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flow cytometric evaluation of vibrio parahaemolyticus adhesion inhibition to human epithelial cells.the present report demonstrates the usefulness of flow cytometry for a quantitative assessment of adhesion inhibition of a vibrio parahaemolyticus strain to human epithelial cells to acquire more information about the nature of its adhesins.200515924304
pandemic serovars (o3:k6 and o4:k68) of vibrio parahaemolyticus associated with diarrhea in mozambique: spread of the pandemic into the african continent.forty-two episodes of vibrio parahaemolyticus infections were detected in beira, mozambique, from january to may 2004. the majority of the isolates (81%) belonged to the pandemic serovars (o3:k6 and o4:k68) of v. parahaemolyticus. the pandemic serovars were positive by group-specific pcr (gs-pcr) and a pcr specific for open reading frame orf8 (orf8-pcr), which are molecular markers of the pandemic clone, and were positive for tdh but negative for trh. the remaining 19% of the strains also posses ...200515956363
fatty acid composition, cell morphology and responses to challenge by organic acid and sodium chloride of heat-shocked vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus 690, a clinical strain, was subjected to heat shock at 42 degrees c for 45 min. the fatty acid profile and recovery of the heat-shocked cells of v. parahaemolyticus on tsa-3.0% nacl, aps agar (alkaline peptone salt broth supplemented with 1.5% agar) and tcbs (thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose agar) were compared with those of the nonheat-shocked cells. furthermore, the morphology of v. parahaemolyticus and survival in the presence of various organic acids (25 mm acet ...200515982770
bacterial food-borne illness outbreaks in northern taiwan, to reduce the occurrence of food-borne illness has always been one issue of great importance in taiwan's disease prevention and control efforts, and it is important to determine, from survey results, whether the pathogens in taiwan are the same or different from those in other countries. accordingly, data on 1171 food-borne illness outbreaks were collected from the center for disease control (cdc) of the department of health in taiwan. the patients and the cases were numbered according to th ...200515990979
epidemiology, pathogenesis, and prevention of foodborne vibrio parahaemolyticus infections.since its discovery about 50 years ago, vibrio parahaemolyticus has been implicated as a major cause of foodborne illness around the globe. v. parahaemolyticus is a natural inhabitant of marine waters. human infections are most commonly associated with the consumption of raw, undercooked or contaminated shellfish. a few individual v. parahaemolyticus virulence factors, including the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin (trh), have been investigated in depth, yet a compre ...200415992266
the occurrence of vibrio species in tropical shrimp culture environments; implications for food safety.the occurrence of various vibrio species in water, sediment and shrimp samples from multiple shrimp farm environments from the east and west coast of india was studied. the relative abundance was higher in west coast farms (ca. 10(4) cfu/ml water) when compared to the east coast (ca. 10(2) cfu/ml water). vibrio alginolyticus (3-19%), v. parahaemolyticus (2-13%), v. harveyi (1-7%) and v. vulnificus (1-4%) were the predominant vibrio species identified by standard biochemical testing. in some case ...200515992615
identification of vibrio parahaemolyticus pandemic group-specific dna sequence by genomic subtraction.a genomic subtraction between a pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus and a nonpandemic strain that seemed to be clonally related was performed. a subtractive dna fragment was identified to be a part of a 16-kbp insertion sequence which was present in almost all pandemic strains but not in nonpandemic strains tested.200516000499
development of a simple and rapid fluorogenic procedure for identification of vibrionaceae family members.we describe a simple colony overlay procedure for peptidases (copp) for the rapid fluorogenic detection and quantification of vibrionaceae from seawater, shellfish, sewage, and clinical samples. the assay detects phosphoglucose isomerase with a lysyl aminopeptidase activity that is produced by vibrionaceae family members. overnight cultures are overlaid for 10 min with membranes containing a synthetic substrate, and the membranes are examined for fluorescent foci under uv illumination. fluoresce ...200516000757
seasonal variation in abundance of total and pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteria in oysters along the southwest coast of india.the seasonal abundance of vibrio parahaemolyticus in oysters from two estuaries along the southwest coast of india was studied by colony hybridization using nonradioactive labeled oligonucleotide probes. the density of total v. parahaemolyticus bacteria was determined using a probe binding to the tlh (thermolabile hemolysin) gene, and the density of pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus bacteria was determined by using a probe binding to the tdh (thermostable direct hemolysin) gene. furthermore, the pr ...200516000764
selectivity and specificity of a chromogenic medium for detecting vibrio parahaemolyticust.the thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose agar (tcbs) used in the most-probable-number method for detecting vibrio parahaemolyticus cannot differentiate growth of v. parahaemolyticus from vibrio vulnificus or vibrio mimicus. this study examined the selectivity and specificity of bio-chrome vibrio medium (bcvm), a chromogenic medium that detects v. parahaemolyticus on the basis of the formation of distinct purple colonies on the medium. a panel consisting of 221 strains of bacteria, including 17 ...200516013386
thermostable direct hemolysin of vibrio parahaemolyticus is a bacterial reversible amyloid toxin.thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh), a major virulence factor of vibrio parahaemolyticus, is detoxified by heating at approximately 60-70 degrees c but is reactivated by additional heating above 80 degrees c. this paradoxical phenomenon, known as the arrhenius effect, has remained unexplained for approximately 100 years. we now demonstrate that the effect is related to structural changes in the protein that produce fibrils. the native tdh (tdhn) is transformed into nontoxic fibrils rich in beta- ...200516026154
pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6 spread, france. 200516032794
molecular typing of vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated from the philippines by pcr-based methods.the main aim of the present study was to use three pcr-based techniques for the analysis of genetic variability among vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated from the philippines.200516033470
investigation of seven vibrio virulence genes among vibrio alginolyticus and vibrio parahaemolyticus strains from the coastal mariculture systems in guangdong, investigate the distribution of the virulence of two vibrio species among different strains obtained from the mariculture systems on the coast of guangdong in china and the correlation between the virulence strains and the virulence genes among vibrio alginolyticus.200516033522
white spot syndrome virus isolates of tiger shrimp penaeus monodon (fabricious) in india are similar to exotic isolates as revealed by polymerase chain reaction and electron microscopy.microbiological analysis of samples collected from cases of white spot disease outbreaks in cultured shrimp in different farms located in three regions along east coast of india viz. chidambram (tamil nadu), nellore (andhra pradesh) and balasore (orissa), revealed presence of vibrio alginolyticus, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and aeromonas spp. but experimental infection trials in penaeus monodon with these isolates did not induce any acute mortality or formation of white spots on carapace. infectio ...200516053274
microarray analysis identifies apoptosis regulatory gene expression in hct116 cells infected with thermostable direct hemolysin-deletion mutant of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) is considered as a major virulence factor of vibrio parahaemolyticus. we observed this potential in several human cancer cell lines by using the tdh-producing wild-type (rimd2210633) as well as tdh-deletion mutant of v. parahaemolyticus and found that the deletion of tdh did not affect cytotoxicity to any of the cell lines tested. dna fragmentation and annexin v staining showed that both wild-type and tdh-mutant trigger apoptosis in these cells. to underst ...200516061205
rapid phenotypic characterization of vibrio isolates by pyrolysis metastable atom bombardment mass spectrometry.pyrolysis mass spectrometry was investigated for rapid characterization of food-borne bacterial pathogens. nine isolates of vibrio parahaemolyticus and one isolate each of vibrio fluvialis, vibrio hollisae, and vibrio vulnificus were analyzed. pyrolysis mass spectra, generated via an alternative ionization method, metastable atom bombardment, were subject to principal component-discriminant analysis. the spectral patterns were used to distinguish vibrio isolates differing in species, serotype an ...200516096691
white shrimp (litopenaeus vannamei) recombinant lysozyme has antibacterial activity against gram negative bacteria: vibrio alginolyticus, vibrio parahemolyticus and vibrio cholerae.c-type lysozyme has been described as an antibacterial component of the shrimp innate defence system. we determined quantitatively the antibacterial activity of white shrimp (litopenaeus vannamei) recombinant lysozyme against three gram negative bacteria: vibrio alginolyticus, vibrio parahemolyticus and vibrio cholerae, using a turbidimetric assay with live bacteria and differential bacterial viable count after interaction with the protein. in conclusion, the antibacterial activity of recombinan ...200616098764
a novel, conserved cluster of genes promotes symbiotic colonization and sigma-dependent biofilm formation by vibrio fischeri.vibrio fischeri is the exclusive symbiont residing in the light organ of the squid euprymna scolopes. to understand the genetic requirements for this association, we searched a library of v. fischeri transposon insertion mutants for those that failed to colonize e. scolopes. we identified four mutants that exhibited severe defects in initiating colonization. sequence analysis revealed that the strains contained insertions in four different members of a cluster of 21 genes oriented in the same di ...200516102015
pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6, europe. 200516110585
vpah, a gene encoding a novel histone-like nucleoid structure-like protein that was possibly horizontally acquired, regulates the biogenesis of lateral flagella in trh-positive vibrio parahaemolyticus th3996.a histone-like nucleoid structure (h-ns) is a major component of the bacterial nucleoid and plays a crucial role in the global gene regulation of enteric bacteria. here, we cloned and characterized the gene for the h-ns-like protein vpah in vibrio parahaemolyticus. vpah encodes a protein of 134 amino acids that shows approximately 55%, 54%, and 41% identities with vich in vibrio cholerae, h-ns in v. parahaemolyticus, and h-ns in escherichia coli, respectively. the vpah gene was found in only trh ...200516113292
physiological roles of three na+/h+ antiporters in the halophilic bacterium vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus mutants lacking three na+/h+ antiporters (nhaa, nhab, nhad) were constructed. the deltanhaa strains showed significantly higher sensitivity to licl regarding their growth compared to the parental strain. the deltanhaa and deltanhab strains exhibited higher sensitivities to licl. the mutant xacabd lacking all of the three antiporters could not grow in the presence of 500 mm licl at ph 7.0, or 50 mm at ph 8.5. the xacabd mutant was also sensitive to 1.0 m nacl at ph 8.5. th ...200516113500
an estuarine neritid gastropod, clithon corona, a potential reservoir of thermostable direct hemolysin-producing vibrio estuarine neritid gastropod, clithon corona, maintained in uv-irradiated recirculating artificial seawater with a salinity of 15 per mil (%o) was found to retain thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh)-producing vibrio parahaemolyticus in the gut at significantly higher levels than tdh-non-producing one for at least 14 days. another estuarine neritid gastropod, c. sowerbianus, was not able to support the preferential survival of tdh-producing organisms. this evidence suggests that, if tdh-produci ...200516141674
a persistent, productive, and seasonally dynamic vibriophage population within pacific oysters (crassostrea gigas).in an effort to understand the relationship between vibrio and vibriophage populations, abundances of vibrio spp. and viruses infecting vibrio parahaemolyticus (vpvs) were monitored for a year in pacific oysters and water collected from ladysmith harbor, british columbia, canada. bacterial abundances were highly seasonal, whereas high titers of vpvs (0.5 x 10(4) to 11 x 10(4) viruses cm(-3)) occurred year round in oysters, even when v. parahaemolyticus was undetectable (< 3 cells cm(-3)). viruse ...200516151121
a novel bacteriocin-like substance (blis) from a pathogenic strain of vibrio harveyi.inter-strain and inter-species inhibition mediated by a bacteriocin-like inhibitory substance (blis) from a pathogenic vibrio harveyi strain vib 571 was demonstrated against four isolates of the same species, and one culture each of a vibrio sp., vibrio fischeri, vibrio gazogenes and vibrio parahaemolyticus. the crude blis, which was obtained by ammonium-sulphate precipitation of the cell-free supernatant of a 72 h broth culture of strain vib 571, was inactivated by lipase, proteinase k, pepsin, ...200516151215
evaluation of toxicity of capsaicin and zosteric acid and their potential application as antifoulants.the toxicity of two natural product antifoulants, capsaicin and zosteric acid, was evaluated using the microtox assay and a static toxicity test. the ec50 values obtained from the microtox assay for capsaicin and zosteric acid were 11.75 +/- 1.02 and 442 +/- 100 mg/l, respectively. the static toxicity test, conducted with freshwater organisms, yielded capsaicin ec50 values of 5.5 +/- 0.5 and 23 +/- 2.0 mg/l for p. putida and lake erie bacteria, respectively. zosteric acid ec50 values were 167 +/ ...200516161071
outbreak of vibrio parahaemolyticus gastroenteritis associated with alaskan oysters.vibrio parahaemolyticus, the leading cause of seafood-associated gastroenteritis in the united states, typically is associated with the consumption of raw oysters gathered from warm-water estuaries. we describe a recognized outbreak of v. parahaemolyticus infection associated with the consumption of seafood from alaska.200516207848
detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in cockle (anadara granosa) by pcr.this study aimed to determine the occurrence of vibrio parahaemolyticus in cockles (anadara granosa) at a harvesting area and to detect the presence of virulent strains carrying the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin genes (trh) using pcr. of 100 samples, 62 were positive for the presence of v. parahaemolyticus with an mpn (most probable number) value greater than 3.0 (>1100 mpn per g). the pcr analysis revealed 2 samples to be positive for the tdh gene and 11 to be po ...200516216442
vibrio parahaemolyticus, vibrio vulnificus and microorganisms of fecal origin in mussels (mytilus galloprovincialis) sold in the puglia region (italy).mytilus galloprovincialis is one of the most commonly consumed of all bivalve molluscs. the consumption of raw bivalve molluscs has caused outbreaks of food poisoning due to vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus. this paper reports the results of a survey on the presence of v. parahaemolyticus, v. vulnificus fecal coliform bacteria, escherichia coli and salmonella spp. in 600 m. galloprovincialis samples collected from retail outlets in the puglia region. v. parahaemolyticus and v. vulni ...200616226820
vibrionaceae as a possible source of qnr-like quinolone resistance gain insight into the functionality of qnr-like genes of several bacterial species of vibrionaceae that may encode quinolone resistance determinants.200516227349
[faster detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in foods by fq-pcr technique].to establish a rapid and accurate qualitative and quantitative method to detect vibrio parahaemolyticus in food.200516229276
rapid detection of tdh and trh mrnas of vibrio parahaemolyticus by the transcription-reverse transcription concerted (trc) method.we developed a novel method named the transcription-reverse transcription concerted (trc) method and an instrument that allowed rapid and completely homogeneous real-time monitoring of rna isothermal sequence amplification without any post-amplification analysis in our previous study [ishiguro et al., anal. biochem., 314, 77-86 (2003)]. in this study, we newly established rapid and sensitive trc systems for the detection of the mrnas transcribed from two major virulence genes of vibrio parahaemo ...200416233699
[studies on extracellular virulent factors produced by potential pathogenic bacteria isolated from abalone postlarvae and biofilms].to find out the potential pathogen(s) that caused massive death of abalone postlarvae( haliotis diversicolor supertesta ) in southern china, 105 bacterial strains were isolated from the water, whitened postlarvae and their biofilms of an abalone farm in guangdong province. extra-cellular protease, gelatinase, lipase as well as haemolysis tests were performed on them. lysophospholipase (tlh)-targeted pcr was also carried out in order to reveal if the haemolysis caused by bacterial strains were re ...200516245888
[quantitative detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus by real-time taqman pcr].vibrio parahaemolyticus is one of important human food pathogens. traditional diagnostic tests for v. parahaemolyticus are laborious and always present false negative results. therefore, it is important to develop a nucleic acid-based test for quantitative detection of v. parahaemolyticus. a taqman pcr assay was presented for quantitative detection of v. parahaemolyticus in pure cultures and oysters. the primers and probe were designed according to the gyrase b gene (gyrb) sequence of v. parahae ...200516245889
characterization of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from coastal seawater in peninsular malaysia.twenty-one vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates representing 21 samples of coastal seawater from three beaches in peninsular malaysia were found to be sensitive to streptomycin, norfloxacin and chloramphenicol. resistance was observed to penicillin (100%), ampicillin (95.2%), carbenicilin (95.2%), erythromycin (95.2%), bacitracin (71.4%), cephalothin (28.6%), moxalactam (28.6%), kanamycin (19.1%), tetracycline (14.3%), nalidixic acid (9.5%) and gentamicin (9.5%). plasmids of 2.6 to 35.8 mda were det ...200516295549
purification of a novel arthropod defensin from the american oyster, crassostrea antimicrobial peptide was purified from acidified gill extract of a bivalve mollusk, the american oyster (crassostrea virginica), by preparative acid-urea--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. the 4265.0 da peptide had 38 amino acids, including 6 cysteines. it showed strongest activity against gram-positive bacteria (lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and staphylococcus aureus; minimum effective concentrations [mecs] 2.4 and 3.0 microg/ml ...200516297885
use of oligonucleotide array for identification of six foodborne pathogens and pseudomonas aeruginosa grown on selective media.identification of presumptive foodborne pathogens grown on selective media may take one to several days and requires a different battery of biochemical tests for each microorganism. a molecular identification method was developed in which universal primers were used to amplify the 16s to 23s rdna intergenic spacer of target microorganisms, and pcr products were hybridized to a panel of species-specific oligonucleotides that were immobilized on a nylon membrane. the seven target microorganisms we ...200516300063
[growth inhibition of vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood by tabletop dry ice cooler].tabletop dry ice coolers (three types; dome model, cap model and tripod model), which are used in kitchens and hotel banquet halls to refrigerate fresh seafood, were investigated to determine whether growth of vibrio parahaemolyticus was inhibited by their use. on tsa plates containing 1.8% nacl and fresh seafood (fillets of squid, pink shrimp and yellowtail), v. parahaemolyticus (o3:k6, tdh+) inoculated at 4 to 5 log cfu/sample and left at ambient temperature (25 degrees c) grew by 1.0 to 2.8 o ...200516305176
[vibrio parahaemolyticus infections and algal intoxications as emergent public health problems in chile].there is interest in the paradigm that relates environmental sea changes to the emergence of diseases that affect both aquatic organisms in the sea and human beings. the emergence of vibrio parahaemolyticus as an important cause of epidemic summer diarrhea in 2004 and 2005, confined mainly to the tenth region in chile, could be a manifestation of this trend. this and other areas of the country have also experienced several outbreaks of paralytic shellfish poisoning (psp), diarrheal shellfish poi ...200516311702
oyster-associated outbreaks of norovirus gastroenteritis in singapore.outbreaks of gastroenteritis associated with the consumption of raw imported half-shelled frozen oysters occurred in singapore between 16 dec 2003 and 04 jan 2004. a total of 305 cases were reported with clinical symptoms of diarrhoea (94%), abdominal cramps (72%), vomiting (69%) and fever (54%). the median incubation period was 30.8h and the duration of illness was 2-3 days. the overall relative risk of oyster consumption was 14.1 (95% ci: 8.3-24.0, p<0.001). stool and oyster samples tested neg ...200416321654
sanitation of seawater effluent from seaweed processing plants using a photo-catalytic tio2 oxidation.a fine porcelain open-cell photo-catalytic filter with titanium dioxide (tio(2)) was evaluated for sterilization and sanitation of bio-polluted industrial water. in simulated seawater industrial effluent samples, the populations of escherichia coli and vibrio parahaemolyticus quickly decreased and reached non-detectable level within 10min. in seawater effluents from a seaweed processing plant, the bacterial populations in two samples quickly decreased by more than 10(3). in another two samples t ...200616325650
i've sold my sport-utility vehicle. 200516327816
separation of active and inactive fractions from starved culture of vibrio parahaemolyticus by density dependent cell sorting.the co-existence of physiologically different cells in bacterial cultures is a general phenomenon. we have examined the applicability of the density dependent cell sorting (ddcs) method to separate subpopulations from a long-term starvation culture of vibrio parahaemolyticus. the cells were subjected to percoll density gradient and separated into 12 fractions of different buoyant densities, followed by measuring the cell numbers, culturability, respiratory activity and leucine incorporation acti ...200516329866
isolation and molecular characterization of toxigenic vibrio parahaemolyticus from the kii channel, japan.studies were conducted on the ecology of potentially pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus in three coastal areas of kii channel, tokushima, japan. seawater and seaweed samples were collected seasonally between june 2003 and may 2004. total and toxigenic strains of v. parahaemolyticus were isolated using most probable number culture and colony blot hybridization. toxigenic strains were serotyped and further characterized by random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) and ribotyping. six thousand strain ...200616338587
partial purification and characterization of hemolysin from a psychrotrophic kanagawa-positive marine vibrio.psychrotrophic kanagawa-positive marine vibrios were isolated from soft-shelled clams (mya arenaria) collected in yaquina bay, oreg. the 235 vibrio isolates obtained were screened for gram reaction and morphology, kanagawa reaction on wagastsuma agar, and response to selected biochemical tests. the vibrio selected for further study was grown in broth, and the hemolysin was precipitated from a cleared supernatant with solid ammonium sulfate. the hemolytic substance was partially purified by deae- ...198216345927
efficiencies of recovery of bdellovibrios from brackish- water environments by using various bacterial species as prey.a total of 44 bacterial species subdivided into 10 trial experiments have been used as prey for the recovery of bdellovibrios from samples of water from a brackish tidal pond and an aquarium saltwater tank. in an initial investigation, the recovery efficiency of each of the test bacterial species was compared with that of a designated standard prey, vibrio parahaemolyticus p-5. the results revealed that in each case strain p-5 yielded an equal or significantly greater number of plaques of bdello ...199016348096
serogrouping of halophilic bdellovibrios from chesapeake bay and environs by immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis.little has been reported on the serological relationship of halophilic bdellovibrios (bd). immunodiffusion analysis performed with rabbit or mouse bd antisera developed against eight halophilic bd isolates and one terrestrial bd isolate, when reacted with soluble antigen preparations of 45 isolates of halophilic bd, allowed separation into seven serogroups, which were distinct from the terrestrial isolate. soluble antigen preparations of prey bacteria, vibrio parahaemolyticus p-5 (p-5) and esche ...199116348597
[symptoms of food-borne diseases and gastroenteritis in kyushu, japan].in this study we analyzed the symptoms of gastroenteritis or food-borne disease caused by the 10 most prevalent pathogens: norovirus, salmonella, vibrio parahaemolyticus, campylobacter jejuni, clostridium perfringens, shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli (stec), enterotoxigenic e. coli (etec), shigella sonnei/flexneri (shigella), staphylococcus aureus, and emetic-type bacillus cereus. the symptoms diarrhea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, and headache, and the incubation period in 646 cases i ...200516366357
isolation of vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus from wild aquatic birds in japan.vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus were isolated from faecal samples of wild aquatic birds in winter. although v. parahaemolyticus and v. vulnificus were present in low numbers in seawater in the area where the faecal samples of the birds were collected, the pathogens were isolated from the faeces of the birds. this study demonstrates that wild aquatic birds are a vehicle for v. parahaemolyticus and v. vulnificus to survive in winter.200616371182
cloning, functional expression and primary characterization of vibrio parahaemolyticus k+/h+ antiporter genes in escherichia coli.the regulation of internal na(+) and k(+) concentrations is important for bacterial cells, which, in the absence of na(+) extrusion systems, cannot grow in the presence of high external na(+). likewise, bacteria require k(+) uptake systems when the external k(+) concentration becomes too low to support growth. at present, we have little knowledge of k(+) toxicity and bacterial outward-directed k(+) transport systems. we report here that high external concentrations of k(+) at alkaline ph are tox ...200616390457
[acquisition and evolution of virulence gene systems in pathogenic bacteria]. 200516411452
sensitivities of foodborne pathogens to pressure changes.eight foodborne pathogens were suspended in ultrahigh-temperature whole milk and treated at pressure levels of 0.1 to 690 mpa at 21.5 degrees c for 10 min. there was no clear trend in pressure resistance between gram-negative and gram-positive organisms. the order of the single strains tested, from most to least pressure sensitive, was vibrio parahaemolyticus < yersinia enterocolitica < listeria monocytogenes < salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium < s. enterica serovar enteritidis < escherich ...200616416910
genomic comparisons among gamma-proteobacteria.predicted highly expressed (phx) genes are compared for 16 gamma-proteobacteria and their similarities and differences are interpreted with respect to known or predicted physiological characteristics of the organisms. predicted highly expressed genes often reflect the organism's predominant lifestyle, habitat, nutrition sources and metabolic propensities. this technique allows to predict principal metabolic activities of the microorganisms operating in their natural habitats. among our findings ...200616423015
analysis of the lateral flagellar gene system of aeromonas hydrophila ah-3.mesophilic aeromonas strains express a polar flagellum in all culture conditions, and certain strains produce lateral flagella on semisolid media or on surfaces. although aeromonas lateral flagella have been described as a colonization factor, little is known about their organization and expression. here we characterized the complete lateral flagellar gene cluster of aeromonas hydrophila ah-3 containing 38 genes, 9 of which (lafa-u) have been reported previously. among the flgll and lafa structu ...200616428388
identification of proteins secreted via vibrio parahaemolyticus type iii secretion system 1.vibrio parahaemolyticus, a gram-negative marine bacterium, is an important pathogen causing food-borne gastroenteritis or septicemia. recent genome sequencing of the rimd2210633 strain (a kanagawa phenomenon-positive clinical isolate of serotype o3:k6) revealed that the strain has two sets of gene clusters that encode the type iii secretion system (ttss) apparatus. the first cluster, ttss1, is located on the large chromosome, and the second, ttss2, is on the small chromosome. previously, we repo ...200616428750
differences in the api 20e biochemical patterns of clinical and environmental vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates.genetic differences in clinical and environmental strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus have been widely used as criteria in identifying pathogenic isolates. however, few studies have been carried out to assess the differences in biochemical characteristics of v. parahaemolyticus isolates from human and environmental sources. we compared the biochemical profiles obtained by the characterization of v. parahaemolyticus isolates from human infections and the marine environment using the api 20e system ...200616436064
detection and identification of intestinal pathogenic bacteria by hybridization to oligonucleotide detect the common intestinal pathogenic bacteria quickly and accurately.200516437687
antibacterial activity of plant extracts from azuki beans (vigna angularis) in vitro.this study was undertaken to examine the antimicrobial property of azuki beans (vigna angularis). the water extracts of green, black and red colored azuki beans showed antibacterial effects against staphylococcus aureus, aeromonas hydrophila and vibrio parahaemolyticus. in contrast, the extract of white azuki beans showed no inhibition towards any of the microorganisms examined. the extracts of colored azuki beans contained larger amounts of polyphenols including proanthocyanidins than the extra ...200616444673
a reinvestigation of the secondary structure of functionally active vsglt, the vibrio sodium/galactose cotransporter.the bacterial na(+)/galactose cotransporter vsglt of vibrio parahaemolyticus is a member of the sodium:solute symporter family (sss). previous studies using electron microscopy have shown that vsglt is a monomeric protein. computational and experimental topological analyses have consistently indicated that this protein possesses 14 transmembrane alpha-helices. our previous study using attenuated total reflectance fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (atr-ftir) to quantitate secondary structur ...200616445289
antiviral activities of purified compounds from youngia japonica (l.) dc (asteraceae, compositae).the ethanol extract of a biannual medicinal herb, youngia japonica (commonly known as oriental hawk's beard) was reported previously to have potent antiviral activity against respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) cultured in hep-2 cells. three anti-microbial agents, namely 3,4-dicaffeoylquinic acid, 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid, and luteolin-7-o-glucoside were subsequently purified and chemically characterized from the ethanol extract of youngia japonica. the two dicaffeoylquinic acids exhibited promin ...200616469463
occurrence of foodborne pathogenic bacteria in retail prepackaged portions of marine fish in survey the presence of indigenous and nonindigenous foodborne bacterial pathogens in displayed prepacked portions of fresh marine fish.200616478492
application of real-time pcr for quantitative detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus from seafood in eastern china.vibrio parahaemolyticus is recognized as a leading human food-borne pathogen. a taqman pcr assay based on the gyrase b gene (gyrb) sequence of v. parahaemolyticus was developed for quantitative detection of v. parahaemolyticus in seafood. the study involving 27 v. parahaemolyticus and 10 strains of other species indicated that the real-time pcr test was highly specific. the sensitivity of the assay was approximately a single cfu per pcr in pure culture and six to eight cfu per pcr in spiked raw ...200616487299
variation in the 16s-23s rrna intergenic spacer regions in vibrio parahaemolyticus strains are due to indels nearby their trnaglu.vibrio parahaemolyticus contains 11 rrna operons each including one of six 16s-23s rrna gene intergenic spacer classes differing in size and nucleotide sequence. some of the spacer classes may differ between isolates. we observed that the differences in the spacers between isolates are generally in two spacer classes present in single copies in the genome, one class containing trna(ala) and trna(glu) and the other trna(glu) exclusively. moreover, these differences are due to indels located nearb ...200616487317
immunostimulation of white shrimp (litopenaeus vannamei) following dietary administration of ergosan.ergosan an algal product containing 1% alginic acid, developed for use in aquaculture and reported to have immunomodulatory activity, was administered orally to intermoult adult white shrimp (litopenaeus vannamei) for 15 days. examination of haemolymph proteins using sds-page did not reveal any obvious differences between control and ergosan treated shrimp. similarly, total haemocyte counts were found to be roughly equivalent for both the control and experimental samples. however, differential a ...200616490202
[indicative vibrio parahaemolyticus strains for the detection and primary indentification of parahemolytic phages]. 200616512482
cyclo(phe-pro) modulates the expression of ompu in vibrio spp.vibrio vulnificus was found to produce a chemical that induced the expression of vibrio fischeri lux genes. electron spray ionization-mass spectrometry and 1h nuclear magnetic resonance analyses indicated that the compound was cyclo(l-phe-l-pro) (cfp). the compound was produced at a maximal level when cell cultures reached the onset of stationary phase. sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel analysis of the total proteins of v. vulnificus indicated that expression of ompu was enhanced by exog ...200616513751
detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus in shellfish by use of multiplexed real-time pcr with taqman fluorescent probes.we developed a multiplexed real-time pcr assay using four sets of gene-specific oligonucleotide primers and four taqman probes labeled with four different fluorophores in a single reaction for detection of total and pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus, including the pandemic o3:k6 serotype in oysters. v. parahaemolyticus has been associated with outbreaks of food-borne gastroenteritis caused by the consumption of raw or undercooked seafood and therefore is a concern to the seafood industry and co ...200616517652
cholera epidemic in baghdad during 1999: clinical and bacteriological profile of hospitalized epidemic of cholera in iraq was anticipated for the year 1999 and a plan of notification and treatment of cases of diarrhoea was made. this paper documents the clinical and bacteriological profile of cholera cases admitted to the 6 hospitals in baghdad during the epidemic. the number of stool culture-positive cases was 874. the peak incidence of cases (june 1999) was earlier than previous epidemics with no cases registered in november/december 1999. all age groups were affected and the case f ...200516532666
inactivation of vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus in phosphate-buffered saline and in inoculated whole oysters by high-pressure processing.inactivation studies for vibrio parahaemolyticus tx-2103 (serotype o3:k6) and vibrio vulnificus mo-624 (clinical isolate) were conducted in phosphate-buffered saline (pbs) and in inoculated oysters under high-pressure processing conditions. v. parahaemolyticus was more resistant than v. vulnificus in pbs at all pressures and times. a 6-log reduction of v. parahaemolyticus and v. vulnificus in pbs at 241 mpa required 11 and 5 min, respectively, which included a 3-min pressure come-up time. a 4.5- ...200616541691
three new regulators of swarming in vibrio parahaemolyticus.movement on surfaces, or swarming motility, is effectively mediated by the lateral flagellar (laf) system in vibrio parahaemolyticus. expression of laf is induced by conditions inhibiting rotation of the polar flagellum, which is used for swimming in liquid. however, not all v. parahaemolyticus isolates swarm proficiently. the organism undergoes phase variation between opaque (op) and translucent (tr) cell types. the op cell produces copious capsular polysaccharide and swarms poorly, whereas the ...200616547050
comparative hemolytic activity of vibrio parahaemolyticus and related vibrios.the hemolytic activities of 91 strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from human diarrheal stools, sea fish, and sea water; 21 suspected v. parahaemolyticus cultures isolated from wound infections; 14 nonpathogenic marine vibrios; and 21 v. parahaemolyticus isolated from moribund blue crabs callinectes sapidus were compared. potentially pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus strains could be differentiated from the related nonpathogenic marine vibrios, because the former hemolyzed hamster, sheep, a ...197016557747
vibrio parahaemolyticus in shellfish and clinical samples during two large epidemics of diarrhoea in southern chile.large epidemics of diarrhoea associated with seafood consumption and vibrio parahaemolyticus occurred during the austral summers of 2004 and 2005 in the environs of puerto montt, chile (41 degrees 29's 72 degrees 24'w). there are no reports of v. parahaemolyticus infections before 2004 in this region, their absence being explained by the low ocean temperatures which seldom reach 16 degrees c. we analysed v. parahaemolyticus obtained from shellfish and clinical samples during epidemics. isolates ...200616584479
occurrence of vibrio parahaemolyticus, v. cholerae, and v. vulnificus in norwegian blue mussels (mytilus edulis).vibrio parahaemolyticus, v. cholerae, and v. vulnificus were isolated from 10.3%, 1.0%, and 0.1% of 885 blue mussel samples, respectively. four of the samples contained trh(+) v. parahaemolyticus, while no tdh-positive isolates were detected. the v. cholerae isolates were non-o:1/non-o:139 serotypes and were ctxa negative.200616598019
biochemical fingerprinting of vibrio parahaemolyticus by the pheneplate system: comparison between pandemic and non-pandemic serotypes.during recent years a pandemic clone of vibrio parahaemolyticus has emerged. isolates of this clone are distributed among several serotypes, but are genotypically related. in the present study, a phenotyping method (biochemical fingerprinting) was used to characterize pandemic and non-pandemic isolates belonging to v. parahaemolyticus. it was found that the pandemic isolates showed a high level of phenotypic homogeneity and a majority of the pandemic isolates belonged to the same biochemical phe ...200616650334
four genomic islands that mark post-1995 pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates.vibrio parahaemolyticus is an aquatic, halophilic, gram-negative bacterium, first discovered in 1950 in japan during a food-poisoning outbreak. infections resulting from consumption of v. parahaemolyticus have increased globally in the last 10 years leading to the bacterium's classification as a newly emerging pathogen. in 1996 the first appearance of a pandemic v. parahaemolyticus clone occurred, a new o3:k6 serotype strain that has now been identified worldwide as a major cause of seafood-born ...200616672049
development and evaluation of a rapid, simple, and sensitive immunochromatographic assay to detect thermostable direct hemolysin produced by vibrio parahaemolyticus in enrichment cultures of stool specimens.thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) is considered to be a major virulence factor in vibrio parahaemolyticus, and most cases of v. parahaemolyticus diarrhea in humans are caused by tdh gene-positive strains. in the present study, we developed an immunochromatographic assay to detect tdh (tdh-ica) and evaluated the utility of tdh-ica for the diagnosis of v. parahaemolyticus diarrhea. tdh-ica allowed the detection of 0.2 ng/ml of tdh within 10 min. fecal homogenates were spiked with various numbers ...200616672412
molecular characterization of thermostable direct haemolysin-related haemolysin (trh)-positive vibrio parahaemolyticus from oysters in mangalore, india.pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus strains producing either or both of a thermostable direct haemolysin (tdh) and a tdh-related haemolysin (trh) encoded by tdh and trh genes, respectively, are isolated at a low rate from the environment. however, recently we observed that a considerable percentage of apw (alkaline peptone water) enrichment broths of oysters collected off mangalore india, were trh(+), rather than tdh(+) by pcr. in order to further investigate the prevalence and genetic diversity ...200616689720
antimicrobial activities of cinnamon oil and cinnamaldehyde from the chinese medicinal herb cinnamomum cassia blume.both cinnamomum verum j.s. presl. and cinnamomum cassia blume are collectively called cortex cinnamonmi for their medicinal cinnamon bark. cinnamomum verum is more popular elsewhere in the world, whereas c. cassia is a well known traditional chinese medicine. an analysis of hydro-distilled chinese cinnamon oil and pure cinnamaldehyde by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry revealed that cinnamaldehyde is the major component comprising 85% in the essential oil and the purity of cinnamaldehyde in ...200616710900
vibrio parahaemolyticus growth under low-iron conditions and survival under high-magnesium conditions.since 1996, vibrio parahaemolyticus serotype o3:k6 and closely related strains have been associated with an increased incidence of v. parahaemolyticus gastroenteritis worldwide, suggesting the emergence of strains with enhanced abilities to cause disease. one hypothesis for the recent emergence of v. parahaemolyticus o3:k6 and related strains is an enhanced capacity for environmental survival relative to other strains, which might result in increased human exposure to these organisms. therefore, ...200616715802
levels of vibrio parahaemolyticus and thermostable direct hemolysin gene-positive organisms in retail seafood determined by the most probable number-polymerase chain reaction (mpn-pcr) method.the incidence and levels of vibrio parahaemolyticus and thermostable direct hemolysin gene (tdh)-positive organisms in retail seafood were determined. the most probable number-polymerase chain reaction (mpn-pcr) method using a pcr procedure targeting the species-specific thermolabile hemolysin gene (tlh) and tdh was used to determine the levels of v. parahaemolyticus and tdh-positive organisms, respectively. in seafood for raw consumption, v. parahaemolyticus was found in four (13.3%) of 30 fish ...200616729663
serum igm levels against select marine bacteria in the atlantic sharpnose shark (rhizoprionodon terraenovae) from three estuaries.the atlantic sharpnose shark (rhizoprionodon terraenovae) is abundant and easily captured throughout the southeastern united states. therefore this species serves as an ideal model for generating basic immunological reagents to establish baseline information regarding the immunophysiology of sharks in the wild, and for attempting to correlate shark immune responses to potential pathogens with the quality of the habitat in which they reside. sharpnose shark serum igm was purified over a protein-a ...200616750427
identification of a dna methyltransferase gene carried on a pathogenicity island-like element (vpai) in vibrio parahaemolyticus and its prevalence among clinical and environmental this study we identified a putative virulence-associated dna methyltransferase (mtase) gene carried on a novel 22.79-kb pathogenicity island-like element (vpai) in v. parahaemolyticus. the v. parahaemolyticus mtase gene was shown by pcr to be prevalent (>98%) in pandemic thermostable direct hemolysin gene-positive isolates, which suggests that vpai may confer unique virulence traits to pandemic strains of v. parahaemolyticus.200616751568
[foodborne diseases occurred in 2003--report of the national foodborne diseases surveillance system, china].to study the foodborne disease outbreaks in the areas covered by national foodborne disease surveillance system.200616758972
antimicrobial activity of marine bacteria associated with sponges from the waters off the coast of south east india.seventy-five marine bacterial strains associated with four species of sponges (echinodictyum sp., spongia sp., sigmadocia fibulatus and mycale mannarensis) were isolated from the tuticorin coast, gulf of mannar region. the agar-overlay method was used to screen for antibiotic production by these strains against four bacteria, viz., bacillus subtilis, escherichia coli, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and vibrio harveyi and one fungal pathogen, viz., candida albicans. twenty-one per cent of the bacterial ...200616765842
role of the rpos gene in the survival of vibrio parahaemolyticus in artificial seawater and fish homogenate.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a foodborne pathogen isolated from coastal waters of the united states and from a variety of seafood, including fish. seawater represents a nutrient-limiting environment for v. parahaemolyticus. during its persistence in seawater, v. parahaemolyticus is exposed to a variety of environmental stresses, including hyperosmolarity, fluctuations in temperature, and cold stress. the alternate sigma factor of rna polymerase, designated as (rpos), encoded by the gene rpos has b ...200616786870
the first outbreak of acute diarrhea due to a pandemic strain of vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6 in kolkata, india. 200716793305
antimicrobial effect of spices and herbs on vibrio parahaemolyticus.the antimicrobial effects of spices and herbs from 18 plant species were examined on a foodborne pathogen, vibrio parahaemolyticus, with the use of combinations of temperatures and nutrient levels. basil, clove, garlic, horseradish, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, and thyme exhibited antibacterial activities at incubation of 30 degrees c, while with the exception of horseradish, the same spices and additional 7 species exhibited the activities at 5 degrees c. the lowest mic (minimum inhibitory conc ...200616797760
new cluster of plasmid-located class 1 integrons in vibrio cholerae o1 and a dfra15 cassette-containing integron in vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated in angola.the resistance profile and its correlation with mobile genetic elements were investigated in 11 vibrio cholerae o1 and 2 vibrio parahaemolyticus clinical isolates, as well as in 1 v. cholerae o1 and 1 v. cholerae non-o1 environmental isolate, isolated between 1991 and 1996 in different provinces of angola. all clinical isolates of v. cholerae o1 were resistant to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole, and tetracycline. they also contained a large conjugative plasmid (p3iang ...200616801431
antibacterial activity of citrus fruit juices against vibrio species.lemon, lime and sudachi juices were tested for antibacterial activity against seven strains of vibrio species. all juices were effective in inhibiting the growth of the vibrio strains. citric acid, the major organic acid in these juices, was found to be responsible for inhibiting the growth of vibrio parahaemolyticus. sauce prepared from sudachi juice showed a strong bactericidal activity against vibrio parahaemolyticus, whereas the sauce adjusted to higher ph values had no bacterial activity. d ...200616802698
genetic richness of vibriophages isolated in a coastal environment.the purpose of this study was to characterize vibrio parahaemolyticus viruses (vpvs) isolated from different environments within and adjacent to the strait of georgia, and to examine the relative influences of distance and environment on host-range and genetic richness. nearly all seawater enrichment cultures (29/31) generated isolates, implying that vpvs were widespread in the virioplankton, yet at low abundances (< 1 l(-1)). viruses were not detected in sediments (n = 99). fourteen of the 16 v ...200616817925
detection of free-living and plankton-bound vibrios in coastal waters of the adriatic sea (italy) and study of their pathogenicity-associated properties.culturable vibrios were isolated from water and plankton fractions collected during an 18-month sampling study performed along the north-central coast of the adriatic sea (italy). unculturable vibrio vulnificus and v. parahaemolyticus were detected in plankton fractions by polymerase chain reaction amplification of dna sequences for cytotoxin-haemolysin and thermolabile haemolysin respectively. the presence of v. parahaemolyticus, v. vulnificus and v. cholerae virulence genes and the expression ...200616817938
soft-agar-coated filter method for early detection of viable and thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh)- or tdh-related hemolysin-producing vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood.a novel method for detecting viable and thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh)-producing or tdh-related hemolysin (trh)-producing vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood was developed. the method involved (i) enrichment culture, selective for viable, motile cells penetrating a soft-agar-coated filter paper, and (ii) a multiplex pcr assay targeting both the tdh gene (tdh) and trh gene (trh) following dnase pretreatment on the test culture to eradicate any incidental dnas that might have been released fro ...200616820446
inhibition of vibrio parahaemolyticus by a bacteriocin-like inhibitory substance (blis) produced by vibrio mediterranei 1.the aim of this research was to identify and partially purify new bacteriocin-like substances from strains of halophilic 'non-cholera' vibrios isolated from food sources.200616834611
pyrolysis mass spectrometry for distinguishing potential hoax materials from bioterror agents.pyrolysis mass spectrometry (pyms) was investigated as a rapid tool to distinguish potential bioterror hoax materials from samples containing pathogenic bacteria. a pyrolysis time-of-flight (tof) mass spectrometer equipped with an alternative ionization technique, metastable atom bombardment (mab), was used to produce sample spectra. these spectra were analyzed by principal component and discriminant analysis for pattern recognition. materials investigated were two strains of vibrio parahaemolyt ...200616841357
prevalence and effectiveness of an education program on intestinal pathogens in food assess the prevalence of intestinal pathogens and the effectiveness of an education program in food handlers in a tertiary care hospital.200516850637
influence of vibrio parahaemolyticus mtcc 451 on the levels of ascorbic acid and histamine in penaeus monodon (fabricius).juvenile shrimps (penaeus monodon) weighing about 15-20 gms were procured from the grow-out ponds and reared under laboratory conditions. they were challenged with vibrio parahaemolyticus mtcc 451 and their ld50 value was evaluated. the ascorbic acid and the histamine activity of both the control and experimental groups were assessed. the results showed a marked decline in both the parameters at all intervals. this reveals the pathogenesis of the inoculated bacterial strain, which affects the de ...200616850878
[molecular typing on vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from hangzhou, china, during 2000-2002].to study the molecular epidemiology of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from clinical and environmental samples collected in hangzhou area during 2000 and 2002.200616875541
vibrio vulnificus and v. parahaemolyticus necrotising fasciitis in fishermen visiting an estuarine tropical northern australian location.three cases of severe necrotising fasciitis due to vibrio vulnificus (two cases) and vibrio parahaemolyticus (one case, fatal), have occurred in caucasian tourists while fishing at a remote tropical northern australian estuarine area. infections were acquired over a 4-year period during the tourist fishing season (april to july 2000-2003), when water temperatures range from 23 to 30 degrees c. they are notable for their geographical clustering in the remote western aspect of the gulf of carpenta ...200716890991
salmonella spp., vibrio spp., clostridium perfringens, and plesiomonas shigelloides in marine and freshwater invertebrates from coastal california ecosystems.the coastal ecosystems of california are highly utilized by humans and animals, but the ecology of fecal bacteria at the land-sea interface is not well understood. this study evaluated the distribution of potentially pathogenic bacteria in invertebrates from linked marine, estuarine, and freshwater ecosystems in central california. a variety of filter-feeding clams, mussels, worms, and crab tissues were selectively cultured for salmonella spp., campylobacter spp., escherichia coli-o157, clostrid ...200616897302
vibrio parahaemolyticus infections associated with consumption of raw shellfish--three states, 2006.during may 20-july 31, 2006, new york city, new york state, oregon, and washington health departments reported a total of 177 cases of vibrio parahaemolyticus infection, of which 122 have been associated with 17 clusters. a cluster has been defined as a group of two or more ill persons who were linked to the same shellfish source (e.g., shared a meal at the same restaurant or obtained shellfish from the same seafood market). certain clusters were associated with restaurants, certain clusters wit ...200616902397
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