
PMID(sorted ascending)
[aplastic crisis due to human parvovirus b19 infection in hereditary spherocytosis]. 19872838653
hydrops fetalis caused by intrauterine human parvovirus infection.during a large outbreak of erythema infectiosum in 1987 in toyama prefecture, japan, a 32-year-old woman acquired a mild rash on her arms and legs at 18 weeks of gestation. at 26 weeks and 4 days of gestation, the fetus died by hydrops fetalis and pregnancy was terminated. histological studies of the fetus revealed degeneration of erythroblastic cells in the liver and bone marrow. extensive extramedullary hematopoiesis and hemosiderin deposits were observed in the liver. antibody response to hum ...19872838664
[aplastic crises in hereditary spherocytosis].parvovirus b19-infections are diagnosed with increasing frequency. in addition to erythema infectiosum they cause a temporary red cell aplasia of 5-10 days duration, in patients with hemolytic anemia an aplastic crisis as demonstrated in 5 patients with hereditary spherocytosis. in every case an acute infection by parvovirus b19 could be diagnosed. hemoglobin concentrations dropped to 4.0-6.2 g/dl, reticulocytes were diminished to 0-25,000/microliters. in every case there followed a complete rec ...19882838746
human parvovirus b19-induced aplastic crisis in autoimmune haemolytic anaemia. 19882839223
human parvovirus infection in haemophiliacs first infused with treated clotting factor concentrates.a group of 27 first infused haemophiliacs was studied for association between heat-treated clotting factor concentrates and transmission of human parvovirus b19. the prevalence rate of b19 antibody, detected by the immunoelectroosmophoresis (ieop) reaction, was 55.5% in this group of first infused subjects, significantly higher than the 29.3% of the control group of 58 healthy blood donors but lower than the 93.3% of antibody positive subjects in a group of 30 haemophiliacs multitreated with unh ...19882839609
severe anemia caused by human parvovirus in a leukemia patient on maintenance chemotherapy.a 6-year-old boy on maintenance chemotherapy for acute lymphocytic leukemia developed severe hypoplastic anemia during chemotherapy previously well tolerated. the hypoplastic episode persisted for approximately 30 days. human parvovirus (b19), the etiologic agent of aplastic crisis in persons with underlying hemolytic syndromes, was detected in the patient's serum 25-30 days after onset of hemoglobin decrease, and b19 igm seroconversion occurred 1 week later. the patient's hypoplastic anemia was ...19882841061
human parvovirus b19 infection with severe anemia affecting mother and son.two patients, a 43-year-old mother and her 12-year-old son developed severe anemia after a disease with fever, myalgia, rash and gastrointestinal symptoms. the infectious proved to be caused by human parvovirus b19 (igm antibody titer rises). investigations revealed that both patients suffered from spherocytosis, apparently hereditary and not known before. this emphasizes the importance of thorough hematological investigations in patients showing symptoms resembling a viral disease when seen in ...19882841754
electron microscopic identification of parvovirus virions in erythroid-line cells in fatal hydrops fetalis.intrauterine infection with parvovirus b19 may lead to fatal hydrops fetalis. intranuclear particles, consistent with parvovirus virions, within erythroid cells were readily identified on transmission electron microscopy of formalin-preserved material obtained at necropsy from a neonate and two fetuses in whom clinical and light microscopic criteria for parvovirus b19 infection were met. no such particles were seen in similar material from a neonate and two fetuses with erythroblastosis fetalis ...19882842740
erythema infectiosum and parvovirus b19 infection in pregnancy. infectious diseases and immunization committee, canadian paediatric society. 19882843273
human parvovirus b19: elisa and immunoblot elisa for the detection of specific igm and igg against human parvovirus b19 (anti-b19 igm and igg) and b19 antigen is described. with elisa anti-b19 igm could be detected for up to 20 weeks after viraemia. four to five months after b19 infection anti-b19 igg titres range between 10(-6) and 10(-7). nonspecific reactions with rheumatoid factor or igm against rubella were not found. the elisa for b19 antigen was shown to be as sensitive as dna hybridisation. with immunoblotting two viral protei ...19882843558
b19 virus--a pathogenic human parvovirus.b19 virus is the first human virus to be shown to be a member of the parvovirus genus. this review is concerned with the diseases associated with b19 virus, their nature, pathogenesis and diagnosis. the virus was discovered by chance in blood donors but has been shown to be a common infection of childhood. infection may be asymptomatic or associated with mild, non-specific symptoms. the most common specific clinical manifestation is an erythematous rash illness which often has the classical feat ...19872844330
human parvovirus b19-induced transient pancytopenia in a child with hereditary spherocytosis.we report a child with hereditary spherocytosis who developed human parvovirus b19 (hpv b19)-induced transient pancytopenia. symptoms of acute-phase illness subsided promptly after infusion of gammaglobulin containing hpv b19 antibody. the hpv b19-containing serum on admission inhibited not only erythroid colony growth but also myeloid and megakaryocyte colony growths. the inhibitory effect was abrogated by convalescent-phase serum or gammaglobulin solution containing hpv b19 antibody. these fin ...19882846031
parvovirus infections. from benign to life-threatening.erythema infectiosum, aplastic crisis, intrauterine fetal demise, and an acute polyarthralgia syndrome can all be caused by human parvovirus b19. the major pathophysiologic effect of infection seems to be cessation of erythropoiesis as a result of cytolytic infection of red cell precursors. erythema infectiosum is a benign disease that usually occurs in childhood. the acute polyarthralgia syndrome is likewise benign, and patients in whom parvovirus infection has been confirmed by serologic testi ...19882847129
human parvovirus b19: historical and clinical review.human parvovirus b19 has been associated with disease only for the past few years. first isolated from sera obtained for studies on hepatitis b in 1975, it was not until 1981 that infection with this small, single-stranded dna virus was related to aplastic crisis associated with hemolytic anemia. a nonspecific viral prodrome, the occurrence in family members, and epidemics of aplastic crisis suggested the infectious etiology. human parvovirus infection has since been associated with arthritis, e ...19882847280
laboratory infection with parvovirus b19. 19882848061
transient rheumatoid factor positivity in acute human parvovirus b19 infection.the relationship between parvovirus b19 infection and classic rheumatoid arthritis remains to be determined. we describe two adult patients with serologically documented acute parvovirus b19 infection who presented with sudden onset of symmetric polyarthritis, skin eruption, and rheumatoid factor positivity. rheumatoid factor positivity and symptoms resolved within five months. we conclude that a diagnosis of b19 arthropathy should be considered in any patient with recent acute or subacute onset ...19882848470
human parvovirus b19 infection in a day care worker. 19882850527
[aplastic crisis in sickle cell anemia and other hemolytic disorders are due to the agent of epidemic erythema, the human parvovirus (parvovirus b19)]. 19882851963
diseases caused by the human parvovirus b19. 19882852924
the anterior eye segment in virus induced primary congenital aphakia.nine aphakic eyes from human embryos infected with rubella or parvovirus b19 during early pregnancy were histologically examined. one of the eyes conformed with the classical description of primary congenital aphakia (pca), namely, that no structures of the anterior eye segment are present. however, the other eight eyes did reveal such structures. in these eyes embryological development and differentiation of the anterior eye segment had taken place, despite the fact that no lens had formed prev ...19882855967
igm serology for rubella and human parvovirus b19. 19872880205
parvovirus b19 associated with fetal abnormality. 19872882099
human parvovirus b19 infections in united kingdom 1984-86. 19872882143
sex ratio in outbreaks of parvovirus b19 infection. 19872885591
parvovirus b19 associated with pseudoappendicitis. 19872892027
human parvovirus b19 and hydrops fetalis. 19882893952
fetal cell tropism of human parvovirus b19. 19882895293
human parvovirus b19 infection in pregnancy. 19882900943
childhood transient erythroblastopenia complicated by thrombocytopenia and neutropenia.we report on 4 children with transient erythroblastopenia complicated by thrombocytopenia and/or neutropenia. bone marrow examination revealed severe erythroid hypoplasia with normal granulopoiesis and thrombopoiesis. human parvovirus b19 infection was confirmed serologically in 2 children. an in vitro study using autologous bone marrow cells after recovery demonstrated igg-mediated inhibition of erythropoiesis in 4 children. additionally, antibodies directed against platelets and neutrophils we ...19892914597
human parvovirus (b19) and erythema outbreak of erythema infectiosum ("fifth disease") was studied in fukuoka, japan, in 1980-1981. human parvovirus (hpv) antigen was not detected in any patients, but anti-hpv, measured by countercurrent immunoelectrophoresis, was found in 33 of 34 affected children and in 21 (15%) of 141 children of the same ages without the disease. immunoglobulin m class anti-hpv was present in all 25 children with erythema infectiosum tested. in a survey of hospital patients, the prevalence of anti-hpv dete ...19852989471
human parvovirus b19-induced epidemic acute red cell aplasia in patients with hereditary hemolytic anemia.from march to august 1984, 26 patients with hereditary hemolytic anemia in northeastern ohio developed acute, profound red cell aplasia. the patients included 14 males and 12 females 2 to 23 years old, with sickle cell anemia (20 cases), hemoglobin sc-disease (4 cases), sickle-beta-thalassemia (1 case), or hereditary spherocytosis (1 case). all had an acute onset of severe reticulocytopenia and anemia and prodromal symptoms of illness including fever, abdominal symptoms, headache, and arthralgia ...19863008891
the role of parvovirus b19 in aplastic crisis and erythema infectiosum (fifth disease).in 1984, simultaneous outbreaks of aplastic crisis and erythema infectiosum occurred in northeastern ohio. sera were analyzed from 26 patients with aplastic crisis: 24 had igm specific for parvovirus b19, five had b19-like particles by electron microscopy, and 13 had dna from b19; no sera from 33 controls had evidence of recent infection with b19 (p less than .0001). dna from b19 was also detected in specimens of throat gargle and urine from two patients with aplastic crisis. sera from 36 of 51 ...19863016109
[human parvovirus b19]. 19863020445
detection of antibodies and antigens of human parvovirus b19 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.acute-phase serum from a patient with aplastic crisis provided sufficient human parvovirus b19 to make a monoclonal antibody against b19 and to develop antigen and immunoglobulin m (igm) and igg antibody detection enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisas). the indirect capture antibody method was used for all three assays. antigen was detected in 8 of 29 sera drawn within 2 days of onset of illness from patients with aplastic crisis. these sera had high titers of virus by electron microscopy a ...19863021807
identification of the major structural and nonstructural proteins encoded by human parvovirus b19 and mapping of their genes by procaryotic expression of isolated genomic fragments.plasma from a child with homozygous sickle-cell disease, sampled during the early phase of an aplastic crisis, contained human parvovirus b19 virions. plasma taken 10 days later (during the convalescent phase) contained both immunoglobulin m and immunoglobulin g antibodies directed against two viral polypeptides with apparent molecular weights of 83,000 and 58,000 which were present exclusively in the particulate fraction of the plasma taken during the acute phase. these two protein species comi ...19863021988
human parvovirus infection in early rheumatoid and inflammatory arthritis.evidence of recent infection with human parvovirus b19 (hpv) was found in two patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (ra) and in four patients with acute inflammatory arthritis (ia). both of the patients with ra but only one of the four patients with ia carried ra associated haplotypes. no evidence of persistent infection with hpv was found, but evidence of past infection with hpv was significantly more common in patients with ra than in controls. the results confirm the arthritogenic potentia ...19863024592
infection with human parvovirus (b19), aplasia of the bone marrow and a rash in hereditary spherocytosis.infection with human parvovirus (hpv) b19 was diagnosed in persons with hereditary spherocytosis during an outbreak of erythema infectiosum. a 10-year-old boy had an aplastic crisis of the bone marrow and a maculopapular rash. his mother also had an aplastic crisis, fever, rash and a transiently acellular marrow. another boy had an aplastic crisis, leucopenia and fever, but did not have a rash. aplastic crisis and a rash have rarely before been observed together and attributed to infection with ...19873029235
[acute parvovirus b19 arthritis]. 19873029747
variation of erythroid and myeloid precursors in the marrow and peripheral blood of volunteer subjects infected with human parvovirus (b19).infection of normal individuals with human parvovirus (b19) results in a mild disease (erythema infectiosum) but gives rise to aplastic crises in patients with chronic hemolytic anemias. the effects of this disease on hemopoiesis were investigated following intranasal inoculation of the virus into three volunteers. a typical disease ensued with a viremia peaking at 9 d. marrow morphology 6 d after inoculation appeared normal but at 10 d there was a severe loss of erythroid precursors followed by ...19873033026
serological study of rubella-like illnesses.we investigated 627 patients who within a period of 2 1/2 years had had a rubelliform rash and/or symptoms of arthritis and arthralgia. sera from these patients were investigated for evidence of rubella, human parvovirus b19 (hpv), and measles infection with methods to detect specific igm and igg antibodies. complement fixation tests were used to screen for a wide range of other infectious agents. we detected 229 cases of rubella, 43 cases of hpv infection, 7 cases of measles, and 9 cases of inf ...19873035074
human parvovirus b19 infection during pregnancy.human parvovirus b19 (b19) has been implicated as the cause of fifth disease and has been associated with fetal death. we identified pregnant women who were at risk of contracting b19 infection during an outbreak of fifth disease. the sera of 12 women classified at high risk of exposure and 19 classified at low risk were tested during prenatal care, at delivery, or at both times for igg and igm antibodies to b19. four women at high risk but none at low risk were considered infected because they ...19873036955
[parvovirus b19 infections. outbreak in a medical technology educational institute]. 19873038495
the prevalence of antibody to human parvovirus b19 in england and wales.the prevalence of antibody to human parvovirus b19 (anti-b19 igg) in england and wales was measured by an antibody-capture radioimmunoassay. over 2000 sera were examined; 1422 from the general population, 374 from unselected children admitted to hospital and 300 from women attending an antenatal clinic. waning levels of maternally-derived antibody were found in infants under 1 year old. in children 1-5 years old, 5-15% had anti-b19 igg and this rose to 50-60% in older children, young adults and ...19883339634
a prospective study of acute idiopathic neuropathy. ii. antecedent events.the incidence of antecedent events and serological evidence of preceding infection were studied in 100 patients with acute idiopathic neuropathy and age and sex matched control subjects in south-east england. symptoms of respiratory infections occurred within one month before onset of neuropathic symptoms in 38% of patients and 12% of controls (p less than 0.001) and symptoms of gastrointestinal infections in 17% of patients and 3% of controls (p less than 0.005). immunisations, insect bites and ...19883404161
novel transcription map for the b19 (human) pathogenic parvovirus.the b19 parvovirus, a small single-stranded dna virus of 5.4 kilobases, is pathogenic in humans. b19 has remarkable specificity for erythroid progenitor cells and has been propagated in vitro only with human erythroid bone marrow. replication of viral dna and the viral protein products of b19 appear similar to those of other animal parvoviruses. however, b19 transcription had unusual features in comparison with that in other animal parvoviruses. at least nine overlapping poly(a)+ transcripts wer ...19873599180
characterization of capsid and noncapsid proteins of b19 parvovirus propagated in human erythroid bone marrow cell cultures.the major capsid and noncapsid proteins of the pathogenic parvovirus b19, propagated in vitro, were detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immunoprecipitation, and immunoblot of the erythroid fraction of infected human bone marrow cell cultures. there were two capsid proteins of 58 kilodaltons (kda; the major species) and 84 kda (the minor species). newly synthesized capsid viral proteins were present in the supernatants of infected cultures. the major noncapsid p ...19873599184
detection of parvovirus b19 dna, antigen, and particles in the human fetus.human parvovirus b19 commonly infects children, causing erythema infectiosum (fifth disease). however, there is a significant adult population which has not been exposed to the virus and, consequently, does not have protective antibody. recent reports have associated b19 infection during pregnancy with fetal death, although normal outcome of pregnancy is more common. to characterise further the role of b19 infection in fetal deaths, a series of laboratory investigations has been undertaken on ti ...19873694180
nucleotide sequence and genome organization of human parvovirus b19 isolated from the serum of a child during aplastic crisis.the nucleotide sequence of an almost-full-length clone of human parvovirus b19 was determined. whereas the extreme left and right ends of this genomic clone are incomplete, the sequence clearly indicates that the two ends of viral dna are related by inverted terminal repeats similar to those of the dependovirus genus. the coding regions are complete in the cloned dna, and the two large open reading frames which span almost the entire genome are restricted to one strand, as has been found for all ...19863701931
complete nucleotide sequence and genome organization of bovine parvovirus.we determined the complete nucleotide sequence of bovine parvovirus (bpv), an autonomous parvovirus. the sequence is 5,491 nucleotides long. the terminal regions contain nonidentical imperfect palindromic sequences of 150 and 121 nucleotides. in the plus strand, there are three large open reading frames (left orf, mid orf, and right orf) with coding capacities of 729, 255, and 685 amino acids, respectively. as with all parvoviruses studied to date, the left orf of bpv codes for the nonstructural ...19863783814
a transcriptional promoter of the human parvovirus b19 active in vitro and in vivo.the human parvovirus b19 causes aplastic crises in sickle cell anemia patients and the disease erythema infectiosum. so far, it has not been possible to grow b19 virus in cultured cells. here we report the use of in vitro transcription in hela cell extracts and transient expression of cloned dna transfected into hela cells to detect and map a strong transcriptional promoter on the b19 genome. the promoter is located near the left end of the b19 genome, at position 6 map units in the clone pyt103 ...19873824910
detection of human parvovirus using a molecularly cloned probe.half of the genomic dna of the human parvovirus (b19) was cloned in the plasmid pbr322. the cloned dna was used as a molecular probe for the detection of parvovirus in serum by means of a dot hybridization test. in an assay of 26 samples, the dot hybridization test was found to be of comparable sensitivity and to be as rapid as radioimmunoassay for viral antigen detection; it is potentially useful as a diagnostic test.19853973569
parvovirus b19 finds a disease. 19816117755
nakatani antigen and human parvovirus (b19) 19846140462
screening of blood donors for human parvovirus b19. 19957475701
observational study of effect of intrauterine transfusions on outcome of fetal hydrops after parvovirus b19 infection.the role of intrauterine transfusion for fetal hydrops arising from maternal paravirus b19 infection is unclear. 66 cases of fetal hydrops arising from b19 infection were reported in england and wales between june, 1992, and september, 1994. in 29 cases the fetus was dead at the time of the first abnormal ultrasound or a therapeutic abortion as performed; 12 of the 38 alive at the first abnormal scan received intrauterine transfusions and 3 of the 12 died. 26 did not receive intrauterine transfu ...19957475774
[parvovirus b19 infection as the cause of hepatitis and neutrophil granulocytosis in a 20-year old woman].a case of parvovirus b19 infection (erythema infectiosum) in a 20 year old woman is presented. the patient presented with fever, arthritis in one knee, neutrophil granulocytosis and biochemical evidence of hepatitis. serological evidence of parvovirus b19 infection was found as the only explanation of the clinical picture. hepatitis was due to parvovirus b19 infection as there was no serological evidence of ebv or cmv reactivation. neutrophil granulocytosis and thrombocytosis were found and were ...19957483080
pancytopenia secondary to parvovirus b19 infection in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, mimicking leukemic relapse. 19957485090
persistent parvovirus b19 infection and pure red cell aplasia in waldenström's macroglobulinemia: successful treatment with high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin. 19957485092
parvovirus b19 as a possible causative agent of fulminant liver failure and associated aplastic anemia.we recently observed that more than one third of pediatric patients who presented with non-a, non-b fulminant liver failure (flf) also developed aplastic anemia (aa) either before or shortly after liver transplantation. factors involved in the suppression of bone marrow could be the same as those causing hepatic failure. we considered parvovirus b19 a candidate etiologic agent because of the known tropism of b19 for erythroid precursors. archived liver and serum from six patients undergoing live ...19957489971
[parvovirus b19 infection in different shapes. but more laboratories have refined the diagnostic methods]. 19957490957
virucidal short wavelength ultraviolet light treatment of plasma and factor viii concentrate: protection of proteins by antioxidants.the use of solvent/detergent mixtures and various forms of heat treatment to inactivate viruses has become widespread in the preparation of blood derivatives. because viruses that lack lipid envelopes and/or are heat resistant, eg, hepatitis a virus (hav) or parvovirus b19 may be present, the use of two methods of virus elimination that operate by different mechanisms has been advocated. we now report on short wavelength ultraviolet light (uvc) irradiation for virus inactivation and enhancement ...19957492794
development and evaluation of capture immunoglobulin g and m hemadherence assays by using human type o erythrocytes and recombinant parvovirus b19 antigen.the capacity of human parvovirus b19 to agglutinate human type o erythrocytes was used to develop immunoglobulin g and m antibody capture hemadherence assays. when results of these assays were compared with those of corresponding antibody capture enzyme immunoassays using a well-characterized panel of 125 serum specimens, a 96.8% overall agreement was obtained between the two methods.19957494048
a simple and sensitive dna hybridization assay used for the routine diagnosis of human parvovirus b19 infection.a dot blot hybridization assay for parvovirus b19 diagnosis was developed by using a pcr-generated probe, digoxigenin labelling, and chemiluminescence detection. different labelling techniques and hybridization solutions were evaluated. from this analysis a protocol was devised for routine diagnostic use. the protocol enabled 1 pg of b19 dna to be detected. the results of applying this method to 8,369 diagnostic samples collected during 1994 and 1995 are given.19957494051
transcriptional transactivation of parvovirus b19 promoters in nonpermissive human cells by adenovirus type 2.the pathogenic human parvovirus b19 contains a promoter at map unit 6 (b19p6) of the viral genome, expression from which is largely restricted to human cells in the erythroid lineage, whereas a putative promoter at map unit 44 (b19p44) is inactive during a natural viral infection. although nonerythroid human cells, such as hela and kb, allow expression from the b19p6 promoter but not from the b19p44 promoter following dna-mediated transfection, little expression from the b19p6 promoter occurs fo ...19957494329
[the osteoarticular manifestations associated with parvovirus b19 infection in the course of an infectious outbreak]. 19957494445
application of a low-light imaging device and chemiluminescent substrates for quantitative detection of viral dna in hybridization this quantitative dot-blot hybridization assay for detecting b19 parvovirus dna, we used three different chemiluminescent substrates [adamantyl-1,2-dioxetane phenyl phosphates (ppd and the new ppd-plus) and the chloro-5-substituted adamantyl-1,2-dioxetane phosphate (cspd) plus emerald enhancer] and a high-performance, low-intensity-light imaging luminograph apparatus. the hybridization test uses digoxigenin-labeled dna probes, which are immunoenzymatically revealed by anti-digoxigenin fab fra ...19957497607
[parvovirus b19--a ubiquitous, little know virus. from erythema infectiosum and arthropathy to chronic anemia]. 19957498847
[25-year-old patient with pancytopenia]. 19957499077
[serological diagnosis for human parvovirus b19 infection by an enzyme immunoassay kit with recombinant antigens synthesized in a baculovirus expression system].propagation of human parvovirus b19 (b19) in cell cultures are not applicable to the source of viral antigens for serological assays at present. enzyme immunoassay (eia) kits with recombinant b19 capsids by e. coli or baculovirus expression system have been developed. we tested serum samples from the patients with erythema infectiosum and aplastic crisis by eia kit with recombinant antigens synthesized in a baculovirus expression system (denka seiken co., tokyo, japan). the antigens used in the ...19957499916
screening blood donations for parvovirus b19. 19957500773
[transient erythroblastopenia in 4 children].in four patients, all girls, aged 2, 3.5, 4 and 5 years, transient erythroblastopenia was diagnosed. the children were presented because of acute pallor. the haemoglobin levels were 2.8 to 5.0 mmol/l. after 3 weeks all patients had recovered or were recovering with increasing haemoglobin values. three of the four patients needed one blood transfusion. in two patients there was evidence of a parvovirus b19 infection. transient erythroblastopenia is mostly seen in patients aged 1-4 years. most cas ...19957501078
chimeric parvovirus b19 capsids for the presentation of foreign epitopes.chimeric proteins consisting of the vp2 capsid protein of human parvovirus b19 and defined linear epitopes from human herpes simplex virus type 1 and mouse hepatitis virus a59 inserted at the n-terminus and at a predicted surface region were expressed by recombinant baculoviruses. the chimeric proteins expressed the inserted epitopes and assembled into empty capsids. immunoelectron microscopy indicated that the epitopes inserted in the loop were exposed on the surface of the chimeric particles. ...19947507280
adeno-associated virus 2-mediated high efficiency gene transfer into immature and mature subsets of hematopoietic progenitor cells in human umbilical cord blood.recombinant adeno-associated virus 2 (aav) virions were constructed containing a gene for resistance to neomycin (neor), under the control of either the herpesvirus thymidine kinase (tk) gene promoter (vtk-neo), or the human parvovirus b19 p6 promoter (vb19-neo), as well as those containing an upstream erythroid cell-specific enhancer (hs-2) from the locus control region of the human beta-globin gene cluster (vhs2-tk-neo; vhs2-b19-neo). these recombinant virions were used to infect either low de ...19947515101
subunit interaction in b19 parvovirus empty capsids.b19 parvovirus is a small single-stranded dna virus with a genome that encodes only two structural proteins, designated vp1 and vp2. 60 copies of the structural proteins assemble into the viral capsid, with approximately 95% vp2 and 5% vp1. recombinant empty capsids composed of vp2 alone or of vp2 and vp1 self-assemble into particles that are morphologically indistinguishable from full virions. empty capsids containing both vp2 and vp1 elicit a strong neutralizing antibody response when used to ...19947516147
secondary structures of lipid-associating peptides: a fourier transform infrared study.four peptides from 20 to 28 residues in length were studied by fourier transform infrared (ftir) spectroscopy in solution and in complexes with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (dmpc). the four peptides included the 20-residue lipid-associating peptide, lap-20, which was predicted to form an amphipathic helical structure in the presence of lipids, and three other peptides whose sequences had less amphipathic helix-forming properties. the complexes were shown by electron microscopy to be discoidal ...19947516748
age specific antibody prevalence to parvovirus b19: how many women are infected in pregnancy?infection with parvovirus b19 is an important cause of late fetal mortality in the second trimester, and many infections in pregnancy remain undiagnosed. a serological survey stratified by age has been used to estimate the incidence of maternal infection with parvovirus b19 in pregnancy. serum remaining from specimens submitted for diagnosis from 6864 people of all ages to seven public health laboratories in england was tested for antibody to parvovirus b19. the antibody prevalence rose with age ...19947522807
screening maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein levels and human parvovirus antibodies.the association between gestational infection with human parvovirus (b19) and fetal loss has increased interest in this virus and demand for diagnostic testing. however, serological assays for b19 are not yet widely available. maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (msafp) testing is commonly used during the second trimester to screen for various fetal defects. we attempted to determine whether an elevated level of msafp would be an appropriate indication for b19-specific tests. over a 26-month period ...19947524057
peptides derived from the unique region of b19 parvovirus minor capsid protein elicit neutralizing antibodies in rabbits.b19 parvovirus is pathogenic in humans. the virus propagates in the bone marrow, where it is cytotoxic to erythroid progenitor cells. antibodies appear in blood after infection and neutralize virus in vitro; infection appears to confer lasting immunity. the predominant immune response on immunoblot is to the minor capsid protein (vp1), which differs from the major capsid protein (vp2) by an additional 227 amino acids. we previously demonstrated that antisera directed to a fusion protein containi ...19957530397
design and production of a target-specific monoclonal antibody to parvovirus b19 capsid proteins.native parvovirus b19 was used as antigen to produce a mouse monoclonal antibody, r92f6, which reacted with b19 vp1 and vp2, neutralised the virus in bone marrow culture, and labelled infected cells in paraffin-embedded tissues from cases of b19-related fetal hydrops. the b19 epitope recognised by r92f6 (amino acids 328-344 from the amino terminal region of b19 vp2) appears to be highly conserved, since these tissue specimens were obtained over a 13 year period from widely spaced locations in th ...19957534801
antibodies to parvovirus b19 ns-1 protein in infected individuals.human parvovirus b19 is the aetiological agent of the common childhood disease erythema infectiosum (fifth disease). the infection is usually benign and self-limiting, but in adults cases of severe arthritis which may persist for years have been reported. neutralizing antibodies directed against the structural proteins are usually produced shortly after the infection. the immune response against the third major protein, the non-structural protein ns-1, of parvovirus b19 has not been characterize ...19957534811
parvovirus-based vectors for human gene is becoming increasingly clear that the parvovirus-based vectors may prove to be a useful alternative to the more commonly used retroviral vectors in human gene therapy. specifically, the adeno-associated virus 2 (aav), a human parvovirus, has gained particular attention in view of its nonpathogenic nature as well as its remarkable site-specificity of integration into the human chromosome. using the recombinant aav vector system, it is feasible to obtain high-efficiency transduction of slow- ...19947538355
most of the vp1 unique region of b19 parvovirus is on the capsid surface.b19 parvovirus is pathogenic in man and a vaccine is desirable. in convalescence after acute infection, the dominant humoral immune response is directed to the minor capsid protein called vp1, which differs from the major capsid protein by an additional nh2-terminal 227 amino acids. we have previously shown that this unique region contains multiple linear neutralizing epitopes. we produced seven recombinant b19 capsids that contained progressively truncated vp1 unique region sequences, each fuse ...19957544049
viral arthritis including hiv.viruses are attractive candidates for infectious etiologic agents or cofactors in the development of rheumatic diseases. the epidemic of hiv infection and the recognition of "emerging viruses" continues to fuel interest in the possible role of viruses in the pathogenesis of diseases without defined etiologies. during 1994, roles for parvovirus b19 in vasculitis and erosive rheumatoid arthritis were entertained. we were reminded that rubella infection may present with polyarthritis. our understan ...19957547112
human parvovirus b19 infection: immunohistochemical and electron microscopic studies of skin lesions.erythema infectiosum is known to be caused by human parvovirus b19 and shows characteristic clinical skin manifestations in children, although adult cases of human parvovirus b19 infection do not always show such characteristic features. recently, we experienced an epidemic adult cases of human parvovirus b19 infection and examined the erythematous skin lesion by immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy to clarify the pathogenesis of the skin manifestations. light microscopic examination sho ...19957560352
parvovirus b19 infection in hospital workers: community or hospital acquisition?a suspected nosocomial outbreak of parvovirus b19 infection in a maternity ward was investigated in february 1994. questionnaires were administered and sera collected from maternity ward staff (n = 91), other ward staff in the same hospital (n = 101), and maternity ward staff at a nearby hospital (n = 81). blood donors (n = 265) were used as community controls. recent infection (parvovirus b19 igm positivity) in susceptible persons (parvovirus b19 igg-negative or igm-positive) was common among a ...19957561182
human parvovirus b19 in pregnancy.human parvovirus is an often unrecognized but potentially deadly infection when contracted by childbearing women who are seronegative. although maternal symptoms and sequelae are mild, the exposed fetus quickly can develop nonimmune hydrops fetalis and die. health care providers can prepare for appropriate maternal and fetal management by reviewing the history, disease process, and transmission mode of parvovirus.19957562131
[postpartum parvovirus b19-associated acute pure red cell aplasia and hemophagocytic syndrome].a 30-year-old postpartum woman was admitted to our hospital because of progressive anemia, malaise, night sweating, headache and low grade fever which began 9 days after delivery (day 0). she had normocytic hypochromic anemia accompanied with marked decrease in reticulocytes. in addition, a temporary decrease in platelets and white blood cells especially neutrophils were observed. bone marrow smears showed an apparent decrease in erythroid cells and the presence of giant proerythroblasts (1.2%) ...19957563595
[genital involvement in a "gloves and socks" syndrome due to parvovirus b19]. 19957569594
[blood transmission and infections].a blood transfusion can never become a completely risk free event. almost all kinds of infectious agents; viruses, bacteria and parasites, can be transmitted by blood. so far, hepatitis and hiv-infections have been focused. the state of readiness to meet these infections must be kept while we prepare for "new" agents, like parvovirus b19. extensive international travelling will increase the possibility of blood-borne parasitic infections, like malaria and chagas' disease, even with the very high ...19957570535
transfusion-transmitted human parvovirus b19 infection in a thalassemic patient.human parvovirus (hpv) b19 infection has been shown to be transmissible by clotting factor concentrates, most often resulting in asymptomatic seroconversion. so far, no case of b19 transmission due to single-donor transfusion has been documented.19957570939
[clinical manifestations of infectious erythema in adults].the infectious erythema is usually childhood disease associated with rash and caused by parvovirus b19. at the beginning of 1993., at the clinic for infectious and tropical diseases of the military medical academy 36 patients were treated for this disease, the average age 21 years. the prodromal phase of illness lasted approximately 2.9 days, the elevated temperature 5.2 days, and 17 patients had temperature above 39 degrees c. the rash was usually maculo-papullous and lasted about 6 days. four ...19957571527
acquired pure red cell aplasia: a study of six cases.persistent infection by parvovirus b19 associated with pure red cell aplasia (prca) has been documented in immunocompromised patients. bone marrow failure is associated with conditions in which immune surveillance is impaired, and in these instances occult parvovirus infection may be suspected. in this study we have assessed by serological and molecular methods whether parvovirus b19 infection may be a more frequent cause of prca than hitherto suspected and whether it may be present in the absen ...19957578524
childhood exanthems.childhood exanthems are a common cause of skin disease in children. several new aspects of exanthems are reviewed. two conditions, unilateral laterothoracic exanthem and asymmetric periflexural exanthem, may be variations of the same disease and could potentially represent a cutaneous reaction to several infectious agents. an eruption that has been called papular-purpuric gloves and socks syndrome is usually, but not invariably, caused by parvovirus b19 infection. another unusual exanthem, erupt ...19957581645
a study of the role of parvovirus b19 in rheumatoid arthritis.serum and synovial tissue from 26 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (ra) (according to the diagnostic criteria of the american rheumatism association) and 26 patients with osteoarthritis (oa) were examined. among the ra group, the female to male ratio was 4.2:1, and the age range was 44-82 yr with a mean of 64.0 yr; joints from which synovium was sampled were hip (n = 12), knee (n = 9), ankle (n = 3) and shoulder (n = 2). the duration of rheumatoid disease ranged from 6 to 24 yr with a mean of ...19957582718
kawasaki disease associated with parvovirus b19 a 9-week-old boy with kawasaki disease an active parvovirus b19 infection was diagnosed serologically. conclusion: this case supports the hypothesis of an aetiological relationship between parvovirus b19 infection and kawasaki disease.19957588963
multiple glycosphingolipids determine the tissue tropism of parvovirus b19.infection with human parvovirus b19, the etiologic agent of fifth disease, is associated with numerous hematologic and nonhematologic complications. recently, the receptor for parvovirus b19 was reported to be globoside (gb4), a neutral glycosphingolipid (gsl) of red cell membranes. to ascertain if tissue gb4 expression correlates with b19-associated disease, neutral gsls from 16 human tissues were isolated and analyzed using high-performance thin-layer chromatography and immunostaining with ant ...19957594654
antibodies to the nonstructural protein of parvovirus b19 in persistently infected patients: implications for pathogenesis.three patients with persistent parvovirus b19 infection, as documented by the prolonged presence of igm directed to the viral capsid proteins and detection of viral dna in serum by dot-blot hybridization or polymerase chain reaction (pcr), were investigated for the presence of antibodies to the nonstructural protein ns-1 of parvovirus b19. this was done by using an elisa based on recombinant ns-1 protein. whereas control sera displayed no reactivity, sera from persistently infected patients show ...19957594677
parvovirus b19 clearance from peripheral blood after acute infection.the clearance of b19 parvovirus from peripheral blood was followed after acute infection to determine how long the virus is present in blood, even at low titer. the presence of b19 dna in serum was investigated with dot blot hybridization during an epidemic. fourteen patients positive for b19 dna were followed for up to 1 year for its presence in samples taken monthly, using both dot blot hybridization and nested polymerase chain reaction (pcr). all patients examined showed medium to high viremi ...19957594678
epitope type-specific igg responses to capsid proteins vp1 and vp2 of human parvovirus b19.temporal reactivities of igg towards native and linear antigenic determinants in assembled capsids or isolated structural proteins of human parvovirus b19 were measured by an epitope type-specific igg eia and by immunoblots. antigens used were baculovirus-expressed b19 capsids composed of the proteins vp1 and vp2 in their native proportion, vp2 alone, or a prokaryotic vp1 fusion protein. follow-up sera after primary infection were compared with samples from previously infected persons. the igg r ...19957594699
[studies on the relationship between anaphylactoid purpura and human parvovirus b19].human parvovirus b19 (b19) has been shown to be the cause of erthema infectiousum (ei). recently the various clinical manifestations with b19 infection are coming to light. the relationship between b19 and anaphylactoid purpura (schölein-henoch purpura: shp) was investigated in a retrospective study. there were sixteen patients (male 9, female 7, average age 6.0 +/- 1.7) who were diagnosed as shp. serum specimens were used in the present study. specific igm and igg were assayed by enzyme immunoa ...19957594788
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