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population genetics and ecological niche of invasive aedes albopictus in mexico.the asian tiger mosquito aedes albopictus (skuse), is one of the most invasive mosquito species worldwide. in mexico it is now recorded in 12 states and represents a serious public health problem, given the recent introduction of chikungunya on the southern border. the aim of this study was to analyze the population genetics of a. albopictus from all major recorded foci, and model its ecological niche. niche similarity with that from its autochthonous distribution in asia and other invaded count ...201626814619
is the tiger shark galeocerdo cuvier a coastal species? expanding its distribution range in the atlantic ocean using at-sea observer data.the occurrence of tiger shark galeocerdo cuvier in the atlantic ocean was assessed using at-sea observer data from multiple pelagic longline fisheries. geographic positions of 2764 g. cuvier recorded between 1992 and 2013 and covering a wide area of the atlantic ocean were compared with the currently accepted distribution ranges of the species. most records fell outside those ranges in both the southern and northern hemispheres, which strongly suggests that the distribution range of g. cuvier in ...201626817438
transradial coronary angiography--insights to the one-catheter concept.transradial coronary angiography (trc) can be performed applying only one catheter fitting into the right and left coronary ostia (r/lco). in this bicentric study (n = 2953), we analyzed the ostial performance of the tiger_ii_catheter widely used in trc. compared to judkins catheters, the tiger_ii is frequently associated with ostial instability within the lco but fits better into the rco-irrespective of tube size. judkins catheters generally need more peri-procedural contrast and radiation expo ...201626822190
expression of penaeus monodon ortholog of niemann-pick type c-2 in the spermatic tract, and its role in sperm cholesterol removal.protein and lipid composition of sperm plasma membrane are modified as these gametes continue to mature during their transit along the spermatic tract. our previous study revealed that during its journey through the spermatic duct of the black tiger prawn, penaeus monodon, sperm cholesterol content decreases through the action of lipid-binding proteins within the luminal environment. in this study, the full cdna sequence of epididymal secretory protein e1 (he1), or niemann-pick c2 (npc2), was cl ...201626822874
fatal presumed tiger snake (notechis scutatus) envenomation in a cat with measurement of venom and antivenom concentration.a fatal outcome of a presumed tiger snake (notechis scutatus) envenomation in a cat is described. detectable venom components and antivenom concentrations in serum from clotted and centrifuged whole blood and urine were measured using a sensitive and specific elisa. the cat presented in a paralysed state with a markedly elevated serum ck but with normal clotting times. the cat was treated with intravenous fluids and received two vials of equine whole igg bivalent (tiger and brown snake) antiveno ...201626836396
implantation and recovery of long-term archival transceivers in a migratory shark with high site fidelity.we developed a long-term tagging method that can be used to understand species assemblages and social groupings associated with large marine fishes such as the sand tiger shark carcharias taurus. we deployed internally implanted archival vemco mobile transceivers (vmts; vemco ltd. nova scotia, canada) in 20 adult sand tigers, of which two tags were successfully recovered (10%). the recovered vmts recorded 29,646 and 44,210 detections of telemetered animals respectively. to our knowledge, this is ...201626849043
a definite bite by the ornamental snake (denisonia maculata) causing mild envenoming.many bites from mildly venomous elapids occur but identification or presence of systemic envenoming is rarely confirmed.201626852775
sensitivity to relational similarity and object similarity in apes and children.relational reasoning is a hallmark of sophisticated cognition in humans. does it exist in other primates? despite some affirmative answers, there appears to be a wide gap in relational ability between humans and other primates--even other apes. here, we test one possible explanation for this gap, motivated by developmental research showing that young humans often fail at relational reasoning tasks because they focus on objects instead of relations. when asked, "duck:duckling is like tiger:?," pr ...201626853364
lion's mane, hericium erinaceus and tiger milk, lignosus rhinocerotis (higher basidiomycetes) medicinal mushrooms stimulate neurite outgrowth in dissociated cells of brain, spinal cord, and retina: an in vitro study.neurodegenerative disease is defined as a deterioration of the nervous system in the intellectual and cognitive capabilities. statistics show that more than 80-90 million individuals age 65 and above in 2050 may be affected by neurodegenerative conditions like alzheimer's and parkinson's disease. studies have shown that out of 2000 different types of edible and/or medicinal mushrooms, only a few countable mushrooms have been selected until now for neurohealth activity. hericium erinaceus is one ...201526853959
the impact of resistance respiratory muscle training with a spirotiger(®) device on lung function, exercise performance, and health-related quality of life in respiratory diseases.there are studies demonstrating that respiratory muscles can be trained using proper stimulation. positive effects have been achieved in patients with pulmonary diseases and in patients after thoracic surgery procedures using isocapnic hyperpnoea training with a spirotiger(®) device. the aim of this study was to investigate whether spirotiger(®) training has an impact on forced expiratory volume in one second (fev1), exercise performance, respiratory muscle fitness, and health-related quality of ...201526855662
the asian tiger hunts in maputo city--the first confirmed report of aedes (stegomyia) albopictus (skuse, 1895) in mozambique.increasing evidence suggests that dengue fever is endemic in mozambique. larvae of both the afrotropical vector aedes aegypti and its subspecies, ae. aegypti formosus, have been reported from three provinces in mozambique, two of which recently experienced dengue outbreaks. despite reports of the invasive oriental vector ae. albopictus on the islands in the mozambique channel and nearby indian ocean, the species has not yet been reported in mozambique.201626856329
morbid attraction to leopard urine in toxoplasma-infected chimpanzees.parasites are sometimes capable of inducing phenotypic changes in their hosts to improve transmission [1]. toxoplasma gondii, a protozoan that infects a broad range of warm-blooded species, is one example that supports the so-called 'parasite manipulation hypothesis': it induces modifications in rodents' olfactory preferences, converting an innate aversion for cat odor into attraction and probably favoring trophic transmission to feline species, its only definitive hosts [2]. in humans, t. gondi ...201626859275
fast census of moth diversity in the neotropics: a comparison of field-assigned morphospecies and dna barcoding in tiger moths.the morphological species delimitations (i.e. morphospecies) have long been the best way to avoid the taxonomic impediment and compare insect taxa biodiversity in highly diverse tropical and subtropical regions. the development of dna barcoding, however, has shown great potential to replace (or at least complement) the morphospecies approach, with the advantage of relying on automated methods implemented in computer programs or even online rather than in often subjective morphological features. ...201626859488
schrodinger's scat: a critical review of the currently available tiger (panthera tigris) and leopard (panthera pardus) specific primers in india, and a novel leopard specific primer.non-invasive sampling has opened avenues for the genetic study of elusive species, which has contributed significantly to their conservation. where field based identity of non-invasive sample is ambiguous (e.g. carnivore scats), it is essential to establish identity of the species through molecular approaches. a cost effective procedure to ascertain species identity is to use species specific primers (ssp) for pcr amplification and subsequent resolution through agarose gel electrophoresis. howev ...201626860950
ebola and the who: a journey from toothless tiger to global dragon? 201626866538
ontogeny of head and caudal fin shape of an apex marine predator: the tiger shark (galeocerdo cuvier).how morphology changes with size can have profound effects on the life history and ecology of an animal. for apex predators that can impact higher level ecosystem processes, such changes may have consequences for other species. tiger sharks (galeocerdo cuvier) are an apex predator in tropical seas, and, as adults, are highly migratory. however, little is known about ontogenetic changes in their body form, especially in relation to two aspects of shape that influence locomotion (caudal fin) and f ...201626869274
large-scale modelling of the environmentally-driven population dynamics of temperate aedes albopictus (skuse).the asian tiger mosquito, aedes albopictus, is a highly invasive vector species. it is a proven vector of dengue and chikungunya viruses, with the potential to host a further 24 arboviruses. it has recently expanded its geographical range, threatening many countries in the middle east, mediterranean, europe and north america. here, we investigate the theoretical limitations of its range expansion by developing an environmentally-driven mathematical model of its population dynamics. we focus on t ...201626871447
home range and density of three sympatric felids in the southern atlantic forest, brazil.home range and minimal population densities of southern tiger cat (leopardus guttulus), margay (lepardus wiedii) and jaguarundi (puma yagouaroundi) were estimated between 2005 and 2006 in taquari valley, near the southern edge of the atlantic rainforest in brazil. home range data were collected by conventional radio telemetry (vhf) locations in a highly fragmented landscape. the average home range size, calculated using 95% kernel density estimates, was 16.01 km2 for southern tiger cat, 21.85 km ...201626871745
three-dimensional reconstruction of black tiger prawn (penaeus monodon) spermatozoa using serial block-face scanning electron microscopy.serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (sbf-sem) was used in this study to examine the ultrastructural morphology of penaeus monodon spermatozoa. sbf-sem provided a large dataset of sequential electron-microscopic-level images that facilitated comprehensive ultrastructural observations and three-dimensional reconstructions of the sperm cell. reconstruction divulged a nuclear region of the spermatophoral spermatozoon filled with decondensed chromatin but with two apparent levels of packag ...201626877112
caveolae restrict tiger frog virus release in hepg2 cells and caveolae-associated proteins incorporated into virus particles.caveolae are flask-shaped invaginations of the plasma membrane. caveolae play important roles in the process of viruses entry into host cells, but the roles of caveolae at the late stage of virus infection were not completely understood. tiger frog virus (tfv) has been isolated from the diseased tadpoles of the frog, rana tigrina rugulosa, and causes high mortality of tiger frog tadpoles cultured in southern china. in the present study, the roles of caveolae at the late stage of tfv infection we ...201626887868
bacteria-based polythene degradation products: gc-ms analysis and toxicity testing.polythene degradation leads to the production of various by-products depending upon the type of degradation process. the polythene degradation products (pedp) in the culture supernatant of the two bacteria (lysinibacillus fusiformis strain vasb14/wl and bacillus cereus strain vasb1/ts) were analyzed with gc-ms technique. the major by-products in the pedp in the culture supernatant of l. fusiformis strain vasb14/wl (1,2,3,4 tetra methyl benzene) and b. cereus strain vasb1/ts (1,2,3 trimethyl benz ...201626888528
abnormal origin of right coronary artery and use of tiger catheter through femoral route.abnormal origin of right coronary artery (rca) is not uncommon. the incidence is .25-.92%. right judkin catheter is used universally for engaging right coronary ostium from femoral route. we have tried tiger catheter from femoral route in abnormal origin of rca patients. we were successful in cannulating rca ostium in most of the cases.201726896276
immune indices and identical functions of two prophenoloxidases from the haemolymph of green tiger shrimp penaeus semisulcatus and its antibiofilm the present study, we purified two prophenoloxidases (propo) from haemolymph of green tiger shrimp, penaeus semisulcatus by gel fermentation chromatography using blue sepharose matrix. the two purified prophenoloxidase macromolecules are of about 76 and 75 kda determined through sds-page and named as penaeus semisulcatus prophenoloxidase i (pspropo i) and penaeus semisulcatus prophenoloxidase ii (pspropo ii). it was further characterized by x-ray diffraction (xrd), fourier transform infrared ...201626899630
molecular cloning and expression analysis of mat1 gene in black tiger shrimp (penaeus monodon).mat1 (ménage à trois 1), an assembly factor and targeting subunit of the cdk-dependent kinase (cak), can regulate the cell cycle, transcription, and dna repair. this study was intended to investigate the role of mat1 in the reproductive maturation of black tiger shrimp (penaeus monodon). in this study, the p. monodon mat1 (pmmat1) gene was identified and characterized. the full-length cdna of pmmat1 was 1490 bp in length with an open-reading frame of 993 bp corresponding to 330 amino acids. the ...201626909956
strategies to deliver safe, technology-enhanced care in pediatric settings. 201726920636
genome-wide introgression among distantly related heliconius butterfly species.although hybridization is thought to be relatively rare in animals, the raw genetic material introduced via introgression may play an important role in fueling adaptation and adaptive radiation. the butterfly genus heliconius is an excellent system to study hybridization and introgression but most studies have focused on closely related species such as h. cydno and h. melpomene. here we characterize genome-wide patterns of introgression between h. besckei, the only species with a red and yellow ...201626921238
[comparative analysis five kinds of serological detection methods about brucella].to evaluation the specificity and sensitivity of 5 kinds of serological detection methods about brucellosis.201626926728
successful use of camelid (alpaca) antivenom to treat a potentially lethal tiger snake (notechis scutatus) envenomation in a dog.this report describes a confirmed clinical case of tiger snake (notechis scutatus) envenomation in a domestic dog that was successfully treated with a novel polyvalent camelid (alpaca; llama pacos) antivenom. samples collected from the dog were assayed for tiger snake venom (tsv) using a highly sensitive and specific elisa. the tsv concentration in serum and urine at initial presentation was 365 ng/ml and 11,640 ng/ml respectively. at the time of initial presentation whole blood collected from t ...201626930223
perception, price and preference: consumption and protection of wild animals used in traditional medicine.a wide array of wildlife species, including many animals, are used in traditional medicines across many medicinal systems, including in traditional chinese medicine (tcm). due to over-exploitation and habitat loss, the populations of many animals commonly used in tcm have declined and are unable to meet market demand. a number of measures have been taken to try to reduce the impact that this large and growing market for tcm may have on wild animal species. consumer preferences and behavior are k ...201626930487
adding constraints to predation through allometric relation of scats to consumption.a thorough understanding of mechanisms of prey consumption by carnivores and the constraints on predation help us in evaluating the role of carnivores in an ecosystem. this is crucial in developing appropriate management strategies for their conservation and mitigating human-carnivore conflict. current models on optimal foraging suggest that mammalian carnivores would profit most from killing the largest prey that they can subdue with minimal risk of injury to themselves. wild carnivore diets ar ...201626931378
integrative taxonomic approach for describing a new cryptic species of bush frog (raorchestes: anura: rhacophoridae) from the western ghats, india.a new cryptic species of bush frog raorchestes honnametti sp. nov. is described from the south-eastern part of the western ghats, india. this newly described species belongs to the charius clade and is morphologically similar to other clade members--r. charius and r. griet. therefore, an integrative taxonomic approach based on molecular and bioacoustic analysis along with morphology was used to delimit the new species. raorchestes honnametti sp. nov., is currently known only from biligiri rangas ...201626934213
[molecular identification and toxicity of pufferfish juveniles contaminating whitebait products].catches of whitebait, sardine fry, sometimes contains other marine animals, including fishes, mollusks, and crustaceans, and therefore boiled and dried whitebait products may contain these marine animals if sorting is incomplete. in september 2014, contamination of boiled and dried whitebait products with pufferfish juveniles became a serious food safety concern, as tiger pufferfish takifugu rubripes juveniles are toxic and contain tetrodotoxin (ttx). the toxicity of the juveniles of other puffe ...201626936304
shrimp mirnas regulate innate immune response against white spot syndrome virus infection.micrornas are short noncoding rnas of rna interference pathways that regulate gene expression through partial complementary base-pairing to target mrnas. in this study, mirnas that are expressed in white spot syndrome virus (wssv)-infected penaeus monodon, were identified using next generation sequencing. forty-six mirna homologs were identified from wssv-infected shrimp hemocyte. stem-loop real-time rt-pcr analysis showed that 11 out of 16 selected mirnas were differentially expressed upon wssv ...201626945623
speciation in cloudless sulphurs gleaned from complete genomes.for 200 years, zoologists have relied on phenotypes to learn about the evolution of animals. a glance at the genotype, even through several gene markers, revolutionized our understanding of animal phylogeny. recent advances in sequencing techniques allow researchers to study speciation mechanisms and the link between genotype and phenotype using complete genomes. we sequenced and assembled a complete genome of the cloudless sulphur (phoebis sennae) from a single wild-caught specimen. this genome ...201626951782
tiger frog virus orf080l protein interacts with litaf and impairs egf-induced egfr degradation.tiger frog virus (tfv) belongs to the genus ranavirus, family iridoviridae, and causes severe mortality in commercial cultures in china. tfv orf080l is a gene homolog of lipopolysaccharide-induced tnf-α factor (litaf), which is a regulator in endosome-to-lysosome trafficking through its function in the endosomal sorting complex required for transport machinery. the characteristics and biological roles of tfv orf080l were identified. tfv orf080l was predicted to encode an 84-amino acid peptide (v ...201626956473
integrated cytogenetic and mitochondrial dna analyses indicate that two different phenotypes of hypancistrus (l066 and l333) belong to the same species.the diversity of hypancistrus species in the xingu river is remarkable and the variation in color morphs represents a real challenge to taxonomists to delimit species boundaries. one of the most recognizable hypancistrus complexes is the worm-lined species, known in the aquarium trade as king tiger plec in english, hypancistrus "pão" in portuguese or under the l-numbers l066 and l333 that represent two melanic pigment pattern phenotypes. to assess the identity of these two phenotypes, we describ ...201626983010
stigma of tiger attack: study of tiger-widows from sundarban delta, india.human-tiger conflict (htc) is a serious public health issue in sundarban reserve forest, india. htc is a continued concern for significant mortality and morbidity of both human and tiger population. this study examined 49 widows, whose husbands were killed by tigers, in order to explore the cultural stigma related with tiger-killing and consequent discrimination and social rejection. different psychosocial aspects of community stigma associated with tiger-killings is discussed in the context of ...201726985099
modelling population dynamics in realistic landscapes with linear elements: a mechanistic-statistical reaction-diffusion approach.we propose and develop a general approach based on reaction-diffusion equations for modelling a species dynamics in a realistic two-dimensional (2d) landscape crossed by linear one-dimensional (1d) corridors, such as roads, hedgerows or rivers. our approach is based on a hybrid "2d/1d model", i.e, a system of 2d and 1d reaction-diffusion equations with homogeneous coefficients, in which each equation describes the population dynamics in a given 2d or 1d element of the landscape. using the exampl ...201626986201
technology diffusion and productivity growth in health care.we draw on macroeconomic models of diffusion and productivity to explain empirical patterns of survival gains in heart attacks. using medicare data for 2.8 million patients during 1986-2004, we find that hospitals rapidly adopting cost-effective innovations such as beta blockers, aspirin, and reperfusion, had substantially better outcomes for their patients. holding technology adoption constant, the marginal returns to spending were relatively modest. hospitals increasing the pace of technology ...201526989267
a de novo transcriptome of the malpighian tubules in non-blood-fed and blood-fed asian tiger mosquitoes aedes albopictus: insights into diuresis, detoxification, and blood meal processing.background. in adult female mosquitoes, the renal (malpighian) tubules play an important role in the post-prandial diuresis, which removes excess ions and water from the hemolymph of mosquitoes following a blood meal. after the post-prandial diuresis, the roles that malpighian tubules play in the processing of blood meals are not well described. methods. we used a combination of next-generation sequencing (paired-end rna sequencing) and physiological/biochemical assays in adult female asian tige ...201626989622
horticultural production systems influence ground beetle (coleoptera: carabidae) distribution and diversity in cucurbits.commercial cucurbit production typically involves agriculturally intensive practices, with fields prepared using conventional tillage, plasticulture, and chemically based pest management. conservation-based management options are limited. in this study, we consider two alternative strategies, strip tillage and the use of row covers. we compare their impact on the beneficial carabid beetle (coleoptera: carabidae) community in melons and squash, following conventional or organic systems, over two ...201626994134
understanding the interaction between betanodavirus and its host for the development of prophylactic measures for viral encephalopathy and retinopathy.over the last three decades, the causative agent of viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (ver) disease has become a serious problem of marine finfish aquaculture, and more recently the disease has also been associated with farmed freshwater fish. the virus has been classified as a betanodavirus within the family nodaviridae, and the fact that betanodaviruses are known to affect more than 120 different farmed and wild fish and invertebrate species, highlights the risk that betanodaviruses pose to ...201626997200
salt lakes of la mancha (central spain): a hot spot for tiger beetle (carabidae, cicindelinae) species diversity.the tiger beetle assemblage of the wetlands of la mancha (central spain) comprises nine species: calomera littoralis littoralis, cephalota maura maura, cephalota circumdata imperialis, cephalota dulcinea, cicindela campestris campestris, cicindela maroccana, cylindera paludosa, lophyra flexuosa flexuosa, and myriochila melancholica melancholica. this assemblage represents the largest concentration of tiger beetles in a single 1º latitude / longitude square in europe. general patterns of spatial ...201627006617
[informatics competencies essential to decision making in nursing management].to identify informatics abilities essential to decision making in nursing management.201627007428
evaluation of thermal regimes for transported ambassador ectotherms: one size does not fit all.providing appropriate environmental temperatures for captive ectotherms should be a husbandry priority. this can be especially challenging for ectotherms that are routinely transported, such as those used in education programs at zoos, because they are unable to thermoregulate while confined in non-temperature controlled, compact carriers. to assess if ectotherms used in the fort wayne children's zoo's outreach programs experienced appropriate transit temperatures during cold weather, we placed ...201627007783
first isolation of tenacibaculum maritimum in a captive sand tiger shark (carcharias taurus).this report describes a case of the first isolation of tenacibaculum maritimum from a captive-bred adult female sand tiger shark (carcharias taurus) housed at the cattolica aquarium (italy). the animal showed, between the second dorsal fin and the precaudal pit, skin lesions characterized by the presence of abundant whitish necrotic tissue. through routine bacteriological examination, a bacterium was isolated from a skin lesion and subsequently identified as t. maritimum by phenotypic characters ...201627010301
do ecological niche models accurately identify climatic determinants of species ranges?defining species' niches is central to understanding their distributions and is thus fundamental to basic ecology and climate change projections. ecological niche models (enms) are a key component of making accurate projections and include descriptions of the niche in terms of both response curves and rankings of variable importance. in this study, we evaluate maxent's ranking of environmental variables based on their importance in delimiting species' range boundaries by asking whether these sam ...201627028071
promoting young children's engagement in organized extracurricular activities: 'tiger parenting' or obesity prevention? 201627028281
sustained eruptions on enceladus explained by turbulent dissipation in tiger stripes.spacecraft observations suggest that the plumes of saturn's moon enceladus draw water from a subsurface ocean, but the sustainability of conduits linking ocean and surface is not understood. observations show eruptions from "tiger stripe" fissures that are sustained (although tidally modulated) throughout each orbit, and since the 2005 discovery of the plumes. peak plume flux lags peak tidal extension by ∼1 rad, suggestive of resonance. here, we show that a model of the tiger stripes as tidally ...201627035954
severe rhabdomyolysis from red-bellied black snake (pseudechis porphyriacus) envenoming despite antivenom.envenoming by the australian red-bellied black snake (pseudechis porphyriacus) causes non-specific systemic symptoms, anticoagulant coagulopathy, myotoxicity and local effects. current management for systemic envenoming includes administration of one vial of tiger snake antivenom within 6 h of the bite to prevent myotoxicity. we present a case of severe rhabdomyolysis in a 16 year old male which developed despite early administration of one vial of tiger snake antivenom. free venom was detected ...201627039255
ecological equivalency as a tool for endangered species management.the use of taxon substitutes for extinct or endangered species is a controversial conservation measure. we use the example of the endangered california tiger salamander (ambystoma californiense; cts), which is being replaced by hybrids with the invasive barred tiger salamander (ambystoma mavortium), to illustrate a strategy for evaluating taxon substitutes based on their position in a multivariate community space. approximately one-quarter of cts's range is currently occupied by "full hybrids" w ...201627039512
tiger mosquito - generated devastation in the biosphere!!! 201627041891
wound healing activity of the ethanol root extract and polyphenolic rich fraction from potentilla fulgens.potentilla fulgens wall. ex hook (rosaceae) is a potent medicinal plant of the western himalayas, where its roots are traditionally used by the local people of uttaranchal (india) to treat wounds and tiger bites.201627043472
rociletinib: has the tiger lost a few of its stripes? 201627045101
red-bellied black snake (pseudechis porphyriacus) envenomation in the dog: diagnosis and treatment of nine cases.the clinical signs, biochemical changes and serum and urine venom concentrations for a series of nine cases of red bellied black snake [rbbs] (pseudechis porphyriacus) envenomation in eight dogs seen in a regional australian veterinary hospital are described. although the resulting envenomation syndrome was, in most cases, relatively mild and responded rapidly to intravenous administration of a novel bivalent caprylic acid purified whole igg equine antivenom for tiger (notechis scutatus) and bro ...201627045362
species identification of the shark involved in the 2007 lifou fatal attack on a swimmer: a reply to tirard et al. (2015).based on new photographs of the wound, tirard et al. (2015) tried to demonstrate that the shark involved in a fatal attack on a human in lifou in 2007 had homodont teeth and that it sawed the femur instead of directly cutting it, promoting the hypothesis that it was a tiger shark instead of a white shark. they also contested the data provided by the direct witness of the attack about the behaviour of the shark, specific to this former species. the evidences they provide are not convincing and, b ...201627045695
ranging, activity and habitat use by tigers in the mangrove forests of the sundarban.the sundarban of india and bangladesh (about 6000 km²) are the only mangrove forests inhabited by a sizeable population of tigers. the adjoining area also supports one of the highest human densities and experiences severe human-tiger conflicts. we used gps-satellite and vhf radio-collars on 6 (3 males and 3 female) tigers to study their ranging patterns and habitat preference. the average home range (95% fixed kernel) for resident females was 56.4 (se 5.69) and for males it was 110 (se 49) km². ...201627049644
tracking changes and preventing loss in critical tiger habitat.the global population of wild tigers remains dangerously low at fewer than 3500 individuals. habitat loss, along with poaching, can undermine the international target recovery of doubling the number of wild tigers by 2022. using a new satellite-based monitoring system, we analyzed 14 years of forest loss data within the 76 landscapes (ranging from 278 to 269,983 km(2)) that have been prioritized for conservation of wild tigers. our analysis provides an update of the status of tiger habitat and d ...201627051881
hybridization and endangered species protection in the molecular era.after decades of discussion, there is little consensus on the extent to which hybrids between endangered and nonendangered species should be protected by us law. as increasingly larger, genome-scale data sets are developed, we can identify individuals and populations with even trace levels of genetic admixture, making the 'hybrid problem' all the more difficult. we developed a decision-tree framework for evaluating hybrid protection, including both the processes that produced hybrids (human-medi ...201627064931
men in groups: anthropology and aggression, the late 1950s, harry frank guggenheim was concerned with understanding why some charismatic leaders fought for freedom, while others sought power and domination. he believed that best-selling books on ethological approaches to animal and human behavior, especially those by playwright and screenwriter robert ardrey, promised a key to this dilemma, and he created a foundation that would fund research addressing problems of violence, aggression, and dominance. under the directorship of rutgers ...201527066619
interspecies nuclear transfer using fibroblasts from leopard, tiger, and lion ear piece collected postmortem as donor cells and rabbit oocytes as fibroblast cells were obtained from a small piece of an ear of leopard, lion, and tiger collected postmortem and attempts were made to synchronize the skin fibroblasts at g0/g1 of cell cycle using three different approaches. efficiency of the approaches was tested following interspecies nuclear transfer with rabbit oocytes as recipient cytoplasm. fluorescence-activated cell sorting revealed that the proportion of g0/g1 cells increased significantly (p < 0.05) when cells subjected to serum s ...201627071624
chemotherapeutic approaches against trypanosoma evansi: retrospective analysis, current status and future outlook.trypanosoma evansi, the causative agent of surra, is pathogenic to a wide variety of wild and domestic animals, including equines, camels, goats, sheep, cattle, buffaloes, pigs, dogs, tigers, elephants etc. the infection is mainly restricted to animals but ability to infect human beings has also been reported due to the lack of efficient apolipoprotein l 1. the parasite is mechanically transmitted by blood-sucking flies such as tabanus and stomoxys species. the disease has a major economic impac ...201627072712
population explosions of tiger moth lead to lepidopterism mimicking infectious fever outbreaks.lepidopterism is a disease caused by the urticating scales and toxic fluids of adult moths, butterflies or its caterpillars. the resulting cutaneous eruptions and systemic problems progress to clinical complications sometimes leading to death. high incidence of fever epidemics were associated with massive outbreaks of tiger moth asota caricae adult populations during monsoon in kerala, india. a significant number of monsoon related fever characteristic to lepidopterism was erroneously treated as ...201627073878
children prefer diverse samples for inductive reasoning in the social domain.not all samples of evidence are equally conclusive: diverse evidence is more representative than narrow evidence. prior research showed that children did not use sample diversity in evidence selection tasks, indiscriminately choosing diverse or narrow sets (tiger-mouse; tiger-lion) to learn about animals. this failure is not due to a general deficit of inductive reasoning, but reflects children's belief about the category and property at test. five- to 7 year-olds' inductive reasoning (n = 65) w ...201627079698
microbiome analysis and detection of pathogenic bacteria of penaeus monodon from jakarta bay and bali.penaeus monodon, the asian black tiger shrimp is one of the most widely consumed marine crustaceans worldwide. in this study, we examine and compare the fecal microbiota of p. monodon from highly polluted waters around jakarta bay, with those of less polluted waters of bali. using next generation sequencing techniques, we identified potential bacterial pathogens and common viral diseases of shrimp. proteobacteria (96.08%) was found to be the most predominant phylum, followed by bacteriodetes (2. ...201627090886
assessment of crop damage by protected wild mammalian herbivores on the western boundary of tadoba-andhari tiger reserve (tatr), central india.crop raiding by wild herbivores close to an area of protected wildlife is a serious problem that can potentially undermine conservation efforts. since there is orders of magnitude difference between farmers' perception of damage and the compensation given by the government, an objective and realistic estimate of damage was found essential. we employed four different approaches to estimate the extent of and patterns in crop damage by wild herbivores along the western boundary of tadoba-andhari ti ...201627093293
acoustic aposematism and evasive action in select chemically defended arctiine (lepidoptera: erebidae) species: nonchalant or not?tiger moths (erebidae: arctiinae) have experienced intense selective pressure from echolocating, insectivorous bats for over 65 million years. one outcome has been the evolution of acoustic signals that advertise the presence of toxins sequestered from the moths' larval host plants, i.e. acoustic aposematism. little is known about the effectiveness of tiger moth anti-bat sounds in their natural environments. we used multiple infrared cameras to reconstruct bat-moth interactions in three-dimensio ...201627096408
neocortical neuronal morphology in the siberian tiger (panthera tigris altaica) and the clouded leopard (neofelis nebulosa).despite extensive investigations of the neocortex in the domestic cat, little is known about neuronal morphology in larger felids. to this end, the present study characterized and quantified the somatodendritic morphology of neocortical neurons in prefrontal, motor, and visual cortices of the siberian tiger (panthera tigris altaica) and clouded leopard (neofelis nebulosa). after neurons were stained with a modified golgi technique (n = 194), dendritic branching and spine distributions were analy ...201627098982
estimating the population size and genetic diversity of amur tigers in northeast china.over the past century, the endangered amur tiger (panthera tigris altaica) has experienced a severe contraction in demography and geographic range because of habitat loss, poaching, and prey depletion. in its historical home in northeast china, there appears to be a single tiger population that includes tigers in southwest primorye and northeast china; however, the current demographic status of this population is uncertain. information on the abundance, distribution and genetic diversity of this ...201627100387
biases of tree-independent-character-subsampling methods.observed variability (ov) and tree independent generation of evolutionary rates (tiger) are quick and easy-to-apply tree-independent methods that have been proposed to provide unbiased estimates of each character's rate of evolution and serve as the basis for excluding rapidly evolving characters. both methods have been applied to multiple phylogenomic datasets, and in many cases the authors considered their trees inferred from the ov- and tiger-delimited sub-matrices to be better estimates of t ...201627103257
the tiger beetles (coleoptera, carabidae, cicindelinae) of israel and adjacent lands.based on field studies, museums collections and literature sources, the current knowledge of the tiger beetle fauna of israel and adjacent lands is presented. in israel eight species occur, one of them with two subspecies, while in the sinai peninsula nine species of tiger beetles are now known. in the combined regions seven genera from two tribes were found. the rift valley with six cicindelids species is the most specious region of israel. cylindera contorta valdenbergi and cicindela javeti az ...201627110198
woven-yarn thermoelectric textiles.the fabrication and characterization of highly flexible textiles are reported. these textiles can harvest thermal energy from temperature gradients in the desirable through-thickness direction. the tiger yarns containing n- and p-type segments are woven to provide textiles containing n-p junctions. a high power output of up to 8.6 w m(-2) is obtained for a temperature difference of 200 °c.201627110905
successful overwintering of aedes albopictus in germany.the asian tiger mosquito (aedes albopictus) is of great concern to public health authorities due to its vector competence and rapid spread across the globe. in 2015, two large local breeding populations of ae. albopictus were discovered in southwest germany. in spring 2016, we were able to demonstrate the first evidence of a successful overwintering in germany of this originally tropical mosquito species in different research projects. particularly noteworthy is the successful hatching of diapau ...201627112761
aedes albopictus (diptera: culicidae) and mosquito-borne viruses in the united states.the asian tiger mosquito aedes albopictus (skuse), is a highly invasive species that continues to expand its geographic distribution both in the united states and in countries on other continents. studies have demonstrated its susceptibility to infection with at least 32 viruses, including 13 that are present in the united states. despite this susceptibility, its role as a significant competent vector in natural transmission cycles of arboviruses, has been limited. however, with the recent intro ...201627113107
droplet characterization and penetration of an ultra-low volume mosquito adulticide spray targeting the asian tiger mosquito, aedes albopictus, within urban and suburban environments of northeastern control of aedes albopictus via ultra-low volume is difficult because this species occurs primarily in peridomestic habitats where obstacles such as buildings and vegetation can disrupt spray plumes and droplet dispersion. we determined droplet penetration and characterization of a pyrethroid adulticide applied from the ground at mid (46.77 ml/ha) and maximum (93.53 ml/ha) label rates within cryptic habitats of urban and suburban environments. droplets were collected from all habitats, wit ...201627116103
identification and differential expression analysis of micrornas encoded by tiger frog virus in cross-species infection in vitro.tiger frog virus (tfv), dsdna virus of the genus ranavirus and family iridoviridae, causes a high mortality of tiger frog tadpoles cultured in southern china. micrornas (mirnas) have been identified in many viruses especially dna viruses such as singapore grouper iridoviruses (sgiv). micrornas play important roles in regulating gene expression for virus subsistence in host. considering that tfv infects cells of different species under laboratory conditions, we aim to identify the specific and es ...201627129448
cellular responses of the tiger shrimp penaeus monodon haemocytes after lipopolysaccharide injection.this study was aimed at investigating the in vivo effects of lipopolysaccharide (lps) injection on penaeus monodon haemocytes at a cellular level. cellular responses of lps-injected shrimp were analysed using flow cytometry. results showed that lps injection caused total haemocyte count (thc) and count of large cells (semigranular and granular cells) decline. in lps-injected shrimp, percentage of large cells decreased at the initial stage, and returned to the original level later. after lps infe ...201627134076
estimating abundance and density of amur tigers along the sino-russian an apex predator the amur tiger (panthera tigris altaica) could play a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of forest ecosystems in northeast asia. due to habitat loss and harvest over the past century, tigers rapidly declined in china and are now restricted to the russian far east and bordering habitat in nearby china. to facilitate restoration of the tiger in its historical range, reliable estimates of population size are essential to assess effectiveness of conservation interventions. ...201627136188
detection of snake venom in post-antivenom samples by dissociation treatment followed by enzyme immunoassay.venom detection is crucial for confirmation of envenomation and snake type in snake-bite patients. enzyme immunoassay (eia) is used to detect venom, but antivenom in samples prevents venom detection. we aimed to detect snake venom in post-antivenom samples after dissociating venom-antivenom complexes with glycine-hcl (ph 2.2) and heating for 30 min at 950 °c. serum samples underwent dissociation treatment and then russell's viper venom or australian elapid venom measured by eia. in confirmed rus ...201627136587
comparative use of a caribbean mesophotic coral ecosystem and association with fish spawning aggregations by three species of shark.understanding of species interactions within mesophotic coral ecosystems (mces; ~ 30-150 m) lags well behind that for shallow coral reefs. mces are often sites of fish spawning aggregations (fsas) for a variety of species, including many groupers. such reproductive fish aggregations represent temporal concentrations of potential prey that may be drivers of habitat use by predatory species, including sharks. we investigated movements of three species of sharks within a mce and in relation to fsas ...201627144275
consequences of 'tiger' parenting: a cross-cultural study of maternal psychological control and children's cortisol stress response.parenting strategies involving psychological control are associated with increased adjustment problems in children. however, no research has examined the extent to which culture and psychological control predict children's stress physiology. we examine cultural differences in maternal psychological control and its associations with children's cortisol. chinese (n = 59) and american (n = 45) mother-child dyads participated in the study. mothers reported on psychological control. children's cortis ...201727146549
dynamics of a low-density tiger population in southeast asia in the context of improved law enforcement.recovering small populations of threatened species is an important global conservation strategy. monitoring the anticipated recovery, however, often relies on uncertain abundance indices rather than on rigorous demographic estimates. to counter the severe threat from poaching of wild tigers (panthera tigris), the government of thailand established an intensive patrolling system in 2005 to protect and recover its largest source population in huai kha khaeng wildlife sanctuary. concurrently, we as ...201627153529
next-generation sequencing-based detection of germline l1-mediated transductions.while active line-1 (l1) elements possess the ability to mobilize flanking sequences to different genomic loci through a process termed transduction influencing genomic content and structure, an approach for detecting polymorphic germline non-reference transductions in massively-parallel sequencing data has been lacking.201627161561
fatal influenza a (h5n1) virus infection in zoo-housed tigers in yunnan province, china.from 2014 to 2015, three cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza infection occurred in zoo-housed north-east china tigers (panthera tigris ssp.altaica) and four tigers died of respiratory distress in succession in yunnan province, china. we isolated and characterized three highly pathogenic avian influenza a(h5n1) viruses from these tigers. phylogenetic analysis indicated that a/tiger /yunnan /tig1404 /2014(h5n1) belongs to the provisional subclade which were novel reassortant influe ...201627162026
defining tiger parenting in chinese americans."tiger" parenting, as described by amy chua [2011], has instigated scholarly discourse on this phenomenon and its possible effects on families. our eight-year longitudinal study, published in the asian american journal of psychology [kim, wang, orozco-lapray, shen, & murtuza, 2013b], demonstrates that tiger parenting is not a common parenting profile in a sample of 444 chinese american families. tiger parenting also does not relate to superior academic performance in children. in fact, the best ...201327182075
first record of the asian bush mosquito, aedes japonicus japonicus, in italy: invasion from an established austrian 2011 we identified the asian bush mosquito, aedes japonicus japonicus (theobald, 1901) (diptera: culicidae) for the first time in northern slovenia and in the bordering austrian federal state of styria. between may and july 2012 the distribution area of ae. j. japonicus was already found to be extended westwards into carinthia and eastwards towards burgenland and bordering hungary. in august 2012 the species was first detected in a western province of hungary. in subsequent years, follow-up f ...201627184024
a novel gene mutation in pank2 in a patient with severe jaw-opening dystonia.pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (pkan) is a rare neurodegenerative condition. major clinical features include progressive dystonia, pigmentary retinopathy, spasticity, and cognitive decline. the typical mri sign of the disease, known as "eye-of-the-tiger", is what makes differential diagnosis possible. we here describe a 16-year-old male patient with pkan presenting with severe and sustained jaw-opening dystonia which may be due to heterogeneous etiologies showing poor response ...201627185474
identification and expression of a novel carbonic anhydrase isozyme in the pufferfish takifugu vermicularis.carbonic anhydrase (ca) is a key element for maintaining acid base balance in fish. in our present experiment, novel ca isozymes were identified from the pear puffer (takifugu vermicularis). based on the high homology of two predicted ca sequences of the tiger puffer (takifugu rubripes), a 1715bp novel cdna was obtained from t. vermicularis. the open reading frame showed a complete coding sequence of 552bp with a deduced peptide sequence of 183 amino acids that exhibited highest (97%) identity w ...201627188255
tiger food for short bowel: two cases. 201627190894
integrating occupancy models and structural equation models to understand species occurrence.understanding the drivers of species occrrece s a fundamenal goal in basic and applied ecology. occupancy models have emerged as a popular approach for inferring species occurrence because they account for problems associated with imperfect detection in field surveys. current models, however, are limited because they assume covariates are independent (i.e., indirect effects do not occur). here, we combined structural equation and occupancy models to investigate complex influences on species occu ...201627197402
chemical characterization of milk oligosaccharides of the tiger quoll (dasyurus maculatus), a marsupial.milk oligosaccharides were separated from the carbohydrate fraction of milk of the tiger quoll a species of marsupial that is closely related to the eastern quoll, dasyurus viverrinus. they were characterized by (1)h - nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and matrix - assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. the following oligosaccharides were identified; gal(β1-3)gal(β1-4)glc, gal(β1-3)gal(β1-3)gal(β1-4)glc, gal(β1-3)[gal(β1-4)glcnac(β1-6)]gal(β1-4)glc, gal(β1-3 ...201627206413
identification, structural characterisation and expression analysis of a defensin gene from the tiger beetle calomera littoralis (coleoptera: cicindelidae).in this study, a defensin gene (clit-def) has been characterised in the tiger beetle calomera littoralis for the first time. bioinformatic analysis showed that the gene has an open reading frame of 246bp that contains a 46 amino acid mature peptide. the phylogenetic analysis showed a high variability in the coleopteran defensins analysed. the clit-def mature peptide has the features to be involved in the antimicrobial function: a predicted cationic isoelectric point of 8.94, six cysteine residue ...201627210512
effects of hand-rearing on reproductive success in captive large cats panthera tigris altaica, uncia uncia, acinonyx jubatus and neofelis nebulosa.species survival plans and european endangered species programmes have been developed for several species of endangered felids in order to build up captive reserve populations and support their conservation in the wild. the siberian tiger (panthera tigris altaica), snow leopard (uncia uncia), cheetah (acinonyx jubatus) and clouded leopard (neofelis nebulosa) are managed in such ex situ conservation programmes. many zoological institutions hand-rear offspring if rearing by the mother fails. hand- ...201627214261
islands in the desert: species delimitation and evolutionary history of pseudotetracha tiger beetles (coleoptera: cicindelidae: megacephalini) from australian salt lakes.the australian salt lakes are a natural archipelago-like laboratory for investigating evolutionary and population processes. their environmental conditions have not undergone relevant changes since the aridification of australia 10-5 million years ago. the genus pseudotetracha, a group of nocturnal tiger beetles found on these remote salt lakes, includes 20 described species. recent studies based on molecular markers and cytogenetics hinted at the existence of cryptic species within this group. ...201627223998
budding of tiger frog virus (an iridovirus) from hepg2 cells via three ways recruits the escrt pathway.the cellular endosomal sorting complex required for transport (escrt) pathway is a multifunctional pathway involved in cell physiological activities. while the majority of rna viruses bearing l-domains are known to hijack the escrt pathway to complete the budding process, the budding of large and complex enveloped dna viruses, especially iridoviruses, has been rarely investigated. in the present study, we use the tiger frog virus (tfv) as a model to investigate whether iridoviruses are released ...201627225426
spread and establishment of aedes albopictus in southern switzerland between 2003 and 2014: an analysis of oviposition data and weather conditions.the asian tiger mosquito, aedes albopictus, is a highly invasive mosquito species of public health importance. in the wake of its arrival in neighbouring italy the authorities of the canton of ticino in southern switzerland initiated a surveillance programme in 2000 that is still on-going. here we explored the unique data set, compiled from 2003 to 2014, to analyse the local dynamic of introduction and establishment of ae. albopictus, its relative density in relation to precipitation and tempera ...201627229686
isolation and characterization of eight microsatellite loci from galeocerdo cuvier (tiger shark) and cross-amplification in carcharhinus leucas, carcharhinus brevipinna, carcharhinus plumbeus and sphyrna lewini.the tiger shark galeocerdo cuvier (carcharhinidae) is a large elasmobranch suspected to have, as other apex predators, a keystone function in marine ecosystems and is currently considered near threatened (red list iucn). knowledge on its ecology, which is crucial to design proper conservation and management plans, is very scarce. here we describe the isolation of eight polymorphic microsatellite loci using 454 gs-flx titanium pyrosequencing of enriched dna libraries. their characteristics were t ...201627231661
effects of diapause and cold acclimation on egg ultrastructure: new insights into the cold hardiness mechanisms of the asian tiger mosquito aedes (stegomyia) albopictus.the asian tiger mosquito, aedes albopictus (diptera: culicidae, skuse), is an important threat to public health due to its rapid spread and its potential as a vector. the eggs of ae. albopictus are the most cold resistant life stage and thus, the cold hardiness of eggs is used to predict the future occurrence of the species in distribution models. however, the mechanism of cold hardiness has yet to be revealed. to address this question, we analyzed the layers of diapausing and cold acclimatized ...201627232137
detection of hepatozoon felis in ticks collected from free-ranging amur tigers ( panthera tigris altaica), russian far east, 2002-12.we collected 69 ticks from nine, free-ranging amur tigers ( panthera tigris altaica) between 2002 and 2011 and investigated them for tick-borne pathogens. dna was extracted using alkaline digestion and pcr was performed to detect apicomplexan organisms. partial 18s rdna amplification products were obtained from 14 ticks from four tigers, of which 13 yielded unambiguous nucleotide sequence data. comparative sequence analysis revealed all 13 partial 18s rdna sequences were most similar to those be ...201627243154
molecular characterization of antibiotic resistant vibrio harveyi isolated from shrimp aquaculture environment in the south east coast of india.vibrio harveyi is a strategic human pathogen that occurs naturally in marine and estuarine environments. the pathogen is believed to cause acute septicemia, gastroenteritis, severe necrotizing soft-tissue infection, and high rate of lethality through ingestion of v. harveyi contaminated seafood. in this study, we isolated and characterized v. harveyi from water suspended sediment samples of black tiger shrimp ponds and from the sea coasts, in the east coast of the bay of bengal, india. initial i ...201627247095
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