
PMID(sorted ascending)
lymph node pathology of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids).there has been a recent notable increase in the number of patients in the united states seropositive for the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and also an increase in the number of otherwise healthy homosexuals with persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (pgl). lymphoid tissue appears to be a favorite target for the initial viral infection, subsequent opportunistic infections, and associated neoplasms. therefore, evaluation of pgl is important in understanding the nature of the disease. biopsie ...19902256662
kaposi's sarcoma involvement of the bone marrow.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a predominantly cutaneous malignancy with several clinical variants. extracutaneous sites of involvement are uncommon in all disease variants except epidemic ks (human immunodeficiency virus related) and the african lymphadenopathic variant. extracutaneous ks usually involves the lymph nodes, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory tract. the authors report the first description of a patient with classic ks to have bone marrow involvement. two additional patients with ks ...19902264577
clinical and epidemiological features of hiv infection at a referral clinic in zambia.among 1,350 patients with serologically confirmed hiv-1 infection evaluated at the dermatovenerealogy clinic, university teaching hospital. lusaka, through march 1987, 125 (9.3%) had aids, 1,178 (87.3%) had aids-related complex, and 46 (3.5%) were asymptomatic. the male to female ratio of cases was 1.5:1 and women were younger (mean age of 26.2 years) than were men (mean age of 31.2 years). hiv-infected persons had significantly more lifetime sex partners than uninfected persons; other risk fact ...19902293647
kaposi's sarcoma in a cohort of homosexual and bisexual men. epidemiology and analysis for cofactors.acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) surveillance data for both the united states and san francisco indicate that kaposi's sarcoma is more common in homosexual and bisexual men with aids than in other adults with aids, and that the proportion of newly diagnosed aids cases presenting with kaposi's sarcoma has been significantly declining over time. the changing epidemiology of kaposi's sarcoma was analyzed in a well-characterized cohort of homosexual and bisexual men; laboratory and intervie ...19902296976
prevalence of oral lesions among hiv-infected intravenous drug abusers and other risk study the prevalence of oral manifestations, we examined 217 patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). most of our patients were intravenous drug abusers (ivdas) (65%). other risk categories were represented by ivdas who were also male homosexuals or bisexuals (11%), male homosexuals and bisexuals (16%), sexual partners of hiv-infected patients (5%), and hemophilic persons and recipients of blood transfusions (3%). forty-six patients were women and 171 were men, with a me ...19902304743
kaposi's sarcoma: retrospective study of 67 cases with the classical form.the records of 67 israeli patients with classical kaposi's sarcoma treated at rambam medical center were analyzed retrospectively for clinical and laboratory data. as expected, all except 1 patient were of jewish origin. there was a male predominance with a ratio of 2.2:1. the age of onset was mostly during the 5th to 7th decades of life. the course of the disease was usually slow and indolent. as has been already noted, we found a higher frequency of diabetes mellitus (16.4%). although a high f ...19902307273
lymphoreticular disease masquerading as or associated with an inguinal or femoral hernia.twelve patients (eight men and four women) had previously undiagnosed lymphoreticular disease associated with or simulating an inguinal (nine) or femoral (three) hernia. the disease was present on the left side in eight. four patients (three women and one man) did not have an actual hernia. two of these women had a preoperative diagnosis of femoral hernia. seven of the patients, including all of the women, had non-hodgkin's lymphoma (three diffuse large cell, two follicular mixed cell and two fo ...19902321121
upper airway obstruction due to tonsillar lymphadenopathy in human immunodeficiency virus infection.head and neck manifestations of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection are common and include diffuse cervical lymphadenopathy, cutaneous and mucosal kaposi's sarcoma, mucosal herpes simplex infection, upper aerodigestivetractcandidiasis, and parotidlymphadenopathy and cysts. recurrent otitis media and chronic sinusitis have been noted in the pediatric hiv population. we describe a patient with hiv-associated tonsillar and adenoid lymphadenopathy and upper airway obstruction. pathologic an ...19902340129
opportunistic infections and malignancies in 231 danish aids patients.we analysed cumulative disease frequencies in the first 231 adult danish aids patients with life tables. there was a certain hierarchical pattern in the occurrence of complicating diseases. herpes zoster, kaposi's sarcoma and pneumocystis carinii pneumonia were early manifestations, whereas diseases caused by cytomegalovirus and atypical mycobacteria tended to occur later in the course of aids. compared with all other aids patients, homosexual men were more likely to develop kaposi's sarcoma, cy ...19902350442
in vitro modulation of human endothelial cell growth by kaposi's sarcoma sera.sera from patients affected either by the classic/mediterranean form (5 patients) and human immune deficiency virus (hiv)-associated (12 patients) form of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) were compared in supporting endothelial cell in-vitro proliferation. healthy blood donors (15) and a group of 7 hiv-positive drug addicts with no dermatological involvement were used as control groups. endothelial cell growth was assessed by means of a [3h]thymidine incorporation and by an optical density direct cell-coun ...19902352120
the impact of oral examination on the centers for disease control classification of subjects with human immunodeficiency virus infection.seventy patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) have been included in this study to evaluate the impact of oral examination on the centers for disease control (cdc), atlanta, ga, classification of hiv disease. based on clinical data prior to oral examination, 22 patients were classified in the cdc group 2, 11 in cdc group 3, and 37 in cdc group 4. twelve patients (55%) initially classified as cdc 2, and 4 patients (36%) initially classified as cdc 3 had to be reallocated to cdc ...19902353858
the demographic, social and clinical presentations of one hundred ethiopian patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection.the demographic, social and clinical presentation of 100 hiv positive patients hospitalized in tikur anbessa hospital, addis ababa, ethiopia, between 1986 and 1989 are described. the mean age is 38.2 years with a range of 16 to 58. over 75% of the patients are under 40 years. they came from ten different regions of ethiopia. only 82% of the patients fulfil the provisional world health organization clinical case definition of aids (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). tuberculosis is the commones ...19902364937
infection of the heart by the human immunodeficiency virus.heart muscle disease in the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids), characterized by electrocardiographic changes or congestive cardiomyopathy, is a documented clinical problem, but its pathogenesis is obscure. in aids the heart is known to be involved by a variety of opportunistic infections as well as kaposi's sarcoma, but no causative relation with the development of cardiomyopathy has been established. this study reports evidence for direct infection of the heart in aids, not by an oppor ...19902371952
nasopharyngeal cyst simulating kaposi's sarcoma in an hiv-infected patient.a case of nasopharyngeal cyst in a 30-year-old male homosexual intravenous drug user infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) is presented. the similarity in clinical presentation of nasopharyngeal cyst and kaposi's sarcoma is discussed.19902376712
the emerging aids epidemic in ireland--clinicopathological findings in 23 early cases.a longitudinal study with follow up to the end of 1989 was carried out on 23 patients with aids who had attended st. james's hospital, dublin, by the end of 1987. until then only 33 cases of aids had been reported in ireland. the patients, all of whom had antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), were predominantly male, young (mean age 31.3 years) and belonged about equally to three major risk groups: homosexuals, intravenous drug abusers (ivda) and haemophiliacs. aids was diagnosed bec ...19902391209
kaposi's sarcoma in human t-cell leukemia virus type i-associated adult t-cell leukemia.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) developed in a patient with human t-cell leukemia virus type i (htlv-i)-associated adult t-cell leukemia who was treated with a short-term course of monoclonal antibody immunotherapy. the presentation was transient and temporally related to the underlying clinical course. the association of ks in an htlv-i infected, but not human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected, individual should alert investigators to the occurrence of ks in retroviral-associated diseases other than ...19902393719
risk factors for kaposi's sarcoma in the vancouver lymphadenopathy-aids our ongoing cohort study of homosexual men, the ratio of new kaposi's sarcoma (ks) cases to new opportunistic infections (oi) during the periods 1982-1985, 1986-1987, and 1988-1989 fell from 0.75 (9 ks: 12 oi) to 0.57 (12 ks:21 oi) to 0.27 (4 ks:15 oi), respectively. to examine factors associated with the development of ks as compared to oi, we compared antecedent risk factors in 25 ks cases and 48 oi "controls." in univariate analyses, several classical hiv risk factors including numbers of ...19902395081
incidence of kaposi's sarcoma in a cohort of homosexual men infected with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1. the multicenter aids cohort study group.longitudinal data on 2,125 participants in the multicenter aids cohort study (macs) with documented antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) were used to examine the incidence of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids)-related kaposi's sarcoma (ks) over time and to determine if sexual practices and hematologic variables prior to diagnosis differed for participants who develop ks vs. non-ks aids (nks). in the first 4 years of the study, 84 seropositive men were observed to ...19902395082
kaposi's sarcoma in three hiv-1-infected cohorts.we describe the kaposi's sarcoma (ks) experience in three cohorts of homosexual men, subjects with hemophilia, and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) seroconverters. the risk of ks was higher in hiv-1-infected homosexual men from new york city as compared with washington, d.c. and was very low in the hemophilia subjects. while ks accounted for a decreasing proportion of aids cases in homosexual men, the absolute risk per year did not diminish. survival was similar after diagnosis of ks ...19902395084
the relationship between kaposi's sarcoma and intestinal parasites among homosexual males in the united interesting temporal relationship exists between the emergence of the epidemic of intestinal parasites in the homosexual male population and the subsequent appearance of kaposi's sarcoma. existent models suggest possible links between chronic parasitosis, viral infection, and the emergence of malignant disease. patients with aids-related conditions have been demonstrated to have a high rate of asymptomatic amebiasis. possible links between intestinal parasites and the development of kaposi's ...19902395086
hiv-1 and htlv-i infection in renal transplant recipients.the prevalence of retroviral infection in renal transplantation remains poorly defined. we tested retrospectively sera from 224 of 331 patients undergoing renal transplantation between 1979 and 1985. viral antigen based eia was used for screening igg antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus (hiv-i) and human t-cell leukemia virus type i (htlv-i). positive eias were confirmed by western blot. six patients (2.7%) were found to have retroviral infection, four with hiv-1 and two with htlv-i. the f ...19902403436
the search for cofactors in aids, including an analysis of the association of nitrite inhalant abuse and kaposi's sarcoma.the identification of cofactors in aids is a challenging scientific task. if successful, identifying cofactors could prove valuable in understanding the pathogenesis of hiv infection and aids and in the development of strategies to prolong survival and/or prevent complications in hiv-infected individuals. there is sufficient evidence to suggest the existence of a cofactor in ks in aids. nitrite inhalants remain a leading candidate to be the ks cofactor. until more is known to document or refute ...19902405412
approaches to interferon combination therapy in the treatment of aids.high-dose interferon alfa (ifn alfa) therapy induces an overall response rate of 25% to 30% in unselected patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids)-related kaposi's sarcoma. up to 50% of patients with relatively preserved immune reactivity respond to treatment. however, when dosages of 20 x 10(6) units or more per day are used to induce responses, constitutional and hematologic side effects may be significant. therefore, efforts are being made to lower the effective dose of ifn alf ...19902405490
immunohistopathology of lymph nodes in htlv-iii infected homosexuals with persistent adenopathy or aids.lymph node biopsies from 43 male homosexuals with persistent generalized lymphadenopathy and from ten acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients, all with serum antibodies to human t-cell leukemia virus iii, were studied with regard to histopathology, immunohistology, and t-cell subsets in cell suspensions. all acquired immunodeficiency syndrome biopsies except one with kaposi's sarcoma had the same histopathological pattern of follicular depletion, whereas the persistent generalized lymphadeno ...19852410110
activated interferon system in healthy homosexual men.more than 50% of a group of healthy homosexuals in israel were found to have an activated interferon (ifn) system as evidenced by markedly elevated blood ifn levels, increased in vitro production of ifn by unstimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells and huifn-alpha and huifn-gamma production by appropriately stimulated cells, and a surprisingly high incidence of an antiviral state of cells. this pattern resembles that found in persons with acute viral illness, and is unlike that found in nor ...19852412490
[current status of interferon therapy].interferons (ifn) are potent antiviral, cytostatic-cytotoxic and immunomodulatory agents. although gene technology has made available an unlimited supply of all different kinds and types of ifn, their basic modes of action have not been clarified up to now. the therapeutic effects proven differ gradually between the individual disease entities. they comprise prophylaxis, prevention of recurrences and direct therapeutic effect, either of reducing the actual disease symptoms, or of inducing a comp ...19862425497
aids and kaposi's sarcoma: interferons in pathogenesis and treatment. 19862434434
the role of interferon in the therapy of epidemic kaposi's sarcoma.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is the major neoplastic complication of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). although most patients succumb to infectious complications of aids rather than as a direct consequence of the tumor, ks may, in some cases, pursue an aggressive clinical course resulting in considerable morbidity. a subset of ks patients, characterized by lack of systemic "b" symptoms (fever, weight loss, night sweats), absence of prior opportunistic infection, and relative preservation ...19872440110
characterization of serum neutralization response to the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv).to determine the clinical significance of human neutralizing antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), we measured serum neutralization in patients with different clinical outcomes following hiv infection. serum neutralization titers ranged from less than 1:5 to 1:100. the neutralization response after hiv infection appeared slow, with neutralization titers remaining low, at or below 1:5, at 7 months following seroconversion. comparison of 78 hiv seropositive subjects with aids, aids ...19872441727
human immunodeficiency virus infection in childhood.acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is associated with considerable morbidity in infants and children. it is caused by human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) which can be transmitted vertically from mother to infant early in pregnancy. transmission might also occur via breast milk. although the exact transmission rate of hiv from mother to infant is not known, hiv can become a major threat to child survival. this threat is already present in africa where high seroprevalences have been reported among ...19882456715
[detection of the human immunodeficiency virus in a lymphocyte culture from a patient from central africa with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and kaposi's sarcoma].the results of hiv virus isolation from patient a. t., resident of central africa, are discussed, in whom kaposi sarcoma was diagnosed clinically and histologically, and immunological examinations revealed the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). cocultivation of the peripheral blood leukocytes of the patient with normal donor leukocytes yielded a leukocyte culture in which hiv virus expression was demonstrated. the hiv antigen was detected in the ultracentrifugate of the cultures by means ...19882457989
interferon and interferon inhibitor levels in patients infected with varicella-zoster virus, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related complex, or kaposi's sarcoma, and in normal individuals.previous studies had reported that normal individuals do not have measurable levels of interferons in their circulation, whereas high levels have been found in patients in the early stages of aids (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) and in those with aids-related complex (arc). this study was undertaken to compare levels of interferon and interferon inhibitors in plasma samples from patients with aids, arc, kaposi's sarcoma, or varicella-zoster virus infection, and from control subjects.19892478016
zidovudine treatment of patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome and acquired immune deficiency syndrome-related complex: st stephen's hospital experience.zidovudine was used in an open uncontrolled study for treatment of 145 human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) patients, 102 with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) and 43 with symptomatic hiv disease (acquired immune deficiency syndrome related-complex, arc). the mean period of follow-up was 6 +/- 2.5 months. the median survival time of aids patients on zidovudine was 4.5 times longer when compared to a historical zidovudine untreated aids group (1657 vs. 370 days). this should be interprete ...19892492585
interferons in dermatology.interferons are a large family of proteins and glycoproteins, naturally occurring or artificially produced by recombinant biotechnology. their antiviral, antiproliferative, antitumoral, and immunomodulatory activities are induced by alterations in cell metabolism after binding to specific membrane receptors. interferons have been used for the treatment of viral papillomas (e.g., verruca vulgaris and condyloma acuminatum), human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-associated kaposi's sarcoma and cutaneo ...19892497154
intralesional recombinant tumor necrosis factor-alpha for aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma: a randomized, double-blind trial.the effect of recombinant tumor necrosis factor-alpha (rtnf), injected directly into the tumor, was evaluated in a phase i/ii study of 27 patients with aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma (ks). the maximally tolerated intralesional dose was less than 100 micrograms/m2 and the recommended intralesional dose was 25 micrograms/m2. in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, rtnf reduced the cross-sectional area of 15 of 16 (94%) of the injected ks lesions and caused complete disappearance ...19892498507
recovery of human immunodeficiency virus and detection of p24 antigen in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from adult patients with aids.published reports indicate that hiv is recovered from bal fluid of patients with aids who have lip but not with other aids-related pulmonary disease. our experience has been different. ten bal specimens from nine patients with aids were cultured directly in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and all ten cultures were positive for hiv as indicated by examination of the culture supernatant by reverse transcriptase assay and enzyme immunoassay for hiv antigen. five of the specimens were also posit ...19892500312
the role of immunomodulators in the treatment of patients with the last several years, the biologic modification of the immune system has become one of the therapeutic alternatives in medicine. the use of interferon alpha has resulted in both antineoplastic and antiviral effects in patients with aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma. trials currently underway will determine whether or not this drug, either alone or in combination with zidovudine, is of overall value to patients with early stages of hiv-1 infection. hematopoietic growth factors, gm-csf and ery ...19892514735
human retroviruses: a common virology.there are five known human retroviruses: human t-lymphotropic virus-i (htlv-i), htlv-ii, htlv-v, human immunodeficiency virus-1 (hiv-1), and hiv-2. these are related to animal lentiviruses. the simian retroviruses, simian t-lymphotropic virus-i (stlv-i) and stlv-iii are related closely to htlv-i and hiv-2 respectively. htlv-i and htlv-ii and, possibly, htlv-v are transforming agents that immortalize the cd4 cell. in contrast, hiv-1 and hiv-2 cause this cell to lyse, resulting in immunodeficiency ...19892520546
non-cryptosporidial diarrhoea in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infected patients.thirty of 81 consecutive hiv antibody positive patients referred with non-cryptosporidial diarrhoea had no potential infectious cause; most had aids related complex rather than the full blown syndrome. opportunistic infections with cytomegalovirus (cmv), mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (mai), and herpes simplex virus (hsv), which allowed a diagnosis of aids to be made, were found in 19 patients and were the presenting features of aids in five. other potential pathogenic species included entam ...19892539310
analysis of human ks biopsies and cloned cell lines for cytomegalovirus, hiv-1, and other selected dna virus sequences.investigation into a possible role of several human viruses, including human cytomegalovirus (hcmv), human immunodeficiency virus (hiv-1), hepatitis b virus (hbv), human herpesvirus 6 (hhv6), and epstein-barr virus (ebv) in the pathogenesis of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) has resulted in the lack of an association of these viruses in ks biopsy and cloned ks cell line specimens. since nearly all patients with ks, including those with hiv-associated ks, have a high incidence of hcmv infection, hcmv has b ...19892540783
cells derived from sporadic and aids-related kaposi's sarcoma reveal identical cytochemical and molecular properties in vitro.we have established 40 cell cultures from biopsies of 5 patients with sporadic kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and compared them with cell cultures derived from ks biopsies of aids patients. immunocytochemical staining of sporadic ks cells revealed the same endothelial cell markers as those expressed on aids-ks cells, indicating that both types of ks might be of endothelial cell origin. in contrast to clinical features, in vitro growth properties showed no differences. ks cells of both types reveal a low ...19892543647
oral manifestations of hiv infection in 75 dutch patients.seventy-five consecutive hiv-infected patients, including 33 aids cases were examined. one or more oral mucosal lesions were observed in 57 (76%); candidiasis was the most common finding (52%). others included hairy leukoplakia (16%), periodontal disease (16%) and kaposi's sarcoma (4%). diversity of study design and methods allowed no reliable comparison with other reports.19892545871
oesophageal symptoms, their causes, treatment, and prognosis in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency a prospective study of 154 aids patients, 48 (31%) complained of pain on swallowing both liquids and solids and 32 (21%) of these also had dysphagia. while candidiasis was the most common cause of symptoms (26 patients), discrete ulceration of the oesophagus occurred in 12 instances in 10 patients (four cytomegalovirus, four herpes simplex virus, three aphthous ulcer, one peptic ulcer). one patient had a diffuse oesophagitis caused by mycobacterium avium intracellulare. no cause was found for ...19892548933
ocular manifestations of acquired immune deficiency syndrome.the ocular complications of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) include: (1) a noninfectious microangiopathy, most often seen in the retina, consisting of cotton-wool spots with or without intraretinal hemorrhages and other microvascular abnormalities; (2) opportunistic ocular infections, primarily cytomegalovirus (cmv) retinitis; (3) conjunctival, eyelid, or orbital involvement by those neoplasms seen in patients with aids (i.e., kaposi's sarcoma and lymphoma); and (4) neuro-ophthalmic l ...19892549483
diagnosis of pulmonary disease in human immunodeficiency virus infection: role of transbronchial biopsy and bronchoalveolar lavage.the value of transbronchial biopsy and bronchoalveolar lavage was assessed in the diagnosis of pulmonary disease in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). seventy four transbronchial biopsy and 66 bronchoalveolar lavage specimens (60 paired specimens) from 80 examinations in 64 patients were reviewed. pneumocystis carinii was the most common pathogen isolated (43 patients). bronchoalveolar lavage was superior to transbronchial biopsy for the diagnosis of this pathogen, th ...19892549653
pulmonary disease in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection.pulmonary disease is the most important cause of morbidity and mortality in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). all parts of the hospital system are expected to be involved in the diagnosis and treatment of hiv infected patients in the coming years. many different processes cause pulmonary disease alone or in combination. bilateral interstitial infiltrates are the most frequent chest x-ray abnormality and are most frequently caused by infection with pneumocystis carinii. c ...19892553341
cytomegalovirus infection in gastrointestinal tracts of patients infected with hiv-1 or aids.all gastrointestinal tract biopsy specimens from 190 patients positive for hiv-1 or with aids were reviewed to assess the prevalence of cytomegalovirus (cmv) infection, morphology of infected cells, and the associated histopathological features. eighteen patients (10 (7.7%) of 129 hiv antibody positive and eight (13.1%) of 61 with aids) had cmv identified in 35 biopsy specimens from the following sites: oesophagus (n = 3); stomach (n = 6); small intestine (n = 4); colorectum (n = 18) and periana ...19892555397
cytochemical and molecular properties of simian virus 40 transformed kaposi's sarcoma-derived cells: evidence for the secretion of a member of the fibroblast growth factor kaposi's sarcoma-derived cells (ks cells) were transfected with simian virus 40 (sv40) dna. transformed cells (sv-ksc) were selected for their capacity to form foci on monolayers of the low-malignant ks cells. isolated sv-ksc foci were found to contain integrated sv40 dna sequences and to express sv40 large t-antigen. several differentiation properties of ks cells are retained in the sv40 transformants, e.g., expression of vimentin and the endothelial cell marker bma 120. in co ...19892556409
aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma: a molecular model for its pathogenesis.kaposi's sarcoma is a mesenchymal tumor that is frequently observed in aids patients. although the tumor is clearly associated with hiv-1 infection, little is known about the molecular events underlying its pathogenesis. here we consider the potential roles of specific cytokines and the virally encoded tat product in inducing the tumor.19892561910
recombinant human gamma interferon enhances in vitro activation of lymphocytes isolated from patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.decreased responses to antigens and lectins are a characteristic feature of peripheral blood lymphocytes isolated from patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). the in vitro addition of recombinant gamma interferon (ifn-gamma) to cultures of peripheral blood lymphocytes obtained from patients with aids resulted in an augmented proliferative response [( 3h]thymidine uptake) to phytohemagglutinin (pha) and an enrichment in cd4+ and cd8+ t lymphocytes. in aids cultures stimulated ...19892572558
the spindle-shaped cells in cutaneous kaposi's sarcoma. histologic simulators include factor xiiia dermal dendrocytes.kaposi's sarcoma is a neoplasm that develops as multifocal lesions, often involving the skin, characterized by a complex histologic picture including numerous vascular spaces, perivascular and interstitial spindle-shaped cells, and extravasated erythrocytes, lymphocytes, and plasma cells. using an antibody against factor xiiia, which identifies dermal dendrocytes, numerous factor xiiia-positive dermal dendrocytes were detected among the spindle-shaped cells in 12 acquired immune deficiency syndr ...19892573283
kaposi's sarcoma in a homosexual--10 years on.kaposi's sarcoma is seen in one of several clinical settings. before the recognition of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) in the early 1980s, the most frequent presentation of kaposi's sarcoma in the uk was the so-called 'classical' form of the disease. the most common form of kaposi's sarcoma in this country is now that associated with aids, which particularly affects young male homosexuals. here we describe a homosexual man who has developed many kaposi's sarcoma tumours during th ...19892591081
the enhanced potential use of recombinant alpha interferon in the treatment of aids-related kaposi's sarcoma.alpha interferon has been extensively studied in the treatment of the epidemic form of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) common in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). its safety and efficacy against ks have been well documented, with objective tumor responses seen in 25%-50% of cases. in a number of large uncontrolled studies, patients had a low incidence of opportunistic infections (ois) during recombinant alpha interferon therapy. although several factors may be involved, individuals responding ...19892594553
aids and the lung. introduction.damage to the immune system induced by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) leads to a spectrum of opportunistic infections of which the lung is the most common site. in europe and north america, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is the presenting symptom in 64% of cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and occurs at some point in 80% of aids victims. this infection is less common in africa, where tuberculosis is the predominant opportunistic infection. other aids-related lung infe ...19892595618
non-condylomatous, perianal disease in homosexual men.this retrospective study details the findings and outcome in 34 homosexual men, out of a total of 177 patients, who underwent surgery for non-condylomatous perianal disease over a 2-year period. of 34 homosexuals 20 presented with anorectal sepsis compared with 11 of 79 heterosexual male patients (x2 = 24.07, p less than 0.001). lesions included chronic intersphincteric abscess (eight patients), anal fistula (seven patients) and chronic intersphincteric abscess and fistula (five patients). anal ...19892597952
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.a report entitled "kaposi's sarcoma and pneumocytosis carinii pneumonia among homosexual men in new york city and california" in the mmwr in july 1981 alerted the world to the appearance of a completely new disease. the opportunistic infections and cancers occurring in these patients had previously only been seen in patients who were immunosuppressed. homosexual men were the first as a major risk group to be identified. others quickly followed. the pattern of occurrence clearly indicated an infe ...19892599843
gastrointestinal kaposi's sarcoma in renal transplant patients.we report nine cases of gastrointestinal kaposi's sarcoma in renal transplant patients negative for human immunodeficiency virus. in eight the lesions regressed on either withdrawing or reducing the dose of cyclosporin a, but this led to the loss of the renal graft in approximately 50 per cent of patients.19892616736
pulmonary diseases in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus in zimbabwe, central africa.during the 11 month period up to 30 september 1987, 37 patients (26 male, 11 female, mean age 27 years) with respiratory symptoms who were human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) positive, were studied prospectively on 40 occasions to determine the cause of any pulmonary complications. hiv was heterosexually transmitted. predominant symptoms were cough (89%), fever (89%), weight loss (83%), and dyspnoea (60%). transnasal fibre-optic bronchoscopy (with bronchoalveolar lavage, bronchial brushings and t ...19892617633
[aids and the oral cavity].the oral cavity is the site for a number of diseases associated with an infection of the human immunodeficiency virus. often the oral lesions may appear before the establishment of an aids diagnosis; and occasionally, the diagnosis may depend solely on the oral manifestations. the most commonly reported oral infections are those caused by candida albicans and the herpes simplex virus. hairy leukoplakia, a newly described lesion, may also be of viral origin. kaposi's sarcoma is the most frequentl ...19892639731
antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity by polymorphonuclear leucocytes in patients with aids and aids-related complex.polymorphonuclear leucocytes (pmn) play an important role in host defense against bacterial and certain fungal infections. furthermore, pmn are effectors in antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (adcc) against a variety of tumor and non-tumor target cells. in this study we examine the pmn-mediated adcc in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and aids-related complex (arc), using chicken red blood cells (crbc) in the presence of anti-crbc antibody as targets. ten subjects ea ...19892642173
a novel virus-like infectious agent in patients with aids.a novel virus-like infectious agent (vlia), obtained by direct transfection of dna from kaposi's sarcoma of a patient with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids), was transmissible from culture to culture by cell-free filtrate. vlia contained an outer limiting membrane and had a buoyant density of 1.17-1.20 g/ml in a sucrose gradient. the dna genome of vlia was estimated to be greater than 150 kilobase (kb) pairs and carried repetitive sequences. an 8.6 kb pair cloned probe (psb-8.6) and a 2 ...19892645805
[aids manifestations in the gastrointestinal tract].more than 50% of hiv-infected patients develop gastrointestinal symptoms. the hiv-induced damage of the mucosa-associated immune system (reduction of cd4-positive cells in the lamina propria) leads to an increased risk of opportunistic infections (candida, herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, cryptosporidia, isospora belli, strongyloides stercoralis, mycobacteria) and the development of malignant tumors (kaposi's sarcoma, malignant lymphoma). 70% of patients with gastrointestinal kaposi's sarc ...19892659472
the role of opportunistic viruses in kaposi's sarcoma (ks) evolution.etiopathogenetic mechanisms involved in the development of kaposi's sarcoma and the possible role of viruses, such as cmv, bkv, hbv, hhv-6 and retroviruses are reviewed. an etiopathogenetic model is also presented.19892660880
zidovudine for treating aids. what physicians need to know.zidovudine (retrovir) is the only drug found to be useful for managing human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) and aids-related complex. the drug is virostatic, ie, it prevents replication of hiv by inhibiting the enzyme reverse transcriptase. zidovudine is well tolerated and provides short-term benefits by improving the quality of life and extending survival time. it is expensive and can be toxic, however, so its use requires close ...19892662155
[kaposi's sarcoma in rwanda: clinico-pathological and epidemiological aspects].the clinico-pathological and epidemiological features of 119 cases of kaposi's sarcoma diagnosed during the years 1979-1986 in the main pathology department of rwanda are presented. skin involvement (89%) was predominant with almost 70% of cutaneous lesions localised on the lower limbs; 11% of cases presented with extracutaneous localisations, 77% (10 cases out of 13) in the lymph nodes. incidence rises progressively with age, and males are more affected than females with a sex ratio (m:f) of 6. ...19892665880
exacerbation of epidemic kaposi's sarcoma with a combination of interleukin-2 and beta-interferon: results of a phase 2 study.epidemic kaposi's sarcoma (eks) is the most common neoplastic manifestation of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). the underlying immune deficiency can be partially reversed in vitro with interleukin-2 (il-2). the type 1 interferons (ifn), alpha and beta, inhibit the growth of the etiologic agent of aids, the human immunodeficiency virus, have antitumor activity against kaposi's sarcoma, and are synergistic with il-2 in stimulating natural killer cell activity. four patients with eks wer ...19892666585
the chicago aids autopsy study: opportunistic infections, neoplasms, and findings from selected organ systems with a comparison to national data. chicago associated pathologists.the chicago acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) autopsy study evaluated the first 38 aids autopsies through january 1, 1985 from 14 participating institutions in the chicago area. a complete analysis of neoplasms and opportunistic infections from this material as well as a discussion of pathologic features that may be associated only with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection is presented and compared with national data. among the neoplasms nodular kaposi's sarcoma was present post- ...19892668939
human immunodeficiency virus infection.knowledge of the ever increasing spectrum in cutaneous pathology caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) is essential for the clinician examining high-risk individuals as well as patients presenting with recent suspicious cutaneous/mucocutaneous lesions. timely diagnosis of the unique lesions associated with developing immunodeficiency (such as kaposi's sarcoma and oral hairy leukoplakia)--as well as the often atypical and overlapping infections and neoplastic and allergi ...19892670378
cutaneous manifestations of immunosuppression in organ transplant disease is a significant cause of morbidity in chronically immunosuppressed patients, including organ transplant recipients. cutaneous drug reactions may be caused by immunosuppressive therapy that commonly includes corticosteroids, cyclosporine, azathioprine, and antithymocyte and antilymphocyte globulins. immunosuppressive drugs can also potentiate the effects of other carcinogens, such as ultraviolet radiation, that cause premalignant lesions and squamous cell carcinoma. the risk of kapo ...19892671063
kaposi's sarcoma in the acquired immune deficiency syndrome: a proposal for uniform evaluation, response, and staging criteria. aids clinical trials group oncology committee.the availability of uniform and precise criteria for disease evaluation, response to treatment, and clinical staging of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) in individuals with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) would facilitate therapeutic trials in patients with this neoplasm. recently, a group of oncologists conducting clinical trials in patients with aids-associated ks as part of a cooperative group established by the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases (niaid) drafted such cr ...19892671281
human immunodeficiency viral dna is readily found in lymph node biopsies from seropositive individuals. analysis of fixed tissue using the polymerase chain reaction.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) dna was detected in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded lymph node biopsies after in vitro dna amplification by the polymerase chain reaction. twenty-three of 25 biopsies from hiv seropositive individuals were positive for hiv dna including 11 with follicular hyperplasia, six with follicular involution, two who were partially involved with kaposi's sarcoma, one with granulomatous lymphadenitis, and three with non-hodgkin's lymphoma. the remaining two biopsies fro ...19892679114
antiviral effects of recombinant interferon alfa and clinical experience in viral infections.alpha interferons act virostatically by influencing several cellular enzymes involved in virus replication. the success of treatment with biosynthetic recombinant interferon alfa-2b (rifn alfa-2b) has been confirmed in numerous clinical studies. following intralesional injection, up to 56% of condylomata acuminata were totally eradicated. laryngeal papillomatosis responded favourably to systemic therapy with various alpha-interferons, demonstrating complete remissions of up to 88%. preliminary t ...19892696467
[oral manifestations of hiv infection].skin and mucous membranes including the oral mucosa are among the preferential locations of opportunistic infections and secondary neoplasms in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). infections of the oral mucosa such as thrush occur in a high percentage of aids patients, patients with aids-related complex or hiv-seropositive individuals. the clinical appearance of the infections (herpes virus infection, periodontitis) is often marked by aggressive expansion, frequent rec ...19892700412
fatal infection of silvered leaf monkeys with a virus-like infectious agent (vlia) derived from a patient with aids.four silvered leaf monkeys, inoculated with a virus-like infectious agent (vlia) derived from transformed nih/3t3 cells (sb51) transfected with kaposi's sarcoma dna of an aids patient, showed wasting syndromes and died in 7-9 months. two monkeys had a transient lymphadenopathy in earlier stages. two moribund animals showed lymphopenia. although 3 of the vlia inoculated monkeys had persistent low grade fever early in the infection, the animals became afebrile in the later stages. one vlia inocula ...19892712198
[infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) in french guyana. dermato-venereologic problems].dermato-venereal manifestations in hiv infection and its severe evolution stage, aids, is of particular importance in tropical zones: we may be suspicious of the viral infection and consequently to request serologic tests to confirm it. we get an explanation of the virus transmission during heterosexual relations by the frequent occurrence and importance of the genital manifestations, leading to consider aids as a true sexually transmitted disease. beside the classical opportunistic infections, ...19892725241
culture-proved disseminated cat-scratch disease in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.a male homosexual (positive for the human immunodeficiency virus) with a recent cat scratch developed fever, epitrochlear and axillary lymphadenopathy, and retinitis. subsequently, he developed skin (epitheloid hemangioma) and mucosal lesions (kaposi's sarcoma), multiple liver abscesses, and pleural effusion. warthin-starry stains and/or electron micrographs of lymph nodes and skin lesions demonstrated bacilli characteristic of those associated with cat-scratch disease. cultures of lymph node, p ...19892730265
evaluation of intracerebral lesions in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. neuropathological findings and experimental this paper we present the results of post-mortem examinations of the central nervous system in 61 male patients who died with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids); it includes 23 patients with reported neurological abnormalities at the time of presentation. the analysis revealed central nervous system (cns) neoplasms (lymphoma, kaposi's sarcoma) and a variety of inflammatory lesions (bacterial, fungal, protozoal and viral) in 32 cases. a total of 11 patients without opportunistic infecti ...19892747842
diagnostic fine needle core biopsy of deep lymph nodes for the diagnosis of lymphoma in patients unfit for surgery.the use of a technique for safe percutaneous fine needle biopsy of inaccessible lymph nodes is described. in a prospective study of 24 patients, including five cases positive for the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), this technique was used to provide diagnostic material. a firm diagnosis was made in 21 cases; four cases of hodgkin's disease, 14 non-hodgkin's lymphomas, one case of kaposi's sarcoma, one case of mycobacterial infection, and one which showed the features of persistent generalize ...19892754541
oral mucosal lesions: association with the presence of antibodies to the human immunodeficiency assess the relationship between oral lesions and antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus, oral examinations of 803 homosexual males were conducted at the time of serologic testing. nineteen percent were hiv seropositive. thirty percent of antibody-positive subjects had one or more oral lesion(s), as compared with 7% of antibody-negative subjects (p less than 0.001). the presence of oral lesions was significantly associated with hiv seropositivity: a subject was 5.7 times as likely to h ...19892755688
moving towards a uniform staging for human immunodeficiency virus-associated kaposi's sarcoma. 19892769326
hbv and hiv expression in lymph nodes of hiv positive las patients: histology and in situ hybridization.the presence of hepatitis b virus (hbv) and human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) was investigated using hybridization in 15 lymph nodes and one kaposi's sarcoma skin lesion obtained from hiv-positive patients. cryostat tissue sections were hybridized with chemically modified dna probes for hbv and hiv. hiv genome was mainly observed in the cytoplasm of cells present in 7/15 lymph nodes and in the kaposi's sarcoma skin lesion, thus indicating the expression of hiv replication. control samples hybri ...19892770752
vitamin b12 malabsorption in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.we have examined 11 patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) for evidence of subclinical vitamin b12 malabsorption. three subjects (27%) had low levels of vitamin b12. eight subjects (73%), including these 3 subjects plus 5 others with normal vitamin b12 levels, had abnormal schilling test results. in addition, 15% of an unselected population of 121 patients with aids and 7% of 27 patients without aids who were seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) had l ...19892774781
biopsy pathology of hiv infection: experience at st stephen's hospital, a 3 year period from the beginning of january 1985 to the end of december 1987, 474 biopsies obtained from 266 patients with serological evidence of human immunodeficiency virus infection were examined. most frequent were skin biopsies of which 52% showed kaposi's sarcoma, and transbronchial lung biopsies of which 40% showed pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. other opportunistic infections were much less common; mycobacterium avium intracellulare was found in six biopsies and cytomegalovirus in ...19892785082
empirical treatment without bronchoscopy for pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in the acquired immunodeficiency empirical approach to treating pneumocystis carinii pneumonia was adopted in a prospective study of 73 men with antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus 1 (hiv-1) presenting with respiratory problems. at presentation 49 patients (group 1) were thought to have a history, findings at clinical examination, chest radiograph, and arterial blood gas tensions typical of pneumocystis pneumonia, and empirical treatment was begun immediately. twenty four patients (group 2) were thought to have featur ...19892788935
erythroplastic lesion on the mandibular marginal gingiva.carcinoma of the gingiva is a significant risk to patients because the asymptomatic characteristics of erythroplastic lesions are not always readily identified. this case report shows the similarity in clinical appearance of squamous cell carcinoma of the gingiva to the common inflammatory changes associated with periodontal disease. a similar clinical presentation might be seen in any lesion with increased vascularity, including kaposi's sarcoma associated with human immunodeficiency virus infe ...19892794260
bacillary angiomatosis. the histopathology and differential diagnosis of a pseudoneoplastic infection in patients with human immunodeficiency virus disease.cutaneous vascular proliferations that clinically or pathologically resemble kaposi's sarcoma, pyogenic granuloma, or histiocytoid (epithelioid) hemangioma may occur in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection. these lesions, which respond well to antibiotic therapy, harbor bacilli similar to the agent of cat scratch disease. we evaluated 21 biopsy specimens from 13 patients with this condition, which we have called "bacillary angiomatosis." the architecture resembled that of lobular ...19892802010
sporotrichosis in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.kaposi's sarcoma and disseminated sporotrichosis of the skin and joints developed simultaneously in a homosexual man with antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus. there was no identified source of exposure to sporothrix organisms. sporotrichosis may be a presenting opportunistic infection associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and tends to be disseminated at the time of diagnosis.19892808849
hepatic involvement as the primary manifestation of kaposi's sarcoma in the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.a 44-yr-old homosexual male with symptomatic human immune deficiency virus (hiv) infection presented with abdominal pain, hepatosplenomegaly, and rising serum alkaline phosphatase. laparoscopy revealed multiple purplish nodules on the surface of the liver. histopathology of the lesions was consistent with kaposi's sarcoma. six weeks later, cutaneous kaposi's sarcoma became apparent on the head and neck. this case is unusual because, in all previously published cases, with the exception of one, i ...19892816878
splenectomy in patients with establish the indications for splenectomy in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection we retrospectively analyzed 12 patients who underwent splenectomy. patients with hiv infection who had immune thrombocytopenic purpura (itp) were excluded as they had no splenomegaly and a definite indication for splenectomy exists in some of these patients. all 12 patients were anemic; 6 were thrombocytopenic and 6 leukopenic. all patients had splenomegaly and all were febrile. at surgery ...19892816911
bacillary (epithelioid) angiomatosis and concurrent kaposi's sarcoma in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.two patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome developed simultaneous kaposi's sarcoma and bacillary (epithelioid) angiomatosis. the distinguishing clinical and histologic features of these two vascular proliferations associated with human immunodeficiency virus disease are described. the lesions of bacillary (epithelioid) angiomatosis contained bacteria, while the lesions of kaposi's sarcoma did not. with erythromycin therapy, the lesions of bacillary (epithelioid) angiomatosis cleared, w ...19892817918
bk virus dna in kaposi's sarcoma. 19872821879
fulminant kaposi's sarcoma complicating long-term corticosteroid therapy.cutaneous kaposi's sarcoma occurs rarely in patients receiving long-term corticosteroid therapy. the case of a rapidly progressive form of kaposi's sarcoma occurring in a 29-year-old palestinian woman with steroid-dependent crohn's disease and familial mediterranean fever is reported. despite an extensive transfusion history, serologic and virologic studies failed to demonstrate exposure to the human immunodeficiency virus. serologic and virologic evidence of concomitant cytomegalovirus infectio ...19872823601
the cause of kaposi's sarcoma: an avian retroviral analog.changes in the epidemiologic patterns of kaposi's sarcoma prior to and during the epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency suggest that a virus transmitted similarly to the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) may be responsible. we propose a natural avian model for kaposi's sarcoma. hemangiomatosis of fowls corresponds clinically and pathologically to the human disease, with characteristics including predilection for distal skin, multicentricity with organ involvement, bleeding and recurrence after ...19882831255
the pathology of aids.the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) is a devastating new disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). this retrovirus causes profound immunoincompetence in its infected hosts, who are thereafter susceptible to develop myriad severe and relapsing protozoal, fungal, bacterial, viral, and arthropodal opportunistic infections, as well as unusual malignancies. the more than 50,000 patients who have developed aids in the united states have produced a sudden unexpected deluge of ...19882836878
cytomegalovirus infection and viral-induced transformation of human endothelial cells.human cytomegalovirus (cmv) has been associated with vascular pathology. in vivo, cmv is present in vessel wall cells during acute and chronic infections as well as in atherosclerotic lesions. cmv nucleic acids and proteins have also been detected within kaposi's sarcoma lesions. because of these associations, we studied the interaction of cmv with human endothelial cells with particular attention to its oncogenicity in this cell type. our data demonstrate that human endothelial cells are permis ...19882839613
ocular complications of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) affects the ocular structures in several ways. kaposi's sarcoma has been observed on the bulbar conjunctiva of the globe. retinal complications, however, are of major concern. cotton-wool spots are commonly seen in aids patients and are usually of no consequence, except that they must be distinguished from the early stages of cytomegalovirus (cmv) retinitis, seen in 20-40% of these patients. cmv causes a necrotic-type retinitis potentially leading to ...19882845260
the hiv tat gene induces dermal lesions resembling kaposi's sarcoma in transgenic mice.when the human immunodeficiency virus transactivating gene under the control of the viral regulatory region is introduced into the germline of mice, skin lesions are induced that resemble kaposi's sarcoma seen in aids. our findings indicate that hiv could play a direct part in causing cancer.19882845275
animal models for hiv infection and aids: memorandum from a who meeting.the human immunodeficiency virus is a member of the lentivirus subfamily of the retrovirus family. retroviruses are rna viruses which code for an rna-dependent dna polymerase (reverse transcriptase), which transcribes the rna genome into a dna provirus which, on integration with the host dna, directs the synthesis of new virions. the rna genome consists of a gag gene, which codes for the viral core proteins, a pol gene, which codes for the reverse transcriptase, an env gene, which codes for th ...19882850118
[antiviral drugs--1988].acyclovir (zovirax) and zidovudine (retrovir) dominate antiviral therapy. they interfere with the multiplication of herpes viruses (acyclovir) and hiv (zidovudine) by incorporation into nascent dna chains and interruption of the further linking of nucleotides. all types of infection caused by herpes simplex virus are potentially treatable by acyclovir, but treatment has to start to be effective. it is especially important to treat immunosuppressed patients because their infections are more prolo ...19882851167
htlv-iii serology distinguishes atypical and endemic kaposi's sarcoma in africa.serum samples from african patients with kaposi's sarcoma and acquired-immuno-deficiency-syndrome-related (aids-related) disorders and from normal subjects in uganda and zambia were tested for antibodies to the human t-lymphotropic retroviruses (htlv) types i, ii, and iii. nearly 90% of patients with aids-related disorders or with atypical, aggressive kaposi's sarcoma were seropositive for htlv-iii in both countries, whereas only 17% of patients with classic endemic kaposi's sarcoma were seropos ...19852857417
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