
PMID(sorted ascending)
inactivation of hepatitis b and non-a, non-b viruses by combined use of tween 80, beta-propiolactone, and ultraviolet assess the sterilization efficacy of a combined tween 80, beta-propiolactone and ultraviolet irradiation procedure applied to a f viii preparation to which an estimated 10(5.9) chimpanzee infectious doses (cid50) of hepatitis b virus had been added per ml, two chimpanzees were inoculated with 10 ml each of treated and untreated preparations. the untreated preparation, which was obtained from donors with normal alanine aminotransferase (alt) levels, induced non-a, non-b hepatitis in both recip ...19836415846
giardia infection in animals in poznań hundred and eighty-four faecal samples from 170 animals of 82 different species in poznań zoo were examined with direct wet mounts in physiological saline and permanent smears stained with iron-haematoxylin. giardia spp. cysts were found in one chimpanzee, four marmosets, two north american porcupines, a european wild cat and a serval. the infection in the porcupines was very intense and resistant to metronidazole treatment.19836415896
expression of t-lymphoblast-encoded hla-dr, mt, and sb antigens on human t-b lymphoblast hybrids.the ia-like antigens of hybrids of the b-lymphoblastoid cell line (b-lcl) wi-l2 and a subline of the t-lymphoblastoid cell line (t-lcl) hsb were examined. antigens of the hla-dr and mt series were analyzed by indirect immunofluorescence with chimpanzee anti-dr sera and monoclonal antibodies, and antigens of the sb series were analyzed by primed lymphocyte typing (plt). the wi-l2 x hsb hybrids expressed antigens of each series not found on either parent cell. in each case, the novel antigens were ...19836417070
chemical inactivation of hepatitis b virus: the effect of disinfectants on virus-associated dna polymerase activity, morphology and infectivity.the inactivation of hepatitis b virus (hbv) using two commercially available disinfectants was analysed. indirect evidence of virus inactivation was obtained by examining the decrease in hbv-associated dna polymerase and hbcag activities after treatment with increasing concentrations of disinfectant. inactivation was accompanied by the irreversible loss of all morphological forms typically found in hepatitis b-positive sera and in particular 42-nm hbv particles were absent. physiochemical analys ...19836417150
specificity and significance of hepatocellular ultrastructural changes in non-a, non-b hepatitis in chimpanzees.324 liver biopsies from 71 chimpanzees with and without non-a, non-b (nanb) hepatitis have been examined by electron microscopy (e.m.) for hepatocellular changes reported to be associated with this disease. at least 2 types of ultrastructural cytoplasmic alterations were found in each of 23 cases of acute and 6 cases of chronic nanb hepatitis. nuclear modifications were never seen. similar ultrastructural alterations were found in infections derived from 9 different human blood borne nanb cases. ...19836418590
non-a, non-b hepatitis: research progress and current perspectives.recent studies have documented the existence of at least two transmissible agents of posttransfusion non-a, non-b hepatitis. the disease frequently progresses to a state of chronic liver disease and/or persistent viremia, often in the absence of elevated liver enzymes. difficulties encountered in the development of serologic tests for nanb antigens may be related to a lack of potent antibody coupled with low concentrations of infectious agent. the ultrastructural changes we have observed in infe ...19836418591
an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of hepatitis non-a, non-b antigen and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was developed, based on sera from patients convalescent from non-a, non-b hepatitis and haemophilia a patients. using this elisa an antigen (ds-ag) was detected which appears to be related to non-a, non-b hepatitis. the serum of another patient with haemophilia a, which was strongly positive for the ds-ag, caused non-a, non-b hepatitis in a chimpanzee. ds-ag could be detected in the serum of the chimpanzee during the acute phase of the infection. the ...19836418592
factor viii concentrate from cold sterilized human plasma.beta-propiolactone (beta-pl) in combination with uv irradiation (uv) is an established method for the sterilization of factor ix concentrate or stabilized human serum. because of the extreme sensitivity of factor viii to beta-pl, the standard beta-pl/uv procedure cannot be used to obtain hepatitis-safe factor viii concentrate. it has been shown in chimpanzees that from a cryoprecipitate containing hepatitis non-a, non-b viruses in addition to hepatitis b viruses a factor viii concentrate (160 u/ ...19836418593
effects of tactile and electrical stimuli upon release of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in the mammalian penis.plasma levels of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (vip) in the corpora cavernosa penis and dorsal penile veins greatly exceeded those measured in the limb or caudal veins during anaesthesia in various mammals (bennett's wallaby, barbary sheep, cheetah, puma, sooty mangabey, pigtail macaque and chimpanzee). tactile stimulation of the penis immediately before or during collection of blood samples resulted in an increase. in the wallaby, vip levels (mean +/- s.e.m.) in blood samples collected from ...19846420493
experimental infection of chimpanzees with the hbsag-associated delta (delta) agent: an ultrastructural study.characteristic cytoplasmic membranous structures and intranuclear aggregates of particles similar to those reported in non-a, non-b hepatitis were observed by electron microscopy in the liver biopsies of chimpanzees inoculated with human serum, infectious for the delta agent. the ultrastructural changes were maximal during the intrahepatic production of the delta antigen, but were detected also independently of delta-ag expression. the ultrastructural analogies provide further evidence that delt ...19846420512
a comparative evaluation of the cognitive skills of the chimpanzee and the monkey.a review of selected aspects of cognitive performance in apes and in monkeys suggests that only rarely can we at this time demonstrate greater cognitive competence in the ape than in the monkey. instead it seems that the ape's cognitive style differs qualitatively from that of the monkey: not in the direction of greater capacity (using this term as a measure of continuously increasing ability), but in the way that the ape applies itself to a novel situation. from this it would follow that the gr ...19836421764
experimental transmission of the delta agent to chimpanzees. 19836422474
inactivation of hepatitis b and hutchinson strain non-a, non-b hepatitis viruses by exposure to tween 80 and ether.titrated stocks of hepatitis b virus and hutchinson strain non-a, non-b hepatitis virus were diluted in normal serum to contain, respectively, greater than or equal to 10(6) and greater than or equal to 10(4) chimpanzee infectious doses (cid50) per milliliter and exposed to 1% tween 80 and 20% ether at 4 degrees c for 18 h. after evaporation of the ether, the treated sera were each inoculated into two chimpanzees. the animals remained free of serologic and biochemical evidence of hepatitis durin ...19846422634
beta-propiolactone for the inactivation of non-a/non-b type 1 hepatitis virus capable of inducing cytoplasmic tubular ultrastructures in chimpanzees.non-a/non-b type 1 hepatitis virus may be recognized because it induces characteristic tubular ultrastructures in the hepatocyte cytoplasm of chimpanzees. 3 chimps received 0.1 ml of a chimp serum containing more than 100 chimp infecting units of non-a/non-b type 1 hepatitis virus after it had been treated with beta-propiolactone with or without combined ultraviolet irradiation. all of the chimps escaped infection throughout the observation period of 23 weeks. the treatment of the serum with bet ...19846422638
[analytical description and comparison of profiles and sections of the skull by polynomial equations. illustration of the procedure].skull profiles and related sections may be worked in order to obtain the equation of the curve for best fitting. polynomials of 6-7 nth degree give very high values of coefficient of determination. the technique is fully automatized and requires a tv-camera interfaced with a computer with specific hardware devices and software packages. main routine gives coefficients of the equation, their standard deviation, standard errors, variance and covariance matrix. accessory routines provide standardiz ...19846422961
the evolutionary relationships of man and shares uniquely few morphological features with either the chimpanzee or the gorilla, whereas there are many features that suggest affinities between man and the orang-utan, to whom the fossil sivapithecus appears to be closely related. if these are unique features, inclusion of sivapithecus, man and the orang-utan in a single clade, distinct from that containing the african apes, is justified but contrary to current opinion.19846424028
ultrastructural changes in human hepatocytes in acute non-a, non-b hepatitis.ultrastructural findings in the liver of a 52-year-old man with acute non-a, non-b (nanb) post-transfusion hepatitis are described. apart from non-specific alterations also known to occur in hepatocytes in hepatitis a and b--such as proliferation of membranes of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, formation of membrane-bound cytoplasmic vacuoles containing electron-dense material, and accumulation of distorted peroxisomes--unique cytoplasmic changes were observed that have not previously been describe ...19836424227
x-linked, polymorphic genetic variation of thyroxin-binding globulin (tbg) in baboons and screening of additional primates.x-linked polymorphic variation of thyroxin-binding globulin (tbg) is observed in several human groups. isoelectric focusing of plasma samples labeled in vitro with [125i]thyroxin, followed by autoradiography, also reveals genetically determined polymorphic electrophoretic variation in baboon tbg. the protein detected by this method in baboon plasma is immunologically similar to human tbg and is distinct from the other thyroxin-binding proteins, albumin and prealbumin. the isoelectric patterns of ...19846424646
non-a, non-b hepatitis-like nuclear particles in nonparenchymal cells of the liver.nuclear particles, morphologically similar to those seen in hepatocytes during non-a, non-b (nanb) hepatitis, were detected in several types of nonparenchymal cells in 10 human liver-biopsy specimens, including cases of hepatitis a and b and nonviral hepatic disease. they were also found in nonparenchymal cells of the liver in two of four normal chimpanzees and in two of four chimpanzees during experimental nanb viral hepatitis. in nonparenchymal cells the particles formed loose-to-intermediate ...19846425423
nuclear particles of non-a, non-b type in healthy volunteers and patients with hepatitis an electron microscopic study, nuclear aggregates of virus-like spherical and tubular particles measuring 20 to 29 nm in diameter were found in 5 of 7 clinically healthy volunteers with normal liver histology, 6 of 10 patients with hepatitis b and 17 of 18 patients with hepatitis non-a, non-b. the incidence of hepatocytes containing nuclear particles was approximately 0.5 to 2% in all three groups. we conclude that these nuclear particles are not specific ultrastructural markers of hepatitis ...19846427089
face touching in monkeys, apes and man evolutionary origins and cerebral asymmetry.the evolution of face touching, i.e. the use of the hand to touch the individual's own face, was studied in monkeys, apes and man with the object of examining which hand is used and which part of the face is touched. monkeys show little if any face touching. gorillas, orang- utans and chimpanzees show face-touching comparable to man. left-hand face touching was superior to right-hand touching for both apes and humans. one feature which distinguished humans from other apes was the frequency of ch ...19846427652
additional evidence for more than one agent of human non-a, non-b hepatitis. transmission and passage studies in chimpanzees.evidence supporting the existence of two agents of human non-a, non-b hepatitis was obtained by the inoculation of chimpanzees sequentially with serum from a chronically infected human (inoculum i) and with fibrinogen prepared from pooled plasma (inoculum iv), each of which had transmitted non-a, non-b hepatitis to humans. passage inoculations of serum samples obtained during the acute stages of chimpanzee infections transmitted by either the agent in inoculum i or iv also transmitted non-a, non ...19846427990
[hormonal and compartmental correlates during adrenarche in the chimpanzee].ten male and eleven female chimpanzees from three to nine years of age were studied to establish possible correlations between behavioral changes and hormonal changes peculiar to adrenarche and the pre-puberty period. most of the thirteen behaviors studied varied with age, body weight and hormones. for the males, the correlations were significant statistically for age, weight and plasma concentration of testosterone and of fsh. the correlations for the females were more often not significant sta ...19846428714
the phylogeny of the hominoid primates, as indicated by dna-dna hybridization.the living hominoid primates are man, the chimpanzees, the gorilla, the orangutan, and the gibbons. the cercopithecoids (old world monkeys) are the sister group of the hominoids. the composition of the hominoidea is not in dispute, but a consensus has not yet been reached concerning the phylogenetic branching pattern and the dating of divergence nodes. we have compared the single-copy nuclear dna sequences of the hominoid genera using dna-dna hybridization to produce a complete matrix of delta t ...19846429338
electron microscopic evidence of non-a, non-b hepatitis markers and virus-like particles in immunocompromised humans.characteristic pathological alterations of the liver in chimpanzees inoculated with non-a, non-b hepatitis sera have been described, but no corresponding findings have been reported in humans. electron microscopic studies of the liver biopsy specimens of two homosexual patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome, one without hepatitis (patient 1) and one with chronic active hepatitis in remission (patient 2), revealed the cytoplasmic tubular structures which are characteristic of chimpanze ...19846430774
reduction in risk of hepatitis transmission by heat-treatment of a human factor viii concentrate.a human factor viii concentrate containing both a non-a, non-b hepatitis agent and 300 or 30,000 chimpanzee infectious doses of added hepatitis b virus (hbv) was heated to 60 c in the lyophilized state for more than 10 hr. none of the four test chimpanzees that received the heated concentrate developed biochemical or ultrastructural evidence of non-a, non-b hepatitis, whereas both control animals receiving unheated product acquired the disease four to five weeks after infusion. in one of these a ...19846432922
comparative immunocytochemical study of the subcommissural organ.the subcommissural organs (sco) of 76 specimens belonging to 25 vertebrate species (amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals) were studied by use of the immunoperoxidase procedure. the primary antiserum was obtained by immunizing rabbits with bovine reissner's fiber (rf) extracted in a medium containing edta, dtt and urea. antiserum against an aqueous extract of rf was also produced. the presence of immunoreactive material in cell processes and endings was regarded as an indication of a possible rou ...19846435876
susceptibility of hepatitis b virus to disinfectants or heat.using direct chimpanzee inoculation as an assay method, we tested the abilities of the following chemical or physical treatments to inactivate hepatitis b virus in human plasma: 1% aqueous glutaraldehyde at 24 degrees c for 5 min, 0.1% aqueous glutaraldehyde at 24 degrees c for 5 min, 80% ethyl alcohol at 11 degrees c for 2 min, and heat at 98 degrees c for 2 min. all treatments were shown to be effective, indicating that the resistance level of the hepatitis b virus is not extreme.19846436295
apolipoprotein a-i of primates.monkey apoa-i was isolated by ultracentrifugation or immunoprecipitation and analyzed by isoelectric focusing and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. the plasma apoa-i of 26 old world monkeys (12 cynomolgus and 14 rhesus), 40 new world monkeys (8 cebus, 8 squirrel, 8 spider, 8 owl, and 8 marmosets), 6 prosimians (lemurs) and 10 apes (5 gibbons and 5 chimpanzees) were compared with each other as well as with human apoa-i. these analyses showed that monkey apoa-i contained one majo ...19846436418
[electron microscopy findings in non-a, non-b hepatitis].contrary to some reports electron microscopy up to now has not yielded any characteristic or specific changes of liver parenchyma in hepatitis non-a-non-b of man. in man as well as in chimpanzees intranuclear particles of 20-27 nm diameter (interchromatin granula) have been found; however, they are unspecific. in chimpanzees characteristic changes of cytoplasma (type i-iv) have been demonstrated; however, there is no equivalent of that in human liver tissue to be observed.19846436604
an alternative method of estimating the cranial capacity of olduvai hominid 7.the cranial capacity of olduvai hominid 7 is estimated to be 690 cc, with a standard uncertainty range of 538 to 868 cc. the estimate is derived from a systematic consideration of the relationships between bregma-asterion chords and cranial capacities obtained from a large sample of homo sapiens and pan troglodytes and from available fossil hominids. the estimation technique is applicable to other characters and specimens.19846437236
hepatitis research in chimpanzees: evaluations of clinical laboratory methodologies. 19836438329
comparison of research cost: man--primate animal--other animal models.the costs of research in human subjects are compared to those in primate animals and in other animal models on the basis of data available from a u.s. institution. the cost of experimentation in a chimpanzee is 3.59% of the per diem cost of clinical research in man. the cost for the dog is 37.1% of that of the chimpanzee, and the mouse costs 2.02% of the cost of the dog.19836438331
idiopathic precocious puberty in the chimpanzee: a case report.a female chimpanzee developed premature sex skin swelling, breast budding, advanced bone age, and moderate estrogen effect of the vaginal cytology. extensive radiographic and hormonal studies excluded all the known causes of precocious puberty and pseudopuberty, yielding a diagnosis of idiopathic true precocious puberty. to our knowledge this is the first observation of idiopathic true precocious puberty in a chimpanzee.19846438336
epidemic non-a, non-b hepatitis in nepal. recovery of a possible etiologic agent and transmission studies in epidemic of non-a, non-b hepatitis occurred in kathmandu valley, nepal, during 1981-1982, with approximately 7.6% of households and 1.4% of individuals affected. cases occurred preponderantly in the 15- to 34-year-old age group (70%), with most cases (75%) occurring in males. a high mortality rate (21%) occurred in pregnant women admitted to the hospital. no single water source was implicated, but epidemic peaks occurred during monsoon rains, and multiple opportunities for enteric transmissio ...19846438353
the distribution of serum high density lipoprotein subfractions in non-human primates.the ultracentrifugal flotation patterns in 1.2 g/ml solvent and ultracentrifugal gradient distribution of high density lipoproteins (hdl) from the primates--human, apes and monkeys--were determined, with emphasis on the gorilla species of apes and rhesus monkeys. diets for non-human primates were commercial chow, which is low in cholesterol. molecular weights and protein, cholesterol, phospholipid and triglyceride compositions of various density fractions were determined on human, gorilla and rh ...19846438429
serological analysis of ureaplasmas isolated from various animals.ureaplasmas from various animal species were serologically characterized by the growth inhibition test as well as by the metabolism inhibition test. the animals positive for ureaplasmas included 9 common squirrel monkeys, 9 green monkeys, 164 cynomolgus monkeys, 58 chimpanzees, 73 goats, 11 sheep, 102 dogs, 116 cats, 64 cattle, 290 chickens, 3 red jungle fowls and 5 japanese bantams. simian ureaplasmas were divided into four serogroups in accordance with the zoological classification of the prim ...19846439681
phylogeny, neoteny and growth of the cranial base in hominoids.this study tests the hypothesis that there is a general pattern in the growth of the cranial base of homo sapiens that is 'essentially neotenous' [gould, 1977]. juvenile and adult crania of homo sapiens, gorilla gorilla, pan troglodytes and pongo pygmaeus were studied and the cross-sectional growth curves for 10 measurements made on the cranial base (as viewed in norma basilaris) were compared. the results of this study suggest that relatively simple modifications to the timing or pattern of gro ...19846440838
[non-a, non-b hepatitis. a progress report].the present state of the art in non-a, non-b hepatitis is reviewed. eight years of world-wide efforts in research have not yielded a definite characterization of agent(s) and markers of this viral infection. diagnosis is therefore established mainly by exclusion of the hepatitis viruses a and b, epstein-barr virus and cytomegalovirus, and drug-induced liver disease. currently available serological, electron microscopic, immune electron microscopic and clinical information on non-a, non-b hepatit ...19836443590
structure and evolution of human y chromosome dna.two repeated sequences account for 70% of the dna of the human y chromosome. they are located in the heterochromatin of the long arm. these sequences are related to others found on human chimpanzee and gorilla autosomes, and on the human x chromosome but have diverged in a characteristic way from the non y copies. they have no detectable phenotypic effect when translocated to autosomes. we have cloned dna from the human y chromosome using fluorescence activated cell sorting. at least one single ...19836444175
andrenarche and its relationship to the onset of puberty.during normal human sexual development the adrenal gland undergoes a maturational process, termed adrenarche, which results in increased adrenal secretion of androgens and estrogens. adrenarche begins several years before the onset of gonadal maturation and correlates with the appearance of the adrenal reticular zone. in normal puberty, adrenarche and gonadarche (gonadal maturation) are closely linked, but in pathological situations adrenarche can occur without gonadarche, and gonadarche without ...19806445284
mixed lymphocyte reactivity in chimpanzees. i. some technical and genetic mixed lymphocyte culture (mlc) tests were performed among the members of five chimpanzee harems in all possible combinations: parents, parent-child, siblings and half-siblings. the technical aspects of mcl testing in chimpanzees appeared to be very similar to those observed for human and rhesus monkey mlc's. two unexpected observations were made for which no satisfactory explanation can as yet be give: firstly, the occurrence of animals with consistently high autologous values and second ...19806451051
immunotherapy of murine leukemia. v. protection against friend leukemia virus-induced immune complex glomerulonephritis by passive serum therapy.the development of immune complex glomerulonephritis in dba/2 mice infected with friend murine leukemia virus (f-mulv) was compared with that in mice protected against virus-induced disease by administration of chimpanzee anti-f-mulv antiserum (caf-mulv). morphologic analysis of glomeruli from viremic (infected) normal chimpanzee serum-treated animals revealed significant renal disease within 2 weeks following virus inoculation, with glomerular immune complex deposits and c-type viral particles ...19816456369
studies on hydrolytic enzymes of chimpanzee semen. 19816458337
live recombinant vaccinia virus protects chimpanzees against hepatitis b.hepatitis b virus (hbv) is an important human pathogen responsible for over 200 million cases of chronic infection, many of which progress to hepatocellular carcinoma. although hbv cannot be propagated in tissue culture, highly effective subunit vaccines obtained from the plasma of chronically infected patients have been developed and licensed. such vaccines are safe but their expense and limited quantities make them unavailable to most third world countries. other approaches to vaccine construc ...19846472464
[characteristics of the interaction of image and conditioned reflex memory during the ontogeny of chimpanzees].interaction of a stable conditioned reflex and trace visual image of a natural alimentary stimulus was studied in two groups of chimpanzee youngs. a. higher stability of visual imaginative memory was observed in animals of the elder group.20066475294
the taung endocast and the lunate sulcus: a rejection of the hypothesis of its anterior position.using an independent method of direct tape-arc measurements on six chimpanzee brain casts, it is shown that falk's (1980, 1983) claims regarding an anterior pongidlike placement of a lunate sulcus on the taung specimen remain unconfirmed. thus holloway's (1981) stereoplotting method of testing falk's hypothesis is independently confirmed, using the actual specimens rather than photographs of them. falk's (1980) placement of a lunate sulcus falls at least 2.5 standard deviations anterior to a pos ...19846476101
chimpanzee serum lipoproteins. isolation, characterisation and comparative aspects of the low density lipoprotein and apolipoprotein-bh.evaluation of the serum lipoprotein profile in non-fasting, adult chimpanzees by analytical ultracentrifugation revealed a lower mean ldl level (269 mg/dl) than typical of man. the major molecular form(s) of low density lipoprotein (ldl) was then isolated in the density interval 1.024-1.050 g/ml by sequential ultracentrifugation. the physicochemical properties of chimpanzee ldl, including net surface charge as judged by electrophoresis, molecular size (220 a) by electron microscopy, and chemical ...19846477668
diffuse myocardial fibrosis and congestive heart failure in an adult male chimpanzee. 19846485212
cardiac startle and orienting responses in the great apes.cardiac patterns of startle and orienting in response to auditory and vibrotactile stimuli were investigated in the infant chimpanzee and gorilla. results revealed a notable cardiac acceleration in response to the initial presentations of stimuli of either modality. this acceleratory response appeared to reflect the cardiac correlate of startle and was closely associated with the elicitation of somatic startle responses. this initial cardiac acceleration was subject to rapid habituation and was ...19846487420
binding specificities of eight monoclonal antibodies to human glycophorin a--studies with mcm, and mken(uk) variant human erythrocytes and m- and mnv-type chimpanzee erythrocytes.four newly derived mouse monoclonal antibodies to human glycophorin a are described. three of these antibodies bind preferentially to the n form of glycophorin a; the fourth recognizes a shared determinant of the m and n forms. all four antibodies are directed toward the 39 amino acid, amino-terminal portion of the protein, and the n-specific antibodies require for binding the presence of n-acetyl-neuraminic acid on the glycosidically linked oligosaccharides. cross-reaction of the n-specific ant ...19846491283
occurrence of ausab test positivity unrelated to prior exposure to hepatitis b virus.positive ausab test results in the absence of all other serological markers for hepatitis b have been seen frequently in serial serum specimens from quarantined chimpanzees. in this study the responsible reactant was found to be similar to igm in terms of both size and charge. after the inoculation of hepatitis b virus, ausab-positive and ausab-negative chimpanzees were found to be equally susceptible to hepatitis b infection. thus, the presence of this reactant did not confer immunity to hepati ...19846491378
erv3, a full-length human endogenous provirus: chromosomal localization and evolutionary relationships.a full-length human endogenous provirus termed erv3 was isolated from a human fetal recombinant dna library by low stringency hybridization with two probes: baboon endogenous virus ltr; and a pol-env subclone from the endogenous chimpanzee provirus, ch2. dna sequencing within the clone and comparisons with other retroviruses revealed that erv3 contains gag and pol gene sequences that are significantly related to those of mammalian type c retroviruses and previously described human endogenous pro ...19846495650
alopecia totalis in a chimpanzee.a case of alopecia totalis in a chimpanzee is reported. the disease was probably due to an autoimmune phenomenon and was successfully treated with immunosuppressive therapy. however, possible side-effects outweighed benefits.19846502684
evidence of hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy in a chimpanzee, pan troglodytes.dissection of a chimpanzee has revealed the association of an intrathoracic disease (probably coccidioidomycosis) with periosteal lesions that are restricted almost entirely to the appendicular skeleton and are distributed with bilateral symmetry. these pathological conditions are compatible with a diagnosis of hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy.19846502686
research costs: man versus chimpanzee. 19846502692
the tail of the mansonella streptocerca microfilaria.morphological studies of stained mansonella streptocerca microfilariae from the skin of man and chimpanzees in west africa revealed that the tail is bifid rather than blunt. this feature may be useful in characterization of related species.19846507737
a vocabulary test for chimpanzees (pan troglodytes).chimpanzees can communicate in american sign language (asl) to independent human observers whose only source of information is the asl signs of the chimpanzees. a vocabulary test was presented to 4 cross-fostered chimpanzees (4-6 years old). thirty-five-millimeter color slides were projected on a screen that could be seen by the chimpanzee subject but not by the human observers. there were two observers: o1 was the questioner in the testing room with the subject; o2 was in a different room. neit ...19846509904
ureaplasmas as a cause of disease in man and animals: fact or fancy?there is reluctance by some to regard ureaplasmas as a cause of nongonococcal urethritis in men largely because the organisms may also be found in healthy persons. could they be no more than passengers in disease? a review of past work suggests that this is not likely, a notion supported by the results of more recent studies. in certain other human diseases, such as urethritis and arthritis in hypogammaglobulinemic patients, the pathogenicity of ureaplasmas appears beyond question. in a variety ...19846511361
luteinizing hormone and gonadal steroid levels during the menstrual cycle of orangutans.serum luteinizing hormone (lh), progesterone, 17 beta-estradiol, and testosterone were measured during a single cycle each of five female orangutans, and urinary lh was measured in four of those cycles. midcycle peaks in lh and luteal phase elevations in progesterone (5.7-13.8 ng/ml) suggested that the cycles were ovulatory. 17 beta-estradiol was elevated at midcycle (163-318 pg/ml) and during the luteal phase (56-136 pg/ml) and testosterone was also elevated at midcycle (143-580 pg/ml). these h ...19846520860
[cutaneous achromia and malignant melanoma].a cutaneous depigmentation occurring either far, or the primary tumour, or about the excision scar, or appearing in different other conditions was noted 29 times among 500 cases of malignant melanoma. before excision, a vitiliginous depigmentation was present only in two patients. nevertheless 9 patients observed a vitiligo after surgical excision of the tumour (2.5 years after, as an average) this proportion must conjecturally increase thereafter and so represent a minimal score. twice, an achr ...19846524818
alteration in surface charge of chimpanzee sperm during epididymal transit and at further investigate changes in the sperm surface occurring during epididymal transit and after ejaculation, the surface negative charge on the head of chimpanzee sperm recovered from the caput (n = 4) and cauda epididymis (n = 3) and from the ejaculate (n = 4) was measured. washed sperm were exposed to colloidal iron at ph 1.6, washed, mounted on carbon plates, and examined in a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive x-ray analyzer. this technique permits evaluation o ...19846535458
intraepithelial inclusions resembling human biondi bodies in the choroid plexus of an aged chimpanzee.complex intracellular inclusion bodies of the biondi type were observed in the choroidal epithelium (choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle) of a 43-year-old male chimpanzee. the specific components of these inclusions are bundles of filaments 8-15 nm in diameter, which are associated with lipid droplets and a wide variety of unidentified inclusions of differing electron density. biondi bodies are characteristic inclusions of the choroid plexus of aged humans but have been claimed to be absent ...19846538460
nuclear progestin receptor in the chimpanzee sex skin.we describe for the first time the presence of a nuclear progestin receptor in the sex skin of the chimpanzee, which is possibly involved in the anti-estrogen action of progestins in the sexual swelling.19846542532
[inactivation of viruses in factor xiii concentrate by pasteurization].the use of a pasteurization step (heating in solution to 60 degrees c for 10 h) makes it possible to inactivate viruses, thus increasing the safety of the preparations. using factor xiii concentrate solution, it can be shown that hepatitis b virus and 10 other virus species are inactivated. pasteurized factor xiii was produced from starting material containing a total of 10(5.7) cid50 hepatitis-b virus (10(3.5) cid50/ml; cid = chimpanzee infectious dose). this factor xiii preparation was injecte ...19846543127
segregation of mutant ovalbumins and ovalbumin-globin fusion proteins in xenopus oocytes. identification of an ovalbumin signal sequence.the intramolecular signals for chicken ovalbumin secretion were examined by producing mutant proteins in xenopus oocytes. an ovalbumin complementary dna clone was manipulated in vitro, and constructs containing altered protein-coding sequences and either the simian virus 40 (sv40) early promoter or herpes simplex thymidine kinase promoter, were microinjected into xenopus laevis oocytes. the removal of the eight extreme n-terminal amino acids of ovalbumin had no effect on the segregation of ovalb ...19846543229
in vitro fibrinolytic activity of recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator in the plasma of various primate species.the ratio of fibrinolytic to fibrinogenolytic effect of recombinant human tissue-type plasminogen activator was investigated at several concentrations in an in vitro system consisting of 125i-fibrin labeled autologous plasma clots immersed in the plasma of several different primate species. a concentration-dependent fibrinolysis was obtained in each case; however, the degree of fibrinolysis differed markedly from one primate species to the other. at a concentration of 30 iu/ml (300 ng/ml) of rec ...19846543405
[contraceptive agents for men].contraceptive drugs for men can control fertility by interrupting the process of spermatogenesis, preventing the maturation of spermatozoids, acting on the transportation of sperm, and by producing specific antispermal antibodies (immunologic fertility control). the effect of various steroid and nonsteroid substances on the process of spermatogenesis has been studied. a combination of gestagens and androgens has been studied as a basis for male contraception. the latest publication by m. kuhl ...19846544022
immunotherapy of murine leukemia. ix. the requirement for the fc portion of antibody for successful passive serum therapy of friend leukemia virus-induced disease.the possible role of an antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (adcc)-type mechanism in the passive serum therapy of friend leukemia virus (flv)-induced erythroleukemia has been investigated by determining whether successful serum protection requires an intact fc portion on the administered antibody. f(ab')2 fragments of igg extracted from chimpanzee anti-flv and goat anti-flv gp71 antisera were prepared and compared with whole serum and uncleaved igg for their capacity to protect dba/2 mice a ...19836573816
[electrophoretic polymorphism of proteins and the genetic divergence of primates].the hypothesis suggesting that genetic distances between primate taxa are smaller than characteristic genetic distances between non-primate taxa having the similar level of phylogenetic affinity, due to the specific features of primate protein evolution, has been probed. to this end, genetic distances between green and rhesus monkeys representing different genera of one subfamily, and between humans and chimpanzees representing related families, have been calculated and compared. it has been sho ...19836574096
transmission of the hepatitis b virus-associated delta agent to the eastern agent of human origin was inoculated into four woodchucks chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (whv). the animals developed delta infections with serologic patterns similar to those previously observed in human and chimpanzee infections. delta antigen was detected transiently in serum and liver and was followed by seroconversion to anti-delta antibody. analogous to the chimpanzee model of delta infection, serum and hepatocyte markers of whv were suppressed in the woodchuck d ...19846585793
hominoid dental microwear: complications in the use of microwear analysis to detect diet.analysis of dental microwear on chimpanzee molars reveals much variation that reflects jaw mechanics and occlusal function rather than diet. observed microwear pattern differences relate to variations in molar position, facet type, and overall age of the tooth. gradients in the amounts of shear and compression generated at different points in the molar series relative to the condyle probably account for pattern variations associated with molar position, while differences in facet inclination may ...19846589263
orientation of occlusal contacts in the chimpanzee, pan troglodytes verus, deduced from scanning electron microscopic analysis of dental microwear patterns.analysis of dental microwear may be used to detect species differences in diet and to secure information about occlusal relationships and biomechanics of the jaw. microscratch-orientation data evaluated with reference to several hypotheses about functional, wear-related, sex and age influences on occlusal contacts indicated significant effects of facet type on scratch orientation, with less marked and sometimes paradoxical effects of molar wear and sex. age per se seemed not to be related to scr ...19846594090
structure and evolution of human and african ape rdna pseudogenes.we discuss the evolutionary significance of four aberrant 18s rdna clones that were obtained from human, chimpanzee, and gorilla dna libraries. we show that these clones carry representatives of a small 18s rdna pseudogene family that arose in a common ancestor of these species. aspects of their structure and phylogenetic distribution suggest that the 18s pseudogenes no longer interact genetically with normal ribosomal genes and therefore may not be linked to nucleolus organizer regions.19836599961
individual and evolutionary variation of primate ribosomal dna transcription initiation regions.a 16-kilobase region surrounding the transcription initiation site for ribosomal dna and including the entire ribosomal dna transcription unit has been characterized in man and compared in higher primates. restriction analysis of ribosomal dna from the pygmy chimpanzee (pan paniscus), the common chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), the gorilla (gorilla gorilla), the orangutan (pongo pygmaeus), the gibbon (hylobates lar), and the rhesus monkey (macaca mulatta) allows a primate phylogeny to be constructe ...19846599965
detection of serum antibodies to adult t-cell leukemia virus in non-human primates and in people from africa.the distribution of serum antibodies to adult t-cell leukemia virus (atlv) was examined as a marker for virus infection among non-human primates as well as people from africa and germany. the virus is present in africa in certain primate species including man. altogether, 468 sera from 27 monkey species were examined. only african green monkeys, less frequently also chimpanzees and crab-eating monkeys, were found to be infected. about 1-2% of people from kenya have antibodies, while atlv-antibod ...19836604034
determinants for protein localization: beta-lactamase signal sequence directs globin across microsomal membranes.a hybrid gene containing 182 codons of escherichia coli beta-lactamase at the amino terminus of the corresponding protein and 141 codons of alpha-globin at the carboxyl terminus was generated by inserting chimpanzee alpha-globin cdna into the pst i site of plasmid pbr322. rna transcribed in vitro from this plasmid gave a corresponding hybrid protein in a wheat germ cell-free translation system. the hybrid protein was protected from tryptic digestion and the pre-beta-lactamase signal peptide was ...19846607473
a study of the susceptibility of three species of primate to vaginal colonization with gardnerella an attempt to develop an animal model of gardnerella-associated vaginitis, several strains of gardnerella vaginalis were inoculated into the lower genital tract of female pig-tailed macaques, tamarins and chimpanzees. g. vaginalis was not recovered from either tamarins or chimpanzees, but was recovered from each of 1o pig-tailed macaques inoculated with either of two freshly isolated gardnerella strains, colonization persisting for 11-39 days. examination of gram-stained vaginal smears obtain ...19846611168
signals regulating hepatitis b surface antigen transcription.about 200 million people are chronic carriers of hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag), but since hepatitis b virus (hbv) cannot be propagated in vitro, hbsag transcription has been studied only in cell lines containing hbv dna integrated into chromosomes, and hbsag-related mrnas 2.0 to 2.5 kilobases (kb) long have been described. we have analysed the transcripts produced in an infected chimpanzee liver and in a rat cell line containing hbv dna. in contrast to previous suppositions we report here ...19836621688
notes on the morphology of the chimpanzee and orang-utan placenta.the placentae of 11 chimpanzees and five orang-utans were collected from japanese zoos immediately after delivery and were examined according to the methods routinely used for the human placenta. placenta extrachorialis (circumvallate and circummarginate placenta) occurred in 80 per cent of the specimens collected from each species. in both groups, the placental vessels were distributed predominantly in the magistral pattern, and the umbilical cord was eccentrically inserted. subchorionic fibrin ...19836622432
paedomorphosis and neoteny in the pygmy chimpanzee.the strongly paedomorphic skull form in the pygmy chimpanzee results from the heterochronic process of neoteny. this cranial paedomorphosis and neoteny in pan paniscus may be related to reduced sexual dimorphism in morphology and behavior. the interspecific differences in form result from shifts in the rate and timing of similar patterns of development.19836623093
contributions to the optimal use of human blood. ix. elimination of hepatitis b transmission by (potentially) infectious plasma derivatives.investigations were performed concerning the elimination of the risk of hepatitis b transmission of potentially infectious plasma derivatives by the addition of a low dose of hepatitis b immunoglobulin (hbig). to this end, clotting factor viii concentrate, prothrombin complex, c1 esterase inhibitor concentrate, plasminogen and antithrombin iii were prepared from plasma strongly positive for hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag). to one half of every preparation, hbig was added up to a final concen ...19836624009
acquired preferences for piquant foods by chimpanzees.humans frequently develop likings for innately unpalatable substances, while this occurs very rarely in non-humans. in this study, we establish a preference for crackers seasoned with chili pepper in two domesticated chimpanzees. chimps were offered a series of increasingly piquant crackers by their caretaker, and gradually came to prefer these crackers to unseasoned crackers. the preferences were stable over months, and generalized to a different piquant cracker. available evidence suggests tha ...19836625565
inactivation of hepatitis b virus by intermediate-to-high-level disinfectant five separate tests, hepatitis b virus in dried human plasma was exposed for 10 min at 20 degrees c to disinfectant chemicals having activity levels ranging from intermediate (e.g., 70% isopropyl alcohol) to high (e.g., 2% aqueous glutaraldehyde at ph 8.6). five chimpanzees (one animal per disinfectant chemical) received treated material intravenously, and none showed signs of infection after post-inoculation periods of 9 months. two animals were rechallenged with inoculum treated in the same ...19836630443
a monoclonal antibody to rhesus erythrocyte band 3 inhibits invasion by malaria (plasmodium knowlesi) merozoites.receptors on erythrocytes and malaria parasites mediate specific attachment and junction formation between these cells that lead to invasion of the erythrocytes. we identified monoclonal antibody a9 and its subclone a9d3 that bound to rhesus erythrocytes and blocked invasion of the erythrocytes by plasmodium knowlesi merozoites. the monoclonal antibodies did not block attachment, the initial step in invasion, although swelling and crenation of the erythrocyte, which normally occur after attachme ...19836630511
platelet and granulocyte specific allo-antigens in chimpanzees.chimpanzees were allo-immunized with blood from donors, chla-a and -b identical to the recipient. the sera of some of these animals contained antibodies that reacted only with the platelets or granulocytes of the immunizing donor and of some related and unrelated chimpanzees. both for the platelets and the granulocytes a di-allelic system of allo-antigens is described, provisionally called chpl-1 and chgr-1.19836636115
hypothyroidism in a chimpanzee. 19836643264
effects of uricosuric drugs and diuretics on uric acid excretion in oxonate-treated rats.a practical procedure for evaluating uricosuric agents was demonstrated using clearance experiments with potassium oxonate-treated rats. the fractional excretion value of uric acid showed a reabsorptive net flux of uric acid in the renal tubules of the animal, though the value was obviously higher than those of primates such as men, chimpanzees and cebus monkeys. however, the rats responded well to uricosuric drugs and diuretics. probenecid and uricosuric diuretics such as tienilic acid induced ...19836645117
hepatitis b after infection of a chimpanzee with cloned hbv dna.transfection of chimpanzee liver cells in vivo or in vitro with cloned hbv dna induced typical hepatitis b in the inoculated animal. intravenous inoculation of a 1000-fold greater dose of the same cloned hbv dna did not induce infection or disease. the experiment proved that cloned hbv dna is fully functional and that the nick gap structure, proteins covalently linked to the hbv genome, or any other hbv particle associated protein are not needed for initiation of virus replication.19836653885
hepatic fibrosis in schistosoma haematobium-infected mice were exposed subcutaneously to 270 to 500 schistosoma haematobium cercariae and killed 13 to 52 weeks later. less than 10% of applied cercariae were recovered as worms, and the rate of oviposition by adult worm pairs was generally low. however, the adult worms survived well, the females contained an average of 56 eggs one year after infection, and numerous mature eggs were present in the tissues. all worms were located in the portal venous system. s. haematobium eggs in the liver elic ...19836659047
[comparative anatomy of the mandible. functional aspects].the structural morphology of the mandibula is presented and correlated to various types of mastication in several mammalian species. the latter include: carnivores (dog, cat, cheetah, lion); omnivores (man, chimpanzee, hog); herbivores (horse, ox, goat, camel, rabbit). while the mandibula is studied as a composite unit, a more analytical, segmental approach has been included, and both are illustrated by x-rays. the aspects presented underline the distribution as well as the local modifications o ...19836679450
distribution and clearance from the body of an oxypolygelatin plasma substitute determined by radioactive tracer study in chimpanzees.the organ distribution of a colloidal plasma substitute on the basis of oxypolygelatin (gelifundol s) has been determined in chimpanzees with radioactively tagged material. the radioactivity was distributed uniformly in the whole body and after 24 h it was nearly completely excreted. as liver, spleen, heart, lungs and kidneys were not depicted radiographically in contrast to the body background, it can be concluded that ther e is no preference for the colloid to be stored in any of these organs. ...19836686451
structural and evolutionary analysis of the two chimpanzee alpha-globin mrnas.two distinct alpha-globin mrnas were detected in chimpanzee reticulocyte mrna using a primer extension assay. dna copies of these two mrnas were cloned in the bacterial plasmid pbr322, and their sequence was determined. the two alpha-globin mrnas have obvious structural homology to the two human alpha-globin mrnas, alpha 1 and alpha 2. comparison of the two chimpanzee alpha-globin mrnas to each other and to their corresponding human counterparts revealed evidence of a recent gene conversion in t ...19836689503
identification and quantitation of steroids in sulfate fractions from plasma of pregnant chimpanzee, orangutan, and rhesus monkey.steroids in the mono- and disulfate fractions from plasma of pregnant chimpanzees (pan troglodytes), orangutans (pongo pygmaeus), and a rhesus monkey (macaca mulatta) were identified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and quantitated by gas-liquid chromatography on open tubular glass capillary columns. whereas the average total concentrations were 4-5 times lower, 2.3-5.5 mumol x 1(-1) vs. 10.7-19.8 mumol x 1(-1), the pattern of steroid sulfates in the chimpanzees and orangutans were very s ...19846690281
delta hepatitis agent: structural and antigenic properties of the delta-associated agent (delta) was serially passaged to a second and third hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag) carrier chimpanzee, using as inoculum the peak delta antigen (delta ag) serum of an animal previously infected with human serum. the characteristics of serially transmitted delta ag were similar to those described in first-passage animals. it was consistently detected before the development of anti-delta, in association with a 35- to 37-nm subpopulation of hbsag particles and a unique low-molecula ...19846698598
species identification of blood and saliva stains by enzyme-linked immunoassay (elisa) using monoclonal indirect enzyme-linked immunoassay (elisa) method for the identification of human blood and saliva stains is reported. the method uses a monoclonal antibody which reacts with human immunoglobulin g (igg) in extracts of blood and saliva stains up to 16 months old. semen stain extracts gave weak or negative results. for routine screening purposes dilutions of 1:1000 for bloodstain extracts and 1:100 for saliva stain extracts would be suitable. of 32 other animal species tested, only chimpanzee, ...19846699607
'insight' in the pigeon: antecedents and determinants of an intelligent 1917 wolfgang köhler reported some rather extraordinary instances of problem solving by a number of chimpanzees, and his observations have been the subject of controversy ever since. the period of quiescence that sometimes preceded the solution, its sudden onset, and its smooth, continuous emergence were proffered as evidence that (1) contrary to suggestions of learning theorists of the day, problem solving was not necessarily a trial-and-error process, and (2) constructs such as 'insight' we ...19846700713
the assessment of jaw movement direction from dental order to resolve several controversies about unusual jaw movements such as thegosis and orthal retraction, information about direction of jaw movement is essential. ryan (1979a,b) proposed that asymmetry of microwear striations might provide such data. in vivo occurrences of asymmetric striations on chimpanzee molars are presented and analyzed. results suggest that either thegosis contacts commonly occur on chimpanzee molars or that ryan's model, as developed in vitro, does not accurately app ...19846703036
pathology of hepatitis a infection in the owl monkey (aotus trivirgatus).sequential liver biopsies of owl monkeys that had been experimentally infected with one of two strains of hepatitis a virus (hm-175 or pa-33) were examined for histopathologic alterations. preinoculation biopsies were normal with only occasional minimal mononuclear cell infiltrates in portal tracts and hepatic lobular parenchyma. histopathologic features that were present in biopsies taken during the period of elevated serum alanine aminotransferase activity (16-43 days after the intravenous ino ...19846711675
acute hepatitis a infection in hepatitis b chimpanzee carriers.two hepatitis b virus carrier chimpanzees which were superinfected with hepatitis a virus developed acute hepatitis followed by the production of antibodies to hepatitis a virus. the southern blot technique employed to monitor liver hepatitis b virus dna revealed that the amount of viral dna in both animals was significantly reduced during the acute phase of hepatitis a infection. the levels of plasma hepatitis b dna polymerase activity were also reduced in one chimpanzee. the high titers of hbs ...19846724518
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