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follicular conjunctivitis due to chlamydia felis-case report, review of the literature and improved molecular diagnostics.a 29-year-old woman presented with unilateral, chronic follicular conjunctivitis since 6 weeks. while the conjunctival swab taken from the patient's eye was negative in a chlamydia (c.) trachomatis-specific pcr, c. felis was identified as etiological agent using a pan-chlamydia taqman-pcr followed by sequence analysis. a pet kitten of the patient was found to be the source of infection, as its conjunctival and pharyngeal swabs were also positive for c. felis. the patient was successfully treated ...201728770201
seroprevalence of anti-chlamydia trachomatis igm in neonatal respiratory tract infections in determine the seroprevalence of specific igm indicative of respiratory tract infection (rti) due to chlamydia trachomatis (ct) among symptomatic infants.201728771138
prevalence and impact of sexually transmitted infections in pregnant women in central ethiopia.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) continues to be a major global public health issue and omnipresent sexually transmitted infections (stis) increase the risk of hiv acquisition. moreover, stis and hiv in pregnant women can harm the unborn child. in this study, we systematically investigated the prevalence of hiv, relevant stis and vaginal group b streptococcus colonization among pregnant women presenting at asella teaching hospital in central ethiopia and their effect on perinatal mortality. a ...201728776463
the gene for the s7 ribosomal protein of chlamydia trachomatis: characterization within the chlamydial sfr operon.the prokaryotic ribosomal operon, str, contains open reading frames for the two elongation factors, elongation factor g (ef-g) and elongation factor tu (ef-tu), and ribosomal proteins 57 and s12. the dna sequence and predicted amino acid sequence for s7 from chlamydia trachomatis are presented and compared with homologues from other prokaryotes. also, the relationship of the s7 gene to the open reading frames for ribosomal protein s12 and ef-g is described. significant amino acid homology is als ...199228776799
the role of septins in infections with vacuole-dwelling intracellular bacteria.septins are a relatively little understood group of gtpases that form large assemblies in cells from all eukaryotes other than plants. septins were first identified in cell division but have also been implicated in microbial infections. septins often associate with cytoskeletal proteins - most often described for filamentous (f-) actin - and are considered cytoskeletal components themselves. septins have increasingly been found to partake in processes that are linked to intracellular membranes, ...201728784332
global survey of mrna levels and decay rates of chlamydia trachomatis trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum biovars.interpreting the intricate bacterial transcriptomics implies understanding the dynamic relationship established between de novo transcription and the degradation of transcripts. here, we performed a comparative overview of gene expression levels and mrna decay rates for different-biovar (trachoma and lymphogranuloma venereum) strains of the obligate intracellular bacterium chlamydia trachomatis. by using rna-sequencing to measure gene expression levels at mid developmental stage and mrna decay r ...201728795162
a novel whole-bacterial enzyme linked-immunosorbant assay to quantify chlamydia trachomatis specific antibodies reveals distinct differences between systemic and genital compartments.chlamydia trachomatis (ct) is the leading sexually transmitted bacterial infection. the continued global burden of ct infection strongly predicates the need for a vaccine to supplement current chlamydial control programs. the correlates of protection against ct are currently unknown, but they must be carefully defined to guide vaccine design. the localized nature of chlamydial infection in columnar epithelial cells of the genital tract necessitates investigation of immunity at the site of infect ...201728797112
cross-sectional study to evaluate trichomonas vaginalis positivity in women tested for neisseria gonorrhoeae and chlamydia trachomatis, attending genitourinary medicine and primary care clinics in bristol, south west england.highly sensitive, commercial nucleic acid amplification tests (naat) for trichomonas vaginalis have only recently been recommended for use in the uk. while testing for t. vaginalis is routine in symptomatic women attending genitourinary medicine (gum) clinics, it is rare in asymptomatic women or those attending primary care. the aim of this study was to evaluate the positivity of t. vaginalis using a commercial naat, in symptomatic and asymptomatic women undergoing testing for chlamydia and gono ...201728798195
evaluation of cortez onestep chlamydia rapicard™ insta test for the detection of chlamydia trachomatis in pregnant women at mbare polyclinic in harare, zimbabwe.cervical chlamydia infection poses high risk of pregnancy complications and neonatal infection. reference methods for the detection of chlamydia infection are not available for routine use in developing countries. point-of-care (poc) tests can bridge this gap. this study evaluated cortez onestep chlamydia rapicard™ insta test for the detection of chlamydia trachomatis in pregnant women at mbare polyclinic and determined the prevalence of c. trachomatis.201728798890
non-activated titanium-dioxide nanoparticles promote the growth of chlamydia trachomatis and decrease the antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles.chlamydia trachomatis and herpes simplex virus are the most prevalent bacterial and viral sexually transmitted infections. due to the chronic nature of their infections, they are able to interact with titanium-dioxide nanoparticles applied as food additives or drug delivery vehicles. the aim of our study was to describe the interactions of these two prevalent pathogens with the titanium-dioxide nanoparticles.201728799270
high prevalence of asymptomatic sexually transmitted infections among human immunodeficiency virus-infected pregnant women in a low-income south african community.there is a lack of evidence on the burden of chlamydia trachomatis (ct), neisseria gonorrhoeae (ng) and trichomonas vaginalis (tv) among hiv-infected pregnant women in south africa. we conducted a cross-sectional analysis of hiv-infected pregnant women in two healthcare facilities in a south african township to determine the prevalence of ct, ng and tv. hiv-infected pregnant women were recruited during the first antenatal care visit for their current pregnancy and requested to self-collect vulvo ...201728799824
chlamydia trachomatis prevents apoptosis via activation of pdpk1-myc and enhanced mitochondrial binding of hexokinase ii.the intracellular human bacterial pathogen chlamydia trachomatis pursues effective strategies to protect infected cells against death-inducing stimuli. here, we show that chlamydia trachomatis infection evokes 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (pdpk1) signaling to ensure the completion of its developmental cycle, further leading to the phosphorylation and stabilization of myc. using biochemical approaches and imaging we demonstrate that chlamydia-induced pdpk1-myc signaling induces h ...201728803120
the detection of microorganisms related to urethritis from the oral cavity of male patients with investigate the presence of microorganisms related to urethritis in the oral cavity of male patients with urethritis and the efficacies of antimicrobials for urethritis on microorganisms in the oral cavity.201728803864
parents' and teachers' views on sexual health education and screening for sexually transmitted infections among in-school adolescent girls in kenya: a qualitative successfully develop and implement school-based sexual health interventions for adolescent girls, such as screening for chlamydia trachomatis, neisseria gonorrhoeae, and trichomonas vaginalis, it is important to understand parents' and teachers' attitudes towards sexual health education and acceptability of sexually transmitted infection (sti) screening interventions.201728806985
a macaque model for rectal lymphogranuloma venereum and non-lymphogranuloma venereum chlamydia trachomatis: impact on rectal simian/human immunodeficiency virus acquisition.sustained genital tract inflammation caused by sexually transmitted infections (stis) is known to increase risk of vaginal human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infections but, to our knowledge, there are no nonhuman primate studies that have evaluated its link to rectal hiv acquisition.201728809773
maternal serum c-reactive protein concentration and intra-amniotic inflammation in women with preterm prelabor rupture of evaluate maternal serum c-reactive protein (crp) concentrations in pregnancies complicated by preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (pprom) in relation to the presence of microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity (miac) and/or intra-amniotic inflammation (iai).201728813455
lgv chlamydia trachomatis serotypes: an update from milan, italy. 201728827304
sexually transmitted infections among victims attending a french sexual offence centre. 201728827306
screening for asymptomatic chlamydia and gonorrhea in adolescent males in an urban pediatric emergency determine the prevalence of chlamydia trachomatis (ct) and neisseria gonorrhea (gc) in young men seeking care in the emergency department (ed) for non-sexually transmitted infection (sti) related symptoms.201728828298
prevalence of genital chlamydia trachomatis infections in russia: systematic literature review and multicenter study.a reliable overview of data on the prevalence of chlamydia trachomatis (ct) in russia is lacking and needed. all the available data on ct prevalence were analyzed in a systematic literature review on ct prevalence in russia, strengthened with data from the multicenter study among 1263 people in the second-largest russian megalopolis, st. petersburg, testing for ct dna in urethral, anal, cervical and prostate samples. a total of 10 articles met the inclusion criteria. the overall average prevalen ...201728830072
copper(ii)-bis(thiosemicarbazonato) complexes as anti-chlamydial agents.lipophilic copper (cu)-containing complexes have shown promising antibacterial activity against a range of bacterial pathogens. to examine the susceptibility of the intracellular human pathogen chlamydia trachomatis to copper complexes containing bis(thiosemicarbazone) ligands [cu(btsc)], we tested the in vitro effect of cuii-diacetyl- and cuii-glyoxal-bis[n(4)-methylthiosemicarbazonato] (cu(atsm) and cu(gtsm), respectively) on c. trachomatis. cu(atsm) and to a greater extent, cu(gtsm), prevente ...201728830076
chlamydia testing and diagnosis following initiation of long-acting reversible contraception: a retrospective cohort study.long-acting reversible contraception (larc) effectively protects against pregnancy but provides no protection against sexually transmitted infections (stis).201728832936
chlamydia trachomatis: the persistent pathogen.chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate intracellular bacterium whose only natural host is man. although asymptomatic in most women, genital tract chlamydial infections are a leading cause of pelvic inflammatory disease, tubal factor infertility and ectopic pregnancy. c. trachomatis has evolved successful mechanisms to avoid destruction by autophagy and the host immune system and persist within host epithelial cells. the intracellular form of this organism, the reticulate body, can enter into a per ...201728835360
a novel lipoate attachment enzyme is shared by plasmodium and chlamydia species.lipoate is an essential cofactor for enzymes that are important for central metabolism and other processes. in malaria parasites, scavenged lipoate from the human host is required for survival. the plasmodium falciparum mitochondrion contains two enzymes (pflipl1 and pflipl2) that are responsible for activating mitochondrial proteins through the covalent attachment of lipoate (lipoylation). lipoylation occurs via a novel redox-gated mechanism that remains poorly understood. we show that pflipl1 ...201728836704
a national strategic plan for reducing the burden of sexually transmitted infections in israel by the year 2025.there is on ongoing debate in the literature regarding the real burden of stis (sexually transmitted infections) in western countries and the proper strategies needed to estimate and to prevent them. our purpose is to present an evidence-based national strategic plan for sti prevention in israel through assessing the current burden of illness, leading international preventive strategies, and practical policymaking experience.201728837003
mycoplasma genitalium infection in men.mycoplasmagenitalium is one of the major causes of nongonococcal urethritis (ngu) worldwide but an uncommon sexually transmitted infection (sti) in the general population. the risk of sexual transmission is probably lower than for chlamydia trachomatis. infection in men is usually asymptomatic and it is likely that most men resolve infection without developing disease. the incubation period for ngu caused by mycoplasma genitalium is probably longer than for ngu caused by c. trachomatis. the clin ...201728838074
the unique microbiology and molecular pathogenesis of mycoplasma genitalium.mycoplasma genitalium is increasingly appreciated as a common cause of sexually transmitted disease syndromes, including urethritis in men and cervicitis, endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and possibly preterm birth, tubal factor infertility, and ectopic pregnancy in women. despite these disease associations, which parallel those of chlamydia trachomatis and neisseria gonorrhoeae, the mechanisms by which this pathogen elicits inflammation, causes cellular damage, and persists in its onl ...201728838077
mycoplasma genitalium in women: current knowledge and research priorities for this recently emerged consequences of sexually transmitted diseases disproportionately affect women, making it important to determine whether newly emerged pathogens cause sequelae. although the pathogenic role of mycoplasma genitalium in male urethritis is clear, fewer studies have been conducted among women to determine its pathogenic role in the female reproductive tract. pelvic inflammatory disease (pid) is an important cause of infertility and ectopic pregnancy, and chlamydia trachomatis and neisseria gon ...201728838078
genital chlamydia trachomatis infections clear more slowly in men than women, but are less likely to become established.rigorous estimates for clearance rates of untreated chlamydia infections are important for understanding chlamydia epidemiology and designing control interventions, but were previously only available for women.201728838150
syndromic management of sexually transmissible infections in resource-poor settings: a systematic review with meta-analysis of the abnormal vaginal discharge flowchart for neisseria gonorrhoea and chlamydia trachomatis.background: syndromic management of sexually transmissible infections is commonly used in resource-poor settings for the management of common stis; abnormal vaginal discharge (avd) flowcharts are used to identify and treat cervical infection including neisseria gonorrhoea and chlamydia trachomatis. a systematic review and meta-analysis was undertaken to measure the diagnostic test performance of avd flowcharts, including both world health organization (who)- and locally-adapted avd flowcharts. m ...201728838352
genome-wide profiling of humoral immunity and pathogen genes under selection identifies immune evasion tactics of chlamydia trachomatis during ocular infection.the frequency and duration of chlamydia trachomatis (ct) ocular infections decrease with age, suggesting development of partial immunity. however, there is a lack of clear correlates of immunity to ct infection in humans. we screened sera from a cohort of gambian children followed for six-months against a ct-proteome microarray. at genome sequence level, we detected signatures of selection from a population of ocular ct isolates from guinea-bissau. together these approaches allowed us to highlig ...201728851925
erratum: assessing the presence of chlamydia trachomatis genome in pregnant women with spontaneous abortion using polymerase chain reaction method in yasuj: first report from southwest of iran.[this corrects the article on p. 45 in vol. 6, pmid: 28616412.].201728852668
an in vitro model of azithromycin-induced persistent chlamydia trachomatis infection.single-dose azithromycin is recommended for treating chlamydia trachomatis infections. here, we established an in vitro cell model of azithromycin-induced persistent infection. azithromycin inhibited the replication of c. trachomatis in a dose-time-dependent manner. electron microscopy indicated that small inclusions in the induced model contained enlarged, aberrant and non-infectious reticulate bodies. rt-pcr showed that c. trachomatis still has the ability to express the unprocessed 16s rrna g ...201728854672
performance of the multitarget mikrogen chlamydia trachomatis igg elisa in the prediction of tubal factor infertility (tfi) in subfertile women: comparison with the medac momp igg elisa plus.there is a need for more accurate chlamydia trachomatis (ct) igg antibody tests for tubal factor infertility (tfi) diagnostics. we evaluated the predictive value for tfi of medac elisa plus (momp) and multitarget mikrogen elisa (momp-cpaf-tarp). based on medac elisa plus results, 183 subfertile women underwent either hysterosalpingography or laparoscopy to diagnose tfi. tfi was defined as extensive adhesions and/or distal occlusion of at least one tube. women not fulfilling the definition of tfi ...201728854690
a chlamydia-specific tcr-transgenic mouse demonstrates th1 polyfunctionality with enhanced effector function.chlamydia is responsible for millions of new infections annually, and current efforts focus on understanding cellular immunity for targeted vaccine development. the chlamydia-specific cd4 t cell response is characterized by the production of ifn-γ, and polyfunctional th1 responses are associated with enhanced protection. a major limitation in studying these responses is the paucity of tools available for detection, quantification, and characterization of polyfunctional ag-specific t cells. we ad ...201728855311
Displaying items 23301 - 23335 of 23335