world. the escherichia coli nhaa is the archetypal na(+)/h(+) antiporter and is absolutely essential for survival in high salt concentrations under alkaline conditions. its crystal structure, accompanied by extensive molecular dynamics simulations, have provided an atomically detailed model of its mechanism. in this study, we utilized a combination of computational ...201021107625
molecular cloning and functional characterization of a rabgtpase in large yellow croaker (pseudosciaena crocea).the molecular mechanisms of the immune system against pathogens in large yellow croaker (pseudosciaena crocea) are not well known, despite its economic importance as an aquaculture species. in this investigation, a rab gene (named as lycrab gene) was obtained from this fish, which exhibited high homology with rab8 of other species. it was expressed in escherichia coli, and the specific antibody was raised using the purified fusion protein (gst-lycrab). the lycrab protein, containing characterist ...201021112380
a polyphasic approach for the differentiation of environmental vibrio isolates from temperate waters.climate change and marine traffic lead to changing species communities in the oceans. due to increasing seawater temperatures, pathogenic vibrio species could become significant even in temperate waters. we classified mesophilic vibrio isolates from the german bight (north sea) using a polyphasic approach with special emphasis on vibrio parahaemolyticus. matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight ms was used as a primary screen to classify isolates, 16s rrna gene and rpob gene se ...201021118277
characterization of a racgtpase up-regulated in the large yellow croaker pseudosciaena crocea immunity.the rac proteins are members of the rho family of small g proteins and are implicated in the regulation of several pathways, including those leading to cytoskeleton reorganization, gene expression, cell proliferation, cell adhesion and cell migration and survival. in this investigation, a rac gene (named as lycrac gene) was obtained from the large yellow croaker and it was expressed in escherichia coli and purified. subsequently the specific antibody was raised using the purified fusion protein ...201021130170
molluscan death effector domain (ded)-containing caspase-8 gene from disk abalone (haliotis discus discus): molecular characterization and expression analysis.the caspase family represents aspartate-specific cysteine proteases that play key roles in apoptosis and immune signaling. in this study, we cloned the first death effector domain (ded)-containing molluscan caspase-8 gene from disk abalone (haliotis discus discus), which is named as hdcaspase-8. the full-length hdcaspase was 2855 bp, with a 1908 bp open reading frame encoding 636 amino acids. the hdcaspase-8 had 72 kda predicted molecular mass with an estimated isoelectric point (pi) of 6.0. the ...201021130887
the mechanism of sodium and substrate release from the binding pocket of vsglt.membrane co-transport proteins that use a five-helix inverted repeat motif have recently emerged as one of the largest structural classes of secondary active transporters. however, despite many structural advances there is no clear evidence of how ion and substrate transport are coupled. here we report a comprehensive study of the sodium/galactose transporter from vibrio parahaemolyticus (vsglt), consisting of molecular dynamics simulations, biochemical characterization and a new crystal structu ...201021131949
an i-type lysozyme from the asiatic hard clam meretrix meretrix potentially functioning in host immunity.lysozymes function in animal immunity. three types of lysozyme have been identified in animal kingdom and most lysozymes identified from bivalve molluscs belong to the invertebrate (i) type. in this research, we cloned and sequenced a new i-type lysozyme, named mmelys, from the asiatic hard clam meretrix meretrix. mmelys cdna was constituted of 552 bp, with a 441 bp open reading frame encoding a 146 amino acid polypeptide. the encoded polypeptide was predicted to have a 15 amino acid signal pept ...201021134465
the use of genetic typing methods to discriminate among strains of vibrio cholerae, v. parahaemolyticus, and v. vulnificus.this review article summarizes the findings of recent typing studies conducted on vibrio cholerae, v. parahaemolyticus, and v. vulnificus. the dna-based methods used to type the vibrio spp. include whole genome approaches, such as pulsed field gel electrophoresis (pfge), ribotyping, and repetitive extragenic palindromic (rep)-pcr, single gene targets, and multiple gene targets (multilocus approaches). the goals of these studies include establishing the relatedness of isolates from disease epidem ...201021140669
multiple antibacterial histone h2b proteins are expressed in tissues of american oyster.we have previously identified a histone h2b isomer (cvh2b-1) from tissue extracts of the bivalve mollusk, the american oyster (crassostrea virginica). in this paper, we isolate an additional three antibacterial proteins from acidified gill extract by preparative acid-urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. extraction of these proteins from tissue was best accomplished by briefly boiling the tissues in a weak acetic acid solution. additio ...201021145411
insufficiency of the kanagawa hemolytic test for detecting pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus in shanghai, china.we evaluated the kanagawa hemolytic test and tdh gene test for accuracy in identifying pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates in shanghai. one hundred and seventy-two v. parahaemolyticus isolates were collected from diarrhea patients, freshly harvested sea fish, or fresh water samples. statistical data for the kanagawa hemolytic test and tdh gene test were compared. there were 83.51% isolates (81/97) from patients and 22.22% isolates (10/45) from sea-fish positive for the tdh gene. however, ...201121146708
development of a rapid detection method to detect tdh gene in vibrio parahaemolyticus using 2-step ultrarapid real-time polymerase chain reaction.thermostable direct hemolysin encoded by tdh gene has been considered an important virulence factor in pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus. two-step ultrarapid real-time polymerase chain reaction (urrt pcr) with a microchip was devised to detect v. parahaemolyticus carrying tdh gene. this novel method has a 6-μl reaction volume and extremely reduces running time since one cycle can be completed in 10 s or less. consequently, 35 cycles of urrt pcr was successfully able to detect up to 100 fg (18 c ...201121146710
investigating the decay rates of escherichia coli relative to vibrio parahemolyticus and salmonella typhi in tropical coastal waters.using the size fractionation method, we measured the decay rates of escherichia coli, salmonella typhi and vibrio parahaemolyticus in the coastal waters of peninsular malaysia. the size fractions were total or unfiltered, <250 μm, <20 μm, <2 μm, <0.7 μm, <0.2 μm and <0.02 μm. we also carried out abiotic (inorganic nutrients) and biotic (bacterial abundance, production and protistan bacterivory) measurements at port dickson, klang and kuantan. klang had highest nutrient concentrations whereas bot ...201021146847
functional analysis of vopf activity required for colonization in vibrio cholerae.vibrio cholerae, a gram-negative facultative pathogen, is the etiologic agent for the diarrheal disease cholera. we previously characterized a clinical isolate, am-19226, that translocates a type iii secretion system (t3ss) effector protein with actin-nucleating activity, vopf, into the host cells. from comparative genomic studies, we identified a divergent t3ss island in additional isolates which possess a vopf homolog, vopn. unlike the vopf-mediated protrusion formation, vopn localizes to stre ...201021151774
development of a single base extension-tag microarray for the detection of pathogenic vibrio species in this study, a single base extension-tag array on glass slides (sbe-tags) microarray was established to detect the seven leading seafood-borne pathogens, including vibrio parahaemolyticus, vibrio cholerae, vibrio vulnificus, vibrio mimicus, vibrio alginolyticus, vibrio anguillarum, and vibrio harveyi. three multiplex pcr assays were developed to specifically target the following species with individual gene markers, which are aads, tdh, and trh for v. parahaemolyticus; col, toxr, and vvh for v ...201021161212
surface sensing in vibrio parahaemolyticus triggers a programme of gene expression that promotes colonization and virulence.vibrio parahaemolyticus senses surfaces via impeded rotation of its polar flagellum. we have exploited this surface-sensing mechanism to trick the organism into thinking it is on a surface when it is growing in liquid. this facilitated studies of global gene expression in a way that avoided many of the complications of surface-to-liquid comparisons, and illuminated ∼ 70 genes that respond to surface sensing per se. almost all are surface-induced (not repressed) and encode swarming motility prote ...201021166906
a small hsp gene of bloody clam (tegillarca granosa) involved in the immune response against vibrio parahaemolyticus and lipopolysaccharide.small heat shock proteins (shsps) associate with nuclei, cytoskeleton and membranes, and as molecular chaperones they bind partially denatured proteins, thereby preventing irreversible protein aggregation during stress. in the present study, the small heat shock proteins of tegillarca granosa (tg-shsp) were identified from hemocytes by 3' and 5' rapid amplification of cdna ends (race) pcr. the full-length cdna consisted of 1005 bp with a 594 bp open reading frame encoding 197 amino acids. sequen ...201021172441
extended mlst-based population genetics and phylogeny of vibrio parahaemolyticus with high levels of recombination.a collection of 174 global isolates of vibrio parahaemolyticus were analyzed by multilocus sequence typing (mlst) on the basis of ten conserved genes. the results showed a high level of nucleotide and allelic diversity with the evidence of purifying selection and of frequent recombination. recombination played a much greater role than mutation in generating genetic heterogeneity. the 174 strains could be assigned into 89 different sequence types, which could be further separated into six clonal ...201021176856
vibrio parahaemolyticus infection induces modulation of il-8 secretion through dual pathway via vp1680 in caco-2 cells.vibrio parahaemolyticus causes acute gastroenteritis and inflammations in humans. a variety of pathogenic bacteria can stimulate mitogen-activated protein kinases (mapks) in host cells. phosphorylation of mapks leads to production of interleukin (il)- 8 and subsequently causes inflammations. thus, mapk cascades were strong candidates for the main signaling pathway of v. parahaemolyticus-induced acute inflammation.201021177635
regulation of type iii secretion system 1 gene expression in vibrio parahaemolyticus is dependent on interactions between exsa, exsc, and exsd.vibrio parahaemolyticus exsa is the transcriptional regulator for type iii secretion system 1 (t3ss1) while exsd blocks t3ss1 expression. herein we show that deletion of exsc from v. parahaemolyticus blocked synthesis of t3ss1-dependent proteins under inducing conditions (contact with hela cells), while in trans complementation of the δexsc strain with wild-type exsc restored protein synthesis. under non-inducing conditions (luria broth plus salt), in trans expression of exsc in a wild-type stra ...201021178451
n15: the linear phage-plasmid.the lambdoid phage n15 of escherichia coli is very unusual among temperate phages in that its prophage is not integrated into chromosome but is a linear plasmid molecule with covalently closed ends. upon infection the phage dna circularises via cohesive ends, then phage-encoded enzyme, protelomerase, cuts at an inverted repeat site and forms hairpin ends (telomeres) of the linear plasmid prophage. replication of the n15 prophage is initiated at an internally located ori site and proceeds bidirec ...201021185326
sugar binding residue affects apparent na+ affinity and transport stoichiometry in mouse sodium/glucose cotransporter type 3b.sglt1 is a sodium/glucose cotransporter that moves two na(+) ions with each glucose molecule per cycle. sglt3 proteins belong to the same family and are described as glucose sensors rather than glucose transporters. thus, human sglt3 (hsglt3) does not transport sugar, but extracellular glucose depolarizes the cell in which it is expressed. mouse sglt3b (msglt3b), although it transports sugar, has low apparent sugar affinity and partially uncoupled stoichiometry compared with sglt1, suggesting th ...201021187287
the vibrio parahaemolyticus type iii secretion systems manipulate host cell mapk for critical steps in pathogenesis.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a food-borne pathogen causing inflammation of the gastrointestinal epithelium. pathogenic strains of this bacterium possess two type iii secretion systems (ttss) that deliver effector proteins into host cells. in order to better understand human host cell responses to v. parahaemolyticus, the modulation of mitogen activated protein kinase (mapk) activation in epithelial cells by an o3:k6 clinical isolate, rimd2210633, was investigated. the importance of mapk activation ...201021192810
gut scp is an immune-relevant molecule involved in the primary immunological memory or pattern recognition in the amphioxus branchiostoma understand the role of calcium-binding proteins of invertebrates in immunological response, amphioxus sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein (scp) was investigated in the present study. following gene cloning, recombinant protein expression and purification and antibody preparation, the expression and alteration of scp in the response to bacterial challenge were detected using western blotting. scp was not detected in the branchia, humoral fluid, gonad or in the gut of wounded animals, but it w ...201021195772
contamination level and ingestion dose of foodborne pathogens associated with infections.summaryintake of a small dose of foodborne pathogens can cause infection. in this study, an estimation of the infectious dose of the pathogens was obtained by conducting microbiological risk assessments. the contamination levels of foodborne pathogens were analysed in 17 outbreaks of salmonella, escherichia coli o157, enterotoxigenic e. coli, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and campylobacter jejuni occurring in japan between 2004 and 2006. the infectious dose was estimated in 14 of the 17 outbreaks uti ...201021205441
phylogenetic and evolutionary analysis of vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio alginolyticus isolates based on toxr gene sequence.the vibrio genus contains a large number of closely related bacterial species differing, in some cases, less than 1% in 16s rrna gene sequence. the present study evaluated the usefulness of toxr gene for phylogenetic and evolution analysis on vibrio isolates of environmental or clinical origin belonging to the two closely related species v. parahaemolyticus and v. alginolyticus. the phylogenetic analysis based on toxr gene, contrary to 16s rrna gene, allowed a clear differentiation of the isolat ...201021213595
microarray analysis of gene expression in disk abalone haliotis discus discus after bacterial this study, we investigated the gene expression profiling of disk abalone, haliotis discus discus challenged by a mixture of three pathogenic bacteria vibrio alginolyticus, vibrio parahemolyticus, and listeria monocytogenes using a cdna microarray. upon bacteria challenge, 68 (1.6%) and 112 (2.7%) gene transcripts changed their expression levels ≥2 or ≤2 -fold in gills and digestive tract, respectively. there were 46 tissue-specific transcripts that up-regulated specifically in the digestive ...201121215803
cloning and characterization of a hsp70 gene from asiatic hard clam meretrix meretrix which is involved in the immune response against bacterial the present study, a 71.43 kda heat shock protein cdna was cloned from asiatic hard clam meretrix meretrix. the cdna was 2292 bp, containing an open reading frame (orf) of 1959 bp, which encodes a protein of 652 amino acids with a theoretical molecular weight of 71.43 kda and an isoelectric point of 5.32. based on the amino acid sequence analysis and phylogenetic analysis, this hsp70 cdna is a member of cytoplasmic hsc70 (constitutive genes) subfamily in the hsp70 family, and is designated as ...201121215805
vibrio parahaemolyticus, enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli and vibrio cholerae.this review highlighted the following: (i) pathogenic mechanism of the thermostable direct hemolysin produced by vibrio parahaemolyticus, especially on its cardiotoxicity, (ii) heat-labile and heat-stable enterotoxins produced by enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, especially structure-activity relationship of heat-stable enterotoxin, (iii) rna n-glycosidase activity of vero toxins (vt1 and vt2) produced by enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli o157:h7, (iv) discovery of vibrio cholerae o139, (v) iso ...201121233598
the development of loop-mediated isothermal amplification combined with lateral flow dipstick for detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the current study was aimed to develop a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) combined with amplicon detection by chromatographic lateral flow dipstick (lfd) assay for rapid and specific detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus.201121244453
development of monoclonal antibody based sandwich elisa for the rapid detection of pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood.thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin (trh) are considered important virulence factors of vibrio parahaemolyticus and strains producing either of these or both are considered pathogenic. in this study, we generated monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against purified trh recombinant protein of pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus. sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisa) using the hybridoma clone 4b10 showed higher sensitivity of detection compared to other clones. using ma ...201121276628
development of a dna microarray for detection and identification of legionella pneumophila and ten other pathogens in drinking water.the safety and accessibility of drinking water are major concerns throughout the world. consumption of water contaminated with infectious agents, toxic chemicals or radiological hazards represents a significant health risk and is strongly associated with mortality. therefore, we have developed an oligonucleotide-based microarray using the sequences of 16s-23s rdna internal transcribed spacer regions (its) and the gyrase subunit b gene (gyrb) found in the most prevalent and devastating waterborne ...201121276629
identification of vibrio cholerae type iii secretion system effector is a pathogenic o39 serogroup vibrio cholerae strain that lacks the typical virulence factors for colonization (toxin-coregulated pilus [tcp]) and toxin production (cholera toxin [ct]) and instead encodes a type iii secretion system (t3ss). the mechanism of pathogenesis is unknown, and few effector proteins have been identified. we therefore undertook a survey of the open reading frames (orfs) within the ~49.7-kb t3ss genomic island to identify potential effector proteins. we identified ...201121282418
a multipathogen selective enrichment broth for simultaneous growth of salmonella spp., vibrio parahaemolyticus, and vibrio cholerae.a selective enrichment broth (svv) was formulated to allow concurrent growth of salmonella spp., v. parahaemolyticus, and v. cholerae. potassium tellurite and sodium citrate were added as the inhibitors, while glucose, mannitol, anhydrous sodium sulfite and sodium pyruvate were employed as the growth-promoters. when mixed in equal or varied proportions, the target pathogens in svv had a great accumulation (10(5)-10(8) cfu/ml) and effectively inhibited the growth of competitive microflora. in the ...201021282902
clinical characteristics and etiology of travelers' diarrhea among korean travelers visiting south-east asia.the morbidity of travelers' diarrhea (td) is still high. this study examined the incidence of common pathogens and characteristics of td among korean travelers who visited south-east asian countries. we performed a prospective study involving 479 korean travelers with diarrheal disease from february 2009 to april 2009 and stool samples were examined and questionnaire surveys were done after arrival. enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) was found in 36.0% of td cases, as were the following: en ...201121286009
relationship between heat-induced fibrillogenicity and hemolytic activity of thermostable direct hemolysin and a related hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the formation of nonspecific ion channels by small oligomeric amyloid intermediates is toxic to the host's cellular membranes. thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin (trh) are major virulence factors of vibrio parahaemolyticus. we have previously reported the crystal structure of tdh tetramer with the central channel. we have also identified the molecular mechanism underlying the paradoxical responses to heat treatment of tdh, known as the arrhenius effect, which is the re ...201121291495
origin of vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6 pandemic clone.o3:k6 pandemic clone of vibrio parahaemolyticus has caused outbreaks in coastal countries since 1996. mutilocus sequence typing (mlst) is an important tool to trace the source and analysis the evolution of bacteria. based on mlst, the first pandemic clonal complex (cc) of v. parahaemolyticus has been confirmed. in this study, 57 pandemic strains, 27 pathogenic strains (tdh or trh positive) and 36 nonpathogenic strains isolated from china were analyzed with mlst. forty-seven unique sequence types ...201121316116
an assessment of potential public health risk associated with the extended survival of indicator and pathogenic bacteria in freshwater lake sediments.microcosm studies were performed to evaluate the survival of escherichia coli, salmonella paratyphi and vibrio parahaemolyticus in water and sediment collected from the freshwater region of vembanad lake (9'35 °n 76'25 °e) along the south west coast of india. all three test microorganisms showed significantly (p < 0.01) higher survival in sediment compared to overlying water. the survival in different sediment types with different particle size and organic carbon content revealed that sediment w ...201121316302
crystal structure of a potassium ion transporter, trkh.the trkh/trkg/ktrb proteins mediate k(+) uptake in bacteria and probably evolved from simple k(+) channels by multiple gene duplications or fusions. here we present the crystal structure of a trkh from vibrio parahaemolyticus. trkh is a homodimer, and each protomer contains an ion permeation pathway. a selectivity filter, similar in architecture to those of k(+) channels but significantly shorter, is lined by backbone and side-chain oxygen atoms. functional studies showed that trkh is selective ...201121317882
prey bacteria shape the community structure of their predators.although predator-prey interactions among higher organisms have been studied extensively, only few examples are known for microbes other than protists and viruses. among the bacteria, the most studied obligate predators are the bdellovibrio and like organisms (balos) that prey on many other bacteria. in the macroscopical world, both predator and prey influence the population size of the other's community, and may have a role in selection. however, selective pressures among prey and predatory bac ...201121326335
comparative evaluation of a chromogenic agar medium-pcr protocol with a conventional method for isolation of vibrio parahaemolyticus strains from environmental and clinical samples.screening for pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus has become routine in certain areas associated with food-borne outbreaks. this study is an evaluation of the chromagar vibrio (cv) medium-pcr protocol and the conventional method (tcbs (thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose) agar plus biochemical and wagatsuma agar tests) for detection of v. parahaemolyticus in shrimp, water, sediment, and stool samples collected for biosurveillance in an endemic area of northwestern mexico. a total of 131 enviro ...201121326355
enumeration of vibrio parahaemolyticus in the viable but nonculturable state using direct plate counts and recognition of individual gene fluorescence in situ hybridization.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a gram-negative, halophilic bacterium indigenous to marine and estuarine environments and it is capable of causing food and water-borne illness in humans. it can also cause disease in marine animals, including cultured species. currently, culture-based techniques are used for quantification of v. parahaemolyticus in environmental samples; however, these can be misleading as they fail to detect v. parahaemolyticus in a viable but nonculturable (vbnc) state which leads t ...201121329738
susceptibility to antibiotics of vibrio spp. and photobacterium damsela ssp. piscicida strains isolated from italian aquaculture farms.the antibiotic resistance patterns of aetiological agents responsible for vibriosis and pasteurellosis were studied to contribute to control the spread of these two bacterial diseases in mediterranean fish farming. strains of photobacterium damsela ssp. piscicida, vibrio fluvialis, vibrio alginolyticus, vibrio parahaemolyticus, vibrio metschnikovii, isolated from italian aquaculture (fish, shellfish and crustaceans) sites, were assayed for their susceptibility to some antibacterial agents curren ...201121344147
molecular cloning and expression of interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4, an important mediator of toll-like receptor signal pathway, from small abalone haliotis diversicolor.mammal interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinases (iraks) have been demonstrated to play important functions in tlrs (toll-like receptor) signal pathway and t cell proliferation, but there is less knowledge available on mollusc iraks. in this study, a molluscan irak-4 gene, sairak-4, was cloned for the first time from the small abalone (haliotis diversicolor). its full-length cdna sequence was 2062 bp, with a 1548 bp open reading frame encoding a protein of 516 aa. the molecular mass of the deduc ...201121362486
antimicrobial resistance of vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio alginolyticus strains isolated from farmed fish in korea from 2005 through 2007.the antimicrobial resistance patterns to 15 antimicrobial agents of vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio alginolyticus isolated from farmed fishes, including olive flounder (paralichthys olivaceus), black rockfish (sebastes schlegeli), red sea bream (pagrus major), and sea bass (lateolabrax japonicus), were investigated from 2005 through 2007. a total of 218 v. parahaemolyticus isolates and 153 v. alginolyticus isolates were obtained from the 180 fish samples collected from fish farms located alon ...201121375873
involvement of the gspab complex in assembly of the type ii secretion system secretin of aeromonas and vibrio species.the type ii secretion system (t2ss) functions as a transport mechanism to translocate proteins from the periplasm to the extracellular environment. the exea homologue in aeromonas hydrophila, gspa(ah), is an atpase that interacts with peptidoglycan and forms an inner membrane complex with the exeb homologue (gspb(ah)). the complex may be required to generate space in the peptidoglycan mesh that is necessary for the transport and assembly of the megadalton-sized exed homologue (gspd(ah)) secretin ...201121378198
Displaying items 4801 - 4900 of 6009