
PMID(sorted ascending)
architecture of the basal region of the subcommissural organ in the brush-tailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula).the architecture of the basal region of the subcommissural organ (sco) and the subjacent neuropil was studied in the brush-tailed possum, trichosurus vulpecula (marsupialia). several structural features suggest that the basal mode of sco-secretion may be as prominent as the well-established apical secretion. some of the features that speak in favour of basal secretion are: (1) the existence of deep processes of secretion-laden sco cells which reach and surround the capillaries in the hypendyma a ...19836883462
neocortical projections of the suprageniculate and posterior thalamic nuclei in the marsupial brush-tailed possum, trichosurus vulpecula (phalangeridae), with a comparative commentary on the organization of the posterior thalamus in marsupial and placental mammals.axonal transport methods were used to determine the extent and organisation of neocortical projections from the suprageniculate (sg) and posterior (po) thalamic nuclei in the brush-tailed possum. our findings show that sg projects extensively to the auditory cortex, overlapping the cortical projection field of the medial geniculate nucleus, and to the immediately neighbouring association cortex. though the input relationships of sg appear similar to those reported for other mammals, placental an ...19836886058
experimental infection of the possum (trichosurus vulpecula) with leptospira interrogans serovar balcanica. i. characteristics of infection. 19816948232
experimental infection of the possum (trichosurus vulpecula) with leptospira interrogans serovar balcanica. ii. a comparison of laboratory techniques for the detection of leptospiraemia and leptospiruria. 19816951120
b lymphocytes in the australian brush-tailed opossum trichosurus vulpecula. 19826984399
oestrogen receptors in the genital tract of the australian marsupial trichosurus vulpecula. 19827095404
auditory cortex in the marsupial possum trichosurus vulpecula.a microelectrode mapping survey was made of the auditory cortex of the acallosal marsupial possum trichosurus vulpecula. single unit and unit cluster responses, as well as evoked potentials, were obtained from 64 tangential, cortical penetrations. pontamine sky-blue marking of successful tracks aided in later reconstruction of tracks and identification of recording locations. only one auditory field was identified. the 98 units sampled in this field covered a wide range of best frequencies from ...19827096213
sex differences in steroidogenesis by adrenal homogenates of adult possum (trichosurus vulpecula) attributable to the steroids formed by the adrenocortical special zone of the female. 19827106541
marsupial hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal hormones. the brush-tailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula) active peptides.the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal hormones of the brush-tailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula) have been purified through molecular sieving and paper chromatoelectrophoresis. two peptides have been isolated, one with pressor property, the other with uterotonic activity. the pressor hormone has been identified as arginine vasopressin by amino acid composition and amino acid sequence. the oxytocin-like hormone has been characterized as mesotocin by amino acid composition. the amounts per dried neuro ...19827118406
mechanisms of organic acid and monosaccharide transport in the kidney of the brush-tailed possum, trichosurus vulpecula.the mechanisms of organic acid and monosaccharide transport in the kidney of t. vulpecula were investigated using the renal cortical slice preparation. the kinetics, the sensitivity to inhibitors of metabolism and sodium transport, and the specificity of the concentrative uptake of p-amino-hippurate and alpha-methyl-d-glucoside were examined and compared with published results from studies in eutherian mammals. some minor differences between metatherians and eutherians were noted with regard to ...19827159293
interocular transfer in a marsupial: the brush-tailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula).the corpus callosum has been implicated as the major commissure mediating the interhemispheric transfer of visual information in placental mammals. as marsupials lack a corpus callosum, they may be incapable of such transfer. this study was undertaken to test this hypothesis. three brush-tailed possums (trichosurus vulpecula) underwent midsaggital transection of the optic chiasm to ensure that retinal input was restricted to the ipsilateral side of the brain. three other possums had sham operati ...19827159824
chronic fascioliasis in a brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula). 19827168725
reissner's fiber in the sacral cord and filum terminale of the possum trichosurus vulpecula: a light, scanning, and electron microscopic study.the ending of reissner's fiber (rf) and structural features associated with gaps or fissures in the rostral part of the filum were investigated using light, scanning, and transmission microscopic techniques in young and mature possums of both sexes. to the best of the author's knowledge the report contains results of the first successful application of the sem for a study of rf in the spinal cord. some new observations suggest that while the bulk of rf is formed by the subcommissural organ and m ...19827174881
diurnal variation in plasma concentrations of testosterone, 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, and corticosteroids in the australian brush-tailed possum, trichosurus vulpecula (kerr). 19807189497
relationships of the visual cortex in the marsupial brush-tailed possum, trichosurus vulpecula, a horseradish peroxidase and autoradiographic study.the ascending and descending relationships of visual cortex in trichosurus were determined using hrp and autoradiographic methods. the visual thalamus, lgnd and lp, was found to project to three cytoarchitecturally distinct areas of cortex with each of these regions displaying differing patterns of connectivity with other centres. the striate and peristriate cortices received homotypically organized projections from lgnd as well as projections from both divisions of lp. the posterior parietal co ...19807216909
a quantitative comparison of the parts of the brains of two australian marsupials and some eutherian mammals.the size and composition of the brains of the quokka wallaby (setonix brachyurus) and the brush-tailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula) were compared with those of the rat, rabbit, cat, sheep, and human. separate structures were taken from the brains by standardized dissection and their weights compared. particular attention was paid to the relationships between the size of the amygdala and other brain structures. marsupials were within the eutherian range in the ratio of whole brain weight to bod ...19817237105
the prevalence of anti-leptospiral agglutinins in sera of wildlife in southeastern australia.anti-leptospiral agglutinins were found in the serum from 18 (7 species) of 419 (25 species) animals sampled from various areas of southeastern australia. positive serologic reactions were observed in 5 of 25 (20%) brush-tailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula), 1 of 26 (3.8%) tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii), 2 of 12 (16.7%) swamp wallaby (wallabia bicolor), 1 of 3 (33.3%) koala (phascolarctos cinereus), 3 of 41 (7.3%) common wombat (vombatus ursinus), 2 of 100 (2%) bush rat (rattus fuscipes) and ...19817241704
cadmium toxicity and its effect on the testes of an australian marsupial (trichosurus vulpecula). 19817248548
the development of the forebrain in trichosurus vulpecula. 19807254756
[peramelistrongylus mawson, 1960 and profilarinema n. gen., trichostrongyloid nematodes apparently transitional between the strongyloidea and the atypical genus filarinema mönnig, 1929 (author's transl)].peramelistrongylus skedastos mawson, 1960, type species of the genus peramelistrongylus mawson, 1960 is redescribed. also described is profilarinema hemsleyi n. gen., n. sp. from trichosurus vulpecula in western australia. the new genus, which is similar to filarinema, differs from it essentially by the absence of the complex buccal armature which characterizes the latter genus. the genera batrachostrongylus yuen, 1963, parasitic in amphibians, peramelistromgylus, parasitic in perameloid and das ...19817259005
the cranial endocast of the early miocene marsupial, wynyardia bassiana: an assessment of taxonomic relationships based upon comparisons with recent forms.wynyardia bassiana, a possum-like marsupial from the early miocene of tasmania has long been considered to display skeletal features intermediate between the relatively primitive polyprotodont and the advanced diprotodont marsupials. our examination of the latex endocast of the nearly intact neurocranium reveals that wynyardia's brain is clearly phalangeroid in external morphology, resembling closely that of the extant phalangerid, trichosurus vulpecula. these findings indicate that an unambigou ...19817326568
a description of the dorsal thalamus of the marsupial native cat, dasyurus viverrinus (dasyuridae).the nuclear architecture of the dorsal thalamus in the marsupial native cat, dasyurus viverrinus, is described. the nine midline and intralaminar nuclei comprise a large and prominent part of the thalamus. the lateroposterior nucleus is clearly divided into medial and lateral divisions. a ventroanterior nucleus is distinguished from the ventrolateral nucleus, and the ventroposterior complex is divided into cytoarchitecturally distinctive medial and lateral divisions. there is a large posterior n ...19817326574
an analysis of some thalamic projections to parietofrontal neocortex in the marsupial native cat, dasyurus viverrinus (dasyuridae).thalamocortical projections to parietofrontal neocortex in the marsupial native cat, dasyurus viverrinus, were examined using the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. the results show that the organisation in dasyurus is similar to that reported in another australian marsupial, the brush-tailed possum, trichosurus vulpecula, and is different to that found in the primitive american form, didelphis virginiana. in daysurus, as in trichosurus, the areas of neocortex receiving projections ...19817326576
leptospirosis in free-living species in new zealand.a total of 1296 free-living mammals and birds of 12 species was examined for serologic and bacteriologic evidence of leptospiral infection. endemic infection with serovar ballum was found in several introduced species of mammals. endemic ballum infection is not recognized in the same species in great britain, their country of origin. possums (trichosurus vulpecula) were found to have a high prevalence of infection with balcanica, a serovar that has been isolated from possums in australia and fro ...19817338970
prevalence of fasciola hepatica infection in native mammals in southeastern australia.fasciola hepatica infection was found in 5 of 12 marsupial and 1 of 3 eutherian species examined in southeastern australia. prevalence of infection in native mammals was as follows: macropus giganteus, 59%; m. rufogriseus banksianus, 15%; wallabia bicolor, 5%; vombatus ursinus, 30%; trichosurus vulpecula, 5%; and rattus fuscipes, 4%. collection sites were assigned to one of two categories. prevalence was higher in macropodids collected on agricultural pastures grazed by sheep and cattle (categor ...19817340772
metabolism of alpha- and beta-pinene, p-cymene and 1,8-cineole in the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula.1. the nature of the non-conjugated metabolites of the eucalyptus oil terpenoid components alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, p-cymene and 1,8-cineole in the urine and faeces of the brushtail possum was investigated. 2. alpha-pinene was metabolized to myrtenic acid and trans-verbenol, beta-pinene to myrtenic acid, p-cymene to p-cresol and cumic acid, and 1,8-cineole to p-cresol, 9-hydroxycineole and cineol-9-oic acid.19807385912
acetylthiocholinesterase staining in an interpedunculotegmental pathway in four species: procavia capensis (dassie), cavia procellus (guinea-pig), trichosurus vulpecula (brush-tail possum) and rattus rattus (hooded rat). 19807417850
transneuronal transport of tritiated fucose and proline in the visual pathways of the brushtailed possum, trichosurus vulpecula. 19807443073
the ependyma of the saccular pineal gland in the non-eutherian mammal trichosurus vulpecula. a scanning electron microscopic study.the pineal gland in the possum is represented by a thickening in the wall of the pineal recess. a superficial pineal body and a pineal stalk are characteristically lacking. the ependyma related to the gland is specialized but differs markedly from the lining in other circumventricular organs in form and in surface morphology. two distinct topographic zones have been recognized. in the middle is a mass of cells which form a prominent knobby-surfaced central zone. these cells are characterized by ...19807448848
immunohistological staining of lymphoid tissue in four australian marsupial species using species cross-reactive antibodies.antibodies raised against evolutionarily conserved intracytoplasmic peptide sequences of human t and b lymphocyte antigens and an antibody raised specifically against koala serum igg were assessed for their capacity for immunoperoxidase staining of formalin fixed lymphoid tissues of koalas (phascolarctos cinereus), common brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula), common ringtail possums (pseudocheirus peregrinus) and tammar wallabies (macropus eugenii). utilizing microwave pretreatment and a st ...19957493768
selective regional vasoconstriction underlying pressor effects of galanin in anaesthetized possums compared with cats.1. intravenous administration of porcine galanin (5 nmol kg-1) caused a rise in mean blood pressure in the brush-tailed possum, trichosurus vulpecula, from 58 +/- 1.6 to 106 +/- 1.6 mmhg. this effect is in contrast to the cat, in which no significant change in blood pressure was recorded in response to galanin (88 +/- 2.3 vs. 86 +/- 2.4 mmhg). 2. cardiac output and regional blood flow distribution were assessed by distribution of radioactive microspheres in four anaesthetized possums and four ca ...19947537817
cyanide induced aversions in the possum (trichosurus vulpecula): effect of route of administration, dose, and formulation.possums (trichosurus vulpecula) are new zealand's main vertebrate pest. control practices using poisons are likely to remain the most cost effective methods for the immediate future but poisons may be avoided in the field. a series of experiments were conducted to determine whether cyanide bait avoidance involved conditioned food aversions (cfa) induced by sublethal cyanide ingestion. food aversions were conditioned in three experiments using intraperitoneal or oral routes of administration with ...19957568429
effect of changing from a short-day to long-day photoperiod on the breeding season of the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).in queensland, possums (trichosurus vulpecula) in the wild and in captivity first give birth during march and april and continue to give birth throughout the year until november. the possum has a gestation length of 17.5 days, gives birth to one young, and lactation continues for approximately 180 days. if the newborn possum is removed during the breeding season, the possum will ovulate approximately 9 days later and give birth approximately 26 days after removal of the pouch young (rpy). repeat ...19957595285
inhibition of cardiac vagal action by galanin but not neuropeptide y in the brush-tailed possum trichosurus vulpecula.1. stimulation of the right cardiac sympathetic nerve for 2 min at 16 hz in the presence of either beta- or alpha- and beta-adrenoceptor blockade evoked attenuation of cardiac vagal action in eight possums: 31.3 +/- 10.3% maximum inhibition of cardiac vagal action on prolonging pulse interval, with a time to half-recovery of 4.9 +/- 1.1 min. 2. intravenous injection of galanin (2-3.5 nmol kg-1) evoked similar inhibition of cardiac vagal action: 41.3 +/- 4.1% maximum inhibition of cardiac vagal a ...19937688807
identification of chicken gnrh ii in brains of metatherian and early-evolved eutherian species of mammals.two molecular forms of gnrh (chicken gnrh ii and a second variant) are present in the brains of species from all the major vertebrate groups. in mammals, two forms are present in metatherian species and early-evolved eutherian species, but chicken gnrh ii has not been identified in more advanced eutherian species. we investigated the nature of gnrh molecular forms in several early-evolved mammalian species, using high performance liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassay with specific gnrh anti ...19947716279
parathyroid morphology of the brush-tail possum, trichosurus of the comparative anatomy of the parathyroid glands contain very little or no information on this endocrine gland in marsupials. this paper is the initial report of a broader investigation of the parathyroid glands in marsupials and monotremes.19957755180
tuberculosis in the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) after intratracheal inoculation with a low dose of mycobacterium bovis.six possums were each inoculated with approximately 125 colony-forming units of mycobacterium bovis via a cannula inserted per os into the trachea. five other possums were sham inoculated and housed separately. at postmortem examination 55 to 57 days after inoculation, all six infected possums showed extensive macroscopical lesions of tuberculosis in the lungs and bronchial lymph nodes and some also had lesions in the liver, kidney, spleen and hepatic lymph nodes. mycobacterium bovis was isolate ...19947884054
the development of thermoregulation in the marsupial brushtail possum trichosurus vulpecula.1. the adult possums showed a circadian rhythm of body temperature with a peak in temperature around midnight and a nadir at noon. 2. the young possum within the pouch displayed a circadian rhythm with the highest temperatures during the day and the lowest in the early evening. 3. although the body temperature of the young possum exceeded that of the mother occassionally, for the major part of the 24 hr the body temperature of the young was lower than that of the mother. 4. the young possum coul ...19937902793
nitric oxide mediates nonadrenergic, noncholinergic neural relaxation in the australian possum.nitric oxide has been shown to play an important role in neurally mediated relaxations of gastrointestinal smooth muscle. the aim of this study was to determine whether no may be the inhibitory transmitter to circular smooth muscle from the sphincter of oddi of the australian brush-tailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula).19937902822
the anticoagulant pindone causes liver damage in the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula). 19947945103
experimental mycobacterium bovis infection in the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula): pathology, haematology and lymphocyte stimulation responses.groups of adult male brushtail possums (5 per group) were inoculated intratracheally with a high (2 x 10(5) colony forming units (cfu)), medium (2 x 10(3) cfu) or low (approximately 20 cfu) dose of mycobacterium bovis. two sham-inoculated groups acted as in-contact controls or controls kept in a separate room. possums in the high and medium dose groups became clinically affected 3-5 weeks post-inoculation (pi) and all possums were euthanased between 5-9 weeks pi. grossly visible tuberculous lesi ...19948017028
effects of cholinergic stimulation and aldosterone administration on salivary parotid secretion in the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula.parotid salivation was stimulated by infusion of bethanechol chloride into anaesthetized brushtail possums to ascertain maximal flow rates, salivary composition and dietary adaptations of salivary function. secretion rates for one gland ranged from 5.3 +/- 0.16 to 84.3 +/- 3.20 microliters/min (2.4 +/- 0.07 to 37.8 +/- 1.43 microliters/min per kg body weight). salivary osmolality (160.8 +/- 15.39 to 248.2 +/- 8.70 mosmol/kg) and the concentrations of na (63.1 +/- 10.93 to 124.1 +/- 5.52 mmol/l) ...19948024500
role of diacylglycerols and calcium in the marsupial acrosome reaction.acrosomal loss was induced in marsupial spermatozoa by an intermediate of the phosphoinositide pathway. the diacylglycerol, 1,2-dioctanoyl-sn-glycerol (dic8; 100 mumol l-1) induced acrosomal loss in 70% of brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) spermatozoa and in 80% of tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii) spermatozoa. the dic8-induced acrosomal loss was not enhanced by co-incubation with calcium ionophore a23187 and occurred in ca(2+)-free medium and in the presence of the calcium chelator egta ...19938107018
observations on the adrenocortical structure of the female brush-tailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula) and locations of cell division.twenty mature female possums (trichosurus vulpecula) were captured at the harry waring marsupial reserve, some 30 km south of perth in western australia, and injected simultaneously with tritiated thymidine in order to label dividing cells within the adrenal gland. the conservation status of the possum precluded killing all animals and adrenal glands were removed and examined histologically and autoradiographically in four experimental groups, timed for 1 hr, 1 week, and 2, 3, and 7 weeks follow ...19948174922
mesotocin and arginine-vasopressin in the corpus luteum of an australian marsupial, the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).the neuropeptide hormones arginine-vasopressin (avp) and oxytocin (ot) have been found in the ovarian follicles and corpora lutea (cl) of many eutherian mammals. in ruminants, there is persuasive evidence that luteal ot is involved in luteolysis via stimulation of uterine prostaglandins. however, based on scant evidence, the marsupial ovary has been viewed as being devoid of ot-like and avp-like peptides. in this study, corpora lutea from the brushtail possum were examined for ot, avp, and mesot ...19948174926
fluorescent localization of thiols and disulfides in marsupial spermatozoa by bromobimane labelling.the acrosome of marsupial spermatozoa is a robust structure which, unlike its placental counterpart, resists disruption by detergent or freeze/thawing and does not undergo a calcium ionophore induced acrosome reaction. in this study specific fluorescent thiol labels, bromobimanes, were used to detect reactive thiols in the intact marsupial spermatozoon and examine whether disulfides play a role in the stability of the acrosome. ejaculated brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) and tammar walla ...19948185937
arginine vasopressin- and oxytocin-like peptides in the testis of two australian marsupials.high performance liquid chromatography (hplc) and specific radioimmunoassay (ria) for arginine vasopressin (avp), mesotocin (mt), and oxytocin (ot) were used to identify and quantify these peptides in the testis of the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) and the northern brown bandicoot (isoodon macrourus). arginine vasopressin (0.092 +/- 0.041 ng/g) and mt (0.198 +/- 0.089 ng/g), but not ot, were found in the possum testis, while the bandicoot testis contained avp (0.061 ng/g), mt (0.108 + ...20168234012
the unique stability of the marsupial sperm acrosomal membranes examined by unprotected freeze-thawing and treatment with the detergent triton this study of the unique stability of the marsupial acrosome, experiments were carried out on the acrosomes of spermatozoa of the tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii), common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) and grey short-tailed opossum (monodelphis domestica). light microscopy showed that 4% of opossum and 15% of possum and wallaby spermatozoa lost their acrosomes after freeze-thawing. electron microscopy revealed that freeze-thawing also induced changes in the acrosomal matrix of some ...19938234885
posterior pituitary of the newborn marsupial possum, trichosurus vulpecula.the fetal anterior pituitary-adrenal axis is thought to be involved in the initiation of birth in both eutherian and marsupial mammals. little is known about the structure and function of the posterior pituitary at birth in the marsupial. immunocytochemistry, high pressure liquid chromatography, and radioimmunoassay were used to identify vasopressin and mesotocin in the posterior pituitary of a newborn marsupial, the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula. the concentrations of vasopressin and ...19938238974
traumatic injuries occurring in possums and gliders in the blue mountains, new south wales.twenty common brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula), 23 ringtail possums (pseudocheirus peregrinus) and five sugar gliders (petaurus breviceps) from the blue mountains, new south wales, australia were evaluated for traumatic injuries between 1989 and 1990. ten brushtail possums and five ringtail possums were hit by motor vehicles with injuries primarily to the anterior of the body. fifteen ringtail possums and all sugar gliders were attacked by cats. four brushtail possums were attacked by d ...19938258866
structure and innervation of the extrahepatic biliary system in the australian possum, trichosurus vulpecula.the morphology, microanatomy and innervation of the biliary tree of the australian possum, trichosurus vulpecula, was examined. the gross morphology of the gallbladder, hepatic and cystic ducts, and the course of the common bile duct, conforms to those of other species. the sphincter of oddi has an extraduodenal segment that extends 15mm from the duodenal wall; within this segment the pancreatic and common bile ducts are ensheathed together by sphincter muscle. their lumens unite to form a commo ...19938268104
smi cortical barrels in an australian marsupial, trichosurus vulpecula (brush-tailed possum): structural organization, patterned distribution, and somatotopic relationships.this study reports on the cerebral cortex of an australian marsupial, trichosurus vulpecula (brush-tailed possum). it consists of an analysis of layer iv of somatosensory cortex in tangential sections of flattened specimens and in oblique radial sections stained to show nissl substance or myelin, or tested for succinic dehydrogenase. it includes results of electrophysiological mapping experiments that ascertained the somatotopic significance of the cytoarchitecture of this cortical region. layer ...19938282853
differentiation of the gonads and initiation of mammary gland and scrotum development in the brushtail possum trichosurus vulpecula (marsupialia).the first appearance of the mammary and scrotal primordia and the sexual differentiation of the gonads of the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula, are described. primordial germ cells were first observed, in fetuses of 7.5 mm crown-rump length, in the gonadal ridges and migrating up the dorsal mesentery. mammary primordia were first observed in fetuses of 11 mm, and scrotal primordia in those of 12 mm crown-rump length. these structures were diagnostic of female and male brushtail possums re ...19938342793
effects of halothane anesthesia on the motility of the sphincter of oddi and transsphincteric flow in australian brush-tailed possums.we evaluated the effect of halothane anesthesia on the motility of the sphincter of oddi and simultaneous transsphincteric flow in australian brush-tailed possums (trichosurus vulpecula). halothane levels in the range of 0.25 to 2% were administered and decreased transsphincteric flow in a dose-dependent manner. sphincter of oddi basal pressure was higher than normal, but not in a dose-dependent manner. additionally, halothane anesthesia influenced the sphincter of oddi motility by decreasing th ...19938355483
effect of photoperiod on the breeding season of the marsupial possum trichosurus vulpecula.the production of young by three groups of eight possums, housed in a natural, a short-day (10 h light:14 h dark) and a long-day (14 h light:10 h dark) photoperiod was monitored for 24 months to determine the role of photoperiod on the occurrence and duration of the breeding season. possums were housed in each of the three light regimens on 22 november. the possum has a gestation duration of 17.5 days. removal of the newborn young leads to ovulation approximately 9 days later and birth 26 days l ...19938410819
thyroid gland development in the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula. 19958554181
the distribution of organised lymphoid tissue in the alimentary tracts of koalas (phascolarctos cinereus) and possums (trichosurus vulpecula and pseudocheirus peregrinus).the anatomical arrangement of organised lymphoid tissues of the alimentary tract for 3 australian marsupials, the koala (phascolarctos cinereus), the common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula and the common ringtail possum (pseudocheirus peregrinus), was determined by gross dissection and acetic acid treatment. oropharyngeal tonsils were consistently found in the dorsolateral wall of the caudal oropharynx in all 3 species and additionally in the ventral soft palate of the koala. aggregated ...19968621325
histological and immunohistological investigation of alimentary tract lymphoid tissue in the koala (phascolarctos cinereus), brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) and ringtail possum (pseudocheirus peregrinus).the histological appearance and distribution of t cells, b cells and plasma cells were investigated for oropharyngeal tonsils, small intestinal lymphoid aggregations (peyer's patches), caecocolic lymphoid patches and mesenteric lymph nodes of koalas (phascolarctos cinereus), common brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) and common ringtail possums (pseudocheirus peregrinus). the histological organisation and distribution of lymphoid cell subpopulations of these tissues were similar to those d ...19968621326
a novel marsupial protein expressed by the mammary gland only during the early lactation and related to the kunitz proteinase inhibitors.a novel whey protein has been found in marsupial milk, the early lactation protein (elp). the whey of trichosurus vulpecula, the australian common brush-tailed possum, contains two forms of elp, estimated by protein electrophoresis at 8 and 16 kda. the 16-kda form contains approximately 60% n- linked carbohydrate. the elp cdna was obtained by the screening of an early lactation cdna library with an early lactation total cdna probe and random selection of strongly positive clones. the full-length ...19968651704
virus and virus-like particles observed in the intestinal contents of the possum, trichosurus vulpecula.intestinal contents derived from the australian brush-tailed possum, trichosurus vulpecula, were examined by negative stain electron microscopy for the presence of viruses. out of 100 samples, 23 contained at least one type of vertebrate virus or virus-like particle. adenovirus was identified in six samples, herpesvirus in two samples, coronavirus in four samples, and coronavirus-like particles in 14 samples. to date no viruses of the brush-tailed possum have been isolated in tissue culture but ...19968678839
molecular cloning and characterization of tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf-alpha) from the australian common brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula.immune responses in the australian common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) and in particular the role of cytokines are poorly understood. we have undertaken to isolate cytokine genes using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) and in this study describe the molecular cloning of tnf-alpha. primers were designed from consensus sequences at the n-terminus end of eutherian mammalian tnf-alpha and the possum cdna, derived from spleen rna, identified by rt-pcr. the complete ...19968724002
a study of the topography of the lymphatic system of the australian brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).the superficial and deep lymphatic systems of the australian brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) are described. in common with other marsupials studied to date and in contrast with most eutherians, there were no popliteal lymph nodes and efferent drainage from the inguinal lymph centre passed directly to the deep axillary group of lymph nodes via an inguinoaxillary trunk. efferent vessels from the tonsil passed directly to the deep cervical lymph node, which was drained by the tracheal trun ...19968763477
cytoplasmic maturation of the marsupial oocyte during the periovulatory period.during the period immediately before ovulation, the oocytes of most eutherian and marsupial mammals complete the first meiotic maturation division and extrude the first polar body. in marsupials, this phase of nuclear maturation is accompanied by an increase in size of the egg and maturation of cytoplasmic components. oocytes from at least four marsupial species, trichosurus vulpecula, macropus eugenii, bettongia penicillata and monodelphis domestica, continue to grow after formation of the foll ...19968870076
a light microscopic study of oogenesis in the brushtail possum trichosurus vulpecula.ovaries from young of the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula, were examined histologically and histochemically to determine stages of oogenesis. groups of dividing oogonia were first present in a 13-day-old pouch young, with extensive oogonial proliferation after about 23 days of age. meiosis was initiated in some oogonia by 48 days of age, and by 88 days numerous early primordial follicles were present. the first primary follicles had formed by 103 days of age. in oocytes of quiescent prim ...19968870079
egg maturation and fertilization in marsupials.this brief review summarizes our knowledge of the morphological events that are associated with oocyte maturation and fertilization in marsupials in which it has been suggested that there are marked differences from eutherians in both the developmental timetable of oocyte maturation and in some of the processes associated with sperm-egg interaction. most of the data have been obtained from studies on four species: monodelphis domestica, sminthopsis crassicaudata, sminthopsis macroura, and tricho ...19968870085
pellet-freezing spermatozoa of two marsupials: the tammar wallaby, macropus eugenii, and the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula.a protocol was developed for pellet-freezing spermatozoa of the tammar wallaby and the brushtail possum. seren was collected by electro-ejaculation and wallaby spermatozoa were washed by 'swim-up' into phosphate-buffered saline (pbs), whereas possum spermatozoa were not washed. wallaby spermatozoa were screened for toxicity in diluents containing a range of cryoprotectants (0-10%): dimethyl sulfoxide (dmso), ethylene glycol and propanediol. possum spermatozoa were tolerant of diluents containing ...19968870090
cloning, sequencing and expression of stem cell factor (c-kit ligand) cdna of brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).by means of reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr), three stem cell factor (scf) cdnas (822-738 bp in size) were amplified from brushtail possum ovarian poly (a)+ rna. the largest and smallest of these cdnas were cloned and sequenced. characterization of these cdnas has revealed that possum scf has approximately 75% and 66% homology to scf of eutherian mammals at the nucleotide level and the predicted amino acid level respectively. nucleotide sequencing shows that the 738-bp cd ...19968870099
glycosaminoglycans of the uterine and vaginal cul-de-sac tissue in the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).live-captured feral brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) received slow-release progestagen implants for 16 days after removal of pouch young. at the time of implant removal one group was injected intramuscularly with pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (pmsg, 2 i.u. kg-1 in 0.2 ml saline) and another group received an equivalent volume of sterile saline. animals from each group were killed on days 0, 3, 4, 5 or 6 after implant removal (pmsg, n = 4 per day; saline controls, n = 3 per day). the ...19968870103
a morphometric study of early ovarian development in pouch young of the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).although the pattern of gonadal differentiation in marsupials is well documented, there is little information available on germ cell initiation and development. furthermore, neither parameter has been well described for the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).19968888964
development of the ovary in the brushtail possum trichosurus vulpecula (marsupialia).the urogenital region of 25 fetuses and 75 pouch young, ranging in age from newborn to 103 days (d) in development, was examined in serial histological sections. the rete ridges formed the anterior extensions of the gonadal ridges and gave rise to the rete system and gonads respectively. sexual differentiation of the ovary commenced 2.5 d after birth, when 2 cell types appeared: the larger of these then clumped together to form the medullary cords, while the smaller cells gave rise to the stroma ...19968982841
the effect of methimazole on the growth of the developing brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula.the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula, produces a single offspring 200 mg in body weight. the young grow slowly during the first half of pouch of life at approximately 1g/day. at day 96 post partum the growth rate increases dramatically and it has been suggested that this change in growth rate may result from the initiation of thyroid function in the young possum. to determine the role of the thyroid gland of the possum on growth, the production of hormones from the thyroid was inhibited b ...20139007567
posttesticular development of spermatozoa of the tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii).tammar wallaby spermatozoa undergo maturation during transit through the epididymis. this maturation differs from that seen in eutherian mammals because in addition to biochemical and functional maturation there are also major changes in morphology, in particular formation of the condensed acrosome and reorientation of the sperm head and tail. of spermatozoa released from the testes, 83% had a large immature acrosome. by the time spermatozoa reached the proximal cauda epididymis 100% of sperm ha ...19979061449
modelling immunocontraception in disseminating systems.vectored immunocontraception is a novel technology and simple models are described to help predict whether, and how, it might work. that is, given that an effective immunocontraceptive agent can be produced, and given that it can be inserted into a microparasitic or macroparasitic infective vector, would the vector persist and reach a high prevalence in the host and, if so, would it sterilize a sufficient proportion of the host breeding population to significantly reduce its density? both condit ...19979109194
follicle-stimulating hormone in the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula): purification, characterization, and radioimmunoassay.follicle-stimulating hormone (fsh) was purified from brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) pituitary glands by using the following purification techniques: fractional ammonium sulfate precipitation, triazinyl-dye affinity chromatography, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, and gel filtration. a yield of 18 micrograms of fsh per gram of pituitary, with a recovery of 12%, was obtained from 1400 glands (20.3 g wet weight). the purified fsh activity per gram of protein was 1320 times more pot ...19979126463
leptospirosis in brushtail possums: is leptospira interrogans serovar balcanica environmentally transmitted?in new zealand, the biological control of introduced brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) may be the only affordable option for achieving a significant long term reduction in pest numbers on a national scale. leptospira interrogans serovar balcanica is among the potential biocontrol agents and vectors currently being investigated for this purpose. as the transmission pathways of l. interrogans serovar balcanica between possums are poorly understood, the objective of the study was to determi ...19979131555
titration of heparinase for removal of the pcr-inhibitory effect of heparin in dna samples.heparin is a naturally occurring polysaccharide found primarily in the liver, lung and artery walls (white et al. 1968), which is commonly used as an anticoagulant for venal blood samples. although the inhibitory effect of heparin on the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and other enzyme-mediated reactions has been noted (beutler et al. 1990; izraeli et al. 1991), this is not widely known to field biologists collecting samples which are subsequently used for genetic analysis. the enzyme heparinase ...19979131813
purification and characterisation of hepatic glutathione transferases from a herbivorous marsupial, the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).a single glutathione transferase isoenzyme was purified from hepatic cytosol of the brushtail possum and shown to represent 3.6 +/- 0.3% of the total cytosolic protein. characterisation of the enzyme, termed possum gst 1-1, indicated that it possessed similar catalytic activity and structural homology with isoenzymes belonging to the alpha class of glutathione transferases. this homodimeric gst exhibited a single band with an apparent molecular mass of 25.4 kda on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacr ...19979149400
nonshivering thermogenesis in marsupials: absence of thermogenic response to beta 3-adrenergic agonists.the status of nonshivering thermogenesis (nst) in marsupials remains controversial. although morphological studies have failed to find evidence for the presence of brown adipose tissue (bat) in adults or juveniles of species from all extant families of marsupial, a number of studies have investigated the metabolic response of marsupials to noradrenaline (na) and yielded conflicting results. in eutherian mammals, na stimulates nst in bat by acting on beta 3-receptors, and in the experiments repor ...19979172391
purification and characterization of hepatic glutathione transferases from an insectivorous marsupial, the brown antechinus (antechinus stuartii).1. five unique glutathione transferase isoenzymes were purified from the hepatic cytosol of an insectivorous marsupial, the brown antechinus. the purified gsts were characterized by structural and catalytic properties including apparent molecular weight and isoelectric point, specificity towards model substrates, kinetic parameters, sensitivity to inhibitors and cross-reactivity with antisera raised against human gsts. 2. an alpha class gst, antechinus gst 1-1, predominated in the hepatic cytoso ...19979211657
mixed function oxidases in an australian marsupial, the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).investigation of the mixed function oxidase system of the brushtail possum was undertaken to provide fundamental information about this detoxication enzyme system in a marsupial. brushtail possum hepatic cytochrome p450, cytochrome b5 and nadph-cytochrome c reductase levels, 7-ethoxyresorufin o-deethylase and (erod) 7-ethoxycoumarin o-deethylase (ecod) activities were in the range of values reported for eutherian mammals. hepatic cyrochrome p450 content was significantly greater (p < 0.01) in br ...19979216875
pathological studies of wobbly possum disease in new zealand brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula).following an outbreak of wobbly possum disease in a colony of brush tail possums (trichosurus vulpecula), the disease was established experimentally in captive possums by inoculating the animals intraperitoneally with tissue homogenates. crude tissue homogenates of liver remained infectious after freezing at -75 degrees c or filtration through a 0.22 micron filter. the disease was characterised by docility, incoordination, loss of balance and wasting. fifteen of 16 infected animals had to be eut ...19979301011
lysozyme and alpha-lactalbumin from the milk of a marsupial, the common brush-tailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula).lysozyme and alpha-lactalbumin have been identified using n-terminal sequence analysis of whey proteins from the common brush-tailed possum, trichosurus vulpecula after separation by two-dimensional denaturing electrophoresis. both proteins were purified from pooled possum milk using ion exchange chromatography and gave mass values of 14,896 and 13,985 da respectively by maldi-tof mass spectrometry. clones containing the full coding sequences of the genes for both proteins were isolated from a p ...19979305795
preovulatory follicle development and ovulation in the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) monitored by repeated laparoscopy.the common method for synchronizing oestrus in brushtail possums is by removal of their pouch young (rpy). however, there is little information on the ovarian response to this treatment, the timing and incidence of ovulation is poorly defined, and methods of identifying oestrus are unreliable. in this study, the development of preovulatory follicles, ovulation and reproductive tract changes following rpy were monitored by repeated laparoscopic observation. a total of 120 adult female possums und ...19979306991
atomic force microscopy and cytochemistry of chromatin from marsupial spermatozoa with special reference to sminthopsis crassicaudata.atomic force microscopy (afm) of the nuclear topology of spermatozoa from two marsupial species, smithopsis crassicaudata and trichosurus vulpecula was investigated to determine the structural organisation of the chromatin subunits. that of the former species is of special interest as it has a peripheral nucleohistone region (c2) as well as a nuclease-resistant, nucleoprotamine core region (c1). atomic force microscopy showed that the c2 region contained clusters of 120-160 nm nodules, whereas t ...19979322249
isolation, characterization and radioimmunoassay of luteinizing hormone in the brushtail possum.luteinizing hormone (lh) was purified from brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) pituitary glands. the purification procedure consisted of ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by triazinyl-dye chromatography, hydrophobic interaction chromatography and gel filtration. a yield of 10 microg lh g-1 pituitary with a recovery of 20% was obtained from 1400 pituitary glands (20.3 g). contamination with possum follicle-stimulating hormone (fsh) was < or =0.05%. the amino acid analysis and the n-ter ...19979402251
isolation and partial characterization of tammar wallaby luteinizing hormone and development of a radioimmunoassay.tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii) luteinizing hormone (lh) was purified from pituitaries collected from wild and captive populations by salt sequential precipitation, ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration. pituitary tissue (5 g) yielded 1.8 mg of purified wallaby luteinizing hormone (me-14b), as verified by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page). a heterologous radioimmunoassay has been developed for measurement of lh in plasma of marsupials using a monoclo ...19979402258
ontogenic expression of detoxication enzymes in an australian marsupial, the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).marsupials and eutherians display vastly different reproductive strategies. marsupials are characterised by the production of altricial neonates with little functional capacity. an investigation of the ontogenic expression of phase i (mixed function oxidase) and phase ii (glutathione transferase) enzyme systems in the marsupial, the brushtail possum was undertaken. enzyme expression in the youngest age group studied (60 days old) was between 5% and 10% of the adult level. a gradual increase in e ...19979418014
ontogeny of thyroid hormone receptors in the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).newborn marsupials do not have a thyroid gland at birth. the gland develops while the young marsupial is in the mother's pouch. the young brushtail possum initiates secretion of thyroid hormones from its own thyroid at about day 65 post partum. however, during the first three weeks of pouch life thyroxine is passed from the mother to the young via the milk. to determine if this maternal thyroxine can effect organ development in the young possum before it initiates secretion of thyroxine from its ...19979418977
physiological changes in brushtail possums, trichosurus vulpecula, transferred from the wild to determine the effect of relocation on the health of possums, the body weights and hormone and immune responses of 11 male and 9 female brushtail possums were monitored following transfer from the environs of brisbane into an established breeding colony in brisbane. the possums were monitored weekly for the first 20 weeks of captivity, and their immune responses assessed again 12 months after capture. over the first 5 weeks of captivity, male possums lost a mean of 8.8% of their original body ...19989472479
phylogenetic analysis of three lipocalin-like proteins present in the milk of trichosurus vulpecula (phalangeridae, marsupialia).three proteins have been identified in the milk of the common brush tail possum. trichosurus vulpecula that from sequence analysis are members of the lipocalin family. they include beta-lactoglobulin, which appears to have two forms; a homologue to the late-lactation protein found in tammar, macropus eugenii; milk; and a novel protein termed trichosurin. whereas beta-lactoglobulin and trichosurin are both expressed throughout lactation, the late-lactation protein is not detected in samples taken ...19989493361
differential expression of milk protein genes during lactation in the common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).in the common brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) lactation lasts for 200 days and consists of two distinct phases. milk composition changes dramatically between phase 2 and 3, which correspond to early and late lactation respectively (phase 1 corresponds to pregnancy). rna expression patterns have been established for eight major milk protein genes throughout lactation in possum mammary glands. the levels of mrna expressed from two genes, encoding the early and late lactation proteins, wer ...19989513080
development of lung, kidney and skin in the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula.the thyroid gland is not present at birth in marsupials and thyroid function begins during the latter half of pouch life. the hormonal output of the thyroid gland is important for normal development. in this study the structure of the lung, kidney and skin of the developing possum was examined and the structural development of these three organs was described. the lung of the newborn brushtail possum was functional and continued to develop during pouch life, alveolar formation beginning at day 3 ...19979522893
molecular cloning of the cdna encoding the constant region of the immunoglobulin a heavy chain (c alpha) from a marsupial: trichosurus vulpecula (common brushtail possum)a cdna encoding the brushtail possum immunoglobulin a heavy chain constant region (c alpha) was isolated by screening a mesenteric lymph node cdna library with a porcine c alpha exon 3 probe. the larger of the two positive clones isolated (tv4a) consisted of 1325 bp of possum cdna that included an open reading frame of 1191 bp. its deduced amino acid sequence had a high degree of sequence identity with known eutherian c alpha sequences. this clone appears to encode the entire possum iga heavy ch ...19989557959
fertility of brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula) immunised against sperm.the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) is a major pest species in new zealand. research to develop a possum-specific method of immunologically-based fertility control (immunocontraception) has begun. this study examined the effect of immunization against sperm on the fertility of possums. possums were assigned to 16 mating groups (two females and one male per group) before the start of the breeding season. one female in each group and eight males were injected subcutaneously with 5 x 10(7) ...19989571567
neurogenesis in septum, amygdala and hippocampus in the marsupial brushtailed possum (trichosurus vulpecula).the times of origin of neurons in the septum, amygdala and hippocampus of the marsupial brushtailed possum, trichosurus vulpecula, were determined with 3h thymidine autoradiography. the long time period for neurogenesis in the brushtailed possum facilitated analysis of neurogenetic gradients in the brain. a series of 20 possums were injected with 3h thymidine from postnatal (p) days 5-95 and were allowed to survive until brain cytoarchitecture was mature. our results indicate that septal neuroge ...19979646648
cloning and sequence analysis of a pituitary prolactin cdna from the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).overlapping cdna partial clones of pituitary prolactin from the marsupial brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) were isolated and sequenced. the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences showed high sequence identity with pig prolactin (84.3 and 92.5%, respectively) and all of the expected structural features of a quadruped prolactin. a prolactin gene tree was constructed and rates of evolution calculated for possum along with several mammalian and nonmammalian prolactins. possum prolactin ...19989653022
cdna cloning of growth hormone from the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula).the full-length nucleotide sequence for the cdna of growth hormone (gh) from the marsupial brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) was determined using reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) and the 5'/3' rapid amplification of cdna ends (race) technique. sequence information showed that the possum gh cdna was 831 base pairs (bp) in length, including the 5'untranslated region (60 bp), the signal peptide (75 bp), the mature protein (573 bp, including stop codon), an ...19989653023
an ultrastructural study of the role of an extracellular matrix during normal cleavage in a marsupial, the brushtail marsupials, the mechanisms of lineage allocation into pluriblast and trophoblast are related to conceptus polarity and polarized discharge of extracellular matrix (ecm). the brushtail possum, trichosurus vulpecula, a major pest species in new zealand, is being intensively studied to develop an immunocontraceptive control method. of 23 specimens examined, 11 were examined by electron microscopy to study the presence and role of the ecm in lineage allocation in the possum. a number of polarized ...19989669526
presence of males affects the incidence of ovulation after pouch young removal in brushtail possums (trichosurus vulpecula).the traditional method for inducing and synchronising oestrus in the brushtail possum (trichosurus vulpecula) is by removal of their suckling pouch young (rpy). however, our studies have recently shown that, in addition to wide variation between animals in the time of ovulation after rpy, a proportion of animals failed to ovulate. evidence from several mammalian species indicates that the presence of males can stimulate ovarian activity and synchronise oestrus in females. the aim of this study w ...19989672669
cdna cloning of luteinizing hormone subunits from brushtail possum and red kangaroo.luteinizing hormone (lh) plays an important role in the reproductive cycles of all mammals. there is a large amount of both nucleotide and amino acid sequence data available for lh from eutherian mammals, but little is known about the primary structure of lh in marsupials. we have used consensus pcr primers to generate specific probes for screening pituitary cdna libraries and report the cloning of the cdnas encoding the alpha-subunit of lh (also shared by a number of other glycoprotein hormones ...19989680384
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 776