
PMID(sorted ascending)
the incidence of fever in the absence of malaria. 196414175747
congenital deafness associated with electrocardiographic abnormalities, fainting attacks and sudden death. a recessive syndrome. 196414176667
hemoglobin j-baltimore in a kent family. 196414185661
studies in isolates. 196414192062
increase in the caesium-137 content of man due to radioactive fall-out, 1962-64. 196414202389
studies on the inheritance of human skin colour. 196414204850
a family study of aortic stenosis. 196414205980
mongolism in twins. 196414205983
hereditary multiple exostosis. 196414207550
on the use of tritium-labelled albumin for studies of intestinal absorption.human serum albumin has been successfully labelled with tritium. it is considerably denatured in the process and has a shorter half life when given intravenously than (131)i-labelled albumin. nevertheless it is satisfactory for absorption studies, although not for turnover observations. these studies on absorption in control subjects and in patients with intestinal malabsorption indicate that the excreted radioactivity may have been derived from endogenous sources rather than from the results of ...196414209918
j.b.s. haldane. 196414214206
examination of the incidence of malformations for evidence of drug teratogenesis. 196414216080
homozygous thalassaemia in an english child. 196414230760
echo virus infections in england and wales 1959-63. 196414232519
abo blood-groups in motor-neurone disease. 196514234212
human infection with the british strain of brucella melitensis (brucella abortus type 5). 196514267948
the family history of spina bifida cystica. 196514269710
respiratory illness in factory and office workers. a study of minor respiratory illnesses in relation to changes in ventilatory capacity, sputum characteristics, and atmospheric pollution. 196514283437
opportunistic infections. human cytomegalovirus infection. 196514283887
inhalation and retention of fall-out zirconium-95 by human beings. 196514288624
[before man knew of the intestinal microorganisms. (george armstrong)]. 196514290112
rhesus haemolytic disease of the newborn and the abo groups. 196514294360
the pattern of human and avian tuberculin sensitivity at successive tests in school children. a report from the research committee of the british tuberculosis association. 196514296506
abo blood groups, human history and language in herefordshire with special reference to the low b frequency in europe. 196514300930
organo-chlorine pesticide residues in human fat and human milk. 196514308202
influenza in horses. 196514330182
equine influenza. further observations on the "coughing" outbreak, 1965. 196514331412
a second example of anti-ytb. 196514339230
successful one-man exhibition: art therapy at powick hospital. 196514342136
cost-benefit evaluation of routine influenza immunisation in people 65-74 years of determine the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination in people aged 65-74 years in the absence of co-morbidity.200314499051
changes of neoplasm concentration with geographical co-ordinates.we investigated the regional differences in diversity--from another respect concentration--of causes of cancer mortality in england and wales. statistical analyses of published mortality data were done, using the jackknifed estimate of the shannon index, for each region, sex and age group and year of death. in males diversity of cancer death causes is secularly increasing whilst it is decreasing in females. latitude was negatively associated with diversity in male 45+ year age groups and longitu ...200314499215
parents' contributions to the narrative identity of offspring of donor-assisted conception.donated sperm, eggs, and embryos are an increasing feature of assisted reproduction; people conceived in this way have different genetic and social histories. although most offspring of donor-assisted conception are ignorant of their genetic history, recipient parents must negotiate increasing demand for full disclosure to offspring. this paper illustrates some of the reasons parents give for not telling their children, underlines the experience of many parents of being uncertain of how to go ab ...200314512252
the bristol stress and health study: accidents, minor injuries and cognitive failures at work.accidents and injuries at work account for several million working days lost each year. cognitive failures (problems of memory, attention or action) can lead to accidents and injuries in certain contexts.200314514906
a population-based study of the incidence and outcomes of diagnosed chronic kidney disease.this study aims to determine the incidence rate and prognosis of detected chronic kidney disease (ckd) in a defined population.200314520617
"unfit for human consumption": tuberculosis and the problem of infected meat in late victorian the 1890s, questions about tuberculous meat in britain served to transform the issue of infected meat from an ill-defined to a concrete threat. veterinarians, building on european inoculation (or transmission) experiments, played a prominent part in constructing the debate, with medical officers of health following. with the emergence of bacteriology in the 1880s, a consensus emerged about the dangers of tuberculous meat: robert koch's identification of the tubercle bacillus in 1882, and the ...200314523263
new guidelines on infant feeding in the first 12 months of life.paediatric dietitian judy more discusses several recent directives and guidelines on infant feeding in the first year of life. these include recommendations that babies should be fed exclusively on breast milk for their first six months and that soy formulae should normally be avoided for babies under six months old. there is also specific new advice on restricting salt intake for infants.200314528645
prevalence of faecal excretion of verocytotoxigenic escherichia coli o157 in cattle in england and wales.during the decade to 1999, the incidence of human infections with the zoonotic pathogen verocytotoxin-producing escherichia coli o157 (vtec o157) increased in england and wales. this paper describes the results of a survey of 75 farms to determine the prevalence of faecal excretion of vtec o157 by cattle, its primary reservoir host, in england and wales. faecal samples were collected from 4663 cattle between june and december 1999. the prevalence of excretion by individual cattle was 4.2 per cen ...200314533765
influenza-related hospitalizations among young children in leicestershire.population-based data on influenza hospitalizations are unavailable in the united kingdom, but they represent an essential component of health economic analyses that could support the use of vaccines and antiinfluenza drugs in healthy children. we collected data on hospitalizations for influenza infections among young children in leicester, uk.200314551481
trisomy 13 and trisomy 18 in a defined population: epidemiological, genetic and prenatal establish precise incidence figures for trisomy 13 and trisomy 18 in the former trent region, to identify current prenatal diagnostic practice, and to assess the potential impact of the introduction of recently devised prenatal diagnostic practices.200314558033
"let right be done": unprofessional conduct, reputations and injustices, and their effect on the life of the surgeon james fitzjames fraser west (1833-1883).unprofessional behaviour was still common when james fitzjames fraser west first qualified in 1854. the paper covers the ugly dispute that occurred in 1857, when west was appointed honorary surgeon at queen's hospital in birmingham. west's reputation did not suffer any long-term harm, however, and he went to his grave a much-respected man.200314562150
psychiatric therapy in georgian britain.this paper examines the emergence of 'oral treatment' in british psychiatry.200314580082
an account of the experiment of transfusion, practiced upon a man in london. 1667. 200214580110
the palliative care needs of ethnic minority patients attending a day-care centre: a qualitative study.the aim of this study was to assess the culture-specific palliative care needs of ethnic minority patients. qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted using elements of phenomenology with four ethnic minority patients who were attending a day-care centre. although the aim was to assess cultural needs, it was found that the patients expressed basic human needs rather than culture-specific ones. the theme of acculturation, where patients 'fit in' with the dominant culture, was predomina ...200314593275
spg3a mutation screening in english families with early onset autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia.mutations in the spg3a gene encoding the novel gtpase atlastin have recently been implicated in causing autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia (adhsp) in six unrelated families. the phenotype of affected individuals in all cases has been of an early onset uncomplicated form of the disease. one particular missense mutation, r239c, in exon 7 of spg3a has been identified in three of these families. we performed mutation screening by direct sequencing of all 14 exons and flanking sequences ...200314607301
children with human immunodeficiency virus admitted to a paediatric intensive care unit in the united kingdom over a 10-year period.there is little published experience regarding the outcome of children with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection treated on a paediatric intensive care unit (picu). we describe the outcome of children with hiv infection in our hospital over a 10-year period.200414615842
making monitoring 'work': human-machine interaction and patient safety in anaesthesia.this study aimed to explore the use of electronic monitoring within the context of anaesthetic practice. we conducted workplace observation of, and interviews with, anaesthetists and other anaesthetic staff in two uk hospitals. transcripts were analysed inductively for recurrent themes. whilst formal sources of knowledge in anaesthesia deal with the issue of monitoring in terms of theoretical principles and performance specifications of devices, anaesthetists in practice often 'disbelieve' monit ...200314616592
dentistry on stamps. genome cracking the code. 200314621266
p53, cellular proliferation, and apoptosis-related factors in thymic neuroendocrine tumors.thymic neuroendocrine tumors are biologically aggressive neoplasms with extensive local invasion and high mortality. although various markers of cellular proliferation and apoptosis have correlated with degrees of tumor differentiation in pulmonary neuroendocrine neoplasms, they have not been systematically studied in thymic neuroendocrine tumors. we immunostained 21 cases of thymic neuroendocrine tumors for p53, mib-1, and the apoptosis-related markers bcl-2, bcl-x, and bax. by histological cla ...200414631373
a prospective study of the prevalence and incidence of atopic dermatitis in children aged 0-42 months.there is strong evidence that the incidence and prevalence of atopic diseases is increasing. however, estimates of the prevalence of atopic dermatitis (ad) have varied greatly in the u.k. and most parts of the developed world.200314632809
compartmentalisation of cytokines and cytokine inhibitors in ventilator-associated examine whether cytokine concentrations change in the pulmonary compartment during the development of ventilator-associated pneumonia (vap).200414634726
social deprivation and hospital admission for respiratory infection: an ecological examine the relationship between social deprivation and risk of hospital admission for respiratory infection.200314635977
human paraoxonase gene cluster polymorphisms as predictors of coronary heart disease risk in the prospective northwick park heart study ii.the anti-atherogenic effect of hdl has been suggested to be partly due to the action of hdl-associated paraoxonase (pon). three distinct enzymes have been identified, encoded by pon1, pon2 and pon3, clustered on chromosome 7q21-q22. two csnps in pon1 (l55m and q192r) and one in pon2 (s311c) have been implicated as independent risk factors for coronary heart disease (chd) in some, but not all, studies. a pon3 snp (a99a) was identified and the effect of these four pon snps on hdl levels and chd ri ...200314636952
haemochromatosis-associated hfe genotypes in english blood donors: age-related frequency and biochemical expression.there are limited data on the frequency and biochemical expression of the haemochromatosis-associated mutations c282y and h63d in healthy people.200314642607
human lead exposure in england from approximately 5500 bp to the 16th century ad.lead concentration and isotope ratio data are presented for the tooth enamel of 77 individuals buried in england and spanning approximately 5000 years from the neolithic until the 16th century ad. whereas other tissues may be affected by diagenesis in the burial environment, the pb concentration of tooth enamel is directly related to childhood exposure. this record is preserved post-mortem and over archaeological time. tooth enamel pb concentrations in the prehistoric period appear to be variabl ...200414654274
what influences elderly peoples' decisions about whether to accept the influenza vaccination? a qualitative study.influenza and its related illnesses remain a major cause of preventable morbidity and mortality in the elderly worldwide. the current influenza vaccine campaign in the uk is only a partial success despite annual costly publicity campaigns. the aim of this study was to explore the influences on decision making by elderly people for influenza vaccine uptake. twenty patients age 75 years and over were purposively selected from those eligible for influenza vaccination in an inner city general practi ...200314654506
the population structure of mycobacterium bovis in great britain: clonal expansion.we have analyzed 11,500 isolates of mycobacterium bovis (the cause of tuberculosis in cattle and other mammals) isolated in great britain (england, wales and scotland)] and characterized by spoligotype. genetic exchange between cells is rare or absent in strains of the mycobacterium tuberculosis complex so that, by using spoligotypes, it is possible to recognize "clones" with a recent common ancestor. the distribution of variable numbers of tandem repeats types in the most common clone in the da ...200314657373
promoting sexual health services to young men: findings from focus group discussions.recently, increasing interest has been shown in men's reproductive health, sexual behaviour and use of contraception. as the majority of sexual health service clients are female, however, little research has been done on the characteristics and needs of male clients.200314662051
putting jenner back in his place. 200314667773
can a short period of micronutrient supplementation in older institutionalized people improve response to influenza vaccine? a randomized, controlled test the hypothesis that a micronutrient supplement can improve seroconversion after influenza immunization in older institutionalized people.200414687310
a retrospective assessment of mortality from the london smog episode of 1952: the role of influenza and pollution.the london smog of 1952 is one of history's most important air pollution episodes in terms of its impact on science, public perception of air pollution, and government regulation. the association between health and air pollution during the episode was evident as a strong rise in air pollution levels was immediately followed by sharp increases in mortality and morbidity. however, mortality in the months after the smog was also elevated above normal levels. an initial government report proposed th ...200414698923
high resolution hla-drb1 identification of a caucasian population.polymerase chain reaction-sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes typing methods have been applied to 1000 individuals from the northern ireland population to give human leukocyte antigen drb1 (hla-drb1) allele assignment. hla-drb1 allele frequencies and four-locus haplotypes (a/b/c/dr) for this caucasian population, based on hla class i and class ii allele assignment, are now presented. no significant deviations from hardy-weinberg proportions were observed. the hla-c locus exhibited marginal ...200414700598
influenza and adult hospital admissions for respiratory conditions in england 1989-2001.influenza is recognised as a major cause of excess hospital admissions during winter months. this study sets out to quantify admissions related to influenza during the last twelve winters and to examine the importance of age. total admission data for respiratory disorders in adults for england during the years 1989 to 2001 have been used. weekly admission data were examined in five-year age bands. influenza epidemics were identified from clinical incidence data in the community. baseline admissi ...200314708274
appropriateness of thresholds currently used to describe influenza activity in england.the timing and magnitude of influenza virus activity in england each winter remain unpredictable. nevertheless, it is important to describe levels of activity in a timely manner, using defined 'threshold values'. this informs public health practitioners and the general public of the level of influenza virus circulation, and provides an indication of when sufficient activity is occurring in the community to warrant the use of antiviral drugs. data presented here suggest that the current numerical ...200314708275
variation in crown and root formation and eruption of human deciduous teeth.the aim of this study was to document variation of deciduous tooth formation and eruption. the material comprises 121 individuals of known or estimated age (using tooth length) from spitalfields in london, and radiographs of 61 healthy living children aged 2-5 years. other skeletal material from two medieval scottish archaeological sites (whithorn, n=74; newark bay, n=59) was also examined. stages of crown and root formation as well as eruption (alveolar, midway, and occlusal levels) were assess ...200414730650
changes in the distribution of marital age differences in england and wales, 1963 to 1998.assumptions about the 'typical' age gap between spouses underlie much social policy (e.g. the five-year difference in men's and women's state pension ages). in order to test the basis for these assumptions, detailed marriage registration statistics were obtained for 1963 and 1998, for england and wales. age differences between spouses were calculated and analysed by year, age at marriage and previous marital status. the median age gap hardly changed between 1963 and 1998 but this concealed consi ...200314730812
hypokalaemic thyrotoxic periodic paralysis in an asian man in the united kingdom.a large number of ethnic chinese and other oriental populations are living in the west because of the modern day migration of people. hypokalaemic periodic paralysis attributable to thyrotoxicosis is a common presentation in an asian emergency department. it is uncommon in the white communities. there is a difference in the genetic type in the different racial groups. thyrotoxic features are often masked or absent. life may be threatened because of severe hypokalaemia and therefore a prompt diag ...200414734400
human generic products and the prescribing cascade. 200314736000
vaccinations against influenza and pneumococcus in children with diabetes: telephone questionnaire survey. 200414739188
lung cancer mortality in uk nickel-cadmium battery workers, investigate mortality from lung cancer in nickel-cadmium battery workers in relation to cumulative exposure to cadmium hydroxide.200414739376
prevalence of hsv-1/hsv-2 antibodies in hiv seropositive patients in coventry, united kingdom. 200414755048
preconception care: practice and beliefs of primary care workers.a number of lifestyle modifications and medical interventions can be of benefit to maternal and neonatal health, when applied prior to conception. these include smoking cessation, supplementation with folic acid, cessation or moderation of alcohol intake and improvement of diabetic control. however, preconception care (pcc) is not widely practised in the uk, despite being apparently acceptable to health professionals and to women of childbearing age.200414760039
methods for sentinel virological surveillance of influenza in europe - an 18-country survey.the european influenza surveillance scheme (eiss) is based on an integrated clinical and virological surveillance model. to assess the comparability of virological data, a questionnaire was sent to participants in june 2002 enquiring about specimen collection, laboratory diagnosis of influenza and tests for other respiratory infections. the results showed differences, but also uniformity in virological data collection methods. similarities were reported for the specimen collection procedures; th ...200414762319
terrorism--the scientific response. march 2003. bma memorandum of evidence to the science and technology committee (hc): inquiry into the scientific response to terrorism. 200414763653
genotypic and antibiotic susceptibility characteristics of a campylobacter coli population isolated from dairy farmland in the united kingdom.campylobacter infections are the most common cause of bacterial enteritis in humans, and nearly 8% of such infections are caused by campylobacter coli. most studies have concentrated on campylobacter jejuni, frequently isolated from intensively farmed poultry and livestock production units, and few studies have examined the spread and relatedness of campylobacter across a range of geographical and host boundaries. systematic sampling of a 100-km2 area of mixed farmland in northwest england yield ...200414766560
community-acquired pneumonia mortality: a potential link to antibiotic prescribing trends in general prescribing of antibiotics has decreased substantially in the uk in recent years. we examine the association between pneumonia mortality and recent changes in community-based antibiotic prescribing for lower respiratory tract infections (lrti).200414959809
association study of notch 4 polymorphisms with alzheimer's disease.the notch4 gene is located at 6p21.3, a site shown in several studies to have significant linkage with alzheimer's disease.200414966150
guatemalan forensic work brings award and death threats. 200414973442
variant creutzfeldt-jakob disease and the acquired and transmissible spongiform 1995 a fatal epidemic of spongiform encephalopathy appeared in great britain. the new epidemic condition was clinically and pathologically similar to creutzfeldt-jakob disease (cjd), a rare sporadic encephalopathy, and was called "variant cjd" (vcjd). the vcjd epidemic was detected by active epidemiologic surveillance, which had been set up in response to a british epizootic of another new disease called "bovine spongiform encephalopathy" (bse). widespread cattle exposure to the bse agent (a ...200414986255
evidence for the presence of hepatitis e virus in pigs in the united kingdom.samples of serum, tissue and faeces from two pig herds in england were examined for hepatitis e virus by reverse-transcriptase pcr (rt-pcr), and a virus strain from each herd was partially sequenced. eleven of 42 faecal samples and 16 of 21 tissue samples from two pigs were positive for the virus by rt-pcr. analysis of two unique but closely related nucleotide sequences obtained from the two herds showed that the viruses clustered in genotype iii (6) with a human strain of the virus from an auto ...200415005446
regulating the health care workforce: next steps for research.this article explores the recent ferment surrounding professional self-regulation in medicine and other health professions. it reviews the academic literature and sets out an agenda for research. the first section considers definitions, acknowledging the particularly complex regulatory maze in uk health care at present, in which professional self-regulation is only one part. the second section reviews academic writing, currently dispersed among the disciplines. 'the logic of light touch regulati ...200415006229
national survey for salmonella in pigs, cattle and sheep at slaughter in great britain (1999-2000).the objective of these surveys was to estimate the prevalence of faecal carriage of salmonella in healthy pigs, cattle and sheep at slaughter, and of pig carcase contamination with salmonella. these data can be used as a baseline against which future change in salmonella prevalence in these species at slaughter can be monitored.200415012813
historical analysis of the neural control of movement from the bedrock of animal experimentation to human studies.the history of the investigation of the sensorimotor control of movement is outlined from its inception at the beginning of the 19th century. particular emphasis is placed on the opening up of new possibilities by the development of new techniques, from chronophotography to magnetic brain stimulation, all of which have exploited developments in technology. extrapolating from history, future advance in physiological understanding can be guaranteed to require seizing the new tools provided by the ...200415016792
teaching anatomy without cadavers.anatomy learning is generally seen as essential to medicine, and exposure to cadavers is generally seen as essential to anatomy learning around the world. few voices dissenting from these propositions can be identified.200415025643
new estimates of herpes simplex virus type 2 seroprevalence in england: 'high' but stable seroprevalence over the last decade.there have been few recent population-based herpes simplex virus type 2 (hsv-2) seroprevalence studies in england, but reports from the united states have indicated a 30% rise in hsv-2 seroprevalence between 1976 and 1994. this study aimed to ascertain trends in hsv-2 infection in england between 1991 and 2000.200415028940
serum insulin-like growth factor-i concentrations in late middle age: no association with birthweight in three uk cohorts.small body size at birth and during infancy is associated with an increased risk of adult osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. fetal programming of the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor (gh-igf) axis may provide a mechanism for these epidemiological findings.200415030377
hospital breached boy's human rights by treating him against his mother's wishes. 200415031222
mortality of workers exposed to ethylene oxide: extended follow up of a british obtain further information about the risks of cancer associated with occupational exposure to ethylene oxide200415031395
listeria monocytogenes and listeriosis: a review of hazard characterisation for use in microbiological risk assessment of foods.considerable effort has been put into the application of quantitative microbiological risk assessment for listeria monocytogenes, and data are available for england and wales (probably more so than most other countries) on the adverse health effects, together with incidence data on different age and risk groups for human l. monocytogenes infections. this paper reviews aspects of listeria and human listeriosis, especially from a public health perspective and provide hazard characterisation data, ...200415033265
astronomers against newton.francis baily's publication of the manuscripts of john flamsteed, the first astronomer royal, provoked a furious response. flamsteed had quarrelled with isaac newton, and described him in terms unforgivable to those who claimed him as a paragon of all virtues, both moral and scientific. baily was condemned for putting flamsteed's complaints in the public sphere. however, his supporters saw his work as a critique of the excessive hero-worship accorded to newton. written when the word 'scientist' ...200415036924
the law relating to dealing with dead bodies.since march 1999 there have been three inquiries concerned either in whole or in part with the removal of human tissue from bodies during post-mortem examinations and its retention thereafter. two of these at least have had to consider the law relating to the matter, and a commissioned paper and a submission about it to one, the bristol royal infirmary inquiry, have been mounted on the inquiry's web site. the main part of this article consists of the slightly revised text of a submission to the ...200015040359
developing health and social care under the reforms of tony blair and clement attlee, prime ministers of great britain and northern july 1948, the british national health service (nhs) was introduced by then prime minister clement attlee with the aim of offering "free" medical treatment for the entire british population from cradle to grave. since then, the british public have come to see the nhs and its free health care as a fundamental human right and a cornerstone to their democracy, and subsequent governments have been understandably reluctant to change or reform this popular program. yet, funding issues, as well as s ...200415053219
the involuntary detention of persons with mental disorder in england and wales--a human rights critique. 200415063637
measurement of antibody against contemporary virus lineages of human respiratory syncytial virus sub-group a in infants and their mothers.human respiratory syncytial virus (hrsv) infects the majority of infants in their first year of life. maternal antibodies offer some protection although a small proportion of infected infants develop bronchiolitis and require admission to hospital. a number of lineages of the virus co-circulate in the population and the prevalent virus lineage changes from epidemic to epidemic. the effect of antigenic variation between virus lineages upon the protection offered by maternal antibodies has not bee ...200415072758
the dental caries experience of 14-year-old children in england and wales. surveys co-ordinated by the british association for the study of community dentistry in 2002/2003.this paper reports the results of standardised clinical caries examinations of 77,693 14-year-old children from across england, wales, jersey and the isle of man. these 2002/3 coordinated surveys are the latest in a series which seeks to monitor the dental health of children and to assess the delivery of dental services.200415074872
will transplantation of kidneys from donors with blood group a2 into recipients with blood group b help british indo-asian patients with renal failure?despite a high incidence of renal failure, disproportionately fewer indo-asians in the united kingdom receive a renal transplant, in part because of the high prevalence of blood group b. it is now clear that it is possible to safely transplant kidneys from donors with blood group a of the subtype a2 into recipients with blood group b if the latter have low titers of anti-a antibodies. we measured the anti-a titers in 25 indo-asian patients on dialysis being considered for transplantation and fou ...200415084952
the dynamic flow of nursing and society: a united kingdom perspective.society and the definition of health are dynamically fluid. the skill for nursing is to be involved in this process of growth. the process of change provokes one into examining issues from various perspectives. it requires reflection, questioning, and dialogue to develop solutions. could the developments launched in the united kingdom (specific focus england) advance intentional care to the fore? can the deeper ontological root of nursing be brought into the human development of becoming whole? ...200415090095
carrying short-acting nitrates is not a contra-indication to the use of pde5 inhibitors. 200415095746
web-based behavioral surveillance among men who have sex with men: a comparison of online and offline samples in london, compare the characteristics of men who have sex with men (msm) surveyed online (through gay internet chat rooms and profiles) and offline (in community venues) in london, uk.200415097159
organising services for influenza vaccination for older follow up a trial of home-administered influenza vaccination of older people to explore reasons for their immunisation behaviour, including their views on the organisation of services.200415099455
factors influencing the incidence and scale of bovine tuberculosis in cattle in southwest england.bovine tuberculosis (tb) in cattle is a major economic problem in britain. in the past 25 years, the infection has been concentrated in the southwest region of england. we investigated the effects of agricultural and farm-management characteristics on the occurrence and scale of tb in cattle in the region (1988-1996) using logistic and linear regression. factors relating to the existence of previous infection in cattle and the management of cattle and badgers are all linked to the incidence of t ...200415099712
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