
PMID(sorted ascending)
genomic approaches reveal unexpected genetic divergence within ciona intestinalis.the invertebrate chordate ciona intestinalis is a widely used model organism in biological research. individuals from waters ranging from arctic to temperate are morphologically almost indistinguishable. however, we found significant differences in whole genomic dna sequence between northern european and pacific c. intestinalis. intronic and transposon sequences often appear unrelated between these geographic origins and amino acid substitutions in protein coding sequences indicate a divergence ...200516205978
influenza vaccine uptake and distribution in england and wales using data from the general practice research database, 1989/90-2003/04.routinely collected data from patients registered with general practices participating in the general practice research database (gprd) were used to analyse influenza vaccine uptake and distribution in england and wales between 1989/90 and 1996/97. major changes to influenza immunization policy were introduced in 1998 and 2000 when immunization of the elderly became age related rather than risk related. this new study examines trends in vaccine uptake for high- and low-risk patients and the impa ...200516207735
"the purple island" of phineas fletcher: allusions to the anatomy of the human body in english poetry up to the end of the seventeenth century.the bible declared that god created man in his own image. the concept that this divine pattern occurred not only in man (the microcosm), but was eternally repeated throughout creation in the macrocosm (universe) and the geocosm (earth), was the basis of the important doctrine of correspondences, in which similarities were sought between man and nature, (e.g. the comparable morphology of a human brain and a walnut). this article outlines the relevance of this concept in early herbal medicine. con ...200516208854
psychosocial effects of the 2001 uk foot and mouth disease epidemic in a rural population: qualitative diary based understand the health and social consequences of the 2001 foot and mouth disease epidemic for a rural population.200516214809
the morality of the separation of the conjoined attard twins of manchester.i argue that the separation of the conjoined attard twins of manchester was not morally justified as it involved intentionally internally affecting ("invading") the body of the weaker twin without permission and without any advantage to her.200516223208
near miss incidents in police custody suites in london in 2003: a feasibility study.potentially preventable deaths in police custody include those which involve illicit drugs, alcohol and deliberate self-harm. near miss incidents (nmi) that did not result in death have a crucial role in understanding risk factors in custody. such research has not previously been undertaken. a program of research has been developed to study nmi, in order to better identify those at risk in police custody. for the purposes of this research, nmi have been defined as 'an unplanned and unforeseeable ...200616226047
recurrences of free trisomy 21: analysis of data from the national down syndrome cytogenetic determine the recurrence risk of a free trisomy 21 pregnancy.200516231400
health professionals, their medical interventions and uncertainty: a study focusing on women at professionals face a tension between focusing on the individual and attending to health issues for the population as a whole. this tension is intrinsic to medicine and gives rise to medical uncertainty, which here is explored through accounts of three medical interventions focused on women at midlife: breast screening, hormone replacement therapy and bone densitometry. the accounts come from interviews with uk health professionals using these medical interventions in their daily work. dra ...200616233942
[analysis of the ethical consequences of the new proposed mental health legislation (mental health bill 2004) for england and wales].the article examines the ethical consequences of the new mental health act for england and wales. particular emphasis is put on the apparent ethical shift from rights-based principles to utilitarian principles. this shift is particularly evident in the proposed provision for compulsory community treatment and with regards to patients with dangerous and severe personality disorders.200516235141
mutual suffering: a nurse's story of caring for the living as they are dying.the aim of this study was to uncover the meaning of the lived experience of mutual suffering in relation to the care of a dying patient. the study took place within an acute medical ward in a district general hospital on the south coast of england as part of a reflective practice development programme. parse's human becoming theory provided a framework for the study and parse's research methodology was adopted. understanding the nature of human relationships within nursing practice is central to ...200516255739
the use of environmental integrative indicators to assess seabed disturbance in estuaries and coasts: application to the humber estuary, uk.the coastal zone is subject to many and varied changes resulting from human activities and natural processes. existing or emerging agreements and legislation acknowledge the relevance of indicators for monitoring these. in the uk, following a series of recent workshops, potential indicators of nearshore disturbance have been identified and grouped into three broad indices: 'coastline morphological change', 'resource use change' and 'environmental quality and its perception'. the present study de ...200616263143
mutations in the gene lrrk2 encoding dardarin (park8) cause familial parkinson's disease: clinical, pathological, olfactory and functional imaging and genetic data.we have established that the frequency of lrrk2 mutations in a series of 118 cases of familial parkinson's disease is 5.1%. in the largest family with autosomal dominant, late-onset parkinson's disease where affected subjects share a y1699c missense mutation we provide a detailed clinical, pathological and imaging report. the phenotype in this large british kindred included asymmetrical, levodopa-responsive parkinsonism where unilateral leg tremor at onset and foot dystonia were prominent featur ...200516272164
spatial and temporal epidemiology of sporadic human cases of escherichia coli o157 in scotland, scotland, between 1995 and 2000 there were between 4 and 10 cases of illness per 100000 population per year identified as being caused by escherichia coli o157, whereas in england and wales there were between 1 and 2 cases per 100000 population per year. within scotland there is significant regional variation. a cluster of high rate areas was identified in the northeast of scotland and a cluster of low rate areas in central-west scotland. temporal trends follow a seasonal pattern whilst spati ...200516274499
a survey of users and non-users of a uk teaching hospital library and information service.the lancashire teaching hospitals nhs trust was formed in 2002 with the merger of two existing trusts. the library services unified to create a new expanded service with 11 staff.200516293169
flu blues.flu is at best miserable and at worst can have serious complications. children are as vulnerable to the infection as adults and in certain circumstances vaccination is recommended. attack rates of the virus are highest in preschool and school age children. symptoms in children are the same as in adults but may also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. children are at higher risk of complications, especially otitis media. in england and wales in 2003, 11 children aged between one and ...200516295596
hiv prevention outreach in commercial gay venues in large cities: evaluation findings from london.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) prevention delivered in gay venues in us cities has been found to be effective in reducing hiv transmission in the 1990s but effects might not be generalizable to different times and settings. doubts have been raised about: outreach's ability to address skills and explore personal behaviour; big-city commercial gay venues being appropriate sites for outreach because of gossip and social surveillance; and acceptability of outreach by professionals rather than 'p ...200616306218
skeletal manifestations of infantile scurvy.recent investigations of human skeletal material from the historic st. martin's cemetery, england, found a range of abnormal lesions in six infants that are almost certainly related to scurvy. porous and proliferative bone lesions affecting the cranial bones and scapulae were found, and this paper presents images obtained using both macroscopic and scanning electron microscope examination of the lesions. previous work on infantile scurvy (ortner et al., 1997-2001) relied heavily on changes at th ...200616323179
household disposal of pharmaceuticals as a pathway for aquatic contamination in the united kingdom.pharmaceuticals are produced and used in increasingly large volumes every year. with this growth comes concern about the fate and effects of these compounds in the environment. the discovery of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment has stimulated research in the last decade. a wide range of pharmaceuticals has been found in fresh and marine waters, and it has recently been shown that even in small quantities, some of these compounds have the potential to cause harm to aquatic life. the prim ...200516330351
human and animal health: strengthening the link: politics and economics inhibited control of anthrax last century. 200516339257
histological identification of syphilis in pre-columbian england.microscopic analyses served to complement the macroscopic identification of venereal syphilis in two of four pre-columbian skeletons from the site hull magistrates court in england. diagnosis was based on parameters presented by schultz ([1994] origin of syphilis in europe, toulon: centre archaeologique du var, p. 63-67; [2001] yrbk. phys. anthropol. 44:106-147; [2003] identification of pathological conditions in human remains, new york: academic press, p. 73-109), which characterized venereal s ...200616345063
archaeology: life on the costa del cromer. 200516355198
resistance to oxyiminocephalosporins mediated by blatem-52 genes in salmonella typhimurium from humans in england and wales.the emergence of antimicrobial resistance among salmonella is a matter of great public health concern, more so in the case of extended-spectrum cephalosporins, since these antimicrobials are normally regarded as the drugs of choice for complicated cases of infection. this study was designed to determine the occurrence of resistance mediated by the presence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (esbl) enzymes belonging to the tem family. only two isolates were detected after analysis of the 278,30 ...200516366860
tagging-snp haplotype analysis of the secretory pla2iia gene pla2g2a shows strong association with serum levels of spla2iia: results from the udacs study.recent prospective analysis identified secretory phospholipase a(2)-iia (spla(2)iia) as a coronary artery disease (cad) risk predictor. this study aimed to examine the relationship between serum levels of spla(2)iia and variation in the spla(2)iia gene (pla2g2a) in a cohort of patients with type ii diabetes (t2d) mellitus. six tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (tsnps) accounting for > 92% of the genetic variability in pla2g2a were identified and distinguished six common haplotypes (frequen ...200616368710
physician, philosopher, and paediatrician: john locke's practice of child health care.g.f. still's history of paediatrics restricted the philosopher john locke's (1632-1704) influence in paediatrics to pedagology and specifically his some thoughts concerning education (1693). this significantly limits locke's immense ongoing influence on child health care and human rights. locke was a physician and had a lifelong interest in medicine. his case records and journals relate some of his paediatric cases. his correspondence includes letters from thomas sydenham, the "english hippocrat ...200616371386
noise levels in picu: an evaluative study.high levels of noise in the hospital environment can have an impact on patients and staff increasing both recovery time and stress respectively. when our seven-bedded paediatric intensive care unit (picu) is full, noise levels seem to increase significantly. this study measured noise levels at various times and places within a picu using tenma sound level meter which simulates the subjective response of a human ear. noise levels were often excessive, exceeding international guidelines. staff con ...200516372705
william pulteney alison, the scottish philosophy, and the making of a political medicine.this article considers the public health and social-reform agitations of dr. william pulteney alison (1790-1858), professor of medicine at edinburgh university and leader of the scottish medical profession, in the context of scottish moral philosophy. throughout his career, alison reflected on what has come to be recognized as a central problem of social medicine: where did its domain end? at what point did the medical mission of identifying and eliminating factors that harm health pass into a n ...200616377755
clinical and diagnostic findings of an echovirus meningitis outbreak in the north west of outbreak of echovirus meningitis occurred in the north west of england in 2001. this paper reviewed the clinical features and the role of different diagnostic methods.200616397083
serotypes, intimin subtypes, and antimicrobial resistance patterns of atypical enteropathogenic escherichia coli isolated in england from 1993 to 1996.the aim of this study was to characterise the atypical enteropathogenic escherichia coli (epec) strains isolated during a study of intestinal infectious disease in the uk by serotyping, intimin subtyping, and antimicrobial resistance typing. serotypes, intimin subtypes, and resistance patterns of strains from cases were then compared with those from the control group. a wide range of serotypes, intimin subtypes, and antimicrobial resistance patterns was identified in isolates from both cases and ...200616402227
what is ehealth (5): a research agenda for ehealth through stakeholder consultation and policy context 2003, the national health service in england and wales, despite its large investment in information and communication technology, had not set a national research agenda. the national health service has three main research and development programs: one is the service delivery and organisation program, commissioned in 2003, and the others are two parallel "scoping exercises" to help set a research agenda. this paper reports on one of those projects. a parallel literature review was carried out ...200516403718
the development and evaluation of the use of a virtual learning environment (blackboard 5) to support the learning of pre-qualifying nursing students undertaking a human anatomy and physiology module.students commence nurse education with varying levels of understanding of human anatomy and physiology due to a wide range of previous exposure to the topic. all students, however, are required to attain a broad knowledge of this topic prior to qualification. this paper describes the use of a virtual learning environment (vle), blackboard 5, and the associated development of appropriate resources aimed at supporting nursing students undertaking a human anatomy and physiology module at higher edu ...200616414156
a cephalometric comparison of skulls from the fourteenth, sixteenth and twentieth evaluate changes in the size and shape of the skull and jaws in british populations between the thirteenth and twentieth centuries.200616415834
'it's only a blood test': what people know and think about venepuncture and blood.medicine finds human blood infinitely useful. it is a source of important and sometimes controversial information about individuals, their relatives and the general public. blood also has economic value, carries a heavy cultural freight, and can transmit dangerous diseases. yet there is precious little sociological analysis of how these radically different applications, potentials and significations are managed in health care settings where, it is no exaggeration to claim, everyday a vast quanti ...200616426716
human remains from the north gate, silchester: an 'early' and a 'late' radiocarbon date from the city. 200016432945
dr james currie (1756-1805): liverpool physician, campaigner, hydrotherapist and man of letters.james currie was born and educated in scotland but spent most of his professional life in liverpool, where, as physician to the liverpool infirmary, he campaigned against the unsanitary living conditions in the rapidly growing port. he was an early advocate of water cures for fever and other maladies, on which subject he carried out experiments and published a seminal work. he was a pioneer in the use of the clinical thermometer. he was also an early advocate of the abolition of slavery and a ma ...200616435032
sir william dunn (1833-1912): the man, his trust and his legacy to science and medicine.william dunn had no direct connections with medicine. he belonged to that victorian generation of scottish pioneers who went overseas to make their fortunes and, yet, devoted their money to numerous charitable purposes, mainly at home in the uk. his family origins were modest; born in paisley, near glasgow on 1 september 1833, he died in 1912 with an estate valued at 1.3 million pounds sterling. his fortune was made from a large worldwide trading empire with roots in south africa, where he emigr ...200616435034
genetic screening and reproductive choice: is making a child to save another unethical?during 2002, the human fertilization and embryology authority (hfea) in england, which regulates in vitro fertilization (ivf) clinics, agreed to allow a family to attempt to create a baby genetically selected to help treat a desperately ill child. the media reaction against this hfea decision has shown profound outrage, expressing that having a child for the sake of the other is improper, immoral and 'against human dignity'. other claims were, "we should protect vulnerable human life", and "huma ...200516440870
modeling human exposures to air pollution control (apc) residues released from landfills in england and wales.human exposures to air pollution control (apc) residues released from 6 landfills were modeled and assessed. following a qualitative risk characterisation, direct and indirect exposures were quantified. site-specific air dispersion modeling was conducted for pm(10), pcdds/pcdfs, pb, cd, as and cr(vi) concentrations at the closest residential points of exposure for 4 landfill sites accepting, in total, 75% w/w of the apc residues disposed of in 2000-2001 (uk). inhalation risks, assessed by refere ...200616443274
effects of weather and river flow on cryptosporidiosis.outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis have been linked to weather patterns such as heavy precipitation. however, outbreaks only account for a small percentage of all cryptosporidiosis cases and so the causes of the majority of cases are uncertain. this study assessed the role of environmental factors in all cases of cryptosporidiosis by using ordinary least-squares regression to examine the relationship between the monthly cryptosporidiosis rate, and the weather and river flows in england and wales bet ...200516459850
a study of indoor 220rn and 222rn decay product concentrations in the order to gain a better understanding of the risk of human exposure to 220rn indoors, measurements of 220rn decay products have been performed in a number of houses in england. the study focused mainly on areas where above-average indoor 220rn concentrations were to be expected because of geological or other factors. thoron (220rn) in room air comes mainly from the building materials, with an additional contribution from soil gas; therefore, 220rn concentrations were examined in relation to bu ...200616473953
sir william withey gull (1816-1890).william gull, a man of humble origins, became one of the outstanding, polymath physicians of the 19th century, and physician to queen victoria. among several important and original contributions, this paper summarises his work on myxoedema, paraplegia and anorexia nervosa.200616479123
anatomy and embryology in medical education at cambridge university, 1866-1900.the teaching of anatomy remains controversial to the present day. this paper explores the arguments over its merits in medical and scientific education at one of the ancient universities.200616483324
concepts for risk-based surveillance in the field of veterinary medicine and veterinary public health: review of current approaches.emerging animal and zoonotic diseases and increasing international trade have resulted in an increased demand for veterinary surveillance systems. however, human and financial resources available to support government veterinary services are becoming more and more limited in many countries world-wide. intuitively, issues that present higher risks merit higher priority for surveillance resources as investments will yield higher benefit-cost ratios. the rapid rate of acceptance of this core concep ...200616507106
rules, safety and the narrativisation of identity: a hospital operating theatre case study.patient safety has become a health policy priority around the world. acknowledging that 'to err is human' has led to attempts to design systems and rules that limit the capacity for individual discretion and thereby reduce clinical errors. in addition, great emphasis is being placed on the need to eradicate cultures of blame, which are assumed to discourage clinicians from reporting errors, and to establish a 'safety culture', which encourages openness and honesty. these efforts are underpinned ...200616509952
the body as interactive display: examining bodies in a public exhibition.'body worlds' is an exhibition of human bodies that is currently touring europe, the far east and the usa. the public display of 'real' human bodies has caused public controversy and debate about the moral and educational value of the exhibition. relatively little academic research, however, has been undertaken to explore how visitors see and reflect on the exhibits. in this journal, tony walter recently examined messages people left in the exhibition's comment-books to reveal how people saw the ...200616509954
medical experiments carried out in sheffield on conscientious objectors to military service during the 1939-45 war. 200616510534
bedside clinical guidelines: the missing link.clinical guidelines for acute general (adult) medicine, general (adult) surgery, nursing and acute paediatrics, for use at the bedside, were developed over 10 years in north staffordshire. the guidelines have been adopted by 15 other hospitals, all members of the bedside clinical guidelines partnership. the guidelines include advice on clinical management, prescribing aids, and practical procedures. recommendations are validated against published evidence, and provide the 'missing link' between ...200616521365
interactions among polymorphisms in folate-metabolizing genes and serum total homocysteine concentrations in a healthy elderly population.homocysteine concentrations are influenced by vitamin status and genetics, especially several polymorphisms in folate-metabolizing genes.200616522921
the recognition of proprietary rights in human tissue in common law jurisdictions.human tissue is used in an increasing number of medical and scientific contexts. despite this, the law has traditionally regarded such tissue as having no status in law. this paper provides an overview of the issue of property rights in human corpses, cadaveric specimens, donated living tissue, and human tissue used in biotechnology and human reproductive technology. it discusses australian common law and legislation, and reviews developments in england and the united states from an australian p ...199216523581
an essay concerning human understanding: how the cerebri anatome of thomas willis influenced john locke.neurosurgeons are familiar with the anatomic investigations of thomas willis, but his intellectual legacy actually extends into the arena of philosophy. john locke was a student of willis while at oxford, and this essay explores how some of willis's anatomic discoveries might have influenced the ideas locke expressed in his essay concerning human understanding. it also includes historical information about 17th century england and the group of men (including christopher wren and robert boyle) wh ...200616528199
legislative technique and human rights: the sad case of assisted suicide.ths article reviews the issues raised by the case of diane pretty and argues that contrary to the views of the english courts and the european court of human rights, section 2 of the suicide act 1961 is incompatible with the convention. failing legislative reform, the dpp should formulate and publicise criteria for the exercise of its consent to prosecution in cases of assisted suicide.200316538737
uk: local authority has no obligation to reveal hiv status of foster parent.the england and wales high court, family division ruled in july of 2005 that a local authority is under no obligation to reveal to a child's natural parents the fact that the child's foster father is hiv-positive. in his decision, sumner j determined that the foster father's right to privacy outweighed any potential risk to the child.200516544421
early risk assessment for viral haemorrhagic fever: experience at the hospital for tropical diseases, london, implement a policy of systematic screening for viral haemorrhagic fever (vhf) among travellers returning from african countries with fever, commencing at initial clinical contact.200716549203
social science and a post-genomic future: alternative readings of genomic agency.this paper explores competing discourses that envision different socio-technical landscapes opened up by the completion of the map of the human genome in 2003. it examines the ways in which the map, and it organising principle and very rationale--the gene as the sole or prime agent through which to understand the body and its disordering (as disease)--has been interpreted in quite distinct ways. it suggests how the sequences of a genomic map have post-genomic con-sequences that depend on a socia ...200516552935
psychometric properties of two measures of psychological well-being in adult growth hormone deficiency.psychometric properties of two measures of psychological well-being were evaluated for adults with growth hormone deficiency (ghd): the general well-being index, (gwbi)--british version of the psychological general well-being index, and the 12-item well-being questionnaire (w-bq12).200616553952
characterization of sapoviruses collected in the united kingdom from 1989 to 2004.a fecal archive containing 115 sapovirus (sav) strains detected in samples collected from 15 outbreaks and 98 sporadic cases of gastroenteritis between 1989 and 2004 in the uk were characterized in order to determine the genomic diversity within sav co-circulating in the human population. strains were characterized by partial sequencing of the genes encoding the rna-dependent rna polymerase (rdrp) region and/or the polymerase/capsid (pol/cap) junction of the open reading frame (orf) 1. overall, ...200616555276
the dental caries experience of 11-year-old children in great britain. surveys coordinated by the british association for the study of community dentistry in 2004 / 2005.this paper reports the results of standardized clinical caries examinations of 11-year-old children from across england and wales, scotland, isle of man, and jersey in 2004/5. these co-ordinated surveys are the latest in a series which seek to monitor the dental health of children and to assess the delivery of dental services.200616555719
how safe is safer sex? high levels of hsv-1 and hsv-2 in female sex workers in london.female sex workers in europe have low levels of sexually transmitted infections, attributable to condom use. the aim of this paper is to describe the seroepidemiology of hsv-1 and hsv-2 in female sex workers in london by using a 15-year prospective study of 453 sex workers. the seroprevalence of hsv-1 was 74.4% and independently associated with birth in a 'transitional country' (or 5.4, 95% ci 1.61-18.20). the seroprevalence of hsv-2 was 60% and declined over time; it was also independently asso ...200616569273
children and adolescents. 200416575789
brief communication: identification of the authentic ancient dna sequence in a human bone contaminated with modern dna.we present a method to distinguish authentic ancient dna from contaminating dna in a human bone. this is achieved by taking account of the spatial distribution of the various sequence families within the bone and the extent of degradation of the template dnas, as revealed by the error content of the sequences. to demonstrate the veracity of the method, we handled two ancient human tibiae in order to contaminate them with modern dna, and then subjected segments of the bones to various decontamina ...200616596603
refusal of interventions to protect the life of the viable fetus--a case-based transatlantic overview. 200616602504
sir francis walshe, md frs (1885-1973).born in ireland, francis martin rouse walshe studied medicine at university college hospital. he subsequently practised there and at the national hospital, queen square, london. early associations with wilfred trotter and sir victor horsley encouraged his career in neurology. walshe pioneered the descriptive analysis of human reflexes in physiological terms. his flare and outstanding brilliance were rewarded when he was appointed physician to the national hospital, queen square in 1921 and at un ...200616607409
prevalence of the lrrk2 g2019s mutation in a uk community based idiopathic parkinson's disease cohort.the lrrk2 g2019s mutation is the commonest genetic cause of parkinson's disease (pd) identified to date, although estimates of its prevalence in idiopathic disease vary considerably. our objectives were to determine g2019s mutation frequency in an unselected, community based cohort of idiopathic pd cases from the uk and to describe phenotypic characteristics among carriers. the mutation was present in two of 519 cases (0.4%) and none of 887 control individuals. the true prevalence of the mutatio ...200616614029
virological response to highly active antiretroviral therapy is unaffected by antituberculosis therapy.we compared 156 human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected patients who had tuberculosis with control populations of similar size. of 111 patients with hiv infection and tuberculosis who received highly active antiretroviral therapy (haart) and therapy for tuberculosis concurrently, 92 (83%) achieved or maintained virus loads of <50 copies/ml, and 99 (89%) achieved or maintained a >or=2 log10 reduction in virus load after 6 months. virological response and changes in cd4 cell count were equival ...200616619192
severe cerebral congophilic angiopathy coincident with increased brain aluminium in a resident of camelford, cornwall, july 1988, 20 tonnes of aluminium sulphate was discharged by the south west water authority into the drinking water supplied to a large region of north cornwall. up to 20,000 people were exposed to concentrations of aluminium which were 500-3000 times the acceptable limit under european union legislation (0.200 mg/l). although this incident is currently the topic of a government inquiry, nothing is known about its longer-term repercussions on human health. the first neuropathological examinat ...200616627535
the origins of bion's work.this study attempts to identify the scientific, philosophical and psychoanalytic origins of bion's work, and includes an organization of these in a comprehensive and synthetic way with the help of a synoptic table. investigation has revealed bion's scientific orientation, fed by classical and modern authors--notably, locke, hume, kant, sylvester and cayley, poincaré, heisenberg, and the german romantics. bion was able to rescue certain transcendent aspects of human, and also of freudian, knowled ...200616635867
criminal prosecutions for hiv transmission: people living with hiv respond.this paper presents an analysis of responses to the first criminal convictions for hiv transmission in england and wales within a sample of people living with hiv. these findings represent an important contribution to the development of well-informed prosecution policy. the responses were collected during 20 focused group discussions with a community and web-recruited sample of heterosexual african men and women, and gay and bisexual men (n = 125) living with diagnosed hiv in london, manchester ...200616643681
activation of transforming growth factor-beta1 and early atherosclerosis in systemic lupus erythematosus.the efficiency of activating latent transforming growth factor (tgf)-beta1 in systemic lupus erythematosus (sle) may control the balance between inflammation and fibrosis, modulating the disease phenotype. to test this hypothesis we studied the ability to activate tgf-beta1 in sle patients and control individuals within the context of inflammatory disease activity, cumulative organ damage and early atherosclerosis. an activation index (ai) for tgf-beta1 was determined for 32 patients with sle an ...200616646981
genetic analysis of cryptosporidium from 2414 humans with diarrhoea in england between 1985 and 2000.the characterization of cryptosporidium using dna extracted from whole faecal samples collected from 2414 humans with diarrhoea in england between 1985 and 2000 where cryptosporidial oocysts were detected using conventional methods is described. characterization was achieved by pcr/rflp and dna sequencing of fragments of the cryptosporidium oocyst wall protein and the 18s rdna genes. cryptosporidium parvum was detected in 56.1 % of cases, cryptosporidium hominis in 41.7 % and a mixture of c. par ...200616687587
the mental capacity act 2005. 200616688966
the mental capacity act 2005.the mental capacity act 2005 covers all decisions on personal welfare including financial matters, relating to people who temporarily or permanently lack mental capacity. this paper outlines the most important provisions of the act and describes some of the implications for healthcare professionals. for example, the act permits advance decisions to refuse healthcare; the appointment of a person to have a lasting power of attorney to act on a person's behalf at some point in the future; the appoi ...200616688976
labeling of medicines and patient safety: evaluating methods of reducing drug name confusion.we report three experiments evaluating the proposal that highlighting sections of drug names using uppercase ("tall man") lettering and/or color may reduce the confusability of similar drug names.200616696255
preparedness of intensive care units in south-east uk for influenza pandemic. 200616698873
infection control practice across europe: results of the epd.the european practice database (epd) project, developed by the edtna/erca research board, collects data on renal practice at centre level in different european countries. results presented in this paper focus on infection control practice in haemodialysis centres from 8 different european countries or regions following data collection from 2002 up to 2004. the prevalence of hepatitis b (hbv), hepatitis c (hcv), human immune deficiency (hiv) and methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) ...200616700167
1951 influenza epidemic, england and wales, canada, and the united states.influenza poses a continuing public health threat in epidemic and pandemic seasons. the 1951 influenza epidemic (a/h1n1) caused an unusually high death toll in england; in particular, weekly deaths in liverpool even surpassed those of the 1918 pandemic. we further quantified the death rate of the 1951 epidemic in 3 countries. in england and canada, we found that excess death rates from pneumonia and influenza and all causes were substantially higher for the 1951 epidemic than for the 1957 and 19 ...200616704816
causes underlying the birth-cohort phenomenon of peptic ulcer: analysis of mortality data 1911-2000, england and wales.since humans have been infected with helicobacter pylori for millennia, it has remained an enigma why the occurrence of gastric and duodenal ulcer rose suddenly during 19th century. the study aim is to present a mathematical model of h. pylori epidemiology that explains the peculiar long-term trends of ulcer disease.200616709617
persistent post-occupational dermatitis: report of five cases.persistent post-occupational dermatitis is a phenomenon that is well-recognized by occupational dermatologists, but there have been few studies on it. in view of this, we proposed to assess the prevalence of this phenomenon in an english setting and ascertain the characteristics of the patients affected. using modified criteria adapted from previous studies, details of 1100 patients seen in a contact dermatitis clinic were screened. persistent post-occupational dermatitis was diagnosed in 5 pati ...200616710586
[what happened on march 13th at the northwick park hospital in london?]. 200616711457
[the good and vibrant appeal of the cambridge st. john's college]. 200616711459
the quality of parental consent for research with children: a prospective repeated measure self-report survey.researchers have ethical and legal responsibilities to ensure that individuals give informed consent to participate in research. the few studies of parental consent for paediatric research suggest there may be inadequate competence, information, understanding, or voluntariness for valid consent to occur.200716712850
from cognition to the system: developing a multilevel taxonomy of patient safety in general practice.the paper describes the process of developing a taxonomy of patient safety in general practice. the methodologies employed included fieldwork, task analysis and confidential reporting of patient-safety events in five west midlands practices. reported events were traced back to their root causes and contributing factors. the resulting taxonomy is based on a theoretical model of human cognition, includes multiple levels of classification to reflect the chain of causation and considers affective an ...200616717006
vascular endothelial growth factor expression in canine intracranial meningiomas and association with patient survival.vascular endothelial growth factor (vegf) is a regulator of angiogenesis and vascular permeability. in human patients with meningiomas, increased vegf expression is predictive of postsurgical recurrence. the objectives of this study were to evaluate vegf expression in canine intracranial meningiomas and to determine whether an association between vegf expression and patient survival existed.200616734105
not quite human: infrahumanization in response to collective responsibility for intergroup killing.the present research examines how awareness of violence perpetrated against an out-group by one's in-group can intensify the infrahumanization of the out-group, as measured by a reduced tendency to accord uniquely human emotions to out-groups. across 3 experiments that used different in-groups (humans, british, white americans) and out-groups (aliens, australian aborigines, and native americans), when participants were made aware of the in-group's mass killing of the out-group, they infrahumaniz ...200616737374
no increase in human cases of mycobacterium bovis disease despite resurgence of infections in cattle in the united kingdom.a resurgence of mycobacterium bovis infections in cattle in the united kingdom since the 1980s has raised concern about risks to human health. enhanced surveillance data for england, wales and northern ireland between 1993 and 2003 of culture-positive human m. bovis cases identified 315 m. bovis infections; the mean annual number of cases was 28 (range 12-41). the most frequently reported exposures were consumption of unpasteurized dairy products 41/83 (49%) and exposure to cattle 45/123 (37%). ...200716740186
agency criticises drug trial. 200616740539
human bite injury in north east england--the impact of alcohol intake on a mode of violent assault.ninety-two retrospective cases of human bite injury referred to a plastic surgery department are presented. particular emphasis is placed on the relationship of alcohol intake to these injuries, their distribution and subsequent management. a review of the literature is conducted. the human bite is a leisure time injury of the young single male in the north east. it has been shown that there is a clear link to alcohol and in particular weekend drinking. prompt operative intervention and wounds l ...200616749466
patient safety, systems design and ergonomics.the complexity of the health care environments necessitates an holistic and systematic ergonomics approach to understand the potential for accidents and errors to occur. the health service is also a socio-technical system, and design needs must be met within this context. this paper aims to present the design challenges and emphasises the specialised needs of the health care sector, when dealing with patient safety. it also provides examples of approaches and methods that ergonomists can bring t ...200616753132
the ethics of xenotransplantation: a survey of student attitudes.xenotransplantation is a burgeoning technology that could provide a solution to the shortage of organs and tissue for transplantation. it does, however, raise many moral and ethical dilemmas. the aim of this study was to evaluate undergraduate university students' knowledge and opinions on the controversial practice. choice of science or arts subjects and gender were also assessed to establish if they were influencing factors. a total of 100 students, 50 science students and 50 arts students, an ...200616756568
colonization of caga-positive helicobacter pylori is significantly greater in infected human males than females. a possible factor in distal gastric cancer gender difference. 200616758062
trial of management of borderline and other low-grade abnormal smears (tombola): trial design.cervical screening reduces the risk of cervical cancer by detecting and treating cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (cin). the management of women with low-grade cervical abnormalities is controversial. two management policies exist: repeat smears in primary care and colposcopy examination. it is not clear which of these is the more effective and efficient. there is also uncertainty as to the most effective and efficient management of women at colposcopy when an area of abnormality is seen on th ...200616765101
locke and botany.this paper argues that the english philosopher john locke, who has normally been thought to have had only an amateurish interest in botany, was far more involved in the botanical science of his day than has previously been known. through the presentation of new evidence deriving from locke's own herbarium, his manuscript notes, journal and correspondence, it is established that locke made a modest contribution to early modern botany. it is shown that locke had close and ongoing relations with th ...200616769554
apolipoprotein a-v, triglycerides and risk of coronary artery disease: the prospective epic-norfolk population mouse models, apolipoprotein a-v (apoa-v) exhibits triglyceride (tg)-lowering effects. we investigated the apoa-v/tg relationship and the association of apoa-v with coronary artery disease (cad) risk by determining serum apoa-v levels and genotypes in a nested case-control (n = 1,034/2,031) study. both univariate and multivariate apoa-v levels showed no association with future cad (p = 0.4 and 0.5, respectively). unexpectedly, there was a significant positive correlation between serum apoa-v ...200616769999
parainfluenza type 3 infection post stem cell transplant: high prevalence but low mortality.parainfluenza type 3 (piv 3) is a well-recognized cause of respiratory illness after stem cell transplantation (sct), with an estimated incidence of 2-7% and a high mortality rate associated with lower respiratory tract infection (lrti). a 12-month retrospective study was undertaken in which 23 positive cases of piv 3 occurred in sct recipients. the frequency of infection was 36.1% in matched unrelated donor sct recipients, 23.8% in sibling allogeneic sct recipients and 2.3% in autologous transp ...200616772104
hpv testing in routine cervical screening: cross sectional data from the artistic evaluate the effectiveness of human papillomavirus (hpv) testing in primary cervical screening. this was a cross-sectional study from the recruitment phase of a prospective randomised trial. women were screened for hpv in addition to routine cervical cytology testing. greater manchester, attendees at routine nhs cervical screening programme. in all, 24 510 women aged 20-64 screened with liquid-based cytology (lbc) and hpv testing at entry. hpv testing in primary cervical screening. type-speci ...200616773068
lichen and bryophyte distribution on oak in london in relation to air pollution and bark acidity.epiphytic lichen and bryophyte distribution and frequency were investigated on the trunks of 145 young oak trees throughout london and surrounding counties, and compared with pollution levels and bark ph. sixty-four lichen and four bryophyte species were recorded. three major zones were identified: (i) two central regions with a few lichens, bryophytes absent; (ii) a surrounding region with a more diverse flora including a high cover of nitrophyte lichens; and (iii) an outer region, characterise ...200716777299
barebacking among hiv-positive gay men in london.the objectives of this study were to examine the extent to which hiv-positive gay men in london intentionally seek unprotected anal intercourse ("barebacking") and the contribution this makes to total sexual risk.200716778742
effectiveness analyses may underestimate protection of infants after group c meningococcal c meningococcal conjugate-vaccine effectiveness in the united kingdom declines from ~90% in the first year to 0% between 1 and 4 years after immunization in infants immunized at 2, 3, and 4 months of age and to 61% in toddlers given a single dose. confidence intervals are wide, and the extent of protection is uncertain.200616779730
does long-term gh replacement therapy in hypopituitary adults with gh deficiency normalise quality of life?to determine whether impaired quality of life (qol) in adults with gh deficiency (ghd) is reversible with long-term gh therapy and whether the responses in qol dimensions differ from each other.200616793956
successful reduction of human salmonella enteritidis infection in england and wales. 200516794281
pandemic flu. 200616799421
prisons in transition.the role of the prison has changed, in some ways dramatically, over the last two decades. the prison population has grown and its composition has altered. there has been an increase in the depth and weight of imprisonment, and a hardening of its emotional tone. prisoners' voices have been silenced, outcomes have deteriorated, and yet public presentation of the prison has improved. power has shifted upwards, as senior managers have an unprecedented grip on establishments and their 'performance'. ...200616806471
Displaying items 2501 - 2600 of 3581