
PMID(sorted ascending)
wickedness or folly? the ethics of nice's decisions.a rebuttal is provided to each of the arguments adduced by john harris, an editor-in-chief of the journal of medical ethics, in two editorials in the journal in support of the view that national institute for health and clinical excellence's procedures and methods for making recommendations about healthcare procedures for use in the national health service in england and wales are the product of "wickedness or folly or more likely both", "ethically illiterate as well as socially divisive", respo ...200616816034
national increase in human salmonella montevideo infections in england and wales: march to june 2006. 200616819131
vaccines: from bench to bedside--smi's third biannual conference. 22-23 may 2006, london, uk. 200616821154
the non-synonymous c1858t substitution in the ptpn22 gene is associated with susceptibility to the severe forms of alopecia areata.alopecia areata is an acquired hair loss disorder resulting from an immunologically- mediated attack on hair follicles and autoimmunity may play a part in its pathogenesis. the non-synonymous c1858t substitution in the ptpn22 gene, which encodes lymphoid protein tyrosine phosphatase, has been shown to be associated with susceptibility to autoimmune disorders. in this study, the objective was to ascertain whether or not the disease-associated 1858t (w620) allele was associated with alopecia areat ...200616829308
crime victims are given right to object to disclosure of their medical records to courts. 200616840459
dr frederick knight hunt (1814-54) re-visited: medical man and journalist.this paper studies knight hunt's career after he lost control of the medical times, and shows how he was brought to the notice of charles dickens who made him a sub-editor on the daily news in 1845 and subsequently selected him as a pivotal contributor to household words, a post he gave up only when he became editor of the newspaper in 1851.200616845455
symptoms, ill-health and quality of life in a support group of porton down veterans.there has been a human volunteer programme at the british chemical weapons research facility at porton down since the first world war, in which some of the participants were exposed to chemical warfare agents.200616847038
detection of human metapneumovirus in respiratory secretions by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, indirect immunofluorescence, and virus isolation in human bronchial epithelial cells.over two winters in newcastle upon tyne, respiratory secretions, negative by immunofluorescence staining for other respiratory viruses, were tested for the presence of human metapneumovirus (hmpv) by rt-pcr. in the second winter, specimens were also tested by immunofluorescence staining with an anti-hmpv polyclonal rabbit antiserum and immunofluorescence positive specimens were inoculated into a line of human bronchiolar cells, 16hbe140. overall, 55 of 549 (10%) specimens tested were positive fo ...200616847967
a crisis of governance?contemporary legislative and constitutional developments in the united kingdom for public health. this article explores these implications.200716870992
twins: a cloning experience.drawing upon qualitative interviews with monozygotic (identical) twins sharing 100% of their genes, and with dizygotic (fraternal) twins and singletons as control groups, this paper explores what it means to be genetically identical. (the twins interviewed were from the twinsuk register in london.) in the context of the ongoing debate on human reproductive cloning, it examines questions such as: to what extent do identical twins perceive their emotional and physical bond to be a result of their ...200616876924
dignity under threat? a study of the experiences of older people in the united kingdom.theoretical accounts have offered a general understanding of the social significance and importance of dignity and suggest that older age may threaten dignity by structuring and limiting the opportunities for participation and/or social recognition. micro-sociological research has shown how older people negotiate their identity, in the face of its erosion by the aging body and disability and the domination of health and social care workers. these theoretical approaches inform the study presented ...200616878397
eblv-2 prevalence in the united kingdom as determined by surveillance testing.five cases of eblv-2 have been detected in the uk since 1996, with all wildlife cases in the daubenton's bat: one on the south coast in sussex in 1996, one in lancashire in 2002, another in 2003, one in surrey in 2004 and a human fatality in angus, scotland, in 2002. as a result of the human case, a seroprevalence study, aimed primarily at the daubenton's bat was conducted in 2003 in scotland and at some sites in england. in scotland, 198 daubenton's, 20 natterer's and 6 pipistrelles were caught ...200616878484
characterisation of ctx-m and ampc genes in human isolates of escherichia coli identified between 1995 and 2003 in england and wales.ctx-m and ampc genes in human isolates of escherichia coli, their genetic environment and their host plasmids were examined. isolates (n=103) were selected based on resistance (minimum inhibitory concentration (mic)> or =1 microg/ml) to ceftriaxone and cefotaxime. polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and sequencing identified 29 isolates containing bla(ctx-m-15), 1 each of bla(ctx-m-2) (a strain originating from israel) and bla(ctx-m-40), 20 isolates containing bla(cmy-7), 4 bla(cmy-2) and 1 bla(cmy- ...200616879949
arthroderma olidum, sp. nov. a new addition to the trichophyton terrestre 1981, four fungal isolates from hair of the european badger (meles meles) were examined by dr phyllis stockdale at the commonwealth mycological institute, kew, and deposited in the uk national collection of pathogenic fungi as an undescribed member of the trichophyton terrestre complex. the present paper formalizes the complete description of a new ascomycete taxon, arthroderma olidum following successful recent attempts to re-isolate the same fungus from the soil of badger holes in south wes ...200616882612
cytokine profiling of pulmonary aspergillosis.aspergillus fumigatus is ubiquitous and yet causes invasive, chronic and allergic disease of the lung. chronic cavitary pulmonary aspergillosis (ccpa) is a slowly destructive form of pulmonary aspergillosis, without immunocompromise. we hypothesized that ccpa cytokine gene polymorphisms would differ from patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) and uninfected controls. we have profiled functional cytokine gene polymorphisms for interleukin (il)-10, il-15, transforming growth ...200616893395
human rights legislation plays an increasingly significant role in health and social care services. 200616894921
mister in-between: a case study of masculine identity and health-related behaviour.the study of young men's health-related behaviour offers an opportunity to examine the links between masculine identity and social behaviour. this article presents a case study of a 19-year-old man living in london, who describes himself as different to his peers on several important dimensions, including his engagement in health-related behaviours. the case study demonstrates the importance of health-related social behaviours such as drinking, drug use, physical activity, sport and sexual behav ...200616908466
inquiries in britain uncover loopholes in drug trials. 200616909495
experimental confirmation by sir victor horsley of the relationship between thyroid gland dysfunction and myxedema.whereas sir victor horsley is well known for his many contributions to neurosurgery, this is not the case for his treatments for both myxedema and cretinism. horsley's research on thyroid physiology was concentrated in the years 1884-1890, while he was director of the brown institute for animals. based upon experimentation with dogs and monkeys as well as some human patients, horsley demonstrated conclusively that removal of the thyroid gland produced tremors, rigidity, and paralysis, which he a ...200616910875
occupational noise exposure and ischaemic heart disease investigate the hypothesis that long term exposure to excessive noise can increase the risk of ischaemic heart disease.200616912090
concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls in indoor air and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in indoor air and dust in birmingham, united kingdom: implications for human exposure.polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) and polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) were measured in air (using puf disk passive samplers) in 31 homes, 33 offices, 25 cars, and 3 public microenvironments. average concentrations of sigmabde (273 pg m(-3)) and sigmapcb (8920 pg m(-3)) were an order of magnitude higher than those previously reported for outdoor air. cars were the most contaminated microenvironment for sigmabde (average = 709 pg m(-3)), but the least for sigmapcb (average = 1391 pg m(-3)). ...200616913117
do mothers understand healthy eating principles for low-birth-weight infants?to describe feeding patterns and mothers' perceptions of desirable feeding practices in low-birth-weight (lbw) infants after hospital discharge in england and to test for the association of inappropriate practices/perceptions with identifiable demographics.200616925874
investigation of association of the dlg5 gene with phenotypes of inflammatory bowel disease in the british population.mutations in the dlg5 gene are associated with an increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease (ibd) in some european populations. initial investigation of a british ibd population showed evidence of association of one of three dlg5 variants, r30q, in a family-based collection but not in a case-control cohort. we have now examined the association of the r30q polymorphism in a large cohort of british ibd cases, tested for interaction between the dlg5 and card15 genes and assessed possible associa ...200716944184
wilfred trotter: surgeon, philosopher.there is no significant biography that records the accomplishments of sir wilfred trotter, who was a general surgeon in its pure sense at a time when surgical specialization was in its infancy. trotter was born in the 1870s in england. despite being bedridden during his childhood with a musculoskeletal condition he was able to study medicine at london university, and eventually became professor and chair of surgery at the university college hospital, a position he held until his death in novembe ...200616948887
vitamin d status and bone mass in uk south asian women.low vitamin d status is prevalent among south asians living in the uk. the relationship, however, between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin d level (25ohd), serum parathyroid level (pth) and bone mass in this group of women is unknown. the aim of this study was to determine the association between serum pth, 25ohd and bone mass in a population based sample of young uk south asian women.200716950669
[the representation of madness in william shakespeare's characters].shakespeare is one of the great creators of human characters of the 16(th) century. like for many of his contemporaries madness was a central topic of his work. the first part of this paper discusses the sociocultural environment and the semantic field of madness in the elizabethan age, which forms the background for shakespeare's characters. in the second part we try to analyze the clinical pictures of the fictive characters of othello, hamlet, lear and macbeth. while we find melancholy, delusi ...200616957981
perceptions and experiences of tuberculosis among african patients attending a tuberculosis clinic in london.little is known of the social and cultural issues influencing the uptake of and attitudes to tuberculosis (tb) care by people of african extraction living in the uk.200616964793
did the lateral enamel of neandertal anterior teeth grow differently from that of modern humans?the formation of lateral enamel in neandertal anterior teeth has been the subject of recent studies. when compared to the anterior teeth of modern humans from diverse regions (point hope, alaska; newcastle upon tyne, england; southern africa), neandertal anterior teeth appear to fall within the modern human range of variation for lateral enamel formation time. however, the lateral enamel growth curves of neandertals are more linear than those of these modern human samples. other researchers have ...200716965802
the culture of a trauma team in relation to human factors.the aim of this ethnographic study was to explore the culture of a trauma team in relation to human factors.200616968430
the impact of workplace risk factors on the occurrence of neck and upper limb pain: a general population neck and upper limb pain has mainly been studied in specific occupational groups, and little is known about its impact in the general population. the objectives of this study were to estimate the prevalence and population impact of work-related neck and upper limb pain.200616984657
the emerging case-control study: lung cancer in relation to tobacco smoking.two influential case-control studies that clearly implicated cigarette smoking as a cause of lung cancer are reviewed in terms of their respective strengths and weaknesses. the findings from a u.s. study reported in 1950 by wynder and graham were strikingly similar to those arising from a u.k. study reported later that year by doll and hill. the methodological rigor of these investigations effectively ruled out alternatives to smoking as plausible explanations for the increased risk, although ad ...200616997362
r (on the application of quintavalle) v secretary of state for health.court decision: [2001] 4 all england law reports 1013; 2001 november 15 (date of decision). the queen's bench division held that the creation of an embryo through cell nuclear replacement did not fall under the statutory definition of an embryo because that definition requires fertilization. the chief medical officer's expert group expressed an opinion that the creation and use of embryos through cell nuclear replacement was regulated by the human fertilisation and embryology act 1990. a pro-lif ...200116998994
r (on the application of quintavalle) v human fertilisation and embryology authority.court decision: 2 all england law reports 105; 2002 december 20 (date of decision). the queen's bench division held that testing an embryo to determine compatibility with potential donees fell under the statutory definition of the use of an embyro. a pro-life organization brought suit against the human fertilisation and embryology authority following its announcement that it would authorize tissue typing of embryos. tissue typing involves the removal of embryonic cells and the pre-implantation g ...200316998995
leeds teaching hospitals nhs trust v a.court decision: [2003] 1 family law reports 1091; 2003 february 26 (date of decision). the queen's bench division held that twins born to a husband and wife, using the eggs of the wife and the sperm of an unrelated third party, did not have a legal father because the husband did not consent to the mistaken use of the third party's sperm. a white husband and wife, mr. and mrs. a., sought treatment at a fertility clinic run by nhs trust. they agreed to undergo intracytoplasmic sperm injection usin ...200316998996
u v w (attorney general intervening).court decision: 2 family law reports 282; 1997 february 19 (date of decision). the family division court dismissed the application by miss u. for child support of twins, who were conceived using donor sperm and in vitro fertilization, from mr. w. after an unsuccessful attempt with in vitro fertilization in england, miss u. and mr. w., british residents, had gone to italy for a second round of in vitro fertilization, this time using a laser implantation technique. because mr. w.'s sperm was disco ...199716998997
rose v secretary of state for health and human fertilisation and embryology authority.court decison: [2002] 2 family law reports 962; 2002 july 26 (date of decision). the queen's bench division held that article 8 of the european convention on human rights included the right of an individual to know details about his or her identity, including information about biological parents. two persons, one an adult and the other a child, both born through artificial insemination from anonymous donors brought suit against the secretary of state challenging his failure to promulgate regulat ...200216998998
introducing hpv triage into the english cervical cancer screening program: consequences for predict the likely impact of adding human papillomavirus (hpv) triage for minor abnormalities on participation in the english cervical cancer screening program.200617000609
prisons and health reforms in england and wales.prison health in england and wales has seen rapid reform and modernization. previously it was characterized by over-medicalization, difficulties in staff recruitment, and a lack of professional development for staff. the department of health assumed responsibility from her majesty's prison service for health policymaking in 2000, and full budgetary and health care administration control were transferred by april 2006. as a result of this reorganization, funding has improved and services now rela ...200617008562
charles dickens: the man, medicine, and movement disorders.nineteenth-century victorian novelists played an important role in developing our understanding of medicine and illness. with the eye of an expert clinician, charles dickens provided several detailed accounts of movement disorders in his literary works, many of which predated medical descriptions. his gift for eloquence, imagery, and precision attest not only to the importance of careful clinical observation, but also provide an insightful and entertaining perspective on movement disorders for m ...200617015015
parl leu262val is not associated with fasting insulin levels in uk populations.parl, the gene encoding presenilins-associated rhomboid-like protein, maps to chromosome 3q27 within a quantitative trait locus that influences components of the metabolic syndrome. recently, an amino acid substitution (leu262val, rs3732581) in parl was associated with fasting plasma insulin levels in a us white population (n=1031). this variant was also found to modify the positive association between age and fasting insulin. the aim of this study was to test whether these findings could be rep ...200617019603
heterogeneity of ubiquitin pathology in frontotemporal lobar degeneration: classification and relation to clinical phenotype.we have investigated the extent and pattern of immunostaining for ubiquitin protein (ubq) in 60 patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration (ftld) with ubiquitin-positive, tau-negative inclusions (ftld-u), 37 of whom were ascertained in manchester uk and 23 in newcastle-upon-tyne, uk. there were three distinct histological patterns according to the form and distribution of the ubq pathology. histological type 1 was present in 19 patients (32%) and characterised by the presence of a moderate ...200617021754
bioaccessible arsenic in the home environment in southwest england.samples of household dust and garden soil were collected from twenty households in the vicinity of an ex-mining site in southwest england and from nine households in a control village. all samples were analysed by icp-ms for pseudo-total arsenic (as) concentrations and the results show clearly elevated levels, with maximum as concentrations of 486 microg g(-1) in housedusts and 471 microg g(-1) in garden soils (and mean concentrations of 149 microg g(-1) and 262 microg g(-1), respectively). arse ...200617023026
evans v. amicus healthcare ltd; hadley v. midland fertility ltd.court decision: [2003] 4 all england law reports 903; 2003 october 1 (date of decision). the england and wales high court held in two separate cases that the use of an embryo created through in vitro fertilization could not proceed without consent of both parents at the point of time at which the embryo was to transferred. two women brought suit against their respective former male partners with whom embryos had been created through in vitro fertilization. both women had subsequently separated f ...200317024775
re r (a child).court decision: [2003] 2 all england law reports 131; 2003 february 19 (date of decision). the civil division court held that a man must be seeking treatment concurrently with a woman in order to be considered the father of a child created through in vitro fertilization. a man brought suit against a woman seeking parental rights and visitation over a child created through in vitro fertilization. although the child was created using sperm donated anonymously by a third party, the man had formerly ...200317024778
assessment of factors contributing to changes in the incidence of antimicrobial drug resistance in salmonella enterica serotypes enteritidis and typhimurium from humans in england and wales in 2000, 2002 and investigation into changes in the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in salmonella enterica serotypes enteritidis and typhimurium from human infection in england and wales in 2000, 2002 and 2004 has shown that the incidence of strains of s. enteritidis with resistance to nalidixic acid coupled with decreased susceptibility to ciprofloxacin has more than doubled between 2000 and 2004, whereas the overall levels of resistance in s. typhimurium have fallen by ca. 25%. in relation to publishe ...200617029756
use of crystal methamphetamine among gay men in examine the use of crystal methamphetamine (crystal meth) and its association with high-risk sexual behaviour among gay men in london.200617034442
creating a medical english-swedish dictionary using interactive word alignment.this paper reports on a parallel collection of rubrics from the medical terminology systems icd-10, icf, mesh, ncsp and ksh97-p and its use for semi-automatic creation of an english-swedish dictionary of medical terminology. the methods presented are relevant for many other west european language pairs than english-swedish.200617034649
the health effects of flooding: social research results from england and wales.this paper presents interview survey data by social scientists using established health measures on the health effects of flooding for residents in 30 locations in england and wales. firstly, it examines the extent to which flooded residents reported suffering physical and psychological health effects during and after the event. secondly, it explores the issue of whether these effects were long-lasting by comparisons with the general population and with those at risk but not flooded. in the stud ...200617036844
determination of the mutation spectrum of the ext1/ext2 genes in british caucasian patients with multiple osteochondromas, and exclusion of six candidate genes in ext negative cases.we describe here the spectrum and distribution of mutations in the ext1 and ext2 genes in the largest reported british caucasian multiple osteochondromas (mo) population. furthermore, we report for the first time the screening of the ext1 and ext2 promoters, 5'utrs, and 3'utrs, and exclude six potential mo candidate genes in individuals without a detectable mutation within the coding region of ext1 and ext2. the coding exons of ext1 and ext2 were screened in 72 unrelated probands affected with m ...200617041877
r (on the application of quintavalle) v secretary of state for health.court decision: [2003] 2 all england law reports 113; 2003 mar 13 (date of decision). the house of lords affirmed a court of appeal decision that embryos created through cell nuclear replacement were regulated by the human fertilisation and embryology act 1990. the house of lords agreed with the court of appeal that a purposive reading of the statute was required for two reasons. first, the intent of parliament was merely to regulate certain uses of embryos, and second, the technology used in ce ...200317042104
r (quintavalle) v human fertilisation and embryology authority (secretary of state for health intervening).court decision: 2 family law reports 335; 2003 may 16 (date of decision). the court of appeal held that tissue typing along with preimplantation diagnosis was not prohibited by the human fertilisation and embryology act 1990 in all cases. where tissue typing was done to ensure that the embryo did not suffer from serious genetic defects, such diagnosis was done for the purpose of facilitating a pregnancy. mr. and mrs. hashmi were the parents of a son suffering from beta thalassaemia major. the ha ...200317042105
r (on the application of quintavalle) v human fertilisation and embryology authority.court decision: [2005] 2 all england law reports 555; 2005 apr 28 (date of decision). the house of lords affirmed the court of appeal, which held that both pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and hla typing of an embryo may be used to determine the suitability of an embryo for transfer, as determined by a particular mother. the mother in this case wished to use in vitro fertilization to conceive a child that could be a compatible stem cell donor for her son who suffered from beta thalassemia.200517042106
r (on the application of quintavalle) v secretary of state for health.court decision: [2002] 2 all england law reports 625; 2002 jan 18 (date of decision). the court of appeal held that embryos created through cell nuclear replacement fell under the regulatory scheme of human fertilisation and embryology act 1990, despite the fact that the act referred only to embryos created through fertilization. the court held that embryos created through cell nuclear replacement were substantially similar to embryos created through fertilization. both had the same characterist ...200217042107
ab v leeds teaching hospital nhs trust.court decision: [2004] 2 family law reports 365; 2004 mar 26 (date of decision). the queen's bench division held that the practice of not warning parents of the possibility of post-mortem removal and retention of organs from their children violated the duty health care providers owed to the parents. parents of three children, a premature baby, a stillborn infant, and a two year old toddler, brought suit against the hospital after the hospital removed and retained organs from their deceased child ...200417042108
the use of human tissue in bone grafting techniques.the medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency has informed hospitals in england and wales that bone graft material, which may include bone obtained illegally without consent, may have been implanted into a small number of uk patients. this article outlines the technique of bone grafting, examines the normal regulation and safety considerations and highlights the nursing implications surrounding this issue.200617042338
control of arbovirus infections by a coordinated response: west nile virus in england and wales.although there is no recognized transmission of human arboviral infections in the uk, concerns about the possible spread of west nile virus (wnv) have precipitated coordinated activities around both surveillance and response. the department of health has chaired a uk wnv task force since the end of 2000. this is a multidisciplinary group of senior representatives from agencies and government departments involved in human and animal health, entomology and academic departments. activities include ...200617054715
sharps injuries in uk health care: a review of injury rates, viral transmission and potential efficacy of safety review the literature on sharps injuries and occupational bloodborne virus transmission in health care in the uk and the worldwide evidence for injury prevention of sharps safety devices.200617065314
paul polani and the development of medical genetics.paul polani (1914-2006) was one of the key figures internationally in the beginnings and development of medical genetics. best remembered scientifically for his highly original work on the basis of human sex chromosome disorders, notably turner syndrome, he pioneered the application of basic biological research to clinical genetic problems. the unit that he founded in 1960, at guys hospital, london, provided an unparalleled model for combined research and service in medical genetics across a wid ...200717066298
changing pattern of human listeriosis, england and wales, 2001-2004.microbiologic and epidemiologic data on 1,933 cases of human listeriosis reported in england and wales from 1990 to 2004 were reviewed. a substantial increase in incidence occurred from 2001 to 2004. ten clusters (60 cases), likely to represent common-source outbreaks, were detected. however, these clusters did not account for the upsurge in incidence, which occurred sporadically, predominantly in patients > or =60 years of age with bacteremia and which was independent of sex; regional, seasonal ...200617073084
an investigation of skeletal indicators of vitamin d deficiency in adults: effective markers for interpreting past living conditions and pollution levels in 18th and 19th century birmingham, england.vitamin d deficiency in adults is referred to as osteomalacia, and this condition has multiple causes related to factors such as environment, living conditions and cultural practices. therefore, understanding the types and range of expression of osteomalacia in archaeological bone, using a number of investigative techniques, will have significant implications for interpretations made about past communities. this study aimed to understand the expression of vitamin d deficiency in the skeletons of ...200717078033
consent for organ and tissue retention in british law in the light of the human tissue act 2004.the experience from the scandals in hospitals at liverpool and bristol in the uk where retention of tissue and organs was undertaken without the consent of the parents and relatives raised serious concerns regarding the efficacy of the existing human tissue act 1961, in england and the operation of the law by medical practitioners. in the aftermath of these damaging scandals a combination of public distrust and government overreaction has led to the enactment of new legislation, the human tissue ...200617078517
seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 in multiple has been proposed that multiple sclerosis (ms) might be a sexually transmitted disorder. there is evidence that seropositivity to herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) correlates well with the number of sexual partners. accordingly, a raised overall hsv-2 seroprevalence in ms would lend support to this theory.200617083334
trophoblastic reminiscences.development of the radioimmunoassay in the 1950s and early '60s largely eliminated early problems with human chorionic gonadotropin and permitted the u.k. to offer a national service for gestational trophoblastic disease (gtd) patients. in 1973 a voluntary registration scheme for patients with hydatidiform mole (hm) opened at 3 u.k. locations. the charing cross centre has followed > 35,000 women with hm, and 2,500 have undergone treatment for various forms of gtd. all treated patients are follow ...200617086815
visual sharpness contingency in recognition memory for orientation: mnemonic illusion suppressed by sensory signature.a striking finding about human memory is that people's level of accuracy in remembering the orientation of heads on coins is often not simply at the chance level but significantly below it. however, s. w. kelly, a. m. burton, t. kato, and s. akamatsu (2001) reported that this is not so when two-alternative forced-choice visual recognition is employed. the kelly et al. result could not be replicated here with a copy of their stimuli. however, the result was successfully replicated with newly crea ...200617087571
assessing the burden of influenza and other respiratory infections in england and estimate the burden of influenza in england and wales, in terms of general practice consultations, hospital admissions and deaths.200717097147
the association between knowledge of hpv and feelings of stigma, shame and test the hypotheses that (1) women who know that human papillomavirus (hpv) is sexually transmitted will expect to experience higher levels of stigma, shame and anxiety if they test positive for the virus than women who are not aware of the mode of transmission and (2) women who are aware of the high prevalence of hpv infection will expect to experience lower levels of stigma, shame and anxiety than women who underestimate its prevalence.200717098767
the influence of previous exposure to environmental mycobacteria on the interferon-gamma response to bacille calmette-guérin vaccination in southern england and northern malawi.we report a large study of the effect of bcg vaccination on the in vitro 6-day whole blood interferon-gamma (ifn-gamma) response to antigens from eight species of mycobacteria among schoolchildren in south-eastern england, where bacille calmette-guérin (bcg) vaccination is highly protective against pulmonary tuberculosis, and among young adults in northern malawi, where bcg vaccination is not protective. in the uk children, bcg induced an appreciable increase in ifn-gamma response to antigens fr ...200617100757
human embryonic stem cells: prospects for human health - a 1-day international symposium held at the university of sheffield. 200217103711
cell-free dna levels in pregnancies at risk of sickle-cell disease and significant ethnic variation.cell-free (cf) dna in maternal circulation is increasingly investigated in pregnancy. this study aimed to determine whether sickle-cell trait women had quantitative differences of cf-dna to controls and if there was an ethnic difference between the cf-dna levels of northern european and african/african-caribbean populations. non-invasive prenatal diagnosis, through quantification of fetal and total cf-dna, was tested in 33 pregnant women at risk of carrying a fetus affected with sickle-cell dise ...200617107357
interleukin-1r antagonist gene and pre-natal smoke exposure are associated with childhood asthma.the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (il1rn) is a potent anti-inflammatory cytokine. in the present study, association of the human il1rn gene polymorphisms with asthma, bronchial hyperresponsiveness and forced expiratory volume in one second/forced vital capacity ratio was tested and the data was stratified by environmental tobacco smoke exposure in order to investigate a gene-smoking interaction. in an unselected subset (n = 921) of the isle of wight birth (uk) cohort, which has previously be ...200717107994
richard wiseman and the medical practitioners of restoration london.the case histories used to illustrate richard wiseman's several chirurgicall treatises (1676) reveal not only pathological and therapeutic detail but much information about the range of occupational relationships between wiseman and the many london physicians with whom he collaborated on cases (more than forty are identified in an appendix to this article). his interaction with the two physicians with whom he had most to do, francis prujean and walter needham, exemplifies the extremes of such re ...200717108018
a neurolinguistic model of grammatical construction of the functions of everyday human language is to communicate meaning. thus, when one hears or reads the sentence, "john gave a book to mary," some aspect of an event concerning the transfer of possession of a book from john to mary is (hopefully) transmitted. one theoretical approach to language referred to as construction grammar emphasizes this link between sentence structure and meaning in the form of grammatical constructions. the objective of the current research is to (1) outline a fu ...200617129193
surveillance of influenza-like illness in england and wales during 1966-2006.we report surveillance data collected since 1966 from a general practice database in england and wales. incidence rates of influenza-like illness (ili) peaked during the winter of 1969/70, and were then followed by a decade of heightened activity. there has since been a gradual downward trend of ili, interspersed with winters of heightened activity; since 1999/2000, the incidence of ili has been at its lowest for 40 years. we argue that the decade following the herald waves of the pandemic could ...200617130657
the prevalence of chromosomally integrated human herpesvirus 6 genomes in the blood of uk blood donors.a lesser-recognized form of human herpesvirus 6 (hhv-6) persistence is integration of the viral genome in a host chromosome and high viral copy numbers in blood or sera are characteristic of this phenomenon. a cross-sectional study was performed to determine the frequency of high hhv-6 viral loads in whole blood (>6 log(10) copies/ml) in a population of blood donors in london, uk. blood samples from 500 anonymized blood donors were collected from one donation center, dna extracted, and quantitat ...200717133548
brain donation for research: consent and re-consent post alder hey.recent scandals relating to the unconsented retention and use of human organs in the uk have led to widespread changes to governance and ethical frameworks for research throughout england and wales. ethics committees now ask for proof of specific consent where general medical research consent was once sufficient. in order to meet these new requirements ongoing medical research studies have had to replace existing consent forms with more detailed ones that must be signed anew by prospective donor ...200517139813
are ethnic minorities excluded from clinical research?under-representation and limited participation of ethnic minorities in clinical research is a source of concern.200517139814
compression force-depth relationship during out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation.recent clinical studies reporting the high frequency of inadequate chest compression depth (<38 mm) during cpr, have prompted the question if adult human chest characteristics render it difficult to attain the recommended compression depth in certain patients.200717141936
lymphogranuloma venereum in the united kingdom.over the past 2 years, lymphogranuloma venereum (lgv), caused by l serovars of chlamydia trachomatis, has emerged as a significant problem among men who have sex with men (msm). we report on, to our knowledge, the largest case series of lgv to date, with detailed epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the epidemic in the united kingdom.200717143811
the radiological management of bomb blast injury.a need to understand the nature and patterns of bomb blast injury, particularly in confined spaces, has come to the fore with the current worldwide threat from terrorism. the purpose of this review article is to familiarize the radiologist with the imaging they might expect to see in a mass casualty terrorist event, illustrated by examples from two of the main institutions receiving patients from the london underground tube blasts of 7 july 2005. we present examples of injuries that are typical ...200717145257
remembering the evolutionary freud.throughout his career as a writer, sigmund freud maintained an interest in the evolutionary origins of the human mind and its neurotic and psychotic disorders. in common with many writers then and now, he believed that the evolutionary past is conserved in the mind and the brain. today the "evolutionary freud" is nearly forgotten. even among freudians, he is regarded to be a red herring, relevant only to the extent that he diverts attention from the enduring achievements of the authentic freud. ...200617147221
issues of human rabies immunoglobulin and vaccine: policy versus practice.a retrospective audit was conducted of all issues of rabies vaccine or human rabies immunoglobulin (hrig) from the clinical microbiology department at university hospital aintree for post-exposure prophylaxis. the appropriateness of management was reviewed by a blinded panel, which used guidelines issued by the health protection agency (hpa) as a standard. thirty-six enquiries, on average 9 days following exposure, led to issues of hrig, rabies vaccine or both. dog bites accounted for the majori ...200717148554
when reason reigns: madness, passion and sovereignty in late 18th-century 1788-89, king george iii of great britain became physically and mentally ill. this has been well documented, in contrast to the sudden influx of mentally distressed patients into private asylums of england shortly after the highly publicized illness of the king. as told by political and social commentators during this period, the crisis of the two bodies of the king--as head of state and as a man--represented a significant threat to the stability of the nation. this essay investigates possibl ...200617153472
the relative duties of a man: domestic medicine in england and france, ca. 1685-1740.although much work is currently being done on early modern women and household medicine and on early modern masculinities, historians have generally overlooked men's roles within the home, particularly with respect to domestic medical activities. using medical consultation letters, this article examines men's roles as domestic caregivers and their medical decision making. during this period, manly self-management and household order were closely linked; an ideal head of household would manage hi ...200617153750
justice and equality in mental health law: the european experience.this is the text of a lecture delivered at the world conference of the international academy of law and mental health in sydney in september 2003 on the occasion of the award to the author of the prix philippe pinel. its theme is the potential of the european convention on human rights to secure the human rights of people with mental disorders and disabilities, viewed in the context of the legislation on mental health and mental incapacity in england and wales. its conclusion is that the convent ...200717157380
developing a national primary care-based early warning system for health protection--a surveillance tool for the future? analysis of routinely collected data.the increasing threat of infections with pandemic potential such as influenza has focussed attention on the information needed to inform those managing a pandemic. the health protection agency, nottingham university and emis have developed a new national health protection surveillance system using qresearch, an established primary care-derived database, to provide timely and local information on trends in community illness and prescribing. this article describes the first year of the surveillanc ...200717158478
legal requirements for donating and retaining organs: the human tissue act.the human tissue act 2004 came into force on 1 september 2006 and introduced significant changes in the way human body parts, tissue and organs are removed, stored and used. the act seeks to remedy the poor availability of organs for transplant caused in part by laws that date back to the 17th century and to right the concerns raised by the liverpool children's inquiry that revealed widespread retention of organs by hospitals without permission. in this article richard griffith describes how con ...200617167359
non-b27 mhc associations of ankylosing spondylitis.ankylosing spondylitis (as) has been associated with human leukocyte antigen (hla)-b27 for over 30 years; however, the mechanism of action has remained elusive. although many studies have reported associations between as and other genes in the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) in as, no conclusive results have emerged. to investigate the contribution of non-b27 mhc genes to as, a large cohort of as families and controls were b27 typed and genotyped across the region. interrogation of the da ...200717167495
campylobacter jejuni multilocus sequence types in humans, northwest england, 2003-2004.detailed understanding of the epidemiology of campylobacter is increasingly facilitated through use of universal and reproducible techniques for accurate strain differentiation and subtyping. multilocus sequence typing (mlst) enables discriminatory subtyping and grouping of isolate types into genetically related clonal complexes; it also has the advantage of ease of application and repeatability. recent studies suggest that a measure of host association may be distinguishable with this system. w ...200617176563
comparative study of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus serological assays using clinically and serologically defined reference standards and latent class analysis.accurate determination of infection with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) has been hindered by the lack of a "gold standard" for comparison of serological assays used to estimate kshv prevalence in serosurveys conducted in different settings. we have evaluated the performance of five in-house (developed at university college london [ucl], united kingdom, and at the virology laboratory of the instituto de medicine tropical [imt] in sao paulo, brazil) and two commercial (abi and diav ...200717182752
the implications of the human tissue act 2004 for dentistry.partly as a consequence of the inquiries into the events at the bristol royal infirmary and the royal liverpool children's hospital (alder hey), the government recently enacted the human tissue act 2004. the main provisions of the act came into force on 1 september 2006 and have potential implications for dentists.200617183410
comparison of clinical and environmental isolates of legionella pneumophila obtained in the uk over 19 years.between january 1980 and december 1998, 3458 cases of legionnaires' disease were reported to the national surveillance scheme in england and wales. of these, 463 (13.4%) were reported as proven by culture and isolation of legionella spp., with 96.3% being legionella pneumophila. serogroup (sgp), monoclonal antibody (mab) subgrouping and restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) analysis data were obtained for 321 (69.3%) of these, of which 284 were classified as being unrelated to any othe ...200717184291
commentary: uk perspective on competency to stand trial.this commentary offers a perspective from another common law jurisdiction, specifically the law in england and wales, where competency to stand trial on a criminal charge is known as fitness to plead. the commentary begins with a discussion on the principle of proportionality evident in health care decisions by way of comparison with the topic in the criminal arena. fitness to plead is an historical legal concept and employs an intellectual test that has evolved very little since its appearance ...200617185475
sympatric ixodes trianguliceps and ixodes ricinus ticks feeding on field voles (microtus agrestis): potential for increased risk of anaplasma phagocytophilum in the united kingdom?the importance of wild rodents as reservoirs of zoonotic tick-borne pathogens is considered low in the united kingdom because, in studies to date, those parasitized by exophilic ixodes ricinus ticks carry almost exclusively larvae and thus have a minor role in transmission cycles. in a cross-sectional study, 11 (6.7%) of 163 field voles (microtus agrestis) captured at field sites in northern england were pcr-positive for anaplasma phagocytophilum. the voles were found to act as hosts for both la ...200617187576
medical treatment of dementia patients at the end of life: can the law accommodate the personal identity and welfare problems?this article considers whether two significant philosophical objections to autonomy-based legal approaches to decision-making for incompetent individuals could be accommodated by the law. these philosophical objections are known as the personal identity and welfare problems. the article first sets out the autonomy-based approaches and their objections. next, the present legal position is briefly canvassed in a comparative vein. finally, the article suggests how the personal identity and welfare ...200617190349
prematurity or immaturity?birth in the human is particularly difficult compared with that in the other primates. bipedalism has evolved over the past 6 or 7 million years, and has resulted in a small pelvis, adapted to the upright posture. in recent millennia, the increasing size of the fetal head at birth has made childbirth difficult. haig has suggested that the mother and fetus do not have identical interests; the baby benefits from being large at birth, while it is easier for the mother to deliver a small baby. many ...200617206981
can current national surveillance systems in england and wales monitor sexual transmission of hepatitis c among hiv-infected men who have sex with men?recent reports suggest an increase in sexually-transmitted hepatitis c infection among hiv-infected men who have sex with men (msm) in european cities. we investigated whether current national surveillance systems in england and wales (e&w) are able to monitor sexual transmission of hepatitis c infection among hiv-infected msm.200717233919
public health responses to influenza in care homes: a questionnaire-based study of local health protection units.influenza virus infection poses a major threat to the elderly people in residential care. we sought to describe the extent to which local public health services in england were positioned to detect and respond effectively to influenza-like illness (ili) in nursing homes.200717237477
the resuscitation greats: douglas chamberlain cbe dsc (hon) frcp frca facc fesc--a man for all decades of his time. 200717240511
uptake of influenza vaccination in patients on immunosuppressant agents for rheumatological diseases: a follow-up audit of the influence of secondary care. 200717244667
africans in yorkshire? the deepest-rooting clade of the y phylogeny within an english genealogy.the presence of africans in britain has been recorded since roman times, but has left no apparent genetic trace among modern inhabitants. y chromosomes belonging to the deepest-rooting clade of the y phylogeny, haplogroup (hg) a, are regarded as african-specific, and no examples have been reported from britain or elsewhere in western europe. we describe the presence of an hga1 chromosome in an indigenous british male; comparison with african examples suggests a western african origin. seven out ...200717245408
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