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thermal dependence of maximum ca2+-activated force in skinned muscle fibres of the toad bufo marinus acclimated at different temperatures.mechanically skinned muscle fibres from the twitch region of the iliofibularis muscle of cool- (16 +/- 1 degree c) and warm- (32 +/- 1 degree c) acclimated cane toads (bufo marinus) were activated maximally by ca2+ in solutions of different ph and at different temperatures (approx. 1-35 degrees c). acclimation of up to 12 weeks at 16 degrees c and up to 8 weeks at 32 degrees c did not modify the marked thermal dependence of isometric force in the skeletal muscle fibres of the cane toad. the prom ...19873108442
hydroosmotic responses to short pulses of vasotocin by toad bladder.when toads, bufo marinus, were mildly dehydrated, the permeability to water of their urinary bladders increased, but blood samples placed directly on the wall of an isolated assay bladder did not contain enough arginine vasotocin (avt) to induce the observed response. one explanation for this discrepancy is that avt is secreted intermittently and rapidly cleared from the blood, even though the hydroosmotic response persists. the hydroosmotic response of bladders to pulsatile secretion of avt was ...19873109251
the gtp-binding protein of rod outer segments. ii. an essential role for mg2+ in signal amplification.the role of mg2+ in the gtp hydrolytic cycle was investigated by using purified subunits (g alpha and g beta, gamma) of the gtp-binding protein isolated from bufo marinus rod outer segments (ros). mg2+ markedly stimulated the rate of gtp and guanosine-5'-o-(3-thiotriphosphate) (gtp gamma-s) binding to g alpha. this effect was especially striking in the presence of very small quantities of illuminated ros disc membranes. gtp hydrolysis could occur in the absence of mg2+, and mg2+ increased the ra ...19873110157
force: velocity relationship in single isolated toad stomach smooth muscle cells.the relationship between force and shortening velocity (f:v) in muscle is believed to reflect both the mechanics of the myosin cross-bridge and the kinetics of its interaction with actin. to date, the f:v for smooth muscle cells has been inferred from f:v data obtained in multicellular tissue preparations. therefore, to determine f:v in an intact single smooth muscle cell, cells were isolated from the toad (bufo marinus) stomach muscularis and attached to a force transducer and length displaceme ...19873110369
measurement of potassium turnover in rod photoreceptors in toad isolated retina using ion-selective microelectrodes.ion-selective microelectrodes (isms) were used to measure the turnover of intracellular k+ (ki+) in rods in the isolated retina of the toad, bufo marinus. the light-evoked hyperpolarization of rods decreases their passive k+ efflux, which in combination with active k+ uptake, decreases extracellular k+ concentration, ko+.rb+ substitutes for k+ in these processes. the turnover of ki+ was measured as rb+ and k+ were exchanged, using isms that were approximately five times more sensitive to rb+ tha ...19873113704
physiological and structural properties of saponin-skinned single smooth muscle cells.the study of the fundamental events underlying the generation and regulation of force in smooth muscle would be greatly facilitated if the permeability of the cell membrane were increased so that the intracellular environment of the contractile apparatus could be manipulated experimentally. to initiate such an analysis, we developed a saponin permeabilization procedure that was used to "skin" isolated smooth muscle cells from the stomach of the toad, bufo marinus. suspensions of single cells iso ...19873114416
responses to circulatory pressures, and conduction velocity, of pulmocutaneous baroreceptors in bufo marinus.1. baroreceptor activity was recorded within the recurrent laryngeal branch of the toad vagus in forty-four preparations. the receptive fields of the receptors were located in the pulmocutaneous artery (p.c.a.), generally within 5 mm of its separation from the truncus. however, the most easily recorded afferents in this nerve were mechanoreceptors which responded to punctate stimulation of the lip of the glottis. 2. the conduction velocities of p.c.a. baroreceptor and mechanoreceptive glottal af ...20113116216
response characteristics of pulmocutaneous arterial baroreceptors in the toad, bufo marinus.1. response characteristics of baroreceptors with receptive fields in the pulmocutaneous artery (p.c.a.) were determined in pithed toads by applying pressure steps, ramps, sine waves, and volume infusions into the vascularly isolated and perfused p.c.a. 2. the baroreceptors exhibited phasic and tonic discharge thresholds (30.3 +/- 2.3 and 36.2 +/- 2.8 mmhg respectively) which were above mean arterial pressure values reported for conscious undisturbed toads. they are comparable, in this respect, ...19873116218
localization of retinal "48k" (s-antigen) by electron microscopy.the subcellular localization of the 48-kda protein, a soluble protein in rod photoreceptors that is identical to retinal s-antigen, has been examined in photoreceptors of the toad (bufo marinus) by immunoelectron microscopy. pairs of retinas, exposed to controlled conditions of light- and dark-adaptation were compared. lowicryl-embedded sections of light-adapted versus dark-adapted retinas were incubated with polyclonal anti-48k antibodies, then post-treated with second antibodies that were conj ...19873118084
effect of low extracellular calcium on shortening velocity in isolated single smooth muscle understand how smooth muscle modulates its shortening velocity within the time course of a single contraction, the factors that govern crossbridge cycling in smooth muscle must be characterized. since calcium plays an important role in regulation of the contractile apparatus, we studied the effect of lowering extracellular calcium on shortening velocity in single smooth muscle cells isolated enzymatically from the toad, bufo marinus, stomach muscularis. shortening velocity was estimated by th ...19873120145
hypoxemic threshold for lung ventilation in the toad.the relationship between the activity of the buccal force pump, expressed as the time integral of positive buccal pressure, and pao2 was investigated in conscious toads, bufo marinus, unidirectionally ventilated at a high flow rate (240-260 ml/min). the high ventilatory flow rate meant that pao2 was largely independent of the animal's ventilatory activity so that the relationship between pulmonary ventilation and pao2 was effectively open-loop. the hypoxemic threshold (pao2) for lung ventilation ...19873120266
the effects of phenylbutazone on acetylcholine-initiated contractions of gastric muscularis muscle of bufo marinus.we have investigated the effects of phenylbutazone (pbz), a potent prostaglandin (pg) synthesis inhibitor, on the acetylcholine (ach)-initiated contractions of isolated gastric muscularis muscle of bufo marinus. two types of contractions were identified: tonic contractions and spontaneous contractions. the challenging dose of ach (1.0 x 10(-4)m) was fixed at the level eliciting optimum contractions of the preparation while the dose of pbz was varied between 0-5.0 x 10(-4)m. pbz dose of 1.0 x 10( ...19873122293
purification of prl receptors from toad kidney: comparisons with rabbit mammary prl receptors.the binding characteristics of the prolactin (prl) receptors present in toad (bufo marinus) kidneys were investigated and compared to those of prl receptors present in rabbit mammary glands. the molecular characteristics of the triton x-100 solubilized renal and mammary prl receptors were assessed by gel filtration and by migration analysis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page) after affinity labeling of the binding sites with 125i-human growth hormone. similar ...19883126667
the hemodynamic consequences of hemorrhage and hypernatremia in two amphibians.1. graded hypovolemia was induced by hemorrhagic blood loss and graded hypernatremia by salt load in the toad, bufo marinus, and the bullfrog, rana catesbeiana. maximal blood flow rates in the systemic arches and arterial and venous pressures were measured during activity after each stress. 2. maximal blood flow rates in the b. marinus did not decline until blood loss exceeded 5% of initial body mass. in r. catesbeiana, losses of 2% initial body mass caused a decline (fig. 1). 3. maximal heart r ...19883127436
autonomic influences on heart rate and blood pressure in the toad, bufo marinus, at rest and during exercise.blood pressure (pa) and heart rate (hr) were measured in the conscious, resting toad, bufo marinus. treatment with bretylium (an adrenergic neurone blocking agent), alone or in combination with phentolamine and propranolol (adrenoceptor antagonists) did not alter pa or hr significantly. atropine caused a small but significant increase in hr but had no effect on pa. the experiments indicate a cholinergic cardio-inhibitory tone but give no evidence for an adrenergic pressor tone at rest. treadmill ...19883128625
acid-base regulation and blood gases in the anuran amphibian, bufo marinus, during environmental hypercapnia.specimens of bufo marinus were exposed to aerial and aquatic hypercapnia (5% co2) in a closed, water recirculation system to evaluate mechanisms involved in the compensation of a respiratory acidosis in these animals. arterial pco2 was elevated from about 9 mmhg (1 mmhg = 133.3 pa) to 35 (1 h) and 37 mmhg (2 h), and gradually approached about 40 mmhg (24 h of hypercapnia). the typical hypercapnia-induced reduction in plasma ph from about 7.9 to below 7.4 was partially offset, at least during the ...19883128628
catecholamine and blood pressure regulation by gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs in amphibians.analogs of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) occur in the brain, plasma, and sympathoadrenal system of anuran amphibians. the present experiments studied the effects of gnrh and [trp7, leu8]-gnrh on plasma catecholamines and cardiovascular function in conscious adult bullfrogs (rana catesbeiana) and cane toads (bufo marinus). both gnrh analogs elicited dose-dependent (0.1-1 increases in arterial norepinephrine, epinephrine, and blood pressure levels when injected intravenously int ...19873130174
effects of divalent cations on chloride movement across amphibian skin.effects of the divalent heavy metal ions cd2+, co2+, cu2+, mn2+, ni2+, and zn2+ on pathways for sodium and chloride were assessed on isolated amphibian skin (rana temporaria and esculenta, bufo marinus and viridis). it was observed that these agents, in addition to the previously reported stimulation of sodium transport, inhibit chloride-related tissue conductance (gcl) in frog skin with spontaneously high gcl when added to the external incubation medium. serosal application was ineffective. hal ...19883133634
synaptic transfer of rod signals to horizontal and bipolar cells in the retina of the toad (bufo marinus).1. simultaneous intracellular recordings of responses to light flashes were obtained from rod-horizontal cell and rod-hyperpolarizing bipolar cell pairs in isolated retinae of the toad. the gain and temporal filtering of synaptic transfer were characterized throughout the rods' range of light responses. 2. paired rod-horizontal cell and rod-bipolar cell responses to dim flashes (less than 0.4 rh*, where rh* denotes effective photoisomerizations per rod per flash) exhibited nearly the same time c ...19883137327
optical quality of the eye of the cane toad bufo marinus.the wide-angle optical quality of the cane toad eye was measured using a single-pass intraocular optical fibre microprobe, a double-pass projection method and high magnification ophthalmoscopy to photograph individual photoreceptors. the cane toad eye is a wide angle optical device with a horizontal field of nearly 200 deg and a large relative aperture (ca f/1). its image quality, which is poor compared to diffraction-limited performance, decreases relatively little towards the periphery. rough ...19883137724
immunolocalization of 48k in rod photoreceptors. light and atp increase os abundant, light-modified protein of mr approximately equal to 51 kd, homologous to a previously described protein (termed 48k, arrestin, or s-antigen) of bovine retina, was identified and characterized in rod photoreceptors of the toad (bufo marinus). isolated, intact retinas were incubated in darkness, or irradiated under physiological conditions [dark-adapted (da) and light-adapted (la) retinas]. using polyclonal antibodies raised in rabbit against purified toad 48k, and post-embedding immu ...19883138199
plasma steroid concentrations change in response to sexual behavior in bufo marinus.steroid hormone concentrations change in response to social or environmental stimuli in many vertebrates. to test this phenomenon in an amphibian, we examined plasma androgen (a) and corticosterone (b) concentrations in male marine toads (bufo marinus), a tropical species exhibiting intermale competition, amplectic clasping of females, and bouts of breeding behavior following rains. when males clasped females for 0, 1, 2, or 3 hr, plasma a concentrations were significantly and positively correla ...19883139541
effects of activity, hemorrhage, and dehydration on plasma catecholamine levels in the marine toad (bufo marinus).resting plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine levels were 13.1 and 2.1 nmol liter-1 for the marine toad (bufo marinus). plasma catecholamine levels increased during enforced activity by five- to sixfold. marine toads are remarkably tolerant of graded hemorrhagic loss of blood (over 10% mass loss). plasma catecholamine levels did not increase at moderate blood loss, but increased substantially when cardiovascular variables (blood pressure, blood flow) were compromised and peripheral resistance wa ...19883141243
detection of surface movements on single smooth muscle cells: digital video microscopy.the shortening response of isolated single smooth muscle cells from the toad stomach "bufo marinus", was studied using digital video microscopy. a computer program was developed to rapidly on-line digitize and store successive video images of the cell as it shortened. single smooth muscle cells were decorated with tiny anionic exchange resin beads which served as markers for surface motion. through an interactive software routine, the cell's outline and bead images were defined. given this infor ...19883144447
temperature-dependence of rod photoresponses from the aspartate-treated retina of the frog (rana temporaria).the effects of temperature changes on rod photoresponses were studied by recording the aspartate-isolated mass receptor potential in the dark-adapted retina of the frog rana temporaria. the amplitude of saturating responses, indicating the magnitude of the dark current, increased linearly with temperature in the measured range 6-26 degrees c, extrapolating to zero dark current at 0 degrees c. sensitivity was maximal around 18 degrees c but the decrease towards lower temperatures was shallow. the ...19883150643
potassium currents in cut skeletal muscle fibers from toad bufo marinus: activation and decline under maintained depolarizations. 19883152041
[histologic analysis of the tongue of the toad bufo marinus (linné)]. 19883152043
localization of immunoreactive synthetic atrial natriuretic factor (anf) in the heart of various animal species.the localization of two synthetic fragments of the c-terminal portion of atrial natriuretic factor: arg 101-tyr 126 which displays full biological activity and leu 94-arg 109 which is completely devoid of biological activity, has been investigated by immunohisto- and immunocytochemical methods in the heart of mammals (rat, mouse, guinea pig, hamster, rabbit, cat, dog, man) and nonmammalian vertebrates toad (bufo marinus), frog (rana catesbeiana), fish (cyprinus carpio, puntius schwanenfeldi, cic ...19853158698
species specificity of transferrin binding, endocytosis and iron internalization by cultured chick myogenic cells.the ability of unlabelled heterologous transferrin to interact with transferrin receptors on developing chick myogenic cells was investigated by measuring their capacity to inhibit the surface-binding and internalization of 125i- and 59fe-labelled ovotransferrin. transferrins from rat, rabbit, human, and a species of kangaroo (macropus fuliginosus) were unable to inhibit either surface-binding or internalization of labelled ovotransferrin even at concentrations ten times the molar concentration ...19883249019
leptospires in the marine toad (bufo marinus) on barbados.leptospires were isolated from the kidneys of four of 211 toads (bufo marinus) caught on barbados. two of the isolates were identified as leptospira interrogans serovar bim in the autumnalis serogroup (the most common cause of leptospiral illness on barbados), and two as possibly new serovars in the australis serogroup. sera from 198 of the toads were examined by the leptospire microscopic agglutination test. forty-two (21%) were positive at titers of greater than or equal to 1:100, and 54 (27%) ...19883373639
active urea transport by the skin of bufo viridis: amiloride- and phloretin-sensitive transport sites.urea is actively transported inwardly (ji) across the skin of the green toad bufo viridis. ji is markedly enhanced in toads adapted to hypertonic saline. we studied urea transport across the skin of bufo viridis under a variety of experimental conditions, including treatment with amiloride and phloretin, agents that inhibit urea permeability in the bladder of bufo marinus. amiloride (10(-4) m) significantly inhibited ji in both adapted and unadapted animals and was unaffected by removal of sodiu ...19883414802
immunofluorescent detection and localization of thyroxine in blood of adult amphibians.indirect immunofluorescent staining was used to detect and localize thyroxine (t4) in blood smears from different species of adult amphibians, namely, rana pipiens, rana catesbeiana, bufo marinus, xenopus laevis, and notopthalmus viridescens. fluorescence, indicative of t4, was observed in both plasma and erythrocytes (rbc) from all individuals of the five species studied. it was weak and diffuse in the plasma and in the cytoplasm of the rbc but was intense in the nuclei (especially the nuclear ...19863542699
the ventilatory and acid-base physiology of the toad, bufo marinus, during exposure to environmental hyperoxia.bufo marinus which were exposed to a step increase of 330-350 torr o2 for a 20 h period ceased lung ventilations and buccal movements were markedly decreased. toads which were sitting in water did not show elevations in paco2 or a depressed phe but animals which were dehydrated for a 24 h period prior to high o2 exposure developed a mild acidosis, which, typical of most amphibian species, was uncompensated.19853920741
the ecological genetics of introduced populations of the giant toad bufo marinus. ii. effective population size.the allele frequencies are described at ten polymorphic enzyme loci (of a total of 22 loci sampled) in 15 populations of the neotropical giant toad, bufo marinus, introduced to hawaii and australia in the 1930s. the history of establishment of the ten populations is described and used as a framework for the analysis of allele frequency variances. the variances are used to determine the effective sizes of the populations. the estimates obtained (390 and 346) are reasonably precise, homogeneous be ...19853922852
perpetual production of hair cells and maturational changes in hair cell ultrastructure accompany postembryonic growth in an amphibian ear.sensory hair cells are produced in the ears of birds and mammals only during early development, so that a programmed termination of hair cell proliferation leaves adult birds and mammals susceptible to irreversible deafness and balance disorders. this study reports that this is not an inherent feature of hair cells and is not shared through all the vertebrate classes. in toads (bufo marinus) hair cells accumulate throughout life, increasing in the sacculus from approximately 400 cells at metamor ...19853923484
characteristics of proton excretion in normal and acidotic toad urinary bladder.this study, performed on the urinary bladder of bufo marinus, was to investigate the characteristics of h+ excretion in the normal and metabolic acidotic toad. experiments were run in modified ussing chambers in the presence and absence of exogenous co2. amiloride in the mucosal medium (1.5 x 10(-4) m) inhibited h+ excretion in the acidotic bladder but this inhibition was reversed in the presence of 5% co2. na+-free mucosal medium revealed a component of h+ excretion in the normal toad that is n ...19853924101
anticomplementary fraction from the poisonous secretion of the paratoid gland of the toad (bufo marinus paracnemis lutz).fractionation of the poisonous secretion of the toad bufo marinus paracnemis lutz, by dialysis and chromatography on qae-sephadex, led to the isolation of a fraction which was adsorbed to the ion exchanger. this fraction, when incubated with human serum, yielded an anticomplementary effect that was evaluated by measuring the kinetics of lytic activity on sensitized sheep red cells (classical pathway) and unsensitized rabbit cells (alternative pathway).19853924651
visibility of photoreceptors in the intact living cane toad eye.photoreceptors are invisible under the usual conditions of viewing the fundus; light reflected from other structures obscures them. individual photoreceptors are shown to be visible in the intact living eye of the cane toad when viewed with intense oblique illumination from one side. the photoreceptors act like optical waveguides in channelling light from the sclera to the observer. if the retinal mosaic were so fine as to oversample the image, the optical system would not be able to resolve a s ...20113927588
calcium exchange in isolated cutaneous epithelium of toad bufo marinus.the ca content of isolated cutaneous epithelium of toads (bufo marinus) was 5 mmol/kg wet wt (compared with approximately 300 mmol/kg wet wt for intact skin), of which approximately 1.7 mm is not readily exchangeable with external 45ca. after incubation in a solution containing 45ca, loss of the accumulated isotope in an isotope-free medium is almost complete in 2 h. this efflux or washout is reduced by the presence of external ca- and na-free media and by la. loss of ca from the epithelium may ...19853927750
conjugated catecholamines and pressor responses to angiotensin, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone and prazosin in conscious toads.synthetic angiotensin ii (ang ii), mammalian luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (lhrh) and salmon lhrh (slhrh) were injected intravenously into conscious, adult toads (bufo marinus) to elucidate the cardiovascular actions of the hormones. the maximal increases in pulse pressure elicited by the three peptides did not differ from each other but only ang ii increased cardiac frequency. the maximal increases in mean arterial blood pressure (map) caused by lhrh and slhrh were identical, while ang ...19853928012
isomers of long-chain alkane derivatives and nervous impulse blockage.the potency to block nervous impulse of members of normal aliphatic homologous series of primary and secondary isomers of functional derivatives of alkanes was tested in bundles of a few axons from sciatic nerves of the toad bufo marinus. for the primary substituted functional derivates of pentane, the relative potency series was i greater than h approximately equal to br greater than cl greater than cooch3 greater than f greater than ch2oh greater than coch3 greater than oh approximately equal ...19853928894
gastric emptying and intestinal transit in bufo marinus and the actions of e prostaglandins.gastric emptying and intestinal transit have been studied in the anuran bufo marinus using tc99-labelled chicken liver as the test meal. gastric emptying was measured as the proportion of the test meal remaining in the stomach after 3 or 6 h. intestinal transit was calculated by the geometric centre method at the same time intervals. there was a high degree of variability in these parameters between individual animals, in both control and treated groups. both sc29333 (searle), a synthetic e pros ...19853929758
calcium content and calcium exchange in dark-adapted toad rods.we have used laser-activated micro mass analysis (l.a.m.m.a.) and energy-dispersive x-ray analysis (e.d.x.) to measure ca content and ca movements in 'red' rod photoreceptors in the dark-adapted retina of the toad, bufo marinus. measurements with both l.a.m.m.a. and e.d.x. show that intact rod outer segments contain 4-5 mmol total ca/l wet tissue volume, or 1-2 ca per rhodopsin. we could detect no significant variation in the total ca as a function of distance across or up and down the outer seg ...19853935778
partitioning of regulatory sites in bufo marinus during hypercapnia.ureters were cannulated in specimens of bufo marinus (l.) in order to partition the regulatory contributions of the kidney and skin. the in vivo roles of the kidney, skin and internal calcareous deposits in the response of these animals to chronic hypercapnia were then evaluated. there was no compensatory adjustment by the skin and only a minimal regulatory response by the kidney. major adjustments which have been attributed to combined skin and urinary tract in previous studies must therefore c ...19853937885
modification of vagal action on the toad heart by changes in flow.hearts of toads (bufo marinus) were perfused in situ with oxygenated ringer's solution. the flow of the perfusate was varied during periods of vagal stimulation and in the absence of vagal stimulation. pulse interval and cardiac contraction were monitored, and results only from those animals that showed no change in pulse interval with changes in flow in the absence of vagal stimulation were used. in these animals, during vagal stimulation, cardiac slowing was greater when flow was low than when ...19853939236
the effects of erythrocythemia on blood viscosity, maximal systemic oxygen transport capacity and maximal rates of oxygen consumption in an amphibian.graded erythrocythemia was induced by isovolemic loading of packed red blood cells in the toad, bufo marinus. blood viscosity, hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, maximal aortic blood flow rate and maximal rates of oxygen consumption were determined after each load. blood viscosity was related to hematocrit in the expected exponential manner; ln eta = 0.43 + 0.035 hct. maximal blood flow rates in the dorsal aorta were inversely proportional to blood viscosity and fit predictions of the poiseui ...19853939237
histochemistry of the aldosterone-stimulated urinary bladder of the toad, bufo marinus. 20144097734
temperature dependence of catecholamine depletion by reserpine in the heart of the toad (bufo marinus).1. the catecholamines in toad ventricle were adrenaline (90%) and noradrenaline (10%); there was no dopamine.2. phenoxybenzamine and tyramine stimulated the isolated heart and reduced the catecholamine content.3. reserpine treatment of toads kept at 20 degrees c did not affect the adrenaline but reduced the noradrenaline content of the ventricle.4. at 37 degrees c, reserpine caused depletion of both adrenaline and noradrenaline, and the stimulant actions of phenoxybenzamine and tyramine were los ...19714104653
some characteristics of the response of the ventral skin of the toad, "bufo marinus", to aldosterone "in vitro". 20144110218
the spatio-temporal course of wallerian degeneration within the cns of toads (bufo marinus) as defined by the nauta silver method. 20144116202
[active transport and passive permeability at the level of the cornea in the toad, bufo marinus l]. 19654160976
muliaxonal autonomic junctions in intestinal smooth muscle of the toad (bufo marinus). 19664163793
a histochemical study of the esterases in the bladder of the toad (bufo marinus). 19674166481
[aldosterone stimulation of rapidly labelled rna in toad "bufo marinus" bladder]. 19674173520
[effect of aldosterone on uridine incorporation in acid-soluble and ribonucleic fractions of bufo marinus bladder]. 19694184344
cellular and humoral aspects of the primary immune response of the toad, bufo marinus. 19704190419
the toad's (bufo marinus) lens and urinary bladder as mural membranes: a comparison. 19734197328
graded contractions in muscle strips and single cells from bufo marinus stomach. 19734197467
analysis of lactic dehydrogenase in the lethal toad hybrid bufo americanus female times bufo marinus male. 19734197538
[hemograft rejection in the toad bufo marinus (author's transl)]. 19724204736
ionic mechanism for the photoreceptor potential of the retina of bufo marinus.1. membrane potentials were recorded from single rods in the isolated retina of bufo marinus while the ionic composition of the extracellular medium was rapidly changed. substitution of 2 mm aspartate(-) for cl(-) produced a prompt depolarization of horizontal cells, but no modification of either resting potential or response to light in receptor cells. this implies that feed-back from horizontal cells to receptor cells was not active.2. during substitution of choline(+) or li(+) for na(+), and ...19744207130
the influence of anaesthetics on the increase in the water permeability of the toad bladder induced by vasopressin.1 single lobes of the bladder of bufo marinus were isolated and filled with, and suspended in, oxygenated ringer solution. the fluid in contact with the outside (serosa) of the lobes had a total osmolarity of 225 m-osmol/litre, and that bathing the inside (mucosa) of 45 m-osmol/litre.2 osmotic water flow from mucosa to serosa was measured by weighing the lobes every 30 minutes. it was negligible unless vasopressin was added to the serosal bath. standard concentrations of either 1.25 or 6.25 mu/m ...19744207291
aldosterone-induced protein in toad urinary bladder.simultaneous electrophysiological and biochemical experiments demonstrated a specific aldosterone-induced protein in paired urinary hemibladders isolated from the toad bufo marinus. whenever aldosterone stinlmulated short-circuit current, aldosterone specifically increased [(35)s] methionine incorporation into a low-molecular-weight protein (about 12,000). comparative studies with dexamethasone and insulin and inhibitory studies with spironolactone and actinomycin d suggest mineralocorticoid spe ...19744212918
time course of isotonic contraction in single cells and muscle strips from bufo marinus stomach. 20144215325
sulfate reabsorption by the urinary bladder of bufo marinus. 20144218663
[monolayers of kidney cells from bufo marinus and study of its behaviour in vitro (author's transl)]. 19744219252
translation of rabbit haemoglobin mrna in oocytes of the queensland cane toad, bufo marinus. 19744219274
[comparative activity of the antidiuretic hormone in bufo marinus l. and bufo alvarius girard]. 19664223965
adenosine triphosphatase localization in amphibian epidermis.the localization of atpase(1) activity has been studied by light and electron microscopy in the epidermis of rana pipiens, rana catesbiana, and bufo marinus. the reaction was carried out on skin (glutaraldehyde-fixed or fresh) sectioned with or without freezing. best results were obtained with nonfrozen sections of fixed tissue. the incubation mixture was either a wachstein-meisel medium, or a modification which approximates assay systems used in biochemical studies of transport atpases. the rea ...19664226195
muscle spindle response to active muscle shortening in bufo marinus. 19714252497
a comparison of the toxicity of ouabain in vivo and in vitro in the frog, rana pipiens, and the toad, bufo marinus. 19714269642
the effect of aldosterone on the accumulation of adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate in toad bladder epithelial cells in response to vasopressin and theophylline.vasopressin and theophylline both increase the content of adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (camp) in epithelial cells of the urinary bladder of toads (bufo marinus). incubation of the tissue with 0.2 mum aldosterone markedly increases this response to the two agents; incubation for a similar time without steroid reduces the response. the permeability responses (sodium transport and water flow) of the intact tissue to vasopressin, theophylline, and exogenous camp are also considerably greater ...20154337239
increased concentrations of cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate without a physiological response after antidiuretic hormone.treatment of the serosal surface of the isolated bladders of toads (bufo marinus) with phospholipase c inhibited the hydro-osmotic response to adh, but did not prevent the rise in cyclic amp concentrations associated with hormone action.19714339888
spontaneous occurrence and experimental transmission of the fungus, fonsecaea pedrosoi, in the marine toad, bufo marinus. 19734347757
effect of phospholipase c on calcium release from epithelia treated with antidiuretic hormone.1. addition of antidiuretic hormone (adh) to the bladders of toads (bufo marinus) preloaded with (45)ca causes an increase in the rate of calcium efflux.2. pretreatment of the serosal surfaces of bladders with phospholipase c prevents the action of adh on calcium efflux.19734353242
cyclic amp and sodium transport. quantitative and temporal relationships in toad urinary bladder.the effects of oxytocin upon tissue camp content and short-circuit current (scc) were measured in the urinary bladder of the toad, bufo marinus. tissue camp levels doubled before any increment in scc was observed, the two hormone responses were quantitatively related, and a threshold level for an effect of camp upon sodium transport was demonstrated. the period of time over which camp levels continued to rise after the threshold level had been attained seemed invariant with hormone concentration ...19734353777
some aspects of the inhibition of the action of antidiuretic hormone by lithium ions in the rat kidney and bladder of the toad bufo marinus.1. the effect of intravenous infusions of various ions on the antidiuretic action of antidiuretic hormone has been studied in rats.2. lithium (13 mmol/l.) reversibly inhibits the antidiuretic responses. similar concentrations of potassium, rubidium, strontium, magnesium, choline and calcium do not. lithium has a similar effect on the antidiuretic activity of oxytocin.3. the inhibition is not simply related to blood nor whole body lithium concentrations.4. lithium (2 mmol/l.) in contact with the ...19724358411
sympathetic cardiac stimulation in bufo marinus under ms-222 anesthesia. 19744359514
the anatomy of the parotoid gland in bufonidae with some histochemical findings. i. bufo marinus. 19744359549
calcium release in relation to permeability changes in toad bladder epithelium following antidiuretic hormone.1. methods for measuring the release of (45)ca from isolated urinary bladders of toads (bufo marinus) pre-loaded with this isotope have been devised. one method allowed separate collection from the mucosal and serosal surfaces of the bladders.2. reducing the ambient calcium concentration reduced the rate of (45)ca efflux suggesting that efflux of radiolabel represents calcium exchange.3. antidiuretic hormone, theophylline and prostaglandin e(1) all increased calcium efflux, while lanthanum and a ...19744374522
innervation of the lungs of the toad (bufo marinus). i. physiology and pharmacology. 20154383227
mediators of increased vascular permeability in turpentine-induced inflammation in the toad (bufo marinus). 19684386997
comparative immunology: the hemolytic complement system of the anuran amphibian, bufo marinus. 19714396820
melanophore stimulating hormone: release inhibition by ring structures of neurohypophysial hormones.tocinamide and tocinoic acid, ring structures of oxytocin, are potent inhibitors of the release of melanophore stimulating hormone from the rat and hamster pituitary in vitro. tocinamide is effective at concentrations as low as 10-(14)m on the mammalian pituitary. these peptides do not affect release of the hormone on the frog (rana pipiens) pars intermedia, but they do inhibit release in the bullfrog (rana catesbeiana) and the toad (bufo marinus). the specificity of the peptides on inhibition o ...19724624585
purification and characterization of two classes of immunoglobulins from the marine toad, bufo marinus. 19724625312
thermal regulation of the immune response in south american toads (bufo marinus). 20154631060
[in vitro culture of amphibia anura blood (bufo marinus). study of the behaviour of different types of cells. comparison of these cells with those in the circulating blood]. 19724632846
localization of physiological receptor sites for aldosteone in the bladder of the toad, bufo marinus. 19684869626
the histophysiology of antibody-forming sites in the marine toad. 19684884262
tolerance to a protein antigen in a poikilotherm, the marine toad bufo marinus. 19714930986
microbodies (peroxisomes) in the toad, bufo marinus. a cytochemical study. 19704989401
effects of some metabolic inhibitors on the electrical potential difference and short-circuit current across the lens of the toad bufo marinus. 19714999350
prolactin, calcitonin, and blood calcium in the toads bufo boreas and bufo marinus. 19715001863
contraction of single smooth muscle cells from bufo marinus stomach. 19715002762
the effect of metal ions and antidiuretic hormone on oxygen consumption in toad bladder.1. the sodium-dependent oxygen consumption of pieces of toad bladder (bufo marinus) has been investigated using an oxygen electrode.2. the effect of polyvalent cations (ca(2+), sr(2+), mg(2+), eu(3+), la(3+) and mn(2+)) on sodium-dependent oxygen consumption has been measured. all cations inhibited oxygen consumption, the order of effectiveness being ca(2+) > sr(2+) > mg(2+) > mn(2+) > eu(3+) > la(3+).3. treatment of bladder pieces with antidiuretic hormone (50 m-u./ml.) decreased the effectiven ...19715003482
autonomic innervation of the lung musculature of a toad (bufo marinus). 19715005759
autonomic innervation of the pulmonary vascular bed in a toad (bufo marinus). 19715005760
phylogeny of immunocompetent cells. i. in vitro blastogenesis and mitosis of toad (bufo marinus) splenic lymphocytes in response to phytohemagglutinin and in mixed lymphocyte cultures. 19725023165
enzymatic inactivation of peptide hormones possessing a c-terminal amide group.a partially purified enzyme extracted from the bladder of the toad, bufo marinus l., was found to cleave the glycine amide moiety from oxytocin, 8-lysine-vasopressin, 8-arginine-vasopressin, and other hormone analogs terminating in a primary carboxamide group; however, this enzyme does not attack hormone analogs terminating with a methylamide, dimethylamide, or carboxyl group. preliminary experiments indicate that a functionally similar enzyme is also present in the mammalian kidney, the major t ...19695260945
neurohypophyseal hormone-sensitive adenyl cyclase of toad urinary adenyl cyclase preparation derived from epithelial cells of the urinary bladder of the toad, bufo marinus, is described. this cyclase preparation is specifically stimulated by neurohypophyseal hormones and various synthetic analogs which evoke a hydroosmotic response in the intact bladder. the relative stimulatory effects of these compounds have been compared on the cyclase preparation and in the intact bladder. the peptide concentrations required for half-maximal stimulation (affinity) in th ...19705272332
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 1352