
PMID(sorted ascending)
linkage analysis of extremely discordant and concordant sibling pairs identifies quantitative-trait loci that influence variation in the human personality trait neuroticism.several theoretical studies have suggested that large samples of randomly ascertained siblings can be used to ascertain phenotypically extreme individuals and thereby increase power to detect genetic linkage in complex traits. here, we report a genetic linkage scan using extremely discordant and concordant sibling pairs, selected from 34,580 sibling pairs in the southwest of england who completed a personality questionnaire. we performed a genomewide scan for quantitative-trait loci (qtls) that ...200312612864
y chromosome haplotypes and testicular cancer in the english population. 200312624149
epidemiology of varicella-zoster virus in england and wales.many countries are studying currently the possibility of mass vaccination against varicella. the objective of this study was to provide a complete picture of the pre-vaccine epidemiology of the varicella-zoster virus in england and wales to aid in the design of immunisation programs. population-based data including general practitioner sentinel surveillance, hospitalisation data, and death certificates from england and wales were analysed. the average incidence rates for varicella and zoster bet ...200312627480
surveillance of influenza in the north-west region of england 2001-02.a local sentinel network of general practitioners has been established in the north west of england for the surveillance of influenza. in the 2001-02 winter, consultation rates for influenza-like-illness (ili) were low but the surveillance network was able to demonstrate sub-regional variations in the timing of peak influenza activity, and the infection of different age groups. this suggests the network can contribute to better planning to winter pressures on the north west health service.200212631983
using extirpations to understand the human motor cortex: horsley, foerster, and bucy.during the last part of the 19th century and through the middle of the 20th century, surgeons sometimes extirpated parts of the human motor cortex to control abnormal involuntary movements. this procedure can be traced directly to victor horsley, who pioneered the first successful surgery of this type in 1886. although many neurosurgeons followed horsley's lead in performing this procedure, few used their results, as he did, to formulate concepts on the role of the motor cortex in movement contr ...200312633160
soft tissue infections of the extremities in an orthopaedic centre in the determine the spectrum, and clinical impact of acute extremity soft tissue infections, encountered in the orthopaedic service of an inner city hospital in uk.200312634072
microbiological study of ready-to-eat salad vegetables from retail establishments uncovers a national outbreak of salmonellosis.the increasing availability of bagged prepared salad vegetables reflects consumer demand for fresh, healthy, convenient, and additive-free foods that are safe and nutritious. during may and june 2001 a study of retail bagged prepared ready-to-eat salad vegetables was undertaken to determine the microbiological quality of these vegetables. examination of the salad vegetables revealed that the vast majority (3,826 of 3,852 samples; 99.3%) were of satisfactory or acceptable microbiological quality ...200312636292
[cloning from the relational viewpoint]. 200212645390
variation in general practitioner referral of patients with arterial compare patterns of referral for arterial disease in two areas in the uk.200312648335
concentrations and hazard assessment of pcbs, organochlorine pesticides and mercury in fish species from the upper thames: river pollution and its potential effects on top predators.aquatic environmental contamination levels of organochlorine pesticides (ocps), polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) and heavy metals in the upper thames catchment area, uk were assessed on the basis of fish muscle analysis in wet weight, and their effects on top predators were assessed. the contamination levels of lead, cadmium, dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (ddt) and its metabolites were found to be low (undetectable) in the area. average mercury contamination level varied between 55 and 342 m ...200312656245
is bacterial vaginosis associated with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia?previous research has produced conflicting results regarding the association of bacterial vaginosis (bv) and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (cin). these studies have been weakened in their conclusions mainly by failure to adequately control for the presence of sexually transmitted infections (stis). one proposed mechanism suggesting that carcinogenic nitrosamines acting either independently or via human papilloma virus (hpv) has not been fully tested previously. we undertook a prospective, c ...200312657117
the human genome in the public view: genetics, geneticists, and eugenics. 200112661543
pathologists who attained fame without using microscopy.morgagni, baillie, and rokitansky were three giants in pathology. they established the foundations for classification of diseases. their combined contributions to clinical knowledge outweighed all that had been learned in medicine in the prior history of the human race. it is remarkable that their achievements were made without using microscopy.200312661909
variation within genes encoding interleukin-1 and the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist influence the severity of meningococcal disease.genetically determined variation in proinflammatory cytokine release influences severity of meningococcal disease and other serious infections.200312667023
summaries for patients. gene forms and meningococcal disease. 200312667051
are rates of ageing determined in utero?epidemiological studies have shown that poor early growth is associated with cardiovascular and other degenerative diseases. this has been explained by programming, whereby undernutrition and other influences which restrict early growth permanently change the structure and physiology of the body. the long-term effects of poor early nutrition on ageing have been demonstrated in animals but not studied in man.199812675097
the rise and fall of salmonella enteritidis in the uk.after rising in the early 1980s, the number of recorded human cases of salmonella enterica subsp. enterica in the uk has fallen in the last 5 years, with a particular decline in cases of infection with serovar enteritidis. this decline has been concomitant with the introduction of vaccination of egg-laying hens against serovar enteritidis. it is likely that other factors such as improved biosecurity in egg-laying flocks, a build-up of immunity in other animals and the rise in the number of lives ...200312675943
phenotypic diversity of campylobacter isolates from sporadic cases of human enteritis in northern ireland. 200312680629
the gene for hmsn2c maps to 12q23-24: a region of neuromuscular disorders.hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type 2c (hmsn2c, charcot-marie-tooth 2c [cmt2c]) is an autosomal dominant motor and sensory neuropathy involving limb, diaphragm, vocal cord, and intercostal muscles.200312682323
professional advantage and public health: british veterinarians and state veterinary services, the beginning of the twentieth century, municipal authorities in england and wales, and in scotland, began to develop systems of veterinary public health which encompassed both the welfare of animals and the safety of meat and milk intended for human consumption. this paper examines the motives behind veterinary attempts to extend the integration of human and animal health considerations within the public health framework in the inter-war period. in 1938 the ministry of agriculture implemente ...200312688295
the acceptability of the introduction of a type specific herpes antibody screening test into a genitourinary medicine clinic in the united determine the uptake of a type specific herpes simplex antibody test if it were offered as part of routine screening in a genitourinary medicine clinic in a district general hospital in the united kingdom.200312690134
[decisions about sectioning and medicating of schizophrenic patients in germany and england--results of a comparative study].questionnaires with three case summaries have been presented to 143 psychiatrists in germany and 27 in england. all three case summaries regard patients with schizophrenia who either show risk to themselves or others. the psychiatrists were asked whether they would recommend sectioning and furthermore whether they would recommend treatment against the patient's will. in the case regarding a risk to others there was widespread approval of sectioning and treatment (germany 85 %, england 93 %) agai ...200312692736
innocent victim of a localised outbreak: legionella endocarditis.legionella pneumophila endocarditis is extremely rare. the case of a fit 26 year old man who had previously undergone homograft aortic root replacement is reported. he was admitted with legionella pneumonia during the recent localised outbreak but went on to develop endocarditis. his aortic valve was replaced with a mechanical valve and he made an uneventful recovery. public health issues and diagnosis in susceptible patients during localised outbreaks are discussed.200312695481
killing mary to save jodie: conjoined twins and individual rights. 200112705248
mutations of ant1, twinkle, and polg1 in sporadic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (peo).to verify the impact of mutations in ant1, twinkle, and polg1 genes in sporadic progressive external ophthalmoplegia associated with multiple mitochondrial dna (mtdna) deletions, dna samples from 15 italian and 12 british patients were screened. mutations in ant1 were found in one patient, in twinkle in two patients, and in polg1 in seven patients. irrespective of the inheritance mode, screening of these genes should be performed in all patients with progressive external ophthalmoplegia with mul ...200312707443
comparison of the incidence rates of selected gastrointestinal events reported for patients prescribed rofecoxib and meloxicam in general practice in england using prescription-event monitoring data.and objectives. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) are associated with gastrointestinal (gi) toxicity. rofecoxib and meloxicam are classified as cyclooxygenase (cox)-2 selective inhibitors. the drug safety research unit monitored the safety of these drugs immediately after their launch in england using the non-interventional observational cohort technique of prescription-event monitoring (pem). our objective was to investigate whether there is a clinically relevant difference in the ...200312709537
"with much nausea, loathing, and foetor": william harvey, dissection, and dispassion in early modern early modern england accumulating knowledge of normal and morbid anatomy through dissecting the human body not only led to a better understanding of nature, but also defined the identity of the people who engaged in this activity. this essay analyses the relationship between systemically dismembering the dead and how this pursuit shaped the attitudes and emotions of early modern medical men toward the living. i focus on the most famous anatomist in early modern britain - the discoverer of the ...200212715788
same-sex sexual activity of male prisoners in england and wales.a random sample of 1009 adult male prison inmates from 13 prisons covering short-, medium- and long-term establishments across england and wales was interviewed about sexual behaviour, drug use and tattooing, inside and outside prison. we report here on their same-sex sexual activity. thirty-seven men reported having engaged in sexual activity with a man during adulthood. twenty-two men reported having had sex with a man in prison. indirect support for this prevalence rate was given by sexually ...200312716495
impact of ergonomic intervention on back pain among nurses.this study assessed the impact of ergonomic intervention on rates of low-back pain among hospital nurses.200312718497
newly diagnosed hiv infection in an octogenarian: the elderly are not 'immune'.case report: an 83-year-old heterosexual man with malaise tested positive for hiv infection antibodies and has responded well to triple antiretroviral therapy. discussion: hiv should not be discounted on the basis of age when an elderly patient presents for the investigation of illness.200312720627
epidemic kerato-conjunctivitis--do outbreaks have to be epidemic?to study: the epidemiology of an outbreak of adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis in a uk teaching hospital; disease presentation and its effect on clinical diagnostic efficiency; patterns of viral transmission between staff and patients; the effectiveness of infection control procedures in minimising outbreaks.200312724699
assay of locus-specific genetic load implicates rare toll-like receptor 4 mutations in meningococcal the central component of the human endotoxin sensor, toll-like receptor 4 (tlr4) functions in the early detection and response to gram-negative infection. we therefore examined a large collection of patients with meningococcal sepsis, comparing the frequency of rare tlr4 coding changes to those in an ethnically matched control population. tlr2 sequences were also acquired and compared. total nucleotide variation at tlr4 and tlr2 loci was assayed by using a novel computational method. a total ...200312730365
management of hepatitis a in a food handler at a london secondary school.a case of hepatitis a in a food handler at a local secondary school prompted the institution of control measures including administration of human normal immunoglobulin (hnig) to all pupils. this paper summarises the management of the incident and describes the use of hnig to prevent secondary cases. few adverse effects were reported and only one secondary case of hepatitis a occurred at the school.200312736968
hepatitis a virus infection control: an audit of practice in england and wales prior to guidelines being published.this survey was conducted in september 2001 to audit the practice of consultants in communicable disease control (cscdc) and to gain a systematic picture of pre-guideline approaches to the control of hepatitis a virus infection in england and wales. an audit form was distributed to all cscdc by email and responses were entered in a database and analysed. response rate is estimated at 44%. cscdc predominantly recommend vaccination for prevention. for 31% of the cscdc, index cases were not reporte ...200312736969
diane pretty: final acts. 200212739532
consent or property? dealing with the body and its parts in the shadow of bristol and alder hey.this article first considers the tenuous base on which the law of property in the body is founded, and then discusses the practical results of this in the light of the recent furore surrounding events at bristol and alder hey. the authors suggest that neither the consent-based model followed by the official inquiries into these events nor a possible policy based on a full-blown property model adequately cover the private rights of an individual's next of kin or the right of the public to an effi ...200112741391
development and application of a novel screening pcr assay for direct detection of 'helicobacter heilmannii'-like organisms in human gastric biopsies in southeast england.a novel pcr assay (hhlo-16) to screen for presence of 'helicobacter heilmannii'-like organisms (hhlo) direct from gastric biopsies is described. as 'h. heilmannii' is generally uncultivable, diagnosis of infection is reliant on histology; thus prevalence may be underestimated. analysis of an hhlo histology-positive human gastric biopsy and 15 gastric biopsies from domestic cats demonstrated that the hhlo-16 assay was more sensitive than an alternative available species-specific pcr assay. furthe ...200312742311
children's participation in healthcare in the uk--gesture, rhetoric, or real involvement?in the united kingdom (england, wales, scotland, and northern ireland) children and their best interests are protected through a range of best practice initiatives, and legislation and guidance at country, national, european, and global levels. some of the recent commitment by the government may be the result of enlightened thinking, but some of it has resulted from the aftermath of at least two major healthcare incidents. this article reviews the uk's recent national and international efforts t ...200212744268
the incidence of shingles and its implications for vaccination policy.a vaccine is now available to prevent varicella-zoster infection, but its place in routine preventive care is not yet determined. the age specific incidence of shingles was examined separately by gender and age groups (15-24, 25-44, 45-64, 65-74 and 75 years and more) over the years 1994-2001. these incidence data were applied to national available data for the uk on current life expectancy to calculate the risk of shingles infections at varying ages. the potential benefit of an effective vaccin ...200312744889
[fifty years from the discovery of dna].fifty years have passed from the description of the double helix of the dna molecule. during these years very important scientific discoveries have been made in genetics and molecular biology. in addition, twenty years ago mullis invented an important technique, the polymerase chain reaction, which is currently used for replication and amplification of the dna. well, this amazing technique has been used by the human genome project to identify approximately 35,000 genes. we are now in the post-ge ...200312746794
robert hooke's model of 1682 the scientist and inventor robert hooke read a lecture to the royal society of london, in which he described a mechanistic model of human memory. yet few psychologists today seem to have heard of hooke's memory model. the lecture addressed questions of encoding, memory capacity, repetition, retrieval, and forgetting--some of these in a surprisingly modern way. hooke's model shares several characteristics with the theory of richard semon, which came more than 200 years later, but it is mo ...200312747488
reading maps of the genes: interpreting the spatiality of genetic knowledge.genetics has become the pre-eminent interpretation of the body and health and illness. this paper engages with a central technique and metaphor of the new genetics-gene mapping. through an exploration of the process of gene mapping, the paper argues that the genetic material of the body is spatialised and transformed into a knowable and manipulable entity. three interpretations of this spatial transformation of the body's materiality are discussed, in turn drawing on foucault's notion of the con ...200312753798
ent presentations in children with hiv infection.illnesses of the ear, nose and throat (ent) are common in children with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. we reviewed the case files of 107 hiv seropositive children in the paediatric hiv unit at st mary's hospital. the prevalence, age of onset and type of ent disease were reviewed. we also determined sex distribution, maternal country of origin and mode of transmission of hiv. fifty per cent of the hiv children had ent illnesses. fifty-five per cent of the children presented with th ...200312755764
evaluation of the de-selection of men who have had sex with men from blood donation in england.the blood services of the uk permanently de-select men who have had sex with men (msm) from donating blood. the rationale for this has been questioned. this article attempts to evaluate whether this selection criterion does contribute to blood safety.200312757500
estimation of the risk of hepatitis b virus, hepatitis c virus and human immunodeficiency virus infectious donations entering the blood supply in england, 1993-2001.the frequency of hepatitis b virus (hbv), hepatitis c virus (hcv) or human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infectious donations entering the blood supply in england is too low to monitor using observational studies. the expected frequency of infectious donations can be estimated and these estimates may be used to contribute to monitoring of blood safety and used in the design of strategies to decrease the risk of transfusion-transmitted infections.200312757501
a survey of doctors' and nurses' knowledge, attitudes and compliance with infection control guidelines in birmingham teaching hospitals.this study investigated knowledge about infection control amongst doctors and nurses through a cross-sectional survey conducted between march and may 2001 in three birmingham, uk teaching hospitals. seventy-five doctors and 143 nurses, representing 7% and 4%, respectively, of potential respondents, participated in the study measuring knowledge of, attitudes towards, and compliance with universal precautions. overall knowledge of risks of blood-borne virus (bbv) transmission from an infected pati ...200312767850
field sports and conservation in the united kingdom.many natural habitats exist on privately owned land outside protected areas, but few governments can afford to enforce or subsidize conservation of this biodiversity. even in some developed countries, conservation subsidy schemes have only achieved limited success. fortunately, some landowners may be willing to accept management costs in return for other benefits, although this remains controversial when it involves the killing of charismatic species. for example, participants in british field s ...200312774120
a y chromosome census of the british isles.the degree of population replacement in the british isles associated with cultural changes has been extensively debated. recent work has demonstrated that comparisons of genetic variation in the british isles and on the european continent can illuminate specific demographic processes in the history of the british isles. for example, wilson et al. used the similarity of basque and celtic y chromosomes to argue for genetic continuity from the upper palaeolithic to the present in the paternal histo ...200312781138
heavy metal contamination in sediment and biomonitors from sites around the isle of man. 200312787587
genetic susceptibility to dupuytren disease: association of zf9 transcription factor gene.transforming growth factor beta 1 (tgf-beta 1) is a key fibrogenic cytokine that has been shown to stimulate fibroblast proliferation and extracellular matrix deposition and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of dupuytren disease. zf9 is a transcription factor that increases tgf-beta 1 expression in tissue. the authors previously demonstrated a lack of association between common tgf-beta 1 and tgf-beta 2 polymorphisms and dupuytren disease. therefore, zf9 transcription factor represents an ...200312794452
detection of environmental change in a marine ecosystem--evidence from the western english separate human-induced changes from natural fluctuations in marine life requires long-term research. the western english channel has been investigated from plymouth for over 100 years. the abundance of marine life has been recorded and related to physical changes in the environment. by comparing different parts of the ecosystem we can demonstrate historic natural fluctuations, allowing prediction of effects of future global change. from the 1920s to the 1950s there was a period of warming of ...200312812749
hiv-related brain impairment from palliative care to rehabilitation.brain impairment is a distressing manifestation of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) disease characterized by progressive cognitive impairment leading eventually to dementia and death. patients with advanced brain impairment are clinically difficult to manage and usually require residential care. in 1997, a brain impairment unit opened at the mildmay hospital uk in london to meet the needs of this patient group. it began as a nurse-led unit, has adopted an interdisciplinary approach to care and ...200012819563
a comparison of antimicrobial susceptibilities in nontyphoidal salmonellas from humans and food animals in england and wales in 2000.a joint study by the public health laboratory service and the veterinary laboratories agency of resistance to antimicrobials in isolates of salmonella enterica serotypes enteritidis, typhimurium, hadar, and virchow from humans and food-producing animals in england and wales in 2000 has demonstrated that resistance was most common in typhimurium, particularly in strains of definitive phage type (dt) 104. however resistance was also common in other phage types, particularly dts 193 and 208 and pha ...200312820804
physician and family assisted suicide: results from a study of public attitudes in britain.legalisation of assisted suicide presents a dilemma for society. this arises because of a lack of consensus regarding the precedence to be accorded freedom of choice versus the inviolability of human life. several factors including improvements in medical technology, population ageing and changing perceptions about quality of life serve to make a re-examination of attitudes to this issue appropriate at this time. within this context, data from the 1983, 1984, 1989 and 1994 british social attitud ...200312821019
second primary cancers after cervical intraepithelial neoplasia iii and invasive cervical cancer in southeast england.multiple primary cancers may arise in an individual because they share a common environmental risk factor (such as smoking); genetic predisposition or immunodeficiency may predispose to both cancers, or treatment for one cancer may cause a second cancer. the objective of this analysis was to identify which, if any, cancers occur more often than would be expected in a cohort of women diagnosed with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia iii (cin iii) and in women with invasive cervical cancer.200312821353
milkborne general outbreaks of infectious intestinal disease, england and wales, 1992-2000.from 1 january 1992 to 31 december 2000, 27 milkborne general outbreaks of infectious intestinal disease (iid) were reported to the public health laboratory service (phls) communicable disease surveillance centre (cdsc). these outbreaks represented a fraction (2%) of all outbreaks of foodborne origin (n = 1774) reported to cdsc, but were characterized by significant morbidity. unpasteurized milk (52%) was the most commonly reported vehicle of infection in milkborne outbreaks, with milk sold as p ...200312825730
human papillomavirus and the value of screening: young women's knowledge of cervical cancer.the study reports a questionnaire survey of female university students intended (1) to delineate their knowledge of cervical cancer and screening, and (2) to impute their valuation of the introduction of human papillomavirus (hpv) testing. it was found that almost 80% of respondents thought cervical cancer was a leading cause of cancer death amongst women. most subjects consistently over-estimated the incidence of cervical cancer, consistent with the social amplification hypothesis. the major ri ...200312828233
the geographical distribution of variant creutzfeldt-jakob disease cases in the uk: what can we learn from it?the causative agents of variant creutzfeldt-jakob disease (vcjd) and of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (bse) are currently indistinguishable. however, the route(s) by which humans became infected remain unknown. the path by which humans were infected with the bse agent might impact on the geographical distribution of cases and we therefore sought evidence of regional variation and local clustering of vcjd cases. with the notable exception of a group of five cases in leicestershire, the absence ...200312828244
the significance of 'anti-hbc only' in the clinical virology laboratory.isolated detection of hepatitis b core antibody (anti-hbc) in the absence of surface antigen (hbsag) or antibody (anti-hbs) has been reported, particularly among individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and hepatitis c virus (hcv). the significance of this phenomenon is unknown and it is unclear whether all individuals with such serological pattern need further molecular investigations.200312829038
post-mortem collection of human joint tissues for research.a feasibility study aiming to obtain post-mortem knee joint tissues from 10 donors for research.200312832714
women's health in midlife: findings from a british birth cohort study.the medical research council's national survey of health and development (mrcnshd) is a prospective cohort study of 2547 women and 2815 men, a sample of all the births that took place in england, scotland and wales between 3-9 march 1946. it is one of the longest running large-scale studies of human development in the world, aiming to identify lifetime biological, social and psychological pathways to health and disease, from early life to ageing. a special study of women's health in midlife and ...200312844426
campylobacter coli - an important foodborne pathogen.campylobacters are the most common bacterial cause of infectious intestinal disease (iid) in temperate countries. c. jejuni is the predominant cause of campylobacter iid, but the impact of other, less prevalent species has largely been ignored. here, we present estimates of the burden of indigenously acquired foodborne disease (ifd) due to campylobacter coli, the second most common cause of human campylobacteriosis.200312850159
consent for anaesthesia.current professional guidelines concerning information and consent for anaesthesia are a fair representation of english law. however, they reject the need for specific, written consent for anaesthesia, a position which is in accordance with other western jurisdictions. this is understandable, as there would be a number of problems inherent in such an approach: the consent process would be unnecessarily labour and time intensive, the generic nature of the information to be disclosed would not all ...200312859468
the patient information advisory group and the use of patient-identifiable data.patient confidentiality has been a matter of concern in the english national health service (nhs) for many years. a number of recent events have triggered the demand for a more concerted programme of change to eliminate the use of patient-identifiable data and to devise more acceptable alternatives. the caldicott committee, in 1997, set out the case for change and legislation in 1998 (the data protection act and human rights act) and emphasised the need for urgent action. a number of public inqu ...200312869331
dr arthur wakefield on mount everest in 1922: "this has not been by any manner of means a picnic".in 1922 dr arthur wakefield, a general practitioner from cumbria, reached the north col of mt everest at 23,000 feet as a member of the first british team to attempt the summit. as well as being a climber, he provided medical care to his comrades, who included george leigh mallory and george finch. yet, in their accounts of the expedition, several climbers portrayed him as a nervous old man and a "complete passenger". however, his letters home and a small daily diary suggest he was a wise and ca ...200312870039
a clinical and genetic study of spg5a linked autosomal recessive hereditary spastic paraplegia.the authors performed a clinical and genetic study of a large consanguineous english family with uncomplicated autosomal recessive hereditary spastic paraplegia (arhsp). linkage to the previously described spg5a locus was established with maximum multipoint lod score of 4.84. the locus was refined to a 23.6 cm interval between markers d8s1833 and d8s285. no evidence of oxidative phosphorylation defects was found in muscle biopsies from two affected individuals.200312874406
hepatitis a virus infections in injecting drug users. 200312889283
changing epidemiology of hepatitis a: should we be doing more to vaccinate injecting drug users?since 2001 there have been significant outbreaks of hepatitis a virus (hav) across south yorkshire, largely in intravenous drug users, and hav infection has been reported to be an increasing problem in england and scotland during this time. this paper reports a brief investigation to clarify current hav epidemiology in england and wales. the epidemiology of hav in england, but not yet wales, has recently changed. laboratory reports now show that most cases are occurring in young adults, mainly y ...200312889286
outbreak of hepatitis a infection among intravenous drug users in suffolk and suspected risk factors.a prolonged outbreak of hepatitis a infection amongst drug users in suffolk prompted a study of the natural immunity against hepatitis a in this population, and a retrospective analysis of the relationship between specific drug-taking behaviours and the risk of hepatitis a infection. prior to the outbreak, age-specific seroprevalence of hepatitis a igg in drug users was similar to that amongst blood donors in the region. of those without effective immunity, intravenous drug users, multiple drug ...200312889287
three years of low influenza activity--no reason for complacency.influenza activity in england and wales has been unusually low over the last three years. despite this, substantial morbidity and mortality has occurred in subgroups of the population. furthermore, the influenza season 2001/02 was characterised by the emergence of a new subtype of the influenza a virus (h1n2), a timely reminder that it is not possible to assess the impact of a change in the virus strains circulating without having a comprehensive surveillance infrastructure in place.200312889292
some notes on an early nineteenth century manuscript medical receipt book.there are 97 remedies listed, including 11 veterinary ones. these numbers include several that are duplicates. the commonest types of medicament are salves or ointments, of which there are ten, but these ten do not include ointments for specific complaints such as haemorrhoids or scurvy. the most frequently found cures are for the itch (10), rheumatism (5), gravel (4), pain (4), and piles (3), all the others having only one or two entries. they were intended to treat 39 human complaints and 9 an ...200312894773
strategies for interprofessional education: the interprofessional team objective structured clinical examination for midwifery and medical students.this paper provides an overview of the processes involved in implementing an interprofessional education (ipe) strategy in a recently established school of human development at the university of nottingham. the merger of the academic divisions of child health, midwifery, obstetrics and gynaecology was a deliberate initiative to create an organisational infrastructure intended to enhance opportunities for interprofessional collaborations in research and education. as a first step, a small group o ...200312900191
poor uptake of influenza vaccinations in patients receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy.this audit was designed to assess whether existing uk vaccination programmes mean that patients receiving chemotherapy are being vaccinated against influenza. one hundred and ten adult patients receiving chemotherapy at a south london tertiary referral centre were interviewed when they attended for their chemotherapy. thirty-six of the 110 (33%) patients had received their influenza vaccination at the time of the study. vaccination rates were significantly higher in those patients older than 65 ...200312918895
two medieval plague treatises and their afterlife in early modern england.this study of an adaptation of the popular john of burgundy plague treatise by thomas moulton, a dominican friar, ca. 1475, and a translation of the so-called canutus plague treatise by thomas paynell, printed 1534, shows how the medieval traditions they represent were carried forward, well into the sixteenth century, and also subjected to change in light of religious, moral, and medical concerns of early modern england. the former had a long life in print, ca. 1530-1580, whereas paynell's trans ...200312938716
harmonisation of national influenza surveillance morbidity data from eiss: a simple index.the european influenza surveillance scheme is a collaboration with 18 member countries (2001/02) which monitors the activity and impact of influenza by collecting morbidity and virological data in primary care facilities throughout the winter season each year. despite being in principle similar in the surveillance concept, the indicators used and observations made are very different. different healthcare systems and organisational needs (eg a certificate of illness for the employer) influence th ...200312941981
molecular genetic variation in the east midlands, england: analysis of vntr, str and alu insertion/deletion polymorphisms.short tandem repeats (strs) and variable number of tandem repeats (vntrs) have been used successfully in disease analysis and studies of human evolution and population genetic diversity. however dna-based comprehensive population genetic studies of the east midlands, england are limited.200312959895
validation of serological correlate of protection for meningococcal c conjugate vaccine by using efficacy estimates from postlicensure surveillance in england.meningococcal c conjugate (mcc) vaccines were licensed on the basis of serological correlates of protection without efficacy data. the original correlate of protection was established by using a serum bactericidal antibody assay (sba) with human complement (hsba), with titers > or =4 predicting protection. however, the antibody data supporting licensure were largely generated by sba with rabbit complement (rsba), which gives higher titers than hsba. while rsba titers > or =128 reliably predict p ...200312965904
ethics and faith: openness to the relationship between them.this paper was presented at a seminar that outlined the work of the surrey ethics forum. the forum provides an opportunity for reflection by staff of the federal university of surrey and its associated institutions on ethical questions, the place of ethics in the curriculum and the role of ethics in the life of future graduates. the purpose of this paper is to argue that openness to the relationship between ethics and faith is itself an ethical task because both ethics and faith claim to protect ...200312971302
genetic factors in generalized osteo-arthrosis. 196314043587
influenza in hospital 1960-1961. 196314053695
the impact of influenza on general practice. 196314053699
influenza as a problem of hospital administration. 196314053701
influenza in relation to the city of birmingham. 196314053702
influenza as a national problem. 196314053703
intelligence and culture. 196314055397
the right food for the right age. i. children. 196314060415
teeth. i. nutrition and diet. 196314060419
an outbreak of human infection due to salmonella typhi-murium, phage type 4, associated with the use of unpasteurized liquid egg. 196314066588
[on genetics of serum proteins: hp-serum groups, gc-factor, gm-serum groups and pseudocholinesterase variants in european populations]. 196314067361
haemoglobin h disease in an english family. 196414071632
hip disease in ancient man. report of three cases. 196314074333
the thalassaemia trait in an english family.nine cases of the thalassaemia trait are described in an english family. the problem of distinguishing these cases from those of the common hypochromic anaemias by simple laboratory tests is discussed.iron-resistant hypochromic anaemia in people of british ancestry may be caused by the thalassaemia trait. such cases have been reported by bywaters (1938), israëls, suderman, and hoogstraten (1955), israëls and turner (1955), and havard, lehmann, and bodley scott (1958). dacie (1960) mentions simil ...196314076381
the bloch-sulzberger syndrome in an english family. 196314084651
the family characteristics of children with clefts of lip and palate. 196314106006
an ecologic approach to uveitis. 196414106888
steroid excretion of dehydroepiandrosterone in young mothers of mongols. 196414108001
haemophilia, christmas disease and the xg blood groups. observations based on the haemophiliacs of birmingham. 196414115584
the human factory. 196414117316
rheumatoid arthritis (still's disease). 196314145024
transferrin d-wigan. 196414159879
Displaying items 2101 - 2200 of 3581