Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted ascending) Filter |
filariasis (acanthocheilonema perstans) in a gorilla. | 1968 | 5188479 | |
gigantopithecus and the mountain gorilla. | 1970 | 5445883 | |
dissecting aneurysm of the aorta in a gorilla. | 1970 | 5462509 | |
observations on the teeth of the mountain gorilla (gorilla gorilla beringei). | 1971 | 5540495 | |
[the laryngeal paraganglion in the gorilla]. | 1967 | 5587852 | |
urinary estrogen excretion during pregnancy in a gorilla (gorilla gorilla). | 1968 | 5686514 | |
angioedema associated with strawberry ingestion by a gorilla. | 1968 | 5692924 | |
[muscles and joints of the anterior extremity of a gorilla (gorilla gorilla savage et wyman, 1847)]. | 1965 | 5886652 | |
comparative studies of the respiratory functions of mammalian blood. i. gorilla, chimpanzee and orangutan. | 1966 | 5916542 | |
a lipase in the milk of the gorilla. | 1966 | 5957219 | |
[manipulation capability of a young orang-utan and a young gorilla. with observations on playing behavior]. | 1966 | 5996821 | |
hominid humeral fragment from early pleistocene of northwestern kenya. | the distal end of a hominoid humerus was recovered from early pleistocene sediments in the kanapoi drainage near the southern end of lake rudolf. lava capping the sediments yielded a potassium/argon date of 2.5 million years. the fragment can be distinguished on inspection from gorilla and orangutan; discriminate analysis of humeri of homo and pan assigns it as hominid. from other evidence we consider it more likely to represent australopithecus s.s. than paranthropus. | 1967 | 6020039 |
ecology and taxonomy of the gorilla. | 1967 | 6030047 | |
the idiogram of the lowland gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla). | 1967 | 6031171 | |
an albino lowland gorilla from rio muni, west africa, and notes on its adaptation to captivity. | 1967 | 6055275 | |
nomenclature of the "eastern lowland gorilla". | 1967 | 6061808 | |
nomenclature of the "eastern lowland gorilla". | 1967 | 6061809 | |
spontaneous hyperthermia in the gorilla. | 1967 | 6070680 | |
isolation and nucleotide sequence analysis of the beta-type globin pseudogene from human, gorilla and chimpanzee. | the beta-globin gene cluster of human, gorilla and chimpanzee contain the same number and organization of beta-type globin genes: 5'-epsilon (embryonic)-g gamma and a gamma (fetal)-psi beta (inactive)-delta and beta (adult)-3'. we have isolated the psi beta-globin gene regions from the three species and determined their nucleotide sequences. these three pseudogenes each share the same substitutions in the initiator codon (atg----gta), a substitution in codon 15 which generates a termination sign ... | 1984 | 6098690 |
evolution of butyrylcholinesterase in higher primates: an immunochemical study. | serum butyrylcholinesterase (buche; ec of man and the higher primates was tested enzymatically and immunochemically, with the aid of monoclonal antibodies (mcab) developed against the enzyme isolated from human blood. enzyme activities showed great differences across species and among individuals, but all samples tested were dibucaine-sensitive. one mcab showed similar affinities for buche of each species, but another showed marked differences in affinity, preferring species in the orde ... | 1984 | 6149875 |
comparisons of nuclear antigens of epstein-barr virus (ebv) and ebv-like simian viruses. | nuclear antigens (na) of ebv (ebna), herpesvirus gorilla, h. papio, h. pongo and h. pan were tested with sera of human, gorilla, chimpanzee, orangutan, gibbon and baboon origins. both conventional anticomplement immunofluorescence (acif) and acid-fixed nuclear binding of antigen followed by acif (afnb) procedures were used. comparisons of antibody titres by acif and afnb suggested that human sera detected the same antigenic determinants on ebna by the two procedures but gorilla sera measured dif ... | 1980 | 6156993 |
amylase levels in the tissues and body fluids of several primate species. | 1. serum amylase levels in the gorilla, orang-utan, chimpanzee and squirrel monkey are similar to man. serum amylase in the rhesus macaque is almost a whole order of magnitude higher than man. 2. of the several species tested, all have appreciable amylase in saliva or the parotid gland except the squirrel monkey. 3. high levels of amylase were found in the pancreas of all species tested. amylase was found in the livers of all species tested. 4. in in vivo experiments with squirrel monkeys, injec ... | 1982 | 6178549 |
arginine 45 is a major part of the antigenic determinant of human beta 2-microglobulin recognized by mouse monoclonal antibody bbm.1. | monoclonal antibody bbm.1 (brodsky, f.m., bodmer, w. f., and parham, p. (1979) eur. j. immunol. 9, 536-545) identifies an antigenic determinant of human beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2-m). the antibody binds free and hla-a,b-associated beta 2-m with similar affinity, showing that the bbm.1 antigenic determinant does not involve residues of beta 2-m that interact with hla-a,b heavy chains. peptides (swh.1-5) synthesized from residues 35-50 of the beta 2-m sequence specifically inhibit the binding of ... | 1983 | 6189821 |
phylogenetic distribution of a 24,000 dalton human leukemia-associated antigen on platelets and kidney cells. | the distribution of a 24,000-dalton human leukemia-associated antigen, p24, was examined using the ba-2 and du-all-1 monoclonal antibodies. ba-2 and du-all-1 bound to human, gorilla, orangutan, macaque, and rabbit platelets but did not bind to mouse, rat, guinea pig, dog, horse, sheep, or goat platelets. orangutan platelets demonstrated a decreased level of binding with ba-2 and du-all-1. in addition, ba-2, but not du-all-1, bound to chimpanzee platelets suggesting that the chimpanzee has lost t ... | 1984 | 6233191 |
analysis of the virogenes related to the rhesus monkey endogenous type c retrovirus in monkeys and apes. | molecular hybridization studies were carried out by using a [3h]complementary dna (cdna) probe to compare the endogenous type c retrovirus of rhesus monkeys (mmc-1) with other known retroviruses and related sequences in various primate dnas. the genomic rna of the endogenous type c retrovirus of stumptail monkeys (mac-1) was found to be highly related to the mmc-1 cdna probe, whereas the other retroviral rnas tested showed no homology. related sequences were found in old world monkey dnas and to ... | 1981 | 6262537 |
evolutionary tree for apes and humans based on cleavage maps of mitochondrial dna. | the high rate of evolution of mitochondrial dna makes this molecule suitable for genealogical research on such closely related species as humans and apes. because previous approaches failed to establish the branching order of the lineages leading to humans, gorillas, and chimpanzees, we compared human mitochondrial dna to mitochondrial dna from five species of ape (common chimpanzee, pygmy chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and gibbon). about 50 restriction endonuclease cleavage sites were mapped i ... | 1981 | 6264476 |
spontaneous generalized herpesvirus hominis infection of a lowland gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla). | a 13-day-old lowland gorilla died from a generalized herpesvirus infection shortly after the onset of clinical signs. the pathologic-anatomical findings were compatible with those described for generalized herpes simplex infection in the human neonate. electron microscopic examination of lung tissue revealed the presence of herpesvirus which was identified with the fluorescent antibody technique as herpes simplex virus type i. tests with related sera of the herpes group (varicella, herpesvirus-b ... | 1981 | 6279853 |
mitochondrial dna sequences of primates: tempo and mode of evolution. | we cloned and sequenced a segment of mitochondrial dna from human, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and gibbon. this segment is 896 bp in length, contains the genes for three transfer rnas and parts of two proteins, and is homologous in all 5 primates. the 5 sequences differ from one another by base substitutions at 283 positions and by a deletion of one base pair. the sequence differences range from 9 to 19% among species, in agreement with estimates from cleavage map comparisons, thus confirmin ... | 1982 | 6284948 |
molecular cloning of a family of retroviral sequences found in chimpanzee but not human dna. | a number of retrovirus-like sequences have been cloned from chimpanzee dna which constitute the chimpanzee homologs of the endogenous colobus type c virus cpc-1. one of the clones contains a nearly complete viral genome, but others have sustained deletions of 1 to 2 kilobases in the polymerase gene. the pattern of related sequences detected in other primate species is consistent with the genetic transmission of these sequences for millions of years. however, the appropriately related sequences h ... | 1982 | 6292470 |
familial clustering of hepatitis b infections in gorillas. | two families of gorillas, comprising 13 animals, were studied in 1980-1982 for hepatitis virus infections. it was found that 27% of them had evidence of hepatitis b infection, and 23% evidence of hepatitis a infection. the four parents had been born in the wild and all of them had been infected with hepatitis b. the two patriarchs were positive for hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag) and one had hepatitis be antigen (hbeag). the two matriarchs had antibody to hepatitis b surface antigen. three o ... | 1984 | 6322580 |
characterization of a monoclonal antibody to human sex hormone binding globulin. | we have produced a monoclonal hybridoma cell line ( s1b5 ) that secretes an igg2 alpha immunoglobulin with a high affinity (kd 0.38 x 10(-11) m) for 125i-labelled sex hormone binding globulin (shbg), and which will specifically immunoprecipitate shbg from serum. the antibody is produced in high titre in culture medium and ascites fluid, and can be purified to apparent homogeneity by protein a affinity chromatography. when examined by isoelectrofocusing , a characteristic series of bands, which b ... | 1984 | 6373367 |
urinary estrogen excretion during pregnancy in the gorilla (gorilla gorilla), orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) and the human (homo sapiens). | urinary estrogen components were separated, identified and quantified throughout the pregnancy of the gorilla (gorilla gorilla) and orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) and compared to estrogen levels in normal human pregnancies. fetal and neonatal adrenals from each species were also compared in terms of weight and relative amounts of fetal zone. the results demonstrate that gorillas and chimpanzees excrete 4- to 5-fold less estrogen during pregnancy than the human and orangutan which are similar to each ... | 1983 | 6404315 |
evidence on human origins from haemoglobins of african apes. | molecular data have influenced views concerning human origins, first, by supporting the genealogical classification of pan (chimpanzee) and gorilla with homo rather than with pongo (orangutan) and, second, by suggesting that only a few million years separate humans and chimpanzees from their last common ancestor. indeed, the cladistic distances in phylogenetic trees constructed from amino acid sequence data, on detecting many superimposed mutations, yielded a 'molecular-clock' divergence date be ... | 1983 | 6406908 |
the allometry of relative cusp size in hominoid mandibular molars. | the crown area (mcba) and cusp areas of mandibular molars of homo sapiens (m-1 = 131; m-2 = 71), gorilla (m-1 = 25) and pongo (m-1 = 24) were studied to determine whether the relative size of the mesial and distal cusps are related to overall crown size. allometric trends were assessed by examining the correlation between relative cusp areas and mcba and by calculating the slope of the regression line of log cusp area and log mcba. with the exception of the metaconid in the homo sapiens m-2s, th ... | 1983 | 6419619 |
[analytical description and comparison of profiles and sections of the skull by polynomial equations. illustration of the procedure]. | skull profiles and related sections may be worked in order to obtain the equation of the curve for best fitting. polynomials of 6-7 nth degree give very high values of coefficient of determination. the technique is fully automatized and requires a tv-camera interfaced with a computer with specific hardware devices and software packages. main routine gives coefficients of the equation, their standard deviation, standard errors, variance and covariance matrix. accessory routines provide standardiz ... | 1984 | 6422961 |
the evolutionary relationships of man and orang-utans. | man shares uniquely few morphological features with either the chimpanzee or the gorilla, whereas there are many features that suggest affinities between man and the orang-utan, to whom the fossil sivapithecus appears to be closely related. if these are unique features, inclusion of sivapithecus, man and the orang-utan in a single clade, distinct from that containing the african apes, is justified but contrary to current opinion. | 1984 | 6424028 |
x-linked, polymorphic genetic variation of thyroxin-binding globulin (tbg) in baboons and screening of additional primates. | x-linked polymorphic variation of thyroxin-binding globulin (tbg) is observed in several human groups. isoelectric focusing of plasma samples labeled in vitro with [125i]thyroxin, followed by autoradiography, also reveals genetically determined polymorphic electrophoretic variation in baboon tbg. the protein detected by this method in baboon plasma is immunologically similar to human tbg and is distinct from the other thyroxin-binding proteins, albumin and prealbumin. the isoelectric patterns of ... | 1984 | 6424646 |
the phylogeny of the hominoid primates, as indicated by dna-dna hybridization. | the living hominoid primates are man, the chimpanzees, the gorilla, the orangutan, and the gibbons. the cercopithecoids (old world monkeys) are the sister group of the hominoids. the composition of the hominoidea is not in dispute, but a consensus has not yet been reached concerning the phylogenetic branching pattern and the dating of divergence nodes. we have compared the single-copy nuclear dna sequences of the hominoid genera using dna-dna hybridization to produce a complete matrix of delta t ... | 1984 | 6429338 |
activation of mammalian skeletal-muscle carbonic anhydrase iii by arginine modification. | purified carbonic anhydrase isozymes i, ii, and iii (ca i, ca ii, ca iii) from various sources were treated with 2,3-butanedione and their bicarbonate dehydration reactions followed. the specific activities of human and bovine ca i and ca ii and chicken ca iii were not affected by the butanedione treatment, whereas the activities of human, gorilla, and bovine ca iii were rapidly activated. these findings suggest that one, or both, of the two arginyl residues which appear to be unique to the acti ... | 1984 | 6433999 |
the intestinal entodiniomorph ciliates of wild lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla) in gabon, west africa. | examination of 109 fecal samples from wild lowland gorillas revealed the presence of five species of entodiniomorph ciliates: troglodytella abrassarti, troglodytella gorillae, and three unclassified species. these latter three species were also found in the feces of a captive gorilla in gabon and are considered to be intestinal parasites or commensals. | 1983 | 6438333 |
the distribution of serum high density lipoprotein subfractions in non-human primates. | the ultracentrifugal flotation patterns in 1.2 g/ml solvent and ultracentrifugal gradient distribution of high density lipoproteins (hdl) from the primates--human, apes and monkeys--were determined, with emphasis on the gorilla species of apes and rhesus monkeys. diets for non-human primates were commercial chow, which is low in cholesterol. molecular weights and protein, cholesterol, phospholipid and triglyceride compositions of various density fractions were determined on human, gorilla and rh ... | 1984 | 6438429 |
phylogeny, neoteny and growth of the cranial base in hominoids. | this study tests the hypothesis that there is a general pattern in the growth of the cranial base of homo sapiens that is 'essentially neotenous' [gould, 1977]. juvenile and adult crania of homo sapiens, gorilla gorilla, pan troglodytes and pongo pygmaeus were studied and the cross-sectional growth curves for 10 measurements made on the cranial base (as viewed in norma basilaris) were compared. the results of this study suggest that relatively simple modifications to the timing or pattern of gro ... | 1984 | 6440838 |
comparative myology of the hominoid cranial base. i. the muscular relationships and bony attachments of the digastric muscle. | this paper aims to document accurately the soft tissue anatomy and bony attachments of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle and other closely related muscles in the mastoid region of extant hominoids and fossil hominids. five wet specimens including individuals of pan, gorilla and pongo were dissected and described. eight casts of fossil hominid cranial bases were also studied along with measurements and notes made from the same original fossil hominid specimens to assess their soft tissu ... | 1984 | 6442914 |
structure and evolution of human y chromosome dna. | two repeated sequences account for 70% of the dna of the human y chromosome. they are located in the heterochromatin of the long arm. these sequences are related to others found on human chimpanzee and gorilla autosomes, and on the human x chromosome but have diverged in a characteristic way from the non y copies. they have no detectable phenotypic effect when translocated to autosomes. we have cloned dna from the human y chromosome using fluorescence activated cell sorting. at least one single ... | 1983 | 6444175 |
[chromosomal anomalies induced by x-rays in lymphocytes of the gorilla]. | using the harlequin--staining technique to distinguish the first from later mitotic divisions we have studied the frequency of spontaneous and radiation-induced sister chromatid exchanges and chromosome aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes from gorilla, the results being compared with previous findings on man. in spite of the fact that the karyotypes of the two species closely resemble each other the incidence of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations was much higher in gorilla than in ... | 1980 | 6449264 |
comparison of brain structure volumes in insectivora and primates. iv. non-cortical visual structures. | the relative size of the eyes, optic nerves, chiasms and tracts, and of the dorsal nucleus of the lateral geniculate body is distinctly larger in primates than in (theoretically) isoponderous insectivora. within insectivora, the relative size is lowest in moles, medium in shrews and hedgehog-like tenrecs, and largest in hedgehogs. within primates, all relative sizes are on the average larger in simians than in prosimians: the eyes to a small degree, the lateral geniculate bodies moderately and t ... | 1984 | 6481154 |
cardiac startle and orienting responses in the great apes. | cardiac patterns of startle and orienting in response to auditory and vibrotactile stimuli were investigated in the infant chimpanzee and gorilla. results revealed a notable cardiac acceleration in response to the initial presentations of stimuli of either modality. this acceleratory response appeared to reflect the cardiac correlate of startle and was closely associated with the elicitation of somatic startle responses. this initial cardiac acceleration was subject to rapid habituation and was ... | 1984 | 6487420 |
the prostate of the gorilla. | the prostate gland from a 32-year-old gorilla was examined. the prostate weighed 15 g and was composed primarily of dilated cystic acinar areas with only modest stromal thickening. the acini were lined by a low cuboidal epithelium. a second minor population of smaller glands with extensive papillary projections was also present. the epithelial cells stained densely for acid phosphatase and prostatic-specific antigen. human prostatic acid phosphatase content of the gland as determined by radioimm ... | 1984 | 6494058 |
discovery of nursing gestalt in critical care nursing: the importance of the gray gorilla syndrome. | 1983 | 6551318 | |
structure and evolution of human and african ape rdna pseudogenes. | we discuss the evolutionary significance of four aberrant 18s rdna clones that were obtained from human, chimpanzee, and gorilla dna libraries. we show that these clones carry representatives of a small 18s rdna pseudogene family that arose in a common ancestor of these species. aspects of their structure and phylogenetic distribution suggest that the 18s pseudogenes no longer interact genetically with normal ribosomal genes and therefore may not be linked to nucleolus organizer regions. | 1983 | 6599961 |
individual and evolutionary variation of primate ribosomal dna transcription initiation regions. | a 16-kilobase region surrounding the transcription initiation site for ribosomal dna and including the entire ribosomal dna transcription unit has been characterized in man and compared in higher primates. restriction analysis of ribosomal dna from the pygmy chimpanzee (pan paniscus), the common chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), the gorilla (gorilla gorilla), the orangutan (pongo pygmaeus), the gibbon (hylobates lar), and the rhesus monkey (macaca mulatta) allows a primate phylogeny to be constructe ... | 1984 | 6599965 |
the sequence of the gorilla fetal globin genes: evidence for multiple gene conversions in human evolution. | two fetal globin genes (g gamma and a gamma) from one chromosome of a lowland gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla) have been sequenced and compared to three human loci (a g gamma-gene and two a gamma-alleles). a comparison of regions of local homology among these five sequences indicates that long after the duplication that produced the two nonallelic gamma-globin loci of catarrhine primates, about 35 million years (myr) ago, at least one gene conversion event occurred between these loci. this conv ... | 1984 | 6599972 |
monoclonal antibody defined-human melanoma-associated antigens: molecular and phylogenetic studies in normal serum. | normal human sera were analyzed for the presence and molecular form of two human melanoma-associated antigens (maas), the 250 "melanoma-specific" glycoprotein and the 100 k "common tumor antigen". the 250 k maa was not synthesized by any cultures other than human melanoma and was not detectable in normal human serum. in contrast, the 100 k maa, which is present in spent medium of cultured human melanoma, carcinoma and fetal melanocytes but not of adult normal cells, was found in normal human ser ... | 1983 | 6656776 |
functional articulation of some hominoid foot bones: implications for the olduvai (hominid 8) foot. | previous observations on twelve fossil foot bones (olduvai 8: day and napier, '64) together with multivariate morphometric studies of one of them, the talus (day and wood, '68) suggested human-like bipedality for this foot. subsequent studies showed the conclusions on the talus to be wrong: the fossil talus, as defined by eight measures, does not resemble that of man but is reminiscent of those of creatures known (extant--orangutans) or believed (extinct--some fossil apes and monkeys) to be arbo ... | 1980 | 6768301 |
an electromyographic study of the pectoralis major in atelines and hylobates, with special reference to the evolution of a pars clavicularis. | among primates there is striking variation in the extent of the origin of pectoralis major from the clavicle. a significant clavicular attachment (pars clavicularis) occurs only in alouatta, lagothrix, hylobates, pan (troglodytes, paniscus and gorilla), and homo. interpreting this trait in nonhuman primates as an adaptation to frequent use of a mobile forelimb in climbing and suspension is contraindicated by the absence of a clavicular origin in ateles and pongo. we have undertaken a telemetered ... | 1980 | 6768302 |
antistreptococcal antibodies, rheumatoid factors and haptoglobin in apes and monkeys. | sera of 157 baboons (papio hamadryas and p. anubis) 21 chimpanzees (pan troglodytes) five orang utans (pongo pygmaeus) three mountain gorillas (gorilla gorilla beringei) and three gibbons (hylobates lar lar) were examined for the content of antistreptolysin o, antidesoxyribonuclease b, for the presence of rheumatoid factors as well as for the level and type of haptoglobin. the mean antistreptolysin o titer (ast) in baboons was 106 asu +/- 18 in dextransulfate absorbed sera ("real" ast) and 182 a ... | 1980 | 6775442 |
the joints of the evolving foot. part iii. the fossil evidence. | the fossil record supports the conclusions derived from the study of extant species that the primates evolved a unique suite of characters in the articulations of the foot. the tarsal bones of african miocene apes show specializations characteristic of hominoid evolution and provide reasonable precursors for the morphology of pan, gorilla and even pongo. the oh8 foot is essentially ape-like in it major features, with many close resemblances to pan. although fairly clearly from a bipedal primate, ... | 1980 | 6780500 |
the similarity of chorionic gonadotrophin and its subunits in term placentae from man, apes, old and new world monkeys and a prosimian. | chorionic gonadotrophin (cg) was estimated, by bioassay and radioimmunoassay (ria), in placental extracts from 11 ape and monkey species. there was a significant correlation between the results of the two assay systems (r = 0.903, p less than 0.001). the concentration of cg in most primate term placentae was the same as that in the human placenta at term. extracts from all placentae cross-reacted with antiserum to ovine lh-beta subunit, and those of the chimpanzee and gorilla also had a signific ... | 1981 | 6785176 |
[sublingual structures of primates. ii. hominoidea, review, summary and literature]. | 1. in homo and the great apes (pongidae) there occurs, besides the plica sublingualis a plica fimbriata at the ventral surface of the tongue. this duplicature of the mucosa does not occur in the hylobytidae and in the other primates. 2. some taste buds could be found in the epithelium of the plica sublingualis of the pongidae. 3. there are many taste buds in the epithelium of the plica fimbriata of the pongidae. on this sublingual structure there were counted 1776 taste buds in pongo, 592 in gor ... | 1981 | 6793446 |
reactivity of monoclonal antibodies against human leucocyte antigens with lymphocytes of non-human primate origin. | the phylogenetic distribution of antigens present on human lymphocytes was investigated by incubating human or simian cells with murine anti-human monoclonal antibodies and then determining the level of reactivity with a radiolabelled anti-murine igg reagent. the monoclonal antibodies used were specific for a t-cell antigen, lymphoid and lymphoid:myeloid antigens, ia antigens, and beta 2 microglobulin. the cells examined included b- and t-lymphoblastoid cell lines and fresh peripheral blood lymp ... | 1981 | 6801142 |
brain endocast asymmetry in pongids and hominids: some preliminary findings on the paleontology of cerebral dominance. | observations on petalial asymmetry for 190 hominoid endocasts are reported, and their statistical differences assessed. while all taxa of hominoids show asymmetries to various degrees, the patterns or combinations of petalial asymmetries are very different, with fossil hominoids and modern homo sapiens showing an identical pattern of left-occipital, right-frontal petalias, which contrasts with those found normally in pongids. of the pongids, gorilla shows the greater degree of asymmetry in left- ... | 1982 | 6812430 |
a new intestinal parasitic entodiniomorph ciliate from wild lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla) in gabon? | 1982 | 6820805 | |
the external relief of the naso-labial integument of pan troglodytes, pan paniscus and gorilla gorilla (primates, hominoidea). | 1983 | 6837092 | |
size and diet in the evolution of african ape craniodental form. | interspecific differences in craniodental morphology among pan paniscus, pan troglodytes, and gorilla gorilla are analyzed. these apes differ in both diet and body size, and thus present an excellent example in which to apply an allometric criterion of subtraction in order to determine morphological differences which might be related to divergent dietary specialization. the use of ontogenetic allometry in particular as a criterion of subtraction is discussed. bivariate and multivariate results i ... | 1983 | 6862324 |
premaxillary-maxillary suture asymmetry in a juvenile gorilla. implications for understanding dentofacial growth and development. | a specimen of juvenile gorilla was found that had the premaxillary-maxillary suture coursing between the lateral deciduous incisor and deciduous canine on one side of the jaw, but between the central and lateral deciduous incisors on the other; in the latter, the suture also separates the alveolus of the lateral deciduous incisor from the crypt of the growing successional lateral incisor. rather than dismiss this exception to the traditional dictum of tooth identification--which is based on the ... | 1983 | 6862325 |
the evolutionary basis of some clinical disorders of the human foot: a comparative survey of the living primates. | the living primates are a highly diverse group of essentially arboreal animals whose feet are variously adapted for grasping, climbing, and leaping in trees. one of the most remarkable aspects of the anatomical variation in the feet of the extant primates is that this diversity can be arranged in a graduated sequence ranging from the primitive transtarsal-opposition type of grasping foot found in the lemurs, through the specialized transmetarsal-adduction type that characterizes the higher prima ... | 1983 | 6873777 |
legg-calvé-perthes disease in a lowland gorilla. | 1981 | 6906911 | |
molar size sequence in the great apes: gorilla, orangutan, and chimpanzee. | in ape dentitions the common molar size sequence is assumed to be mc greater than m2 greater than m1. this sequence is held in contrast to the assumed human sequence, m1 greater than m2 greater than m3. using mesiodistal, buccolingual, and cross-sectional area dimensions, this study indicates that the molar size progression in all three great ape species varies extensively from the assumed sequence. | 1980 | 6928425 |
hormonal and immunological aspects of the phylogeny of sex steroid binding plasma protein. | sex steoid binding plasma protein (sbp) in man and in monkeys binds the androgens dihydrotestosterone and testosterone and the estrogen estradiol with high affinity (kd approximately 0.5, 1, and 2 nm, respectively). detailed studies of steroid binding specificity give the same results in all primates, except that in humans and chimpanzees estrone does not compete for dihydrotestosterone binding. in other mammals, sbps of artiodactyla and lagomorpha have the same range of affinities for androgens ... | 1980 | 6933505 |
chromosomal evolution of the great apes and man. | a study of all the chromosomal changes that have occurred during evolution of the great apes and man gives an indication of the phylogeny of these species. their karyotypes differ from one another by a dozen chromosomal changes. the karyotype of their ancestor was very similar to that of living orangutans. reconstruction of the sequence of the chromosomal changes indicates that, after the isolation of the orang-utan, a common ancestral population existed for the other species. then, each branch ... | 1980 | 6934305 |
hormonal and immunological aspects of sex steroid-binding plasma protein of primates. | sex steroid-binding plasma protein binds dihydrotestosterone, testosterone, and oestradiol with high affinity (kd,eq. approximately 0.5, 1 and 2 nm, respectively), in man (h-sbp) and in monkeys. steroid-binding specificity is identical in all primates. however oestrone does not displace dihydrotestosterone binding in man or chimpanzee. gel filtration experiments and immunoelectrophoretic analysis with a mono-specific antiserum raised in the rabbit against h-sbp indicate cross-reactivity with pri ... | 1980 | 6934306 |
monitoring the female reproductive cycle of great apes and other primate species by determination of oestrogen and lh in small volumes of urine. | a practical approach for monitoring the reproductive cycle of primates is described. ovulation, implantation, gestation and post-partum amenorrhoea were identified from measurements of total immunoreactive oestrogen and lh bioactivity in incomplete daily urine samples collected from various species, including a gorilla, a chimpanzee and an orang-utan. oestrogen values were determined by radioimmunoassay of hydrolysed urine using a non-specific oestriol antiserum and lh was assessed by measuring ... | 1980 | 6934307 |
infectious diseases of the great apes of africa. | the chimpanzee is the most extensively used ape in biomedical research. its phylogenetic relationship to man has made it one of the most desirable of research animals. however, because of this closeness to man, the chimpanzee is highly susceptible to human (and other primate) infectious agents, particularly viruses. this susceptibility makes the chimpanzee the only known available test system for aetiological studies on such diseases as hepatitis, neurological diseases of suspected viral origin, ... | 1980 | 6934309 |
reproduction in wild gorillas and some comparisons with chimpanzees. | information was collected over a period of almost 12 years on the gorillas of the virunga volcanoes region of rwanda and zaire, most of it collected since september 1972. comparisons were made with the gombe stream chimpanzee population (values in parentheses). gorilla females matured at about 8 years (compared with 9-10 years for the chimpanzee) and first bred at 10-11 years (11-12 years). males started to breed later, possibly at 15 years (about 13 years). oestrous periods of female gorillas l ... | 1980 | 6934312 |
chromosomes and spermatozoa of the african great apes. | we have analysed the chromosome constitution of 8 chimpanzees (pan troglodytes), 3 pygmy chimpanzees (pan paniscus), and 16 gorillas (gorilla gorilla). in the chimpanzees, the frequency of brilliant q-band polymorphisms accounted for 8.85 regions per individual, and in the gorilla 14.9, whereas in man it was only 2.9-4.6. variation in the amount of constitutive heterochromatin was also observed, and the gorilla appeared to be the most variable of all. a detailed analysis of the spermatozoa of th ... | 1980 | 6934315 |
evidence of similar organization of the chromosomes carrying the major histocompatibility complex in man and other primates. | the chromosome localization and gene synteny of the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) of the great apes and rhesus monkey were investigated using somatic cell hybrids. the presence of the mhc antigens was determined either with a microadsorption technique employing primate alloantisera, or with a radioimmune assay. the enzymes phosphoglucomutase 3 (pgm3), glyoxalase 1 (glo1), mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (sod2), and soluble maleic enzyme (me1) were assayed in those hybrids where elect ... | 1980 | 7002489 |
gorilla diseases and causes of death. | the causes of 48 gorilla deaths were investigated and normal weights for organs ascertained. half of the gorilla deaths in zoos occurred before maturity at around 8 years of age. eight of the 48 died in the perinatal period from rejection, stillbirth or abortion. the majority of gorillas succumb to various types of enterocolitis. the most common aetiological agents are shigella, salmonella, balantidia and a variety of parasites, principally strongyloides. a variety of preventable virus infection ... | 1980 | 7003132 |
the origin of man: a chromosomal pictorial legacy. | man, gorilla, and chimpanzee likely shared an ancestor in whom the fine genetic organization of chromosomes was similar to that of present man. a comparative analysis of high-resolution chromosomes from orangutan, gorilla, chimpanzee, and man suggests that 18 or 23 pairs of chromosomes of modern man are virtually identical to those of our "common hominoid ancestor", with the remaining pairs slightly different. from this lineage, gorilla separated fist, and three major chromosomal rearrangements ... | 1982 | 7063861 |
production of a monoclonal antibody to human liver alkaline phosphatase. | a monoclonal antibody to human liver alkaline phosphatase (alp) has been produced by the mouse-hybridoma method using a partially purified enzyme preparation as antigen. the particular hybridoma secreting the antibody was detected by a screening procedure based on the retention of enzyme activity by the enzyme/antibody complex. the antibody cross-reacts strongly with human kidney and bone alps but not with human placental or intestinal alps. it also cross-reacts with liver and kidney alps from g ... | 1982 | 7151274 |
[electrophoretic variation and specification in different species of anthropoïd apes]. | the techniques involved in the measurement of the electrophoretic mobilities of human proteins have been applied for similar protein electrophoretic mobility measurements in various species of anthropoïd apes. a study of the electrophoretic polymorphism in the chimpanzee shows that this species has a similar variability to that of man, although the average individual heterozygosity level is lower. for a certain number of erythrocyte protein loci, the electrophoretic mobilities in man, chimpanzee ... | 1982 | 7152516 |
[the trigeminal nerve-innervated jaw muscles in the chimpanzee (pan troglodytes, blumenbach 1799) and the gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla, savage and wyman 1847)]. | 1982 | 7160604 | |
epizootic of balantidiasis in lowland gorillas. | acute enteritis characterized by watery diarrhea and lethargy occurred in 4 lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla) during a 5-week period at the los angeles zoo. numerous trophozoites of balantidium coli were seen in fresh feces from each gorilla. potentially pathogenic bacteria were isolated from 1 fecal sample. results of fecal flotation examinations were negative for eggs of metazoan parasites. the gorillas were treated with antibiotics and metronidazole or paromomycin, or both. the most ... | 1982 | 7174457 |
ultrasonic evaluation of echinococcosis in four lowland gorillas. | four captive lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla) were subjected to abdominal ultrasonic scanning. evidence of progressive infection by the enzootic parasite echinococcus vogeli was observed in all 4 of them. ultrasonic scanning revealed abdominal disease, with evidence of both hepatic and bowel involvement. three gorillas subsequently died. necropsy results validated the ultrasonic diagnoses. | 1982 | 7174458 |
characterisation of a human y chromosome repeated sequence and related sequences in higher primates. | the human y chromosome carries 2000 copies of a tandemly repeated sequence, 2.47 kb long, which constitutes about 20% of the dna of this chromosome. these sequences are localised on the tip of the long arm of the y chromosome. related sequences are present in dna of females with a related but distinguishable restriction pattern. these autosomal sequences are distributed in tandem arrays on a number of autosomes. related sequences are also present in gorilla and chimpanzee. in gorilla they resemb ... | 1982 | 7182127 |
control role of an adult male in a captive group of lowland gorillas. | an adult male gorilla was removed from the social group in which it had resided for 27 months. there was an immediate increase in aggressive behaviors among the remaining adult females, as well as an intensification of mother-infant social behaviors. the return of the male resulted in an immediate rise in male aggression and a decline in female aggression, with a gradual return to baseline levels in most behaviors. the control role of the male in the group through aggressive behaviors is suggest ... | 1982 | 7201445 |
[genetic distances between man, chimpanzee, and gorilla based on electrophoretic mobilities of erythrocyte enzymes (author's transl)]. | 1981 | 7228030 | |
development, validation, and application of a rapid method for detection of ovulation in great apes and in women. | a rapid hemagglutination inhibition test for detection of pregnancy in nonhuman primates has been modified to permit detection of the midcycle luteinizing hormone (lh) peak in hominid species. the test has been validated by correlation with immunoassayable lh activity in serum and urine. it has been used by the authors and others from prediction of ovulation in the gorilla, orangutan, chimpanzee, and human. this predictive capacity has been of value to experiments in natural breeding, artificial ... | 1981 | 7250394 |
development of infant independence in a captive group of lowland gorillas. | in march 1976, 3 lowlands gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla) were born to primiparous females living with an adult male in a large compound at the field station of the yerkes regional primate research center of emory university. observations of parent and infant behavior began at the birth of the infants, using several methods of data collection. this report focuses on the development of independence in these infants over the 1st 1 1/2 years of life. as expected, measures of mother-infant contac ... | 1981 | 7262467 |
a quantitative comparison of the hominoid thalamus. iv. posterior association nuclei-the pulvinar and lateral posterior nucleus. | nuclear volumes, nerve cell densities, numbers of neurons, and volumes of nerve cell perikarya in the thalamic association complex, the pulvinar and lateral posterior nuclei (pu-lp) were compared among two gibbons, one gorilla, one chimpanzee, and three humans. the human pu has approximately twice as many neurons as do the great apes, whereas the human and gorilla lp have a similar number. the numbers of neurons in the human pu and combined pu-lp complex were predictable from the ape data. never ... | 1981 | 7270664 |
eclampsia in a lowland gorilla. | 1981 | 7282812 | |
the effects of distamycin a on gorilla-, chimpanzee- and orangutan lymphocyte cultures. | lymphocyte cultures from the gorilla, chimpanzee, and orangutan were treated with the oligopeptide antibiotic distamycin a. this at-specific dna-ligand induces a distinct undercondensation in the quinacrine-bright heterochromatin of the gorilla and chimpanzee. this is also the case in human lymphocyte cultures. distamycin a further causes an undercondensation in the nonheterochromatic bands 17q21 of the gorilla and 16q22 of man. no visible distamycin a-sensitive chromosome regions are determined ... | 1981 | 7297124 |
relative growth of the limbs and trunk in the african apes. | examination of relative growth and allometry is important for our understanding of the african apes, as they represent a closely related group of species of increasing body size. this study presents a comparison of ontogenetic relative growth patterns of some postcranial dimensions in pan paniscus, pan troglodytes, and gorilla gorilla. interspecific proportion differences among the three species are also analyzed. it is stressed that reliable ontogenetic information can only be obtained if subad ... | 1981 | 7325219 |
sudden death associated with atherosclerosis in a gorilla. | 1981 | 7328030 | |
successful treatment of an infertile male lowland gorilla. | 1981 | 7328031 | |
ultrasonic estimation of gestational age in the lowland gorilla: a biparietal diameter growth curve. | 1981 | 7328032 | |
developing pongid dentition and its use for ageing individual crania in comparative cross-sectional growth studies. | this study of the developing pongid dentition is based on cross-sectional radiographic data of juvenile pan troglodytes, gorilla gorilla, and pongo pygmaeus skulls. comparisons with developmental features of the human dentition are made, and possible explanations for the formation of larger teeth within the reduced pongid growth period are discussed. the data presented in this study provide an alternative method for ageing individual pongid crania in comparative cross-sectional growth studies. t ... | 1981 | 7338332 |
within-species brain-body weight variability: a reexamination of the danish data and other primate species. | a restudy of the danish brain weight data published by pakkenberg and voigt ('64), using partial correlation techniques, confirms and extends their earlier conclusions regarding a much stronger allometric relationship between height and brain weight than between body weight and brain weight. the relationship is particularly strong in males, and not in females, which is hypothesized to be related to higher fat components in the latter. comparative data for smaller samples of pan, gorilla, pongo, ... | 1980 | 7416241 |
venous drainage of the hind limb in the monkey (macaca fascicularis). | detailed dissection and histological examination of the hind limb veins in twelve adult limbs of macaca fascicularis confirm that the main superficial venous channels are a short saphenous vein and the venae comitantes of branches of the arteria saphena. three sets of constant perforating veins were located, and the number and location of valves in these and the main superficial venous channels were noted. venous sinuses were found in gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. dissections of the superfic ... | 1980 | 7440399 |
interstitial cell tumour of the testis in a western lowland gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla). | the post mortem in an adult male gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla) aged approximately 33 years revealed very small testes, and the cut surface of the left testis appeared nodular. microscopic examination showed a marked atrophy of seminiferous tubules and fibrosis together with a diffuse interstitial cell hyperplasia. two interstitial cell adenomas were identified in the left testis. | 1980 | 7441719 |
congestive heart failure and nephritis in an adult gorilla. | 1980 | 7451348 |