
PMID(sorted ascending)
evaluation of a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for giardia lamblia antigen in stool.the lack of a quick, simple, and inexpensive diagnostic test has limited the ability of public health officials to rapidly assess and control outbreaks of giardia lamblia in child day-care centers. we evaluated the performance of a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for the detection of a g. lamblia-associated antigen in stool. stool specimens were collected from the diapers of 426 children attending 20 day-care centers, fixed in 10% formalin and polyvinyl alcohol, ...19911864930
a simple method for cloning giardia duodenalis from cultures and fecal samples.using a novel method for cloning giardia duodenalis from cultures and fecal samples, 47 clones from 7 isolates were established in vitro. average colony-forming efficiency in established cultures was 43.2% compared to 11.2% when cloning directly from excystation. the highest success rate of cloning was found with the portland (p1, atcc no. 30888) isolate, with a colony-forming efficiency of 92.7%. cloned and parent populations were compared over a range of 13 enzymes using starch gel electrophor ...19911865272
impaired intestinal function in symptomatic hiv infection.a longitudinal (10-22 month) evaluation of intestinal symptoms and function was performed in five children with symptomatic human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. all received cotrimoxazole, ketoconazole, and immunoglobulins. a search for enteric pathogens and intestinal function tests were repeatedly performed in all patients. mild episodes of diarrhea were observed in two children. one had cow's milk protein intolerance. giardia lamblia was found in an asymptomatic carrier. evidence for ...19911865278
in vivo efficacy of albendazole against giardia duodenalis in mice.the antigiardial effects of albendazole were demonstrated in vivo using experimental infections of giardia duodenalis in mice. these results complement previous in vivo studies in which albendazole was shown to have more potent antigiardial action than the currently applied antigiardial drugs. in mice, 2-4 doses (greater than 100 mg/kg twice daily) were required for complete inhibition of cyst excretion and full elimination of trophozoites from the small intestine. the high doses necessary in mi ...19911866421
herpes zoster and controlateral hemiplegia in an african patient infected with of the neurologic complications of human immunodeficiency virus infection are cerebrovascular accidents. in hiv infected patients, ischemic strokes have been reported secondary to nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis and cerebral arteritis. we describe an unusual cause of stroke in hiv-1 infection: herpes zoster ophtalmicus with contralateral hemiplegia.19911867123
on the clinical importance of dientamoeba fragilis infections in childhood.clinical and laboratory findings among 123 paediatric patients infected by intestinal protozoa were analysed. dientamoeba fragilis (d. f) was found in 102 cases. the other patients proved to be carriers of giardia lamblia or of mixed infections with several protozoa. acute and recurrent diarrhoea have been found to be the most common symptoms, whereas abdominal pain was most common in children with chronic infections. peripheral blood eosinophilia was seen in a third of the children with dientam ...19911880405
[intestinal parasites in primary schools of different socioeconomic status and environmental conditions].two hundred ninety-four stool sample obtained from primary schools of different social status and environmental conditions were examined for intestinal parasite. the age range was between seven and 13 years, 43% of the patients were females and 57% of the patients were males. in our study it has been observed that the parasite incidence was 29.3%. the predominant parasite was giardia intestinalis (15.7%). enterobius vermicularis (10.5%) and ascaris lumbricoides (2.3%) have been followed respecti ...19911881360
molecular probe for identification of trichomonas vaginalis dna.trichomoniasis is one of the most widespread sexually transmitted diseases in the world. diagnosis can be achieved by several methods, such as direct microscopic observation of vaginal discharge, cell culture, and immunological techniques. a 2.3-kb trichomonas vaginalis dna fragment present in strains from diverse geographic areas was cloned and used as a probe to detect t. vaginalis dna in vaginal discharge by a dot blot hybridization technique. this probe was specific for t. vaginalis dna. it ...19911890171
in vitro model of attachment of giardia intestinalis trophozoites to iec-6 cells, an intestinal cell line.attachment of giardias to intestinal cells has been difficult to study because of a lack of a convenient in vitro model. we developed an assay for attachment of radiolabeled trophozoites to iec-6 cells that can be done in microtiter trays. attachment was confirmed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. trophozoites remained attached to the iec-6 cells for 24 h with little evidence of damage to the iec-6 cells. preincubation of trophozoites with cytochalasins a, b, and d reduced attach ...19911901700
enzyme immunoassay for detection of immunoglobulin m antibodies to giardia lamblia. 19911915396
intestinal parasites: a study of human appendices.histological sections of 414 appendices were examined parasitologically. enterobius vermicularis was found in 8.7%, eggs of ascaris lumbricoides in 0.5%, trophozites of dientamoeba fragilis in 4.8%, endolimax nana in 2.2%, entamoeba coli in 1% and cysts of giardia intestinalis in 1.9% of cases. appendicopathies associated with enterobius were most frequent in the age group from 6 to 10 years (24.3%) and from 21 to 25 years (12.2%). patients older than 15 years were practically women only. dienta ...19911916531
human milk containing specific secretory iga inhibits binding of giardia lamblia to nylon and glass surfaces.the effects of human milk, containing specific secretory iga, on the adherence of giardia lamblia trophozoites in the presence and in the absence of intestinal mucus in vitro were studied. it was found that the trophozoites treated with breast milk, containing specific secretory iga to g. lamblia, showed a significant decrease (p less than 0.01) in adherence to nylon fibre columns and glass surfaces than did trophozoites treated with milk containing no siga antibodies. the adherence to glass sur ...19911918831
role of calcium and calmodulin in giardia lamblia-induced diarrhoea in mice.the unidirectional fluxes of na+, cl- and ca2+ across the small intestinal epithelium of normal and giardia lamblia-infected mice were studied in vitro in short-circuited tissue. net secretion of na+ and cl- was observed in infected animals, whereas in non-infected (control) animals there was net absorption of na+ ions and marginal secretion of cl- ions. in infected animals, net absorption of ca2+ was observed as compared to little secretion observed in control animals. although the presence of ...19911918833
cloning and restriction enzyme mapping of ribosomal dna of giardia duodenalis, giardia ardeae and giardia an attempt to study giardia at the dna sequence level, the rrna genes of three species, giardia duodenalis, giardia ardeae and giardia muris were cloned and restriction enzyme maps were constructed. the rdna repeats of these giardia show completely different restriction enzyme recognition patterns. the size of the rdna repeat ranges from approximately 5.6 kb in g. duodenalis to 7.6 kb in both g. muris and g. ardeae. these size differences are mainly attributable to the variation in length of ...19911922199
incidence of intestinal parasitic disease in an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome day-care june, 1986, the bronx municipal hospital center opened an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome day-care center to provide a quality educational experience for children infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. a major concern was the possibility of increasing secondary infections among these immunocompromised children by placing them in a group environment. one particular worry was intestinal parasitic disease, a serious public health problem in day-care centers throughout the united stat ...19911923677
[combined oral and endoscopic mepacrine therapy in therapy-resistant symptomatic giardiasis].a case of extremely refractory infection with giardia lamblia is described. a 28-year-old male patient with a 7-year history of mushy diarrhea and epigastric pain was repeatedly treated orally and intravenously, without success, with metronidazole, tinidazole, ornidazole, and mepacrine. the rate of success for these drugs is generally more than 90%. only therapy with mepacrine orally in combination with intraduodenal administration, was successful. therapeutic failure of 5-nitroimidazole derivat ...19911925468
structure-activity relationships of pentamidine analogs against giardia lamblia and correlation of antigiardial activity with dna-binding affinity.1,5-di(4-amidinophenoxy)pentane (pentamidine) and 38 analogs of pentamidine were screened for in vitro activity against the enteric protozoan giardia lamblia wb (atcc 30957). all compounds were active against g. lamblia as measured by a [methyl-3h]thymidine incorporation assay. antigiardial activity varied widely, with 50% inhibitory concentrations (ic50s) ranging from 0.51 +/- 0.13 microm (mean +/- standard deviation) for the most active compound to over 100.0 microm for the least active compou ...19911929249
variant surface antigens of giardia lamblia are associated with the presence of a thick cell coat: thin section and label fracture immunocytochemistry survey.giardia lamblia undergoes surface antigenic variation. the ultrastructural location of antigens on four different variants was studied by label fracture and immunocytochemistry with four monoclonal antibodies (mabs), each of which recognized the predominant variant in a particular clone. each giardia clone and its reacting mab showed similar findings. the entire surface of the organism was covered by a surface coat which contained the variant surface protein. the surface coat was densely and uni ...19911937758
the effect of giardia lamblia trophozoites on lipolysis in vitro.infection with giardia lamblia often causes only minor mucosal changes to the small intestine yet frank fat malabsorption may still occur. some evidence suggests abnormal pancreatic exocrine function in subjects with giardiasis although the mechanism and significance of this is unclear. studies were conducted in vitro to determine the effect of g. lamblia trophozoites or culture filtrates from the organism on lipolysis of triglyceride by porcine pancreatic lipase. live trophozoites significantly ...19911945523
albendazole and infections with trichuris trichiura and giardia hundred and twenty-eight children aged 4 to 11 years old in dhaka, bangladesh were treated for infections with trichuris trichiura and other intestinal parasites using a single dose of 400 mg of albendazole. only one trichuris infection was apparently cured although egg counts fell by about 50%. a larger single dosage is recommended to treat trichuris. eleven out of 46 infections with giardia intestinalis were not detected after treatment (p less than 0.001).19911948266
inhibition of adherence of giardia intestinalis by human neutrophils and monocytes.human neutrophils and monocytes were found to be capable of interfering with the in vitro adherence of giardia intestinalis. significantly greater inhibition of adherence was shown by stimulated phagocytic cells than by unstimulated cells. both azurophil and specific granules extracted from the cytoplasm of neutrophils were equally potent in their adherence inhibitory activity. dose-dependent effects on adherence were observed with granular enzymes and reactive oxygen species. lower concentratio ...19911949142
giardiasis--a simple diagnosis that is often a retrospective study performed on 125 patients with histologically diagnosed giardiasis, it is shown that this disease can lead to a variegated picture involving numerous gastroenterological symptoms. the main symptoms noted were epigastralgia (41%), diarrhoea (32%), nausea and vomiting (23%), and loss of weight (20%). the material for histological diagnosis was obtained in hospitals in 49% of the cases, in the doctor's office in 32%, and in two gastroenterological rehabilitation centres in ...19911950049
pathogenicity and antigenic components of excysted giardia lamblia isolated from patients in riyadh, saudi arabia.giardia lamblia cysts were isolated from patients in riyadh, saudi arabia. cysts and trophozoites (from axenically excysted cysts) were given orally by gavage to mice to establish the pathogenicity of the riyadh isolate. there was no effect of varying the dose of administered parasite on parasite excretion or morbidity. a typical pathologic pattern of giardiasis was demonstrated by histologic methods and electron microscopy. antigenic components of the riyadh isolate were compared with the portl ...19911951852
intestinal parasitic infestation in pediatric gastroenterology outpatient clinic dr. pirngadi hospital medan.a retrospective study had been done at the outpatient clinic sub division of pediatric gastroenterology, dr. pirngcdi hospital medan, comprising patients from 1 january 1985-31 december 1987. there were 874 patients. three hundred seventy eight (43.25%) patients consisting of 210 (55.56%) males and 168 (44.44%) females had intestinal parasitic infestations. the youngest patient was 5 months and the oldest was 14 years and 3 months. ascaris lumbricoides was found in 215 patients (24.60%) while tr ...19911956691
factors associated with the detection of entamoeba histolytica in homosexual a study of bowel parasites in 128 australian homosexual men attending a sexually transmitted diseases (std) clinic, entamoeba histolytica was detected in 37%, giardia intestinalis in 3% and at least one protozoan in 81% of the group. there was no evidence of pathogenicity of e. histolytica, nor was there any association between the detection of e. histolytica and sexual practices, gastrointestinal symptoms, proctitis, human immunodeficiency virus antibody result or t-cell subset values. howev ...19911958719
the course of giardiavirus infection in the giardia lamblia trophozoites.the subcellular distribution of giardia lamblia virus rna in infected g. lamblia trophozoites was examined by in situ hybridization using biotinylated dna probe and riboprobe. in g. lamblia portland i strain, which is chronically infected by g. lamblia viruses, the viral rna was detected in the cytoplasm as well as in the twin nuclei. when riboprobe was used to examine the course of virus infection in wb strain, accumulation of viral rna was detected only in the cytoplasm prior to the first 72 h ...19911959569
total genomic dna probe to detect giardia lamblia. 19901973812
giardiasis and amoebiasis infections in three saudi closed communities.two hundred and eighteen residents (131 healthy and 87 mentally or physically retarded) of a children's nursery, a foster house and a rehabilitation centre for the handicapped in abha, southwestern saudi arabia, were examined for intestinal parasitism. about 30% of the population of the three communities were found to harbour asymptomatic infections with either giardia lamblia and/or entamoeba spp. giardia cysts were identified in 19.3% of those examined. entamoeba histolytica was found in 18.4% ...19911995937
isoenzyme profiles of four strains of giardia lamblia and their infectivity to jirds.the infectivity to jirds (meriones unguiculatus) and the cyst excretion pattern of a recently isolated strain of giardia lamblia from egypt, strain cdc:1088:1 (egy), were compared to those of three well-established strains. all five jirds inoculated orally with strain uno:0487:1 (uno) became infected and began excreting cysts 3-6 days post-infection (dpi); no cysts were detected between 8-12 dpi after which time cysts were produced through day 19. four of the five jirds infected with strain atcc ...19911996742
cryptosporidium infection in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: not always a poor prognosis.chronic diarrhea and malabsorption accompanied by simultaneous infection with the protozoa giardia lamblia and cryptosporidium occurred in a 22-year-old homosexual man with antibody to human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). small bowel biopsy demonstrated total villous atrophy and marked mononuclear infiltration in the lamina propria simulating celiac disease. treatment with metronidazole resulted in resolution of diarrhea, clearance of parasites, and marked improvement in small bowel histology. al ...19912007756
sexually transmitted parasitic diseases.sexual activity is the primary method of transmission for several important parasitic diseases and has resulted in a significant prevalence of enteric parasitic infection among male homosexuals. the majority of parasitic sexually transmitted diseases involve protozoan pathogens; however, nematode and arthropod illnesses are also included in this group. trichomoniasis, caused by trichomonas vaginalis, is the most common parasitic std. infection with this organism typically results in the signs an ...19912011632
an immunoenzymatic dot-elisa for the detection of giardia lamblia antigen in stool eluates of clinical cases of giardiasis.a dot-elisa technique for the detection of g. lamblia specific antigen in stool eluates of clinical cases of giardiasis was developed and evaluated employing monospecific antibodies to a g. lamblia specific coproantigen with a molecular mass of 66 kda. the assay detected 22 (91.7%) of the 24 microscopically confirmed cases of giardiasis while none of the stool eluates from 20 patients with gastrointestinal parasites other than g. lamblia and 20 apparently healthy subjects had any detectable leve ...19912013700
characterization of surface associated antigens of axenic giardia lamblia trophozoites & their recognition by human sera.two surface associated antigens (glsa-82 and glsa-56) of axenically grown g. lamblia trophozoites (pi strain) were affinity purified from its sonic extract. both glsa-82 and glsa-56 were heat labile, sensitive to treatment with pronase, trypsin and were also sodium metaperiodate modifiable as assessed by micro elisa. lectin binding studies revealed that glsa-82 specifically bound concanavalin a and pokeweed mitogen, and had alpha-methyl mannoside and n-acetyl-b-d-glucosamine sugar moieties. howe ...19912022401
epidemiological study of parasitic infestations in lower socio-economic group in chandigarh (north india).when stool samples from 970 subjects belonging to lower socio-economic groups were examined for parasites, a total of 121 subjects (12.5%) i.e., 57 (12.1%) males and 64 (12.9%) females showed positive results. the overall prevalence of parasitic infestation did not correlate with sex, caste or religion and living conditions. however, the prevalence was higher in hospital employees residing in well sanitated area. giardia lamblia (69.5%), entamoeba, histolytica (15.7%), hymenolepis nana (12.4%), ...19912022402
clinical report of blastocystis hominis infection in children.during a 9-month hospital-based survey, the intestinal parasite blastocystis hominis was detected in high numbers (five or more organisms per oil immersion field) in faecal specimens from 39 (2%) of 1960 children under 13 years old. abdominal pain or discomfort with or without diarrhoea was present in 32 children categorized as acute (14), subacute (7) or chronic (11) cases with respective mean ages of 6.4, 7.3 and 8.7 years. they included three with other enteropathogens (giardia lamblia, crypt ...19912023289
giardia lamblia: regulation of secretory vesicle formation and loss of ability to reattach during encystation in vitro.encystation of giardia lamblia is required for survival outside the host, as well as for initiation of new infections. previously, we induced cultured g. lamblia trophozoites to encyst in vitro for the first time. during encystation, we observed the appearance of a new class of large secretory vesicle (encystation-specific vesicle; esv) within which cyst antigens are concentrated and transported to the nascent wall. the present kinetic and physiologic studies now show that esv are the earliest m ...19912026212
growth, activities of enzymes in the small intestine, and ultrastructure of microvillous border in gerbils infected with giardia duodenalis.the aim of this study was to assess and correlate changes in weight gain, food intake, small intestinal disaccharidase activities and microvillous border surface area over the course of a primary giardia duodenalis infection in weanling mongolian gerbils (meriones unguiculatus). weight gain in infected animals was significantly impaired between days 8 and 20 postinoculation when compared to age- and weight-matched controls. no difference in food intake was observed between groups. trophozoite po ...19912027878
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for copro-diagnosis of giardiasis and characterisation of a specific giardia lamblia antigen in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) has been evaluated for copro-diagnosis of giardiasis with anti-trophozoite antibody to capture specific giardia lamblia stool antigen (glsa), which was then detected by specific antibody conjugated with horseradish peroxidase. glsa was demonstrated in stool eluates from all the 24 confirmed cases of giardiasis. none of the stool eluates from apparently healthy subjects or from patients carrying intestinal parasites other than g. lamblia had glsa. of t ...19912030502
giardia lamblia: haploid genome size determined by pulsed field gel electrophoresis is less than 12 mb.previous estimates of the size of the giardia lamblia genome have ranged from 30 to 80 million base pairs (mb), based on dna renaturation kinetics. this is much larger than the sum of the sizes of the 4 to 5 chromosomal dnas seen in typical pulsed field gel electrophoretic analyses. one possible explanation is that each visible chromosomal dna consists of several unresolved dna species. to examine this we have performed quantitative densitometry of ethidium stained chromosomal dnas and notl geno ...19912030969
infectious diarrhea.this review singles out several bacterial and parasitic causes of infectious diarrhea about which there have been interesting recent developments in pathogenesis, diagnosis, or treatment. diarrheagenic mechanisms and infections by escherichia coli, salmonella, giardia lamblia, entamoeba histolytica, cryptosporidia, and isopora are discussed.19912035985
detection of giardia lamblia antigen in children living in a peruvian periurban shantytown (pueblo joven).stool microscopy and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for giardia lamblia antigen detection were compared for detecting g. lamblia in 30 peruvian infants. of 1,131 fecal specimens, g. lamblia was detected by elisa alone in 44, by microscopy alone in 17, and by both methods in 91. in another group of 17 children negative for g. lamblia by stool microscopy, 6 had g. lamblia detected by elisa or duodenal aspiration: 2 only by elisa, 1 only by duodenal aspirate examination, and 3 by both ...19912037685
telomeric location of giardia rdna genes.giardia lamblia telomeres have been isolated from a library enriched for repaired chromosome ends by (i) screening with a plasmodium falciparum telomere and (ii) differential hybridization with bal 31-digested and total g. lamblia dna. analysis of three clones isolated by this strategy has identified multiple tandem repeats of the 5-mer taggg. an oligonucleotide containing these repeats recognizes bal 31-sensitive bands in southern hybridizations and detects all g. lamblia chromosomes in pulsed- ...19912038335
intestinal parasites in a rural community in kenya: cross-sectional surveys with emphasis on prevalence, incidence, duration of infection, and polyparasitism.a cross-sectional survey of intestinal parasitic infection in a rural community, nderu, in kiambu district, kenya, was carried out in 1985 by examining 1129 individuals from 203 households (about 25% of the total population). this was followed by 3 more cross-sectional surveys, in january, may and october 1986, of 56 families comprising 461 individuals, who had also participated in the first survey. in the first survey, 81.4% of the sample was positive for at least one intestinal parasite and 78 ...19912040230
mass treatment of intestinal parasites among ethiopian immigrants.intestinal parasites are common among the ethiopian immigrants to israel and mass treatment is necessary to prevent local transmission. for this purpose, stool samples obtained from the immigrants in absorption centers were examined. of 5,412 samples obtained, 4,399 (81.3%) were positive: 2,644 (54.2%) for necator americanus, 2,273 (46.6%) for schistosoma mansoni, 990 (20.3%) for ascaris lumbricoides, 1,040 (21.3%) for hymenolepsis nana, 940 (19.2%) for trichuris trichiura, 219 (4.5%) for strong ...19912050509
glucose metabolism in giardia intestinalis.the effect of glucose and other monosaccharides on giardia intestinalis was investigated by growing g. intestinalis trophozoites in diamond's tyi-s-33 medium modified by changes in the monosaccharide component, and observing changes in the trophozoite growth and product formation (alanine, ethanol and acetate). reducing the glucose concentration from 50 mm to 10 mm had little effect on trophozoite growth and product formation. below 10 mm glucose, ethanol production was markedly reduced, there w ...19912052039
[clinical aspects of hymenolepiasis in pediatrics].the present integral clinical and laboratory study was carried out in 325 children infected with hymenolepis nana. results showed that h. nana is found among the top five intestinal parasitosis in school children in mexico city, in the majority of the cases associated with protozoans and other helminths, especially and with giardia lamblia. although the amount of parasites found is small, the clinical manifestations vary very little with larger amounts. the most important and more constant clini ...19912054081
[etiology of bloody diarrhea in children from a rural community].the etiology of bloody diarrhea was investigated in a cohort of 75 children followed longitudinally from birth during the first two years of life in a rural village of central mexico. of a total of 636 episodes of diarrhea, 71 (11%) showed presence of blood. a single associated pathogen was isolated in 59 (83%) of 71 children; 35% showed the presence of enteroaggregative e. coli (eaec), 11% of e. coli producing shiga-like toxins (slt) i and/or ii; 13% of shigella, 7% of campylobacterjejuni or en ...19912054088
detection of giardia cysts with a cdna probe and applications to water samples.giardiasis is the most common human parasite infection in the united states, causing a lengthy course of diarrhea. transmission of giardia species is by the fecal-oral route, and numerous waterborne outbreaks have been documented. the environmental protection agency has regulated giardia species in drinking water through the surface water treatment rule. current methods for detection of giardia species in water rely primarily on microscopic observation of water concentrates with immunofluorescen ...19912059051
detection of hiv-1 in entamoeba histolytica without evidence of transmission to human cells.intestinal protozoa like entamoeba histolytica and giardia lamblia have been proposed as vectors or cofactors in the development of aids. to determine whether these protozoa could transmit hiv, laboratory strains of protozoa were cocultured with cells chronically infected by a highly replicative strain of hiv-1. entamoeba histolytica, but not giardia lamblia, took up virus. immunologically detectable hiv-1 was present in the amebae up to 48 h after exposure to infected cells, but this virus coul ...19912059366
[incidence of giardiasis in adults patients with acute enteritis].the authors report the findings of a perspective study carried out in 214 cases of acute diarrhoea to estimate the presence of giardia intestinalis infections. the incidence of 3.2% has been discussed on the bases of recent epidemiological advances.19912067710
parasitism and diarrhoea in children from two rural communities and marginal barrio in honduras, one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among children is diarrhoea, but little is known about its aetiology and risk factors. a prospective longitudinal study of 266 children over a 12 month period in 2 rural villages and a marginal barrio revealed attack rates of 7 episodes per child per year among those less than 36 months of age. the most common parasite was giardia lamblia, found in 61% of the children and in 29% of 848 episodes of diarrhoea. chronic diarrhoea was ...19912068766
antibodies to gut protozoa in commercial immunoglobulin preparations.using parasite agglutination, indirect immunofluorescence, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and immunoblotting, giardia lamblia specific antibody was detected in 5 commercially available immunoglobulin (igg) preparations. igg antibodies to entamoeba histolytica were either present in very low titre or were absent. immunoblotting showed that anti-g. lamblia antibodies were detected towards a range of giardia proteins, 25-200 kda. these findings raise the possibility that pooled human igg prepar ...19912068767
sorting of cyst wall proteins to a regulated secretory pathway during differentiation of the primitive eukaryote, giardia lamblia.giardia lamblia, which belongs to the earliest identified lineage to diverge from the eukaryotic line of descent, is one of many protists reported to lack a golgi apparatus. our recent finding of a developmentally regulated secretory pathway in g. lamblia makes it an ideal organism with which to test the hypothesis that the golgi may be more readily demonstrated in actively secreting cells. these ultrastructural studies now show that a regulated pathway of transport and secretion of cyst wall an ...19902076701
prevalence of salmonella, shigella and intestinal parasites in food handlers in irbid, jordan.during a one-year period, 283 food handlers in irbid, jordan were investigated for the presence of potential enteropathogens in their stools. the prevalence rate of enteropathogens among non-jordanian food handlers (48.0%) was significantly higher (p less than 0.05) than that of the jordanian group (12.3%). the isolation rates of salmonella and shigella were 6% and 1.4% respectively. multi-drug resistance was frequent among isolates of salmonella group b and shigella spp. intestinal parasites de ...19902081882
characterization of two dna populations of giardia dna was isolated from the parasitic protozoan giardia lamblia and separated into two distinct populations of different densities by centrifugation through cscl gradients containing hoechst dye 33258. the two populations obtained were characterized by restriction enzyme analysis and nucleic acid hybridization. the less-dense population contains non-repetitive dna and may encode mainly structural genes, such as those for alpha- and beta-tubulin. digestion of the dna with several restriction ...19902082154
circannual incidence of giardia lamblia in mexico.giardia lamblia, once considered a harmless commensal organism, has become one of the most common pathogenic intestinal parasites. evidence for various methods of transmission has accumulated and serious physiological and nutritional disturbances as a result of infestation with this parasite have been clinically documented. giardia lamblia has now been identified as a causative agent of waterborne, foodborne and sexually transmitted infectious diarrhea. preventive interventions by health educati ...19902085874
[articular manifestations of giardia lamblia infections].reactive arthritis due to giardia lamblia are rare. they are usually associated with abdominal pain and diarrhoea. epidemiological data may help for the diagnosis which may be done by parasitologic studies of stools or microscopic examination of jejunal biopsy. recovery is easily obtained with metronidazole.19902085916
identification of developmentally regulated giardia lamblia cyst antigens using gcsa-1, a cyst-specific monoclonal antibody.gcsa-1, a monoclonal antibody raised against cysts generated in vitro was shown to be giardia cyst-specific by immunoblot analysis and immunofluorescence. gcsa-1 recognized four polypeptides ranging from 29-45 kd present in the cyst wall. these antigens appeared within eight hours of exposure of trophozoites to encystation medium and were shown to be synthesized by encysting parasites by means of metabolic labelling with [35s]-cysteine. trophozoites were not stained by the antibody. gcsa-1 also ...19902089223
[morphologic characterization with light and electron microscopy of "nonspecific elements" in biliary drainage].since some years ago in our country are reported "inspecific elements" in biliary drainage, name given to some round shaped structures of approximately 12 microns, which generally appear associated to trophozoites of giardia lamblia, disappearing after an antigiardia treatment. many gastroenterologists consider such elements as giardia, but they are still unknown in nature. our object was to study them at the optic and electronic microscope for their comparison with the biologic forms of g. lamb ...19902089512
[prevalence of entamoeba histolytica and other intestinal parasites in a neighborhood of the mara municipality, zulia state, venezuela].a parasitologic survey of a low socioeconomic level community from mara county, zulia state, venezuela was done. a single stool specimen per person from 327 individuals was obtained and examined by hematoxylin stained fecal smears and formol-ether concentrates. the overall parasitic infection rate was 92%. multiple infections were present in 89% of the population. the amebic prevalence rate (apr) was 41.5%. entamoeba histolytica was found in 9.2% of the individuals, most of them being asymptomat ...19902090263
[successful axenic cultivation of a local human strain of giardia lamblia in suckling gerbil].g. lamblia cysts isolated from the fresh feces of a giardia-infected boy in beijing rural area were inoculated into suckling gerbils (meriones unguiculatus). trophozoites of g. lamblia obtained from the intestines of infected gerbils were cultivated in modified tyi-s-33 medium enriched with dehydrated bovine bile. the parasites grew luxuriantly and formed an intensive monolayer on the surface of the culture tube on day 14 after initial cultivation. the culture has been maintained for more than 1 ...19902095999
evaluation of elisa for detection of giardia lamblia-specific copro-antigen employing monospecific enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) system, using monospecific antibodies for the detection of giardia lamblia specific 66 kda copro-antigen has been developed and evaluated. the assay detected the antigen in stool eluates of all the 24 microscopically confirmed cases of giardiasis and in 17 (68%) of the 25 microscopy-negative clinically suspected cases of giardiasis. none of stool eluates from 20 subjects infected with other protozoal/helminthic intestinal parasites or from 20 apparent ...19902101137
etiological agents of diarrhoea.two decades of research have established newer pathogens and techniques in establishing several organisms of diarrhoeal diseases as aetiological agents. it is now possible to detect an agent in 80% of the situation of diarrhoea in a standard laboratory. the brief review describes the list of pathogens, their diagnostic techniques with short description on clinical and epidemiological status.19902101388
giardia lamblia attachment to biological and inert substrates.analysis of the attachment basis of giardia lamblia 1/portland strain trophozoites to confluent mdck (madin darby canine kidney) cell monolayers and type i collagen films, demonstrated, by the use of light and electron microscopy, that the ventral disk as well as the ventrolateral border are the structures involved in the substrate adhesion. furthermore, we noticed that trophozoite attachment is more effective to collagen than to the apical surface of the epithelium. we described, for the first ...19902102989
causative agents of acute diarrhoea in the first 3 years of life: hospital-based study.during the 2 years of the study, 402 patients and an equal number of age- and sex-matched controls were investigated for the presence of diarrhoeal pathogens. pathogenic organisms were recovered from 277 (68.9%) patients and 97 (24.1%) controls. in the patient group, possible bacterial pathogens were found in 210 (52.2%) cases. enteropathogenic escherichia coli (epec) was the most frequently found potential pathogen, being recovered in 132 cases (32.8%) with serotypes 026, 086, 0111 and 0124 bei ...19902103408
prevalence of giardia lamblia and risk factors for infection among children attending day-care facilities in denver.a sample of children in the toddler age group was surveyed in denver, co, to determine the prevalence of giardia lamblia and to identify risk factors for the intestinal disease. the sample consisted of 236 children attending day-care centers (dcc) and 79 who were not attending. thirty-eight children (16 percent) attending dccs and 7 (9 percent) who had not were positive for g. lamblia in stool samples. risk factors for those attending dcc facilities included increasing duration of attendance, ti ...19902106707
travelers' diarrhea among u.s. navy and marine corps personnel during a western pacific deployment.the incidence and etiology of travelers' diarrhea was studied in a crew of 1,914 sailors and marines aboard a u.s. navy ship during a western pacific deployment. questionnaires completed by 301 troops indicated that 52% had at least one episode of diarrhea during the deployment; however, only 5% of the ship's company sought treatment. enterotoxigenic escherichia coli was the most commonly identified pathogen (23%), followed by giardia lamblia (6%), salmonella (3%), rotavirus (2%), and shigella, ...19902107464
immunodiffusion, immunofluorescence and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in the serodiagnosis of giardiasis.circulating anti-giardia lamblia antibodies have been estimated in the sera of 48 patients of parasitologically proven g. lamblia infection using the immunodiffusion (i.d.) indirect fluorescent antibody (i.f.a.) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) tests. the results showed that elisa technique was the most simple, sensitive (95.8%) and specific (100%) test. these advantages make it more applicable in seroepidemiology of giardiasis.19902110223
establishment of an axenic culture of giardia lamblia through preliminary passage in suckling gerbil.cysts of giardia lamblia from fresh stool specimens of a 13-year-old boy, who lived in suburban beijing and had suffered from recurrent diarrheas for years, were concentrated, purified and suspended in physiological saline. six suckling gerbils (meriones unguiculatus) were each inoculated with 0.2 ml of this suspension which contained 20,000 cysts/ml. on day 8 after inoculation, the infected animals were sacrificed and trophozoites of g. lamblia which appeared numerous in the upper small intesti ...19902119976
giardia lamblia produces alanine anaerobically but not in the presence of oxygen.proton nuclear magnetic resonance was used to follow glucose metabolism in giardia lamblia. under strictly anaerobic conditions this organism produces equimolar ethanol and alanine as well as co2 and some acetate. aerobically the production of both alanine and ethanol are inhibited and more acetate and co2 are formed. these changes in the balance of products are reversible over the range 0-46 microm o2. in the presence of 46 microm o2, alanine was not detectable. the o2-sensitivity of alanine pr ...19902122248
parasitological evaluation of a foodhandler population cohort in panama: risk factors for intestinal parasitism.a nonconcurrent, prospective intestinal parasitic disease study in a group of 200 foodhandlers employed in the panama canal area was conducted in mid-1985 as part of an established occupational health medical surveillance program. the study included a review of laboratory testing (i.e., coprological exam), preexisting medical record data, and patient interview information to calculate estimates of incidence and risk factors associated with acquisition of giardia lamblia and other protozoan/helmi ...19902122299
use of human colostrum in the management of chronic infantile diarrhoea due to enteropathogenic e. coli infection with associated intestinal parasite infestations and undernutrition.this study reports the management of infants with chronic diarrhoea by colostrum feeding. eight children with chronic diarrhoea, ranging from 9 months to 3 years of age and all from low socio-economic families, formed the basis of this study. they were undernourished and marasmic. stool examination showed enteropathogenic e. coli in all eight cases, ascaris lambricoidis in four, and giardia lamblia in one. patients with chronic diarrhoea, in whom no cause was found were excluded from this study. ...19902126564
n-acetyl-d-glucosamine is present in cysts and trophozoites of giardia lamblia and serves as receptor for wheatgerm agglutinin.previously, on the basis of lectin binding and glycosidase digestion assays, we have suggested that n-acetyl-d-glucosamine residues (glcnac) are major structural components of both trophozoites and in vivo cysts of the intestinal parasite giardia lamblia. in this report we confirm that glcnac is present both in trophozoites and in vitro cysts as assessed by lectin binding and glycosidase digestion assays, galactosyltransferase labeling, immunochemical analysis using antibodies specific for glcna ...19902128647
[a study of family carriers in 132 cases of giardia lamblia infestation].a study on 132 families where a lambliasis case was diagnosed is presented. an epidemiological investigation in each family was made; faeces were analyzed to find lamblia carriers. the total number of investigated persons--lambliasis cases excluded--was 405; 30 of them (7.4%) were positive. between people younger than fifteen the percentage of positive test was 14.7%, while over this age the rate of affectation was 4.2%. there is an statistic association with the assistance to child school. no c ...19902129713
effects of berberine, a plant alkaloid, on the growth of anaerobic protozoa in axenic culture.extracts obtained by organic solvents from the root of coptis teeta in myanmar (burma), were tested for growth inhibitory activity against giardia lamblia, trichomonas vaginalis and entamoeba histolytica in axenic culture. all extracts had anti-protozoal activity with the methanol extract, in particular, being effective against all 3 parasites. by chromatographic analysis, the extracts were shown to contain berberine compounds and other alkaloids. comparing the inhibitory effects of the methanol ...19902131648
albendazole: a more effective antigiardial agent in vitro than metronidazole or tinidazole.the effects of albendazole were assessed against giardia duodenalis in vitro and compared with those of tinidazole and metronidazole. trophozoite morphology, adherence and viability were markedly affected by albendazole, to a far greater extent than by either metronidazole or tinidazole. the results of this study, and in particular the superior potency of albendazole in vitro, are discussed with respect to its potential value as a new approach to the chemotherapy of giardiasis.19902136253
[giardia intestinalis: study of infestation procedures of young mice before weaning].despite the prevalence of giardiasis little is known about the host-parasite specificity. with giardia intestinalis-suckling mouse model, the success of infestation was depending on the parasite form, cyst or trophozoite, and, for the same parasite form, on the studied strain. furthermore, the intestinal modification during the wean were unfavourable to giardia intestinalis colonization.19902148899
structural and histoenzymatic aspects of metronidazol on rat gonads.metronidazol, an efficient drug for trichomonas vaginalis, lamblia intestinalis and some anaerobic germs, administered in a daily dose of 500 mg/kg body weight for 60 and 40 days in males and females, respectively, produces severe structural alterations (atrophy and cytolysis, more apparent in the testicle) and elicits, a functional impairment as well (modifications in the activity of some enzymes: alkaline and acide-phosphatase, mg(2+)-atpase, cyox, sdh, ldh). these morphological and histoenzym ...19902151289
[expression of hla-dr antigen in small intestinal mucosa of children infected with giardia intestinalis].hla-dr antigen expression was shown in the small intestinal mucosa sampled by aspiration biopsy in 12 children infected with giardia intestinalis. the studies were performed by using three immunohistochemical techniques, with the best results achieved by use of fluorescein- stained avidin biotin system. hla-dr antigen expression in giardiasis was slightly enhanced in the enterocytes of the absorption region; an increased number of hla-dr positive cells was also found in the lamina propria of the ...19902152517
waterborne disease outbreaks, 1986-1988.from 1986 to 1988, 24 states and puerto rico reported 50 outbreaks of illness due to water that people intended to drink, affecting 25,846 persons. the protozoal parasite giardia lamblia was the agent most commonly implicated in outbreaks, as it has been for the last 10 years; many of these outbreaks were associated with ingestion of chlorinated but unfiltered surface water. shigella sonnei was the most commonly implicated bacterial pathogen; in outbreaks caused by this pathogen, water supplies ...19902156147
occurrence of pyrophosphate:fructose 6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase in giardia lamblia trophozoites. 19902161495
sensitivity in vitro of giardia intestinalis to dyadic combinations of azithromycin, doxycycline, mefloquine, tinidazole and furazolidone.the new macrolide antibiotic, azithromycin, produced significant growth inhibition of giardia intestinalis at 100 micrograms/ml, but adherence inhibition was significant at concentrations as low as 1 microgram/ml for the two strains used in these experiments. the dyadic combinations of azithromycin-furazolidone, doxycycline-mefloquine, doxycycline-tinidazole and mefloquine-tinidazole were synergistic for inhibition of adherence. these results suggest that these dyadic combinations may be worthy ...19902167523
identification of a pathogenic isolate-specific 30,000-mr antigen of entamoeba histolytica by using a monoclonal antibody.a monoclonal antibody (mab) produced against trophozoites of entamoeba histolytica strain hm-1:imss, reacted with all of 42 isolates and 4 clones showing pathogenic zymodeme (z) patterns, i.e., z-ii, z-ii alpha-, z-ii (glucose phosphate isomerase: gamma +), z-vii, z-vii (glucose phosphate isomerase: alpha lack, gamma +), z-xi, z-xiv, and z-xix, regardless of culture conditions, geographical origins, or host symptoms in an indirect fluorescence antibody test. in contrast, the mab failed to react ...19902180826
the detection of giardia muris and giardia lamblia cysts by immunofluorescence in animal tissues and fecal samples subjected to cycles of freezing and thawing.the effects of freezing and thawing on the detection of selected giardia spp. cysts were investigated using immunofluorescence, bright field microscopy, and low voltage scanning electron microscopy (sem). giardia muris cysts were obtained from either animal carcasses, fecal pellets, or isolated cyst preparations, whereas giardia lamblia cysts were isolated from fecal samples. these samples were stained using an immunofluorescence technique after 1-3 freezing (-16 c) and thawing (20 c) cycles. cy ...19902181108
gut associated immune responses in clinical and experimental giardiasis: an overview.giardia lamblia, the protozoan parasite, first described by von leewenhoek in 1681, has come into prominence in last quarter century because of mounting awareness that it may cause significant morbidity and loss of man power. earlier thought to be a commensal organism, it has been recognised as a true intestinal pathogen in the past three decades. nevertheless, the mechanism of the disease caused by this protozoan parasite (in the human host's small intestine) continues to remain unexplained. th ...19902192484
a prospective study of persistent diarrhea among children in an urban brazilian slum. patterns of occurrence and etiologic agents.persistent diarrhea is a major health problem among children in developing areas of the world. since few community-based studies have addressed the epidemiology or etiology of this condition, we undertook prospective diarrheal surveillance among a cohort of 175 children less than 5 years of age over a 28-month period in an urban slum in northeastern brazil. very high diarrhea illness burdens were found. the children in this cohort had an average of 11 episodes per year and spent 82 days per year ...19902192547
vacation diarrhea. how should it be managed?traveler's diarrhea in north america is most often a self-limited disease that requires little medical intervention unless the course is prolonged or especially severe. diagnosis is almost always made by a stool examination or culture. the most common causative organisms are campylobacter jejuni and giardia lamblia. enterotoxigenic escherichia coli is a less frequent cause. patients should be advised regarding the need for fluid replacement. antibiotic therapy should be considered only in rare c ...19902195482
[the significance of giardia lamblia for water hygiene].this paper gives a literature review about giardia lamblia, an unicellular infectious agent, which is responsible for parasitic intestine-diseases. morphologically, life-cycle, occurrence and caused symptoms of illnesses are described. the content of this publication is the question about the meaning of the importance of the pathogenic agent for water-borne epidemics. during the past 15-20 years the number of cases of water-transmitted giardiasis has increased enormously, especially in the usa, ...19902195785
induction of a phosphomannosyl binding lectin activity in giardia.giardia lamblia, a protozoan parasite that causes widespread diarrheal disease, expresses a surface membrane associated lectin, taglin, which is specifically activated by limited proteolysis with trypsin, a protease that is present in abundance at the site of infection. when activated, taglin agglutinates enterocytes which are the cells to which the parasite adheres in vivo, and in addition, binds to isolated brush border membranes of these cells. these findings suggest that this lectin may be i ...19902196051
application of a capture enzyme immunoassay in an outbreak of waterborne giardiasis in the united kingdom.a capture enzyme immunoassay (eia) for the detection of giardia lamblia antigen was used to examine 136 fecal samples collected during an outbreak of waterborne giardiasis in a city in the uk. six cases of giardia lamblia infection were detected that had previously not been diagnosed by microscopy. the capture eia provides an efficient means of processing large numbers of samples for prompt and accurate assessment of an epidemic. it may also facilitate rapid tracing of epidemic sources.19902201542
[giardia lamblia infection: laboratory and clinical aspects]. 19902201620
[the value of the d-xylose loading test in the diagnosis of malabsorption syndromes].the test of d-xylose concentration in blood has been used for approximately two decades for the examination of the absorption. the authors compared in 261 cases the total d-xylose blood level with the histological picture of the small intestine. good correlation was observed between the 2 examinations. the d-xylose loading was found to select with favorable efficacy the new cases of celiac disease, of 63 fresh diagnosed subtotal and total villus atrophy cases the blood level of 61 was under the ...19902204861
drug resistance in giardia intestinalis.evidence for drug resistance in giardiasis is reviewed and biochemical studies undertaken to determine the basis for this resistance are discussed. metronidazole and furazolidone, which produce toxic radicals within the cell, have different biochemical mechanisms of action. resistance to metronidazole is negatively correlated with the intracellular concentration of pyruvateferredoxin oxidoreductase leading to a concomitant decrease in the uptake of free metronidazole into the cell, while resista ...19902210942
electrophoretic characterization of giardia isolated from humans, cattle, sheep, and a dog in switzerland.nine isolates of giardia lamblia from humans, cattle, sheep, and 1 dog were compared by employing agarose gel isoenzyme electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing of total soluble cell protein on polyacrylamide gels. the banding patterns of the 14 enzymes examined showed remarkable similarities among the swiss giardia isolates. this was true also of the total soluble trophozoite proteins. the electrophoretic mobilities of most enzymes and other proteins obtained for the swiss isolates were the sam ...19902213408
axenic culture and characterization of giardia ardeae from the great blue heron (ardea herodias).trophozoites of giardia ardeae were obtained from the great blue heron (ardea herodias) and established in axenic culture using the tyi-s-33 medium. the generation time in culture for g. ardeae was 22-25 hr, which was 3-fold longer than for giardia duodenalis (wb strain). a morphological comparison of trophozoites in the original intestinal isolate to those grown in culture revealed that they were identical for the following characteristics: a pyriform-shaped body, a ventral adhesive disc with a ...19902213415
[humoral response of the immunologic secretory system of the small intestine in children infected with giardia intestinalis].local humoral response of the intestinal mucosa was determined with secretory iga levels and secretory component activity in enterocytes and duodenal content of 15 children infected with g. intestinalis. the obtained results were compared to those in 5 children with coeliac disease and 12 children with diarrhoea without lambliasis. secretory iga was increased in about 50% of children with lambliasis (in the remaining groups in 25% of children) to the values higher than that in the comparative gr ...19902216959
adherence and multiplication of giardia intestinalis on human enterocyte-like differentiated cells in vitro.this report describes a technique for studying the adherence and growth of giardia intestinalis trophozoites (strains paris/86/lcf/1, paris/86/lcf/2 and paris/88/lcf/8) using the human colon carcinoma cell line caco2. giardia trophozoites were cultured with caco2 cells in a modified hsp3 culture medium. the biochemical differentiation of caco2 cells was established by an increase in sucrase isomaltase activities to values of 4.51 +/- 0.90 and 10.39 +/- 3.00 milliunits/mg protein for 8- and 12-da ...19902217120
[etiology of diarrheal diseases in immunocompetent and hiv-positive patients].in 1986 and 1987 the stool samples of 206 patients of the medical outpatient clinic basel were examined prospectively for bacteria, protozoa and worms. clinical data of the patients were recorded by questionnaire. the patient group comprised 63 immunocompetent patients as well as 23 hiv-infected patients, all with symptoms of acute enteritis. the control group consisted of 120 healthy persons. pathogenic organisms were found in the stools of 17.5% of the immunocompetent patients with enteritis. ...19902218447
[saf--an alternative fixation solution for parasitological stool specimens].a comparative parasitological study in 3 collectives using 2 different fixatives for stool samples (saf and mif) was carried out. the saf fixative consistently showed a significantly higher sensitivity for parasitic protozoa than the mif fixative (entamoeba histolytica 90.0% vs. 64.4%, giardia lamblia 97.7% vs. 64.4%), which was due to an increased detection of cysts of both species. no difference in sensitivity for helminths was found. the cheap, simple formula and, due to the absence of mercur ...19902218469
from leningrad to the day-care center. the ubiquitous giardia lamblia.giardiasis is recognized as a worldwide public health problem. seroprevalence data from both the developing and developed world show high rates of carriage in populations at risk for fecal-oral transmission, such as children in day-care centers. outbreak investigation has expanded our understanding of reservoirs for giardia lamblia and of the routes of transmission. various host factors have been associated with infection. the pathogenesis of giardial infections is being elucidated, in particula ...19902219872
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 5136