Title | Abstract | Year Filter | PMID(sorted ascending) Filter |
[lyme disease: a new zoonosis transmitted by ticks]. | 1985 | 3896516 | |
the western black-legged tick, ixodes pacificus: a vector of borrelia burgdorferi. | to determine the significance of the western black-legged tick, ixodes pacificus, as a vector of the lyme disease spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi, a tick/spirochete survey was conducted in northern california and southwestern oregon from 1982 to 1984. of 1,687 adult ticks collected off vegetation, 25 (1.48%) contained spirochetes. of 715 ticks from oregon, 14 (1.96%) were infected whereas 11 (1.13%) of 972 ticks from california harbored spirochetes. an isolate of 1 of the spirochetes reacted sp ... | 1985 | 3898886 |
erythema chronicum migrans afzelius and acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans. early and late manifestations of ixodes ricinus-borne borrelia spirochetes. | in the present thesis consecutive patients, 231 with ecma, 41 with aca and 20 with facial palsy (bell's palsy), have been studied. it has been shown that spirochetes, transmitted by the tick ixodes ricinus, are involved in the etiology of ecma and aca. this has been shown through the isolation and cultivation of spirochetes from ticks and from the skin of patients with ecma and aca. the spirochetes have morphological characteristics similar to those of the genus borrelia. no antigenic difference ... | 1985 | 3901647 |
isolation and characterization of the lyme disease spirochete from the skin of patients with erythema chronicum migrans. | the lyme disease spirochete, which had previously been isolated with difficulty from human skin lesions of erythema chronicum migrans of lyme disease, was grown from six of fourteen skin biopsies cultured in a newly modified kelly's medium. in two instances the lyme disease spirochetes that were grown were also seen in histopathologic sections. organisms grew in clumps in liquid culture medium. all six isolates reacted with a monoclonal antibody to a 31,000-dalton outer membrane protein. only th ... | 1985 | 3902917 |
clinical utility of assays for circulating immune complexes. | there are now many assays for the quantification of circulating immune complexes, each with distinct specificity and sensitivity. in a wide variety of rheumatic, infectious, neoplastic, and metabolic conditions, levels of circulating immune complexes may be elevated. in select situations, determination of circulating immune complex levels may help clinicians in the management of their patients. in lupus erythematosus, circulating immune complex levels, in conjunction with other immune parameters ... | 1985 | 3903373 |
tick-borne borrelia infection in sweden. | spirochetes were cultivated from 17% of 114 ixodes ricinus ticks in the stockholm area. three strains of these spirochetes were selected for studies by electron microscopy. these three strains had definite morphological similarities to spirochetes of the genus borrelia, as judged by the number of flagella, absence of cytoplasmic tubules, and dimensions. the three strains were not identical, but seemed to consist of two different kinds of cells, one with eight and one with eleven flagella. the th ... | 1985 | 3903977 |
[erythema migrans borreliosis in the federal republic of germany. epidemiology and clinical aspects]. | a positive antibody titre against ixodes-ricinus-borrelia (burgdorferi), using indirect immunofluorescence or elisa, could be detected in serum and (or) liquor of 935 (32%) out of a total of 2955 patients between january 1984 and july 1985. in 289 of these cases the typical clinical manifestations were lacking whereas a characteristic disease picture enabled a diagnosis to be made in 171 patients with negative or borderline antibody titres. the 1106 cases of infection observed covered all region ... | 1985 | 3905325 |
[chronic migrant erythema or lyme disease--a new tick-borne spirochaetales infection]. | 1985 | 3907212 | |
gyrate erythema. | the gyrate erythemas consist of a nonspecific group (often called erythema annulare centrifugum) for which the cause is usually unknown, and three specific types (erythema marginatum rheumaticum, erythema chronicum migrans [lyme disease], and erythema gyratum repens). the first specific type, erythema marginatum rheumaticum, has become extremely rare with the decline of its associated disease, rheumatic fever. the second specific type, erythema chronicum migrans, is caused by a spirochete transm ... | 2013 | 3912086 |
borrelia burgdorferi, a possible cause of bell's palsy? | the etiology of bell's palsy (b.p.) is as yet unknown. in 7 out of 20 patients with b.p. we observed significantly elevated antibodies against borrelia burgdoferi (igm and igg) by means of an indirect immunofluorescence test (iift). controls were 50 healthy subjects and 25 patients with various neurological disorders. all were of comparable age and sex, with similar residential backgrounds. in this group no significant titer of antibodies against b.burgdorferi were detectable. | 1985 | 3912092 |
lyme disease in italy: first reported case. | the aa describe the first italian case of lyme disease in a middle aged woman: the patient developed after a tick bite the classical erythema chronicum migrans lesions and one month later an oligoarthritis. by indirect immunofluorescence assay it has been found a significant titre compatible with an infection by borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of lyme disease. | 1985 | 3913452 |
update: lyme disease and cases occurring during pregnancy--united states. | 1985 | 3925314 | |
identification of endemic foci of lyme disease: isolation of borrelia burgdorferi from feral rodents and ticks (dermacentor variabilis). | borrelia burgdorferi, the etiological agent of lyme disease, was isolated from the blood, kidneys, spleens, eyes, or livers of white-footed mice (peromyscus leucopus) (n = 19 of 22) and from the blood, kidneys, or spleens of eastern chipmunks (tamias striatus) (n = 2 of 2) captured at three foci for lyme disease in eastern connecticut. these bacteria were cultured most frequently from spleens (n = 19) and kidneys (n = 15). b. burgdorferi persisted in one mouse for at least 60 days. one spirochet ... | 1985 | 3926816 |
[therapy of erythema migrans disease (lyme disease)]. | 1985 | 3928314 | |
facial paralysis from lyme disease. | 2014 | 3931030 | |
lyme disease and related disorders. | lyme disease and related tick-borne diseases are caused by borrelia spp. this discovery has sparked off a revival of interest in the ecology, pathology and epidemiology of these spirochaetes. | 1985 | 3940015 |
lyme disease: epidemiologic characteristics of an outbreak in westchester county, ny. | epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 210 cases of lyme disease in westchester county, new york, reported during 1982 and 1983 are described. most cases occurred during summer months in individuals under age 40 (male: female ratio 1:2 to 1). symptoms included skin rash (75 per cent), joint pain or swelling (50 per cent), bell's palsy (11 per cent), and aseptic meningitis (3 per cent). with greater public and medical awareness of this tick-borne disease, lyme disease is being recognized ... | 1986 | 3940454 |
[borrelia infections (lyme disease): what does a positive serology mean?]. | 1986 | 3940840 | |
involvement of birds in the epidemiology of the lyme disease agent borrelia burgdorferi. | borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of lyme disease, was isolated from the liver of a passerine bird, catharus fuscescens (veery), and from larval ixodes dammini (tick) feeding on pheucticus ludovicianus (rose-breasted grosbeak) and geothlypis trichas (common yellowthroat). in indirect immunofluorescence antibody tests, isolates reacted with polyclonal and monoclonal (h5332) antibodies. studies on the dna composition of the veery liver isolate and the strain cultured from an i. dammini lar ... | 1986 | 3943893 |
intrathecal production of specific antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi in patients with lymphocytic meningoradiculitis (bannwarth's syndrome). | central nervous system infection with borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of lyme disease in the usa, manifests itself most frequently in europe as lymphocytic meningoradiculitis (bannwarth's syndrome). we examined 12 patients with lymphocytic meningoradiculitis with cerebrospinal fluid (csf) antibodies against b. burgdorferi to establish whether these antibodies were produced intrathecally or were serum derived. by comparison of titers of antibody to b. burgdorferi with total igg and anti ... | 1986 | 3944483 |
the histopathology of experimentally infected hamsters with the lyme disease spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi. | seven hamsters, experimentally infected with borrelia burgdorferi, were examined by both cultural and histological techniques at 1 to 9 months postinfection. spirochetes were detected in the spleen, kidney, or eye of all animals by culture and in the spleen, kidney, eye, liver, or heart blood of five of seven animals by histological examination. two animals showed nonspecific hepatic portal lymphocytic infiltration, while five of the hamsters displayed no significant histologic signs of inflamma ... | 1986 | 3945634 |
lyme disease mimicking secondary syphilis. | 1986 | 3950103 | |
seasonal abundance and hosts of ixodes dammini (acari: ixodidae) and other ixodid ticks from an endemic lyme disease focus in new jersey, usa. | 1986 | 3950921 | |
lymphocytic meningoradiculitis (garin-bujadoux bannwarth): from syndrome to disease? | in two children with lymphocytic meningoradiculitis (bannwarth's syndrome), igg and igm antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi were demonstrated. clinical and laboratory parameters of the syndrome are described and recent bacteriological and serological findings that link the syndrome to the american lyme disease are discussed, as well as the effects of antibiotic treatment. | 1986 | 3956539 |
reinfection in erythema migrans disease. | two patients received oral penicillin for erythema migrans disease (emd) in 1973 and 1977. five and seven years later, respectively, they developed emd for a second time after being bitten by ticks. the first and second erythema migrans lesions appeared in different places. tests of sera evaluated for antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi before (in one case), during and after the second episode of emd remained negative (patient 1) or yielded an at least four-fold rise of igg antibody titers, but d ... | 1986 | 3957434 |
ixodid tick attacks on man in israel: medical implications. | various species of ixodid ticks that have been recorded to attack man were surveyed, and boutonneuse fever caused by rickettsia conorii, which is transmitted in israel by rhipicephalus sanguineus s.l., is reviewed. only in one case were a complement fixation test and exact determination of the species of the tick performed. tick toxicosis and tick paralysis are discussed, and the possibility of human babesiosis and lyme disease or erythema chronicum migrans appearing in israel is considered. | 1986 | 3957641 |
[neurologic manifestations of borrelia burgdorferi infections]. | lyme disease, first recognized in 1975, typically begins in summer with erythema chronicum migrans (ecm) followed some months later by neurological symptoms (meningoencephalitis, cranial neuropathy), associated with carditis and arthritis. bannwarth's syndrome is characterized by an ecm followed by radicular pain and radicular sensory and motor disturbances, accompanied by aseptic meningitis. in both cases the cerebrospinal fluid typically shows marked lymphocytic pleocytosis accompanied by an o ... | 1986 | 3961463 |
lyme arthritis: radiologic findings. | lyme disease is a newly recognized, multi-system disorder that may be associated with chronic arthritis. of 25 patients with severe arthritic manifestations the most frequent radiographic finding was knee joint effusion. intra-articular edema was often accompanied by a continuum of soft-tissue changes involving the infrapatellar fat pad, periarticular soft tissues, and the entheses, which were sometimes thickened, calcified, or ossified. later in the illness, the joints of some patients showed t ... | 1985 | 3964949 |
the triad of neurologic manifestations of lyme disease: meningitis, cranial neuritis, and radiculoneuritis. | we studied 38 patients with lyme meningitis, a newly recognized spirochetal infection. the patients characteristically had intermittent attacks of severe headache, mild meningismus, and a predominantly lymphocytic pleocytosis. in addition to meningitis, 11 patients experienced subtle encephalitic signs, 19 had cranial neuritis, most commonly unilateral or bilateral facial palsy, and 12 developed peripheral radiculoneuritis, plexitis, or mononeuritis multiplex. without antibiotic therapy, the dur ... | 2006 | 3966001 |
lyme arthritis. spirochetes found in synovial microangiopathic lesions. | in 17 patients with lyme disease, synovial specimens, obtained by synovectomy or needle biopsy, showed nonspecific villous hypertrophy, synovial cell hyperplasia, prominent microvasculature, lymphoplasmacellular infiltration, and sometimes lymphoid follicles. the larger surgically obtained specimens also showed striking deposition of fibrin in synovial stroma and a form of endarteritis obliterans. in 2 patients, spirochetes were seen in and around blood vessels by the dieterle silver stain. comp ... | 1985 | 3966535 |
lyme disease. a cause of bilateral facial paralysis. | recently we had the opportunity of treating a boy from the northeastern region of the united states in whom bilateral facial palsies developed. after obtaining a detailed history and performing a thorough physical examination, the findings suggested lyme disease. we herein discuss our evaluation and treatment of this child as well as review the otolaryngologic manifestations of this rare disease. | 1985 | 3966898 |
demyelinating encephalopathy in lyme disease. | a 38-year-old man from southeastern connecticut developed a diffuse encephalopathy with partial complex seizures, followed weeks later by arthritis, cryoglobulinemia, and increased serum igm. ct showed confluent low-density lesions in the deep cerebral white matter consistent with demyelination. neither the encephalopathy nor the ct abnormalities improved. lyme disease was diagnosed serologically 4 years later. | 1985 | 3969220 |
a single recombinant plasmid expressing two major outer surface proteins of the lyme disease spirochete. | a gene bank of dna from the lyme disease spirochete was constructed in the plasmid pbr322. plasmid ptrh32, a recombinant that in escherichia coli expresses the two major outer surface proteins of the lyme disease spirochete, was identified. one of the recombinant products, designated ospa, represents a surface protein that appears to be common to all lyme disease spirochetes, whereas the other recombinant product, designated ospb, represents a more variable surface protein. this recombinant plas ... | 1985 | 3969554 |
diagnosing early lyme disease. | the diagnostic value of clinical, culture, and serologic findings was studied prospectively in 41 patients with early lyme disease. fifteen patients had erythema chronicum migrans alone, and 26 had clinical evidence of disseminated infection, most commonly affecting the brain or meninges, other skin sites, lymph nodes, or joints. of 40 blood cultures, only one, from a patient with disseminated infection, yielded spirochetes. one of 10 patients tested with localized infection had an elevated igm ... | 1985 | 3970049 |
illness associated with campylobacter laridis, a newly recognized campylobacter species. | campylobacter laridis, a recently described thermophilic campylobacter species found principally in seagulls, has not previously been linked to illness in humans. six clinical isolates of this species were referred to the national campylobacter reference laboratory in 1982 and 1983. each isolate was confirmed by biochemical characterization and by dna relatedness studies. the six isolates were obtained during an illness: enteritis in four, severe crampy abdominal pain in one, and terminal bacter ... | 1985 | 3972989 |
the role of adult ixodes dammini (acari: ixodidae) in the transmission of lyme disease in new jersey, usa. | 1985 | 3981553 | |
lyme disease. the tick bite, the rash, and the sequelae. | lyme disease may present as a characteristic skin eruption, an acute arthritis, or less commonly, an acute neurologic or cardiac illness. a carefully taken history, including a travel history, provides the key to diagnosis. laboratory tests other than spirochetal antibody studies are nonspecific. prompt antibiotic treatment is important not only for reducing the intensity and duration of the skin eruption but for preventing major sequelae. | 1985 | 3983029 |
lyme disease in a 12-year-old girl. | we report the case of a 12-year-old girl with erythema chronicum migrans, aseptic meningitis and knee arthralgia. rise of specific antibody titre against an ixodes ricinus spirochaete was demonstrated. circulating immune complexes and high levels of c1r-c1s-c1ia complexes indicating activation of the complement system via the classical pathway were found. the clinical features and the laboratory findings warranted a diagnosis of lyme disease. | 1985 | 3984718 |
mice as reservoirs of the lyme disease spirochete. | in evaluating the white-footed mouse as a reservoir host for the lyme disease spirochete, we compared spirochete infection in vector ticks (ixodes dammini) having different histories of attachment to these mice, estimated their relative importance as hosts for immature i. dammini and compared the seasonality of tick activity and spirochetemia in mice. infection in trapped white-footed mice appears to be universal. prevalence of spirochetal infection in i. dammini correlates with frequency of att ... | 1985 | 3985277 |
borreliosis in dogs from southern connecticut. | blood samples were obtained from dogs in tick-infested regions of southern connecticut to assess canine exposure to borrelia burgdorferi, the etiologic agent of lyme disease in human beings. an indirect fluorescent antibody test detected immunoglobulin (ig)m antibodies at titers of 1:64 to 1:512 in 22 of 84 serum samples previously shown to be positive with a polyvalent rabbit anti-dog total ig conjugate. analyses of paired serum samples from 20 seropositive dogs revealed temporal differences in ... | 1985 | 3997647 |
arthritis caused by borrelia burgdorferi in dogs. | from october 1982 to may 1984, we studied 34 dogs from the lyme, conn area that had a history of tick exposure and lameness associated with pain, warmth, and/or swelling in one or more joints. large numbers of polymorphonuclear leukocytes were seen in giemsa-stained smears of synovial fluid from 9 dogs, and spirochetes (borrelia burgdorferi) were found in 1 sample by darkfield microscopy and immunoperoxidase techniques. the geometric mean antibody titer to b burgdorferi in the 34 dogs was 1:2,70 ... | 1985 | 3997648 |
surveillance of lyme disease in the united states, 1982. | lyme disease is a tick-borne illness that has been reported from three regions in the united states--the northeast, midwest, and west--which correspond to the distribution of the recognized vectors of the disease, ixodes dammini and ixodes pacificus. in 1982, a surveillance system designed to define the morbidity and geographic distribution for lyme disease by using a clinical case definition received information on 491 definite cases and 38 probable cases. of the definite cases, 489 were acquir ... | 1985 | 3998509 |
ticks, spirochetes, and new diagnostic tests for lyme disease. | 2014 | 3999811 | |
isolation of the lyme disease spirochete from mammals in minnesota. | lyme disease spirochetes were isolated from the kidneys of two peromyscus spp. trapped in minnesota in september and october 1983. no spirochetes were isolated from white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), red backed voles (clethrionomys gapperi), or shrews (sorexy cinereus and blarina brevicauda). this is the first report of the isolation of the lyme disease spirochete from the midwestern united states and isolations from these animals, which were free of ticks, suggest that the lyme disease ... | 1985 | 4001130 |
maternal-fetal transmission of the lyme disease spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi. | 1985 | 4003991 | |
chemical and biologic characterization of a lipopolysaccharide extracted from the lyme disease spirochete (borrelia burgdorferi). | a lipopolysaccharide (lps) was isolated from the lyme disease spirochete by a modification of the hot phenol-water method. the material was composed of 45% carbohydrate, 8% protein, 44% lipid a, and 1% 3-deoxy-d-mannooctulosonic acid and accounted for approximately 1.5% of the cellular dry weight. the isolated lps possessed several biologic activities characteristic of endotoxins. the lps was pyrogenic for rabbits, mitogenic for human mononuclear cells and murine splenocytes, capable of clotting ... | 1985 | 4008983 |
leads from the mmwr. update: lyme disease and cases occurring during pregnancy. | 1985 | 4009904 | |
erythema chronicum migrans and lyme disease. | lyme disease is an inflammatory disorder with a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations that involve the skin, joints, heart, and nervous system (1-4). initially described in 1977 and named after the rural town in connecticut where the first cases were detected in 1975, lyme disease has now been recognized in at least 24 states (5-7), canada (8), australia (9), france (10), switzerland (11), and germany (12), and in individuals who travel to or spend time in areas known to be endemic for this d ... | 1985 | 4011504 |
[lyme disease in finland]. | 1985 | 4017911 | |
lyme disease: commentary from europe. | 1985 | 4022392 | |
lyme disease--a new rheumatologic disorder. | 1985 | 4022553 | |
unilateral blindness caused by infection with the lyme disease spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi. | 1985 | 4026085 | |
serologic testing for lyme disease. | 1985 | 4026091 | |
lyme disease in italy: first reported case. | 1985 | 4026422 | |
lyme disease. | 1985 | 4029451 | |
serological evidence for simultaneous occurrences of lyme disease and babesiosis. | babesia microti and borrelia burgdorferi, the spirochetal agent of lyme disease, are both transmitted by the tick ixodes dammini. serological evidence has shown that 54% of the patients with babesiosis tested have igg and igm antibodies to the spirochete causing lyme disease. likewise, 66% of randomly selected patients with lyme disease from geographic areas endemic for both diseases, but not from areas where babesiosis does not occur, also have igm and igg antibodies to b. microti. antigenic cr ... | 1985 | 4031555 |
fatal pancarditis in a patient with coexistent lyme disease and babesiosis. demonstration of spirochetes in the myocardium. | a 66-year-old man developed fever, chills, myalgias, three erythematous skin lesions, and transient left eyelid lag. because of persistent fever, he was hospitalized 4 weeks after the onset of disease; a peripheral blood smear showed babesia microti in 3% of his erythrocytes. eighteen hours later, he died unexpectedly. autopsy showed pancarditis with a diffuse lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, and spirochetes were found in the myocardium. antibody titers to both the lyme disease spirochete borrelia ... | 1985 | 4040723 |
response of mononuclear cells to borrelia burgdorferi. | 1985 | 4051366 | |
facial paralysis in lyme disease. | lyme disease is a multisystemic illness caused by a tick-borne spirochete. once considered unique to the connecticut coastline, thousands of cases are now documented throughout the united states, northern europe, and australia. unilateral and bilateral facial paralysis may occur in up to 11% of patients with lyme disease. this paper reviews the clinical course, distinguishing features, and outcome of 124 such palsies in 101 patients seen between 1975 and 1984. the 99.2% spontaneous recovery rate ... | 1985 | 4058212 |
[lyme disease--tick-borne borreliosis in hungary]. | 1985 | 4058917 | |
isolation of spirochetes from the skin of patients with erythema chronicum migrans in austria. | spirochetal organisms were isolated from biopsies (skin punches) of the erythematous anular skin lesion of three patients with erythema chronicum migrans. the organisms were cultivated in modified kelly's medium and - after an incubation period of 2 weeks - discovered by dark field microscopy (x 200). compared with the lyme disease agent borrelia burgdorferi the organisms did not differ in shape, motility and reaction with polyclonal antiserum. differences to b. burgdorferi were found in (i) ver ... | 1985 | 4060924 |
gallium-positive lyme disease myocarditis. | in the course of a work-up for fever of unknown origin associated with intermittent arrhythmias, a gallium scan was performed which revealed diffuse myocardial uptake. the diagnosis of lyme disease myocarditis subsequently was confirmed by serologic titers. one month following recovery from the acute illness, the abnormal myocardial uptake completely resolved. | 1985 | 4064440 |
pseudotumor cerebri and lyme disease: a new association. | 1985 | 4067752 | |
[erythema migrans disease. 3 case examples with neurologic complications]. | the erythema-migrans-disease is closely related to lyme-disease as described in the usa, and represents a tickborne spirochetosis with highest incidence during summer and autumn. besides nonspecific general symptoms in its earlier stages, it is characterized by a distinctive erythema migrans; later, additional neurological, cardiac and/or arthritic symptoms may develope. its typical neurologic complication, the lymphocytic meningoradiculitis garin-bujadoux-bannwarth, was observed in three childr ... | 1985 | 4069115 |
[etiologic and epidemiologic questions posed by erythema chronicum migrans and lyme disease. apropos of 4 cases at the regional hospital center, rennes]. | the authors give 4 observations, made in rennes (france), of 3 cases contracted in france and 1 in canada, cases they think to be related, for 3 at least, to the infectious entity described by american authors under the name of lyme disease. if 1 of these cases was limited to an erythema chronicum migrans, the 3 others showed a beginning evolution towards a classical lyme disease. in 2 of these 3 last cases, the infection was perhaps cut short by a quickly applied therapy by antibiotics. they di ... | 1985 | 4075471 |
[2 cases of lyme disease contracted in france]. | two new cases of lyme disease are reported. both were contracted in western france. in the first case, a tick bite was followed by a typical erythema chronicum migrans and then a subacute arthritis. high levels of specific antibodies were demonstrated. in the second case, only erythema chronicum migrans developed and serology remained negative. at least, 16 typical cases of lyme disease have now been reported in france from several geographical areas. | 1985 | 4075472 |
polyneuritis cranialis associated with borrelia burgdorferi. | three patients with classical idiopathic polyneuritis cranialis, in whom no other aetiology could be detected, were examined serologically, by means of indirect immunofluorescence test, for antibodies (igm and igg) against borrelia burgdorferi, the aetiologic agent of lyme disease. in each case polyneuritis cranialis was caused by infection with borrelia burgdorferi. therapy with penicillin proved to be effective. | 1985 | 4078585 |
[between the early stage of lyme disease and afzelius' erythema chronicum migrans lies the atlantic]. | 1985 | 4081432 | |
antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi in new england horses: serologic survey. | twelve of 50 randomly selected horses from areas endemic for borrelia burgdorferi had indirect fluorescent antibody titers of 1:8 to 1:2,048 against b burgdorferi. one of 50 horses from nonendemic areas had a titer of 1:8. this difference in the number of horses seropositive for b burgdorferi (p less than 0.002) and our finding that seropositive horses did not have agglutinating antibodies against potentially cross-reacting leptospira spp indicated that horses in endemic areas were exposed to b ... | 1985 | 4083595 |
[is lyme disease also in czechoslovakia?]. | 1985 | 4084956 | |
[acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans--a borreliosis!]. | spirochetes were recovered from the skin lesions of two patients with acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans. both patients assume that they had a tick bite. sera from both patients showed increased igg-antibody titers to a borrelia burgdorferi strain isolated from the skin. | 1985 | 4086299 |
the spirochetal etiology of acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans herxheimer. | spirochetes were recovered from the skin lesion of 1 out of 10 acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans patients (aca). spirochetes from this skin isolate and from ixodes (i.) ricinus and i. dammini spirochetes were used as antigens in indirect immunofluorescence tests. all sera from 17 aca patients showed high antibody titers to the three antigens. seven of the 17 sera which had the highest titers had crossreactive antibodies to treponemal antigen detectable in the fta-abs test. the results indicate ... | 1984 | 6084922 |
spirochaetal aetiology for lyme disease. | 1983 | 6135024 | |
antibodies to lyme-disease spirochaete in european lymphocytic meningoradiculitis (bannwarth's syndrome) | 1983 | 6136679 | |
lyme disease spirochetes and ixodid tick spirochetes share a common surface antigenic determinant defined by a monoclonal antibody. | ixodid tick-associated spirochetes have been implicated as the etiological agents of lyme disease. we raised a murine monoclonal antibody (h5332) against a spirochete, strain b31, isolated from ixodes dammini ticks. in indirect immunofluorescence assays and western blot analyses, h5332 reacted with whole cells or isolated components of not only strain b31 but also spirochetes isolated from ixodes ricinus ticks, a field mouse, a raccoon, and patients with lyme disease. in contrast, h5332 did not ... | 1983 | 6192088 |
lyme disease with neurologic abnormalities. | 2004 | 6220264 | |
[acute, syncopal auriculo-ventricular block in lyme disease]. | 1984 | 6231623 | |
lyme disease--a review of the literature. | it appears that a tick introduces an agent--presumably a spirochete--into the skin (see fig. 1). immune complexes form and become systemic during the rash. some patients (identified by the presence of cryoglobulins containing igm, clq-reactive material, and depressed igg and iga levels) then alter their immune response and may develop neurologic, cardiovascular, or joint involvement. despite systemic clearing in some patients, the immune complexes localize to the joints where a chronic synovitis ... | 1984 | 6233699 |
update on lyme disease. | 1984 | 6237095 | |
cellular immune findings in lyme disease. correlation with serum igm and disease activity. | cellular immune findings were studied in 48 patients with various stages of lyme disease. at each stage, some patients, particularly those with neuritis or carditis, had elevated serum igm levels and lymphopenia. during early disease, mononuclear cells tended to respond normally to phytohemagglutinin, and spontaneous suppressor cell activity was greater than normal. later, during active neuritis, carditis, or arthritis, the trend was toward heightened phytohemagglutinin responsiveness and less s ... | 1984 | 6237576 |
cellular immune findings in lyme disease. | from 1981 through 1983, we did the first testing of cellular immunity in lyme disease. active established lyme disease was often associated with lymphopenia, less spontaneous suppressor cell activity than normal, and a heightened response of lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin and lyme spirochetal antigens. thus, a major feature of the immune response during active disease seems to be a lessening of suppression, but it is not yet known whether this response plays a role in the pathophysiology of t ... | 2016 | 6240164 |
saturable, high-avidity monocyte receptors for monomeric igg and fc fragments increase in sle and lyme disease. | we have devised an assay for quantifying high-avidity fc receptors for monomeric igg on peripheral blood monocytes. in the development of a radiolabelled ligand for the assay, we found that fc fragments offer several advantages over 7s-igg. compared to the latter ligand, the fragments interacted more cleanly with a single high-avidity binding site, appeared to have easier access to this site, and, since they showed no binding to millipore filters, their use made possible a wash procedure that wa ... | 2017 | 6241857 |
neurologic abnormalities of lyme disease: successful treatment with high-dose intravenous penicillin. | twelve patients were treated with high-dose intravenous penicillin for neurologic abnormalities of lyme disease. headache, stiff neck, and radicular pain usually began to subside by the second day of therapy and were often gone by 7 to 10 days. five of the 12 patients continued to have intermittent mild headache for several more weeks, but no patient relapsed after therapy was stopped. compared to 15 previous patients treated with prednisone alone, the duration of meningitic syndrome was signifi ... | 1983 | 6316826 |
antineural antibodies in guillain-barré syndrome and lymphocytic meningoradiculitis (bannwarth's syndrome). | antineural antibodies occur in guillain-barré syndrome (gbs), but have not been studied in lymphocytic meningoradiculitis (bannwarth's syndrome), which has clinical features in common with gbs. employing a sensitive complement-fixation assay with homogenates of nerve root and brain as antigens, we recorded positive serum reactions to either tissue in 14 of 18 samples from patients with gbs during the first three weeks of the disease. five of nine samples were positive during the fourth to eighth ... | 1984 | 6333863 |
the pathogenesis of arthritis in lyme disease: humoral immune responses and the role of intra-articular immune complexes. | we studied 78 patients with lyme disease to determine how immune complexes and autoantibodies are related to the development of chronic lyme arthritis. circulating c1q binding material was found in nearly all patients at onset of erythema chronicum migrans, the skin lesion that marks the onset of infection with the causative spirochete. in patients with only subsequent arthritis this material tended to localize to joints where it gradually increased in concentrations with greater duration of joi ... | 2013 | 6334939 |
epidemiologic features of lyme disease in new york. | during 1982, surveillance identified 207 cases of lyme disease in new york state. cases were clustered in two geographic areas, eastern long island and northern westchester counties. symptoms and signs of lyme disease in cases were consistent with previous reports, with erythema chronicum migrans (ecm) being the most frequently (77 percent) reported sign of disease. facial palsy was reported in a surprisingly high 18 percent of cases. of 160 cases whose sera were submitted for lyme spirochete sp ... | 2013 | 6334940 |
geographical distribution and density of ixodes dammini (acari: ixodidae) and relationship to lyme disease transmission in new jersey. | as part of continuing studies of lyme disease, deer were surveyed during three hunting seasons in 1981 to obtain information on geographic distribution and density of i. dammini in new jersey. i. dammini occurred throughout central and southern new jersey. four deer management zones (dmzs) were shown to have high tick densities. geographical distribution and density data were independently regressed against 25 environmental and physical factors. elevation was shown to be the most important facto ... | 1984 | 6334941 |
lyme disease in wisconsin: epidemiologic, clinical, serologic, and entomologic findings. | in 1980-82, 80 individuals (71 wisconsin residents) had confirmed lyme disease (ld-c) reported; 39 additional patients had probable or possible ld. all cases of ld-c occurred during may-november; 73 percent occurred during june-july; 54 (68 percent) occurred in males. the mean age was 38.7 years (range, 7-77 years). among ld-c patients, likely exposure to the presumed vector ixodes dammini (id) occurred in 22 different wisconsin counties. antibodies to the id spirochete that causes ld occurred i ... | 1984 | 6334942 |
antibodies of patients with lyme disease to components of the ixodes dammini spirochete. | lyme disease is an inflammatory disorder of skin, joints, nervous system, and heart. the disease is associated with a preceding tick bite and is ameliorated by penicillin treatment. a spirochete (ids) isolated from ixodes dammini ticks has been implicated as the etiologic agent of lyme disease. we examined the antibody responses of lyme disease patients to ids lysate components in order to further understand the pathogenesis of this disease. the components were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfat ... | 1983 | 6348092 |
lyme disease. | lyme disease is a recently described disease of unknown cause that may involve the skin, joints, heart, or nervous system with characteristic symptoms. the disease follows a bite from an ixodes tick. symptoms are generally self-limited and despite the varied and sometimes protracted manifestations, the outcome of the disease is favorable. the epidemiologic, clinical, and laboratory features and treatment of lyme disease are reviewed. | 1983 | 6353917 |
lyme disease: a selective medium for isolation of the suspected etiological agent, a spirochete. | a simple procedure with a new selective culture medium for the isolation of the suspected etiological agent of lyme disease from ticks is described. live ticks (ixodes dammini) were ground with a mortar and pestle, and the suspensions were inoculated into a selective and nonselective medium. the selective medium, which contained kanamycin and 5-fluorouracil, yielded positive spirochete cultures from 100% of the pooled ticks and from 79% of the single tick specimens. the isolation rate for the no ... | 1984 | 6361065 |
[spirochete etiology of erythema chronicum migrans disease]. | from ticks of the type ixodes ricinus, 19 strains of a spirochete were isolated at three places of infection of erythema chronicum migrans disease. the spirochete was immunologically related to borrelia duttoni, treponema pallidum and ixodes dammini spirochete, the causative organism of north american erythema chronicum migrans disease (lyme disease). the isolated spirochete differed from the north american one in its reaction with monoclonal antibodies and possibly in its electronmicroscopic st ... | 1984 | 6363033 |
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and indirect immunofluorescence assay for lyme disease. | the sensitivity and specificity of an indirect immunofluorescence assay (ifa) and elisa for lyme disease were estimated. sera from patients with lyme disease, patients with other infections, and healthy individuals were examined. significant cross-reactivity occurred only with sera from patients with syphilis, yaws, and pinta . all tested sera from patients with lyme disease, however, gave negative results in the rapid reagin screening test and the microhemagglutination assay for antibodies to t ... | 1984 | 6371156 |
antibody response in lyme disease: evaluation of diagnostic tests. | the antibody response to the ixodes dammini spirochete was determined in 41 serial serum samples from 12 patients with lyme disease. by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), 11 of the 12 patients had higher titers of specific igm antibody (greater than 1:200) during early disease than did 40 control subjects. specific igm antibody titers, which correlated with total amounts of igm antibody (p less than .001), sometimes remained elevated throughout the illness. during neuritis, nine of 10 pa ... | 1984 | 6373966 |
lyme disease in north carolina. | 1984 | 6377093 | |
comparison of an indirect fluorescent-antibody test with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for serological studies of lyme disease. | an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was compared with an indirect fluorescent antibody test for its ability to detect antibodies to the lyme disease spirochete in sera of naturally infected humans, dogs, and white-footed mice and experimentally infected swiss mice. ninety-five percent of the total 123 sera analyzed reacted similarly in both tests. for 36 human sera, the correlation coefficient (r = 0.47) for logarithmic transformations of indirect fluorescent antibody and enzyme-linked immunoso ... | 1984 | 6386843 |
incidence and cumulative frequency of endemic lyme disease in a community. | we conducted an epidemiological study of the cumulative frequency and incidence of lyme disease in a summer community on fire island, new york, an area endemic for the disease. fifteen (7.5%) of 200 persons studied in the community in 1982 reported a history of lyme disease. an indirect immunofluorescent antibody assay showed that seventeen (9.7%) of 176 persons had serological evidence of exposure to the lyme spirochete, including six of the 15 persons with a history of lyme disease. seven (0.7 ... | 1984 | 6386994 |
interactions of phagocytes with the lyme disease spirochete: role of the fc receptor. | the phagocytic capacity of murine and human mononuclear and polymorphonuclear phagocytes (including peripheral blood monocytes and neutrophils), rabbit and murine peritoneal exudate cells, and the murine macrophage cell line p388d1 against the lyme disease spirochete was studied. all of these cells were capable of phagocytosing the spirochete; phagocytosis was measured by the uptake of radiolabeled spirochetes, the appearance of immunofluorescent bodies in phagocytic cells, and electron microsco ... | 1984 | 6386995 |
isolation and cultivation of lyme disease spirochetes. | the successful isolation and cultivation of lyme disease spirochetes traces its lineage to early attempts at cultivating relapsing fever borreliae. observations on the growth of lyme disease spirochetes under different in vitro conditions may yield important clues to both the metabolic characteristics of these newly discovered organisms and the pathogenesis of lyme disease. | 2017 | 6393604 |
taxonomy of the lyme disease spirochetes. | morphology, physiology, and dna nucleotide composition of lyme disease spirochetes, borrelia, treponema, and leptospira were compared. morphologically, lyme disease spirochetes resemble borrelia. they lack cytoplasmic tubules present in treponema, and have more than one periplasmic flagellum per cell end and lack the tight coiling which are characteristic of leptospira. lyme disease spirochetes are also similar to borrelia in being microaerophilic, catalase-negative bacteria. they utilize carboh ... | 1984 | 6393605 |